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Commercial LendingABeyCommercial lending aids customers with business needs, enabling them to achieve theirfinancial goals. Lending helps establish a relationship with Alliance Bank, in turn thisopens up more opportunities for growth. These relationships may grow to includedeposit operations, personal accounts, business accounts, even more loans in the future. nowledgempowersEYouPURCHASEPurchasing is the mostcommon type of commercialloan, this includes owneroccupied property orincome producing property. Examples are apartmentbuildings, retail fronts, officebuildings. REMINDERSCONSTRUCTIONAB ADVANTAGEAll loan officers have loan authority, and can approve loans up to acertain amount. Any loan that supersedes the loan authority must bepresented to the “Bank Loan Committee.” Once a customer applies for aloan, the financials are compiled and presented as soon as possible to our“Bank Loan Committee” for approvals. This allows a quick turnaround toour customers who can continue doing business without disruption.Refer them to a Loan Officer for questions or an application.Have the customer apply online at Alliancebank.comRate sheets can be found on AB Connect. (for internal use) If a customer is interested in applying for a loan: REAL ESTATE LOANSC O M M E R C I A L A N D I N D U S T R I A L L O A N SREFINANCE A typical refinanceallows for a change interms and/or savingson interest rate. Construction loansconsist of shorter termperiods to fund thebuilding of any realestate project. LINES OF CREDITA line of credit is arevolving loan productthat allows a customerto draw funds on whenneeded, and can payback at any time. EQUIPMENTINVENTORYEquipment financing is forthe purchase of a pieceof equipment essential tothe performance of abusiness. The equipmentitself is typicallyconsidered as collateralfor the loan. Inventory loans are a formof asset-based financing.The loans can assist abusiness with generatingshort-term cash flow orallow the business refresha product or stock.