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Gold Book Magazine GBM mtiyaz Sahibi Publisher Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Ad na Ay e G ls n Kartal Ba soy Genel Yay n Y netmeni ve Sorumlu M d r Editorial Director M Halit Ba soy murat goldbookmagazine com Editor Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Reklam ve Pazarlama M d r Advertisement and Marketing Manager Taner Acar taner acar goldbookmagazine com ngiltere ve rlanda Sat Temsilcisi UK and Ireland Sales Representative David Brough davidbrough2 btinternet com Hindistan Sat Temsilcisi India Sales Representative Mehernavaz Vesavevala mehernavaz goldbookmagazine com G rsel Tasar m Visiual Designer Kartal Tan t m Hizmetleri info kartaltanitim com G rsel Y netmen Art Director Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Grafik Graphic slam Aslan grafik kartaltanitim com Foto raf Photograph Derya G ner Engin foto kartaltanitim com Bask Print Hat Bask Sanatlar Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Kuyumcukent AVM Safir Sok No 207 Bah elievler STANBUL 90 212 517 60 29 www goldbookmagazine com magazinegoldbook goldbookmagazine goldbookmagazine Gold Book Magazin GBM Y lda 6 kez Yay nlan r Reklam eri inden reklam verenler sorumludur 16 gold book magazine While preparing to leave one year behind with the good and bad it is important to make the accounting of the past year and create a vision for the next year In the last issue of the last year I wrote the works we planned to do for 2018 Today I can say that we have accomplished everything I wrote on that day with peace of mind To be a media partner in 16 international fairs to make a network by taking part in all important fairs to meet thousands of people to exchange information and to increase our visibility with 42 000 magazines Take part in the top 10 jewellery magazines across the globe As Gold Book Magazine family we leave behind a pleasant year of work and now the next is the future 2019 will be an important year for us to continue our works in a wide range with new friends to join our team I hope everyone will have a good year to achieve their goals In this issue you may be interested in our interview with Katerina Perez who has more than 220 thousand followers in Instagram whom many people love to follow in the jewellery sector On the other hand our British representative David Brough s interview with Lorenz Baumer at the Paris Biennale can be inspiring Although jewellery is ultimately a commercial profession it is a business branch in its essence that is closely related to art Behind every product on the market there is an artistic and versatile effort Belk z S nnet io lu a designer who has done this labour with passion and who has devoted herself to this work is with us in this issue Just turn the pages of our magazine for new trends collections and much more Wishing you a year that all our hopes will come true With my best wishes Ay eg l Kartal Ba soy aysegulkartalbassoy yisiyle k t s yle bir y l daha arkam zda b rakmaya haz rlan rken ge mi senenin muhasebesini yapmak ve gelecek sene ile ilgili vizyon olu turmak nemlidir Ge en senenin son say s nda 2018 y l i in yapmay planlad m z i leri yazm t m O g n yazd m her eyi ger ekle tirdi imizi bug n g n l rahatl ile s yleyebilirim 16 uluslararas fuarda media partneri olarak bulunmak t m nemli fuarlarda yer alarak network yapmak binlerce insanla bir araya gelmek bilgi al veri inde bulunmak ve 42bin dergi ile g r n rl m z artt rmak D nya genelinde en iyi 10 m cevher dergisi i inde yer almak Gold Book Magazine ailesi olarak keyifli bir al ma y l n arkam zda b rak yoruz imdi s ra gelecekte 2019 y l ekibimize kat lacak yeni isimlerle birlikte geni bir yelpazede al malar m za devam edece imiz nemli bir y l olacak Umar m herkesin hedeflerini ger ekle tirece i g zel bir y l olur Bu say m zda instagramda 220binin zerinde takip isi olan m cevher sekt r nde pek ok ki inin severek takip etti i Katerina Perez ile yapm oldu umuz r portaj ilginizi ekebilir Di er yandan ngiltere temsilcimiz David Brough un Paris Bienali nde Lorenz Baumer ile ger ekle tirdi i rop rtaj ilham verici olabilir Kuyumculuk nihayetinde ticari bir meslek olsa da z nde sanatla yak ndan ilgili bir i kolu Piyasaya sunulan her r n n arkas nda sanatsal ve ok y nl bir emek bulunuyor Bu eme i tutkuyla ger ekle tiren bu i e g n l vermi bir dizayner olan Belk z S nnet io lu bu say m zda bizlerle Yeni trendler koleksiyonlar ve ok daha fazlas i in dergimizin sayfalar n evirmeniz yeterli T m umutlar m z n ger ek oldu u bir y l olmas dile iyle Sevgiyle kal n
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rochas pianegonda brosway trendCLUB Graphic Patterns rosato rosato Grafik desenler uzun elbise ve eteklerin c izdig i ak c siluetlere c ag das bir yorum kat yor brosway Graphic patterns add a contemporary expression to the flowing silhouettes drawn by long dresses and skirts valentino Grafik Desenler 18 gold book magazine
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trendCLUB Shades Inspired by Earth tamara comoll Sonbahara yak r toprak tonlar her sezon oldu u gibi bu sezon da r t n ispatl yor Rochas Like every season earth shades befitting to Fall prove their adequacy in this season as well tamara comoll Topraktan lham Alan Tonlar 20 gold book magazine
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roberto coin trendCLUB Wild Nature magerit tom ford Vah i Do a 22 gold book magazine Bu k bask lar ger ekten ok vah i Leopardan ocelot a zebra dan kaplana vah i izgiler ve lekeler podyumlarda g ve This winter impressions ba ms zl k ilan are really wild From etti leopards to ocelots from zebras to tigers wild lines and marks have declared power and independence on runways
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news CIBJO CONGRESS BLOCKCHAIN COMES UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT AS SPECIALIST PANEL DISCUSSES HOW INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY MAY AFFECT THE JEWELLERY INDUSTRY Uzman panelistler yenilik i teknolojinin m cevherat end strisini nas l etkileyebilece ini tart rken Blockchain Blok zinciri ilgi oda oluyor October 15 2018 Blockchain a method of securely transferring data through a decentralized online platform has been earmarked by many as the next great disruptive technology is beginning to make inroads into the jewellery and gemstone sector It was the focus of a dedicated CIBJO Congress session the objective of which was to investigate the significance and possible impacts of Blockchain in general and more specifically in terms of its applications in the jewellery and gemstone sectors A powerful tool for recording sequential events which cannot be altered after the fact Blockchain is most often associated with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but the technology is independent of them 24 gold book magazine Merkezi olmayan bir online platform zerinden g venli bir ekilde veri aktar m i in bir y ntem olan Blockchain Blok zinciri bir sonraki b y k y k c teknolojinin m cevherat ve de erli ta sekt r ne girmeye ba lamas yla bir ok ki i taraf ndan tahsis edilmi tir Cibjo kongre oturumunun amac ve odak noktas Blockchain in genel ve spesifik olarak m cevher ve de erli ta sekt r ndeki uygulamalar a s ndan olas etkileri ve nemini ara t rmak Asl nda ard ard na de i tirilemeyen s ral olaylar kaydetmek i in g l bir ara olan Blockchain o u zaman Bitcoin ve di er kripto paralarla ili kilidir ancak teknoloji bunlardan ba ms zd r
Panel moderator Erik Jens began the session by saying that the general public is still not completely clear about what Blockchain means Like many other disruptive technologies before it while there is near unanimous excitement at the revolutionary potential of the technology people are still not completely clear on how it works or how to truly use it effectively he stated Is it just a new buzzword or will it really bring large benefits to the jewellery industry supply chain Delivering the keynote address was Carrie George Vice President and head of Sustainability Solutions for Everledger a Blockchain company that has been a leader in development of traceable and responsible supply chains in the diamond gemstone and jewellery sectors She was filling in for company founder Leanne Kemp who had returned home to Australia to receive an award as the Chief Entrepreneur of Queensland from the federal government and the Premier of Queensland Ms George s presentation was entitled De mystifying Blockchain We believe that Blockchain will become so ubiquitous that you won t really ask what it is she said It will become an embedded protocol Panel ba kan Erik Jens oturuma kamunun Blockchain in ne anlama geldi i konusunda hala net olmad n s yleyerek ba lad ncesindeki di er bir ok y k c teknoloji gibi teknolojinin devrim niteli indeki potansiyelinde yak n oybirli i heyecan varken insanlar hala nas l al t n veya ger ekten etkili bir ekilde nas l kullan laca konusunda tamamen net de il dedi Sadece yeni herkesin diline dolanm bir s zc k m yoksa m cevherat end strisi tedarik zincirine b y k faydalar m getirecek A l konu mas n yapan irket elmas de erli ta ve m cevher sekt rlerinde izlenebilir ve sorumlu tedarik zincirlerinin geli tirilmesinde lider olan bir Blockchain irketi olan Everledger n S rd r lebilirlik z mleri ba kan ve ba kan vekili Carrie George du Carrie George federal h k met ve Queensland Ba bakan ndan Queensland n Ba Giri imcisi d l n almak i in Avustralya ya d nm olan irket kurucusu Leanne Kemp n yerine bak yordu Bayan George un sunumunun ba l Blockchain i Ayd nlatmak ad alt ndayd Blockchain in ne oldu unu ger ekten istemeyece iniz kadar her yerde olaca na inan yoruz dedi G m l bir protokol olacak gold book magazine 25
Corrado Facco news In the future she stated people will look back it is as an easily understood everyday feature just as we take the Internet cell phones and other technology for granted Blockchain is about building transparency and trust Ms George said At its heart is its ability to track asset provenance and to verify their true provenance Traditional databases typically are centralised she pointed out but Blockchain allows a vast number of people to interact simultaneously without the possibility of them being tampered with Blockchain can be used for smallscale miners allowing for legitimate market inclusion We can simplify documentation improve retailer and consumer confidence she said She said there was a very wide range of uses for the technology in bringing security and transparency all the way from artisanal miners to the jewellery sector The panel discussion featured speakers who are all already involved in the development of applications using Blockchain technology for the jewellery industry Corrado Facco a CIBJO Vice President with specific authority for matters relating to Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability spoke about a project relating to trade show management Trade shows typically involve enormous amounts of organisation With Blockchain we can create a digital identity including elements indicate ethical integrity This becomes a verifiable record of who is taking part in the shows building trust and reducing risk of dubious participants participating in the various events Mr Facco also pointed to Blockchain s financial role The project we are involved in involves the creation of digital wallets enabling trade show participants to pay digitally within a safe environment 26 gold book magazine Gelecekte insanlar n internet cep telefonlar ve di er teknolojiyi kabul etti imiz gibi onu da kolay anla l r bir g nl k zellik olarak hat rlayaca n belirtti Bayan George Blockchain in effafl k ve g ven in a etmekle ilgili oldu unu s yledi Merkezinde varl n kayna n k kenini takip etme ve ger ek kaynaklar n do rulama yetene i vard r Geleneksel veritabanlar n n genellikle bir yerde topland na dikkat ekti ancak Blockchain ok say da insan n kurcalanma olas l olmaks z n ayn anda etkile ime girmesine izin veriyor Blockchain me ru piyasaya dahil edilmesine izin verilen k k l ekli madenciler i in kullan labilir Belgeleri basitle tirebilir perakendeci ve t ketici g venini artt rabilir dedi Zanaatkar madencilerden m cevherat sekt r ne kadar g venlik ve effafl k sa lamada teknolojinin ok geni bir kullan m alan oldu unu s yledi A k oturum m cevherat end strisi i in Blockchain teknolojisini kullanan uygulamalar n geli tirilmesinde zaten yer alan konu mac lar i eriyordu Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve s rd r lebilirlik ile ilgili konularda yetki sahibi olan CIBJO Ba kan Yard mc s Corrado Facco ticari fuar y netimi ile ilgili bir proje hakk nda konu tu Ticaret fuarlar genellikle muazzam miktarda organizasyon i ermektedir Blockchain ile etik b t nl k unsurlar n belirtmek de dahil olmak zere dijital bir kimlik olu turabiliriz Bu fuarlarda yer alan g ven in a eden ve e itli etkinliklere kat lan pheli kat l mc lar n riskini azaltan do rulanabilir bir kay t haline geliyor Bay Facco Blockchain in mali rol ne de i aret etti Kat ld m z proje dijital c zdanlar n olu turulmas n ve fuar kat l mc lar n n dijital olarak g venli bir ortamda deme yapmalar n i eriyor
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Eli Avidar news Eli Avidar also a CIBJO Vice President today heads fintech company Carats io which is issuing digital tokens that unlike Bitcoin whose value is governed purely by supply and demand are backed by diamonds Blockchain offers a great many alternatives he said like chain of custody verification transparency and more But this is not going to sell diamonds and jewellery All these things are excellent but we need more than that he stated Blockchain allows us to transfer value Sending large amounts of money today involves calls from bank compliance officers to check who we all are and then the money only moves after five days Blockchain will speed this up and make it immediate Mr Avidar said that from a financial perspective there are major advantages for the jewellery industry These include superior efficiency with no go betweens speeded up payments in just a matter of minutes reduced or no transfer fees and improved security and new financing alternatives in an industry where regular bank credit is increasingly scarce You need to open an electronic wallet and it needs to be done now because that is where the economy is going he said 28 gold book magazine Ayr ca di er bir CIBJO Ba kan Yard mc s olan Eli Avidar de eri sadece arz ve taleple y netilen Bitcoin den farkl olarak elmaslarla desteklenmi dijital belirte ler veren Fintech irketi Carats io ya ba kanl k ediyor Blockchain ok say da alternatif sunuyor dedi delil g venlik zinciri do rulama effafl k ve daha fazlas gibi Ama bu elmas ve m cevher satmak i in i lemiyor B t n bunlar m kemmel ama bundan daha fazlas na ihtiyac m z var diye belirtti Blockchain de eri aktarmam za izin veriyor B y k miktarda para g ndermek i in bug n banka uyum g revlileri kim oldu umuzu kontrol etmek i in bizi arad ktan sonra para ancak 5 g n sonra hareket eder Blockchain bunu h zland racak ve hemen ba latacak Bay Avidar finansal a dan m cevherat end strisi i in nemli avantajlar oldu unu s yledi Bunlar aras nda arabulucular olmaks z n st n verim sadece birka dakika i inde h zland r lm demeler azalt lm veya aktarmas z cretler ve geli tirilmi g venlik ve d zenli banka kredisinin giderek daha az oldu u bir end stride yeni finansman alternatifleri bulunmaktad r Elektronik bir c zdan a man z ve bunu imdi yapman z gerek nk ekonominin ilerledi i yer buras dedi
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news Paneldeki son konu mac svi re deki G belin M cevher Laboratuvar n n Genel M d r Daniel Nyfeler idi Ayr ca kendisi de erli ta end strisinde effafl geli tirmek i in bir dizi teknolojiyi geli tiren Kaynak Delili giri imini y netiyor Renkli Ta lar i in Kaynak Delili Blockchain ini yaratmak i in Everledger ile ortakl k kuruyor Bay Nyfeler Blockchain projesinin madenden t keticiye tedarik zinciri boyunca de erli ta lar n hareketini izleyebilen dijital ve merkezi olmayan bir defter i erdi ini a klad Blockchain giri imi effafl k b t nl k ve g venlik sa lamay ama lamaktad r ve t m renkli ta lar i in ge erlidir diye ekledi Bay Jens a k oturumu sonland r rken Blockchain teknolojisi k sa vadede de erli ta ve k ymetli metallerin t m ak lar n ticaretlerini hareketlerini m hendisle tirmenin kolay ya da m mk n olmayaca n fark ettim dedi Ya de er zincirindeki daha k k ya da daha zanaatk r oyuncular Teknolojideki kusurlardan ne haber Bir s r iyile tirme hala gereklidir Ama bir yerden ba lamak gerekiyor ve imdi tam da s ras End strimizin teknolojik yeniliklerden haberdar olmas ve faydalanmas gerekiyor nk inovasyon s rd r lebilirli e e ittir ve bu y zden hepimiz daha iyi bir d nyada daha iyi bir end stride ba ar l olmak zere Bogot da topland k Daniel Nyfeler The final speaker on the panel Daniel Nyfeler Managing Director of the G belin Gem Lab in Switzerland He also heads the laboratory s Provenance Proof initiative which is developing a range of technologies to improve transparency in the gemstone industry It is partnering with Everledger to create the Provenance Proof Blockchain for Coloured Gemstones Mr Nyfeler explained that the Blockchain project involved a digital and decentralized ledger that can monitor the movement of gemstones across the supply chain from the mine to the consumer The Blockchain initiative aims to provide transparency integrity and security and is applicable to all coloured gemstones he added I realize that it will not be easy or even possible to engineer all flows trades movements of gemstone and precious metals with Blockchain technology short term said Mr Jens concluding the panel discussion What about the smaller or more artisanal type of players in the value chain What about the flaws in technology A lot of improvement is still needed But one needs to a start somewhere and this is the moment when it is happening Our industry needs to be aware and take advantage of technological innovation after all innovation equals sustainability and that is why we have gathered here together in Bogot It is to achieve a better industry in a better world 30 gold book magazine
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news STORKS IN SHOP A NEW APPROACH FROM STORKS JEWELLERY STORKS M CEVHER DEN YEN B R YAKLA IM Storks Jewellery has finished the project of its new corner design which was specially adapted to Storks sales points with its contemporary approach design and production power With the concept all projects have been completed for the approach which will completely change the concept of the conventional corner STORKS which integrates the shop in the shop concept with the store concept has desire to provide customers with a safe and enjoyable shopping environment With this approach the concept in which customers feel special in Storks stores throughout Turkey in a stylish and comfortable environment will now be adapted to sales points with a special showcase operation 32 ilbernardojewels gold book magazine a da anlay tasar m ve retim g c ile Storks sat noktalar na zel uyarlad yeni corner tasar m n n projesini bitirdi Konsepti ile al lagelmi corner al kanl n tamamen de i tirecek olan yakla m i in t m projeler tamamland Shop in the shop mant n ma aza konsepti ile b t nle tiren STORKS m terilerine g venli ve zevkli bir al veri ortam sunma arzusunda Bu yakla m ile T rkiye genelindeki Storks ma azalar nda m terilerinin kendilerini zel hissettikleri k ve rahat bir ortamda al veri lerini ger ekle tirdikleri konsept zel bir vitrin al mas ile art k sat noktalar na da uyarlanacak
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news With the Storks shop in shop project the store owner has a free of charge decoration where Storks products will be sold In this work all the decorations lighting showcase materials and jewellery boxes are all covered by the Storks The Storks shop in shop concept is delivered by assembling in its finished form Thus meeting the expectations of customers better Storks will reach a wider range of customers in its brand s globalization journey in Turkey Storks which had the launch of the new approach in Istanbul Jewellery Show has already begun to receive positive feedbacks in a short time Storks d kk n i inde d kk n projesi ile ma aza sahibi hi bir cret demeden Storks r nlerinin sat n ger ekle tirece i bir dekora sahip oluyor Bu al ma i erisinde b t n dekorlar ayd nlatma vitrin malzemeleri ve m cevher kutular na kadar her ey Storks firmas taraf ndan kar lan yor D kk n i inde d kk n konseptini bitmi hali ile monte ederek teslim ediliyor B ylece m terilerin beklentilerini daha iyi kar layan Storks markas T rkiye de ki globalle me ser veninde daha geni bir kitleye ula lm olacak Yeni yakla m n ilk lansman n stanbul Jewellery Show da ger ekle tiren Storks M cevher olumlu d n leri k sa s rede almaya ba lam 34 gold book magazine
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KATERINA PEREZ inter view 36 gold book magazine
Who is KATER NA PEREZ How did she choose this profession How does she work What does she like What kind of jewellery do you like to use I am not just a jewellery lover but I also love art and studying different cultures Jewellery is the prism through which I choose to do this but I appreciate the influences of all artistic mediums I am a journalist first and foremost as well as a gemmologist I am sometimes an influencer sometimes aan educator sometimes a world traveller and I am always a mother Katerina Perez kimdir Bu mesle i nas l se ti Nas l al yor Nelerden ho lan r Ne t r bir m cevher kullanmak ister Ben sadece bir m cevher a de ilim ayn zamanda sanat seviyorum ve farkl k lt rleri al yorum M cevher bunu yapmay se ti im prizma ancak t m sanatsal ortamlar n etkilerini takdir ediyorum Ben ncelikle bir gazeteciyim ve en nemlisi de bunun yan s ra bir de erli ta uzman y m Bazen bir etkileyenim bazen bir e itimciyim bazen bir d nya gezginiyim ve her zaman bir anneyim I feel that jewellery chose me rather than me choosing jewellery there are photographs of me at 3 years old covered in my grandmother s jewels But my profession has developed alongside me when I first began working with jewellery in retail and studying gems instagram didn t exist in my world and the idea of being an influencer seemed like a fairytale I have learned and adapted every step of the way as the industry has changed Benim m cevheri se memdense m cevherin beni se ti ini hissediyorum 3 ya mdayken b y kannemin m cevherlerini takt m foto raflar var Ama mesle im benimle birlikte geli ti lk olarak perakende sekt r nde m cevheratla al maya ve de erli ta lar incelemeye ba lad mda d nyamda instagram yoktu ve etkileyici influencer olma fikri bir masal gibi g r n yordu End stri de i tik e yolun her ad m n rendim ve adapte oldum The jewellery which I wear everyday is very different to the jewellery which I feature working full time constantly travelling and being a mother doesn t allow for extravagant jewels 24 7 I do wear fine jewellery of some kind every day but I always wear my diamond engagement ring with a pav set halo The other jewellery changes depending on events I am attending or my outfit but I love dramatic colourful earrings like my titanium butterfly solo earring and my House of Meraki emerald drop earrings Her g n takt m m cevherat tam zamanl al ma s rekli seyahat etme ve bir anne olma zelli ine sahip olan tak lardan farkl olarak abart l m cevherlere 7 24 izin vermiyor Her g n bir e it ince m cevher tak yorum ama ben her zaman elmas ni an y z m bir pav set halo tam tur y z k ile takar m Di er m cevherat kat laca m organizasyonlara veya k yafetime ba l olarak de i ir ama titanyum kelebek solo k pe ve House of Meraki z mr t damlas k pelerim gibi dramatik renkli k peler seviyorum
inter view Turning a passion into a profession is something that millions of people want but few can achieve How did you do it Can we get some advice for our readers who think similar things Bir tutkuyu bir mesle e d n t rmek milyonlarca insan n istedi i bir eydir ancak ok az elde edebilir Bunu nas l yapt n z Benzer eyler d nen okuyucular m z i in biraz tavsiye alabilir miyiz As long as you really love what you do then other people will recognise this passion Supplement your passion project with other avenues of income at first and if you work hard enough then hopefully you will be able to segue into working on what you love full time It was not immediate for me but eventually I was able to move away from my other work and make journalism through my website and my social media my primary focus Yapt n z i i ger ekten sevdi iniz s rece di er insanlar bu tutkuyu tan yacaklar Tutku projenizi ilk ba ta di er gelir alanlar ile destekleyin ve e er yeterince s k al yorsan z umar m t m zamanlar n zda yapmay sevdi iniz ey ile zerinde al t n z ey aras nda aral ks z ge i yapabilirsiniz Bu benim i in ani olmad ama nihayetinde di er al malar mdan uzakla p web sitem ve sosyal medya arac l yla gazetecilik yapabildim 38 gold book magazine
You have a blogger award you recently received Can you tell us about this In September I was honoured to receive the first ever IJL blog award for UK social influencer I am glad that the industry has finally got to appreciate work of people like me The award was voted for by the public and I was up against a number of other contenders so it was an especially proud moment for me to be on that stage with the award in my hands At that moment I felt that all the hard work I have put into making katerinaperez com website and katerina_perez Instagram page go to platforms for jewellery aficionados has finally paid off Yak n zamanda ald n z bir blogger d l var Bize bundan bahseder misiniz Eyl l ay nda ngiltere sosyal n fuzu i in ilk IJL blogu d l n almaktan onur duydum End strinin nihayet benim gibi insanlar n al malar n takdir etmesine sevindim d l halk taraf ndan oylanm t ve di er bir ok yar mac n n kar s na km t m bu y zden elimdeki d lle bu a amada olmam benim i in ok gurur verici bir an oldu katerinaperez com web sitesini ve m cevher merakl lar i in katerina_perez Instagram sayfas kurtar c platformlar n olu turmak ad na olan t m zor i lerin o anda nihayet ba ar l oldu unu hissettim gold book magazine 39
inter view 40 What do you recommend for jewellery brands who use Instagram Instagram kullanan m cevher markalar i in ne nerirsiniz Invest your time and money into creating original and engaging content people will take notice and appreciate the effort I also recommend educating yourself and investing in seminars and tutoring from people who are successful in this field I run my own seminars on photography for instagram and building social media but I still study new ways to improve Do some basic comparisons take note of what works for brands that you admire and which content gets the most engagement Zaman n z ve paran z orijinal ve ilgi ekici i erikler yaratmaya yat r n insanlar bunun fark na varacak ve bu abay takdir edecek Ayr ca bu alanda ba ar l olan ki ilerden kendinizi e itmenizi ve seminerlere ve zel derslere yat r m yapman z tavsiye ederim Instagram i in foto raf l k ve sosyal medya olu turma konusunda kendi seminerlerimi y r t yorum ancak yine de geli tirmek i in yeni y ntemleri inceliyorum Baz temel kar la t rmalar yap n hayran oldu unuz markalar i in neyin i e yarad n ve hangi i eri in en fazla etkile im ald na dikkat edin gold book magazine
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inter view LORENZ B UMER PRESENTED EXQUISITE GEM SET JEWELS AT BIENNALE PARIS Paris Bienalinde zarif de erli ta lardan olu an m cevherlerini g r c ye kard DAVID BROUGH REPORTS YAZAN DAVID BROUGH 42 gold book magazine
inter view PARIS Lorenz B umer who has a boutique at 19 Place Vend me home of Paris s top fine jewellery brands exhibited for the first time at the Biennale Paris an art antiques and jewellery fair at the Grand Palais in September PARIS Paris in en iyi m cevher markalar n n evi olan 19 ya ndaki butik Place Vend me un sahibi Lorenz B umer Eyl l ay nda Grand Palais de bir sanat antika ve m cevher fuar olan Paris Bienalinde ilk kez sergi d zenledi 44 gold book magazine As well as presenting his new Black Magic and R VERIE D T collections B umer showed off his latest white diamond jewellery including earrings a ring and a bracelet Yeni Black Magic ve R VERIE D T koleksiyonlar n sunman n yan s ra B umer k peler bir y z k ve bir bilezik de dahil olmak zere yeni beyaz elmas m cevherlerini sundu We wanted to bring pieces that are extremely creative and different that express our point of view very well B umer told Gold Book Magazine in an interview at his well attended stand at the Biennale Paris B umer s Black Magic collection features beautiful colour stones on a black backdrop which allows the colours to show out more The stones include beryls and purple tourmaline from Mozambique Baumer Gold Book Dergisi ne Paris Bienalindeki kat l m y ksek olan stand nda bir r portajda Son derece yarat c ve farkl olan bak a m z ok iyi ifade eden par alar getirmek istedik dedi B umer in Black Magic koleksiyonu renklerin daha fazla ortaya kmas n sa layan siyah bir zemin zerinde g zel renkli ta lar sergiliyor Ta lar berilleri ve Mozambik ten gelen mor turmalin i eriyor The R VERIE D T collection inspired by an enchanted garden features all sorts of colours together including opaque translucent and transparent pieces with exquisite enamelling B umer says his sources of inspiration are quite varied B y leyici bir bah eden esinlenen R VERIE D T koleksiyonu opak yar saydam ve saydam par alar da dahil olmak zere her t rl rengi bir araya getiriyor B umer ilham kaynaklar n n olduk a e itli oldu unu s yl yor
It might be technology or paintings or a woman or an amazing theme he said It is important that my jewellery is meaningful it is a way of saying that you love someone or yourself After all many people purchase jewellery for themselves It is also important that technology and innovation bring something to my jewellery for example 3D printing tattooed diamonds and special cuts Overall I would say that my jewellery is innovative meaningful and has a love of colours With an edgy rock and roll side B umer s clients are often Americans or French and other Europeans We meet clients when we exhibit at shows like art and design fair PAD London and we host events for our customers in places like Monaco the south of France and New York the designer said Teknoloji tablolar ya da bir kad n veya inan lmaz bir tema olabilir dedi M cevherimin anlaml olmas nemlidir bu birisini veya kendinizi sevdi inizi s ylemenin bir yolu Sonu ta bir ok insan kendileri i in m cevher sat n al yor Teknolojinin ve yenili in m cevherlerime bir eyler katmas da nemli rne in 3 boyutlu bask d vmeli elmaslar ve zel kesimler Genel olarak m cevherimin yenilik i anlaml ve renk sevgisine sahip oldu unu s yleyebilirim Al lm a meydan okuyan rock and roll taraf ile B umer in m terileri genellikle Amerikal lar Frans zlar ve di er Avrupal lar olmaktad r Tasar mc PAD Londra sanat ve tasar m fuar gibi g sterilerde sergi d zenledi imizde m terilerle bulu uyoruz ve m terilerimiz i in Monaco Fransa n n g neyi ve New York gibi yerlerde etkinlikler d zenliyoruz dedi
inter view Our boutique on Place Vend me is a destination clients make an appointment or just come in Place Vend me deki buti imiz bir var yeri m teriler randevu al r veya sadece i eri girer In diamonds B umer likes cushion and emerald cuts I love white diamonds and colour diamonds pinks oranges and browns the brown stones are wonderful and come in various shades he said B umer elmaslarda yast k ve z mr t kesimden ho lan yor B umer Beyaz elmaslar ve renkli elmaslar seviyorum pembeler turuncular ve kahverengiler kahverengi ta lar harika ve e itli tonlarda geliyor diyor I have created bespoke pieces around pink diamonds B umer is well known for his use of tattooed diamonds Tattooed diamonds allow you to have a sketch on the surface of a diamond for example a symbol that inspires you he said You could ask your child to do a little sketch for his mom and have it engraved on a diamond Pembe elmaslar n etraf nda smarlama par alar rettim B umer d vmeli elmaslar kullanmas yla nl B umer D vmeli elmaslar bir elmas n y zeyinde bir taslak olu turman za izin veriyor rne in size ilham veren bir sembol diyor ocu unuza annesi i in k k bir izim yapmas n ve izimin bir elmas zerine kaz nmas n isteyebilirsiniz B umer s most iconic creation B umer in en ikonik eseri muhtemelen Monako daki kraliis probably a tiara for a royal yet d n i in bir olan ta t r wedding in Monaco Tasar mc 2010 y l nda Charlene I joined a competition in 2010 to create a diamond tiara for Charlene Wittstock for her wedding to Prince Albert II of Monaco the designer said Some major houses were asked to present a drawing I won the competition The tiara is inspired by the love of Princess Charlene myself and Monaco for water Princess Charlene is a former Olympic swimmer 46 gold book magazine Wittstock a Prens kinci Albert le olan d n i in bir elmas ta olu turmak zere bir yar maya kat ld m dedi Baz nemli evlerden bir izim sunmalar istendi Yar may kazand m Ta Prenses Charlene nin kendimin ve Monaco nun suya olan sevgisinden ilham al yor Prenses Charlene eski bir Olimpik y z c
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inter view Who is Lorenz B umer B umer had an international upbringing as a child opening his eyes to a variety of cultural and design influences before moving to Paris as a teenager He received training as an engineer and moved into jewellery design Lorenz was creative director of Louis Vuitton for several years until 2015 He became a Knight of the Legion of Honour in 2010 Lorenz B umer Kimdir B umer gen ken Paris e ta nmadan nce e itli k lt rel ve tasar m etkileriyle dolu uluslararas bir yeti tirilme tarz yla b y d M hendislik e itimi ald ve m cevher tasar m na ge ti Lorenz 2015 y l na kadar birka y l boyunca Louis Vuitton un kreatif direkt rl n yapt 2010 y l nda Onur d l ne lay k g r ld 48 gold book magazine
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news IEG CONFIRMS A RECORD VICENZAORO SEPTEMBER 2018 OVER 20 000 IN ATTENDANCE FROM 117 COUNTRIES 117 LKEDEN 20 000 DEN FAZLA KATILIMIN GER EKLE T REKOR B R VICENZAORO EYL L 2018 I DO RULADI Optimism content events partnerships and the city s participation seal the success of the September edition of VICENZAORO yimserlik i erik etkinlikler ortakl klar ve ehrin kat l m VICENZAORO nun Eyl l deki fuar n n ba ar s na damga vurdu Vicenza 26th September 2018 The latest edition of VICENZAORO September 2018 the Jewellery Boutique Show the international gold and jewellery trade show organized by Italian Exhibition Group S p A IEG in the Vicenza Exhibition Centre from 22nd to 26th September closed in the name of optimism and with the enormous involvement of the city Vicenza 26 Eyl l 2018 VICENZAORO September 2018 in son fuar talyan Sergi Grubu S p A n n IEG 22 26 Eyl l tarihleri aras nda d zenledi i Vicenza Fuar Merkezi nde d zenlenen uluslararas alt n ve m cevher fuar olan Kuyumcu Butik Fuar iyimserlik ad na ve ehrin muazzam kat l m ile kapat ld Positive signs are in fact arriving from the sector and VICENZAORO thus consolidates its position as the most prestigious and important European gold and jewellery showcase and IEG strengthens its role as an operator able to systematize in the promotion and growth of a sector that exports 85 of its production 50 gold book magazine Pozitif i aretler asl nda sekt rden geliyor ve VICENZAORO b ylece en prestijli ve nemli Avrupa alt n ve m cevherat vitrini olarak konumunu peki tiriyor ve IEG retiminin 85 ini ihra eden bir sekt r n tan t m ve b y mesinde sistematik hale getirebilen bir operat r olarak rol n g lendiriyor
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news The number of countries attending the Show continues to grow and has now reached 117 providing even further confirmation of VICENZAORO s international profile with over 40 of foreign visitors The overall visitor attendance remains in line with that of the September 2017 edition with over 20 000 despite the period s overlapping with Jewish festivities There was a boom in the number of visitors from China which rose by 73 due to the lowering of import duties a consistent 23 growth of those from the United States while those from the United Arab Emirates remained stable as did those from Europe 1500 buyers were in attendance including representatives from largescale American department stores and leading Chinese and European chain stores as well as over 140 journalists invited to Vicenza during the 5 days of the Show all selected in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development through ICE Agenzia Italian Trade Agency and in close coordination with Confindustria Federorafi Fuar a kat lan lkelerin say s artmaya devam ediyor ve u anda 117 ye ula t ve VICENZAORO nun uluslararas profilinin 40 tan fazla yabanc ziyaret i ile daha da fazla onaylanmas n sa lad Toplam ziyaret i kat l m d nemin Yahudi enlikleri ile rt mesine ra men 20 000 den fazla olan Eyl l 2017 fuar ile ayn kal yor Birle ik Arap Emirlikleri ndekiler Avrupa dakiler gibi istikrarl kal rken ithalat vergilerinin d r lmesi nedeniyle 73 oran nda y kselen in den gelen ziyaret ilerin say s nda bir patlama Birle ik Devletler den olanlar n say s nda tutarl bir 23 b y me vard B y k l ekli Amerikan ma azalar n n temsilcileri ve nde gelen in ve Avrupa zincir ma azalar n n yan s ra Fuar n 5 g n boyunca Vicenza ya davet edilen 140 tan fazla gazetecinin de kat ld 1500 al c n n hepsi ICE Agenzia talyan Ticaret Ajans arac l yla Ekonomik Kalk nma Bakanl ile i birli i i inde ve Confindustria Federorafi ile yak n koordinasyon halinde se ildi Joining IEG President Lorenzo Cagnoni at the cutting of the ribbon ceremony were the Indian Ambassador to Italy Mrs Reenat Sandhu the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Senator Erika Stefani the Vice Minister for Economic Development the Honourable Dario Galli the President of ICE Michele Scannavini the President of Confindustria Federorafi Ivana Ciabatti and the Mayor of Vicenza Francesco Rucco IEG Ba kan Lorenzo Cagnoni nin kat l m nda kurdele t reninin kesilmesinde talya n n Hindistan B y kel isi Reenat Sandhu B lgesel ler ve zerkler Bakan Senat r Erika Stefani Ekonomik Kalk nma Bakan Yard mc s Say n Dario Galli ICE Ba kan Michele Scannavini Confindustria Federorafi Ba kan Ivana Ciabatti ve Vicenza Belediye Ba kan Francesco Rucco vard VICENZAORO is not just business There were also over 30 educational events open to exhibitors and visitors alike and numerous well attended chances for debate and further information on the sector product innovation consumer modalities and the market trends bound to leave a mark These were just some of the aspects under discussion on the first day of the Show at VISIO NEXT TRENDS the first round table at VICENZAORO September which gathered together international experts including top influencers and leading jewellery companies and insiders VICENZAORO sadece bir i de il Ayr ca kat l mc lara ve ziyaret ilere a k olan 30 dan fazla e itim etkinli i ve r n inovasyonu t ketici modaliteleri ve bir iz b rakmaya ba l piyasa e ilimlerini i eren sekt rle ilgili tart malar ve daha fazla bilgi i in say s z kat l m ans vard Bunlar TRENDLER st d zey etkileyiciler ve nde gelen m cevher irketleri ve i erdekiler de dahil olmak zere uluslararas uzmanlar bir araya getiren V CENZAORO Eyl l deki ilk yuvarlak masa y i eren VISIO NEXT deki Fuar n ilk g n nde tart lan y nlerden yaln zca baz lar yd 52 gold book magazine
A Show that was also greatly experienced through the digital channels with a 52 growth in the number of single users on the www vicenzaoro com website and considerable participation and content sharing among bloggers influencers and Instagrammers Ayr ca Fuar www vicenzaoro com web sitesindeki bireysel kullan c say s nda 52 lik bir b y me ve blog yazarlar etkileyiciler ve Instagram kullan c lar aras nda nemli l de kat l m ve i erik payla m ile dijital kanallar arac l yla b y k deneyim kazand The series of Digital Talks organized in collaboration with Confcommercio Federpreziosi also met with enormous success 30 minute meetings and brainstorming on the hottest digital innovation topics specifically aimed at jewellery and watch retailers which saw the involvement of sector experts like for example representatives from Amazon Confcommercio Federpreziosi ile ortakla a d zenlenen Dijital Sohbetler serisi de b y k ba ar larla kar land 30 dakikal k toplant lar ve rne in Amazon dan temsilciler gibi sekt r uzmanlar n n kat l m n g ren zellikle m cevher ve saat perakendecilerini hedefleyen en yeni dijital inovasyon konular nda beyin f rt nas The Gem Talks meetings organized by the Italian Gemmological Institute and sponsored by CIBJO Borsa Diamanti d Italia Confcommercio Federpreziosi and Associazione Gemmologica Italiana were modelled in the same way talyan Gemmoloji Enstit s taraf ndan d zenlenen ve CIBJO Borsa Diamanti d Italia Confcommercio Federpreziosi ve Associazione Gemmologica Italiana n n sponsor oldu u Gem Talks toplant lar da ayn ekilde modellenmi tir gold book magazine 53
news During this edition of VICENZAORO September Paola De Luca Creative Director and Forecaster presented TrendBook 2020 the publication compiled by VICENZAORO s independent research centre TRENDVISION Jewellery Forecasting that Italian Exhibition Group has devised to offer a glance at the trends that will be influencing the jewellery world consumer attitudes and international luxury market situations in the next 18 months VICENZAORO nun Eyl ldeki fuar s ras nda Yarat c Direkt r ve Tahmin Uzman Paola De Luca n m zdeki 18 ayda m cevher d nyas n t ketici davran lar n ve uluslararas l ks pazar durumlar n etkileyecek talyan Fuar Grubu nun trendlere bir bak sunmay tasarlad VICENZAORO nun ba ms z ara t rma merkezi TRENDVISION Jewellery Forecasting taraf ndan derlenen TrendBook 2020 yay nlad Among the new entries at this autumn edition of the Show was T EVOLUTION Jewellery Machinery Technology organized in collaboration with Centro Produttivit Veneto CPV A project with an innovative exhibition training format specifically dedicated to jewellery and gold processing technologies and machinery whose core focus was on the digital technologies and methodologies that are being increasingly used in jewellery creation procedures Fuar n bu sonbahar fuar ndaki yeni giri ler aras nda Centro Produttivit Veneto CPV ile ortakla a d zenlenen T EVOLUTION Jewellery Machinery Technology bulunuyor zellikle m cevherat olu turma prosed rlerinde giderek artan ekilde kullan lan dijital teknolojilere ve metodolojiler zerine odaklanan m cevherat ve alt n i leme teknolojileri ve makinelerine adanm yenilik i bir sergi e itim format na sahip bir proje The world of watches is gaining ever increasing interest at VICENZAORO Indeed The Watch Room a section entirely dedicated to the watch realm and those fascinating time measuring tools hosted the latest collections and previews of twelve independent brands at the most important time of the year for final customer purchases in view of the coming Christmas celebrations Saatlerin d nyas VICENZAORO da giderek artan bir ilgi toplamaktad r Ger ekten de saat d nyas na ve bu etkileyici zaman l m ara lar na adanm bir b l m olan The Watch Room n m zdeki Noel kutlamalar nda son m teri al mlar i in y l n en nemli zaman nda on iki ba ms z markan n en son koleksiyonlar n ve nizlemelerini bar nd rd The city of Vicenza s participation in this edition was something never seen before and it is no coincidence that over the last few days the New York Times has defined it as the capital of jewellery with its full programme of events inside the Exhibition Centre but above all with the first edition of VIOFF the Fuori Fiera Off Show promoted by the Municipality and supported by IEG and other economic categories An event that coloured the city gold and gave thousands of VICENZAORO visitors the chance to enjoy Italian hospitality beauty and gastronomic culture 54 Last but not least the opening of the new temporary exhibition hosted at Vicenza s Museo del Gioiello located inside the Basilica Palladiana Managed by Italian Exhibition Group S p A in partnership with Vicenza Municipality and directed by Alba Cappellieri it is one of only a few museums in the world dedicated exclusively to jewellery The temporary exhibition entitled Jewels of Power Crowns and Tiaras under the curatorship of Alessandra Possamai will be open to the public until 17th March 2019 gold book magazine Vicenza n n bu fuara kat l m daha nce hi g r lmemi bir eydi ve son birka g n i inde New York Times n Sergi Merkezi i indeki olaylar n tam program ile m cevherlerin ba kenti olarak tan mlamas tesad f de il ancak her eyden nce VIOFF un ilk fuar ile Fuori Fiera Off Show Belediye taraf ndan terfi ald ve IEG ve di er ekonomik kategoriler taraf ndan desteklendi ehrin alt n n renklendiren ve binlerce VICENZAORO ziyaret isine talyan misafirperverli inin g zellik ve gastronomi k lt r n n tad n karma ans veren bir etkinlik Sonuncu ama son derece nemli olarak Vicenza daki Museo del Gioiello da d zenlenen yeni ge ici serginin a l Palladiana Bazilikas n n i inde yer ald talyan Sergi Grubu S p A taraf ndan y netilen Vicenza Belediyesi ile ortakla a ve Alba Cappellieri taraf ndan y netilen sadece m cevherat i in adanm d nyada sadece birka m zelerden biri Alessandra Possamai nin k rat rl nde entitled Jewels of Power Crowns and Tiaras G M cevherleri Ta lar ve Ba S sleri ba l kl ge ici sergi 17 Mart 2019 a kadar halka a k olacak
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designer BELKIZ DESIGN Jewellery is an extremely traditional and very old sector that includes many specialties Belk z Sunnat io lu said that she tried to learn its language in order to exist in this sector and she reflected many of her education on Traditional Turkish Arts and different disciplines into her designs She produces even the most complex forms in a simple linear and humorous language Today the designer who first became famous as a name designer with her special letter characters shaped by using wire continues to create jewels with a unique language by blending gold diamond coloured gem stones pearls and coral 56 gold book magazine Kuyumculuk son derece geleneksel ve pek ok uzmanl i inde bar nd ran olduk a eski bir sekt r Bu sekt r n i inde var olabilmek i in onun dilini renmeye al t m diyen Belk z S nnet io lu Geleneksel T rk Sanatlar ve farkl disiplinlerde ald pek ok e itimi tasar mlar na yans tm En karma k formlar bile basit izgisel ve esprili bir dille retmekte lk ba larda tel kullanarak ekillendirdi i zel harf karakterleri ile isim tasar mc s olarak n yapan tasar mc bug n alt n p rlanta renkli m cevher ta lar inci ve mercan gibi malzemeleri harmanlayarak kendine zg bir dille m cevherler yaratmaya devam ediyor
Belk z Sunnet io lu who worked as a banker in professional life after her tourism education thanks to the Department of Applied Jewellery Technology of Marmara University she graduated in 1998 opened the floodgates of the profession she always wanted in her heart After graduation she opened her first workshop in the Grand Bazaar where thousands of years of jewellery tradition was passed down She says that the Grand Bazaar is such a place and adds This is a place where the profession is learned and developed if you want to make a difference in this job you must visit this counter Turizm e itiminin ard ndan profesyonel hayatta bankac olarak al an Belk z S nnet io lu 1998 y l nda mezun oldu u Marmara niversitesi Uygulamal Tak Teknolojisi B l m sayesinde y re inde hep istedi i mesle in kap lar n aralam oldu Mezuniyetin ard ndan binlerce y ll k kuyumculuk gelene inin nesilden nesile aktar ld Kapal ar da ilk at lyesini a t Kapal ar yle bir yer ki diyor Bu mesle in renilece i geli tirilece i nadide bir yer bu i te bir fark yaratmak istiyorsan z mutlaka buran n tezgah ndan ge melisiniz gold book magazine 57
designer 58 On the one hand the designer who started to produce her designs in the workshop on the other hand had educations on diamond and coloured stones She is a HRD ANTWERP diamond consultant professionally At lyede bir yandan tasar mlar n retmeye ba layan tasar mc di er yandan p rlanta ve renkli ta lar konusunda e itimler ald Profesyonel olarak HRD ANTWERP p rlanta dan manl yap yor The designer who has been working on ISTANBUL for the last two years combines the historical heritage of a fascinating city like Istanbul with passion in her jewellery She with her own expression is doing fraternity of style and cooperating with Y ld z ermet a ceramic artist working in Istanbul With both two dimensional and threedimensional designs the collection is getting richer each passing day There was a multi part collection in itself and it continues to multiply Son iki y ld r STANBUL zerine al malar yapan tasar mc stanbul gibi b y leyici bir ehrin tarihi miras n tak lar nda tutkuyla birle tiriyor stanbul konusunda al an seramik sanat s Y ld z ermet ile kendi deyimiyle slup karde li i ve i birli i yap yor Hem iki boyutlu hem de boyutlu tasar mlarla koleksiyon her ge en g n biraz daha zenginle iyor Kendi i inde ok par al bir koleksiyon oldu o almaya da devam ediyor gold book magazine
We live in a very precious area where art and trade have been done for centuries That s why I am especially proud of being a women entrepreneur in the Grand Bazaar I want to guide to the next generations I care for women to be more active in jewellery because strong women will build the strong future of jewellery Y zy llard r sanat ve ticaret yap lan ok k ymetli bir alanda ya yoruz Bu y zden Kapal ar da zellikle kad n giri imci olmak beni gururland r yor Arkamdan gelenlere yol g stermek istiyorum Kuyumculukta kad nlar n daha aktif olmas n nemsiyorum nk g l kad nlar kuyumculu un g l yar nlar n kuracak gold book magazine 59
60 gold book magazine
rings KAYHAN GOLD kayhangold INNOVA Design experts hope that in 2019 our energy will rise with bold colours and patterns and everything will be all right Tasar m uzmanlar 2019 y l nda cesur renkler ve desenler ile enerjimizin y kselece ini ve her eyin yoluna girece ini umuyor 62 gold book magazine
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In the next coming months stylish colours include sun washed oranges rich galactic jewel tones and perhaps the most dazzling ones are vibrant purple golden red and a mixture of emeralds n m zdeki aylarda moda renkler aras nda g ne te y kanm portakallar zengin galaktik m cevher tonlar ve belki de en g z kama t r c canl morlar alt nlar k rm z lar ve z mr tlerin bir kar m var rings and necklaces ROBERTO BRAVO robertobravo 64 gold book magazine
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bracelets LUKAS GOLD 66 gold_lukas gold book magazine
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zoomIN POWER OF THE LITTLE SCULPTURES K K HEYKELLER N G C Magerit is a Spanish company established in 1994 by a team of professional experts in the creation and design of fine jewellery Magerit s jewellery blends its designers creativity and originality with the sophisticated handcrafted finishes of each individual piece Its exclusive designs never go unnoticed and set their wearer apart The company is currently based in the city of Madrid and has one hundred retail locations in twenty six countries All the jewellery produced in Magerit is made from 18kt yellow or white gold and features diamonds clarity Vs1 color G to H pearls and colored stones All carefully selected in accordance with the strictest quality controls Each piece of jewellery is signed and engraved with its own series number which guarantees its exclusive nature and identifies it as unique handcrafted item and is characterized by its originality design and quality 68 gold book magazine Magerit 1994 y l nda kaliteli m cevherlerin olu turulmas ve tasar m nda profesyonel uzmanlardan olu an bir ekip taraf ndan kurulan bir spanyol irketidir Magerit in m cevherleri tasar mc lar n n yarat c l n ve zg nl n her bir par an n sofistike el i i biti leriyle harmanl yor zel tasar mlar asla fark edilmeden yok olmaz ve takanlar n ay rmaz irket u anda Madrid ehrinde bulunuyor ve yirmi alt lkede y z adet perakende sat noktas na sahip Magerit te retilen t m m cevheratlar 18 ayar sar veya beyaz alt ndan yap l r ve elmas berrakl k Vs1 renk G ila H inciler ve renkli ta lar i eriyor Hepsi en s k kalite kontrollerine g re zenle se iliyor Her m cevher par as kendine zg niteli ini garanti eden ve onu el yap m e siz bir r n olarak tan mlayan ve zg nl k tasar m ve kalitesiyle nitelendirilen kendi seri numaras ile belirtilip i leniyor
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zoomIN GEA THE ORIGIN OF CREATION GEA YARADILI IN K KEN The admiration of nature and its exquisite perfection is an exercise that arouses our interest in gaining increased knowledge of the beautiful environment that surrounds us Here surprising phenomena are constantly taking place Only in nature do we find numerous species in continuous development giving us infinite shapes sizes textures and colours Every living being is unique and unrepeatable The miracle of creation manifests itself incessantly in the natural world From an admiration for the earth as the center of all creation Gea was born a collection inspired by the origin of life and the harmony of nature The careful fusion between fantasy and realism offers amazing creations that breathe delicacy and femininity The chromatic variety is especially important offering freshness and warmth to the original designs The use of blue and green stones recalls the colours of the earth Organic motifs that make reference to seeds petals and flowers abound The figurative touch always present in the brand s collections is the protagonist in the most important proposals of the collection As in nature every Magerit creation represents a unique original and unrepeatable piece 70 gold book magazine Do an n hayranl k uyand ran taraf ve st n m kemmelli i bizi evreleyen g zel evrenin hakk ndaki bilgimizi artt rmaya olan ilgimizi eken bir harekettir Burada a rt c olgular s rekli olarak yer almaktad r Sadece do ada s rekli geli im i inde bize sonsuz ekiller boyutlar dokular ve renkler veren ok say da t r buluyoruz Her canl varl k e siz ve tekrarlanamaz Yarat l mucizesi do al d nyada s rekli kendini g sterir T m yarat l n merkezi olarak d nyaya hayranl ktan Gea do du hayat n k keni ve do an n ahenginden esinlenerek yarat lm bir koleksiyon oldu Fantezi ile realizm aras ndaki dikkatli f zyon inceli i ve kad nl f s ldayan inan lmaz yarat mlar sunuyor Orijinal tasar mlara tazelik ve s cakl k sunan kromatik e itlilik zellikle nemlidir Mavi ve ye il ta lar n kullan m d nyan n renklerini hat rlat r Tohum ta yapraklar ve i eklere g nderimde bulunan organik motifler bolca bulunur Markan n koleksiyonlar nda her zaman mevcut olan fig ratif dokunu koleksiyonun en nemli tasar lar n n ba kahraman Do ada oldu u gibi her Magerit yarat m benzersiz zg n ve tekrarlanamaz bir par ay temsil ediyor
Must Have of the collection GEA Necklace A tribute to Mother Earth Koleksiyonun ana esi GEA Kolye Toprak Ana ya bir vg This exclusive limited edition necklace is inspired by the goddess Gea considered a source of all life and creator of the universe according to ancient Greek mythology Delicate branches and flowers envelop the sculptural body of the goddess whose posture is reminiscent of the protagonists of frescoes of creation such as those used by the great Michelangelo to decorate the central vault of the Sistine Chapel Its original structure and the exquisite detail with which it has been crafted make this piece an authentic and timeless work of art Antik Yunan mitolojisine g re bu ayr cal kl s n rl say daki kolye t m ya am n kayna ve evrenin yarat c s olarak kabul edilen tanr a Gea dan esinlenmi tir Narin dallar ve i ekler Sistine apelinin merkezi tonozunu s slemek i in b y k Michelangelo nun kulland gibi duru unun yarat l fresklerinin kahramanlar n and ran tanr an n heykel g vdesini sarar zg n yap s ve i lenmi olan nefis detaylar bu par ay otantik ve zamans z bir sanat eseri haline getiriyor Made with 18Kt Gold White Diamonds Green Diamonds Sapphires and Tanzanites 18 ayar Alt n Beyaz P rlanta Ye il P rlanta Safir ve Tanzanitlerle yap lm t r gold book magazine 71
zoomIN AUREA Inspired by the golden spiral it repeats itself in nature and guarantees the harmony of any creation A symbol of growth evolution continuous development and eternity VERIS from the Latin spring Alt n spiralden esinlenerek do ada tekrarlan yor ve herhangi bir yarat m n uyumunu garanti ediyor B y me evrim s rekli geli im ve sonsuzlu un sembol This set represents nature and fertility as key elements of continuity and development Woman and vegetation combine in a delicate embrace giving life to a piece that surprises with its elegance and femininity VERIS Latin bahar ndan Bu set s reklilik ve geli imin temel eleri olarak do ay ve do urganl temsil ediyor Kad n ve bitki rt s zarif bir kucaklama i inde birle erek zarafeti ve kad nl ile a rtan bir par aya hayat veriyor GENUS From the Latin birth Inspired by the original form adopted by multiple flowering births GERMINA from the Latin seed The figure of a woman born from the inside of a seed is meant to symbolize the origin of life and the magic of the moment of creation GERMINA Latin tohumundan Bir tohumun i d nyas ndan do an bir kad n fig r ya am n k kenini ve yarat l an n n b y s n simgelemek anlam na geliyor 72 gold book magazine GENUS Latin do umundan Birden ok i ek a an do um taraf ndan benimsenen orijinal formdan esinlenilmi tir
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inter view AARON SHUM JEWELRY IN VICENZAORO AARON SHUM JEWELLERY ILE VICENZAORO DA SEPTEMBER 2018 VICENZA Aaron Shum Jewelry exhibited two great products which entered the latest Guinness Book of Records in VicenzaOro September A lipstick case and a mobile phone case for the ladies Of course they are full of sparkly diamonds that can enter the record book We met with Mr Aaron Shum the owner of the firm in VicenzaOro and since we have had an enjoyable interview with Aaron Shum jewels from past to today 74 gold book magazine Aaron Shum M cevherat VicenzaOro September da en son Giness Rekorlar Kitab na giren iki muhte em r n n sergiledi Bayanlar i in bir ruj kab ve bir mobil telefon k l f Tabi ki rekorlar kitab na girebilecek kadar ok lt l elmaslarla dolu Firman n sahibi Mr Aaron Shum ile VicenzaOro da bir araya geldik ve d nden bug ne Aaron Shum m cevherleri ile ilgili keyifli bir r portaj ger ekle tirdik
Can you tell us about Aaron Shum Jewelry Aaron Shum jewelry is a company of jewellery manufacturer founded in 1985 In 1996 we produced a worldwide patented Coronet As you know Coronet is a diamond design in which 7 diamonds look like a solitaire This design was made by me for the first time in 3 diamonds way 20 years ago Unfortunately since I did not get the patent on that period everyone used this idea and I have lost nearly billions of works We re produced Coronet with 7 Diamonds in 2003 until 2006 we received patents all over the world and launched it in 2006 Atasay in Turkey Chow Tai Fook in China became our first partners and we have served in many countries Bize Aaron Shum M cevher den bahseder misiniz Aaron Shum m cevherat 1985 y l nda kurulmu m cevher reticisi bir firma 1996 y l nda d nya ap nda patentli Coronet i rettik Coronet bildi iniz gibi 7 tane elmas n bir tek ta gibi g r nd elmas tasar m d r Bu tasar m ilk defa 20 y l nce 3 elmasl ekilde gene ben retmi tim Ne yaz k ki o d nem patentini almad m i in bu fikri herkes kulland ve ben belki milyarlarca i kaybettim Coronet i yeniden 7 elmasl ekilde 2003 y l nda rettik 2006 y l na kadar t m d nyada patentlerini ald k ve 2006 y l nda piyasaya s rd k T rkiye de Atasay in de Chow Tai Fook ilk partnerlerimiz oldu ve bir ok lkede hizmet verdik And then in 2015 Basel it was a 100 year old history back then accepted us in a Hall I not in another pavillion not in Hong Kong pavillion In Hall 1 where all the great names such as Graff Hermes Dior were included Then we realized we were a new company and we needed to mix things up to get people s attention So we made a diamond guitar using 400 carat diamonds and 1 6 kilos of gold With the most valuable guitar in the world we successfully received the first Guinness World Record This was followed by a world tour Ve sonra 2015 te Basel o zamanlar 100 y ll k bir tarihti bizi Hong Kong ya da ba ka bir pavyonda de il bir numaral salonda kabul etti Graff Hermes Dior gibi t m b y k isimlerin yer ald Salon I de O zaman yeni bir irket oldu umuzu fark ettik ve insanlar n dikkatini ekmek i in bir eyler kar t rmam z gerekliydi Bu y zden 400 karat elmas ve 1 6 kilo alt n kullanarak bir elmas gitar yapt k D nyan n en de erli gitar ile ilk Guinness D nya Rekorunu ba ar yla ald k Bunu bir d nya turu izledi gold book magazine 75
inter view We have had widespread media coverage in many different countries and even in Turkey I think your famous artist was photographed playing the most valuable guitar in the world and ministers in many countries even the king of Bahrain posed with the guitar That was incredible It created so much influence in the world that Jackson 5 asked us to make a family ring for their 50th Anniversary We made their 50th Anniversary rings for Jackson 5 50 years later we wanted to reshoot the same photo that was taken 50 years ago when the group was very young but unfortunately Michael Jackson was no longer with us and the brothers invited me to put on his ring and we took a picture This is a beautiful story And I represent Michael Jackson Michael Jackson s ring later passed on to Prince Jackson Michael s eldest son Later the last performances of a twomonth music festival organized by BBC London were made by Jacksons In this event Jermaine performed my guitar in front of 40 thousand audiences Then Jermaine worked with my wife to design a new guitar Jermain s playing this guitar consisting of 16033 pieces of gemstones for the audience at the Basel Fair brought us the second Guinness World Record 76 gold book magazine Bir ok farkl lkede hatta T rkiye de bile medyada ok geni apta yer ald k San r m nl bir sanat n z d nyan n en de erli gitar n alarken foto rafland bir ok lkede bakanlar hatta Bahreyn Kral bile gitar ile poz verdi Bu inan lmazd D nyada yle bir ses getirmi ti ki bundan dolay Jackson 5 bizden 50 Y ld n mleri i in bir aile y z yapmam z istedi Jackson 5 i in 50 Y ld n m y z klerini yapt k 50 y l nce grubun ok gen ken ektirdi i foto raf n ayn s n 50 y l sonra tekrar ekelim istedik ama maalesef Michael Jackson art k aram zda de ildi ve karde ler onun y z n takmam i in beni davet ettiler ve bir foto raf ektik Bu ok g zel bir hikaye Ve ben Mic hael Jackson temsil ettim Michael Jackson n y z daha sonra Michael in en b y k o luna Prens Jackson a ge ti Daha sonra BBC London n d zenledi i iki ayl k bir m zik festivalinin son performanslar n Jackson lar yapt Jermaine bu etkinlikte gitar m 40 bin seyircinin n nde sahneye ald Ard ndan Jermaine yeni bir gitar tasarlamak i in e imle birlikte al t Jermaine in 16033 adet de erli ta tan olu an bu gitar Basel Fuar nda izleyicilere almas bize ikinci Guinness D nya Rekorunu getirdi
How many Guinness World Records do you have now We broke the third Guinness World Record with a handbag we designed in the form of a Coca Cola bottle using 9888 diamonds We then received two world records with the 6576 diamonddesigned protective case for iPhone X and the lipstick box we designed using 2126 diamonds We exhibited these two products at this fair u anda ka tane Guinness D nya Rekorunuz var 9888 adet elmas kullanarak Coca Cola i esi formunda tasarlad m z bir el antas ile nc Guinness D nya Rekorunu k rm olduk Ard ndan iPhone X i in 6576 adet elmas kullanarak tasarlad m z koruyucu k l f ve 2126 adet elmas kullanarak tasarlad m z ruj kutusu ile iki d nya rekoru daha ald k Bu iki r n bu fuarda sergiledik What else do you plan to produce now Are there different projects We work on different products and will share them in the future I can say that we are planning to design some pretty big pieces We also wanted to be in the daily life and we are building a new diamond museum in Dubai In this museum we will also exhibit the Guinness world record winning products The museum will be opened by the end of November Our partner who is the biggest tour operator in Dubai says that 300 500 people can visit this museum every day This museum will have a story about our brand and Guinness World Records imdi ba ka neler retmeyi planl yorsunuz Farkl projeler var m Farkl r nler zerinde al yoruz ve bunlar gelecekte payla aca z u kadar n s yleyebilirim olduk a b y k par alar tasarlamay planl yoruz Ayn zamanda g nl k hayat n i inde de olmak istedik ve Dubai de yeni bir elmas m zesi yap yoruz Bu m zede Guinness D nya Rekoru kazanan r nlerimizi de sergileyece iz M ze Kas m ay sonuna kadar a lm olacak Dubaide ki en b y k tur opera t r olan partnerimiz her g n 300 500 ki inin bu m zeyi ziyaret edebilece ini s yl yor Bu m ze markam z ve Guinness D nya Rekorlar n n bir hikayesi olacak By the way how did the cooperation with Reena Ahluwalia begin Reena is a well known designer and artist She made diamond paintings and designed large jewellery sets for 3 years Her pictures will be sold at the museum This is very unique and special Bu arada Reena Ahluwalia ile i birli i nas l ba lad Reena tan nm bir tasar mc ve sanat d r Elmas tablolar yapm ve 3 y l boyunca b y k m cevher setleri tasarlam t r Resimleri m zede de sat lacak Bu ok e siz ve zel What does Mr Aaron Shum do in his spare time in his special time We know you only cycle I think you do sports I know I have to do sports to protect my health That s why I care about sports I scuba dive go skiing and run and except for cycling Bay Aaron Shum bo zamanlar nda zel zamanlar nda ne yapar Sadece bisiklet kulland n z biliyorum spor yap yorsunuz san r m Sa l m korumak i in spor yapmam gerekti ini biliyorum O y zden spora nem veriyorum Bisiklet d nda t pl dal kayak yap yorum ve ko uyorum gold book magazine 77
ed ito r s ch oice CRIVELLI 2018 The face of Maison Crivelli and protagonist of the advertising campaign is Micaela Ramazzotti An active performer Micaela Ramazzotti has been working with the most important Italian directors obtaining prestigious prizes and representing for years the excellence of Italian Cinema Micaela Ramazzotti at the height of her maturity as a woman and actress for the Valenzan maison represents a genuine elegant and spontaneous beauty embodying a positive and reassuring model of simplicity and success both in her carrier and in her private life Maison Crivelli nin y z ve reklam kampanyas n n ba kahraman Micaela Ramazzotti Aktif bir oyuncu olan Micaela Ramazzotti talyan sinemas n n m kemmelli ini y llard r temsil eden ve prestijli d ller alan en nemli talyan y netmenlerle al yor Micaela Ramazzotti Valenson Maison i in bir kad n ve aktris olarak olgunlu unun zirvesinde hem kariyerinde hem de zel hayat nda pozitif ve g ven verici bir basitlik ve ba ar modelini somutla t ran ger ek zarif ve spontane bir g zelli i temsil ediyor LIKE CRIVELLI The collection LIKE presents rings and bracelets in pink or white gold with an extremely clean design Keeping all its lightness gold is modeled in volume games where the brilliants pave finds space as a precious element of further brightness 78 gold book magazine CRIVELLI BE EN S BE EN koleksiyonu son derece temiz bir tasar ma sahip olan pembe veya beyaz alt nl y z k ve bilezikler sunuyor Onun t m alt n a kl n korumak p rlantalar n daha fazla parlakl n de erli bir unsuru olarak yer buldu u hacim oyunlar nda modellenmi tir
Modulating styles and materials unusual or classic details the hotbed of the Crivelli jewellery house has made the future its present using continuous innovation of pieces with a contemporary design While continuing its creative march Crivelli has begun to define icons Names that evoke inspirations secret worlds embodying the values of the Crivelli universe bearing witness to the desire of the jewellery house to give a sign of continuity and presence beyond the seasons Just is the essential elegance Like with the purity of design is the three dimensional embodiment of the first letter of Crivelli Unbreakable has the strength of perfect geometry Outstanding reveals the secret of those who already have exceptional character and beauty Evermore goes beyond time and generations Among these emerges the Collection LIKE which well represents the brand values Passion Femininity Uniqueness Independence and Made in Italy Mod lasyon stilleri ve malzemeler s ra d veya klasik detaylar Crivelli m cevher evinin kayna a da bir tasar mla par alar n s rekli yenili ini kullanarak gelece i bug nk haline getirdi Crivelli yarat c yolculu una devam ederken ikonlar tan mlamaya ba lad Sezonlar n tesinde s reklili in ve varl n belirtisini veren m cevherat evinin arzusuna tan kl k eden Crivelli evreninin de erlerini somutla t ran gizli d nyalar ilham uyand ran isimler Do ruluk esas zarafettir Tasar m safl ile Be eni Crivelli nin ilk harfinin boyutlu d zenlemesidir K r lmaz m kemmel geometrinin g c ne sahiptir S ra d ola an st karakter ve g zelli e oktan sahip olanlar n s rr n a a kar r Daima zaman n ve nesillerin tesine ge er Bunlar aras nda iyi bir ekilde Tutku Kad nl k Teklik Ba ms zl k ve talya da yap lan marka de erlerini temsil eden BE EN Koleksiyonu ortaya k yor gold book magazine 79
ed ito r s ch oice DAMIANI D SIDE The perfect sign encapsulating a heartfelt emotion Signifying more than just geometric purity the circle is a universal supernatural symbol brimming with references to eternity and to the mutual desire to become one This is the inspiration behind Damiani s D Side collection now enriched with vibrant playful necklaces earrings and bracelets accessories of an intense femininity that unite the iconic nature of D Side with the emotional power of colour Whether for oneself or for others a D Side jewel is the perfect gift with shimmering white mother of pearl streaky green malachite deep blue lapislazuli and jet black onyx combined with gold and diamonds to provide a fascinating new interpretation of the D Side collection Lively coloured discs extraordinary moments of joy that also accentuate long slender retro sautoir necklaces embellish drop and lobe earrings while also complementing the perfect design of bangles Designed in 2001 by Hollywood star Brad Pitt and crafted by Damiani s Master goldsmiths in Valenza the original D Side collection also drew inspiration from the circle with a pair of concentric rings joined by brilliant cut diamonds turning into a metaphysical meeting place for two souls the union of two people into a unique and indissoluble bond 80 gold book magazine Y rekten bir duyguyu kapsayan m kemmel i aret geometrik safl ktan daha fazlas n ifade eden daire sonsuzlu a g nderimde bulunarak ve bir olma iste iyle dolup ta an evrensel do a st bir sembold r Bu Damiani s D Side koleksiyonunun ard ndaki ilham imdi D Side in ikonik do as n rengin duygusal g c yle birle tiren yo un bir kad nl n aksesuarlar olan canl e lenceli kolyeler k peler ve bilezikler ile zenginle tirildi Kendiniz ya da di erleri i in par ldayan beyaz sedef izgili ye il malahit derin mavi lapis lazuli ve alt nla elmas n birle imi simsiyah oniks b y leyici yeni bir D Side koleksiyonu yorumu sa lamak ad na D Side m cevher m kemmel bir hediye Uzun ince retro sautoir kolyeleri de vurgulayan ola an st haz sembol canl renkli diskler damla ve loblu k peleri s slerken ayn zamanda m kemmel bir bilezik tasar m n tamaml yor 2001 y l nda Hollywood y ld z Brad Pitt taraf ndan tasarlanan ve Damiani nin Valenza daki alt n kuyumcular taraf ndan ustal kla i lenen orijinal D Side koleksiyonu ayr ca iki insan n birle mesini e siz ve z lmez bir ba simgeleyen iki ruh i in metafizik bir bulu ma mekan na d n en parlak kesimli elmaslarla birle tirilen bir ift e merkezli halka ile emberden ilham ald
The side setting of the gems to which the collection owes its name joins two circles together in a precious design that symbolises the daily renewal of a promise of love or of a deep friendship encapsulating an incredible wealth of values in the simple action of wearing a necklace earrings or a bracelet The D Side collection in white yellow and rose gold represents female sentiment and passion and a contemporary desire for playful light heartedness In its creations tradition and design entwine for a truly unique style experience The symbol of love unites with colour in an alternation of elegant combinations turning into a style detail for day to day wear Koleksiyonun ad n bor lu oldu u m cevherlerin yan seti bir kolye k pe veya bir bilezik takma gibi basit bir eylemde inan lmaz bir de er zenginli ini kapsayan bir a k vaadi ya da derin bir dostlu un yenilenmesini sembolize eden de erli bir tasar m n i ine iki halkay birlikte kat yor Beyaz sar ve g l pembesi alt ndan olu an D Side koleksiyonu kad na zg hissi ve tutkuyu ve co kulu kayg s zl k i in a da bir arzuyu temsil ediyor Kreasyonlar nda gelenek ve tasar m benzersiz ger ek bir stil deneyimi i in birbirinin etraf n sar yor A k n sembol k kombinasyonlar n bir araya gelmesiyle renk ile birle erek g nl k kullan m i in bir stil detay na d n yor gold book magazine 81
ed ito r s ch oice TAMARA COMOLLI COUNTRY LIFE This Fall Winter we show our love of country life Thinking smart suits combined with coats and capes of heavy tweed we focus on classic shades of moonstone in our Color Stories Cashmere and Camel Olive adds a special touch of country sophistication a deep military style color that is both traditional and provocative We make it extra special with stunning accents of white grass green and ultraviolet a perfect combination not just for long walks in the great outdoors 82 gold book magazine Bu Sonbahar K ehir hayat na olan sevgimizi g steriyoruz k tak m elbiseleriyle birlikte a r t vitlerin pelerinlerini kombinledi imizi d nd m zde Color Stories Casmere ve Camel daki ay ta n n klasik tonlar na odaklan yoruz Zeytin ye ili zel bir ehir entelekt elli i dokunu u kat yor hem geleneksel hem de k k rt c olan derin askeri tarz Beyaz imen ye ili ve mor tesi gibi arp c unsurlarla ekstra zel hale getiriyoruz sadece harika a k havada uzun y r y ler i in olmayan m kemmel bir kombinasyon
gold book magazine 83
Visited by 18 953 sector professionals from 119 countries and recognized as one of the top five jewelry exhibitions in the world Istanbul Jewelry Show ended on Sunday October 14th 2018 Organized for the 47th time by UBM Rotaforte Uluslararas Fuarc l k A Turkey office of UBM Asia which is the biggest exhibition organizer of the Asian continent Istanbul Jewelry Show achieved a 22 increase in the number of visitors compared to the exhibition of October 2017 Istanbul Jewelry Show whereby billions of dollars worth of agreements for exports to be made by over 800 exhibitors and brands to all corners of the globe were signed made an enormous contribution to Turkish economy leaving behind another unforgettable year 119 lkeden 18 953 sekt r profesyonelinin ziyaret etti i d nyan n en b y k be m cevher fuar aras nda yer alan Istanbul Jewelry Show 14 Ekim 2018 Pazar g n sona erdi Asya k tas n n en b y k fuar organizat r UBM Asia n n T rkiye ofisi UBM Rotaforte Uluslararas Fuarc l k A taraf ndan 47 kez d zenlenen Istanbul Jewelry Show Ekim 2017 fuar na g re 22 ziyaret i art yakalad 800 n zerinde kat l mc firma ve markan n d nyan n d rt bir yan na ger ekle tirece i milyar dolarl k ihracat anla malar n n imzaland Istanbul Jewelry Show T rkiye ekonomisine b y k katk da bulunarak unutulmaz bir seneyi daha geride b rakt Istanbul Jewelry Show October 2018 which hosted over 1 000 buyers as part of the International Buyer Delegation Program as well as 18 953 professionals from the sector has been completed with great success by exceeding expectations with a 22 increase in the number of visitors compared to the exhibition in October 2017 Organized twice a year in the months of March and October Istanbul Jewelry Show created the best platform for realizing around 80 of the exports of the Turkish jewelry sector via two exhibitions that lasted a total of eight days 18 953 sekt r profesyonelinin ziyareti ve Uluslararas Al m Heyeti Program kapsam nda 1 000 i a k n al c y a rlayan Istanbul Jewelry Show Ekim 2018 Ekim 2017 fuar na g re 22 lik ziyaret i art yla beklentilerin zerine karak ba ar yla sona erdi Mart ve Ekim aylar nda olmak zere y lda iki kez d zenlenen Istanbul Jewelry Show toplam sekiz g nl k iki fuarla T rkiye m cevher ihracat n n 80 nine yak n b l m n n ger ekle mesi i in uygun platformu olu turdu gold book magazine 85
news Recognized as one of the top five jewelry exhibitions in the world and as Turkey s first and only specialized international jewelry exhibition Istanbul Jewelry Show October 2018 put a hallmark on the international jewelry exhibition market both with the exciting booths of 800 exhibitors and brands from all over the world and with the new jewelry designs that set the trends for year 2019 D nyan n en b y k be m cevher fuar aras nda yer alan ve T rkiye nin ilk ve tek uluslararas m cevher ihtisas fuar olan Istanbul Jewelry Show Ekim 2018 Fuar nda d nyan n d rt bir yan ndan 800 kat l mc firma ve markan n heyecan verici stantlar n n yan s ra 2019 modas na y n veren tasar mlar yla da uluslararas m cevher piyasas na damgas n vurdu ERM N CENG Z WE ARE PROUD OF OUR EXHIBITIONS IN 2018 ermin Cengiz the Founding Partner of UBM Rotaforte which organized this great summit for the 47th time with its 32 years of experience said We are more than glad to have completed successfully our exhibition which sets the agenda of all professionals of the sector and the global jewelry industry alike It is a source of pride for us that despite being an 8 day exhibition consisting of two 4 day parts Istanbul Jewelry Show helped create around 80 of the jewelry exports of our country Aware of the fact that every Istanbul Jewelry Show is a major gateway opening our jewelry industry to the world and makes significant contributions to our national economy we ve already started working hard to make even greater achievements with our exhibitions in 2019 ERM N CENG Z 2018 FUARLARIMIZLA GURUR DUYUYORUZ 32 y ll k tecr besiyle bu b y k bulu may 47 kez ger ekle tiren UBM Rotaforte Kurucu Orta ermin Cengiz T m sekt r profesyonellerinin ve d nya m cevherat sekt r n n g ndemini belirleyen fuar m z ba ar yla d zenlemi olmaktan b y k mutluluk duyuyoruz D rder g nden toplam sekiz g nl k bir fuar olmas na kar n Istanbul Jewelry Show un lkemizin m cevher ihracat n n 80 nine yak n oranda katk sa lamas bizim i in bir gurur vesilesidir Her Istanbul Jewelry Show un sekt r m z n d nyaya a lan en nemli penceresi oldu unun ve T rkiye ekonomisine ciddi l de katk da bulundu unun bilinciyle 2019 fuarlar m zda daha b y k ba ar lar elde etmek i in al maya imdiden ba lam bulunuyoruz dedi BREAKING NEW RECORDS ONCE AGAIN Istanbul Jewelry Show October 2018 Exhibition which broke many new records in numerous aspects of the event ranging from number of exhibitors to number of visitors and from ratio of foreign visitors to ratio of local visitors at the first event of year 2018 which was realized between 22 25 March 2018 once again drew the attention of the global jewelry industry to the exhibition and to our country Y NE REKORLAR YEN REKORLAR 22 25 Mart 2018 tarihinde ger ekle en 2018 in ilk fuar nda kat l mc say s ndan ziyaret i say s na yabanc ziyaret i oran ndan yerli ziyaret i oran na bir ok rekora imza atm olan Istanbul Jewelry Show Ekim 2018 Fuar d nya m cevher sekt r n n dikkatini fuar n ve lkemizin zerinde toplad Compared to October 2017 exhibition Istanbul Jewelry Show October 2018 demonstrated a 39 increase in the number of foreign visitors and 10 increase in the number of local visitors 49 of the visitors were from abroad while the remaining 51 were from Turkey Istanbul Jewelry Show Ekim 2018 Ekim 2017 fuar na g re yabanc ziyaret i say s nda 39 yerli ziyaret i say s nda ise 10 art g sterdi Fuar ziyaret eden ziyaret ilerin 49 unu yurtd ndan 51 ini ise yurti inden gelen ziyaret iler olu turdu Over 800 jewelry companies and brands representing a wide range of product groups and sectors including gold jewelry diamonds colored stones precious and semi precious stones pearls silver silver accessories and silver household items gold mounters refinery watches molds shop window decorations machinery and equipment side industry safes software and logistics and lighting product groups 86 gold book magazine Alt n m cevher p rlanta renkli ta de erli ve yar de erli ta inci g m g m tak ve g m ev e yas alt n mont r rafineri saat kal p vitrin dekorasyon makine ekipman ve yan sanayi kasa yaz l m lojistik ile ayd nlatma r n gruplar n n yer ald fuara toplam 800 n zerinde firma ve marka kat ld
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news THE MOST FRUITFUL SETTING FOR MAKING NEW BUSINESS CONTACTS International Buyer Delegation Program which is organized with the purpose of finding new export markets and preserving the market share of the sector in cooperation by Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters Association IMMIB Jewelry Exporters Association of Turkey JTR and UBM Rotaforte and under the coordination of the Ministry of Customs and Trade of Turkish Republic once again fulfilled its purpose as a classical feature of the exhibition Business meetings held throughout the exhibition with over 1 000 professional buyers from Europe Middle East America North Africa and Far East helped realize a large portion of Turkey s jewelry exports SHOWCASING 2019 JEWELRY TRENDS AND NEW DESIGNS Turkish Jewelry Industry which recently managed to get rid of its label as the jewelry contract manufacturer in the world and increased its reputation with unique jewelry designs debuted trendy designs from the 2019 Spring Summer jewelry collections for the taste of global jewelry buyers Organized every year in cooperation by UBM Rotaforte and Jewelry Exporters Association JTR the Designer Market brought together at the October 2018 exhibition the master and young jewelry designers on the same platform In the Designer Market section specially created inside the venue jewelry designers were the center of attention as they showcased their popular designs and jewelry products 88 gold book magazine BA LANTILARI N EN VER ML ORTAM hracat n art r lmas ihra r nlerine yeni pazarlar bulunmas ve pazar pay n n korunmas amac yla T C Ticaret Bakanl koordinat rl nde stanbul Maden ve Metaller hracat Birlikleri MM B Genel Sekreterli i M cevher hracat lar Birli i JTR ve UBM Rotaforte nin organizat rl nde ger ekle tirilen Uluslararas Al m Heyeti Program da bir fuar klasi i olarak i levini yerine getirdi Avrupa Ortado u Amerika Kuzey Afrika ve Uzakdo u lkelerinden gelen 1 000 i a k n al c ile fuar s resince yap lan i g r meleri T rkiye M cevher hracat n n b y k bir b l m n n ger ekle tirilmesinde yine b y k rol oynad 2019 MODASI VE YEN TASARIMLAR DA FUARDAYDI Fason retim d ng s n k rarak zg n tasar m r nleriyle t m d nyada ad ndan s z ettiren T rkiye M cevher Sekt r 2019 lkbahar Yaz m cevher modas na dair trend tasar m ve koleksiyonlar n zel g sterileriyle d nya m cevher al c lar n n be enisine sundu Her y l UBM Rotaforte ve T rkiye M cevher hracat lar Birli i i birli i ile ger ekle tirilen Designer Market Ekim 2018 Fuar nda da usta ve gen m cevher tasar mc lar n ayn at alt nda bulu turdu Fuar alan nda zel olarak olu turulan Designer Market te tasar mc lar tasar mlar n ve rettikleri m cevherleri sergileyerek b y k ilgi ektiler
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news INSPIRATION FROM SACRED VALUES MEETS WITH CRAFTSMANSHIP KISWAH JEWELERY KUTSAL DE ERLERDEN GELEN LHAM ZANAATKARLIK LE BULU UYOR 90 gold book magazine A realistic interpretation of Samediye the sacred writing on the Kaaba s arch designed with gold and diamonds on ebony A special design presenting glass enamel craftsmanship and exhibiting the elegance of the sacred writings on the kiswah prepared in Ottoman times A necklace inspired from the letter of Prophet Muhammad and shaped by silver workmanship Kiswah Infinite Collection interprets spiritual values with an artistic perspective While its collections are based on the cultural development and change processes of the civilization Kiswah Infinite Collection brings moral values and art together Adopting the philosophy of unity beyond time Kiswah Jewellery is inspired by the cultural and artistic treasures of 4000 years old civilization Kiswah Jewellery which have worked with academicians and applied to the library of more than 300 culture and art books before the design process to reflect the historical development correctly brings novelty to the sector by offering jewellery with sentimental value Limited edition Kiswah Infinite Collection has two subcollections Sadeen Collection and Sacred Relics Collection Abanoz zerine alt n ve p rlantalarla s slenmi kutsal Kabe kemer yaz s Samediye nin ger ek i yorumu Cam mine i ili i ile yap lm ve Osmanl zaman nda haz rlanm Kabe rt s n n yaz lar n n zarafetini sergileyen zel tasar m y z kler G m i ili i ile ekillendirilmi ve Hz Muhammed in mektubundan ilham alm kolye Koleksiyonlar n medeniyetin k lt rel ve sanatsal geli melerini baz alarak olu turan Kiswah Jewellery Kiswah Infinite Collection ile manevi de erleri sanat ile bulu turuyor Zaman st birlik felsefesiyle ile yola kan Kiswah Jewellery 4000 y ll k medeniyetin k lt rel ve sanatsal zenginliklerinden ilham al yor Tarihsel geli imi do ru yans tabilmek ad na tasar m s reci ncesinde akademisyenlerle al an ve 300 kitapl k k lt r ve sanat k t phanesine ba vuran Kiswah Jewellery manevi de eri olan m cevherler sunarak sekt re yenilik getiriyor S n rl say da retilmi Kiswah Infinite Collection iki alt koleksiyona sahip Sadeen Collection ve Sacred Relics Collection
Sadeen Collection focuses on the motifs and sacred writings on the Kaaba and the kiswah To make the jewellery even more special KISWAH adds a piece of the old Kaaba Covers to its jewellery The Kaaba covers that has been collected by Bekir Kantarc the founder of the brand over the course of 25 years and certified by Islamic Dinar Museum in Mecca turns into jewellery at the hands of craftsmen The kiswah is a masterpiece in itself with intense labor and fine craftsmanship it displays Quranic verses are beautifully and skilfully embroidered in different calligraphic forms by more than 200 talented artisans in threads of pure gold and silver The 14 metre long kiswah is embroidered with 120 kg of gold and 25 kg of silver threads Kiswah Jewellery reflects the same attention to its designs and presents the highest level of craftsmanship on the handcrafted jewellery and art objects Sacred Relics Collection interprets the holy relics with a modern jewellery approach When we look at the history of the sacred relics we see the efforts of many different nations to protect them In the 16th century after the conquest of Egypt by Yavuz Sultan Selim the caliphate passed from the Abbasids to the Ottoman sultans The Abbasid caliph sent the holy relics to the Ottoman Empire From this time on the responsibility of protecting the sacred relics belonged to the Ottomans Also the items that were in Medina during the World War I were sent to Istanbul to prevent any damage Founded in Istanbul which has preserved these sacred pieces for centuries Kiswah Jewellery makes these items with spiritual value a part of our lives through jewellery Among the sacred relics there are the cardigan beard letters arrows and sword of the Prophet Muhammad The tray used by Abraham the staff of Moses the sword of David the robe of Joseph and the chest of Muhammad s daughter Fatimah are also some of the holy relics The sacred relics which were sent to the Ottoman sultans from the 16th century to the mid nineteenth century are exhibited in the Sacred Relics Department in Topkapi Palace Kiswah Jewellery brings inspiration coming from the Kaaba and the holy relics various art branches and unique materials together The brand that uses so many materials such as diamond ebony gold silver ruby emerald tortoise for various designs applies carving glass enamel work wood workmanship and many other techniques Art branches that have shaped aesthetic understanding of humankind throughout history such as calligraphy miniature mosaic stained glass marbling tile k ndakari are being revived KISWAH is shaped around the vision of making the civilization s wonderful stories and memorable moments vivid and lasting through the jewellery and art objects processed with unique craftsmanship It gives a new point of view to the jewellery sector by presenting jewellery with sentimental value Sadeen Collection Kabe ve Kabe rt s ndeki motif ve kutsal yaz lara odaklan yor KISWAH koleksiyonun m cevherlerini daha da zel k lmak ad na her bir m cev here eski Kabe rt lerinden bir par a ekliyor Marka kurucusu Bekir Kantarc n n 25 sene boyunca ki isel koleksiyonu olarak biriktirdi i ve Mekke deki slami Dinar M zesi taraf ndan sertifikalanm rt ler zanaatkarlar n elinde m cevherata d n yor Kabe rt s zerindeki yo un emek ve ince zanaatkarl k ile ba l ba na bir aheser Kurandan ayetler 200 den fazla yetenekli nakka taraf ndan saf alt n ve g m ipliklerle rt n n zerine ustal kla i leniyor 14 metre boyundaki rt bitti inde 120 kg alt n ve 25 kg g m ipi zerinde ta yor Kiswah Jewellery de ayn zeni tasar mlar na yans t yor ve her biri el yap m olan m cevherlerinde zanaatkarl n en y ksek mertebesini sergiliyor Sacred Relics Collection mukaddes emanetleri modern m cevher yakla m ile yorumluyor Mukaddes emanetlerin tarihine bakt m zda onlar korumak ad na bir ok farkl milletin abalar n g r yoruz 16 y zy lda Yavuz Sultan Selim in M s r fethi ile hilafet Abbasilerden Osmanl padi ahlar na ge ti Bu zamandan itibaren mukaddes emanetleri koruma sorumlulu u da Osmanl lara ait oldu Abbasi halifesi bu kutsal emanetleri Osmanl ya g nderdi Birinci D nya Sava s ras nda Medine de olan par alar da zarar g rmemeleri ad na stanbul a g nderildi Y zy llard r bu kutsal par alar koruyan ehir stanbul da kurulan Kiswah Jewellery m cevherler arac l yla manevi de ere sahip bu e yalar hayat m z n bir par as haline getiriyor Mukaddes emanetler aras nda Hz Muhammed in h rkas sakal mektuplar oku ve k l c yer al yor Hz brahim in tenceresi Hz Davud un k l c Hz Yusuf un c bbesi Hz Fatma n n sand Hz Musa n n asas da mukaddes emanetlerden baz lar 16 y zy ldan 19 y zy l ortalar na kadar Osmanl padi ahlar na g nderilmi kutsal emanetler Topkap Saray nda Mukaddes Emanetler Dairesi nde sergileniyor Kiswah Jewellery Kabe ve mukaddes emanetlerden ald ilham bir ok farkl sanat dal ve zg n malzemelerle bir araya getiriyor Elmas abanoz alt n g m yakut z mr t ba a gibi bir ok farkl materyali tasar mlar nda kullanan marka oyma cam mine i ili i ah ap i ili i gibi bir ok farkl tekni e de ba vuruyor Tasar mlar nda kaligrafi hat minyat r mozaik vitray ebru ini k ndekari gibi tarih boyunca estetik anlay m z ekillendirmi sanat dallar n yeniden canland r yor KISWAH medeniyetimizin muhte em hikayelerini ve iz b rakan anlar n e siz zanaatkarl k ile i lenen m cevherler arac l yla canl ve kal c k lmak vizyonu etraf nda ekilleniyor Manevi de eri olan m cevherler sunarak m cevherat sekt r ne yeni bir bak a s kazand r yor gold book magazine 91
watch A MECHANICAL WATCH WITH A MANUAL SET OF COLOURED ALUMINIUM THAT COMBINES THE DEFIANCE OF SHAPES AND COLOURS WITH THE CLASSICISM OF THE MOVEMENT HERE IT IS ATTOVERTICALE THE RESULTANT OF MASERA DESIGN S UNIQUE IDEA IS IRONIC AND ELEGANT PROVOCATION EK LLER N VE RENKLER N KAR ITLI INI HAREKET N KLAS ZM LE B RLE T REN RENKL AL M NYUMDAN YAPILMI MAN EL KURMALI MEKAN K B R SAAT TE ATTOVERTICALE MASERA DESIGN IN BENZERS Z F KR NDEN DO AN RON K VE ZAR F B R PROVOKASYON Masera Design is an Italian design studio that has decided to develop its own watch concept after several years in the watch manufacturing industry AttoVerticale is the first brand that arises from Masera Design s creativity AttoVerticale expresses mechanical movement in a new way by creating a non traditional design with a strong personality Between the two sapphire crystals the baguette movement floats on the strap and it matches the colours of the case by creating a visual effect resulting from instant recognition 92 gold book magazine Masera Design saat imalat end strisinde ge en birka y ldan sonra kendi saat konseptini geli tirmeye karar veren bir talyan tasar m st dyosudur AttoVerticale Masera Design n yarat c l ndan do an ilk markad r AttoVerticale g l bir ki ili e sahip geleneksel olmayan bir tasar m yaratarak mekanik hareketi yeni bir ekilde ifade ediyor ki safir kristalin i inde baget hareketi kay zerinde y z yor ve an nda tan madan kaynaklanan g rsel bir etki yaratarak kasan n renkleri ile uyumlu bir ekilde e le iyor
COLLECTIONS KOLEKS YONLAR AttoVerticale is presented as three collections ORIGIN UPPER and TONNEAU ORIGIN Series is the first series released in 2016 Its six iconic models are characterized by vibrant colours and a completely black version Replaceable straps are available in leather or Cordura The second collection UPPER includes six references with special colours such as bronze rose gold and emerald green The straps fit perfectly with the elegance of the case creating elegant colour combinations Finally the TONNEAU model is the style watch of AttoVerticale The compact and elegant models of the TONNEAU series involve a strong recognition of the design This collection features bright colours a completely black model and a female version made of rose gold AttoVerticale koleksiyon olarak sunuluyor ORIGIN UPPER ve TONNEAU ORIGIN Serisi 2016 y l nda piyasaya s r len ilk seri Alt ikonik modeli canl renkler ve tamam yla siyah bir versiyon ile karakterizedir De i tirilebilir kay lar deri ya da Cordura olarak mevcuttur kinci koleksiyon olan UPPER bronz pembe alt n ve z mr t ye ili gibi zel renklere sahip alt referans i eriyor Kay lar zarif renk kombinasyonlar yaratarak kasan n zarafeti ile m kemmel ekilde uyum sa l yor Son olarak TONNEAU modeli AttoVerticale nin tarz saatidir TONNEAU serisinin kompakt ve zarif modelleri tasar m n g l tan n rl n ihtiva ediyor Bu koleksiyonda parlak renkler tamam yla siyah bir model ve pembe alt ndan retilmi bir kad n versiyonu yer al yor gold book magazine 93
news A DAZZLING RENDEZVOUS AT THE WORLD S LARGEST JEWELLERY MARKETPLACE Organised by the HKTDC the 6th edition of Hong Kong International Diamond Gem Pearl Show dedicated to raw jewellery materials will be held from 26 Feb 2 March 2019 at AsiaWorld Expo while the 36th edition of Hong Kong International Jewellery Show featuring finished fine jewellery will run from 28 Feb 4 March 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre The twin shows are set to welcome a total of over 4 600 exhibitors forming the world s largest jewellery marketplace With a wide range of jewellery products from the globe the shows attracted about 87 000 buyers from 145 countries and regions in last edition manifesting the shows are key promotion and sourcing platform for global industry players The Jewellery Show comprises several themed zones including top tier jewellery collections at the Hall of Extraordinary internationally renowned jewellery brands such as ELLE Hong Kong and Lao Feng Xiang Chinese mainland at the Hall of Fame and innovative designer brands at Designer Galleria Amber Jewellery zone will be introduced for the first time The Diamond Gem Pearl Show houses quality diamonds precious gemstones and fine pearls in three themed zones respectively Hall of Fine Diamonds Treasures of Nature and Treasures of Ocean The biennial International Jewellery Design Excellence Award IJDE is undergoing with an aim to recognise outstanding jewellery designers and facilitate information exchange in design professionalism and craftsmanship The award gathers the champions of various jewellery design competitions worldwide to run for the champion of the champions In addition the Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition returns next year to honour local designs of superior craftsmanship and creativity from the Student Group and the Open Group An exquisite Gala Dinner as well as a series of seminars buyer forums and networking events during show period will also bring industry players the latest market intelligence and facilitate business exchange HKTDC offers exclusive incentive for first time overseas buyers Please contact Ms Veronique Yeung at 852 2240 4235 or email hkjewelry visitor hktdc org for enquiries 94 gold book magazine A shining experience in all directions Group pavilions exclusive product zones enabling efficient sourcing experience Multifaceted events including parades expert led seminars networking opportunities The 20th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition the biennial International Jewellery Design Excellence IJDE Award 2019
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