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2018 August

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GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 107 ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2018 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK LETTERS TO MY CHILDREN FAITH AND FEAR Dear Beloved Community Over the next few months my newsletter articles will look a bit different They are letters to my children that I am allowing you to overhear Yes someday perhaps I will give them to my children Jacob Joelle and Lizzy to read but I am writing them more than anything because it seems to me in a world like the one in which we are living today tapping into a perspective of love such as a parent s love for their children is of utmost importance FAITH FEAR Dear precious children of mine who pulled out a courage and a love in me deeper and stronger than I ever knew existed within me You are already learning that the world can be a scary place Where once you leapt into our backyard pool without giving it a second thought trusting so fully and completely that mommy or I would be there to catch you now you approach swimming with some healthy trepidation It is good I suppose that you have realized your moms limitations that we are human and no matter how much we might love you we may be looking the other direction or not near enough by to scoop you out of the water Sometimes caution in life is necessary and good and sometimes the dangers are real Many of your fears right now are of imagined things like the monsters that go bump in the night When you grow up you will realize many grown ups fear imagined things as well We fear things that are different because we don t know them Just like the monsters in your room sometimes you will realize that the thing you thought was a monster is really just something or someone harmless and mundane once you turn on the lights reach out touch it and get to know it a bit like when you see a shadow click clacking across your bedroom floor in a thunder storm and discover it is only one of our dogs come looking for comfort and a snuggle Someday I will have to explain to you how adults in our country were so scared of an imagined threat at this moment in history that we took tiny children from their parents caged them up and treated them inhumanely I will have to explain how we were so scared we put children younger than you on trial with no representation their feet dangling from their court room chairs crying as the judge questioned them You will judge those of us who were grown ups during this moment in time with the same harshness with which we judge those who were adult citizens during internment camps When you see the tear streaked faces of those children in your history books you will look at us with the same comic disbelief as I look at you when you say you are scared of the dog whimpering in the thunder I have tried 1 to act I have tried to not be complicit in this moment in history but someday you will ask me why I didn t do more You will expect courage from me I know that to answer your questions someday I will have to continue to do more today and be even more courageous than I am now for I hope and expect you to be a people of courage too You will discover when you grow up that some monsters are real and sometimes they can t be defeated by spraying the magic anti monster potion we use in your room at night Sometimes they will be more difficult to defeat And sometimes they won t be your monsters They will be someone else s I hope and expect you to be people of compassion who listen to those who are crying out for help and come to their aid even if sometimes that means walking into danger I hope and pray you discover that when you are working for good you have the continued on page 5

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BIRTHDAYS Roy Rudasill 8 1 Virginia Thompson 8 15 Marcia Smith 8 23 Kaycee Wargo 8 26 Steve Zebos 8 27 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard ANNIVERSARIES Ann Loren Hodson 8 17 Rich Feigel Sarah Butz 8 22 William Jean Cooley 8 25 Roy Nancy Rudasill 8 25 FAST MAKING A DIFFERENCE FAST staff and network members have been meeting with School Board candidates to introduce them to our work and to hear their positions on our current priorities of restorative practices quarterly accountability reports and reducing youth arrests FAST does not endorse candidates but we want them to know what our priorities will be if they are elected Our network members are continually updated by email throughout the summer September is the month for House Meetings Whether you ve been before or not please make it a priority to attend one of these meetings We ll be publicizing the dates and places later this month There are issues across the world that concern us but that we feel helpless to address However with FAST we do make a difference in our own community And that is where worldwide change always starts FAST empowers us to make change for the better right here right now How do we stand FAST TOGETHER Submitted by Bev Kelly FELLOWSHIP Available 8 5 Available 8 12 Available 8 19 Available 8 26 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 8 5 Available 8 12 Available 8 19 Available 8 26 He has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly Luke 1 52 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Saturday Wednesday Days Off Thursday and Friday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE July 1 46 8 57 15 52 22 48 HOSTING FELLOWSHIP Each Sunday we travel over to the fellowship hall for a time of refreshment and sharing And each Sunday offers an opportunity for anyone who wants to provide the snacks for fellowship time It does not have to be a meal just a simple snack is wonderful If you feel you want to host one Sunday let Sandy Badger or Robin Becker our fellowship coordinators know that you are interested Or you can simply add your name to the sign up sheet in the narthex for an upcoming Sunday in the year If you don t feel that you can bring all the food but still want to help donate a few dollars to help with the cost of food or think about co hosting with a friend Submitted by Carolyn Woodard MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE 5 MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 12 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Sunday Noon Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Sunday after worship Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m 2

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS Upcoming Oasis Trip Enjoy a full service lunch or snack while watching the new musical lm sequel at Studio Movie Grill at Seminole City Center old Seminole Mall For more info see sign up in the Narthex Sunday August 5th Meet at theatre at 1pm Seminole City Center 3

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MEMORY CAFE Memory Caf is a social outlet for those living with cognitive decline and their caregivers It is often rare that a family caregiver can relax and enjoy a social outing without caregiving taking over Caregiving can often be stressful and lonely Memory Caf s exist to help shoulder a bit of the burden and provide community activities and information We are unusual in that there is no cost to the participants for engagement Lunch may be purchased at some venues if desired These small gatherings are meant to stimulate memories encourage discussion and offer supportive friendships In this area we would insert the day time and location of the local events If you are interested in joining us please RSVP at catemccarty gmail com or 813 384 7571 We thank you for your willingness to help us grow in reaching and serving our community Sincerely Delphine Lawson Memory Care Specialist Dr Cate McCarty Dementia Care Coach and Educator Catemccarty com July 12 Aug 9 Sept 13 Join Dr Cate in a morning of memory and fun RSVP to Catemccarty com or 813 384 7571 SECOND THURS OF EACH MONTH 10 11 30 PARK STATION MEMORY CAF If you are an individual living with some form of dementia or a caregiver of someone who is memory cafes are the social engagement spots that will build your network and your friendships We will stretch our memories and share some history some snacks and enjoy the art of Pinellas Park Art Society Roe s Deli 5851 Park Blvd N Pinellas Park FL 33781 RSVP s are appreciated Dr Cate at catemccarty gmail com or 813 384 7571 4

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FROM THE PASTOR S DESK continued from page 1 power of our invincible God on your side You know little about death right now but you will find that what grown ups fear more than almost anything is death having life stolen from them or the life of their loved one stolen I hope you realize when you are older that there are things worse than death like not knowing you are loved thinking you are alone never giving yourself wholly in love hating yourself with a soul sucking shame being paralyzed in a bitter rage or never living because of overwhelming fear I hope you develop a faith that no one can steal your life or your value from you that God has given it to you as an eternal gift and that you are never alone or without love This is hard to say as your parent for I never want you to get hurt but I hope you dare to love even when it costs you greatly I hope you realize there are sometimes higher goods and grander values and visions more important than fighting to defend yourself or running away even though yes fight or flight is our natural instinct I hope like Jesus you realize the mighty counter intuitive power of vulnerability that what the world deems weak things like truth authenticity humility love hospitality are really the powerful mountain movers able to change your life and in fact the whole world Moms might try to convince you otherwise when we get scared for you but I hope you remind us of this truth Many adults haven t learned it yet We think we need a whole lot of other things to make us feel safe Someday I will have to explain to you why right now at this moment in history as your mommy and I prepare to send you off to school for the first time parents all across the country are scared to send their kids to school Soon you will have your first lock down active shooter drills and you too will be scared needlessly so Why Because we are a country addicted to our fears and the things that make us feel protected even if they are weapons of mass murder even if it is only a false sense of safety they provide Even harder to explain will be that the majority of the country didn t want such reckless access to these weapons you will spend your school years fearing but we lost control giving our political power away to for profit interests who care little for your safety and only about their bottom line Yes people kill people not guns but you won t understand why we gave some people with known histories of violence mental illness etc access to such weapons even if you do understand the need in a republic for people to have the freedom to arm themselves In the face of such a reality you will have to discern just as we your moms have how to walk the line between faith and fear how to take healthy precautions and healthy risks how not to overreact or return violence for violence how to stay open and hospitable in a world that may make you want to build a fortress around yourself God knows sometimes your mommy and I want to build a fortress around you or never send you anywhere with danger But we know that is not what is good for you or the world to which God has gifted you If we can t do it in our generation I pray that you and your peers find a way to beat the weapons of the world into plowshares turn tools of destruction into life giving tools that build community Finally my children one day you will learn that sometimes even more than what might be lurking in the dark grown ups are scared of what might not be there the safety nets for things like healthcare a roof over our head food education jobs community support etc We squint and strain our eyes into the future just as you strain and squint into the dark of your room at night and we pile away what we can if we can for what might be or what we may not find there Just the other day your mommy and I were talking about whether we are storing away enough to care for you our miracle child Jacob who is such a wonderful and special presence in the world and who may need a little extra help and support as an adult We wondered what kind of burden we might be leaving for you our daughters as his sisters when we are no longer around Grown ups worry about such things I hope and I pray that you will be the kind of people who work to build the kind of justice generosity and beloved community in this world that makes such worries obsolete I hope and I pray that you will be the ones others will find when they strain 5 and squint looking for support I firmly believe that Jesus showed us how to make heaven on earth if only we dare to try If you ever fully love someone whether a child a spouse or someone else you too will discover the deep well of love and courage which exists in you deeper than you ever imagined possible You will find and probably with some awe at the power of this love that you would give your life for this one s you love without even a moment s hesitation if only you could save them from harm If you are blessed enough to find that kind of real raw powerful love spend the rest of your life learning how to harness it and direct it not just to your spouse or your children or people who look and act like you but to strangers and people very different from yourself If you can do that you truly will have drawn close to the heart of God My precious children more than anything know always that what you hope for is more important than what you fear that what you build in faith and love is far more worthwhile than what you build out of worry It won t always be easy to tell the difference just as it is not always easy for your mommy and I to distinguish our love for you from our fear for you But they are different Remember that other parents love and fear for their children too and all children are God s children Remember that other parents love and fear for their children too and all children are God s children Remember also that some parents children grow up to do some of the monstrous things that happen in our world but if their parents love is truly unconditional they don t stop loving them or believing they are much more than monsters and neither does God No one is all monster Listen throughout your life to the most repeated commandment in the bible Do not fear I hope that it becomes much more than a commandment for you and instead a way of life You will change the world if you live by faith dear ones With all my love Mama Pastor Jen

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SYNCHRONY ARTS PRODUCTIONS If you can t make it to our dinner theater at Good Sam you can see us on one of these performance dates MARY POPPINS FRIDAY OCTOBER 5 7 00 p m M Seated at one table from L R Debbie O Hara Lisa Ware Rev Jen Daysa and Debbie Rasmussin PYP FUNDRAISER A SUCCESS PYP Pinellas Youth Pride raised 840 on June 25 at Hamburger Mary s Thanks to all our friends and supporters who came out and had a great time Submitted by Sarah Butz SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 7 00 p m SUNDAY OCTOBER 7 3 00 p m at the CATHERINE HICKMAN THEATER 5501 27th Avenue South Gulfport FL Call Rose Stauffer at 727 269 3343 for more information or go to www SynchArtPro org SPOTLIGHT ON KAREN LEDERER This Good Sam Spotlight shines today On our dear friend and old time member For her generous Spirit and her brilliant mind Let us reflect to give thanks and remember M Another table from L R Scott Shaw Sandy Badger Rich Feigel Sarah Butz Randy Dalrymple Elaine Dalrymple Lewis Hill hidden by bow and Vanessa Reed Dragging us into the 21st century With computers she would donate Our website she set up and kept us updated With her expertise so we all could relate When our sound system was dying and found decrepit And a big screen was decided we needed She researched the dizzily techno world choices And twas her counsel and advice that we heeded On the Personnel Committee or an elder on Session Planning retreats or writing grants with precision On the committee to find our two interim pastors Her purpose always to discern for us God s vision M Lewis Hill gets into the spirit of things and puts a bow from Vanessa s head in the photo above on his head But the greatest of gifts she shared was her heart Her integrity and care giving shine bright We give thanks Karen Lederer for all that you ve given God s Beloved you re in Good Sam s Spotlight Presented July 15 2018 Poem by the most talented Chris Osberg 6

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2018 DISASTER RESPONSE GUIDES AVAILABLE CHURCH HOME AWAY FROM HOME Katie and I may have found our church away from home here in Pleasant Hill Tennessee We learned about Pleasant Hill UCC from Leslie Etheredge the Regional Minister of the Western Region of the Florida Conference It s only about a 20 minute drive from where we stay in Crossville We enjoyed the service considerably and already have tickets to their Shrimp Boil fund raiser in a couple weeks Here we are with Rev Glenna Shepherd Submitted by Gretchen Ackerson TREASURER S REPORT We now have the results for the first half of 2018 Since last month s report the year to date income deficit has grown by another 2 173 and is now 6 715 below the budget for income We are doing better on the expense side with the year to date total being 111 less than the budget However I was unable to pay our 2nd half F A S T dues in June The balance in our operating account on June 30 was 76 79 I informed the Session in June that I would need to transfer 6 000 from our non designated savings account in order to pay the 3rd quarter Pension and Benefits for Pastor Jen I sent Giving Statements to some members whose pledges were behind There was good response and their pledges have been brought up to date in July On June 27 2018 the Session authorized the withdrawal of 10 000 00 from our account with United Church Funds to complete the Cool and Accessible capital project This will fund the deficit run by the campaign and allow for a balance in the Building Improvement Fund for other smaller projects The situation with Head Start leasing the classroom and playground space is still in flux Lutheran Services Florida has not yet received notice of award for the new 5 year grant from the Department of Education They are working with an extension of the grant that ended on June 30 2018 We made a proposal for a new 5 year lease giving Good Sam a small monthly increase and including LSF HS paying for half of the sealing and striping of the parking lot LSF HS s Director of Procurement has let me know that Submitted by Kate Hall our proposal is acceptable pending the grant approval 9 An updated 2018 Disaster Response Guide will be available in July I have included new information on various topics pertaining to hurricanes There will be a copy available for each Good Samaritan household Hurricane Irma was a stark reminder of our vulnerability to potentially dangerous storms Hurricane season is June 1 through November 30 Weather experts are predicting an above average storm season Now is the time to prepare for severe weather events If history is any guide our area is most susceptible to hurricanes in August and September Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER 2018 MESSENGER IS AUGUST 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com FOOD PANTRY NEEDS SALTINES FRUIT SPAGHETTI SAUCE JELLY JAM CANNED MEAT TUNA CHICKEN SPAM

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BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2018 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 556 00 BIRTHDAY CLUB Ann Hodson Jean Cooley Kate Hall Martha Taylor Bev Kelly ANNIVERSARY CLUB Ann Loren Hodson FOOD PANTRY REPORT JUNE 2018 Number of days open to serve clients 12 Number of clients served Adults 150 Children 70 Total 220 Volunteers during June were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Tom Fauquet and Clarence Wilkerson The number of individuals provided with food so far in 2018 is 1 447 The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in June was 85 We were very grateful to receive 100 tubs of food from the Letter Carriers Food Drive in May Now that May and June have passed I am again needing to shop for specific food items that we have run out of We are again needing macaroni cheese soups pasta sauce fruit and tuna Thanks to the many cash donors we have the funds in the Food Pantry Fund to support these purchases Vanessa Reed is away until the end of July Bev Kelly and Clarence Wilkinson are going to pick up bread products from the Entenmann s Bakery Outlet on alternate Tuesday mornings We will be watching for the reopening of the Disston Plaza Publix later this year Your weekly donations of food are very important Soups vegetables spaghetti sauce and canned meats tuna are most needed Watch for the BOGO features in the grocery store ads each week Food and money donors in June Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh Buzzy Phillips Trinity United Church of Christ All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall Jane Dick Gaylord Dick Kate Hall Thank you to all who have participated Submitted by Kate Hall O Lord you will hear the desire of the meek you will strengthen their heart you will incline your ear to do justice for the orphan and the oppressed so that those from earth may strike terror no more Psalm 10 17 18 M Dylan Barlowe and three friends climbed Mt Fuji recently He was able to see a sunrise and a sunset from the summit It was an inspirational adventure The following day they went to FugiQ Park and rode one of their death defying roller coasters Eric Johnson has had experience on that ride as well Submitted by Bev Kelly proud grandmother 10

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AUGUST 2018 DAILY LECTIONARY Wednesday August 1 2018 Psalm 37 12 22 2 Chronicles 9 29 31 Mark 6 35 44 Saturday August 18 2018 Psalm 111 1 Kings 2 1 11 John 4 7 26 Thursday August 2 2018 Psalm 51 1 12 Exodus 32 19 26a 1 Corinthians 11 17 22 Sunday August 19 2018 1 Kings 2 10 12 3 314 Psalm 111 Proverbs 9 1 6 Psalm 34 9 14 Ephesians 5 15 20 John 6 51 58 Friday August 3 2018 Psalm 51 1 12 Joshua 23 1 16 1 Corinthians 11 27 34 Saturday August 4 2018 Psalm 51 1 12 Judges 6 1 10 Matthew 16 5 12 Sunday August 5 2018 2 Samuel 11 26 12 13a Psalm 51 1 12 Exodus 16 2 4 9 15 Psalm 78 23 29 Ephesians 4 1 16 John 6 24 35 Monday August 20 2018 Psalm 101 1 Kings 3 16 28 Acts 6 1 7 Tuesday August 21 2018 Psalm 101 1 Kings 7 1 12 Acts 7 9 16 Wednesday August 22 2018 Psalm 101 1 Kings 8 1 21 Mark 8 14 21 Monday August 6 2018 Psalm 50 16 23 2 Samuel 12 15 25 Ephesians 4 17 24 Thursday August 23 2018 Psalm 84 1 Kings 4 20 28 1 Thessalonians 5 1 11 Tuesday August 7 2018 Psalm 50 16 23 2 Samuel 13 1 19 1 Corinthians 12 27 31 Friday August 24 2018 Psalm 84 1 Kings 4 29 34 Romans 13 11 14 Wednesday August 8 2018 Psalm 50 16 23 2 Samuel 13 20 36 Mark 8 1 10 Saturday August 25 2018 Psalm 84 1 Kings 5 1 12 Luke 11 5 13 Thursday August 9 2018 Psalm 130 2 Samuel 13 37 14 24 Romans 15 1 6 Sunday August 26 2018 1 Kings 8 1 6 10 11 22 30 41 43 Psalm 84 Joshua 24 1 2a 14 18 Psalm 34 15 22 Ephesians 6 10 20 John 6 56 69 Friday August 10 2018 Psalm 130 2 Samuel 14 25 33 Galatians 6 1 10 Saturday August 11 2018 Psalm 130 2 Samuel 15 1 13 Matthew 7 7 11 Sunday August 12 2018 2 Samuel 18 5 9 15 31 33 Psalm 130 1 Kings 19 4 8 Psalm 34 1 8 Ephesians 4 25 5 2 John 6 35 41 51 Monday August 27 2018 Psalm 11 1 Kings 5 13 18 Ephesians 5 21 6 9 Tuesday August 28 2018 Psalm 11 1 Kings 6 1 14 Ephesians 6 21 24 Wednesday August 29 2018 Psalm 11 1 Kings 6 15 38 John 15 16 25 Monday August 13 2018 Psalm 57 2 Samuel 15 13 31 Ephesians 5 1 14 Thursday August 30 2018 Psalm 45 1 2 6 9 Song of Solomon 1 1 17 James 1 1 8 Tuesday August 14 2018 Psalm 57 2 Samuel 18 19 33 2 Peter 3 14 18 Friday August 31 2018 Psalm 45 1 2 6 9 Song of Solomon 2 1 7 James 1 9 16 Wednesday August 15 2018 Psalm 57 2 Samuel 19 1 18 John 6 35 40 Thursday August 16 2018 Psalm 111 1 Kings 1 1 30 Acts 6 8 15 NEW LEADERSHIP FOR BREAKFAST CHURCH We are blessed at Good Sam with many capable and talented people and one of them has recently stepped up to take over the organization and planning of Breakfast Church Debbie Rasmussin with the help of her spouse Lisa Ware has been in charge of the last two events and has done a fantastic job There are so many tasks associated with the planning buying supplies coordinating volunteers and making sure we have enough food Then there is the responsibility of making sure each table has a table host and that clean up teams are in place We also thank all the volunteers who are willing to say yes when asked to help out in any way Willing workers make for successful and meaningful events Submitted by Carolyn Woodard ST JAMES LIST Friday August 17 2018 Psalm 111 1 Kings 1 28 48 Romans 16 17 20 JUNE 27 SESSION SUMMARY The Head Start lease has not yet been formally approved but approval is expected The Session presented a list of proposed elements for the new lease for the period July 1 2018 to June 30 2023 The Session voted to transfer 10 000 from the United Church Investment Fund to the Building Improvement Fund for the following needs 3 000 unfunded balance for new air conditioner 3 500 to renovate the men s restroom 3 500 for Brockus Hall ceiling tile and light replacement and other future building needs Pastor Jen s contract was amended to require her sabbatical to be taken Summer 2020 changed from Summer 2019 This will allow time to apply for grants to help fund both the Senior Minister and the church Submitted by Rich Feigel 11 Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Seminole Pavilion Edna Smith Jennifer Kelly Eddie Kosinski Marcia Smith Edna Smith Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Annie Gambino Betty Frank Ann Hodson s Mother Kaycee Wargo Jane Gaylord Dottie Boake Landon The Kosinski s Grandson Scott Shaw Barbara Wright JoJo Wicks Bernadina Uzoh Ted Swift Steve Judy Zebos and Good Samaritan Church

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THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email goodsam church tampabay rr com Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2018 Sarah Butz Eric Johnson Carolyn Woodard CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Mickey Moore Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Michelle Hughes Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Lisa Ware Moderator Beryl Fruth Dick Hall Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Clarence Wilkinson Gretchen Ackerson Katie Fullerton Care Team Mickey Moore Moderator Jim Moore Beverly Finn Ginger Breitkreutz Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Currently searching for a Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Mickey Moore Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Jean Adams Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Bill Cooley Debbie Rasmussin Lisa Ware Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly