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Feb _28

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February 28 2020 CHILDLIKE EXUBERANCE 5 14 PM When describing the construction of the the possuk states The Kruvim shall be made with upward spreading wings sheltering the cover of the Aron The Kruvim were angel like figures that were placed on the cover of the Aron Whenever Hashem summoned Moshe Hashem s voice was heard from between the two Kruvim Chazal relate that the faces of the Kruvim were those of young children one male and one female Why from all images were the faces of young children chosen Would it not have been more appropriate that the Kruvim look like the faces of matured Talmidei Chachomim and Tzadikim Rav Shmuel Rozovsky Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh explained Torah can be taught by the ultimate Rebbe Hashem to the ultimate Talmid Moshe and in the most optimal environment the However in order for the Torah to make a lasting impact the recipient must display childlike characteristics enthusiasm and innocence These are the vehicles that enable the individual to wholeheartedly subsume the lessons of the Torah into his essence The older one gets the less childlike he becomes the less enthusiastic and the less innocent One can wonder where that excitement upon receiving that first siddur Chumash Mishnayos or Gemarah has fled Unfortunately we are affected by the society we live with and its cynicism dampens our excitement and enthusiasm for learning Torah and performing Mitzvos It is incumbent upon us as parents to ensure our homes are cynicism free and thereby allow our children to retain their natural exuberance and enthusiasm for Torah Through this the Torah they learn will make an indelible impression upon them March 9 Taanis Esther special dismissal for middle school classes March 10 11 Purim Shushan Purim No school March 23 Torah Academy 38th Anniversary Dinner Rabbi Ochs This past Monday night the all purpose room in the Williston building was transformed into a beautifully decorated function hall with centerpieces created by the girls under the direction of Mrs Berzansky for the annual 6th grade bas mitzvah year mother and daughter gala celebration The program included a welcome from Rabbi Ochs a presentation on Tefilas Chana recitation of related poems a PowerPoint video prepared by the girls a speech given by Mrs Plotnik about ishah bonsa baisah and a dessert reception Thank you to Mrs Moskovitz Mrs Sternfield Mrs Frohlich Mrs Berzansky and Mrs Nussbaum Thank you Miss Fireman for all your efforts above and beyond and to Mrs Hain for working as a parent coordinator to grade 5G on finishing Thank you Mrs Gould Grades 2 3 4 5G enjoyed ice cream treats for the earning 100 points for classroom cleanliness Sara Nechama Solomon Devorah Posy and Michali Mermelstein won the Girls STEM fair scavenger hunt contest raffle Students were challenged to answer questions based on the projects they visited All students who filled out the scavenger hunt were entered into a raffle The Wednesday before winter break all classes 1 8B participated in a seudas mitzvah in honor of the over 70 chasanim of Sefer Beraishis Thank you Rabbi Sebbag and the 8th grade for preparing the food and setting up the all purpose room and cleaning up Thank you Rabbi Rodkin for quizzing the boys and Rabbi Hain for your inspiring story On Thursday all the boys from grades 1 8 gathered together for simcha dancing in honor of Chodesh Adar It was beautiful to see the achdus of all the Rebbeim and talmidim dancing together to Rabbi Hain and the 5th grade for finishing their first sugya in Gemara The boys celebrated with a beautiful pizza siyum

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 15 Shevat sponsored by Rabbi Moshe Williston General Studies Principal Mrs Bracha K1 Frohlich in memory of Mr Eugene Fischer Yaakov Mordechai ben HaRav Zev Yehuda z l 1Adar sponsored by Torah Academy as a zechus for a refuah shlaimah for Sholom Meir ben Leah Liba Mr Sholom Fine 2 Adar sponsored by Mr and Mrs Heshy and Bluma Mermelstein in memory of Menachem Yosef ben Yaakov z l MAZEL TOV TO Mr Mayer TA 79 Mrs Frumie 2G Krochmal on the bar mitzvah of Dovid Tzvi 7B and to grandparents Rabbi Aaron Mrs Rena Krochmal and Mr Mrs Shimon Galandauer Binyomin TA 00 Leah Chajes on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Mr Sam Mrs Ellen Chajes Yair TA 10 Wasserman on his engagement and to parents Drs Noam and Chana Wasserman Yaakov and Bracha Rissel Leff TA 08 Goldberger on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Zalman Mrs Gittie Leff Rabbi Shia Mrs Sharone Sunday Williston secretary Zuber on the engagement of their granddaughter Tzipora Feiga daughter of Pinchas a Liba Zuber Rivka Leff TA 12 5G General Studies on her engagement to Shmuel Miller and to parents Rabbi Zalman Mrs Gittie Leff CONDOLENCES TO Ms Cheryl Gorden Boys English Support Services on the passing of her sister SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Beshalach B and Yisro Y 5B 6B Binyomin Septimus B Y Raffle Winner Mordy Bier B Yisroel Leib Greene Y Noam Youshaei B Shlomo Hirsch Feldman B Shlomo Hirsch Feldman B Shlomo Rosmarin B Y Yaakov Fontek Y Naftoli Ochs B Aaron Sanieoff B Yisroel Leib Greene Y Tuvia Schonberg B Y 7B Yaakov Fontek B Y Moshe Leff B Y 8B Moshe Leff B Nechemia Ochs B Y Tuvia Schonberg B Y Noam Youshaei B

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 2 4 3 5 5 6 5 10 7 8 11 9 During Ayin week PreK2 made glasses to focus on their and K1 prepares a special Purim mural for Adar painting the city of Shushan PreK1 building a Har Sinai PreK scavenger hunt with Mrs Klompas Kindergarten classes at the reservoir learning about nature and the season of Spring with Mrs Klompas 9 Decorating sign in K1 K2 going outside to spray paint our cereal boxes for a special Purim puppet theater K2 Shabbos Tatty Shragi Wolf learning in PreK1 K2 enjoying an indoor recess 100 days of school party in preK1

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 6G bas mitzvah mother and daughter celebration 4G Purim black magic art 3G Purim masks 5G Purim black magic art 7 5 6 7 4G students test different materials to see if they are conductors or insulators of electricity Adar bulletin board decorated by 4G 2G made Rosh Chodesh Adar treats

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 10 7 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grade 6 8 Chemdas Yosef raffle winners Grade 3 5 Chemdas Yosef raffle winners Second grade playing a fun game of quizlet 2B made Rosh Chodesh Adar treats Enjoying the spring weather In anticipation of Purim Asher Nesanel Mintzes 2B built a palace 7 Lamed Tes Melachos Dosh 4B squeezed their own grape juice 8 4B Lamed Tes Melachos Zoreh 9 Elementary school Rosh Chodesh davening 10 6th grade gives the fourth grade a taste of gemara

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CELEBRATING 100 DAYS of SCHOOL IN 2G 2G celebrated 100 days of school with a big party Each student brought in 100 different things Rivky Berman and Rivky Blumberg received certificates of 100 days of perfect attendance

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies The following boys have achieved Menschen status at least 50 of the weeks since September 1st GRADE Dovid Sebbag 6th GRADE Dov Bercuson Moshe Segal Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehoshua Gelernter Tuvya Sternfield Yehuda Feuerstein Noey Kahn Yaakov Wallin Daniel Simnegar Shua Schwarz Aryeh Silverman 3rd GRADE Jakey Wiesenfeld Natanel Atar Yosef Hoffman 7th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Uri Katz Dovid Tzvi Krochmal 2nd GRADE Nechemia Berzansky 4th GRADE Moishe Leff Zelig Bier Uri Hain Mendel Meyers Nochum Dessler Ezra Klompas Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Yitzy Fine David Knisbacher Yehuda Greenblatt Aron Luria Aaron Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Plotnik 8th GRADE 5th GRADE Henoch Blumberg Mordy Bier Akiva Feuerstein Ephraim Kashnow Ahron Fireman Asher Katz Yitzy Gould Shmuel Loketch Mendel Rodkin Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy

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