MISSION STATEMENTWoodward Academy is Atlanta at its very best. We intentionally bring together students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, creating a richer learning community and exceptional academic opportunities. Our students and graduates are caring and compassionate global citizens who are a microcosm of what the world should be.COLLEGE COUNSELING MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of Woodward Academy College Counseling is to empower, advise, and support students through their transition from high school to higher education, professions, and meaningful lifelong learning.DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSIONAt Woodward, we have a unique position and opportunity in the independent school community regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. While we are the most diverse private school in Atlanta, we also realize we have more work to do in creating the kind of school environment we seek, where discrimination or hatred of any kind is not tolerated.2,726Total Student Body1,085Upper School Students$25 millionscholarships earned by Class of 202415%of Class of 2024 enrolled in an Historically Black College or University (HBCU)Students hail from 20+ Georgia counties and 100+ zip codesH BUCCEEB: 110797BRYAN RUTLEDGE, M.A.Director of College Counselingbryan.rutledge@woodward.eduMARY ANN PARKER, M.ED., J.D.Associate Director of College Counselingmaryann.parker@woodward.eduJODI HESTER, B.A.Associate Director of College Counseling jodi.hester@woodward.eduJESSE BOWEN, M.P.A.Associate Director of College Counselingjesse.bowen@woodward.eduANDREW MACK, B.S.Associate Director of College Counselingandrew.mack@woodward.eduMEG JORDAN, B.S.Administrative Coordinatormeg.jordan@woodward.eduADMINISTRATIONCOLLEGE COUNSELINGF. STUART GULLEY, PH.D.PresidentNIGEL A. TRAYLOR, ED.D.Vice President for Academic and Student LifeJONATHAN MERRILL, PH.D.Upper School PrincipalWoodward Academy is an independent (Pre-K-12) coedu-cational day school in College Park, GA, located eight miles from downtown Atlanta.2024-2025 ACADEMIC PROFILEENGLISHAP English Language & CompositionAP English Literature & CompositionEnglish 1 (CP, EP, HP)English 2 (CP, EP, HP)English 3 (CP, EP, HP)English 4 (CP, EP, HP)Contemporary Literature (EP)Creative Writing 1, 2 (EP, HP) 3, 4 (HP)Multicultural Literature (EP)*Writer’s Workshop (CP, EP)Basic Reading/Writing 1, 2, 3, 4 (CP, EP)* Journalism 1 (EP, HP)*Student Publications/Journalism (EP, HP)Student Publications/Yearbook (EP, HP)Identity and Diversity Studies in Litera-ture (CP, EP, HP)* SCIENCEAP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Environmental ScienceAP Physics 1AP Physics 2 AP Physics C Biology (CP, EP, HP)Chemistry (CP, EP, HP)Physics (CP, EP)Anatomy & Physiology (EP)Environmental Science (CP, EP)Astronomy (CP, EP*)Meteorology (EP)*Independent Science Research (HP)Criminal Investigation & Forensics (EP)* Introduction to Biotechnology (EP)* Criminal Investigation, Forensics, and Biotech (EP)Tropical Ecology Field Study (EP, HP)*Global Integrated Science: Iceland (EP, HP)* MATHEMATICSAP Calculus ABAP Calculus BC w/ Advanced Calculus TopicsAP Calculus BC w/Multivariable Topics AP StatisticsAlgebra 1 (CP, EP)Algebra 2 (CP, EP, HP)Analysis (HP)Geometry (CP, EP, HP)Geometry & Algebra with Transformations (GAT)(HP)Pre-Calculus (EP, HP)Pre-Calculus with Algebra (EP)Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry (EP)*Calculus (EP) *Statistics (CP, EP*)Discrete Math 1 (EP)*Discrete Math 2 (EP)*College Algebra (CP) WORLD LANGUAGESAP French Language & CultureAP GermanAP JapaneseAP Mandarin ChineseAP Spanish LanguageAP Spanish Literature & CultureFrench 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (CP, EP, HP)Capstone French 4 (HP)Capstone French 5 (HP)Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (CP, EP, HP)German 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (EP, HP)Japanese 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP, HP)Mandarin Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP, HP) SOCIAL STUDIESAP MacroeconomicsAP Microeconomics AP European HistoryAP U.S. Government & PoliticsAP U.S. HistoryU.S. History (CP, EP, HP)Landmark Supreme Court Cases in Civil Liberties (EP, HP)*Modern World History (CP, EP, HP)Comparative Religions (CP, EP, HP)* U.S. Government/Economics (CP, EP)U.S. Political Economy and its Critical Choices 1 (CP, EP, HP)* U.S. Political Economy and its Critical Choices 2 (EP, HP)* Current Issues: Social Media (CP, EP)* Topics in Multicultural, Ethnic, & Diversity Studies (CP, EP, HP)* Military History from the Ancient World to Modern America (CP, EP)The History of the Middle East (EP, HP)*The History of East Asia (EP, HP)*Art History I, II (CP, EP)* Dilemmas in Justice (CP, EP, HP)* Personal Finance (CP, EP)* American Military History (EP, HP)* Personhood (EP,HP)*African Studies (EP, HP)* COMPUTER SCIENCEAP Computer Science AAP Computer Science PrinciplesGame Design & Development (HP)* Robotics (HP)*Intro to Computer Science (EP, HP)* Intro to Digital Technology (EP, HP)*Embedded Computing (HP)*Engineering 101-102 (HP) Engineering 101 (HP)* Introduction to Engineering 101 (EP, HP)Engineering 102 (HP)*Engineering 201 (HP)Advanced Robotics (HP)FRC Robotics (HP) Cybersecurity (EP, HP)*Artificial Intelligence (EP, HP)*Python Programming at Georgia Tech (HP)*Independent Study Computer (HP)*Capstone Dilemmas in Science and Technology (CP, EP, HP)* PERFORMING ARTSAP Music TheoryChoraliers (EP, HP)Festival Singers (EP, HP)Capstone Choir (EP, HP)Concert Band (EP, HP)Symphonic Winds (HP)Capstone Band (HP)Chamber Orchestra (EP, HP)Philharmonia (HP)String Machine (HP)Capstone Orchestra (HP)Intro to Music Production 1 (EP)* Intro to Music Production 2 (HP)* Introduction to Music Production (EP)* Advanced Music Production (HP)*Beginning Guitar (EP)*Intermediate Guitar (EP)*Advanced Guitar (HP)*Dance 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP) Dance Fitness (EP)*Beginning Dance (EP)Intermediate Dance (EP)Advanced Dance (HP)Choreography and Composition Work-shop (EP) Capstone Dance (EP, HP)Beginning Acting (EP)*Advanced Acting (EP, HP)Technical Theatre Production (EP, HP)*Introduction to Stagecraft (EP)*Performance Ensemble (HP)Principles of Theatrical Design (EP)Topics in Theatre Production (HP)*Topics in Theatre Tech (HP)* Capstone Theatre: Performance Ensem-ble (HP)Capstone Technical Theatre: Principles of Theatrical Design (HP)Independent Study in Performing Arts (HP)*Independent Study in Performing Arts (HP)Cinema Studies (EP)* Film Studies (EP)*Introduction to Storytelling (EP)* Introduction to Film (EP)*Advanced Storytelling (HP)* Advanced Storytelling (HP) Advanced Film (HP)Introduction to Film and Video Production (EP)*Introduction to Broadcast and Video Production (EP)*Advanced Broadcasting (HP) VISUAL ARTSDrawing 1, 2 (EP)*Painting 1, 2 (EP)*Fiber Art 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Painting 1, 2 (HP)Design Studio 1, 2 (EP)*Photography 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Photography 1, 2 (HP)Ceramics 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Ceramics 1, 2 (HP)Three-Dimensional Design 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Sculpture 1, 2 (HP)Jewelry Design 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Jewelry Design 1, 2 (HP)Independent Study in Visual Art (HP)*Independent Study in Visual Art (HP)Ethical Dilemmas & Decision Making 1, 2 (EP)*PHYSICAL EDUCATIONPhysical Conditioning for Life (CP)*Physical Conditioning for Sports (CP)*Dance Fitness (CP)*Sports Participation (CP)* SUPPLEMENTAL COURSESStudy Strategies (CP)*Tools 1 – Academic Success (CP)* Tools 2 – College Success (CP)*ESOL 1, 2 – English Speakers of Other Languages (CP)*Freshman Focus (CP)* Freshman Foundations (CP)*Supplemental Math (CP)*Debate (EP, HP)*Intermediate Debate (HP)*Advanced Debate (HP)Capstone Debate (HP)Public Policy Debate (CP, EP, HP)* Practical Leadership (EP, HP)* Service Learning (EP, HP)*Global Service Learning Trip* CLASSES OF 20212025 UPPER SCHOOL CURRICULUMAP HONORSIn 2023-2024, outstanding exam results in the AP program at Woodward Academy earned 161 students recognition by the College Board as follows: 63 AP Scholars; 34 AP Scholars with Honor; 64 AP Scholars with Distinction. In 2023-2024, 380 students sat for 902 Advanced Placement exams with 85% scoring 3 or higher. *Compiled from AP Organization Score Roster and AP Scholar Roster dated September 4, 2024.SEMESTER COURSES ARE MARKED WITH *.
Woodward is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Southern Association of Independent Schools. In addition, the school is a member of NAIS, GISA, NACAC, SACAC, CEEB, AAAIS, and ACCIS.ACCREDITATIONEnglish 4 UnitsMathematics 4 Units (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, electives)Science 4 Units (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Physical Science)Social Studies 3 Units (U.S. History, Modern World History, U.S. Government/Economics)World Languages 2 Units (same, consecutively)Physical Education 1/2 Unit (1 semester)& Health Capstone Course 1/2 Unit (1 semester)Fine Arts 1/2 Unit (1 semester)Elective Courses 3.5 UnitsGRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 22 UNITS5. GRADEADVANCED PLACEMENTHONORS COLLEGE PREPENRICHED COLLEGE PREPCOLLEGE PREPACBDFGRADE WEIGHTINGWoodward Academy uses the SCOIR college search, aptitude, and career platform.UPPER SCHOOL CURRICULUM• Woodward Academy maintains a college-preparatory curriculum taught in two semesters each school year. • Many courses utilize college-level textbooks.• Curriculum includes Advanced Placement (AP), Honors College Prep (HP), Enriched College Prep (EP), and College Prep (CP) tracks. • All students engage in Maymester experiential learning courses.• Highlights include Independent Scientific Research (ISR), an honors science course that enables students to perform independent scientific research with guidance from university faculty research advisers. • Students may graduate with one of three diploma distinctions (Global Studies, Service Learning, or Sustainability). • All seniors complete a Compassion Capstone project.ADVANCED PLACEMENT• Students in grades 10-12 can enroll in AP classes with the approval of teachers and department chairs. • All students taking AP classes sit for the AP exam at the end of second semester.• For juniors and seniors, AP enrollment is capped at no more than five AP courses per year. • Students with 8 to 10 AP classes at graduation typically make up less than 4% of the graduating class. CLASS RANKGRADE POINT AVERAGE• Woodward Academy does not rank students. • Grade point averages are computed using semester grades. • Two separate GPAs are computed for grades 9-12: a Cumulative Core GPA and a Comprehensive GPA. • The Cumulative Core GPA (lower left on the transcript) is weighted and includes grades from math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and AP classes.• The Cumulative Core GPA is entered on the School Report sent to colleges via Scoir. • The Comprehensive GPA (lower right on the tran-script) is also cumulative and weighted, and includes all graded classes. Please refer to the Class of 2025 GPA distribution by quintile.CURRICULUM AND COCURRICULARDISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF WOODWARD ACADEMY OPPORTUNITIESIndependent Scientific Research (ISR)Compassion CapstoneGlobal Studies Graduation DistinctionService Learning Graduation DistinctionSustainability Graduation DistinctionVisual and Performing ArtsComputing/RoboticsCareer Courses (Cybersecurity, Engineering, & more)MaymesterDebate + Model UNService LearningStudent Clubs (Affinity, Advocacy, Service, Student Well Being & More)AthleticsGlobal ConnectionsTheatreMusical EnsemblesStudent Publications + BroadcastingCURRICULARCUMULATIVE CORE WEIGHTED GRADE DISTRIBUTIONCLASS OF 2025 RANGE AS OF AUGUST 2024263 SENIORS IN THE CLASS OF 2025 AS OF AUGUST 2024COCURRICULARl ll lll lVV4.86–4.31 4.30–4.04 4.03–3.79 3.78–3.413.40–belowCOLLEGE ATTENDANCE BY REGIONCLASS OF 2024 GA29%NORTHEAST12%SOUTHEAST36%MIDWEST10%SOUTHWEST2%WEST8%
Woodward is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Southern Association of Independent Schools. In addition, the school is a member of NAIS, GISA, NACAC, SACAC, CEEB, AAAIS, and ACCIS.ACCREDITATIONEnglish 4 UnitsMathematics 4 Units (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, electives)Science 4 Units (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Physical Science)Social Studies 3 Units (U.S. History, Modern World History, U.S. Government/Economics)World Languages 2 Units (same, consecutively)Physical Education 1/2 Unit (1 semester)& Health Capstone Course 1/2 Unit (1 semester)Fine Arts 1/2 Unit (1 semester)Elective Courses 3.5 UnitsGRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 22 UNITS5. GRADEADVANCED PLACEMENTHONORS COLLEGE PREPENRICHED COLLEGE PREPCOLLEGE PREPACBDFGRADE WEIGHTINGWoodward Academy uses the SCOIR college search, aptitude, and career platform.UPPER SCHOOL CURRICULUM• Woodward Academy maintains a college-preparatory curriculum taught in two semesters each school year. • Many courses utilize college-level textbooks.• Curriculum includes Advanced Placement (AP), Honors College Prep (HP), Enriched College Prep (EP), and College Prep (CP) tracks. • All students engage in Maymester experiential learning courses.• Highlights include Independent Scientific Research (ISR), an honors science course that enables students to perform independent scientific research with guidance from university faculty research advisers. • Students may graduate with one of three diploma distinctions (Global Studies, Service Learning, or Sustainability). • All seniors complete a Compassion Capstone project.ADVANCED PLACEMENT• Students in grades 10-12 can enroll in AP classes with the approval of teachers and department chairs. • All students taking AP classes sit for the AP exam at the end of second semester.• For juniors and seniors, AP enrollment is capped at no more than five AP courses per year. • Students with 8 to 10 AP classes at graduation typically make up less than 4% of the graduating class. CLASS RANKGRADE POINT AVERAGE• Woodward Academy does not rank students. • Grade point averages are computed using semester grades. • Two separate GPAs are computed for grades 9-12: a Cumulative Core GPA and a Comprehensive GPA. • The Cumulative Core GPA (lower left on the transcript) is weighted and includes grades from math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and AP classes.• The Cumulative Core GPA is entered on the School Report sent to colleges via Scoir. • The Comprehensive GPA (lower right on the tran-script) is also cumulative and weighted, and includes all graded classes. Please refer to the Class of 2025 GPA distribution by quintile.CURRICULUM AND COCURRICULARDISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF WOODWARD ACADEMY OPPORTUNITIESIndependent Scientific Research (ISR)Compassion CapstoneGlobal Studies Graduation DistinctionService Learning Graduation DistinctionSustainability Graduation DistinctionVisual and Performing ArtsComputing/RoboticsCareer Courses (Cybersecurity, Engineering, & more)MaymesterDebate + Model UNService LearningStudent Clubs (Affinity, Advocacy, Service, Student Well Being & More)AthleticsGlobal ConnectionsTheatreMusical EnsemblesStudent Publications + BroadcastingCURRICULARCUMULATIVE CORE WEIGHTED GRADE DISTRIBUTIONCLASS OF 2025 RANGE AS OF AUGUST 2024263 SENIORS IN THE CLASS OF 2025 AS OF AUGUST 2024COCURRICULARl ll lll lVV4.86–4.31 4.30–4.04 4.03–3.79 3.78–3.413.40–belowCOLLEGE ATTENDANCE BY REGIONCLASS OF 2024 GA29%NORTHEAST12%SOUTHEAST36%MIDWEST10%SOUTHWEST2%WEST8%
MISSION STATEMENTWoodward Academy is Atlanta at its very best. We intentionally bring together students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, creating a richer learning community and exceptional academic opportunities. Our students and graduates are caring and compassionate global citizens who are a microcosm of what the world should be.COLLEGE COUNSELING MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of Woodward Academy College Counseling is to empower, advise, and support students through their transition from high school to higher education, professions, and meaningful lifelong learning.DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSIONAt Woodward, we have a unique position and opportunity in the independent school community regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. While we are the most diverse private school in Atlanta, we also realize we have more work to do in creating the kind of school environment we seek, where discrimination or hatred of any kind is not tolerated.2,726Total Student Body1,085Upper School Students$25 millionscholarships earned by Class of 202415%of Class of 2024 enrolled in an Historically Black College or University (HBCU)Students hail from 20+ Georgia counties and 100+ zip codesH BUCCEEB: 110797BRYAN RUTLEDGE, M.A.Director of College Counselingbryan.rutledge@woodward.eduMARY ANN PARKER, M.ED., J.D.Associate Director of College Counselingmaryann.parker@woodward.eduJODI HESTER, B.A.Associate Director of College Counseling jodi.hester@woodward.eduJESSE BOWEN, M.P.A.Associate Director of College Counselingjesse.bowen@woodward.eduANDREW MACK, B.S.Associate Director of College Counselingandrew.mack@woodward.eduMEG JORDAN, B.S.Administrative Coordinatormeg.jordan@woodward.eduADMINISTRATIONCOLLEGE COUNSELINGF. STUART GULLEY, PH.D.PresidentNIGEL A. TRAYLOR, ED.D.Vice President for Academic and Student LifeJONATHAN MERRILL, PH.D.Upper School PrincipalWoodward Academy is an independent (Pre-K-12) coedu-cational day school in College Park, GA, located eight miles from downtown Atlanta.2024-2025 ACADEMIC PROFILEENGLISHAP English Language & CompositionAP English Literature & CompositionEnglish 1 (CP, EP, HP)English 2 (CP, EP, HP)English 3 (CP, EP, HP)English 4 (CP, EP, HP)Contemporary Literature (EP)Creative Writing 1, 2 (EP, HP) 3, 4 (HP)Multicultural Literature (EP)*Writer’s Workshop (CP, EP)Basic Reading/Writing 1, 2, 3, 4 (CP, EP)* Journalism 1 (EP, HP)*Student Publications/Journalism (EP, HP)Student Publications/Yearbook (EP, HP)Identity and Diversity Studies in Litera-ture (CP, EP, HP)* SCIENCEAP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Environmental ScienceAP Physics 1AP Physics 2 AP Physics C Biology (CP, EP, HP)Chemistry (CP, EP, HP)Physics (CP, EP)Anatomy & Physiology (EP)Environmental Science (CP, EP)Astronomy (CP, EP*)Meteorology (EP)*Independent Science Research (HP)Criminal Investigation & Forensics (EP)* Introduction to Biotechnology (EP)* Criminal Investigation, Forensics, and Biotech (EP)Tropical Ecology Field Study (EP, HP)*Global Integrated Science: Iceland (EP, HP)* MATHEMATICSAP Calculus ABAP Calculus BC w/ Advanced Calculus TopicsAP Calculus BC w/Multivariable Topics AP StatisticsAlgebra 1 (CP, EP)Algebra 2 (CP, EP, HP)Analysis (HP)Geometry (CP, EP, HP)Geometry & Algebra with Transformations (GAT)(HP)Pre-Calculus (EP, HP)Pre-Calculus with Algebra (EP)Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry (EP)*Calculus (EP) *Statistics (CP, EP*)Discrete Math 1 (EP)*Discrete Math 2 (EP)*College Algebra (CP) WORLD LANGUAGESAP French Language & CultureAP GermanAP JapaneseAP Mandarin ChineseAP Spanish LanguageAP Spanish Literature & CultureFrench 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (CP, EP, HP)Capstone French 4 (HP)Capstone French 5 (HP)Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (CP, EP, HP)German 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (EP, HP)Japanese 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP, HP)Mandarin Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP, HP) SOCIAL STUDIESAP MacroeconomicsAP Microeconomics AP European HistoryAP U.S. Government & PoliticsAP U.S. HistoryU.S. History (CP, EP, HP)Landmark Supreme Court Cases in Civil Liberties (EP, HP)*Modern World History (CP, EP, HP)Comparative Religions (CP, EP, HP)* U.S. Government/Economics (CP, EP)U.S. Political Economy and its Critical Choices 1 (CP, EP, HP)* U.S. Political Economy and its Critical Choices 2 (EP, HP)* Current Issues: Social Media (CP, EP)* Topics in Multicultural, Ethnic, & Diversity Studies (CP, EP, HP)* Military History from the Ancient World to Modern America (CP, EP)The History of the Middle East (EP, HP)*The History of East Asia (EP, HP)*Art History I, II (CP, EP)* Dilemmas in Justice (CP, EP, HP)* Personal Finance (CP, EP)* American Military History (EP, HP)* Personhood (EP,HP)*African Studies (EP, HP)* COMPUTER SCIENCEAP Computer Science AAP Computer Science PrinciplesGame Design & Development (HP)* Robotics (HP)*Intro to Computer Science (EP, HP)* Intro to Digital Technology (EP, HP)*Embedded Computing (HP)*Engineering 101-102 (HP) Engineering 101 (HP)* Introduction to Engineering 101 (EP, HP)Engineering 102 (HP)*Engineering 201 (HP)Advanced Robotics (HP)FRC Robotics (HP) Cybersecurity (EP, HP)*Artificial Intelligence (EP, HP)*Python Programming at Georgia Tech (HP)*Independent Study Computer (HP)*Capstone Dilemmas in Science and Technology (CP, EP, HP)* PERFORMING ARTSAP Music TheoryChoraliers (EP, HP)Festival Singers (EP, HP)Capstone Choir (EP, HP)Concert Band (EP, HP)Symphonic Winds (HP)Capstone Band (HP)Chamber Orchestra (EP, HP)Philharmonia (HP)String Machine (HP)Capstone Orchestra (HP)Intro to Music Production 1 (EP)* Intro to Music Production 2 (HP)* Introduction to Music Production (EP)* Advanced Music Production (HP)*Beginning Guitar (EP)*Intermediate Guitar (EP)*Advanced Guitar (HP)*Dance 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP) Dance Fitness (EP)*Beginning Dance (EP)Intermediate Dance (EP)Advanced Dance (HP)Choreography and Composition Work-shop (EP) Capstone Dance (EP, HP)Beginning Acting (EP)*Advanced Acting (EP, HP)Technical Theatre Production (EP, HP)*Introduction to Stagecraft (EP)*Performance Ensemble (HP)Principles of Theatrical Design (EP)Topics in Theatre Production (HP)*Topics in Theatre Tech (HP)* Capstone Theatre: Performance Ensem-ble (HP)Capstone Technical Theatre: Principles of Theatrical Design (HP)Independent Study in Performing Arts (HP)*Independent Study in Performing Arts (HP)Cinema Studies (EP)* Film Studies (EP)*Introduction to Storytelling (EP)* Introduction to Film (EP)*Advanced Storytelling (HP)* Advanced Storytelling (HP) Advanced Film (HP)Introduction to Film and Video Production (EP)*Introduction to Broadcast and Video Production (EP)*Advanced Broadcasting (HP) VISUAL ARTSDrawing 1, 2 (EP)*Painting 1, 2 (EP)*Fiber Art 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Painting 1, 2 (HP)Design Studio 1, 2 (EP)*Photography 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Photography 1, 2 (HP)Ceramics 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Ceramics 1, 2 (HP)Three-Dimensional Design 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Sculpture 1, 2 (HP)Jewelry Design 1, 2 (EP)*Advanced Jewelry Design 1, 2 (HP)Independent Study in Visual Art (HP)*Independent Study in Visual Art (HP)Ethical Dilemmas & Decision Making 1, 2 (EP)*PHYSICAL EDUCATIONPhysical Conditioning for Life (CP)*Physical Conditioning for Sports (CP)*Dance Fitness (CP)*Sports Participation (CP)* SUPPLEMENTAL COURSESStudy Strategies (CP)*Tools 1 – Academic Success (CP)* Tools 2 – College Success (CP)*ESOL 1, 2 – English Speakers of Other Languages (CP)*Freshman Focus (CP)* Freshman Foundations (CP)*Supplemental Math (CP)*Debate (EP, HP)*Intermediate Debate (HP)*Advanced Debate (HP)Capstone Debate (HP)Public Policy Debate (CP, EP, HP)* Practical Leadership (EP, HP)* Service Learning (EP, HP)*Global Service Learning Trip* CLASSES OF 20212025 UPPER SCHOOL CURRICULUMAP HONORSIn 2023-2024, outstanding exam results in the AP program at Woodward Academy earned 161 students recognition by the College Board as follows: 63 AP Scholars; 34 AP Scholars with Honor; 64 AP Scholars with Distinction. In 2023-2024, 380 students sat for 902 Advanced Placement exams with 85% scoring 3 or higher. *Compiled from AP Organization Score Roster and AP Scholar Roster dated September 4, 2024.SEMESTER COURSES ARE MARKED WITH *.