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AA Safety Engagement & Influence

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Safety Engagement andInfluenceAn interactivelearning guide

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Click on the page number to go to listedcontent. The symbol will bring youback to the homepageDeveloping Safety Academy overview Safety Engagement and InfluenceStart building your learning journeyWhere am I now?FoundationalCompetent04050607080911131416OverviewAchieving 'Developing' level proficiencyLearning resourcesExpert23 2426ContentsAdvanced18 1921OverviewAchieving 'Advanced' level proficiencyLearning resourcesOverviewAchieving 'Competent' level proficiencyLearning resourcesOverviewAchieving 'Expert' level proficiencyLearning resources | 02

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FoundationallearningUsing this Learning Guide In this guide you will see a range of symbols which are links to arange of resources such as:VideosVideos PodcastsRecommendedbooks Articles Ted Talks

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At Anglo American, we believe that our people are our mostprecious resource. Their safety remains our top priority. Wewant to know that ALL our colleagues, everywhere, at alltimes, are safe. Always safe.Taking care of our people lies at the core of everything thatwe do. But we don’t just say it; we act on it, and we invest in it.Our aim is to shape a new reality where it’s impossible foranyone to get hurt while working with us. We want tocontinually raise the bar in our industry, making the companynot only a leader in mining but an industrial leader. One of thesafest in the world.We never stop searching and thinking of innovative ways tokeep our people safe and enable extraordinary safetyperformance by everyone, everywhere, every day.Driven by this purpose, we have created the Safety Academy.It is an industry first: a ground-breaking, multi-channelresource to help us develop safety professionals today and inthe future. People who can drive safety operationalexcellence through insight, influence and impactacross ourglobal operations. Safety Academy overviewUse our confidential self-insighttool on Learn+ to gauge howconfident you are in yourabilities to inspire insight,increase influence and improveimpact, and see where to focusyour development efforts.Three principles for safety professionals of the future to live byInspire insightIncrease influenceImprove impactAlways, awaysask, ‘Why?’Bravelychallenge thestatus quoExploreinformationfroma range ofsourcesOffer credible insight and demonstrateknowledge on how touse it•Build trust throughconsistentperformance andstrong workingrelationshipsIdentify and deliverthe right outcomesthrough others•Help others to build their knowledgeand skills where neededANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 04

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One of the ways we are developing safety professionals of thefuture is by defining the set of Technical Skills that will enableyou to achieve extraordinary safety performance, and toinspire others to do so too. A technical skill Is a proficiency in the practical application ofknowledge; the ability to carry out specific activities usingappropriate tools and processes to achieve businessoutcomes. It encompasses discipline-specific and commercialskills. The Safety Academy team, in collaboration with our TechnicalAcademy and Global Learning partners, has identified 14technical skills that are vital to your success as a safetyprofessional of the future. These skills are divided into twogroups: Safety-Specific Technical Skills and Anglo AmericanCore Technical Skills. This learning guide can support your development in SafetyEngagement and Influence as one of Anglo American’s SafetySpecific Technical Skills.14 Safety Technical skillsengage with, andinfluence linemanagement, toensure safetyaccountability lieswithin the LineManagers remit. manage on the groundconflict in a timely andprofessional manner. The ability to:Safety Engagement and InfluenceWatch the skillintro videoANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 05

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Self-assessMake a realistic planCreate opportunitiesUse the proficiency levels outlined in this guide toassess your capability, identify gaps in yourknowledge and behaviours and use therecommendations as the basis for creating yourbespoke learning plan tailored to yourdevelopment needsYour learning journey should be planned with a range of activities and reflective exercises. This well help toensure that learning is turned into action with the desired outcomes. For each proficiency level there is aminimum mandate to help kick start your plan with activity structured around Safety Academy Insight(Know) Influence (Do) Impact (Review) model. For each proficiency level you should also complete thefoundation level Know Do Review for previous competency levels.As well as accessing resources, be creativeabout how you develop skills and behaviours.Try things out and reflect on whether it worked ornot; discuss topics with others or ask forfeedback when you are implementing aparticular learning; observe how others useparticular skills and behaviours.When it comes to making a plan less is more. Ahighly ambitious plan will be almost impossibleto deliver given time constraints! Think abouthow you learn best, what fits into your time andwhat is your learning style. All resources in thisguide have a time reference so you know thatyou can fit in short bursts of learning even whileyou are waiting for transport or a meeting tostart!Start building your personal learning journey123ANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 06

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Where am I now?Actively seek learning opportunities to enhance your skills.This could involve taking courses, attending workshops orseminars, reading books or articles, practicing withexercises or projects, or seeking mentorship or coaching.Continual learning and practice are essential for skilldevelopment.Do you have examples ofhow you havedemonstrated these skillsand behaviours ?Which of the skills haveyou yet to develop?Stretch assignments to advance yourcareerWhen preparing your learning journey assess where you are against each of the corresponding skills to identifywhere you should focus your development.What resources will youuse to develop your skillsand knowledge?Reflect on your experiences and evaluate yourperformance in relation to the skill you're assessing.Consider specific projects, tasks, or situations whereyou've applied the skill and assess your effectiveness. Behonest and objective in your evaluation.Compare your self-assessment and any feedback youhave had in the past against the proficiency levelsoutlined in this guide. Identify the level that aligns mostclosely with your current skill level. Consider both yourstrengths and areas for improvement.5 MINUTE READ123ANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 07

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Developing level skillsArticulate Anglo American safety vision and goalsDemonstrate drive and commitmentDemonstrate flexibility in own role and openness to theopinions of othersCommunicate with confidenceUse data and logic to persuadeUnderstand the importance of managing conflictUnderstand how to escalate and be supported whenconflict arises

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Achieving 'Developing' level proficiency10 MINUTE READConflict Resolutionand Mediation 10 MINUTE READPersuasion andInfluencing Skills What are the main causesof conflict in your role?Why do each of thesecause conflict? What doeach of the parties want inthese situations? Whatstrategies can you try outin future?Make a list of the keypeople you need toinfluence in your role.Which do you find theeasiest and why?Which people do youstruggle with? Whatdifferent strategies couldyou try out?What strategies did youtry out? Did you focus onthe specific outcomesyou were looking for?What will you dodifferently next time?Observe how otherpeople around you usepersuasion to get theoutcomes they want.What strategies did youtry out? Were you awareof what each party in theconflict wanted? Wereyou able to find a middleground and achieve anoutcome that worked forall parties? What wouldyou do differently nexttime?InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 09Start your plan by doing the generic activities and using the general resources below. Then build upon it using theresources on the following pages and planning other opportunities to implement actions and reflect on outcomes.GENERIC ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES

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Achieving 'Developing' level proficiencyAdditional activities and safety specific- resources within Anglo American are detailed below to help you linkyour learning with your day-to-day safety activities.InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 10ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES SPECIFIC TO ANGLO AMERICAN

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5 MINUTE READHAVE A GOConflict can be defined as behaviour that is intended to obstruct the achievement of anotherperson’s goals. Conflict is an inevitable part of the change process, so while you cannot avoidit, you can learn how to manage it effectively – even transforming it into a positive force forchange. Conflict at work can often take three main forms: 1. Task conflict – includes differences of opinion, viewpoints and ideas. Some task conflict canactually be beneficial to the change process as it enables people to discuss a more diverserange of views and ideas before making decisions. 2. Process conflict – involves disagreement over the logistics of achieving an outcome orchange. For example, who takes on which responsibilities or who delegates to whom. 3. Relationship conflict – often the most destructive form of conflict and takes the form ofperceived interpersonal incompatibility between people. This may be on the basis of personalvalues, morals or personality characteristics. Management consultant Todd Herman defined personal accountability as "... being willing toanswer… for the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors, and actions."When you're personally accountable, you take ownership of situations that you're involved in. Yousee them through, and you take responsibility for what happens – good or bad. You don't blameothers if things go wrong. Instead, you do your best to make things right.In the workplace, accountability can go beyond your own tasks. For example, you may be heldaccountable for the actions of your team.To be a flexible thinker, you need to be able to think with an open mind. A flexible thinkerwould be able to think about one thing in multiple different ways. An inflexible thinker wouldbe thinking about things in one way and not having an open mind to other thoughts oropinions.Someone who isn’t a flexible thinker may be stuck in a situation or may not be able to figureout a problem, but they don’t change their thoughts on the matter. Someone who is aflexible thinker would be able to assess the situation and think about it in another way to beable to solve the issue.PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITYFLEXIBLE AND OPEN TO OPINIONSDEALING WITH CONFLICTHOW STRONG AREYOUR INFLUENCINGSKILLS?5 MINUTE READSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 11

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17 MINUTE WATCH5 MINUTE WATCHCommunicating with confidence can help you convey your ideas effectively andmake a positive impression on others. Remember that building confidence incommunication is a gradual process. It takes practice, patience, and self-awareness. By preparing, practicing, maintaining strong body language, andfostering a positive mindset, you can enhance your confidence and become amore effective communicator.Storytelling with data is a powerful technique that combines the analyticalnature of data with the persuasive and engaging qualities of storytelling. Itinvolves using data and visualisations to convey a compelling narrative andcommunicate insights effectively. Storytelling with data is about making thedata meaningful, relatable, and memorable. By combining data-driven insightswith storytelling techniques, you can effectively communicate complexinformation, influence decisions, and inspire action.COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCEUSING DATA AND LOGIC TO TELLSTORIESSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 12

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Competent level skillsHelp line management align with Anglo American’s safetyvision and goalsProvide autonomy and empower line managers andother safety professionals to make decisions on how theirwork is doneCreate a motivating environment through demonstratingsafety leadership practices and appropriately applyingSTOP work authorityIdentify and plan tasks to be achieved, allocatingappropriate resources and clarifying the roles of thoseinvolved Understand how words and actions influence others andtailor style accordingly Demonstrate a track record of success at identifyingsafety risk opportunities and influencing change Use storytelling to transform data, logic, and expertise intostrong arguments to persuade others Role model and deliver work that makes a meaningfuland lasting impact on the team, line manager, andbusiness unit Demonstrate Visible Felt Leadership (VFL) and buildconsensus and constructive problem solving in teams Address conflict as it happens Prevent conflict or resolve conflict in a proactive manner

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Achieving 'Competent' level proficiency10 MINUTE READLeadership, trustand influence 10 MINUTE READStakeholdermanagementPay attention to how freelyteam members communicatewith you. If they feelcomfortable sharing theirideas, or opinions it indicatesa level of trust in yourleadership. Conversely, ifthere is hesitancy, lack oftransparency, or a reluctanceto share, it might be anindication that trust needs tobe strengthened.Once you have identifiedthe stakeholders, assesstheir level of interest andinfluence in the project ordecision. Interest refers tohow much they careabout or are affected bythe outcome, whileinfluence refers to theirability to impact theproject or decision. For each stakeholderconsider why they arewhere they are now andwhat you need fromeach in order to achieveyour outcome. Developand implement astrategy for each andreview regularly toensure you are movingthem towards thedesired outcome.Understand your impact byactively seeking feedbackfrom team members andcolleagues regarding yourleadership style, approachand effectiveness. This canprovide valuable insights intolevel of trust they have in yourleadership. Encourage openand honest conversations,and be receptive to feedbackwithout being defensiveInsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 14Start your plan by doing the generic activities and using the general resources below. Then build upon it using theresources on the following pages and planning other opportunities to implement actions and reflect on outcomes.GENERIC ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES

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InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 15Additional activities and safety specific resources within Anglo American are detailed below to help you link yourlearning with your day-to-day safety activities.Achieving 'Competent'' level proficiencyACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES SPECIFIC TO ANGLO AMERICAN

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10 MINUTE READ5 MINUTE READWhen you hold your people accountable, it benefits them, your team, and yourorganisation as a whole.If you can encourage them to take responsibility and hit their targets, they will likely feelmore engaged with their work, which can lead to higher morale and job satisfaction, andbetter performance. However, if you confuse "accountability" with "control," it can lead tothem feeling micromanaged.Holding people to account doesn't mean that you hover over them while they are trying towork. If you become a "control freak," you can make them feel claustrophobic, resentfuland unproductive. They can begin to doubt their own abilities, and their performance cansuffer as a result.Be consistent when you set performance standards and when you measure them. Someteam members may feel that they are being singled out for unfair treatment if you handlethem differently from their colleagues.The trusted advisor relationship is a more personal relationship than just being anexpert, in which you are a confidential sounding board for the ethical conundrums andmoral dilemmas faced by organisational leaders and decision-makers. When you canbe trusted to give steadfastly moral and ethical advice (because if you don't, youshould not be trusted).Being a trusted advisor goes well beyond being an expert. And while you may havesome business relationships like these, the trusted advisorship is only relevant withinthe relationship. You can sell expertise. You can't sell trust. You can only earn it. Andonce earned, you can lose it. Click the image to find out more.HOLDING OTHERS ACCOUNTABLEBEING A TRUSTED ADVISORStakeholder management is the process by which you organise, monitor and improveyour relationships with your stakeholders.It involves systematically identifying stakeholders; analysing their needs andexpectations; and planning and implementing various tasks to engage with them. Agood stakeholder management process will be the means through which you are ableto coordinate your interactions and asses the status and quality of your relationshipwith various stakeholders.STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT30 MINUTE READSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 16

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15 MINUTE READ5 MINUTE READREAD"Visible felt leadership" is a leadership approach that emphasizes the leader'spresence and the impact they have on their team or organization. It refers to aleadership style where leaders actively engage with their followers, making theirpresence known and felt in a tangible way.In visible felt leadership, leaders are visible in both physical and symbolic ways.They are present and accessible to their team members, regularly interactingand communicating with them. This visibility helps establish a sense ofconnection, trust, and support.Conflict management refers to the process of identifying, addressing, and resolvingconflicts or disagreements that arise within individuals, teams, or organizations. Itinvolves employing strategies and techniques to navigate conflicts in a constructivemanner to achieve positive outcomes and maintain relationships.Conflict can arise from differences in opinions, goals, values, or interpersonaldynamics. Effective conflict management aims to address these conflicts in a way thatpromotes understanding, collaboration, and a healthy work environment.VISIBLE FELT LEADERSHIPUNDERSTANDING CONFLICT MANAGEMENTSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 17

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Advanced level skillsProvide positive impact and intent to ensure line managersand safety professionals achieve continuous safetysuccess in the BUsEstablish a collaborative and respectful team environmentLeverage networks to test and land ideas to improve thesafety strategyUse standout and impactful ideas to gain commitmentfrom line managers and stakeholdersLead team thorough uncertainty and change Articulate strategies for analysing and understandingproblems (e.g. affinity diagrams, flow charts, cause andeffect, system diagrams) Make decisions (operating / business unit / group) and beaccountable for those decisions Create a working environment where conflict leads topositive changeManage conflict and create win-win situations for thoseinvolved

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Achieving 'Advanced' level proficiency10 MINUTE READLeadership anddecision-makingStart your plan by doing the generic activities and using the general resources below. Then build upon it using theresources on the following pages and planning other opportunities to implement actions and reflect on outcomes.10 MINUTE READLeading changeConsider a key decisionyou have to make rightnow:Why is there a need andwhat is the requiredoutcome?What information sourcesare there and who shouldyou involve?Identify a range of viableoptions then choose oneaccording to requiredoutcomeConsider the key changesyou need to influence anddrive in your role right now.Draw a timeline of whereyou are now and what theend state looks like. Nowidentify clear steps on thetimeline and who you toneed to engage along theway and how you will doso.Before you start out withyour plan are youabsolutely clear onoutcomes required?How will you keeppeople focused onthese outcomes to keepmoving towards thedesired change?As part of yourimplementation plan,develop clear metrics ofsuccess that you canmeasure throughout theimplementation process.Check in regularly to ensurethe implementation ismeeting or exceeding itssuccess metrics. If it’s not,revise the implementationas needed. InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 19GENERIC ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES

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InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 20Achieving 'Advanced' level proficiencyAdditional activities and safety specific resources within Anglo American are detailed below to help you link yourlearning with your day-to-day safety activities.ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES SPECIFIC TO ANGLO AMERICAN

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10 MINUTE READ10 MINUTE READ10 MINUTE READResearch by Harvard Business Review into team behavior at 15 multinational companies,reveals an interesting paradox: Although teams that are large, virtual, diverse, and composed ofhighly educated specialists are increasingly crucial with challenging projects, those same fourcharacteristics make it hard for teams to get anything done. To put it another way, the qualitiesrequired for success are the same qualities that undermine success. Members of complex teams are less likely—absent other influences—to share knowledge freely,to learn from one another, to shift workloads flexibly to break up unexpected bottlenecks, to helpone another complete jobs and meet deadlines, and to share resources—in other words, tocollaborate. They are less likely to say that they “sink or swim” together, want one another tosucceed, or view their goals as compatible.A network is an informal group of people with a focus on building relationships, bothinside and outside the members’ organizations. It’s a powerful and underutilizedprofessional development tool. Research shows building relationships through a vastand diverse network will positively impact your advancement. The people with themost successful careers have the largest and most influential networks. Networking, onthe other hand, is building relationships with both the people you know and the peoplethey know, and it leads to mentoring, professional development, promotions, andbusiness opportunities. COLLABORATIVE TEAMSLEAVERAGE NETWORKSBefore you can even begin to build this critical leadership competency, you have tounderstand the difference between “persuasion” and “manipulation.” While manipulation istaking advantage of someone for your own benefit by convincing them to makecommitments that they don’t want to make or that will negatively impact them, persuasionis convincing others to change the way they think, believe, or behave. It’s influencingsomeone to make commitments that they wouldn’t otherwise make that will be beneficialfor them in the long term, even though they may not recognize yet that it’s in their bestinterest. Again, it is motivation that is key—whether you are persuading someone for theirown good, or for your own personal gain.PERSUASION AND COMMITMENTSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 21

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17 MINUTE WATCH5 MINUTE READREADOrganizational change is assessing the past, comparing it to the present and determiningthe ideal future state from the current business state. Success measurement of change ishow much better the future state is from the current stateTransformation is redefining what something is (the current state). It begins by firstassessing the present to the desired future. Success measurement of businesstransformation is how much different the future state is from the current state based on theinitial vision and organizational strategy definition.For every organization, decision making is a core undertaking that is becomingmore complex. Decision making involves much broader considerations — theirpotential impacts extend across enterprises — and the lines between strategic,tactical and operational decisions are blurring. Effective decision making requires business leaders to reframe what is essential,who or what is involved — and rethink how to leverage data and analytics toimprove decision making. The result will be a new core competency, driving betterbusiness outcomes. Critically, this isn’t about reengineering every decision; it’s about applying thisreengineered thought process to the most important and impactful decisions —those that can’t be made effectively with traditional approaches.Click the image to read more LEADING CHANGEMAKING BUSINESS DECISIONSSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 22

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Expert level skillsDemonstrate engagement strategies to ensure safetyaccountability firmly sits in the remit of line managementBe perceived as the trusted safety advisor to whom linemanagers defer for expertise and knowledgeIdentify and engage with broad stakeholders (includingmanagers, technical staff, employees, consultants,regulators, and residents) and create positive relationshipsMasterfully make reasoned, well-thought-out argumentsthat see things from the business unit’s /line manager’sperspective to ensure an understanding and focus on awin-win outcomeUse indirect methods to influence (e.g.experts, informalpower structures, bi-laterals)Understand conflict management strategies and applythat understanding to ensure conflicting partiescollaborate (create win-win outcome) or compromise (beflexible and give up something)

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Achieving 'Expert' level proficiency10 MINUTE READLeveragingnetworks 10 MINUTE READAligning to visionand goalsConsider the network ofstakeholders required toengage with you and alignto your goals in order toachieve for you to besuccessful. Are you beingsuccessful in all areas?Who can you use in thenetwork who is anadvocate to influenceothers?Consider who you need toensure is clear on andaligned to your goals. One ofthe key factors in aligningothers to goals is ensuringthat everyone understandswhat the goals are. Clearlycommunicate expectationsand desired outcomes aswell as provide them with aclear understanding of whythey're important.Regularly check thatyour stakeholders andteams are able toarticulate the goals, aswell as identify andexplain decisions andactions in relation tothese goals.Identify metrics toregularly measure theprogress you aremaking in influencingthe network. Revisestrategies to influencethrough others arerelationships aredynamic and thereforeinfluence shiftsconstantly withinnetworks.InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 24Start your plan by doing the generic activities and using the general resources below. Then build upon it using theresources on the following pages and planning other opportunities to implement actions and reflect on outcomes.GENERIC ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES

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InsightBuild your foundation knowledgewith these resourcesInfluenceApply learning and knowledge tolearn by doingImpactReview the impact of your actions by reflecting on outcomesANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 25Achieving 'Expert' level proficiencyAdditional activities and safety specific resources within Anglo American are detailed below to help you link yourlearning with your day-to-day safety activities.ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES SPECIFIC TO ANGLO AMERICAN

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5 MINUTE READ12 MINUTE WATCHOrganizations that clearly define their purpose or mission, and activate values to support them,are well positioned for long-term success in a rapidly changing business climate. These purpose-and mission-driven organizations are clear about why they exist and how they plan to achievetheir objectives. They’re well-equipped to navigate change, disruption and rising expectationsfrom employees, customers, partners and their communities. Navigating these market pressureshas never been more important as businesses face a competitive landscape and rate of changeunlike anything experienced before. As safety leaders you must think about how your actions willhelp others to align to and commit to Anglo-American safety vision and goalsClick the image to find out moreDelegate effectively: Delegate tasks and responsibilities to individuals based on theirskills, strengths, and interests. Provide clear instructions and expectations, but also grantthem the freedom to determine how to accomplish the tasks. Trust their abilities and avoidmicromanaging.Encourage autonomy: Give individuals the freedom to make decisions and takeownership of their work. Allow them to explore different approaches, make mistakes, andlearn from them. Offer guidance and support when needed, but avoid unnecessaryintervention or control.Provide resources and support: Ensure that individuals have the necessary resources,tools, and training to succeed. Remove any obstacles that may hinder their progress.Offer guidance, mentorship, and coaching to help them develop their skills andknowledge.Empowering others is an essential aspect of leadership. It involves providing individuals withthe autonomy, resources, support, and confidence they need to take initiative, makedecisions, and contribute to their fullest potential. Here are some strategies:1.2.3.ALIGNING TO VISION AND GOALSEMPOWERING OTHERSOrganizational change is assessing the past, comparing it to the present and determining theideal future state from the current business state. Success measurement of change is howmuch better the future state is from the current stateTransformation is redefining what something is (the current state). It begins by first assessingthe present to the desired future. Success measurement of business transformation is howmuch different the future state is from the current state based on the initial vision andorganizational strategy definition.Click the image to read more.CHANGE & TRANSFORMATIONSafety Engagement and Influence5 MINUTE READANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 26

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10 MINUTE READ11 MINUTE WATCHRegular and open communicationEncourage and recognise contributionsLead by exampleFoster a collaborative environmentLeadership engagement strategies refer to the approaches and actions taken by leaders toeffectively engage and connect with their team members. These strategies are crucial forfostering a positive work environment, motivating employees, and driving organisational success.Here are some effective leadership engagement strategies: - using formal authority or other power that you possess to satisfy your concernswithout regard to the concerns of the party that you are in conflict with.Accommodating - allowing the other party to satisfy their concerns while neglecting yourown.Avoiding - not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it.Compromising - attempting to resolve a conflict by identifying a solution that is partiallysatisfactory to both parties, but completely satisfactory to neither.Collaborating - cooperating with the other party to understand their concerns andexpressing your own concerns in an effort to find a mutually and completely satisfactorysolution (win-win).It's important to remember that there are many strategies we can use in conflict situations, buteach of us tends to habitually use some strategies more often than others. To most effectivelyresolve a conflict, we should use the strategy that is most appropriate for that particularconflict situation. However, that strategy might not be the strategy that we habitually use. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIESLEADERSHIP ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIESSafety Engagement and InfluenceANGLO AMERICAN SAFETY ACADEMY 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 27