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ABG Cristalino Tequila 2022

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Discover a tequila expressionlike no other. Kevin Hart, thehardest working man inentertainment andentrepreneur, has developed atequila that lives up to his craft,hard work, and passion. Gran Coramino ReposadoCristalino is a crystal-clearreposado aged for months inEastern European oak barrelsgiving it a touchh of oak andsweet milk butterscotch flavors. S C A N T O L E A R N M O R EF R O M K E V I N H A R T

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What is Cristalino Tequila? Cristalinos are aged Tequilas that gothrough a filtration process to remove colorand impurities to produce a clear product. The filtration process can be done in manyways but the most common involve activatedcarbon or charcoal. The result is a tequila that has the complexityand character of an aged expression with thecrisp, bright notes of a Blanco.Barrel Aging Filtration Cristalino

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C R I S T A L I N O S1800 Añejo CristalinoAged in both American and French oakbarrels for 16 months, after which the liquidis married together and finished in PortWine casks for an additional 6 months. CAZADORES Añejo Cristalino Quality tequila is matured in virgin Americanoak, where it rests for two to three years,slowly absorbing the extraordinary notes ofwood from the barrels. BUTTERFLY CANNONBlanco CristalinoThe agave distillate is aged in ex-bourbon barrels for 30 days before beingcharcoal filtered to produce a perfectlyclear tequila. DON JULIO 70th Anniversary Añejo CristalinoA culmination of 70 years of knowledge,creating the smoothness of a Blancotequila and the complexity of an Añejo. Aged 18 months in white-oak barrels.

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C R I S T A L I N O SHORNITOS Añejo CristalinoTriple-distilled Añejo tequila for extra-smoothness, then carbon filter it, stir it andpatiently remove the color while nurturingthe essential distinctive Añejo notes. EL MAYOR Añejo Cristalino Aged for a minimum of 12 months andfiltered using ultra-fine charcoal.The result is a tequila with the complexityof an añejo and the crisp, bright notesand color of a blanco. HERRADURA ULTRAAñejo CristalinoBeyond smooth. The crisp taste ofHerradura Ultra starts with the perfectblend of premium Añejo and Extra Añejobarrels. Gran Coramino Reposado Cristalino Gran Coramino is a crystal-clear reposadoaged for months in Eastern European oakbarrels giving it a touchh of oak and sweetmilk butterscotch flavor.

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C R I S T A L I N O SKOMOS Añejo CristalinoAged for a minimum of 12 months in Frenchoak white wine barrels, aerated in Greekamphora to create a round, perfectlysmooth, delicious Añejo Cristalino. JOSE CUERVO TRADICIONALReposado Cristalino This cristalino is a crystal clear expressionof Jose Cuervo Reposado with just the rightamount of Reserva de la Familia ExtraAnejo added for complexity.LUNAZULAñejo Cristalino Estate grown small batch tequila, distilledand bottled in the heart of Tequila. Agedin American white oak barrels for 18months. Filtered eight times to achieve acrystal clear color.

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C R I S T A L I N O SPARTIDA Reposado Cristalino Aged in American Oak Bourbon Barrels for6 months and finished for 2 months inSherry European oak casks of the FinestSingle Malt Scotch Whisky. QUIExtra AñejoAfter aging for more than three and a halfyears in American Whiskey and FrenchBordeaux barrels, QUI undergoes aproprietary filtration and distillation for thesmoothest finish in the world.PARTIDA Añejo CristalinoPerfectly matured in ex-bourbon barrels for18 months, the liquid undergoes a naturalcharcoal filtration to remove all color and atrue Cristalino is born.

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C R I S T A L I N O SSANTA FAMILIA Anejo Cristalino The finest ripened agaves aremeticulously aged for a year in custom oakbarrels to deliver a rich, smooth tequilawith hints of vanilla and oak. SEVERO Añejo Cristalino Small-batch and hand-crafted tequila.Aged 18 months in White American Oak &Charcoal Filtered. Carefully guarded familyrecipe dating back nearly 100 years. TOSCO Añejo CristalinoTosco is made from 100% agave. It isaged in American oak barrels for over ayear, but the color is removed viaactivated carbon filtration. TRES- GENERACIONS Añejo cristalinoTriple-distilled, rested in American whiteoak barrels for at least 12 months toenhance its character. Finally, this agedliquid is rock filtered.

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C R I S T A L I N O SVOLCAN DE MI TIERRA Añejo CristalinoVolcán is named after a real volcano thatsits in the lowlands of Jalisco. This is ablend of añejo and extra-añejo tequilaaged in cognac and whisky casks. Contact your sales consultant for moreinformation regarding Cristalinos at AlliedBeverage Group.