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AAHH Newsletter 3

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AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 3 2024 African American Heritage House, Inc.The AAHH Board has diligently beenworking to enhance our digitalpresence, and we are excited toannounce the launch of our newwebsite at Thisproject was partially funded by a grantfrom the County of Santa Clara’sHistoric Grant Program. Our website,built on the SquareSpace platform, willfeature current and upcoming events,as well as the stories of AfricanAmericans who have made significantcontributions to Silicon Valley.San Jose State University studentsMalav D, Adrian L, Ravi P, Kevin S, AlexTran, and Joshua Z collaborated withBoard member Kathy Cotton to lay thegroundwork for the design andcontent. Before going public, ErnestPriestly, a seasoned webmaster,ensured a smooth transition from ourold site to the new one. Ernest willcontinue to work alongside Boardmember Kathy Cotton to keep thewebsite current.Our website is accessible from alldevices, including computers,tablets, and cell phones. We inviteyou to visit and explore Priestly, Webmaster

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Sweet Tea      Date to be determined.        1st AME Zion Church         95 South 20th Street, San Jose, CA 95116Look for the Sweet Tea fundraiser to be revised in 2025:AAHH will be launching a campaign tosupport AAHH going forward. We willbe seeking donations of  money orgifts that can be sold at the Sweet TeaFundraiser planned for early 2025.  Allproceeds will go toward the rebuilding,refurbishing and redesigning exhibitsin the Heritage House. AAHH is a 501c3AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 3 2024African American Heritage House Fundraiser.

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AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 2 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library established in 2003 is Celebrating over 21years of partnership with San Jose State Univerity and the City of San Jose’spublic library system.Forever Cruising: Culturade LowridersJuly 15- September 14,2024. AAACNA StudiesCenter, 5th FloorStory Road NightMarket Sept 6 - 7, Oct 11 - 12Fri & Sat 4PM - 10 PMGrand Century Mall1111 Story Rd. San Jose,CA 95122Participation from local vendors A diverse Selection of food from numerous vendorsNon-profit and sponsor booths.

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AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 3 2024 African American Heritage House, Inc.Experience the diverse cultures from our very own neighborhoods:food, arts, crafts, healing practices, vendors, music, dance and more!Mosaic FestivalSilicon Valley 2024Sunday Oct 6, 2024 11 am - 9 pmHistory Park, 635 Phelan Ave, SanJose. Low Times Vol. IISept. 21, 2024 2 pm - 7 pmHistory Park, San Jose, CaThe Automotive community is in full force as the artistic and mechanicaltalents combine at the show of automobiles redesigned and crafted bylocal auto enthusiasts.

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AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 3 2024African American Heritage House, Inc. Board Members.Advisors to the BoardPresident Susan RigmaidenVice President Jan AdkinsSecretary Kathy CottonTreasurer Ocie TinsleyParliamentarian Robert Walker Queen Ann CannonHelen EllisonMattie TinsleyKeenan NoosLaTanyia Fernandez

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Volunteers are the back bone ofthis organization, and there is aneed for your help going forward. Docent training is provided byHistory Park. In addition, membersare also needed to serve on theboard as contributor, or an advisor. Fill out the form below, and send itby email(, or bymail to the address below:AAHH San Jose, c/o History Park San Jose1650 Senter Road, San Jose CA 95112 AAHH-Newsletter Vol. 3 2024

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