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ACIPC 2023 Annual Report

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 20233CONTENTSAbout ACIPC 5College Patron 6President’s Report 7Representation & Advocacy 9Board of Directors 12Organisational Structure 19ACIPC Oce 20Executive Manager Report 21Scholarships & Awards 22Governance & Risk 26Scientific Conference Committee 27Professional & Credentialling Standards Committee 28Education & Professional Development Committee 29Membership Communication & Engagement Committee 32Practice Guidance Committee 34Research, Grants & Scholarships Committee 36Research, Grants & Scholarships Committee 38Global Outbreak Alert & Response Network Report (GOARN) 40Infexion Connexion 42Financial Reports 43

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ABOUT ACIPC5ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 2023The Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control is the peak body for infection prevention and control professionals (IPCPs) in the region. Our members are key practitioners and decision makers in the field of infection prevention and control and include nurses, aged care workers, industry professionals, scientists, academics, educators, and policy makers. Our vision is to reduce the burden of infectionACIPC seeks to be the voice for infection prevention and control professionals, focused on providing leadership, education, and evidenced-based practice for a healthy community. Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of IPC in health and aged care settings, and the broader community, our members continue to address challenges such as healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance.The College supports our members and IPC in the broader community through our activities, including:• Education for members and non-members• Advocacy on the importance of IPC to government and the community • Collaboration with other health associations and international IPC organisations • Publishing original research in our journal Infection, Disease and Health • Communication to our members and stakeholders, including our newsletter IPC News • Representation on national and international panels, committees and working groups • Our credentialling pathway to strengthen the roles of IPCPs The College commenced in January 2012 bringing together the various State and Territory infection control associations to support and encourage collaboration across Australasia. The College is a company, limited by guarantee and incorporated under the Corporations Act. We are a registered charity with the Australian Charity and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) and are endorsed as a Deductible Gifts Recipient (DGR).Overall responsibility for the College is vested in the ACIPC Board of Directors, chaired by the President. An Executive Management Team (EMT) of the President, President-Elect and Past-President, provide day-to-day oversight of the College’s operation, which are managed by an executive manager and oce sta.Our head oce is at Level 6, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania.

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6Active in many public health advocacy issues, Peter’s particular interests are antibiotic resistance, infection control and hospital acquired infections. His research is widely published and referenced in many Australian and international journals. He has been and continues to be an active member of many national and international committees, including those of the Australian Quality and Safety Commission. He has been appointed to many of the expert committees of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the issue of antibiotic resistance and the use of antibiotics in food animals. In October 2017 he was awarded a PhD by thesis, examination, and defence in Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit – VU) on the topic of antibiotic resistance and One Health.COLLEGE PATRONProfessor Collignon AM, M.B, B.S(Hons), B.Sc.(Med), PhD, FASM, FRACP, FRCPA Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist at ACT Pathology and Canberra Hospital Professor in the Medical School of the Australian National University Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for services to Medicine in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Infection Control

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 20237PRESIDENT’S REPORTThe last 12 months has been a busy and challenging time for all involved with infection prevention and control. As a profession, we have been re-establishing a new post pandemic normal, often with a reduction of resources and in an environment that has an ever-increasing workload. I am proud of our members and their ongoing contribution to infection prevention and control. These challenges bring opportunities for us as the College to highlight and showcase our value. We have formed three position statements including Animal Visits in Health Care Settings, Hand Hygiene, and IPC Workforce Guidance. Our ongoing education oering of three courses has resulted in 2041 students enrolled in the 58 individual courses the College has conducted in the 2022/2023 financial year. Creating and delivering opportunities for education continues to be a focus of our College. We have also continued engagement with our corporate partners with events held across Australasia. Internationally we have been involved with College activities in Fiji and the UK and continue to support GOARN including Belinda Henderson attending the GOARN WHO workshop on the College’s behalf.At the end of 2022, the board of directors undertook an intensive strategic planning forum which included the involvement and contribution of many key stakeholders. A strategic plan was developed and has been the focus of our work this year. While the plan was developed over the past year, it was seen as a strategy for informing and focussing the work of the board and College into the future. It takes a bold vision to create real change and all involved have undertaken this challenge as a commitment and priority. I thank and acknowledge all the individuals and stakeholders who provided valuable insights to deliver this meaningful roadmap for ACIPC.The focus of our face-to-face board meetings at the end of 2022 and into 2023 has been establishing the College’s 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan. It gives me great pleasure as one of my last deliverables as President, to release the Strategy and Implementation Plan 2023-28: Leading with Integrity.

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8PRESIDENT’S REPORTI do wish to acknowledge the team of sta, Ben Thiessen, Caroline Woolley, Jackie Miley, Carrie Spinks, Trish Yeomans, Selina Spowart, Tracy Noble, Hannah Dickson and Kerri Purcell for their hard work and dedication to enable our ongoing growth as a college, education courses, resources and support of our members. To our immediate Past President, Phil Russo; President Elect, Stéphane Bouchoucha and Board Directors, Janine Carrucan, Kathy Dempsey, Nicola Isles, Kylie Robb, Erica Short, Dianne Smith, Ann Whitfield and Peta-Anne Zimmerman, thank you for your commitment and hard work in driving our vision and strategic planning to be the voice of infection prevention and control. I extend my sincere thanks and recognition to the following board directors who advised the College they would not be standing for re-election – Kylie Robb, Kathy Dempsey and Phil Russo. I am pleased to have this opportunity to formally thank you for your contribution to the college through serving as board directors, especially through the period of the pandemic. Your ongoing contribution, professionalism and commitment to the college will be remembered. It has been such an honour and great privilege to serve you as President for the last two years. I commend you, our members, for your continued interest, commitment and motivation to our College. I encourage you to maintain your enthusiasm and passion for our College as we continue to develop and grow in strength. On behalf of the board of directors, I thank every member for your contribution to the College and wish you every success in 2024.Warm regards,Kristie PopkissPresidentAustralasian College for Infection Prevention and Control LtdThe plan identifies five strategic goals and objectives:• Governance – Ensure ongoing contemporary governance and sustainability of ACIPC• Advocacy – Advocate the value and importance of our members’ work to provide quality IPC in healthcare and the community • Supporting members – Provide membership services to our members that are responsive to their needs• Education, professional development and research – Provide evidence-based education and professional development that is relevant to IPC• Sustainability – Introduce evidence-based sustainable initiatives that are relevant to infection prevention and controlWe have updated our mission statement to ‘Advancing infection prevention and control across Australasia,’ and our vision statement is now ‘To reduce the burden of infection.’Together they help guide decisions and investments and strengthen relationships. Now, more than ever we must work together to achieve our vision.Our journal, Infection, Disease and Health, continues to flourish. The journal received its first ever impact factor, which is a major achievement after years of planning and even better was that the impact factor is 3.5. This is a very impressive result for entry into the impact factor world. The impact factor of IDH is not far behind journals such as Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology and The American Journal of Infection Control. We also saw a continued increase in the CiteScore, which is now 5.1. This is an increase from 3.7 in 2021 and 2.5 in 2020. That means the journal is a Q1 journal in one category (ranked 3rd in world in that category). Congratulations to Associate Professor Brett Mitchell and everyone who has worked with him to make this vision a reality.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 20239REPRESENTATION & ADVOCACYThe College provides a voice for infection prevention and control and contributes to a wider health agenda through representation on a number of external committees and working groups. The process for representation is via formal appointment by the College’s Executive Management Team.ACIPC is a member of the Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network (PPHSN)ACSQH – Infection Prevention and Control in Aged Care – training support moduleJackie MileyAustralian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Discussion PaperACIPC Board of DirectorsAustralian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care review of Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard (2021)Associate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha Confederation of Nursing and Midwives Organisations, Global Health Alliance Australia (CoNNMO)Professor Marilyn CruickshankEnhancing Infection Control in Residential Aged Care FacilitiesJanine CarrucanGastroenterological Society of Australia Infection Control Expert GroupSue GriegGlobal Health Alliance AustraliaProfessor Marilyn CruickshankGlobal Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)Dr Peta-Anne ZimmermanGOARN Strategy WorkshopBelinda HendersonHAI Advisory Committee Training Module Review – National Hand Hygiene Initiative Learning Management SystemJackie MileyHE-011 Sharps and Healthcare Related WastesMichelle Kennedy

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10HE-023 CommitteeNicola IslesHealthcare Associated Infection Advisory Committee of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality on Health CareAssociate Professor Stéphane BouchouchaInfection Control Expert Group (ICEG) advising the Chief Medical Ocer on COVID-19Kathy DempseyThe International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC)Professor Marilyn Cruickshank(IPC) Frontline Healthcare Workers’ ConsultationClaire NaydaLetter of support for the regulation of sonographers to Australian Sonographer AssociationACIPC PresidentModerna Australia Roundtable, July 2022Associate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence TaskforceKristie PopkissNational Hand Hygiene Advisory CommitteeWendy BeckinghamPacific Infection Prevention and Control Network (PICNET)Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman, Professor Phil Russo, Jackie MileyReview and endorsement of Gastroenterological Society of Australia Infection Prevention and Control in Endoscopy 2021ACIPC Practice Guidance Committee and the Executive Management TeamReview and recommendation for endorsement, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Sepsis Clinical Care StandardACIPC Practice Guidance CommitteeReview and recommendation for endorsement of APSIC Guide for Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)ACIPC Practice Guidance CommitteeREPRESENTATION & ADVOCACY

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202311Review AusHFG ‘Pandemic Preparedness – Health Infrastructure Planning & Design GuidanceACIPC Practice Guidance Committee Review of ACHS Australasian Clinical Indicator Report (23rd Edition)Ann Whitfield and Nicola IslesReview of draft policy, Mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers, Victorian Department of HealthACIPC Practice Guidance CommitteeReview of public comments on Draft AS5369Nicola IslesReview – Vaccination of Healthcare Workers: Consultation paper to require COVID-19 vaccination of specified healthcare workers under proposed Secretary DirectionsACIPC Practice Guidance CommitteeRoyal Australasian College of Surgeons – assistance with deployment of IPC sta to FijiDr Peta-Anne Zimmerman, Matt MasonSecond WHO Western Pacific Region Partners’ ForumAnn WhitfieldStandards Australia Development Committee TX-016 Laundry practiceNicola IslesStandards Australia HE-013 Surgical Apparel CommitteeSimon Meyer-HenryStandards Australia Working Group SF-006 Eye and face protectionHelen TruscottTEDx Sydney Standards Australia Tomorrow’s Technology Shaping our FutureAssociate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha and Nicola Isles10th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC)Professor Philip RussoACIPC has: 1468 Full members 6088 Education members 13 Fellows 10 Life members 21 Australasian retired members 97 Australasian post-graduate members 3 Australasian undergraduate members 42 Corporate members 7 International full members 9 International members 39 International member scholarships

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Kristy Popkiss CICP-E - President & Executive Management CommitteeKristie is motivated, passionate, and committed to the field of infection prevention and control because of the significant impact it has on the lives of patients, visitors, and sta in all health services across Australasia. The pandemic has given more visibility, transparency, and a higher profile to infection prevention and control, improving the safety in both the community and healthcare facilities. Kristie is committed to maintaining and raising the status and importance of infection prevention beyond the pandemic.Kristie is currently the President of ACIPC and is also the Director Projects CAHS Safety, Quality and Innovation with Department of Health WA.Kristie’s goals are to further contribute to the greater vision of improving the culture and implementing best practices for infection control throughout Australasia, whilst also improving the patient experience and outcomes for those in our community.Dr Stéphane Bouchoucha CICP-A, FACIPC - President-ElectDr Stéphane Bouchoucha is an Associate Professor and Associate Head of School (International) in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Deakin University. He is also a researcher based in Deakin’s Institute for Health Transformation. With over 20 years’ experience as a registered nurse and an academic, Stéphane has worked in a variety of clinical (critical care, infection prevention and, leadership and management) and community settings. Stéphane’s involvement in infection prevention and control dates from the late 1990s when he was a volunteer with AIDES (the main French NGO dedicated to HIV) before being employed there in the access to care department, advocating for marginalised populations. He subsequently led the French involvement into Eurosuport 1, a Europe-wide study investigating HIV/AIDS patient access to care in European countries.Stéphane has developed a program of research in infection prevention and control informed by his Master of Science (Public Health) and PhD and supervises Honours, Masters and PhD students’ projects in infection prevention and control.BOARD OF DIRECTORS12

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Professor Phil Russo CICP-E, FACIPC - Immediate Past-PresidentProf. Phil Russo has worked in infection prevention and control for over 25 years in a number of dierent positions at a health service, state and national level. He is currently Director of Research at Monash University Nursing and Midwifery and Cabrini Health. He is also a member of the HAI Advisory Committee for the Australian Safety and Quality in Health Care Commission.Phil strongly supports national initiatives in healthcare prevention that are fostered by the College and is proud of the College’s achievements in representing its members at both national and international forums since it commenced. He believes that continuing to build on ACIPC’s broad membership in the Australasian region, ongoing educational opportunities for its members, a strong new journal, and the delivery of a high quality annual international conference, is the key to the ongoing success of the College.Janine Carrucan CICP-E, FACIPC – DirectorJanine Carrucan is Nursing Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Townsville Hospital and Health Service. She manages a team of infection control professionals to deliver the infection prevention and control program at the Townsville University Hospital. This includes seven rural hospitals and two large aged care facilities. In her role as Standard 3 lead, she is accountable for delivery and compliance with this complicated Standard. She is an active ICP contributing to the Queensland Infection Control Network, Hot North ICP group and is course coordinator for Certificate III in Sterilisation which is delivered locally to sta undertaking reprocessing.Janine is a Fellow and credentialled expert infection control practitioner (CICP-E) with a masters degree infection prevention and control, masters degree in public health and tropical medicine and a range of other IPC qualifications. She is currently on the ACIPC Board and a member of the Professional Standards and Credentialling Committee, Education Committee and Governance and Risk Committee. Janine is a past member of the ACIPC Membership Engagement Committee.ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202313

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Kathy DempseyCICP-E, FACIPC – Director & ChairKathy is a registered nurse with 38 years’ experience clinically, 22 years of frontline infection prevention and control and four years leading NSW Infection Prevention and Control and Healthcare Associated Infection program. Kathy is a nationally and internationally respected infection prevention and control expert. She is the NSW lead Infection Prevention and Control Clinician for NSW Health Clinical Excellence Commission; responsible for the strategic direction and support for infection prevention and control and HAI (Healthcare Associated Infection) reduction across NSW Healthcare. Kathy has key responsibility for IPC for NSW COVID response and is the first NSW Chief ICP and HAI advisor. Kathy has provided consultation to state, national and international IPAC guidance throughout the pandemic, front line IPC support and direction for health and other industry, instrumental in the control of outbreaks in aged care. She has also contributed to many high level national and interjurisdictional reviews. Kathy was an expert on the national IPC evidence taskforce and Infection Control Expert group advising AHPPC (Australian Health Protection Principal Committee) and is a member of the NSW Health inaugural Clinical Advisory Council.Kathy holds the award of Credentialled Infection Control Professional – Expert (CICP-E), is a fellow of the College and recipient of the Claire Boardman medal for Leadership in Infection Prevention and Control with a master’s degree, a diploma in leadership and management, a range of internationally recognized qualifications and a current future leaders of healthcare DrPH candidate. Kathy is a director on the Australasian College of Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Board, chair of ACIPC Professional Standards and Credentialing Committee (PACS), member of ACIPC scientific conference organising committee and Infectious Disease and Health editorial board member of ACIPC journal.Kathy has extensive and broad expertise and lived experience in infection prevention and control clinical practice, spanning across healthcare and non-healthcare environments, with particular experience in biocontainment and outbreak management. She possesses high level analytical and research skills to inform policy and program development for infection prevention and control.BOARD OF DIRECTORS14

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Nicola IslesCICP-A – Director & ChairNicola Isles has over 35 years of experience as a registered nurse with a background in intensive and coronary care and over 20 years’ experience specialising in infection prevention and control in both public and private healthcare facilities. She has a keen interest in promoting and ensuring best practice in infection prevention and control and vascular access. Her current role is as Healthscope’s National Infection Prevention, Control and Radiation Safety Manager for 38 Healthscope Hospitals. Healthscope have hospitals in every state and territory inclusive of acute care , mental health and rehabilitation including independent services which support people with disabilities to live independently. Her role covers infection prevention and control, radiation and laser safety and oncology in all these facilities. She has the proven ability to both develop and implement policies, manage risks, lead projects and provide strategic direction at a national level which have led to projects that have demonstrated improved clinical and patient outcomes and been implemented at a national level. She is a Credentialled Member with the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (CIPC-A), with a keen interest in quality, governance and patient safety, with a strong focus on consumer engagement, improving patient experience and outcomes. She is an accredited assessor for the NSQHS National Standards. She is passionate about implementing research and evidence-based best practice to implement eective change in infection prevention and control to improve clinical outcomes and reduce healthcare associated infections. Nicola is a current ACIPC Board Director, Chair of the Practice Guidance Committee and member of the ACIPC Research Committee.Kylie Robb CICP-A, FACIPC - Director & ChairKylie is the Head of Practice Services at the Australian Dental Association NSW and is also a Fellow and Board Director of ACIPC. Kylie works closely with several Australian universities providing lectures and leadership on IPC and dental practice sustainability including the University of Sydney’s School of Dentistry.Kylie has postgraduate qualifications in IPC and Health Services Management and holds the award of credentialed Infection Control Professional – Advanced (CICP-A). Kylie is an experienced presenter routinely providing leadership on IPC, quality improvement, clinical governance, and dental practice sustainability.Kylie is often sought by other peak bodies, government agencies, public oral health services, universities and dental corporates for her IPC and quality improvement expertise. Kylie has presented to the World Health Organisation’s Western Pacific Regional Oce IPC network and was appointed onto the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America’s coveted International Ambassadors Program. Kylie is currently studying at the highly competitive University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership in England.ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202315

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS16Erica Short CICP-E – DirectorErica is an experienced nurse who is a passionate leader with unique skills in leadership and management, infection control, sta health, immunisation and infectious diseases. Her broad clinical experience across multiple states in Australia has allowed her to diversify her skills, and knowledge to develop her leadership style. Erica believes that the key to raising the profile of infection prevention and control has been to balance the current evidence, clinical needs, and the task at hand to ensure practical application for all involved. She considers infection prevention and control is everyone’s business to ensure safe patient-centred care. Erica currently holds a Clinical Nurse Consultant position at Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW. She has a Masters in Infection Prevention and Control; is an Authorised Nurse Immuniser and a credentialled member of the Australasian College of Infection Prevention. She holds a position on the Professional and Credentialing Standards Committee and the Membership, Communication, and Engagement Committee allowing her to support her peers to further enhance their profile within infection prevention and control. Dianne Smith Director & Consumer RepresentativeDianne Smith is a business manager with 20 years’ experience in the disability sector, marketing, and business management. Dianne has extensive experience in leadership roles, managing not-for-profit organisations and community advocacy. Having had cancer twice in the last 5 years, Dianne is passionate about healthcare and consumer issues and is committed to contributing to better health outcomes for all consumers. Dianne supports and believes in patient centred care and empowering patients to become active participants in their own health care. Dianne has been appointed to ACIPC as director and consumer representative.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202317Ann Whitfield CICP-E – DirectorAnn Whitfield is the Associate Nurse Director for Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) and Occupational Health at Auckland Hospital in New Zealand (NZ). Ann is a credentialled expert with the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC). Ann has been a registered nurse for 27 years and has a diverse background in nursing including with the British Territorial Army Medical core, as a Nursing Ocer in the Merchant Navy (Cruise ships), and registered nurse positions around the world in areas such as trauma, intensive care units, adults and paediatrics. She has also held nursing roles within aged care for the Commonwealth and in the Communicable Disease Control Directorate WA, as well as specialising in IPC for the last 18 years. Ann has humanitarian experience, developing and implementing IPC courses in Tanzania and in West Timor. She has also been deployed with the World Health Organisation in West Africa as part of the Ebola response team. Ann was a lead coordinator for COVID response where she specialised in advising and assisting aged care sites, smaller hospitals, and remote settings alongside her tertiary sites. Ann loves travelling and believes in nurses sharing knowledge and best practice and is an infection prevention mentor for the IPC Foundations Course in NZ.Dr Peta-Anne ZimmermanCICP-E, FACIPC – Director & ChairDr Peta-Anne Zimmerman is an internationally respected clinician, educator, and researcher in infection prevention and control (IPC). Dr Zimmerman’s experience in IPC spans nearly 25 years and her domestic clinical experience, research, and expertise has led her to work extensively in China, South East Asia and the South Pacific, on outbreak response, the development of comprehensive infection prevention and control programmes, and on the integration of public health and acute care response in infectious disease emergencies, in low and middle income country settings. Peta-Anne is the program adviser for the Graduate Infection Prevention and Control Programs at Grith University, which includes the only named Master of Infection Prevention and Control in the region, and she is proud to be the Visiting Research Fellow with the Infection Control Department of Gold Coast Health. Peta-Anne received the Claire Boardman Medal for Leadership in IPC in 2020, is a Fellow of ACIPC and holds the award of Credentialled Infection Control Professional – Expert. She is the Chair of the ACIPC Research, Grants, and Scholarship Committee, Member of the Professional and Credentialling Standards (PACS) Committee, and ACIPC representative and senior teaching faculty for the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).

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18BOARD OF DIRECTORSATTENDANCE AT MEETINGSACIPC Board of Directors Number of board meetings eligible to attendBoard meetings attendedKristie Popkiss 9 9Associate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha 9 9Professor Phil Russo 9 8Janine Carrucan 9 9Kathy Dempsey 9 9Nicola Isles 9 9Kylie Robb 9 9Erica Short 9 8Dianne Smith 9 8Ann Whitfield 9 7Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman 9 918

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202319ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURECOMMITTEESBOARD OF DIRECTORSProfessional & credentialling standardsEducation & professional developmentMembership, communication & engagementResearch, grants & scholarshipsPractice guidanceGovernance & riskScientific conferenceIPC expertise• IPC education manager• IPC consultantEMT OPERATION SUPPORTExecutive managerACIPC oce• Oce manager• Finance manager• Communications manager• Education coordinator• Coordinator

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20ACIPC OFFICEBen ThiessenExecutive ManagerCaroline WoolleyOce ManagerTrish YeomansFinance ManagerSelina SpowartCommunications ManagerTracy Noble Hannah DicksonJackie MileyEducation ManagerAmanda GrubbCarrie SpinksIPC Consultant

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202321EXECUTIVE MANAGER REPORTCarrie SpinksIPC ConsultantThe 2022/2023 year has been another successful year for the College. We saw the delivery of the Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control course remain at very high levels, which has resulted in another exceptional financial performance. This strong financial performance was made possible through the ongoing demand driven by the aged care sector.Our education manager, Jackie Miley, coordinated the delivery of 47 courses with over 2350 students, supported by 14 facilitators. In addition, we continued to make a significant progress on delivering and developing further education courses. The College has delivered the Short Course in Infection Prevention and Control in Aged Care Settings, the Blood Borne Virus Testing course, a new Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control – International course and worked on developing a VET Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control course for veterinary sta.The College’s success over recent years has been possible because of the hard work and dedication of the College’s sta. In particular, the team have worked tirelessly to ensure that our courses run smoothly and have accommodated the many changes required due to the challenges with stang in aged care. I wish to thank Caroline, Jackie, Amanda, Selina, Kerri, Hannah, and Tracy; I am immensely grateful for their commitment to the College.The board has released the STRATEGY & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2023-28, which was developed over the past year. The plan outlines the priorities identified by the Board, which in turn gives direction to the work and operations of the oce. The plan will ensure the oce is structured to meet the long-term goals outlined, as well as our ongoing operational requirements. By building the capacity of our oce, we are positioning ourselves to not only sustain the current success but also to meet the opportunities ahead and accomplish our strategic objectives.I am pleased to welcome two experienced IPC professionals, Carrie Spinks and Karen McKenna, to our team. These appointments will enhance the College’s IPC capacity to deliver services, engage with stakeholders, and support the delivery of the strategic plan. Jackie, Carrie, and Karen, bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the College, and I am confident their contributions will significantly benefit our members. We extend a warm welcome to Carrie and Karen.The operations over the past four years have provided long-term financial security for the College. The College can now look to expand services to support members, engage with stakeholders, and achieve our IPC mission. I look forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead and to supporting the Board, committees, and members as we embark on the next phase of the College’s journey.Ben ThiessenExecutive ManagerAustralasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd

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22SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDSOur vision is to reduce the burden of infection.Key to achieving our vision is to promote education and evidence-based practice outcomes across the IPC profession through the provision of a range of annual and biennial scholarships and awards.WinnerKate AllenWinnerPenny DempsterWinner Kathy DempseyDr Joan Faoagali AwardThe Dr Joan Faoagali Award recognises the significant and valuable contribution Joan made to infection prevention and control professionals and especially to members of ACIPC. The Dr Joan Faoagali Award allows an infection prevention and control practitioner to engage in ongoing learning through participation in the Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control course. One scholarship is awarded to a member of the College each year.Claire Boardman CICP Medal for leadership in infection prevention and controlThe Claire Boardman Medal for Leadership in Infection Prevention and Control is the highest honour of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC). The medal is awarded in recognition of the College’s Inaugural President, Ms Claire Boardman, and her leadership in establishing the College. The Claire Boardman Medal for Leadership in Infection Prevention and Control is bestowed upon a member of the College who demonstrates outstanding commitment and leadership to the College and the profession and practice of infection prevention and control.The Elaine Graham Robertson AwardThe Elaine Graham Robertson Award is presented at the annual conference – having commenced in the ACT Branch of AICA. The award is the result of a gift from Elaine Graham Robertson, a pioneer infection control professional in the ACT.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202323ACIPC International Conference Scholarship – Pacific RegionACIPC recognises that colleagues from countries and territories throughout Australasia are sometimes unable to attend scientific conferences due to funding restrictions. The ACIPC International Conference Scholarship – Pacific Region provides financial support for two infection prevention and control (IPC) professionals working in a low-middle income country or territory throughout the Australasian region to travel to attend the annual ACIPC International Conference. Attending the annual ACIPC Conference will allow the winners to acquire, develop and maintain knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control. Attending the conference also provides an opportunity for networking with colleagues working in IPC.WinnerBetty RamoleleaACIPC International Conference Scholarship – Australia and New ZealandACIPC awards scholarships each year to financial members to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses associated with attending the ACIPC International Conference. The ACIPC International Conference Scholarship – Australia and New Zealand provides a registration for a number of ACIPC members to attend the conference. Attendance at the conference will enable members with infection prevention and control responsibilities to acquire, develop and maintain knowledge and skills. It also provides the opportunity for members to network with colleagues working in infection prevention and control.Winners Danielle Engelbrecht, Gemma Howe, Gemma Mallin, Jacky Meyer, Kate Manserra, Kaye Bellis, Kellie Kenway, Liam Jackson, Meagan Conroy, Mia Brill, Nicole Sarader, Priscilla Singh, Rebecca McNamara, Rozina Kabani

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202325ACIPC Committees are integral to the operation of the College. Chaired by a board director, each member is a volunteer who brings their IPC knowledge and experience to their committee. Meeting between four and nine times a year, the committees work with the oce and report to the board of directors.7 Committees32 IDH Editorial Board Members63 Committee Members15 Facilitators4 IPC in Aged Care Courses47 FIPC Courses7 Blood Borne Virus Courses2041 Students enrolled in courses

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26GOVERNANCE & RISK CHAIRAssociate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha(ACIPC President-Elect)MEMBERSKristie PopkissJanine CaruccanDianne SmithBen ThiessenThe Governance and Risk Committee provides a mechanism for the review of the College’s governance and financial processes. The committee provides an independent review of the College’s annual budget, the risk register, the contract register and risks associated with major projectsThe committee reviewed and reformulated all Terms of reference (ToRs) of ACIPC committees. Conflict of Interest (COI) register and mechanisms to report conflicts was simplified in keeping with modern governance processes. The committee will continue to provide advice to the Board on governance processes and identifying and managing risks.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202327SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE COMMITTEECHAIRAssociate Professor Holly SealeMEMBERSEmily Larsen (Co-chair)Megan ReillyDr Roslyn FranklinFiona de SousaMarija JurajaKathy DempseyProfessor Marilyn CruickshankRoel CastilloCarol O’SullivanSara DrewACHIEVEMENTS The 2023 ACIPC conference is scheduled to be held on the 12-15 November in Adelaide. The theme for this year’s conference is Driving forward: Embracing fundamentals & charting a path for the future. Last year’s conference summary:IPC is a critical element within health, both acute and community, and our aged care settings. However, the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the importance of IPC to those in the broader community. While the pandemic has dominated on so many fronts, it has also provided an opportunity to showcase the IPC leadership and innovation that exists within Australia. The ACIPC 2023 Conference will focus on capturing new approaches and thinking, as well as the cornerstones of IPC with healthcare epidemiology; antimicrobial resistance and stewardship; IPC in long-term care and non-clinical settings; education, training, and sta development; community engagement and patient care.Key highlights from the conference program include:• Three pre-conference workshops focused on IPC in residential aged care, IPC during Construction and Renovation, and Orientation to International Outbreak Response with the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and World Health Organisation (WHO).• A range of international speakers including Lilian Chiwera, Independent Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Surveillance & Prevention Expert; Buy Lloyd-Krejci, President and founder of IPC Well, America; and Julie Storr, Director and co-founder, KS Healthcare Consulting.Last year’s highlights:• A closing plenary session featuring the Presidents and Executives from ACIPC, APIC, SPC and Infection Prevention Society.• 525 people registered (in-person early registrations have exceeded budget forecasts), with an additional 150 people registered online.• To support those in the field to submit an abstract and present at the conference, the committee has run a series of webinars and has oered mentoring.

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28PROFESSIONAL & CREDENTIALLING STANDARDS COMMITTEECHAIRKathy DempseyMEMBERSJanine Carrucan (Deputy-Chair)Dr. Deborough Macbeth Professor Ramon ShabanSandra RoodtDr. Peta-Anne ZimmermanErica Short Nicole Tolhurst Belinda HendersonFor infection control professionals, credentialling provides a clear industry-approved pathway whereby you can demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes to be recognised by your peers as a primary, advanced or expert credentialled infection control professional. This year the College’s strategic vision further supports and promotes credentialling for our members. There continues to be robust discussion and review of the process with a passion for continued and measured evolution. Our framework is well established, rigorous, evidence-based and utilised internationally. NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELDMeetings are held monthly throughout the year with PACS holding eleven meetings during July 2022 – June 2023. This year PACS also met for a strategic planning day.ACHIEVEMENTS• 46 members have been credentialled or recredentialled for the financial year• The committee continued to assess applications for credentialling at the primary, advanced, and expert levels, and applications for recredentialling at all levels• Chair and committee members have continued to promote credentialling• ACIPC credentialling website redesign• Development of checklists and application advice• The committee has have developed and adopted early automation with the online application process with growth and revision in this area continues• Name change to reflect core focus to Professional and Credentialling Standards Committee (PACS)OPPORTUNITIES• Enhancing marketing and promotion of credentialling to members of the College and key external agencies • Continue to explore further automated system• Continue to review and evolve credentialling for the College, the members and key stakeholders• Research opportunities CREDENTIALLED ACIPC MEMBERS9936 PRIMARY 23 ADVANCED40 EXPERT

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202329EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEECHAIRAssociate Professor Stéphane Bouchoucha(ACIPC President-Elect)MEMBERSDr Vanessa Sparke (Co-chair)Belinda HendersonDr Jan ForberJanine CarrucanJackie MileyPerri WaddellBelinda AndrewsDr Cristina Sotomayor-Castillo Jessie Haeusler Kim Comensoli Yana Albrey Ruth Barratt COURSE COMPLETIONSOver 500 students graduated from the Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control course in 2023.Over 140 students completed the Blood Borne Virus Testing Course. We have continued to see a high enrolment for our Foundations of IPC course and remain the provider of choice for aged care settings in Australia.Current educational and professional development (PD) oeringsFOUNDATIONS OF INFECTION PREVENTION & CONTROL (FIPC)• Course modules were all updated this year and students/industry feedback taken into account in the update.• We continued to support students’ academic skills through modification and tailoring of assessment to suit the various settings where students practice.• The International version of FIPC was launched on 10 July and 33 students are currently enrolled with an expected completion date of 11 February 2023. ONLINE AGED CARE MASTERCLASS• The College continues to oer the online Masterclass which consists of various recorded webinars addressing high-level issues in Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control Management, including but not restricted to COVID-19 management in aged care facilities.

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30BLOOD BORNE VIRUS TESTING COURSE• After being launched in 2022, this course has continued to perform well with 76 enrolments in 2023, highlighting that there is a need for such a course. • This course is very positively evaluated by students. • This course was previously delivered by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health, and Society (ARCSHS) at the La Trobe University.FOUNDATIONS OF INFECTION PREVENTION & CONTROL FOR VETERINARY SETTINGS• The College is currently developing a version of the FIPC course for veterinarians and veterinary nurses/technicians. It is anticipated that the first iteration of this course will take place early 2024. Having such a course will enable the College to be active in animal health, which is essential for a ‘One Health’ approach. INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL IN AGED CARE SHORT COURSE• This course is designed for aged care sta and will equip sta to better support the IPC Leads in this setting.• This ten week course has run three times in 2023.• Student evaluations are very positive.WEBINARSACIPC hosted monthly webinars this year to complement our education portfolio. The topics covered included: • More than Just a Mozzie • The Importance of Hand Hygiene • UVGI and Infection Prevention • Malaria and Infection Control • Melioidosis an Environmental Disease• Snapshot of viral Hepatitis in Australia in 2023 and your role in achieving elimination• Have you ever wondered what working with Mercy Ships is all about?• World Rabies Day 2023• GOARNWe were pleased to once again partner with GAMA Healthcare who presented a series of three webinars for the aged care sector, Complete Care for Aged Care. EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202331FROM THE EDUCATION MANAGER JACKIE MILEYThe ACIPC education team continues to deliver several online courses, as noted above. Foundations of IPC has had 40 courses commence since January 1, 2023. The facilitation team remains strongly committed to the FIPC course, and 12 future courses are scheduled up to January 2024.The Foundations of IPC – International commenced in June 2023. It is supported by live tutorials and some hardcopy resources to complement the fully online course. Students are engaged and share insights and resources. We continue to support FIPC students with academic writing assistance and essay draft review and feedback. The facilitator team meets with the education manager regularly via Zoom to discuss student issues, best practice in online facilitating, peer support, Moodle updates and improvements and grade moderation practices. The Online Facilitator space remains an active repository. The education team is well supported by the admin team. We have almost completed the development of Veterinary Foundations of IPC, which will launch in February 2024. Interest has been noted from several countries, UK, Canada, India, and the Pacific Islands. IPC scenarios will be filmed in a Veterinary Hospital in October 2023, and embedded in the course as learning activities. Promotion of the course will commence late 2023. Expert national and international and invited guests have recorded lectures to complement the learning activities. A research project has been approved to evaluate the outcomes of the course, which will be oered for publication.

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32MEMBERSHIP COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEECHAIRKylie Robb (Director)MEMBERSAnn Whitfield (Co-chair)Erica ShortMichael WishartDarren MartinDianne SmithSarah ThomasAngela WillemsenGemma SaravanosOPPORTUNITIESWe recommend the development of IPC content for the website, social media platforms, and IPC News.We explored additional IPC resources such as webinars, Q&A seminars, and member discussion forums.Our focus is on developing strategies to retain current members and attract new members from diverse sectors and demographics.We aim to actively promote engagement and participation among college members.We collaborate with the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) Education Committee to align education oerings with member feedback.ACHIEVEMENTS We successfully welcomed 434 new members in the past year, contributing to the growth of our community. We currently have a total of 7,818 members.SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENTWe maintain a strong presence on various social media platforms, including:• Twitter (X): 1,578 followers, 32 958 impressions, and 195 retweets.• LinkedIn: 840 followers, 44 040 impressions, and active interaction.• Facebook: 496 followers, 4591 reach and 370 engagement.• Instagram: 86 followers, with growing reach and engagement.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202333CONTENT CONTRIBUTIONSOur committee has contributed regular articles for IPC News, including seven member profiles from diverse settings and contexts within IPC. Additionally, we have issued 499 membership pins since launching at the conference in November 2022.WEBSITE ENGAGEMENTThe ACIPC website has been a valuable platform for member engagement. Key website statistics include:Users: 65,938New Users: 63,058Page Views: 326,078The most viewed pages include Moodle (53,183), ACIPC homepage (39,990), Member Access (29,856), and Foundations of IPC (18,514). The website shows a very high engagement rate (50.67%) and engaged duration (44 seconds), primarily attributed to member interactions with educational content.ACQUISITION CHANNELSThe top three acquisition channels for our website are Google (129,276), Direct (80,093), and Sendgrid (53,117).“The Membership Communication and Engagement Committee has made significant strides in enhancing member engagement, attracting new members, and providing valuable content. We will continue to explore opportunities for improvement, including the engagement of a media advisor to drive ACIPC advocacy, fostering collaboration, and expanding our media presence. Our collective eorts aim to create a thriving community within ACIPC, ensuring that members have access to relevant and engaging content and experiences.”Kylie Robb, Chair

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34PRACTICE GUIDANCE COMMITTEECHAIRNicola Isles (Director)MEMBERSWendy Peecock (Co-Chair)Maureen CanningDr Charlene DixonDr Sally Havers Catherine McGovernSimon Meyer-HenryMichelle KennedyDr Gillian Ray-BarruelRita Roy ACHIEVEMENTSThe committee membership has remained the consistent this year, with key experts in many areas of infection prevention and control (IPC). All members have contributed valuably to the requests from external stakeholders for ACIPC’s advice and recommendations. Our Terms of Reference (TOR) in 2023 were revised. This committee has met monthly this year and continues to receive a large number of requests from many external peak bodies to be involved in developing, reviewing and/or endorsing documents, guidelines and policies. The Committee have reviewed and provided feedback on the following documents:• Extensively revised ACIPC’s position statements - Hand Hygiene, to reflect changes made in the revised National Hand Hygiene initiative (NHHI) program - ACIPC current position statement on Animals Visits in Healthcare • PGC are considering additional relevant position statements to be drafted in 2024 inclusive of Single Use and Single Patient Use Items• A position statement was developed for IPC resources and endorsed by the Board • Partnered with Doctors for the Environment to review and provide feedback on a position Statement developed for Reusable Surgical Gowns• Provided feedback on draft guidelines for the Australasian Health Facility Guidelines (Aus HFG) ‘Pandemic Preparedness - Health Infrastructure Planning & Design Guidance’

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202335• Provided feedback to The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare on their draft document ‘Risk assessment and selection of respiratory and eyewear protection when caring for patients with confirmed or suspected acute (COVID-19 and influenza like illness) or novel respiratory illnesses.’ • The committee provided a member to review the ACHS Clinical Indicators for Infection Control The PGC has advocated for members of the committee to represent ACIPC on Standards Australia to provide advice on reviewing and developing the following:• AS/NZ 4146:2000 current Laundry Standards to review to AS 4146 Laundry Practice in progress• ASZ/NZ AS4187:2014 revision to AS 5369 has now been completed and awaiting release• Standards Australia HE-011 Sharps and Healthcare Related Wastes Practice Guidance continues to happily provide advice and guidance to members posting specific question on many and varied IPC matters throughout the year. As Chair of the Practice Guidance Committee, I feel privileged and very grateful for the committee’s vast expertise, experience and knowledge within the many varied and diverse areas of IPC. Their ongoing commitment to provide feedback to many diverse healthcare sectors requesting advice, endorsement and review of their guidelines and/or position statements ensures that we are providing best practice and evidence-based research and advice to our members.

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36RESEARCH, GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS COMMITTEECHAIRDr Peta-Anne Zimmerman (Director)MEMBERSNicola IslesProfessor Thea van de MortelDr Matt MasonDr Susan JainProfessor Brett MitchellThe Research, Grants, and Scholarships Committee built on the previous work from last year, continuing to focus on governance of research in the College with a focus on which grants and scholarships should be oered and how best to manage them.We have, to date, reviewed and re-launched the College’s Research web page, which provides full details of opportunities for members for research funding and access to the College membership for programs of research. Governance of the Research Access Scheme has been finalised and we have several requests to support various studies, which have been largely successful. The ‘Early Career Research Grant’ and ‘Seed Grant’ schemes were relaunched with a focus on supporting new initiatives and researchers with one of each being awarded at the end of 2022:EARLY CAREER RESEARCH GRANT• $11,930.00 Dr Gemma L Saravanos, University of Sydney and the Children’s Hospital at Westmead “Paediatric RSV-HAI Surveillance Pilot.” SEED GRANT• $6,844.20 Dr Amanda Corley, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Grith University “Vascular haemodialysis catheters in the intensive care: a survey of bedside maintenance practices to address high infection rates and catheter failure.” The criteria for the ACIPC International Conference Scholarship – Pacific Region has been updated with two positions available in 2023. The Committee put out a call to ACIPC members to join the Committee, with specific expertise in specialty areas such as residential care and low- and middle-income settings, with four new members joining Dr Amanda Corley, Jane Saepioh, Winni Wong, and Jodi Carey. Ivy GabbatanProfessor Phil RussoDr Amanda CorleyWinni WongJodi CareyJane Saepioh

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38INFECTION DISEASE & HEALTH EDITORIAL BOARDProfessor Brett Mitchell CIPC-E, FACIPCEditor-in-ChiefInfection, Disease and HealthProfessor Brett Mitchell is Editor-in-Chief of Infection, Disease & Health. He is a Professor of Nursing at Avondale University and works at the Central Coast Local Health District. Brett has over 150 peer reviewed publications and conference presentations. Professor Mitchell is a Fellow of ACIPC and the Australian College of Nursing. Brett has worked in the area of infection control for many years, including leading infection control programs in hospitals and at a state level. His research interests in the area of infection control include environmental cleaning, pneumonia, surveillance, and urinary tract infections.CHAIRProfessor Brett MitchellNUMBER OF MEETINGS HELDOne Editorial Board MeetingMEMBERS• Brett Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief, Avondale University, Australia.SENIOR AND SECTION EDITORS• Stephanie Dancer, Edinburgh Napier University, Consultant Microbiologist and Professor of Microbiology, School of Nursing, United Kingdom• Ramon Z. Shaban, The University of Sydney, Australia Allen Cheng, Monash University, Australia• Gwendolyn Gilbert, The University of Sydney, AustraliaASSOCIATE EDITORS• Oyebola Fasugba, Australian Catholic University, Canberra, Australia.• Jason Kwong, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia• Gillian Ray-Barruel, Grith University, Brisbane, AustraliaSENIOR STATISTICAL ADVISOR• Nicole White, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.BOARD MEMBERS• Sally Havers, Toowoomba Health Service, Toowoomba, Australia• Trent Yarwood, Cairns Hospital, Australia• Kirsty Buising, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Australia• Noleen Bennett, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia • Michael Borg, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta• Ann Bull, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia• Emma Burnett, University of Dundee School of Nursing and Midwifery, United Kingdom Peter Collignon, Canberra Hospital, Australia

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202339• Professor Marilyn Cruickshank, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, Australia• Evonne Curran, Glasgow Caledonian University, Infection Control Consultant, School of Nursing, United Kingdom• John Ferguson, John Hunter Hospital, Australia • Jenny Firman, Commonwealth Treasury, Australia • Dale Fisher, National University Hospital, Singapore• Joshua Freeman, Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand• Nicholas Graves, Queensland University of Technology, Australia• Bill Jarvis, Jason and Jarvis Associates, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Physician, Investigation and Prevention Branch, United States• Moi Lin Ling, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore• Deborough MacBeth, Queensland Health, Australia• Kalisvar Marimuthu, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore• David Paterson, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Australia• Thomas Riley, University of Western Australia, Professor of Microbiology, Australian Centre for Pathology & Medical Research, Australia• Professor Philip Russo, Monash University, Nursing and Midwifery, Australia• Rhonda Stuart, Monash Health, Australia• Paul Turner, University of Oxford, United Kingdom• David Weber, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United StatesACHIEVEMENTS• The journal’s received its first ever impact factor, which is a major achievement, years of planning and in the making. Even better, our impact factor is 3.5. This is a very impressive result for entry into the impact factor world. The impact factor of IDH is not far behind journals such as Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology and the American Journal of Infection Control.• We also saw a continued increase in our CiteScore, now 5.1. This is an increase from 3.7 in 2021 and 2.5 in 2020. That means the journal is a Q1 journal in one category (ranked 3rd in world in that category).• Introduction of a senior statistical advisor as well as a planned mentor support to build capacity in biostatistics in the area of infection prevention and control.• Implementing diversity data questions for authors, board members and reviewers. In the future, the self-reported diversity data should provide insights to help increase diversity, equity and inclusion in journal editorial processes, remediate unfair bias, and drive greater equity in scholarly publishing and research.• Additions to the Board.• Rejection rate >90%• Fast time from submission to publication, compared to other journals. OPPORTUNITIES• Peer review, members can get involved in peer-reviewing articles. This is a great opportunity to hear about emerging research first, as well as develop skills.• For members, remember that there are discounts available when purchasing Elsevier products. This discount forms part of the contract between ACIPC and Elsevier.• I would like to thank ACIPC members, the IDH Editorial Board and Senior and Associate Editors at the journal and those who have supported the journal as authors and peer reviewers.

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40GLOBAL OUTBREAK ALERT & RESPONSE NETWORK REPORT (GOARN)REPRESENTATIVE / FOCAL POINTDr Peta-Anne ZimmermanThrough 2023 ACIPC continued its partnership with the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), a World Health Organization (WHO) network of over 250 technical institutions and networks that respond to acute public health events with the deployment of sta and resources to aected countries.ACIPC members generally deploy as IPC experts, however roles can include specialist epidemiology, immunisation, microbiology, laboratory, public health, clinical, and social mobilisation experts with a view to providing comprehensive teams to reduce the impact of international health emergencies.In 2023 ACIPC responded to 12 requests for assistance (as at 7 September) from the GOARN team:• Marburg virus – Equatorial Guinea• Cholera - Mozambique x2• Earthquake response – Turkey• Cholera – Haiti x2• Cholera – Kenya x2• Monkeypox – Sudan• Sudan Virus Disease – Uganda• Cholera – Malawi x2ACIPC considered these requests, and two applications were submitted with no deployments, primarily as most requests were for epidemiology, which is not heavily represented in the College membership.ACIPC members were provided with opportunities to nominate themselves for training opportunities with GOARN in 2023, particularly the ‘Orientation to International Outbreak Response with GOARN and WHO Tier 1.5 Training Workshop’ held at the ACIPC International Conference in Sydney on the 13th of November. This workshop was co-facilitated by ACIPC members Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman, Ms Belinda Henderson, and Ms Louise De Koster. There was also a specific session held for the conference program with invited speakers from WHO and recent deployees. Following on from the success of this training the Tier 1.5 training will be held again at the Adelaide 2023 conference. This will be the first time it is delivered globally without GOARN/WHO sta facilitation as they are confident the current ACIPC GOARN 1.5 training faculty are capable of success. The ACIPC GOARN 1.5 trainers also recently attended a Tier 1.5 Training of Trainers session.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202341Tier 2 immersive simulation training was held in India in November 2022 with Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman an invited member of faculty to support the IPC and mentoring component. Three ACIPC members were included in the participants: Dr Jocelyne Basseal, Ms Margaret Leong, and Ms Louise De Koster (see the December 2022 edition of IPC News).The GOARN Strategy Plan 2022-2026 was released this year and several activities have followed on from this release which the College have been actively engaged in.• Ms Belinda Henderson represented the College at the GOARN Strategy Implementation Workshop and 33rd GOARN Steering Committee meeting, 8-12 May 2023, Amman, Jordan. Belinda shared her experience with the membership in a recent newsletter. • Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman was successful in being appointed to the GOARN Research Technical Working Group as ACIPC representative. This group is in the beginning stages of operationalising the research component of the Strategy Plan.• The Inaugural Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) Outbreak Response Leadership Training Programme is being held at the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin where Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman was invited to represent the College as a long-term focal point and with a 20-year association with GOARN.There has been a decrease in requests for assistance this year (to date). Figure 1 indicates the list of active operations commenced in 2023.Figure 1: Active GOARN operations as at 7 September 2023

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42Infexion Connexion is a moderated IPC email discussion forum for members of the College. The forum oers a great way to discuss IPC issues within the wider ACIPC community which can be particularly useful when information is needed in real time. Infexion Connexion acts as a ‘brains trust’ for our members and throughout the pandemic, it has continued to oer members an opportunity to post and answer questions about infection prevention and control practice.The College also uses the forum to promote job opportunities, provide College updates and distribute information from sponsors, industry partners and aliated organisations. I would personally like to thank our long-standing members for being so welcoming and helpful to our newer colleagues this year. It is great to see such willingness to share information and to help others.Michael Wishart Infexion Connexion Moderator36 ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 2021Infexion ConnexionInfexion Connexion is a moderated IPC email discussion forum for members of the College. The forum offers a great way to discuss IPC issues within the wider ACIPC community which can be particularly useful when information is needed in real time. Infexion Connexion acts as a ‘brains trust’ for our members and throughout the pandemic, it has continued to offer members an opportunity to post and answer questions about infection prevention and control practice.The College also uses the forum to promote job opportunities, provide College updates and distribute information from sponsors, industry partners and affiliated organisations. I would personally like to thank our long-standing members for being so welcoming and helpful to our newer colleagues this year. It is great to see such willingness to share information and to help others.Michael Wishart Infexion Connexion ModeratorINFEXION CONNEXION

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44CONTENTSDirectors’ Report 45 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 47 Statement of Profit or Loss 48 Statement of Financial Position 49 Statement of Changes in Equity 50 Statement of Cash Flows 52 Notes to the Financial Statements 53 Director’s Declaration 57 Independent Audit Report 58

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202345DIRECTOR’S REPORTABN 61 154 341 036DIRECTORS' REPORTThe names of the directors in office at anytime during or since the end of the year are:Ann WhitfieldErica ShortJanine CarrucanKylie RobbPeta-Anne ZimmermanPhilip RussoStephane BouchouchaKristie PopkissKathy DempseyNicola IslesDianne SmithThe company is prohibited from paying dividends to members.Page 2AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDYour directors present their report on the company for the financial year ended 30 June 2023.Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unlessotherwise stated.The net profit of the company for the financial year amounted to $1,631,007.A review of the operations of the company during the financial year and the results of thoseoperations are as follows:The company was established in January 2012 from the merger of the Australian Infection ControlAssociation with the existing state based infection control associations across Australia. Thecompany is engaged in a broad range of national and international programs representing thediscipline of infection prevention and control including consultancy, policy development, educationand professional development.No significant change in the nature of these activities occurred during the financial year.No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year which significantlyaffected or may significantly affect the operations of the company, the results of those operations, orthe state of affairs of the company in future financial years.The company's operations are not regulated by any significant environmental regulation under a lawof the Commonwealth or of the State.No options over issued shares or interests in the company were granted during or since the end ofthe financial year and there were no options outstanding at the date of this report.No indemnities have been given or insurance premiums paid, during or since the end of the financialyear, for any person who is or has been an officer or auditor of the company.

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46DIRECTOR’S REPORTAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036DIRECTORS' REPORTAuditor's Independence DeclarationSigned in accordance with a resolution of the board of directors:Director ____________________SignatureDirector ____________________SignatureDated:Page 3A copy of the auditor's independence declaration as required under Section 307C of the CorporationsAct 2001 is attached to this financial report.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202347Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd ABN 61 154 341 036AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 307C OF THE CORPORATIONS ACT 2001ABN 61 154 341 036AUDITOR'S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION UNDERSECTION 307C OF THE CORPORATIONS ACT 2001TO THE DIRECTORS OFAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTD(i)(ii)________________________________________Partner: Melissa McCrystalAccru RawsonsChartered AccountantLevel 2160 Wharf StreetBrisbane QLD 4001Page 4Date: 13 November 2023AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDI declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the year ended 30 June 2023:No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Corporations ActNocontraventionsofanyapplicablecodeofprofessionalconductinrelationtotheaudit.

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48STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSSAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023Note20232022$$Revenue from ordinary activites24,091,803 3,183,965Expenses from ordinary activities(2,460,796) (1,733,306)Profit (loss) for the year1,631,0071,450,659- - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN COMPANY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR1,631,007 1,450,659The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.Page 5Add Funds transferred from state based infection controlassociations

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202349Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd ABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONAS AT 30 JUNE 2023Note20232022$$ASSETSCURRENT ASSETSCash and cash equivalents39,667,332 7,068,566Trade and other receivables4162,208 62,600Deposit paid - 31,460TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS9,829,540 7,162,626NON-CURRENT ASSETSBanner and Display5- - TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS- - TOTAL ASSETS9,829,540 7,162,626LIABILITIESCURRENT LIABILITIESTrade and other payables61,729,894 693,988TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES1,729,894 693,988TOTAL LIABILITIES1,729,894 693,988NET ASSETS 8,099,646 6,468,638EQUITYRetained Earnings8,099,646 6,468,638TOTAL EQUITY8,099,646 6,468,638The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.Page 6

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50STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYAS AT 30 JUNE 2023Retained Earnings$Balance at 1 July 2011NILAustralian Infection Control Association (AICA) equity transferred at restructure340,066Increase in company funds for the 11/12 year833,745Balance at 30 June 20121,173,811Increase in company funds for the 12/13 year130,085Balance at 30 June 20131,303,896Decrease in company funds for the 13/14 year (176,369)Balance at 30 June 20141,127,527Decrease in company funds for the 14/15 year (187,921)Balance at 30 June 2015939,606Decrease in company funds for the 15/16 year (88,423)Balance at 30 June 2016851,183Decrease in company funds for the 16/17 year (154,623)Balance at 30 June 2017696,560Decrease in company funds for the 17/18 year (56,191)Balance at 30 June 2018640,368Increase in company funds for the 18/19 year 49,748Balance at 30 June 2019690,116Page 7The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202351STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYAS AT 30 JUNE 2023Retained Earnings$Increase in company funds for the 19/20 year 67,802Balance at 30 June 2020757,918Increase in company funds for the 20/21 year 4,260,061Balance at 30 June 20215,017,979Increase in company funds for the 21/22 year 1,450,659Balance at 30 June 20226,468,638Increase in company funds for the 22/23 year 1,631,007Balance at 30 June 20238,099,645Page 8The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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52STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023Note20232022$$Cash flows from operating activitiesReceipts from Operations3,922,988 3,145,645Interest Received100,668 - Payments to Suppliers (1,424,890) (1,812,999)Net cash provided by operating activities 8(b)2,598,766 1,332,646Cash flows from investing activitiesPayment for Property, Plant & Equipment- - Proceeds from Property, Plant & Equipment- - Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities- - Cash flows from financing activitiesTransfer of funds from AICA at restructure- - Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities- - Net increase (decrease) in cash held2,598,766 1,332,646Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of financial year7,068,566 5,735,920Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year8(a)9,667,332 7,068,566The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.Page 9

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202353NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20231. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIESBasis of Preparation(a)Income Tax(b)Goods and Services Tax (GST)Page 10This financial report covers Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd as anindividual entity.Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where theamount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Tax Office. In these circumstances theGST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of theexpense. Receivables and payables in the balance sheet are shown inclusive of GST.Cash flows are presented in the cash flow statement on a gross basis, except for the GSTcomponent of investing and financing activities, which are disclosed as operating cash flows.At each reporting date, the company assesses whether there is objective evidence that afinancial instrument has been impaired. In the case of available-for-sale financial instruments,a prolonged decline in the value of the instrument is considered to determine whether animpairment has arisen. Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordancewith Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) of theAustralian Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations Act 2001.Australian Accounting Standards set out accounting policies that the AASB has concluded wouldresult in a financial report containing relevant and reliable information about transactions, eventsand conditions. Compliance with Australian Accounting Standards ensures that the financialstatements and notes also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards. Materialaccounting policies adopted in the preparation of this financial report are presented below andhave been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs,modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non-current assets,financial assets and financial liabilities.The entity is exempt from income tax under Section 50 of Income Tax Assessment Act1997. Accordingly no income tax is provided for in the acounts.

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54AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023Note20232022$$2. REVENUE AND OTHER INCOMEInterest received100,668 - Other Income3,991,135 3,183,965Total Revenue 4,091,803 3,183,9653. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTSCash at bank4,667,332 7,068,566Term Deposit5,000,000 - 9,667,332 7,068,5664. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLESCURRENTTrade Debtors 162,208 62,600Goods and Services Tax- - 162,208 62,6005. Plant & EquipmentBanner and Display- - Less: Accumulated Depreciation- - - - Page 11NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202355NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023Note20232022$$6. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLESCURRENT1,729,894 693,9887.COMPANY DETAILSThe registered office of the company is:The principal place of business is:Conference DesignLevel 6, 152 Macquarie StreetHobart TAS 70008. CASH FLOW INFORMATION(a) Reconciliation of CashCashattheendoffinancialyearasshownintheStatement of Cash Flows is reconciled to the relateditems in the statement of financial position asfollows:Cash at Bank9,667,332 7,068,5569,667,332 7,068,556Note20232022$$(b)Reconciliationofcashflowfromoperationswithprofit Increase (Decrease) in company funds for the year1,631,007 1,450,659Non-cash flows in profit:Depreciation- - Charges to provisions- - Changes in Assets & Liabilities:Decrease (Increase) in Current Receivables(68,147) - Decrease (Increase) in Non-Current Assets- - Increase (Decrease) in Current Liabilities1,035,906 - Net cash provided by operating activities 2,598,766 1,450,659Page 12Trade Creditors408,624 227,621Membership Fees in Advance104,490 23,163Course Fees Paid in Advance1,094,420 342,817Accruals- - GST 122,087 62,118Westpac Credit Card 273 228Cardinal Scholarships - 38,041Conference DesignLevel 6, 152 Macquarie StreetHobart TAS 7000

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56AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20239. DIRECTORS REMUNERATION$K Popkiss20,000D Smith 4,000K Dempsey4,000S Bouchoucha 4,000K Robb 4,000P Russo 4,000P Zimmerman 4,000A Whitfield 4,000E Short 4,000J Carrucan 4,000N Isles 4,00060,00010. CONTINGENT ASSETS & LIABILITES11. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATEPage 13There have been no material events occurring after balance date that would affect the financial postion and performance of the companyThe following directors received meeting attendance fees and other council professional fees during the year as disclosed:The directors are not aware of any contingent assets or contingent liabilites of the company.NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023

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ACIPC ANNUAL REPORT 202357AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036DIRECTORS' DECLARATIONThe directors of the company declare that:1.(a)comply with Australian Accounting Standards; and(b)2Director SignatureDirector ___________________________SignatureDate:Page 14give a true and fair view of the financial positions as at 30 June 2023 and of the performance, as represented by the results of its operations for the year ended on that date; andThe financial statements and notes are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001; and:In the directors' opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the entitywill be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.ThisdeclarationismadeinaccordancewitharesolutionoftheBoardofDirectors.DIRECTOR’S DECLARATION

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58AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDABN 61 154 341 036INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORTTO THE MEMBERS OFAUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE FOR INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL LTDDirectors' Responsibility for the Financial ReportAuditor's ResponsibilityIndependencePage 15We have audited the accompanying financial report of Australasian College for Infection Preventionan Control Ltd which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2023 and thestatement of profit or loss, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the yearended on that date, a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes andthe director's declaration.The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of thefinancial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including the AustralianAccounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Act 2001. This responsibility includes designing,implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation ofthe financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selectingand applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonablein the circumstances. In Note 1, the directors also state, in accordance with Accounting StandardAASB 101: 'Presentation of Financial Statements', that compliance with the Australian equivalents toInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) ensures that the financial report, comprising thefinancial statements and notes, complies with IFRS.Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conductedour audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require thatwe comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and performthe audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from materialmisstatement.An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts anddisclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due tofraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant tothe entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design auditprocedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing anopinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating theappropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates madeby the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report.We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basisfor our audit opinion.In conducting our audit, we complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act2001.INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT

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60Level 6 152 Macquarie StHobart TAS 7000+61 (3) 6281 9239o 61 154 341 036