Dear Community,Inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities. A thriving community is being builtupon this foundation. Community Employment Services (CES).At ABLE, we believe in creating a world where everyone, regardless of theirabilities, has the chance to interact, work, and grow alongside their non-disabledcommunity members. Our mission is clear: promote community integration,provide paid work, and enable individuals with disabilities to succeed and thrive inthe workforce.How do we achieve this? A two-pronged approach begins with dedicated jobcoaches. These professionals work closely with CES trainees on the job, offeringguidance, support, and a helping hand whenever needed. The goal is simple –equip trainees with the skills and behaviors necessary to work independently.Nevertheless, CES does not stop there. As trainees gain mastery of their jobs, theyare given a choice, a moment of empowerment. They have the opportunity toseek competitive integrated employment if they so desire. It is about breakingdown barriers and creating a level playing field where individuals can choose thepath that suits them best.So, let us celebrate our diverse community, where every individual has the chanceto shine. CES is proud to be a part of this journey towards true inclusion. Join us inembracing diversity, and together, we will continue to build a stronger, moreintegrated community.Written by:Ramon CamarenaCES Program ManagerVO LU ME I , IS SU E 2W E L C O M E !UPDATESSPOTLIGHTRamon CamarenaEVENTSQUARTERLY NEWSLETTERPOLL
WELCOME U P D A T E SWe are thrilled to share some exciting news in this edition of our quarterly newsletter! AbleInc. is taking another stride towards inclusivity and accessibility as we embark on ajourney to create a brand-new ADA-compliant garden. This project is made possiblethanks to the generous support of the Visalia Rotary Foundation, which has awardedus a $20,000 grant.At Able Inc., we believe in providing opportunities for everyoneto thrive, regardless of their abilities. Our new ADA-compliantgarden will be a testament to this commitment. This innovativespace will cater to individuals with diverse needs, includingthose with mobility challenges, making it accessible andenjoyable for everyone.The creation of an ADA-compliant garden aligns perfectlywith our mission of empowering individuals withdevelopmental disabilities to achieve their fullestpotential. We recognize that access to nature, gardening,and outdoor activities can have a profoundly positiveimpact on physical and mental well-being.Enhancing Accessibility: Able Inc.’s New ADA-Compliant GardenA Garden for All AbilitiesThe Impact of AccessibilityThank you Visalia Rotary Foundation! SPOTLIGHT
Our ADA-compliant garden will be thoughtfully designed to ensure ease of use for allparticipants in our Life Skills program. Here is a sneak peek at what you can expect:STAY CONNECTED AND FOLLOWOUR SOCIAL MEDIAPOLLThe support of the Visalia Rotary Foundation underscores the importance of communitypartnerships in creating positive change. We are incredibly grateful for their contribution andbelief in our mission.As we embark on this exciting project, we invite our Able Inc. community to get involved.Whether through volunteering, gardening expertise, or simply sharing in the joy of seeing ourparticipants thrive, your support is invaluable.Stay tuned for updates on the development of our ADA-compliant garden. We look forward tosharing this journey with you as we continue to make strides towards a more inclusive andaccessible future for all. Thank you for being a part of the Able Inc. family, where together, wegrow and thrive.What to Expect from the GardenA Growing CommunitySmooth Pathways:Navigating the garden will be a breeze with theinstallation of smooth, wide pathways that complywith ADA standards. These pathways will provideample space for wheelchair users and those withlimited mobility to explore the garden independently.Raised Garden Beds:We will have raised garden beds that areeasily accessible for individuals usingwheelchairs or mobility aids. These bedswill allow participants to engage inplanting, nurturing, and harvesting avariety of plants and flowers.Educational Opportunities:The ADA-compliant garden will serve as an outdoorclassroom, offering valuable opportunities for learningand skill development. Participants will have thechance to gain hands-on experience in horticulture,environmental science, and more.EVENTS
Celebrating Two Years of Success with NathanBrown at Rosa Brothers DairyIn the world of dairy production, precision,speed, and efficiency are vitalcomponents of success. For the past twoyears, Nathan Brown has been at theforefront of these qualities as a valuedmember of the Rosa Brothers Dairy team.Nathan’s journey from day one to his recenttwo-year work anniversary has beenmarked by dedication, growth, and thepursuit of excellence. In this edition ofAble Inc’s quarterly newsletter, we shine aspotlight on Nathan Brown and hisremarkable achievements at Rosa BrothersDairy.Embracing Variety at RosaBrothersRosa Brothers Dairy, renowned for its premium dairy products, offers a diverse rangeof flavors and products. For Nathan, this is one of the most exciting aspects of hisjob. “Working at Rosa Brothers has allowed me to explore and savor all the differentflavors of dairy products they produce” Nathan enthusiastically shares.Able Inc. has beeninstrumental in helping mebecome faster and moreprecise in my workUPDATESWELCOMES P O T L I G H T
Nathan acknowledges that his growth and success at Rosa Brothers Dairy havebeen significantly enhanced by the “Able Inc. has been instrumental in helping me become faster and more precise in my work,”he notes. “Their training programs and tools have been invaluable in honing my skills,particularly in detecting dirty bottles, which is crucial in maintaining the high standards weuphold at Rosa Brothers.” Nathans journey exemplifies the collaborative relationshipbetween Rosa Brothers Dairy and Able Inc. This partnership not only benefits Nathan in hisprofessional growth but also contributes to Rosa Brothers commitment to deliveringexceptional dairy products to its customers.STAY CONNECTED AND FOLLOWOUR SOCIAL MEDIAAble Inc. Accelerating SuccessLooking Forward to the FutureIn conclusion, Nathan Brown’s journey at Rosa Brothers Dairy exemplifies the power ofdedication, learning, and collaboration. As he continues to grow and thrive, we can all lookforward to enjoying the fruits of his labor when we savor the exceptional dairy productsproduced by Rosa Brothers. Congratulations to Nathan on his two-year anniversary, andhere’s to many more years of success and innovation in the dairy industry.Over the past two years, Nathan has faced and conquered various challenges in his role atRosa Brothers Dairy. One of the key challenges he mentions is the need to improve hisspeed and ensure efficient job performance. “The pressure to improve my speed pushed meto learn and adapt quickly. It made me more confident in my abilities and helped mecontribute to Rosa Brothers success.”Challenges that StrengthenPOLLsupport and training provided by Able and training provided by Able Inc.EVENTS
E V E N T SSPOTLIGHT POLLGet ready for an incredible Fall season! We're thrilled to announce ourFall Fundraising Extravaganza – Harvest Fest 2023, and we want youto be part of the excitement!Sponsorships: Elevate your brand while supporting our cause.Choose from various sponsorship levels to showcase yourcommitment to the community and gain valuable exposure. Donations for Raffles and Silent Auctions: Your donations canmake a big impact. Contribute products, services, or giftcertificates to our raffles and silent auctions, helping us raise vitalfunds for our mission. Limited VIP Experience: Don't miss out on our exclusive VIPExperience! Grab your VIP tickets for access to premium perks,including complimentary beverages, VIP parking, special seating,and a free entry to the Pumpkin Carving Contest.Harvest Fest 2023 is set to be a memorable celebration withentertainment, food vendors, family-friendly activities, and more.Your participation as a sponsor or donor is essential in making it asuccess.Harvest Fest 2023 - A Fall Fundraising Extravaganza!
Dear Able Inc. Community,As we continue to grow our Community Employment ServicesProgram and expand our reach, we're eager to hear yourthoughts on how we can engage with our community and localbusinesses to foster meaningful partnerships. Your input will helpus make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. What partnership initiatives would you like Able Inc. toexplore to enhance our Community EmploymentServices Program? Click here to participate. WELCOME UPDATESPo ll: We w ant toPo ll: We want tohe ar from you!he ar from you!Poll Deadline: 10/15/23Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working together tostrengthen our community and employment opportunities. SPOTLIGHT
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