_________________________ Cost Model Report_________________________Sample Report_________________________Insert project name_________________________Insert project reference_________________________Insert report date_________________________
IndexSec?on 3 - Cost summariesSec?on 4 - Construct cost plansSec?on 5 - DimensionsSec?on 6 - Base data0 . 1
Cost SummariesP a g e | 3 . 0
Capital building works Group summaryRef Element Total1 Substructure 278,1502 Superstructure 1,355,7543 Internal finishes 387,8664 Fittings, furnishings and equipment 206,7005 Services 1,895,9516 External works 418,1557 Building works 4,542,5768 Contractor's preliminaries 10.00% 454,2589 Building works including preliminaries 4,996,83410 Contractor's overheads and profit 7.50% 374,76311 Building works estimate 5,371,59712 Risk allowance estimate 10.78% 579,06813 Cost limit excluding inflation 5,950,66514 Inflation 1.10% 65,27815 Cost limit 6,015,94316 Cost limit: £6,015,94317 Gross internal floor area: 3000 m²18 Cost limit per m²: £2,005.3119 Cost model base date: 07 September 2020P a g e | 3 . 1
Capital building works Full summaryRef Element Quantity Unit Rate TotalSubstructure1 Substructure 1000 m² 278.15 278,1502 Substructure 278,150Superstructure3 Frame 3274 m² 123.30 403,6944 Upper floors 1858 m² 88.48 164,3875 Roof 1487 m² 117.51 174,7426 Stairs and ramps 3 nr 7,308.00 21,9247 External walls 968 m² 175.63 170,0138 Windows and external doors 374 m² 523.79 195,8969 Internal walls and partitions 1605 m² 65.30 104,81110 Internal doors 107 nr 1,124.18 120,28711 Superstructure 1,355,754Internal finishes12 Wall finishes 3383 m² 20.94 70,84213 Floor finishes 3000 m² 75.34 226,03414 Ceiling finishes 3000 m² 30.33 90,99015 Internal finishes 387,866Fittings, furnishings and equipment16 Fittings, furnishings and equipment 3000 m² 68.90 206,70017 Fittings, furnishings and equipment 206,700Services18 Sanitary installations 116 nr 364.76 42,31219 Disposal installations 116 nr 484.17 56,16420 Water installations 183 nr 806.56 147,60021 Heat source 611 kW 103.60 63,30022 Space heating and air conditioning 3000 m² 237.92 713,77023 Ventilation 500 m² 19.81 9,90524 Electrical installations 3000 m² 132.82 398,46025 Fuel installations 3000 m² 2.06 6,18026 Lift and conveyor installations 1 nr 83,928.00 83,92827 Fire and lightning protection 3000 m² 2.32 6,96028 Communication, security and control systems 3000 m² 104.05 312,15029 Builder's work in connection with services 3000 m² 18.41 55,22230 Services 1,895,951P a g e | 3 . 2
Capital building works continued..... Full summaryRef Element Quantity Unit Rate TotalExternal works1 Site preparation works 2500 m² 2.54 6,3502 Roads, paths, pavings and surfacings 1500 m² 83.29 124,9363 Soft landscaping, planting and irrigation systems 1500 m² 6.01 9,0194 Fencing, railings and walls 1500 m² 12.38 18,5735 External fixtures 1500 m² 1.67 2,5066 External drainage 1500 m² 76.89 115,3367 External services 1500 m² 94.29 141,4358 External works 418,1559 Building works 4,542,576Contractor's preliminaries10 Contractor's preliminaries: employer's requirements 0.10 % 4,542,576 4,54311 Contractor's preliminaries: contractor's cost items 9.90 % 4,542,576 449,71512 Contractor's preliminaries 454,25813 Building works including preliminaries 4,996,834Contractor's overheads and profit14 Contractor's overheads 5.00 % 4,996,834 249,84215 Contractor's profit 2.50 % 4,996,834 124,92116 Contractor's overheads and profit 374,76317 Building works estimate 5,371,597Risk18 Design development risks 4.41 % 5,371,597 237,15419 Construction risks 2.37 % 5,371,597 127,44120 Employer change risks 1.33 % 5,371,597 71,50821 Employer other risks 2.66 % 5,371,597 142,96522 Risk allowance estimate 579,06823 Cost limit excluding inflation 5,950,665Inflation24 Construction inflation 1.10 % 5,950,665 65,27825 Inflation 65,27826 Cost limit 6,015,94327 Cost limit: £6,015,94328 Gross internal floor area: 3000 m²29 Cost limit per m²: £2,005.3130 Cost model base date: 07 September 2020P a g e | 3 . 3
Construct Cost PlansP a g e | 4 . 0
RoofRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalPitched roof coverings (measured surface area)Pitched roof eaves treatmentRoof drainage
Stairs and rampsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalReinforced concrete stairsMetal stairs
External wallsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalInsulated cavity walls in facing bricks (average cost bricks) and concrete blockwork (7.0N/mm2)Extra over external walls for trimming openings for windowsExtra over external walls for trimming openings for external doorsDamp proof coursesExpansion joints in brickwork and blockworkWeepholes
External walls continued.....Ref Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalReconstructed stonework sillsSundries allowance
External walls collectionRef Item Total
Windows and external doorsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalWindowsWindow boardsExternal doors
Internal walls and partitionsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalBrick/block masonry par??onsExtra over internal walls for forming openings for internal doorsDamp proof coursesFramed panel cubicles
Internal walls and partitions continued.....Ref Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalSundries allowance
Internal walls and partitions collectionRef Item Total
Internal doorsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalFlush doors
Disposal installationsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaWaste, soil and vent pipe installa?ons to sanitary, kitchen or services appliancesMid-level installa?on/specifica?ontypical cost per served appliance 116 nr 484.17 56,164Carried to summary 56,164P a g e | 4 . 21
Water installationsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaHot and cold water installa?ons, mains supply, storage, hot and cold water distribu?onMains water supply, cold water distribu?on and storage tanks, hot water distribu?on, water heaters, steam and condensate distribu?on, as appropriateMid-level installa?on/specifica?ontypical cost per hot and cold water draw-off point 183 nr 806.56 147,600Carried to summary 147,600P a g e | 4 . 22
Heat sourceRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaGas fired boilersGas fired boilers including gas train, controls, flue, plantroom pipework, valves and insula?on, pumps and pressuriza?on unittypical cost per kW 611 kW 103.60 63,300Carried to summary 63,300P a g e | 4 . 23
Space heating and air conditioningRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalabSpace hea?ng and air condi?oning systemsLow pressure hot water hea?ng installa?onFull air condi?oning installa?onstypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area5002500m²m²72.69270.9736,345677,425Carried to summary 713,770P a g e | 4 . 24
VentilationRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaExtract ven?la?on installa?onsMid-level installa?on/specifica?ontypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area 500 m² 19.81 9,905Carried to summary 9,905P a g e | 4 . 25
a Mid-level specifica?on of electrical servicestypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area 3000 m² 132.82 398,460Carried to summary 398,460P a g e | 4 . 26
aMid-level installa?on/specifica?ontypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area 3000 m² 2.06 6,180Carried to summary 6,180P a g e | 4 . 27
a 8-person, 3 stops1.0m/s speed 1 nr 83,927.84 83,928Carried to summary 83,928P a g e | 4 . 28
aLightning protec?on installa?ontypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area 3000 m² 2.32 6,960Carried to summary 6,960P a g e | 4 . 29
abcdefFire alarm installa?onVoice and data installa?onDisabled /refuge alarmsIntruder detec?on and alarm installa?onCCTV installa?onCentral control/building management systemstypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor areatypical cost per m2 gross internal floor area300030003000300030003000m²m²m²m²m²m²27.4121.925.4910.9516.4521.8382,23065,76016,47032,85049,35065,490Carried to summary 312,150P a g e | 4 . 30
Builder's work in connection with servicesRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalBuilders work in connec?on with services
Site preparation worksRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalSite clearance
Roads, paths, pavings and surfacingsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalPaved areasKerbs and edgings
Soft landscaping, planting and irrigation systemsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalPreparatory excava?on and sub-basesSeeded and planted areas
Fencing, railings and wallsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalFencing and walls
External fixturesRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalabStreet furnitureBenches, bolted to groundGalvanized steel cycle standbenches, hardwood and precast concretefixing in posi?on26nrnr1,100.6950.912,201305Carried to summary 2,506P a g e | 4 . 36
External drainageRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalabcTypical overall costs of drainage allowancesFoul and surface water drainage from beyond the drainage to the building perimeter and the drainage to paved areas to the site boundaryFoul and surface water drainage to the building around the perimeter of the buildingSurface water drainage to paved areasper m2 of external works areaper m of building perimeterper m2 of paved area15003761350m²mm²12.63165.7025.2518,94562,30334,088Carried to summary 115,336P a g e | 4 . 37
External servicesRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalabcdefghService runsMains service providers' connec?on charges - typical allowances per m2 of building gross internal floor areaWater main, all laid in trenches including excava?on and backfill with excavated materialElectric main, all laid in trenches including excava?on and backfill with excavated materialGas main, all laid in trenches including excava?on and backfill with excavated materialTelephone duct, all laid in trenches including excava?on and backfill with excavated materialElectricGasTelecommunica?onsWater and sewerageup to 75mm diameter uPVC main600/1000 volt cables, two core 25mm diameter cable including 100mm diameter clayware duct150mm diameter gas pipe100mm diameter uPVC ductservice mains connec?on chargesservice mains connec?on chargesservice mains connec?on chargesservice mains connec?on charges505050503000300030003000mmmmm²m²m²m²107.79116.93302.7077.0620.092.591.5912.805,3905,84715,1353,85360,2707,7704,77038,400Carried to summary 141,435P a g e | 4 . 38
Contractor's preliminaries: employer's requirementsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaContractors preliminaries: employers requirementsAllowance for employers requirementsdefault all-inclusive percentage 0.10 % 4,542,576.00 4,543Carried to summary 4,543P a g e | 4 . 39
Contractor's preliminaries: contractor's cost itemsRef Item Quantity Unit Rate TotalaContractors preliminaries: contractors cost itemsAllowance for main contractors cost itemsdefault all-inclusive percentage 9.90 % 4,542,576.00 449,715Carried to summary 449,715P a g e | 4 . 40
Design development risksRef Item AllowanceaDesign development risksComposite risk itemschanges to the project design and es?ma?ng data during the design development phase 237,154Carried to summary 237,154P a g e | 4 . 41
Construction risksRef Item AllowanceaConstruc?on risksComposite risk itemschanges to the project design, construc?on works and cost allowances due to the discovery of unan?cipated items during the construc?on phase 127,441Carried to summary 127,441P a g e | 4 . 42
Employer change risksRef Item AllowanceaEmployer change risksComposite risk itemschanges in scope of works or project brief during design, pre-construc?on and construc?on stages and Employer driven changes/varia?ons introduced during the construc?on phase 71,508Carried to summary 71,508P a g e | 4 . 43
Employer other risksRef Item AllowanceaEmployer other risksComposite risk itemschanges in statutory requirements, legisla?on, infla?on and taxa?on, and allowance for addi?onal costs due to design team deficiencies, contractual claims, force majeure and any other Employer-liable risks not allowed for elsewhere 142,965Carried to summary 142,965P a g e | 4 . 44
DimensionsP a g e | 5 . 0
DimensionsItem Times Dims Sub-totals TotalsP a g e | 5 . 1
Base DataP a g e | 6 . 0
Base Data123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627Gross internal floor area:Footprint area:Site area:Average storey height:Ver?cal envelope factor:Main contractor's overheads:Main contractor's profit:Loca?on index:Cost model base date:Construc?on start date:Construc?on period:Maintenance start date:Maintenance period:Currency:Works complexity:Altera?on works:Site access/set up factor:Project desirability factor:Indices base date:Current tender index (Base year 2000 - 100):Forecasted construc?on tender price infla?on per annum:Forecasted construc?on cost infla?on per annum:Any overall adjustment to construc?on costs:Maintenance contractor's overheads and profit:Forecasted maintenance tender price infla?on per annum:Discount rate:Any overall adjustment to maintenance costs:3000 m²1000 m²2500 m²3.0 m0.4475%2.5%100-Loca?ons:07 September 202007 September 202052 weeks08 September 202160 years£Normal0%0%0%3Q/20201901.6%2.2%0%7.5%1.6%3.5%0%P a g e | 6 . 1