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AAF 2024 Programme

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Free Admission!FreeWorkshops!FreePerformances!Free Activities!Saturday15th June 10am-7pmMusic-Dance-ArtAbergavennyCastle&MethodistChurch HallCastle RoadAbergavennyArts Festival 2024

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Let there be Art!Let there be Art!AbergavennyCastle MapAbergavennyCastle MapMETHODISTCHURCH HALLFree Admission!FreeWorkshops!FreePerformances!Free Activities!

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Youth Open Mike 10.00 - 11.00 For anyone aged 8 - 18 years old, to perform their singing and/or dancing, playguitar or do a juggling act - anything that you would like to perform in 5 to 10minute slots! Turn up and have a go - get creative on stage!Post Modern Showbox 11.45 - 12.05 Post Modern Showbox features Susie Webb on vocals, Craig Webb on guitar and Ceri Williams on trumpet. The group also go out with additional bass and drums. Think vintage pop with a touch of Swing! .Tom Cooper 12.15-13.0017 year old singer songwriter from Crickhowell. Tom blends pop and rock to create a unique and dynamic sound proven to be extremely popular among his listeners. Tom will be performing his own songs alongside his band mates Ollie Jones on bass & Joe Callender on rhythm guitar.Black Mountain Recorders 13.15-13.45 Mansel Davies 14.00-14.45A singer songwriter based in Monmouth will be performing some of his own songs, including from his new album Another Curtain Call.Let there be Music!Let there be Music!Abergavenny Castle What’s On . . . Abergavenny Castle What’s On . . . Music Arena Stage Perfo rmances

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Taiko Mynydd Du 15.00-15.30 Taiko Mynydd Du are a community Taiko drumming group based between Abergavenny and Brecon. The big Taiko drums are originally from Japan. Their performances features a mix of rhythms and movement, which combine to give the audience an energising and exciting experience.Frankie Wesson & Band 15.45 - 16.30A multi-award winning singer-songwriter born and raised in Abergavenny. Her self-penned songs have been featured on BBC Radio 6, BBC Radio Wales and BBC Introducing. Frankie will be accompanied by her full band.David Holman 16.45 - 17.30David Holman and his artists in residence. Featuring Matt 'Picasso' Watkins onpiano, Jim 'Monet' Ramsey on lead guitar & backing vocals, Nick 'Warhol' Smith on bass guitar and Dave 'Banksy' Williams on percussion.Soul’d As Seen TBAA mixed choir formed in 2014 by Singer/ Director Susie Webb. They haveperformed at many festivals such as Great British Proms and venues such asMillenium Centre, St David’s Hall and have supported Only Men Aloud andfeatured on BBC 1’s Meet the street at Christmas. Music Arena Stage Perfo rmances IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestival

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Let there be Music!Let there be Music!Andy Thomas Music Technology & Sound Advice Music workshops run 10.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 - 17.00Andy’s background is in music synthesisers and keyboard technology used inrecording studios, live on stage, and working with manufacturers in providingsound presets that arrive with a brand new instrument. A selection of instruments and refurbished Windows & Apple computers will beavailable to try out Home Studio Recording and Music Editing for those new tothe scene or on a tight budget. Examples of practical sound and music editingwill be available, plus a Q & A session within each presentation.Keen on up-cycling of hardware, Andy explains how upgrading memory andstorage on an unused older home computer can create personal ElectronicSound Lab.Progrotech.comMethodist Church Hall What’s On . . . Methodist Church Hall What’s On . . . IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestival

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27 Craft Stalls!27 Craft Stalls!Craft Area, Food & Refreshment Open 10.00 - 17:00Discover and support talented local makers and their incredible creations -treat yourself from the 27 craft stalls at the art festival along with various food &refreshments stands.Art & Craft Workshop Zone Open 10.00 - 17.00 (see individual workshops for timings)Toby Van de Velde Photography Have a go creating Cyanatype prints using found flora and fauna and the power of the sun. For 10 years and over, children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.Friends of the Earth - Save the Planet Upcycling Be inspired by FOE to use your creativity and help save the planet with ideas to help ditch fast fashion. Up cycle your old and out of date clothing with pre-prepared wood block prints and environmentally friendly fabric paint to create striking and cool designs with a save the planet message!Petra Pinnock - Have a go Felt MakingOffering a wet felt - making project to members of the public; creating a project using sheep's fleece. Accessible to anyone over 12 years.IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalHave a Go!Art & CraftWorkshopsHave a Go!Art & CraftWorkshops

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The Red Art ProjectArt project - 'red flags - red lines' is a collaboration by three women which addresses serious issues relating to the empowerment of women, 'calling out' the challenges, barriers, and indifferences. Part of the inspiration for our collaboration was the showing of The Red Dress by Kirstie Macleod in Abergavenny and the resulting community Red Shawl produced in response. Both celebrate the creativity and skill of women working for a commonpurpose. We will show an artwork related to domestic violence, framed artworkfocussed on single use plastic and the storyline behind the creation of achoreographed performance piece for older dancers.The Community Shawl ProjectFounded by Emma Bevan-Henderson, and co-managed by Emma andGinevra Croft, The Community Shawl Project is Emma's response to the RedDress Embroidery Project, after two amazing curating experiences at theBleddfa Centre and at the Melville Centre. Opening the project out to the community, who generously donated over 120squares and the funds to pay the seamstress, Cathie Taylor, to sensitively sewthem onto the nursing cape that belonged to Emma's grandmother, sister ofthe wards at many hospitals including Pen Y Fal. On display for the first time inpublic, everyone is invited to visit the Shawl at the Festival. Emma will be talkingabout the Shawl at midday.IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalArt & Craft Workshop Zone

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Abergavenny PrideAbergavenny Pride will be holding a safe space where you can come and make banners ready for the Pride parade on the 29th June. We will be asking why Pride is important to you and what you love about Pride. We will also have some colouring and ribbon rings for kids. We can't wait to welcome you all!IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalSo ArtrageousSo Artrageous would like to invite the local community to create THE BIG DOODLE. As Abergavenny has recently been declared the best place to live in Wales we have a loose theme of: “What you love about living in Abergavenny” but don’t forget June is also Pride month so lots of rainbows too! THE BIG DOODLE will be completed at the Abergavenny Art Festival and be on show and will also be on display at Abergavenny Pride at St Mary’s Priory.Art & Craft Workshop Zone

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Dance and Aerial CircusDance Blast is a Centre for community dance and aerial circus right in theheart of Abergavenny, bringing performance and Have a Go at dance andcircus activities to Abergavenny Arts Festival. Not only can you see DanceBlast’s dancers and aerialists perform but also Have a Go yourself!Have a Go10.00 - 12.00 Aerial Circus14.15 Hip Hop with Dance Blast’s Atomic group15.00 – 16.00 Aerial Circus and Dance workshopWith Monmouthshire Youth Circus and Monmouthshire Youth Dance CompanyPerformance12.30 & 14.00 A dance & circus variety performance from Dance Blast’s youth dancers & aerialists‘Y2K Mix’ danced by Atomic, our advanced Hip Hop group and Aerial acts frommembers of Monmouthshire Youth Circus company.‘Gym’ danced by Monmouthshire Youth Dance Company (seniors) - an extractfrom our recent site specific show ‘Fan Hyn’ and Aerial acts fromMonmouthshire Youth Circus company.‘Caretakers’ danced by Monmouthshire Youth Dance Company (juniors) - Anextract from our recent site specific show ‘Fan Hyn’Aerial acts from Monmouthshire Youth Circus CompanyDance Blast IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalHave a go and Dance!Have a go and Dance!

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Kids Zone Story Telling and Crafting ActivitiesIG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalYarn art with The Wool CroftJoin us in the Kids Zone for a simple and fun weaving activity for all ages, pluscolourful festival bracelet making. Weave with a wide selection of soft, colourfulyarns, and express yourself with wool! All materials provided for you to makeand take. (Note: all children must be accompanied by an adult).10.30 - 11.00 LoubyLou pirates walkabout11.15 - 11.55 Mali a’r Mor Welsh story telling 12.05 - 12.35 LoubyLou pirate performance 14:00 - 14.30 LoubyLou Pirates walkabout14.30 - 15.10 Mali a’r Mor Welsh story telling 15.00 - 15.30 LoubyLou pirate performanceWelsh Story Telling Mali a’r MôrNaomi Keevil and Tamar Eluned Williams will be performing an enchanting Welsh language storytelling and puppetry performance for 3-6 year olds and their families called Mali a’r Môr... The fascinating story lasts 40 minutesLoubyLou Storytelling...Sprinkle some storytelling magic with Louby Lou's... The very popular team will be providing vibrant, fun and interactive activites such as walkabout acts and stage performances - fun for all the family! Apparently, some pirates are going to be swashbuckling their way around!

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IG/FB: @abergavennyartsfestivalSpeakers’ Corner Let there be Art!Let there be Art!Framed by the beautiful ruins of the Tower, this is a peaceful area for anyonewho wishes to sit on the old tree stump and read a poem, play acoustic guitar,or simply chat about their love for the arts.Nora Ellis-Morgan InstallationA local multi-media artist and musician from Abergavenny, studying Fine Art at UWE Bristol. Her installation, ‘Y rhew yn disgyn” (The Ice descends) is inspired by a trip to Iceland and the expression of her passion for her Welsh Heritage, exploring Nordic folklore intertwined with Welsh folk stories and culture with many similarities most recognisably magical creatures, such as trolls, fairies andelves. The installation can be found in the entrance to the spoken word area.Yarn BombThe *Altogether Yarn Trail* and The Wool CroftWorking with The Wool Croft in Abergavenny town centre - young people havestitched their creative designs onto repurposed donated blanket squares -resulting in a colourful display of knitted bunting.Combining creative talents with The *Altogether Yarn Trail* previous creationsfrom Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Powys have been recycled andcombined in a display that can be found in Abergavenny Castle as part of TheAbergavenny Arts Festival.In this area, you will find amazing yarn-bombed installations, a multi-countyproject covering Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Torfaen. An area for quietcontemplation, sat on the grassy bank to enjoy a restful gaze over to theBlorenge.

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Huge thanks to allAAF 2024 sponsorsand volunteers -and a specialmention to localbusinesses whohave joined in theWindow Art Trail!MCC, MHA, MELIN, Abergavenny Castle & Museum, Abergavenny Town Council, Rotary Club Abergavenny, The Kings Arms, Little Green Refills, Bean& Bread, Chris Jones, Kahve Cafe & Bar,Greyhound Vaults, Jeremy Thomas(artist), Twinkle’s, The Wool Croft, Rateof Rise Roastery, Cooks Galley, PinkAngels Office Services, Cwtch Cafe,Winterfelds, Rowan Yarns, John ArbonTextiles, Coach & Horses, Dorrell OliverAccountants, Instant Marquees Events, Stage Events, Events ML, Morgan’s Solicitors, Grosmont Village Hall, CarpaninisLet there be Art!Let there be Art!