CERTIFICATIONACTION BASED LEARNING CERTIFIED LAB FACILITATOR ABOUTThe Lab facilitator!certification is a specialized certification specifically for implementing, managing, and enhancing the effectiveness of your ABL Lab program. This certification is designed for Lab Facilitators, classroom teachers, and administrators involved in creating and maintaining a successful lab in your school.!INCLUDESDIGITAL RESOURCES AND COURSE MATERIALSWEEKLY COACHING CALLSLIFETIME ACCESS TO ABL COMMUNITYCOURSES REQUIREDABL-101Introduction to Action Based Learning ($195)ABL-201Lab Management and Facilitation ($195)ABL-210Lab Progressions | Enhancing Student Success in the Lab ($195)ABL-102The 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness ($195)HOW IT WORKSThere are no pre-requisites. A total of 4 courses are required. These courses can be purchased in a bundle upfront, or you can pay for each course as you go.! There is no limit on the time to complete the certification. Some educators may prefer to space out their courses, and enroll in 1 course every few months. Others may take all 4 courses consecutively, to speed up the process of becoming certified. With this in mind, the time to obtain certification varies. Average time to complete: 2-4 monthsABL-LFCERTIFICATEOF COMPLETIONThis certificate acknowledges the successful completion of 7 credit hours of continuing education in Action Based Learning InstructionACTION BASED LEARNINGDATEJean MoizeCERTIFICATION Certification is designed to support Lab Facilitators in the areas of planning, implementation, and management of a successful Action Based Learning Lab Program. The ABL-LF is trained on day to day lab management and best practices to provide structure to the ABL Lab in the areas of scheduling, set-up, room layout, student progressions, and on-going care of the labs . Training includes, student assessment, progressions, the layering of academic content, Classroom variation, Safety & Classroom/Lab Rules, and Operating Equipment / Proper Use
CERTIFICATIONACTION BASED LEARNING CERTIFIED SCHOOL TRAINERABOUTWhile the Lab Facilitator certification is specifically for labs, the ABL School Trainer certification is a more advanced certification for those looking to establish themselves as an Expert in Action Based Learning, bring ABL concepts beyond the lab, and and bring active learning strategies school wide.INCLUDESDIGITAL RESOURCES AND COURSE MATERIALS ANDLONG TERM COACHING AND SUPPORT VIA WEEKLY CALLS, AND ABL-ST EXCLUSIVE SUPPORT MATERIALSLIFETIME ACCESS TO ABL COMMUNITYCOURSES REQUIREDABL-101Intro to ABLABL-201Lab ManagementABL-210Lab Progressions ABL-102 12 FoundationsHOW IT WORKSA total of 8 courses are required.!These courses can be purchased in a bundle upfront, or you can pay for each course as you go.!There is no limit on the time to complete this certification. Some educators may prefer to space our their courses and enroll in 1 course every few months. Others may take all 8 courses concurrently to speed up the process of becoming certified.! Note, within these courses, the learner will be expected to complete projects outside of the learning module. These projects allow the learner to gain experience in real life setting and are required to obtain certification.! With this in mind, the time to obtain certification varies. Average time to complete: 4-12 months ABL-STCERTIFICATEOF COMPLETIONThis certificate acknowledges the successful completion of 7 credit hours of continuing education in Action Based Learning InstructionACTION BASED LEARNINGDATEJean MoizeCERTIFICATION Receiving an ABL School Trainer Certification means individual is!authorized to provide leadership, staff training, and support for ABL throughout your school. ABL recommends (2) individuals from each school to become ABL school trainers. ABL-ST are eligible to begin the process of becoming an ABL District Trainer (ABL-DT), as outlined in ABL-DT guidelines. ABL-205Train the Trainer (3) ABL-SPECIALTY COURSESAny course of your choosing Any course of your choosing Any course of your choosing
CERTIFICATIONACTION BASED LEARNING CERTIFIED DISTRCT TRAINERABOUTABL Certified District Trainers work throughout their school district to teach and implement the science & benefits of Action Based Learning. ABL-DT provide support to multiple campuses, and present ABL strategies to parents & community via local conferences and professional development!days within the district. ABL-DT must demonstrate the ability to apply brain based strategies at all levels from K-12th grade. INCLUDESLIFETIME ACCESS TO ALL ABL-DT CONTENT WITHIN ABL ACADEMYABL MASTER TRAINER EVENTS WORKSHOPS + ANNUAL TOT EVENTSMEET REGULARLY TO PRESENT AND STRATEGIZE WITH DISTRICT LEADERS, WORK WITH KEY DECISION MAKERS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ABL INITIATIVESABL-SPECAny Course in chosen fieldHOW IT WORKSUpon completion of your school certification, you may begin working toward your district certification. A total of 3 courses (and 2 specialized projects) are required. Educators must be a school trainer for a minimum of 1 year prior to receiving district certification. With this in mind, the time to obtain certification varies. Some educators may begin working toward the district certification as early as day 1 of becoming a school trainer. Others may wait a few months or more before they decide to further their certification. Regardless of when the online course portion is completed, the district certification will not be officially provided until the individual has been a school trainer for 1 year.! ABL-DTCERTIFICATION Certification at this level entitles ABL-DT to ongoing access to existing ABL content, as well as input into the development of new ABL initiatives. As an integral part of the recognized international community, ABL-DT will meet regularly to present and strategize with other district leaders on ABL best practices.!!Certification includes on going access to all ABL-DT content within!ABL Online Academy. Certified District Trainers are exclusively invited to attend annual Trainer of Trainers (TOT) events,!facilitated by the ABL!Master Trainer Team - TOT is offered as a private event and limited to ABL-DT certified members. REQUIRED COURSEWORKAny Course in chosen fieldAny course in chosen fieldPRE REQUISITESMust be a certified school trainer for 1 year minimum prior to obtaining ABL-DT certification. ABL-SPECABL-SPECMust declare a chosen field within ABL. Chosen field refers to your ABL specialty and will vary for each individual. Ex: ABL in Elementary, ABL and SPED, ABL and ESL, etcPROJECTPresentation + Application in chosen fieldPROJECTIn collaboration with ABL Training Team. Assigned by ABL Coach
STEPS TO CERTIFICATIONWWW.ABLACADEMY.COM Good news! You can start your path to certification today! Once you’ve decided which certification path you would like to take, you can begin your first course! Go to ablacademy.com and select the course you would like to enroll in. Once you’ve checked out, you will have instant access to begin learning. If you would like to pay for your courses via purchase order, request an official quote from ablacademy@kidsfit.com. ALSO Courses do not expire. Once you are enrolled in a course you have lifetime access to start and stop at any time! Upon review of your RFC, ABL will send you a confirmation email that your request has been approved, and all guidelines have been met. You will receive a digital copy of your certification, along with an official ABL mailed print. along with the option for the framed certification to be mailed to your school.ENROLLA Request for Certification (RFC) acts as both a checklist and method of accountability for the learner to ensure they have completed all required courses and outside coursework/projects associated with the certification. The RFC form will require the learner to upload course certificates, and submit various documents such as previous final projects, proof of classroom application, and any related documents required for certification. LEARNSUBMIT REQUESTGET CERTIFIED!You will need to complete all required courses for your chosen certification. Although there is no required order in which you take your courses, we highly recommend starting with the first course listed under your certification. For example, ABL-LF will want to stat with ABL-101, followed by ABL-102, ABL-210 and so on, moving down the list to complete courses in the order provided. All courses are self paced and can be completed on your own learning schedule. Once you have completed all required courses, you will be ready to submit your request for certification.