Revised 4th Jan 2021 Lurgan JHS Handbook for Remote Blended Learning 1
Revised 4th Jan 2021 Lurgan Junior High School Handbook for Remote Blended Learning As a result of the current closure of schools which has effectively suspended face to face learning we have devised the following education continuity arrangements 1 Introduction A rapid switch from an in person learning environment to an online learning environment can be necessary in exceptional circumstances It should be noted that such a switch is highly likely to cause stress and anxiety for students parents and staff members Patience generosity of spirit and a cando attitude will be required by all including students staff parents and governors All members of the LJHS community will do their utmost to provide the best service they can at this time However it will be important for us all to be flexible and patient when working online and when deadlines are inevitably missed 2 How will I keep in touch with what is happening at school All staff and students will receive a weekly briefing notice from the Principal at 9 00am each Monday morning This briefing can be located in Google Classroom LJHS School Community Form Teachers will issue daily briefings to their own classes in Google Classroom Parents can contact the school as usual using the following channels and their enquiry will be directed accordingly As a school we will remain in regular contact with staff parents and students Due to the possible volume of messages staff will attempt to respond to requests for support queries within 24 hours of receipt during normal working hours Safeguarding issues will be dealt with as a matter of urgency Contact points are listed below Reception 028 3832 3243 IT Helpdesk techsupport ljhs co uk Curriculum curriculum ljhs co uk Pastoral pastoral ljhs co uk SIMS Parent App parentapp ljhs co uk General info ljhs co uk 2
Revised 4th Jan 2021 3 How will I know when a teacher has set me some work Teaching staff will aim to deliver their subject specific lesson content activities to students in line with their regular Monday Friday timetabled days Teachers and students will attend Lurgan Junior High School online through Google Classroom and SatchelOne Each subject will have a Classroom of their own for your child s class and the Stream will show the work set by the teacher as in the image below While working online we recommend using a Google Chrome browser All pupils are already familiar with both platforms and we do not envisage too many difficulties however the process is outlined below Please note additional support will be provided on our social media platforms 3
Revised 4th Jan 2021 When you open a Google Chrome browser you will see the option to sign in at the top right hand corner Students should sign in using their ljhs co uk usernames e g jlagan164 ljhs co uk As you are aware students already use this app extensively However they may wish to access it on a laptop or desktop computer during school closure To do this they should go to www satchelone com and log in using their email or username If they have been logged out cannot remember their password or cannot get in they will need to contact school through the techsupport ljhs co uk email address PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND CLASS IN THE SUBJECT BOX OF THE EMAIL MESSAGE Any issues with Google usernames or passwords should also be rectified by contacting the techsupport ljhs co uk email address PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND CLASS IN THE SUBJECT BOX OF THE EMAIL MESSAGE 4 How can I keep in contact with my teachers The main method of communication between teachers and students must be through posts on the main landing page of each class in Google Classroom or SMHW This will remove the need for teachers and students to communicate continuously via email which would quickly become unwieldy Teachers and students can write comments and upload files and documents this way 5 What if I don t log in to Google Classroom and SMHW Students are all required to engage with their learning regularly in this way and should respond to requests from staff to provide evidence of their understanding progress Where a pupil is not engaging regularly this will trigger a series of actions from school which will range from a phone call to parents to a possible referral to the Education Welfare Service 6 Will teachers be able to contact me or my parents directly 4
Revised 4th Jan 2021 Form Teachers will continue to be the main point of contact between school and home and all teachers will have details to enable them to call or message parents when required 7 What sort of education will I have when I am at home Teachers will plan activities that relate as closely as possible to current class content or skills The activities will reinforce existing understanding or introduce new content as planned in regular schemes of work Parents will not be placed in the role of the teacher any more than they are during the regular school day Students will be able to carry out the tasks assigned by teachers independently including accessing the material Teachers will be able to assess students as required by specifying where and when students will be expected to submit homework The submission of work will vary according to the nature of the subject and according to the task set however submission details will be clearly set out by the teacher in either online platform 8 i Why are we using Google Classroom and SMHW Satchel One We have chosen to use these as all staff and students are familiar with the platforms Parents will find many useful videos and guides on YouTube and Google 8 ii Can I call in and collect hard copies of any of my work For the most part all resources are online but should teachers need hard copies of resources to be given to pupils please contact the school directly 9 Where should I do my school work Students should work where there is internet access and in a location known and approved by their parent or guardian 10 How should I structure my day Learning activities will be posted ahead of timetabled lessons as required by students Lesson delivery may be through PowerPoint slides video based explanations or typed instructions on GC or SMHW Creating a healthy routine is important to maintain structure focus and positive mental health A possible daily timetable may look like this 09 00 Breakfast wash dress 09 30 Check SMHW and Google Classroom and begin activities 10 30 Break 10 45 Resume activities on SMHW or GC 5
Revised 4th Jan 2021 12 00 12 30 Lunch Afternoon PE Practical activities Longer term Projects 11 What if I forget a password or can t access SMHW or Google Classroom Please ask your son or daughter to show you that they can access SMHW Satchel One and Google Classroom If they need assistance accessing these then please ask them to contact the IT Helpdesk using the email outlined above 12 Will school still help me if I need pastoral support Loss of face to face contact for an extended period of time may well be an issue for some students and staff and indeed parents Parents can contact school with pastoral concerns at the email address stated above for that purpose Form Teachers will aim to be in contact with pupils and parents to support them with any concerns and or signpost them to the Year Head SENCo Senior Teacher Vice Principal We will aim to make this contact when members of staff are in school Both of our school counsellors will be available for their regular counselling sessions which they will conduct via phone calls Zoom Skype video calls or Instant Messaging on WhatsApp Parents will be asked for their consent If your son or daughter would like to book a session with either school counsellor they can complete a referral online at www linkscounselling com Click on menu select Get Counselling in School and follow the online instructions If a safeguarding issue arises the school counsellor will inform a member of our school s safeguarding team as is normal practice Contact numbers for organisations who can help both students and parents are listed on the next page 6
Revised 4th Jan 2021 Who can help INSPIRE Students What Topics Can They Help With How Can They be Contacted Mental Health 02890328474 Alcohol and Drugs Money Exams Relationships Identity Lifeline Depression 08088008000 Mental health 18001 0808808800 Suicidal thoughts Textphone users for deaf and hard of hearing Childline Bullying 0800 1111 You and your body Home and Family www childline org uk Relationships 1 2 1 counsellor chat Sex School The MIX Alcohol 08088084994 Homelessness Suicidal thoughts General advice 7
Revised 4th Jan 2021 Mental health Sex relationships NSPCC Safeguarding 08088005000 Child abuse Aware Child protection www there4me com Depression 08451202961 Bipolar disorder Frank Alcohol 03001236600 Drugs SIMON Community Homelessness 08001712222 Housing Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline Domestic violence Sexual violence The Migrant Centre NI Cara Friend LGBT Switchboard NI 0808021414 07769903471 LGBTQ advice 08088000390 Sex and relationship advice Women s Aid Domestic Violence 08088021414 Sexual violence Relationships Family Support NI www familysupportni gov uk 8
Revised 4th Jan 2021 Appendix A Checklist for Pupils What does school expect me to do when I am Remote Learning Pupils should arrange with their parents to have a structured time every school day where they have access to an internet ready computer Pupils should look at the daily message from their Form teacher in Google Classroom and any other online messaging e g A Principal s briefing Pupils should ensure they have access to their Google Classroom and Satchel accounts by checking their passwords are up to date if they are not then contact techsupport ljhs co uk Pupils should where possible try to work in line with their regular Monday Friday timetabled days Pupils should respond to lessons set by their teachers promptly and upload completed work to be assessed as required If you are not engaging with your work online your Form Teacher will message you directly or phone home Teachers will aim to set at least one significant piece of work for every two lessons timetabled This could take the form of an exercise in a workbook learning vocabulary or completing a skills based task in Art or TD The work completed during the remote learning period may be assessed in end of year examinations Appendix B Checklist for Parents What does school expect me to do when my child is Remote Learning Parents should arrange with their children to provide a structured time every school day where they have access to an internet ready computer Parents should look at the daily message from their child s Form teacher in Google Classroom and any other online messaging e g A Principal s briefing Parents should ensure their child has access to their Google Classroom and Satchel accounts by checking their passwords are up to date if they are not then contact techsupport ljhs co uk Parents should where possible try to ensure their children work in line with their regular Monday Friday timetabled days Parents must check if their children have responded to lessons set by their teachers promptly and uploaded the completed work to be assessed as required 9
Revised 4th Jan 2021 If your child is not engaging with their work online your child s Form Teacher will message them directly or phone to contact you at home Teachers will aim to set at least one significant piece of work for every two lessons timetabled This could take the form of an exercise in a workbook learning vocabulary or completing a skills based task in Art or TD The work completed during the remote learning period may be assessed in end of year examinations Review of Guidance Handbook The Guidance Handbook is monitored by SILT and the Curriculum Team and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis given the evolving nature of the situation This handbook will be posted on the school s website and signposted on our Facebook page Staff parents and students will be notified if the handbook is updated Guidance Handbook Details Version date 4th January 2021 Next review ongoing Responsible SILT CT 10