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KE Booklet

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s Getting Ready for Kindergarten This is Kinnaird Elementary School. This is our school. We get dropped off at school in the morning or take the school bus.

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There are two Kindergarten classrooms. Mrs. Jenner and Mrs. Pilla are the Kindergarten Teachers at Kinnaird Elementary School. Mrs. Jenner Mrs. Pilla This is the kindergarten classroom door.

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This is where we hang our coats and backpacks. Every day we will meet at the carpet. In Kindergarten, we play, explore, create, problem solve, and ask many questions. We are very curious!

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We are a learning community. We learn to take turns.

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We wash our hands after the washroom and before snack and lunch time. We eat lunch at school.

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We play outside too! Before going outside, we change our shoes and get our outside clothes on.

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In Kindergarten, we play in the gym. We visit the library to borrow books to take home.

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The Principal, Mrs. Cutler and Vice-Principal, Mr. McConnach, are also part of our learning community. They help keep everyone safe at our school. Mrs. Cutler Mr. McConnach We are awaiting news of who will work in the office to help keep our school organized. Admin Assistant

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At the end of the school day, we get picked up or catch the bus to go home. Kindergarten is a new adventure!

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We can’t wait for our learning to begin!