Yelianie is 10 years old, she loves soccer, arts and crafts and is a great swimmer. This is our family! Nevaeh is 8 years old. She loves to style her dolls clothes and hair, draw and is enrolled in Hip Hop Dance.
Siena is 2 years old. She is very silly. Her favorite things to do is sing and dance and to take care of her babies.Liam is 1 years old. He day is filled with playing with his matchbox cars and loves to eat lots of healthy snacks.
We’ve recently moved to a new home and we’re taking our time to fix it up and create lots of wonderful things, like helping our apple trees grow more delicious apples. Our garden is filled with different plants that give us beautiful flowers, tasty fruits, and fresh vegetables.
We’re animal lovers! We have two friendly dogs - a hound named Ridge and a dachshund named Petey. We also have a sweet cat named Dayton and some fish. Outside, we’ve got 10 chickens that provide us with delicious eggs and enjoy munching on a variety of foods.
This is the town we call home - Ashburnham. We’re lucky to have lots of friendly and interesting friends and family nearby.We have a great time walking to the library, restaurants, and our favorite ice cream shop.