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ACI Designated Body Services

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INTRODUCTIONKate LewisDirector, RGNTo become a designated body, usually, locum agencies will need to be registered ona framework and non-locum agencies will need to be overseen by a regulatory bodysuch as the CQC or HFEA.We are only ever a phone call or email away, so if you have any questions aboutanything please do get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. We aim to complete the process as fast as possible, but we do need to ensure thatyour application is ready to proceed so please ensure that you have all thedocuments ready and have prepared for the initial audit as this will minimise thechance of any delays to making the application. Please note once submitted thetime it takes the NHS to process your application can vary and may take severalmonths.

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ABOUTACIYour success is our business – we are committed to yoursuccess. We have specialist teams to manage each divisionof the business with dedication and commitment to ourcustomers’ needs. Working in partnership with you at eachstep of the way.Our success is based on providing quality solutions thatsatisfy our customers’ needs and those of the industryregulators, whilst remaining flexible in a fast-changingworking environment.

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DESIGNATEDBODY SERVICESThe Medical Profession (Responsible Officers) Regulations 2010 and the MedicalProfession (Responsible Officers) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, is the legislationwhich sets out the criteria which defines what a designated body is, the types oforganisations that could / should become a designated body and the regulationsthey need to adhere too, once they achieve designated body status. There areclearly defined categories that organisations should consider if they fall in to.Once an organisation appoints a Responsible Officer and is accepted as adesignated body then there are many regulations that must be followed. Our experienced management team can help you identify a Responsible Officerand support you during your application to become a Designated Body. If you arecurrently a Designated Body looking to change service provision, we can ensure asmooth transition from your previous provider.

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REVALIDATIONEvery licensed doctor who wishes to practice in the UK, must take part in revalidation to show theyare up to date and fit to practice. ACI have an experienced administration team supporting revalidation for the designated bodieswe provide support to. We manage the co-ordination and contacting of your connected doctors,meaning you do not need to. We start contacting your doctors 12 months before revalidation to ensure that they have therequired information to ensure that a recommendation can be submitted by their responsibleofficer. Multi-Source feedback is often an area that can be left to the last minute, so we send outearly reminders to your connected doctors to ensure that they start this nice and early as it canoften take time, particularly for locum doctors. Our experienced and knowledgeable revalidation administrator is available to support yourconnected doctors throughout the revalidation process to ensure a timely recommendation issubmitted by their responsible officer.

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APPRAISAL Doctors are usually required to complete whole of scope annual appraisals.Annual appraisals are the cornerstone of revalidation. As well as supportingdoctors who are connected to the designated bodies we represent, we canprovide overflow / outsourced appraisals for other organisations and we alsooffer appraisals to independent doctors including assistance with their annualGMC submission. We have a loyal and experienced pool of appraisers and only ever use GMClicenced and registered doctors, the majority of whom are consultants withmany years’ experience. ACI partner with L2P who provide a modern and streamlined online portal foryour connected doctors to manage and populate their appraisals and take theadministrative stress out of their annual appraisal. Many agencies and trusts useL2P as their appraisal software and so often if a doctor changes role they cansimply take their appraisal portfolio and grant access to their new designatedbody.

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GOOD GOVERNANCEAs part of our support for designated bodies we provide full casemanagement and tracking of all doctors governance. It is essential thatgovernance is dealt with efficiently and sensitively and in a way that ensurespatient safety is prioritised.We provide the administration support for your doctors’ with open governancecases, such as complaints, investigations, or performance issues. We have adedicated governance administrator who will log all actions taken and liaisewith the doctor, the responsible officer, case investigators, GMC if required andthe named person in your organisation responsible for governance to ensurethat the case is resolved in a fair and timely manner, and that you are fullyinformed and supported throughout the process. We also have amanagement team who ensure that cases are progressing and act as anescalation point if needed. We help you understand and comply with the policies and procedures thatare required to ensure that you are meeting the requirements of theregulation. A full suite of polices can be provided by us to be adopted by yourorganisation if needed. We also provide you with training and advice on howto maintain and improve your professional standards and compliance withthe regulations.

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WHY USEACI?Why use ACI?Simple, transparent pricingInnovative online appraisal portalReduce your administration burdenExperienced and friendly administration support teamWe only use qualified, experienced doctors licenced to practice in the UKConvenient appraisal times - 7 days a week, morning, afternoon orevening98% satisfaction rating for our appraisal processExperts in supporting your organisation as a designated bodyA full range of compliance products to suit your needs

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DIRECTORYACI SERVICESMandatory Training (aligned to the Core Skills Framework)Distance LearningOnline TrainingTrain the Trainer CoursesFace to Face TrainingAt your venueAt a venue arranged by usAt our training academy in ChepstowPMVA Training (accredited trainers with Timian Learning and Development Ltdto provide Bild ACT and RRN approved)Basic Life Support (Videolink)Occupational Health Fitness to Work Certificates (SEQOHS)Pregnancy Risk AssessmentsClinical InterviewsNursesDoctorsAHPsHCAsNurse Clinical ComplaintsNurse Appraisals and RevalidationsAHP/ HCA Appraisals

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FURTHER READING & REFERENCESPlease find below a list of documents that have been referenced / quoted in thisguidance or may be useful for you to review. The Medical Profession (Responsible Officers) Regulations 2010 ( standards and regulation | NHS EmployersHave an annual whole practice appraisal - revalidation - GMC (

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YOUR PARTNERS INCOMPLIANCE01291 House, Bulwark Road Chepstow. NP16 5JNCopyright ACI. May not be reproduced without the permission of ACI