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Gold Book Magazine GBM mtiyaz Sahibi Publisher Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Ad na Ay e G ls n Kartal Ba soy Genel Yay n Y netmeni ve Sorumlu M d r Editorial Director M Halit Ba soy murat goldbookmagazine com Editor Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Reklam ve Pazarlama M d r Advertisement and Marketing Manager Taner Acar taner acar goldbookmagazine com ngiltere ve rlanda Sat Temsilcisi UK and Ireland Sales Representative David Brough davidbrough2 btinternet com Hindistan Sat Temsilcisi India Sales Representative Mehernavaz Vesavevala mehernavaz goldbookmagazine com G rsel Tasar m Visiual Designer Kartal Tan t m Hizmetleri info kartaltanitim com G rsel Y netmen Art Director Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Grafik Graphic slam Aslan grafik kartaltanitim com Foto raf Photograph Derya G ner Engin foto kartaltanitim com Bask Print Hat Bask Sanatlar Dear readers in our 45th issue that we have prepared with the excitement of starting a new year we are here again with a full of content As the editorial line of Gold Book Magazine is to inspire to the readers by following many innovations on trends fashion success stories international events and many other topics we collect the clues from all around the world while preparing our content The creative touches and the experiences in the professional jewelry photography area of Kartal Promotional Services contribute to the visual quality of Gold Book Magazine Fashion and design are in all areas of our lives Fashion and design are in the centre of our lives from clothes to accessories decoration to furniture technological devices to personal care In this issue I would like to draw your attention to the concept shots that we have done with the coffee cups produced by G khan Zincir who is an invaluable designer under his collection named 40by Gokhan Zincir and I would like to emphasize that photography is also as important as fashion and design Between the dates of 14 18 January the designer Wallace Chan will be presenting his unbreakable porcelain jewellery in Christie s Gallery in Hong Kong You can see the details on our pages from David Brough s writing On the other hand Vicenzaoro January which will take place between 18 23 January 2019 is the first appointment of the year for the jewellery industry On the pages we prepared as a preview of the fair we have included brands that we think you should not pass by We hope that you will also enjoy our writings including everything about Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery which has a success story of 65 years and the fascinating art of Vassiliki who aims to keep alive History as Art philosophy with her designs Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Kuyumcukent AVM Safir Sok No 207 Bah elievler STANBUL What about the colours of the new year If you are curious you can check our trend pages we prepared with the colours announced by Pantone www goldbookmagazine com magazinegoldbook goldbookmagazine goldbookmagazine I wish 2019 to be a year of happy healthhy and hopeful for everyone 90 212 517 60 29 Yeni bir y la ba laman n heyecan ile haz rlad m z 45 Say m zda yine dopdolu bir i erikle kar n zday z Gold Book Magazine in editoryal izgisi trendler moda ba ar hikayeleri uluslararas etkinlikler gibi bir ok konuda yenilikleri takip ederek okuyuculara ilham vermek oldu undan konular m z haz rlarken b t n d nyadan ip u lar n topluyoruz Kartal tan t m hizmetlerinin kreatif dokunu lar ve profesyonel m cevher foto raf l alan ndaki deneyimleri ise Gold Book Magazine in g rsel kalitesine katk yap yor Moda ve tasar m hayat m z n her alan nda K yafetten aksesuara dekorasyondan ev e yalar na teknolojik aletlerden ki isel bak ma kadar her konuda moda ve tasar m merkezimizde Bu say m zda ok de erli tasar mc G khan Zincir in 40by G khan Zincir koleksiyonu alt nda retti i kahve fincanlar ile yapm oldu umuz konsept ekimlerine dikkatinizi ekerken moda ve tasar m kadar nemli olan di er bir konunun ise foto raf sanat oldu unun alt n izmek istiyorum 14 18 Ocak tarihlerinde Hong Kong daki Christie s Galerisinde Tasar mc Wallace Chan k r lmaz porselen m cevherlerini sunuyor olacak Detaylar n David Brough un kaleminden sayfalar m zda g rebilirsiniz 18 23 Ocak 2019 tarihleri aras nda ger ele ecek olan Vicenzaoro January ise kuyumculuk sekt r i in y l n ilk randevusu Fuar n bir n izlemesi niteli inde haz rlad m z sayfalarda u ramadan ge memenizi d nd m z markalara yer verdik 65 y ll k bir ba ar yk s ne sahip olan Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat a dair her eyi ve Tasar mlar yla Sanat Olarak Tarih felsefesini ya atmay hedefleyen Vassiliki nin hayranl k uyand ran sanat n i eren yaz lar m z da keyifle okuyaca n z tahmin ediyoruz Peki ya yeni y l n renkleri nelerdir Merak ediyorsan z Pantone nin duyurdu u renklerle haz rlad m z trend sayfalar m za bakman z yeterli 2019 un herkes i in keyifli sa l kl ve umut dolu bir y l olmas n diliyorum Ay eg l Kartal Ba soy aysegulkartalbassoy Gold Book Magazin GBM Y lda 6 kez Yay nlan r Reklam eri inden reklam verenler sorumludur 22 gold book magazine gold book magazine 23
Gold Book Magazine GBM mtiyaz Sahibi Publisher Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Ad na Ay e G ls n Kartal Ba soy Genel Yay n Y netmeni ve Sorumlu M d r Editorial Director M Halit Ba soy murat goldbookmagazine com Editor Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Reklam ve Pazarlama M d r Advertisement and Marketing Manager Taner Acar taner acar goldbookmagazine com ngiltere ve rlanda Sat Temsilcisi UK and Ireland Sales Representative David Brough davidbrough2 btinternet com Hindistan Sat Temsilcisi India Sales Representative Mehernavaz Vesavevala mehernavaz goldbookmagazine com G rsel Tasar m Visiual Designer Kartal Tan t m Hizmetleri info kartaltanitim com G rsel Y netmen Art Director Ay eg l Kartal akartal kartaltanitim com Grafik Graphic slam Aslan grafik kartaltanitim com Foto raf Photograph Derya G ner Engin foto kartaltanitim com Bask Print Hat Bask Sanatlar Dear readers in our 45th issue that we have prepared with the excitement of starting a new year we are here again with a full of content As the editorial line of Gold Book Magazine is to inspire to the readers by following many innovations on trends fashion success stories international events and many other topics we collect the clues from all around the world while preparing our content The creative touches and the experiences in the professional jewelry photography area of Kartal Promotional Services contribute to the visual quality of Gold Book Magazine Fashion and design are in all areas of our lives Fashion and design are in the centre of our lives from clothes to accessories decoration to furniture technological devices to personal care In this issue I would like to draw your attention to the concept shots that we have done with the coffee cups produced by G khan Zincir who is an invaluable designer under his collection named 40by Gokhan Zincir and I would like to emphasize that photography is also as important as fashion and design Between the dates of 14 18 January the designer Wallace Chan will be presenting his unbreakable porcelain jewellery in Christie s Gallery in Hong Kong You can see the details on our pages from David Brough s writing On the other hand Vicenzaoro January which will take place between 18 23 January 2019 is the first appointment of the year for the jewellery industry On the pages we prepared as a preview of the fair we have included brands that we think you should not pass by We hope that you will also enjoy our writings including everything about Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery which has a success story of 65 years and the fascinating art of Vassiliki who aims to keep alive History as Art philosophy with her designs Ba soy Reklam Turizm ve Kuyumculuk Ltd ti Kuyumcukent AVM Safir Sok No 207 Bah elievler STANBUL What about the colours of the new year If you are curious you can check our trend pages we prepared with the colours announced by Pantone www goldbookmagazine com magazinegoldbook goldbookmagazine goldbookmagazine I wish 2019 to be a year of happy healthhy and hopeful for everyone 90 212 517 60 29 Yeni bir y la ba laman n heyecan ile haz rlad m z 45 Say m zda yine dopdolu bir i erikle kar n zday z Gold Book Magazine in editoryal izgisi trendler moda ba ar hikayeleri uluslararas etkinlikler gibi bir ok konuda yenilikleri takip ederek okuyuculara ilham vermek oldu undan konular m z haz rlarken b t n d nyadan ip u lar n topluyoruz Kartal tan t m hizmetlerinin kreatif dokunu lar ve profesyonel m cevher foto raf l alan ndaki deneyimleri ise Gold Book Magazine in g rsel kalitesine katk yap yor Moda ve tasar m hayat m z n her alan nda K yafetten aksesuara dekorasyondan ev e yalar na teknolojik aletlerden ki isel bak ma kadar her konuda moda ve tasar m merkezimizde Bu say m zda ok de erli tasar mc G khan Zincir in 40by G khan Zincir koleksiyonu alt nda retti i kahve fincanlar ile yapm oldu umuz konsept ekimlerine dikkatinizi ekerken moda ve tasar m kadar nemli olan di er bir konunun ise foto raf sanat oldu unun alt n izmek istiyorum 14 18 Ocak tarihlerinde Hong Kong daki Christie s Galerisinde Tasar mc Wallace Chan k r lmaz porselen m cevherlerini sunuyor olacak Detaylar n David Brough un kaleminden sayfalar m zda g rebilirsiniz 18 23 Ocak 2019 tarihleri aras nda ger ele ecek olan Vicenzaoro January ise kuyumculuk sekt r i in y l n ilk randevusu Fuar n bir n izlemesi niteli inde haz rlad m z sayfalarda u ramadan ge memenizi d nd m z markalara yer verdik 65 y ll k bir ba ar yk s ne sahip olan Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat a dair her eyi ve Tasar mlar yla Sanat Olarak Tarih felsefesini ya atmay hedefleyen Vassiliki nin hayranl k uyand ran sanat n i eren yaz lar m z da keyifle okuyaca n z tahmin ediyoruz Peki ya yeni y l n renkleri nelerdir Merak ediyorsan z Pantone nin duyurdu u renklerle haz rlad m z trend sayfalar m za bakman z yeterli 2019 un herkes i in keyifli sa l kl ve umut dolu bir y l olmas n diliyorum Ay eg l Kartal Ba soy aysegulkartalbassoy Gold Book Magazin GBM Y lda 6 kez Yay nlan r Reklam eri inden reklam verenler sorumludur 22 gold book magazine gold book magazine 23
Each season the team at the Pantone Color Institute creates the Pantone Fashion Color Trend Report a colour overview highlighting the top colours fashion designers showing at London Fashion Week will be featuring in their collections for the upcoming season With colour on the catwalk a key indicator of the colour stories we can expect to see showing up across all areas of design the Pantone Fashion Color Trend Report is your easily accessible guide to the season s most important colour trends Pantone Renk Enstit s ekibi her sezon Pantone Moda Renk Trend Raporu olu turur moda tasar mc lar n n Londra Moda Haftas nda g r c ye kacak olan gelecek sezon i in koleksiyonlar nda n plana karaca en iyi renkleri vurgulayan genel bir renk tasla Podyumdaki renk ile tasar m n her alan nda g rmeyi bekleyebilece imiz renk hikayelerinin nemli bir g stergesi Pantone Moda Renk Trend Raporu sezonun en nemli renk trendlerine kolayca eri ebilece iniz bir rehberdir Spring Summer 2019 reflects our desire to embolden ourselves as we face the future turning to colours and colour stories that provide confidence and lift our spirits embracing a colour and design direction filled with creative and unexpected combinations This season s report features the top 12 stand out colours as well as current takes on four classic neutrals This new mindset underscores a desire for a joyful juxtaposition of colour that transcends seasonality and joins together high fashion and street style Dynamic and vibrant without being overpowering highlighted shades for both men s and women s fashion illustrate our desire for authentic colour expression and at the same time a continuing need for relatable accessible design 2019 lkbahar Yaz koleksiyonlar gelece e d n k olarak kendimize cesaret verme arzumuzu yans t yor g ven sa layan ve ruhlar m z besleyen renk ve renk hikayelerine d n yor yarat c ve beklenmedik kombinasyonlarla dolu bir renk ve tasar m y n n kucakl yor Bu sezonun raporu d rt klasik n tr rengin yan s ra en iyi 12 rengi n plana kar yor Bu yeni d nce yap s mevsimselli i a an ve y ksek moda ve sokak stilini bir araya getiren ne eli bir renk kombini arzusunun alt n iziyor Hem erkek hem de kad n modas i in ok fazla n plana karmaks z n uygulanan dinamik ve canl ekilde vurgulanm tonlar otantik renk ifadesi arzumuzu ve ayn zamanda tekrarlanabilir eri ilebilir tasar mlara s rekli bir ihtiya oldu unu g stermektedir 24 gold book magazine 2018 y l n n rengi ise Living Coral PANTONE RENK ENST T S EK B 2019 LKBAHAR YAZ MODASINA DAMGA VURACAK RENK TRENDLER N A IKLADI PANTONE 16 1546 The colour of 2018 is Living Coral THE TEAM OF PANTONE COLOUR INSTITUTE EXPLAINED THE COLOR TRENDS THAT WILL MARK TO THE SPRING SUMMER FASHION IN 2019 tiffany co trendCLUB Living Coral is an affable and animating shade whose golden undertone gives it a softer edge Living Coral alt n alt tonunun daha yumu ak etki katt tatl ve canland r c bir tondur gold book magazine 25
Each season the team at the Pantone Color Institute creates the Pantone Fashion Color Trend Report a colour overview highlighting the top colours fashion designers showing at London Fashion Week will be featuring in their collections for the upcoming season With colour on the catwalk a key indicator of the colour stories we can expect to see showing up across all areas of design the Pantone Fashion Color Trend Report is your easily accessible guide to the season s most important colour trends Pantone Renk Enstit s ekibi her sezon Pantone Moda Renk Trend Raporu olu turur moda tasar mc lar n n Londra Moda Haftas nda g r c ye kacak olan gelecek sezon i in koleksiyonlar nda n plana karaca en iyi renkleri vurgulayan genel bir renk tasla Podyumdaki renk ile tasar m n her alan nda g rmeyi bekleyebilece imiz renk hikayelerinin nemli bir g stergesi Pantone Moda Renk Trend Raporu sezonun en nemli renk trendlerine kolayca eri ebilece iniz bir rehberdir Spring Summer 2019 reflects our desire to embolden ourselves as we face the future turning to colours and colour stories that provide confidence and lift our spirits embracing a colour and design direction filled with creative and unexpected combinations This season s report features the top 12 stand out colours as well as current takes on four classic neutrals This new mindset underscores a desire for a joyful juxtaposition of colour that transcends seasonality and joins together high fashion and street style Dynamic and vibrant without being overpowering highlighted shades for both men s and women s fashion illustrate our desire for authentic colour expression and at the same time a continuing need for relatable accessible design 2019 lkbahar Yaz koleksiyonlar gelece e d n k olarak kendimize cesaret verme arzumuzu yans t yor g ven sa layan ve ruhlar m z besleyen renk ve renk hikayelerine d n yor yarat c ve beklenmedik kombinasyonlarla dolu bir renk ve tasar m y n n kucakl yor Bu sezonun raporu d rt klasik n tr rengin yan s ra en iyi 12 rengi n plana kar yor Bu yeni d nce yap s mevsimselli i a an ve y ksek moda ve sokak stilini bir araya getiren ne eli bir renk kombini arzusunun alt n iziyor Hem erkek hem de kad n modas i in ok fazla n plana karmaks z n uygulanan dinamik ve canl ekilde vurgulanm tonlar otantik renk ifadesi arzumuzu ve ayn zamanda tekrarlanabilir eri ilebilir tasar mlara s rekli bir ihtiya oldu unu g stermektedir 24 gold book magazine 2018 y l n n rengi ise Living Coral PANTONE RENK ENST T S EK B 2019 LKBAHAR YAZ MODASINA DAMGA VURACAK RENK TRENDLER N A IKLADI PANTONE 16 1546 The colour of 2018 is Living Coral THE TEAM OF PANTONE COLOUR INSTITUTE EXPLAINED THE COLOR TRENDS THAT WILL MARK TO THE SPRING SUMMER FASHION IN 2019 tiffany co trendCLUB Living Coral is an affable and animating shade whose golden undertone gives it a softer edge Living Coral alt n alt tonunun daha yumu ak etki katt tatl ve canland r c bir tondur gold book magazine 25
trendCLUB Lemon Verbena Lemon Verbena PANTONE 16 1546 tom ford magerit Pepper Stem Pepper Stem PANTONE 17 0542 Light and sunny Lemon Verbena is pleasingly cheerful versace crivelli Parlak ve g ne li Lemon Verbena tatl bir ekilde ne elidir Zesty yellow green Pepper Stem encourages our desire for nature s healthy bounty Lezzetli sar ms ye il Pepper Stem do an n c mertli ine olan arzumuzu te vik ediyor 26 gold book magazine gold book magazine 27
trendCLUB Lemon Verbena Lemon Verbena PANTONE 16 1546 tom ford magerit Pepper Stem Pepper Stem PANTONE 17 0542 Light and sunny Lemon Verbena is pleasingly cheerful versace crivelli Parlak ve g ne li Lemon Verbena tatl bir ekilde ne elidir Zesty yellow green Pepper Stem encourages our desire for nature s healthy bounty Lezzetli sar ms ye il Pepper Stem do an n c mertli ine olan arzumuzu te vik ediyor 26 gold book magazine gold book magazine 27
Princess Blue Princess Blue PANTONE 19 4150 trendCLUB dolce gabbana roberto coin Princess Blue a majestic royal blue hue glistens and gleams Princess Blue g rkemli asil mavi renk tonu par ldar ve ldar A festive orange red Fiesta radiates energy passion and excitement Fiesta Fiesta PANTONE 17 1564 cacharel Ne eli portakal k rm z s Fiesta enerji tutku ve heyecan yay yor cartier beymen 28 gold book magazine gold book magazine 29
Princess Blue Princess Blue PANTONE 19 4150 trendCLUB dolce gabbana roberto coin Princess Blue a majestic royal blue hue glistens and gleams Princess Blue g rkemli asil mavi renk tonu par ldar ve ldar A festive orange red Fiesta radiates energy passion and excitement Fiesta Fiesta PANTONE 17 1564 cacharel Ne eli portakal k rm z s Fiesta enerji tutku ve heyecan yay yor cartier beymen 28 gold book magazine gold book magazine 29
tibi trendCLUB Pink Peacock Pink Peacock PANTONE 18 2045 The tantalisingly theatrical Pink Peacock fans out to a feast for the eyes Turmeric cartier Turmeric PANTONE 16 1546 K k rt c derecede teatral olan Pink Peacock fanlar na bir g z ziyafeti sunuyor Turmeric is an enlivening orange that infuses a hint of pungency into the palette Turmeric palete hafif bir keskinlik katan canland r c turuncu bir renktir louis vuitton milan II 30 gold book magazine gold book magazine 31
tibi trendCLUB Pink Peacock Pink Peacock PANTONE 18 2045 The tantalisingly theatrical Pink Peacock fans out to a feast for the eyes Turmeric cartier Turmeric PANTONE 16 1546 K k rt c derecede teatral olan Pink Peacock fanlar na bir g z ziyafeti sunuyor Turmeric is an enlivening orange that infuses a hint of pungency into the palette Turmeric palete hafif bir keskinlik katan canland r c turuncu bir renktir louis vuitton milan II 30 gold book magazine gold book magazine 31
trendCLUB Pressed Rose Terrarium Moss conjures up thoughts of flourishing foliage and the physical beauty in the natural world Terrarium Moss serpilen ye illik ve do al d nyadaki fiziksel g zellik d ncelerini uyand r yor 32 gold book magazine The blushing Pressed Rose fills us with thoughts of romance and sentimentality K rm z ya ka an Pressed Rose bizi romantizm ve duygusall k d nceleriyle dolduruyor tresor tresor roberto cavalli Pressed Rose PANTONE 16 1546 givenchy Terrarium Moss Terrarium Moss PANTONE 18 0416 versace gold book magazine 33
trendCLUB Pressed Rose Terrarium Moss conjures up thoughts of flourishing foliage and the physical beauty in the natural world Terrarium Moss serpilen ye illik ve do al d nyadaki fiziksel g zellik d ncelerini uyand r yor 32 gold book magazine The blushing Pressed Rose fills us with thoughts of romance and sentimentality K rm z ya ka an Pressed Rose bizi romantizm ve duygusall k d nceleriyle dolduruyor tresor tresor roberto cavalli Pressed Rose PANTONE 16 1546 givenchy Terrarium Moss Terrarium Moss PANTONE 18 0416 versace gold book magazine 33
trendCLUB Rom a De sign er J Jester Red Jester Red PANTONE 19 1862 Adding depth and intensity Jester Red combines rich elegance with urbanity Jester Red derinlik ve yo unluk ekleyerek yo un zarafeti nezaketle birle tiriyor Eclipse christian dior Eclipse PANTONE 19 3810 zen gioiello vespa A deep blue redolent of the midnight sky thoughtful Eclipse is both serious and mysterious 34 gold book magazine Gece yar s g ky z n n derin mavisini an msatan zarif Eclipse hem ciddi hem de gizemli gold book magazine 35
trendCLUB Rom a De sign er J Jester Red Jester Red PANTONE 19 1862 Adding depth and intensity Jester Red combines rich elegance with urbanity Jester Red derinlik ve yo unluk ekleyerek yo un zarafeti nezaketle birle tiriyor Eclipse christian dior Eclipse PANTONE 19 3810 zen gioiello vespa A deep blue redolent of the midnight sky thoughtful Eclipse is both serious and mysterious 34 gold book magazine Gece yar s g ky z n n derin mavisini an msatan zarif Eclipse hem ciddi hem de gizemli gold book magazine 35
trendCLUB t on lou is v uit Sweet Corn Sweet Corn tempts with its soft and buttery attitude Sweet Corn yumu ak ve tereya gibi tavr yla cezbediyor roberto cavalli Sweet Corn PANTONE 11 0106 Brown Granite fendi Brown Granite PANTONE 19 0805 bella belle Grounded and strong Brown Granite is understated authentic and timeless gucci 36 gold book magazine wrangler Sa lam ve g l Brown Granit sade otantik ve zamans z gold book magazine 37
trendCLUB t on lou is v uit Sweet Corn Sweet Corn tempts with its soft and buttery attitude Sweet Corn yumu ak ve tereya gibi tavr yla cezbediyor roberto cavalli Sweet Corn PANTONE 11 0106 Brown Granite fendi Brown Granite PANTONE 19 0805 bella belle Grounded and strong Brown Granite is understated authentic and timeless gucci 36 gold book magazine wrangler Sa lam ve g l Brown Granit sade otantik ve zamans z gold book magazine 37
Mango Mojito Mango Mojito PANTONE 15 0960 trendCLUB The golden yellow Mango Mojito feeds our craving for pleasant comforts louis vuitton zara Alt n sar s Mango Mojito ho konfor arzumuzu besliyor roberto bravo Toffee Toffee PANTONE 18 1031 le vian max mara Deliciously irresistible tasteful Toffee whets the appetite Ho bir ekilde kar konulamaz lezzetli Toffee i tah kabart yor dior 38 gold book magazine gold book magazine 39
Mango Mojito Mango Mojito PANTONE 15 0960 trendCLUB The golden yellow Mango Mojito feeds our craving for pleasant comforts louis vuitton zara Alt n sar s Mango Mojito ho konfor arzumuzu besliyor roberto bravo Toffee Toffee PANTONE 18 1031 le vian max mara Deliciously irresistible tasteful Toffee whets the appetite Ho bir ekilde kar konulamaz lezzetli Toffee i tah kabart yor dior 38 gold book magazine gold book magazine 39
Soybean superoro Soybean PANTONE 13 0919 trendCLUB versace Subtle Soybean naturally appeals as a reliable and versatile neutral fendi N kteli Soybean do al olarak g venilir ve ok y nl n tr bir ton olarak zevkimize hitap ediyor chanel 40 gold book magazine gold book magazine 41
Soybean superoro Soybean PANTONE 13 0919 trendCLUB versace Subtle Soybean naturally appeals as a reliable and versatile neutral fendi N kteli Soybean do al olarak g venilir ve ok y nl n tr bir ton olarak zevkimize hitap ediyor chanel 40 gold book magazine gold book magazine 41
inter view WALLACE CHAN PRESENTS UNBREAKABLE PORCELAIN JEWELLERY Wallace Chan k r lmaz porselen m cevherleri sunuyor DAVID BROUGH REPORTS YAZAN DAVID BROUGH A New Generation Ring Sapphire 3pcs 6 303ct 3 24ct and 3 17ct Aquamarine Diamond Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium 42 gold book magazine gold book magazine 43
inter view WALLACE CHAN PRESENTS UNBREAKABLE PORCELAIN JEWELLERY Wallace Chan k r lmaz porselen m cevherleri sunuyor DAVID BROUGH REPORTS YAZAN DAVID BROUGH A New Generation Ring Sapphire 3pcs 6 303ct 3 24ct and 3 17ct Aquamarine Diamond Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium 42 gold book magazine gold book magazine 43
inter view DESIGNER WALLACE CHAN EXHIBITS FOR THE FIRST TIME GEMSET JEWELLERY USING UNBREAKABLE PORCELAIN THAT HE HAS DEVELOPED OVER A NUMBER OF YEARS DAVID BROUGH REPORTS TASARIMCI WALLACE CHAN SAYISIZ YILLAR BOYUNCA GEL T RD KIRILMAZ PORSELEN KULLANARAK DE ERL TA LARDAN OLU AN M CEVHERLER N LK KEZ SERG L YOR Wallace Chan will exhibit new one off pieces of exquisite gem set jewellery featuring exceptionally hard porcelain that he has developed Wallace s porcelain pieces set with titanium and gemstones will be on show at the Christie s Gallery in Hong Kong from January 14 18 Wallace Chan kendi geli tirdi i harici olarak sert porselen zelli ini ta yan b y k de erli ta lardan olu an m cevherlerinden birini sergileyecek Titanyumdan ve de erli ta lardan olu an Wallace n porselen par alar 14 18 Ocak tarihlerinde Hong Kong daki Christie s Galerisinde g r c ye kar lacak Entitled Shapeshifter The Multiverse of Wallace Chan the exhibition will take viewers on a journey through time and space with contemporary sculptures wearable works of art and pieces composed of Wallace s innovations over the past 45 years including the Wallace Cut Titanium Mastery Patented Jade Technology Gemstone SettingGemstone Technique Secret Abyss and The Wallace Chan Porcelain About 20 porcelain pieces among some 80 creations in total will be shown in the exhibition ekil De i tirici Wallace Chan n oklu evreni ba l kl fuar a da heykeller giyilebilir sanat eserleri ve Wallace Cut Titanyum Ustal patentli Jade teknolojisi De erli Ta Ayar De erli Ta Tekni i Secret Abyss ve Wallace Chan Porseleni de dahil olmak zere son 45 y l i inde Wallace n yeniliklerinden olu an par alar ile zaman ve mekanda bir yolculu a izleyicileri kabul edecek Toplamdaki 80 kreasyon aras ndan yakla k 20 porselen par as fuarda g sterilecektir 44 gold book magazine Starlight Ballet Ring Spinel 1pc 12 88ct Diamond Pink Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium gold book magazine 45
inter view DESIGNER WALLACE CHAN EXHIBITS FOR THE FIRST TIME GEMSET JEWELLERY USING UNBREAKABLE PORCELAIN THAT HE HAS DEVELOPED OVER A NUMBER OF YEARS DAVID BROUGH REPORTS TASARIMCI WALLACE CHAN SAYISIZ YILLAR BOYUNCA GEL T RD KIRILMAZ PORSELEN KULLANARAK DE ERL TA LARDAN OLU AN M CEVHERLER N LK KEZ SERG L YOR Wallace Chan will exhibit new one off pieces of exquisite gem set jewellery featuring exceptionally hard porcelain that he has developed Wallace s porcelain pieces set with titanium and gemstones will be on show at the Christie s Gallery in Hong Kong from January 14 18 Wallace Chan kendi geli tirdi i harici olarak sert porselen zelli ini ta yan b y k de erli ta lardan olu an m cevherlerinden birini sergileyecek Titanyumdan ve de erli ta lardan olu an Wallace n porselen par alar 14 18 Ocak tarihlerinde Hong Kong daki Christie s Galerisinde g r c ye kar lacak Entitled Shapeshifter The Multiverse of Wallace Chan the exhibition will take viewers on a journey through time and space with contemporary sculptures wearable works of art and pieces composed of Wallace s innovations over the past 45 years including the Wallace Cut Titanium Mastery Patented Jade Technology Gemstone SettingGemstone Technique Secret Abyss and The Wallace Chan Porcelain About 20 porcelain pieces among some 80 creations in total will be shown in the exhibition ekil De i tirici Wallace Chan n oklu evreni ba l kl fuar a da heykeller giyilebilir sanat eserleri ve Wallace Cut Titanyum Ustal patentli Jade teknolojisi De erli Ta Ayar De erli Ta Tekni i Secret Abyss ve Wallace Chan Porseleni de dahil olmak zere son 45 y l i inde Wallace n yeniliklerinden olu an par alar ile zaman ve mekanda bir yolculu a izleyicileri kabul edecek Toplamdaki 80 kreasyon aras ndan yakla k 20 porselen par as fuarda g sterilecektir 44 gold book magazine Starlight Ballet Ring Spinel 1pc 12 88ct Diamond Pink Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium gold book magazine 45
inter view All types of one of a kind jewels earrings necklaces rings pendants brooches shoulder brooches and transformable jewellery pieces will be on display along with large scale sculptures and other contemporary works of art Her t rden t r n n tek rne i m cevher k pe kolye y z k kolye bro lar omuz bro lar ve d n t r lebilir m cevher par alar b y k l ekli heykeller ve di er a da sanat eserleri ile birlikte g sterimde olacak Wallace researched and experimented for seven years before developing his new porcelain innovation The idea for the material however was on his mind for quite some time before then so one could say the process was several decades in the making The inspiration for the material originated from a vivid childhood memory Growing up in a poor family Wallace and his siblings had to take turns sharing a plastic spoon when they ate The adults in the family used porcelain spoons Wallace wanted to touch those spoons and wondered what they would feel like One night after dinner his curiosity got the best of him and he reached for a porcelain spoon Just as he thought he had it it slipped out of his hand and shattered into a dozen pieces The memory of the spoon breaking never left him He would think that for such a seemingly sturdy material it was relatively fragile He felt that porcelain deserved to be as strong as the centuries of history surrounding it To harden porcelain he needed to discover the right techniques and the right materials ingredients tools and ovens Wallace yeni porselen yenili ini geli tirmeden nce yedi y l boyunca ara t rm ve deney yapm t r Malzeme fikrinin ondan nce ancak bir s redir akl nda oldu unu yap m s recine ge i in birka on y l ald n s yleyebiliriz Materyal i in ilham canl bir ocukluk an s ndan gelmektedir Fakir bir ailede b y yen Wallace ve karde leri yemek yerken plastik bir ka s rayla payla mak zorundayd lar Ailenin yeti kinleri porselen ka k kullan rd Wallace bu ka klara dokunmak istedi ve nas l bir his oldu unu merak etti Bir gece ak am yeme inden sonra merak n yendi ve eline bir porselen ka k ald Tuttu unu d n rken elinden kayd ve bir d zine par aya ayr ld Ka n k r lma an s onu hi b rakmad G r n te bu kadar sa lam bir malzeme i in olduk a k r lgan oldu unu d nd Porselenin onu evreleyen tarihin y zy llar kadar g l olmay hak etti ini hissetti Porseleni sertle tirmek i in do ru teknikleri ve do ru malzemeleri bile enleri aletleri ve f r nlar ke fetmesi gerekiyordu Generally porcelain is fired to a maximum temperature of 1 400 C The Wallace Chan Porcelain is fired to temperatures between 1 600 C and 1 650 C The material s endurance of higher temperatures and its ability to remain stable and consistent throughout ultimately allows for a stronger harder and more lustrous porcelain Wallace travelled to several countries in search of manufacturers who could build ovens to his very specific requirements He eventually found two German manufacturers with whom he built his custom ovens Precise calculations are key to a successful creation process the ovens had to be a certain size in order to allow for more stabilized heat and so he could standardize and regulate the oven s temperature to his exact specifications for every creation His ovens allow him to control and regulate the temperature at very precise intervals Genel olarak porselen maksimum 1 400 C s cakl a kadar pi irilir Wallace Chan porseleni 1 600 C ve 1 650 C aras ndaki s cakl klarda pi irilir Malzemenin daha y ksek s cakl klara dayan kl l ve istikrarl ve tutarl kalma kabiliyeti sonu ta daha g l daha sert ve daha parlak bir porselen sa l yor Wallace f r nlar kendi zel gereksinimlerine g re in a edebilecek reticileri bulmak i in birka lkeye gitti Sonunda zel f r nlar n yapan iki Alman retici buldu Kesin hesaplamalar ba ar l bir olu um s recinin anahtar d r f r nlar n daha stabilize edilmi s ya ula mas i in belirli bir boyutta olmas gerekiyordu ve b ylece f r n n s cakl n her par a i in kesin zelliklerine g re standartla t r p d zenleyebiliyordu Onun f r nlar s cakl ok hassas aral klarla kontrol etmesine ve d zenlemesine izin veriyor 46 gold book magazine gold book magazine 47
inter view All types of one of a kind jewels earrings necklaces rings pendants brooches shoulder brooches and transformable jewellery pieces will be on display along with large scale sculptures and other contemporary works of art Her t rden t r n n tek rne i m cevher k pe kolye y z k kolye bro lar omuz bro lar ve d n t r lebilir m cevher par alar b y k l ekli heykeller ve di er a da sanat eserleri ile birlikte g sterimde olacak Wallace researched and experimented for seven years before developing his new porcelain innovation The idea for the material however was on his mind for quite some time before then so one could say the process was several decades in the making The inspiration for the material originated from a vivid childhood memory Growing up in a poor family Wallace and his siblings had to take turns sharing a plastic spoon when they ate The adults in the family used porcelain spoons Wallace wanted to touch those spoons and wondered what they would feel like One night after dinner his curiosity got the best of him and he reached for a porcelain spoon Just as he thought he had it it slipped out of his hand and shattered into a dozen pieces The memory of the spoon breaking never left him He would think that for such a seemingly sturdy material it was relatively fragile He felt that porcelain deserved to be as strong as the centuries of history surrounding it To harden porcelain he needed to discover the right techniques and the right materials ingredients tools and ovens Wallace yeni porselen yenili ini geli tirmeden nce yedi y l boyunca ara t rm ve deney yapm t r Malzeme fikrinin ondan nce ancak bir s redir akl nda oldu unu yap m s recine ge i in birka on y l ald n s yleyebiliriz Materyal i in ilham canl bir ocukluk an s ndan gelmektedir Fakir bir ailede b y yen Wallace ve karde leri yemek yerken plastik bir ka s rayla payla mak zorundayd lar Ailenin yeti kinleri porselen ka k kullan rd Wallace bu ka klara dokunmak istedi ve nas l bir his oldu unu merak etti Bir gece ak am yeme inden sonra merak n yendi ve eline bir porselen ka k ald Tuttu unu d n rken elinden kayd ve bir d zine par aya ayr ld Ka n k r lma an s onu hi b rakmad G r n te bu kadar sa lam bir malzeme i in olduk a k r lgan oldu unu d nd Porselenin onu evreleyen tarihin y zy llar kadar g l olmay hak etti ini hissetti Porseleni sertle tirmek i in do ru teknikleri ve do ru malzemeleri bile enleri aletleri ve f r nlar ke fetmesi gerekiyordu Generally porcelain is fired to a maximum temperature of 1 400 C The Wallace Chan Porcelain is fired to temperatures between 1 600 C and 1 650 C The material s endurance of higher temperatures and its ability to remain stable and consistent throughout ultimately allows for a stronger harder and more lustrous porcelain Wallace travelled to several countries in search of manufacturers who could build ovens to his very specific requirements He eventually found two German manufacturers with whom he built his custom ovens Precise calculations are key to a successful creation process the ovens had to be a certain size in order to allow for more stabilized heat and so he could standardize and regulate the oven s temperature to his exact specifications for every creation His ovens allow him to control and regulate the temperature at very precise intervals Genel olarak porselen maksimum 1 400 C s cakl a kadar pi irilir Wallace Chan porseleni 1 600 C ve 1 650 C aras ndaki s cakl klarda pi irilir Malzemenin daha y ksek s cakl klara dayan kl l ve istikrarl ve tutarl kalma kabiliyeti sonu ta daha g l daha sert ve daha parlak bir porselen sa l yor Wallace f r nlar kendi zel gereksinimlerine g re in a edebilecek reticileri bulmak i in birka lkeye gitti Sonunda zel f r nlar n yapan iki Alman retici buldu Kesin hesaplamalar ba ar l bir olu um s recinin anahtar d r f r nlar n daha stabilize edilmi s ya ula mas i in belirli bir boyutta olmas gerekiyordu ve b ylece f r n n s cakl n her par a i in kesin zelliklerine g re standartla t r p d zenleyebiliyordu Onun f r nlar s cakl ok hassas aral klarla kontrol etmesine ve d zenlemesine izin veriyor 46 gold book magazine gold book magazine 47
inter view If at any point the temperature increased too slowly or too quickly by even a fraction of a degree the chemical makeup of the porcelain would be altered and he would not be able to achieve the result he desired Wallace said It was also important to Wallace that he obtained the absolute finest ingredients Even an impurity of 0 001 could impact the porcelain s ability to endure the high heat in the ovens and ultimately affect the strength and quality of the end result Multiverse Earrings South Sea Pearl 3pcs 58 45ct Porcelain Yellow Diamond Diamond Pink Sapphire and Titanium The resulting porcelain is exceptionally hard The Wallace Chan Porcelain is stronger than steel Wallace says it will not shatter should it slip from your hands to the floor Wallace s porcelain jewellery features a rich variety of extraordinary coloured gemstones a key feature of his work Many of the creations incorporate both porcelain and titanium together the materials make each other stronger Wallace loves all kinds of gemstones from coloured diamonds to spinel to pink sapphires and pearls Every gemstone has its own unique life and personality Wallace strives to bring forth their natural innermost light in his creations Wallace herhangi bir noktada s cakl k ok yava veya ok h zl bir ekilde bir derecenin bile en d k k sm ile artt ysa porselenin kimyasal karakterini de i tirebilece ini ve istedi i sonucu elde edemeyece ini s yledi Wallace n mutlak en iyi malzemeleri elde etmesi de nemliydi 0 001 lik bir kusur bile porselenin f r nlardaki y ksek s ya dayanma kabiliyetini etkileyebilir ve sonucun mukavemetini ve kalitesini etkileyebilir Ortaya kan porselen son derece serttir Wallace Chan porseleni elikten daha g l d r Wallace diyor ki Elinizden d rmeniz halinde par alara ayr lmayacak Wallace n porselen m cevherleri eserinin nemli bir zelli i olan ola an st renkli de erli ta lardan zengin bir e itlili e sahiptir Kreasyonlar n o u hem porselen hem de titanyum i ermektedir malzemeler birbirlerini daha g l hale getirir Wallace renkli elmaslardan lal ta na pembe safirlere ve incilere kadar her t rl de erli ta sever Her de erli ta n kendi benzersiz ya am ve ki ili i vard r Wallace kendi kreasyonlar nda en i teki do al ortaya karmak i in aba g stermektedir Dream Planet Ring Diamond Crystal Lapis Lazuli Opal Pink Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium 48 gold book magazine
inter view If at any point the temperature increased too slowly or too quickly by even a fraction of a degree the chemical makeup of the porcelain would be altered and he would not be able to achieve the result he desired Wallace said It was also important to Wallace that he obtained the absolute finest ingredients Even an impurity of 0 001 could impact the porcelain s ability to endure the high heat in the ovens and ultimately affect the strength and quality of the end result Multiverse Earrings South Sea Pearl 3pcs 58 45ct Porcelain Yellow Diamond Diamond Pink Sapphire and Titanium The resulting porcelain is exceptionally hard The Wallace Chan Porcelain is stronger than steel Wallace says it will not shatter should it slip from your hands to the floor Wallace s porcelain jewellery features a rich variety of extraordinary coloured gemstones a key feature of his work Many of the creations incorporate both porcelain and titanium together the materials make each other stronger Wallace loves all kinds of gemstones from coloured diamonds to spinel to pink sapphires and pearls Every gemstone has its own unique life and personality Wallace strives to bring forth their natural innermost light in his creations Wallace herhangi bir noktada s cakl k ok yava veya ok h zl bir ekilde bir derecenin bile en d k k sm ile artt ysa porselenin kimyasal karakterini de i tirebilece ini ve istedi i sonucu elde edemeyece ini s yledi Wallace n mutlak en iyi malzemeleri elde etmesi de nemliydi 0 001 lik bir kusur bile porselenin f r nlardaki y ksek s ya dayanma kabiliyetini etkileyebilir ve sonucun mukavemetini ve kalitesini etkileyebilir Ortaya kan porselen son derece serttir Wallace Chan porseleni elikten daha g l d r Wallace diyor ki Elinizden d rmeniz halinde par alara ayr lmayacak Wallace n porselen m cevherleri eserinin nemli bir zelli i olan ola an st renkli de erli ta lardan zengin bir e itlili e sahiptir Kreasyonlar n o u hem porselen hem de titanyum i ermektedir malzemeler birbirlerini daha g l hale getirir Wallace renkli elmaslardan lal ta na pembe safirlere ve incilere kadar her t rl de erli ta sever Her de erli ta n kendi benzersiz ya am ve ki ili i vard r Wallace kendi kreasyonlar nda en i teki do al ortaya karmak i in aba g stermektedir Dream Planet Ring Diamond Crystal Lapis Lazuli Opal Pink Sapphire Porcelain and Titanium 48 gold book magazine
zoomIN TEK N SEYREKO LU EFE KORKMAZ REPORTS YAZAN EFE KORKMAZ Diyarbakir which has an ancient civilization history has a strong history of jewellery Tekin Seyrekoglu was born in Diyarbakir where jewellery craft has such a strong history When he lost his father in a very early age they migrated to Istanbul a unique cradle of civilization like Diyarbakir where he spent his childhood years After they migrated to Istanbul he continued his education life and went into working life at the same time to make a living for his family His interest in commercial life since his early age enabled him to work in various sectors His passion for the job made him to be a foreman in a workshop where he entered as an apprentice Thanks to his commercial genius he found a shareholder in 1963 the time when he was only 15 years old and managed to open his own workshop and started to produce his first products consisting of matting pattern golden products in this humble workshop 50 gold book magazine Kadim bir medeniyet tarihine sahip olan Diyarbak r da kuyum zanaat de g l bir ge mi e sahiptir Tekin Seyreko lu da kuyum zanaat n n b ylesine g l bir ge mi e sahip oldu u Diyarbak r da d nyaya geldi ok erken ya ta babas n kaybedince ocuklu unun ge ti i Diyarbak r gibi e siz bir medeniyet be i i olan stanbul a g t ler stanbul a g ettikten sonra ailenin ge imini sa lamak i in bir yandan e itim hayat na devam edip bir yandan da al ma hayat na at ld K k ya tan beri ticari ya ama olan ilgisi ona bir ok sekt rde al ma olana sa lad Onun mesle e olan tutkusu daha ocuk denilebilecek bir ya ta rak olarak girdi i at lyede ustaba olmas n sa lad Ticari dehas sayesinde 15 ya na geldi i 1963 y l nda bir sermaye orta bularak kendi at lyesini a may ba ard ve has r rg den olu an ilk r nlerini bu m tevazi at lyede retmeye ba lad gold book magazine 51
zoomIN TEK N SEYREKO LU EFE KORKMAZ REPORTS YAZAN EFE KORKMAZ Diyarbakir which has an ancient civilization history has a strong history of jewellery Tekin Seyrekoglu was born in Diyarbakir where jewellery craft has such a strong history When he lost his father in a very early age they migrated to Istanbul a unique cradle of civilization like Diyarbakir where he spent his childhood years After they migrated to Istanbul he continued his education life and went into working life at the same time to make a living for his family His interest in commercial life since his early age enabled him to work in various sectors His passion for the job made him to be a foreman in a workshop where he entered as an apprentice Thanks to his commercial genius he found a shareholder in 1963 the time when he was only 15 years old and managed to open his own workshop and started to produce his first products consisting of matting pattern golden products in this humble workshop 50 gold book magazine Kadim bir medeniyet tarihine sahip olan Diyarbak r da kuyum zanaat de g l bir ge mi e sahiptir Tekin Seyreko lu da kuyum zanaat n n b ylesine g l bir ge mi e sahip oldu u Diyarbak r da d nyaya geldi ok erken ya ta babas n kaybedince ocuklu unun ge ti i Diyarbak r gibi e siz bir medeniyet be i i olan stanbul a g t ler stanbul a g ettikten sonra ailenin ge imini sa lamak i in bir yandan e itim hayat na devam edip bir yandan da al ma hayat na at ld K k ya tan beri ticari ya ama olan ilgisi ona bir ok sekt rde al ma olana sa lad Onun mesle e olan tutkusu daha ocuk denilebilecek bir ya ta rak olarak girdi i at lyede ustaba olmas n sa lad Ticari dehas sayesinde 15 ya na geldi i 1963 y l nda bir sermaye orta bularak kendi at lyesini a may ba ard ve has r rg den olu an ilk r nlerini bu m tevazi at lyede retmeye ba lad gold book magazine 51
zoomIN From the first day till now his designs that he created without compromising the quality of production and by combining designs with international standards provided him to take an important place in the sector along with the innovations he added to the understanding of design in Turkish jewellery industry With his goal of creating modern and his unique aesthetic designs he has created a strong bond between the past and the future Tekin Seyrekoglu combining the handicraft of the past with today s technology has created his own style in boutique golden products But at the same time he has followed the trends and changing consumer behaviours closely and continued to pursue the boutique designs and production according to this understanding Tekin Seyrekoglu who has absorbed the importance of providing recognition and brand identity in addition to quality production has given the right value for advertisement and promotion in this sector The most important thing which distinguishes Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery from other brands is transforming 14 18and 21 carat gold and jewellery into Seyrekoglu standard with a master craftsmanship The gold and diamond collection produced at Seyrekoglu has been presented to different cultures and age groups in various countries of the world 52 gold book magazine lk g nden bu yana tasar m g c n uluslararas standartlar ile birle tirip retim kalitesinden de taviz vermeyerek yaratt tasar mlar T rk m cevher sekt r nde tasar m anlay na katt yeniliklerle birlikte onun sekt rde nemli bir yer edinmesini sa lad Modern tasar mlar yaratmak hedefi ve kendine has estetik tasar mlar ile ge mi ve gelecek aras nda sa lam bir ba olu turdu Ge mi in el sanat n g n m z n teknolojisiyle birle tiren Tekin Seyreko lu butik alt n r nlerinde kendi stilini ortaya koydu Ama ayn zamanda trendleri ve de i en t ketici davran lar n da yak ndan takip edip butik tasar mlar n ve retimlerini de bu anlay a g re s rd rmeye devam etti Kaliteli retimin yan s ra marka kimli i ve bilinirlik sa laman n nemini de y llar ncesinden kavrayan Seyreko lu bu sekt rde her zaman reklam ve tan t ma gereken de eri verdi Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat di er markalardan ay ran en nemli zellik ise 14 18 ve 21 ayar alt n ve m cevheri usta zanaatkarl ile Seyreko lu ayar na d n t rmesi Seyreko lu ayar nda retilen alt n ve p rlanta koleksiyonu d nyan n e itli lkelerinde farkl k lt r ve ya gruplar n n be enisine sunulmakta gold book magazine 53
zoomIN From the first day till now his designs that he created without compromising the quality of production and by combining designs with international standards provided him to take an important place in the sector along with the innovations he added to the understanding of design in Turkish jewellery industry With his goal of creating modern and his unique aesthetic designs he has created a strong bond between the past and the future Tekin Seyrekoglu combining the handicraft of the past with today s technology has created his own style in boutique golden products But at the same time he has followed the trends and changing consumer behaviours closely and continued to pursue the boutique designs and production according to this understanding Tekin Seyrekoglu who has absorbed the importance of providing recognition and brand identity in addition to quality production has given the right value for advertisement and promotion in this sector The most important thing which distinguishes Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery from other brands is transforming 14 18and 21 carat gold and jewellery into Seyrekoglu standard with a master craftsmanship The gold and diamond collection produced at Seyrekoglu has been presented to different cultures and age groups in various countries of the world 52 gold book magazine lk g nden bu yana tasar m g c n uluslararas standartlar ile birle tirip retim kalitesinden de taviz vermeyerek yaratt tasar mlar T rk m cevher sekt r nde tasar m anlay na katt yeniliklerle birlikte onun sekt rde nemli bir yer edinmesini sa lad Modern tasar mlar yaratmak hedefi ve kendine has estetik tasar mlar ile ge mi ve gelecek aras nda sa lam bir ba olu turdu Ge mi in el sanat n g n m z n teknolojisiyle birle tiren Tekin Seyreko lu butik alt n r nlerinde kendi stilini ortaya koydu Ama ayn zamanda trendleri ve de i en t ketici davran lar n da yak ndan takip edip butik tasar mlar n ve retimlerini de bu anlay a g re s rd rmeye devam etti Kaliteli retimin yan s ra marka kimli i ve bilinirlik sa laman n nemini de y llar ncesinden kavrayan Seyreko lu bu sekt rde her zaman reklam ve tan t ma gereken de eri verdi Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat di er markalardan ay ran en nemli zellik ise 14 18 ve 21 ayar alt n ve m cevheri usta zanaatkarl ile Seyreko lu ayar na d n t rmesi Seyreko lu ayar nda retilen alt n ve p rlanta koleksiyonu d nyan n e itli lkelerinde farkl k lt r ve ya gruplar n n be enisine sunulmakta gold book magazine 53
zoomIN Tekin Seyrekoglu has managed to reach approximately 650 sales points in Turkey and abroad with the designs he has created by processing gold as good as jewellery He has always exhibited his products in the most exclusive stores in Turkey Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery continues to make a difference in the sector with its mission and passion from the first day extraordinary designs high level of master craftsmanship and impressive collections Tekin Seyrekoglu s future goals are to expand in international markets along with world famous brands in Turkey and abroad Tekin Seyrekoglu seems like he is going to make a name for himself by his innovations that he has brought to the sector since the day he stepped into the jewellery sector 54 gold book magazine Tekin Seyreko lu Alt n adeta m cevher gibi i leyerek yaratt tasar mlarla yurt i inde ve yurt d nda toplam 650 ye yak n sat noktas na ula may ba ard r nlerini her zaman T rkiye nin en se kin ma azalar nda sergiledi Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat ta d misyon ve ilk g nk tutkusuyla s ra d tasar mlar st d zey usta i ili i ve etkileyici koleksiyonlar ile sekt rde fark yaratmaya devam ediyor Tekin Seyreko lu nun ileri ki hedefleri ise yurt i inde ve d nda d nyaca nl markalar ile birlikte uluslararas pazarlarda geni lemek Tekin Seyreko lu kuyumculuk sekt r ne ad m att g nden beri sekt re getirdi i yeniliklerle bu sekt rde ad ndan daha ok s z ettirece e benziyor gold book magazine 55
zoomIN Tekin Seyrekoglu has managed to reach approximately 650 sales points in Turkey and abroad with the designs he has created by processing gold as good as jewellery He has always exhibited his products in the most exclusive stores in Turkey Tekin Seyrekoglu Jewellery continues to make a difference in the sector with its mission and passion from the first day extraordinary designs high level of master craftsmanship and impressive collections Tekin Seyrekoglu s future goals are to expand in international markets along with world famous brands in Turkey and abroad Tekin Seyrekoglu seems like he is going to make a name for himself by his innovations that he has brought to the sector since the day he stepped into the jewellery sector 54 gold book magazine Tekin Seyreko lu Alt n adeta m cevher gibi i leyerek yaratt tasar mlarla yurt i inde ve yurt d nda toplam 650 ye yak n sat noktas na ula may ba ard r nlerini her zaman T rkiye nin en se kin ma azalar nda sergiledi Tekin Seyreko lu M cevherat ta d misyon ve ilk g nk tutkusuyla s ra d tasar mlar st d zey usta i ili i ve etkileyici koleksiyonlar ile sekt rde fark yaratmaya devam ediyor Tekin Seyreko lu nun ileri ki hedefleri ise yurt i inde ve d nda d nyaca nl markalar ile birlikte uluslararas pazarlarda geni lemek Tekin Seyreko lu kuyumculuk sekt r ne ad m att g nden beri sekt re getirdi i yeniliklerle bu sekt rde ad ndan daha ok s z ettirece e benziyor gold book magazine 55
concept BLACK WHITE OR GOLD P h o t o g r a p h e r Ay s e g u l K a r t a l Production Kartal Tan t m kartal_tanitim ceramic designs by G khan Zinzir 40bygokhanzincir necklace GAYRET rings AKSU 56 gold book magazine gold book magazine 57
concept BLACK WHITE OR GOLD P h o t o g r a p h e r Ay s e g u l K a r t a l Production Kartal Tan t m kartal_tanitim ceramic designs by G khan Zinzir 40bygokhanzincir necklace GAYRET rings AKSU 56 gold book magazine gold book magazine 57
concept bracelet earring and necklace PIANO GOLD pianogold 58 gold book magazine gold book magazine 59
concept bracelet earring and necklace PIANO GOLD pianogold 58 gold book magazine gold book magazine 59
concept earring INNOVA right rings PIANO GOLD pianogold 60 gold book magazine gold book magazine 61
concept earring INNOVA right rings PIANO GOLD pianogold 60 gold book magazine gold book magazine 61
concept earring INNOVA right necklace and bracelet PIANO GOLD 62 gold book magazine gold book magazine 63
concept earring INNOVA right necklace and bracelet PIANO GOLD 62 gold book magazine gold book magazine 63
concepts left ring KAYHAN GOLD kayhangold necklace and bracelet GAYRET right rings KAYHAN GOLD kayhangold 64 gold book magazine gold book magazine 65
concepts left ring KAYHAN GOLD kayhangold necklace and bracelet GAYRET right rings KAYHAN GOLD kayhangold 64 gold book magazine gold book magazine 65
zoomIN PALMIERO BEAUTY WILL REDEEM THE WORLD G ZELL K D NYAYI KURTARACAK Carlo Palmiero more than thirty years of creations Carlo Palmiero founder of Palmiero Jewellery Design represents the artistic avant garde per excellence in the high jewellery sector Since the very beginning he bucks the trend constantly modifies the standards of classical jewellery by moving the attention from the centre to the whole object surface by enlarging the shapes and by adding colour His rings are real three dimensional sculptures enriched by the unique and unrepeatable gemstone colour shades A jewel can describe shapes and colours communicate intense emotions confine the world and represent it unleash the passion of the person who creates it who donates it and who wears it This is what a Palmiero s jewel is precious matter transformed into a work of art 66 gold book magazine Palmeiro Jewellery Design markas n n kurucusu olan Carlo Palmiero otuz y l a k n bir s redir kuyumculuk sekt r nde sanat n nc s olmu tur En ba ndan beri trendlere kar geliyor s rekli olarak renk ekleyerek ekilleri b y terek dikkati merkezden t m nesneye ta yarak klasik m cevherat standartlar n de i tiriyor Y z kleri de erli ta lar n benzersiz ve tekrar edilemez tonlar yla zenginle tirilmi ger ek boyutlu heykellerdir Bir m cevher ekilleri ve renkleri tan mlayabilir yo un duygular n terc man olabilir d nyay s n rland rabilir ve onu sunabilir onu yaratan hediye eden ve takan ki inin tutkusunu serbest b rakabilir Palmiero de erli bir maddeyi bir sanat eserine d n t r r gold book magazine 67
zoomIN PALMIERO BEAUTY WILL REDEEM THE WORLD G ZELL K D NYAYI KURTARACAK Carlo Palmiero more than thirty years of creations Carlo Palmiero founder of Palmiero Jewellery Design represents the artistic avant garde per excellence in the high jewellery sector Since the very beginning he bucks the trend constantly modifies the standards of classical jewellery by moving the attention from the centre to the whole object surface by enlarging the shapes and by adding colour His rings are real three dimensional sculptures enriched by the unique and unrepeatable gemstone colour shades A jewel can describe shapes and colours communicate intense emotions confine the world and represent it unleash the passion of the person who creates it who donates it and who wears it This is what a Palmiero s jewel is precious matter transformed into a work of art 66 gold book magazine Palmeiro Jewellery Design markas n n kurucusu olan Carlo Palmiero otuz y l a k n bir s redir kuyumculuk sekt r nde sanat n nc s olmu tur En ba ndan beri trendlere kar geliyor s rekli olarak renk ekleyerek ekilleri b y terek dikkati merkezden t m nesneye ta yarak klasik m cevherat standartlar n de i tiriyor Y z kleri de erli ta lar n benzersiz ve tekrar edilemez tonlar yla zenginle tirilmi ger ek boyutlu heykellerdir Bir m cevher ekilleri ve renkleri tan mlayabilir yo un duygular n terc man olabilir d nyay s n rland rabilir ve onu sunabilir onu yaratan hediye eden ve takan ki inin tutkusunu serbest b rakabilir Palmiero de erli bir maddeyi bir sanat eserine d n t r r gold book magazine 67
zoomIN PALMIERO JEWELLERY DESIGN CREATIVITY AND TRADITION MADY IN ITALY INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS Palmiero s jewels are unique and inimitableobjects characterised by a refined plastic and unmistakable style They are ideas translated into shapes and colours that show great experience and incredible creativity they are recognisable at first glance Palmiero s collections stem from a gold jewellery tradition which for years has produced a limited number of pieces sometimes unique pieces since anyone can enjoy the privilege of a very personal choice anywhere It is a selection that can satisfy all needs if choice is guided by taste style and personality They are inspired to geometric shapes nature artistic references to the style of the great 20th Century painters Genius skill and passion shine through each piece Creations by Carlo Palmiero go beyond design and find their completeness in the precious stones whose pureness and quality make them unique white black cognac blue green yellow and purple diamonds sapphires that fade gently like blue pink and yellow watercolours royal topazes tanzanites rubellites opals They are precious timeless objects charaterised by a style that is the flawless union of past and present 68 gold book magazine PALMEIRO JEWELLERY DESIGN IN YARATICILI I VE TALYA DAK GELENE ULUSLARARASI BA ARISI Palmeiro nun m cevherleri rafine edilmi bir stilde plastik ve benzersiz zelliklerle karakterize edilen e siz ve ola an st nesnelerdir Ola an st yarat c l ve b y k deneyimi g steren ekiller ve renklere d n en fikirlerdir ilk g r te tan n rlar Palmiero nun koleksiyonlar y llarca s n rl say da par a bazen benzersiz par alar retmi olan bir alt n m cevherat gelene inden esin al yor nk herkes her nerde olursa olsun bu ok ki isel se imin ayr cal n n tad n karabilmelidir Zevk stil ve ki ilik taraf ndan y nlendirilen bir se im t m ihtiya lar kar layan bir se imdir Geometrik ekillerden do adan b y k 20 Y zy l ressamlar n n tarz na sanatsal at flardan ilham al yorlar Deha beceri ve tutku her par ada parl yor Carlo Palmeiro nun kreasyonlar tasar m n tesine gidiyor ve onlar n nitelik ve safl klar n e siz yapan de erli ta larda kendini tamaml yor beyaz siyah konyak rengi mavi ye il sar ve mor elmaslar mavi pembe sar su renkleri asil topazlar tanzanitler rubelitler opaller gibi yava a solan safirler Bunlar ge mi in ve imdinin kusursuz bir birle imi olan bir stille nitelendirilen de erli ve zamans z objelerdir gold book magazine 69
zoomIN PALMIERO JEWELLERY DESIGN CREATIVITY AND TRADITION MADY IN ITALY INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS Palmiero s jewels are unique and inimitableobjects characterised by a refined plastic and unmistakable style They are ideas translated into shapes and colours that show great experience and incredible creativity they are recognisable at first glance Palmiero s collections stem from a gold jewellery tradition which for years has produced a limited number of pieces sometimes unique pieces since anyone can enjoy the privilege of a very personal choice anywhere It is a selection that can satisfy all needs if choice is guided by taste style and personality They are inspired to geometric shapes nature artistic references to the style of the great 20th Century painters Genius skill and passion shine through each piece Creations by Carlo Palmiero go beyond design and find their completeness in the precious stones whose pureness and quality make them unique white black cognac blue green yellow and purple diamonds sapphires that fade gently like blue pink and yellow watercolours royal topazes tanzanites rubellites opals They are precious timeless objects charaterised by a style that is the flawless union of past and present 68 gold book magazine PALMEIRO JEWELLERY DESIGN IN YARATICILI I VE TALYA DAK GELENE ULUSLARARASI BA ARISI Palmeiro nun m cevherleri rafine edilmi bir stilde plastik ve benzersiz zelliklerle karakterize edilen e siz ve ola an st nesnelerdir Ola an st yarat c l ve b y k deneyimi g steren ekiller ve renklere d n en fikirlerdir ilk g r te tan n rlar Palmiero nun koleksiyonlar y llarca s n rl say da par a bazen benzersiz par alar retmi olan bir alt n m cevherat gelene inden esin al yor nk herkes her nerde olursa olsun bu ok ki isel se imin ayr cal n n tad n karabilmelidir Zevk stil ve ki ilik taraf ndan y nlendirilen bir se im t m ihtiya lar kar layan bir se imdir Geometrik ekillerden do adan b y k 20 Y zy l ressamlar n n tarz na sanatsal at flardan ilham al yorlar Deha beceri ve tutku her par ada parl yor Carlo Palmeiro nun kreasyonlar tasar m n tesine gidiyor ve onlar n nitelik ve safl klar n e siz yapan de erli ta larda kendini tamaml yor beyaz siyah konyak rengi mavi ye il sar ve mor elmaslar mavi pembe sar su renkleri asil topazlar tanzanitler rubelitler opaller gibi yava a solan safirler Bunlar ge mi in ve imdinin kusursuz bir birle imi olan bir stille nitelendirilen de erli ve zamans z objelerdir gold book magazine 69
zoomIN Beauty will redeem the world Beauty emerges from a distracted and almost incapable humanity it is the beauty Dostoevskij talked about that is the harmony which acts as a therapy to calm souls down and find hope again PALMIERO s maison has always looked for beauty it is where fantastic jewels are created They resemble flashes that make us think about something but what exactly A flower an inlet a cloud a tree canopy or a precious piece of macrame on an haute couture dress We do not care about this we just see jewels of harmonious fine and beautiful shapes we like them without a reason they do not necessarily have a figurative meaning yet they are extremely evocative Our jewels keep on enchating us and give us the chance to forget disharmony and make room for the pure beauty Yes we have always been certain that BEAUTY WILL REDEEM THE WORLD 70 gold book magazine G zellik d nyay kurtaracak G zellik kendinden ge mi ve neredeyse aciz insanl ktan kar Dostoyevski nin de bahsetti i g zellik budur ki bu tekrar umut bulmak ve ruhu sakinle tirmek i in terapi eklinde davranan bir harmonidir PALME RO nun evi her zaman g zelli i arayan fantastik m cevherlerin olu turuldu u bir yerdir Bir ey hakk nda d nmemizi sa layan g z m zde canlanan eylere benziyorlar ama tam olarak onlar ne Bir zel tasar m elbisesindeki bir i ek mi bir koy mu bir bulut mu bir a ac n dallar n n g ky z n kaplamas m yoksa zel tasar m bir elbisenin zerindeki de erli bir makrome par as m Bunu umursam yoruz sadece uyumlu ince ve g zel ekillerin m cevherlerini g r yoruz bir sebep olmadan onlar seviyoruz mutlaka fig ratif bir anlama sahip olmalar na gerek yok ancak bunlar son derece hat rlat c eylerdir M cevherlerimiz bizi b y leyici tutuyor ve bize uyumsuzlu u unutmak ve saf g zellik i in yer a mak konusunda ans veriyor Evet her zaman G ZELLI IN D NYAYI KURTARACA INDAN EMIN OLDUK gold book magazine 71
zoomIN Beauty will redeem the world Beauty emerges from a distracted and almost incapable humanity it is the beauty Dostoevskij talked about that is the harmony which acts as a therapy to calm souls down and find hope again PALMIERO s maison has always looked for beauty it is where fantastic jewels are created They resemble flashes that make us think about something but what exactly A flower an inlet a cloud a tree canopy or a precious piece of macrame on an haute couture dress We do not care about this we just see jewels of harmonious fine and beautiful shapes we like them without a reason they do not necessarily have a figurative meaning yet they are extremely evocative Our jewels keep on enchating us and give us the chance to forget disharmony and make room for the pure beauty Yes we have always been certain that BEAUTY WILL REDEEM THE WORLD 70 gold book magazine G zellik d nyay kurtaracak G zellik kendinden ge mi ve neredeyse aciz insanl ktan kar Dostoyevski nin de bahsetti i g zellik budur ki bu tekrar umut bulmak ve ruhu sakinle tirmek i in terapi eklinde davranan bir harmonidir PALME RO nun evi her zaman g zelli i arayan fantastik m cevherlerin olu turuldu u bir yerdir Bir ey hakk nda d nmemizi sa layan g z m zde canlanan eylere benziyorlar ama tam olarak onlar ne Bir zel tasar m elbisesindeki bir i ek mi bir koy mu bir bulut mu bir a ac n dallar n n g ky z n kaplamas m yoksa zel tasar m bir elbisenin zerindeki de erli bir makrome par as m Bunu umursam yoruz sadece uyumlu ince ve g zel ekillerin m cevherlerini g r yoruz bir sebep olmadan onlar seviyoruz mutlaka fig ratif bir anlama sahip olmalar na gerek yok ancak bunlar son derece hat rlat c eylerdir M cevherlerimiz bizi b y leyici tutuyor ve bize uyumsuzlu u unutmak ve saf g zellik i in yer a mak konusunda ans veriyor Evet her zaman G ZELLI IN D NYAYI KURTARACA INDAN EMIN OLDUK gold book magazine 71
c n cmeI p zoo Nt What s inspiration according to Carlo Palmiero Inspiration is a feeling difficult to explain It could be a flower a petal a dew drop on a blade of glass a particular architecture a piece of cloth seen during a fashion show I do not believe in a muse but I believe in curiosity and in my childish eyes creative artists never lose even when they are 100 years old 72 gold book magazine Carlo Palmeiro ya nedir g re ilham lham a klamas zor bir histir Bir i ek onun yapra bir ot dal zerindeki iy damlas zel bir mimari moda defilesinde g r len bir ka par a k yafet olabilir Ben ilham perisine inanm yorum ancak 100 ya na gelseler bile g zlerimin ocukken oldu u gibi yarat c sanat l klar n ve merak asla kaybetmeyeceklerine inan yorum gold book magazine 73
c n cmeI p zoo Nt What s inspiration according to Carlo Palmiero Inspiration is a feeling difficult to explain It could be a flower a petal a dew drop on a blade of glass a particular architecture a piece of cloth seen during a fashion show I do not believe in a muse but I believe in curiosity and in my childish eyes creative artists never lose even when they are 100 years old 72 gold book magazine Carlo Palmeiro ya nedir g re ilham lham a klamas zor bir histir Bir i ek onun yapra bir ot dal zerindeki iy damlas zel bir mimari moda defilesinde g r len bir ka par a k yafet olabilir Ben ilham perisine inanm yorum ancak 100 ya na gelseler bile g zlerimin ocukken oldu u gibi yarat c sanat l klar n ve merak asla kaybetmeyeceklerine inan yorum gold book magazine 73
events A PREVIEW FOR VICENZAORO JANUARY VICENZAORO OCAK I IN BIR N IZLEME ALESSIO BOSCHI VICENZAORO JANUARY FIRST APPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR FOR THE JEWELLERY SECTOR More and more jewelry companies await VICENZAORO JANUARY Vicenza January 18th 23rd 2019 as a starting point to present all the latest news and collections to the reference market First appointment of the year for the jewellery sector the trade show organized by Italian Exhibition Group IEG it is in fact the reference point in Europe and is considered an exclusive launch platform for the new creations of the most important jewellery brands While we recognize Italian and international companies combining classical design and traditional craftsman legacy with avantgarde and modern styles and enriching their creations with materials and precious gems in the ICON Community the most independent 12 designers will be the lives and spirits of the DESIGN ROOM From Alessio Boschi s Melting Arctic ring to Monica Rich Kosann s medallions and from the micro mosaics of Sicis Jewelry to the lucky charm jewels of Bee Goddess whom the international stars love all will be in THE DESIGN ROOM to meet high expectations 74 gold book magazine Her ge en g n daha ok m cevherat irketi en yeni geli meleri ve koleksiyonlar sekt rle bulu turmak ad na bir k noktas olarak VICENZAORO JANUARY i bekliyor Vicenza 18 23 Ocak 2019 M cevherat sekt r i in y l n ilk bulu ma yeri olan talyan Sergi Toplulu unun IEG d zenledi i fuar asl nda Avrupa da bir referans noktas ve nde gelen m cevherat markalar n n yeni kreasyonlar na zel bir lansman olarak g r l yor ICON Community de klasik tasar m ve zanaat gelene i miras n avantgard ve a da stillerle birle tiren kreasyonlar n materyalleri ve de erli ta larla zenginle tiren talyan ve uluslararas irketleri izlerken THE DESIGN ROOM da 12 En ba ms z tasar mc bu b l m n n hayat ve ruhu olacak Alessio Boschi nin Melting Artic y z nden Monica Rich Kosann n madalyon kolyelerine Sicis M cevherlerinin mikro mozaiklerinden uluslararas y ld zlar n ok sevdi i Bee Goddess in ansl ekicilik m cevherleri y ksek beklentileri kar lamak zere THE DESIGN ROOM da olacak VICENZAORO JANUARY M CEVHERAT SEKT R N YILIN LK BULU MA YER Entitled Melting Artic this sustainable ring with a global warming theme encloses a miniature story just waiting to be discovered and is a perfect balance of white gold diamond topaz precious stones and South American walnut this is the star feature by Alessio Boschi an Italian Designer that has been well established in the high jewellery world for years and who is returning to VICENZAORO after the personal success he achieved at the September edition Eriyen Kutuplar ad verilen k resel s nmaya dikkat eken bu s rd r lebilir y z k ke fedilmeyi bekleyen minyat r bir hik ye sunuyor ve beyaz alt n p rlanta topaz de erli ta lar ile G ney Amerika cevizi aras nda kusursuz bir denge sa l yor bu r n y llar i erisinde m cevherat d nyas n n nde gelenleri aras nda yerini alan Eyl l edisyonunda elde etti i ki isel ba ar s n n ard ndan VICENZAORO ya geri d nen talyan tasar mc Alessio Boschi nin y ld z VICENZAORO Hall 7 280 VICENZAORO Hall 7 272 BEE GODDESS The Bee Goddess Turkish jewellery inspired by archaic shapes and talismans by Tanita Tasarim much loved by international stars like Kate Moss Kylie Minogue Rihanna Cara Delevingne Bee Goddess T rk m cevherleri Tanita Tasar m taraf ndan retilen arkaik ekillerden ve t ls mlardan ilham al yor ve Kate Moss Kylie Minogue Rihanna ve Cara Delevingne gibi uluslararas y ld zlar taraf ndan ok seviliyor gold book magazine 75
events A PREVIEW FOR VICENZAORO JANUARY VICENZAORO OCAK I IN BIR N IZLEME ALESSIO BOSCHI VICENZAORO JANUARY FIRST APPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR FOR THE JEWELLERY SECTOR More and more jewelry companies await VICENZAORO JANUARY Vicenza January 18th 23rd 2019 as a starting point to present all the latest news and collections to the reference market First appointment of the year for the jewellery sector the trade show organized by Italian Exhibition Group IEG it is in fact the reference point in Europe and is considered an exclusive launch platform for the new creations of the most important jewellery brands While we recognize Italian and international companies combining classical design and traditional craftsman legacy with avantgarde and modern styles and enriching their creations with materials and precious gems in the ICON Community the most independent 12 designers will be the lives and spirits of the DESIGN ROOM From Alessio Boschi s Melting Arctic ring to Monica Rich Kosann s medallions and from the micro mosaics of Sicis Jewelry to the lucky charm jewels of Bee Goddess whom the international stars love all will be in THE DESIGN ROOM to meet high expectations 74 gold book magazine Her ge en g n daha ok m cevherat irketi en yeni geli meleri ve koleksiyonlar sekt rle bulu turmak ad na bir k noktas olarak VICENZAORO JANUARY i bekliyor Vicenza 18 23 Ocak 2019 M cevherat sekt r i in y l n ilk bulu ma yeri olan talyan Sergi Toplulu unun IEG d zenledi i fuar asl nda Avrupa da bir referans noktas ve nde gelen m cevherat markalar n n yeni kreasyonlar na zel bir lansman olarak g r l yor ICON Community de klasik tasar m ve zanaat gelene i miras n avantgard ve a da stillerle birle tiren kreasyonlar n materyalleri ve de erli ta larla zenginle tiren talyan ve uluslararas irketleri izlerken THE DESIGN ROOM da 12 En ba ms z tasar mc bu b l m n n hayat ve ruhu olacak Alessio Boschi nin Melting Artic y z nden Monica Rich Kosann n madalyon kolyelerine Sicis M cevherlerinin mikro mozaiklerinden uluslararas y ld zlar n ok sevdi i Bee Goddess in ansl ekicilik m cevherleri y ksek beklentileri kar lamak zere THE DESIGN ROOM da olacak VICENZAORO JANUARY M CEVHERAT SEKT R N YILIN LK BULU MA YER Entitled Melting Artic this sustainable ring with a global warming theme encloses a miniature story just waiting to be discovered and is a perfect balance of white gold diamond topaz precious stones and South American walnut this is the star feature by Alessio Boschi an Italian Designer that has been well established in the high jewellery world for years and who is returning to VICENZAORO after the personal success he achieved at the September edition Eriyen Kutuplar ad verilen k resel s nmaya dikkat eken bu s rd r lebilir y z k ke fedilmeyi bekleyen minyat r bir hik ye sunuyor ve beyaz alt n p rlanta topaz de erli ta lar ile G ney Amerika cevizi aras nda kusursuz bir denge sa l yor bu r n y llar i erisinde m cevherat d nyas n n nde gelenleri aras nda yerini alan Eyl l edisyonunda elde etti i ki isel ba ar s n n ard ndan VICENZAORO ya geri d nen talyan tasar mc Alessio Boschi nin y ld z VICENZAORO Hall 7 280 VICENZAORO Hall 7 272 BEE GODDESS The Bee Goddess Turkish jewellery inspired by archaic shapes and talismans by Tanita Tasarim much loved by international stars like Kate Moss Kylie Minogue Rihanna Cara Delevingne Bee Goddess T rk m cevherleri Tanita Tasar m taraf ndan retilen arkaik ekillerden ve t ls mlardan ilham al yor ve Kate Moss Kylie Minogue Rihanna ve Cara Delevingne gibi uluslararas y ld zlar taraf ndan ok seviliyor gold book magazine 75
events ROBERTO COIN The essential but highly evocative lines of the Petals collection are born from the genius of Roberto Coin creations enriched by malachite nacre diamonds and the vivid turquoise that combine with the magnetic and perfect symmetry of the Obelisco collection and to the retro futuristic style of the Pois Moi Luna line Petals koleksiyonunun zg n ancak a r m yapt ran izgileri Roberto Coin in dehas n n bir r n bu kreasyonlar Obelisco koleksiyonunun manyetik ve kusursuz simetrisi ile Pois Moi Luna izgisinin retro f t ristik stilini birle tirerek malakit sedef elmas ve canl turkuaz rengi ile zenginle tirmi VICENZAORO Hall 7 400 VICENZAORO Hall 7 250 TAMARA COMOLLI Tamara Comolli a well known German brand in Europe will present its collections of casual luxury in the ICON district in a mix of design and emotions 76 ilbernardojewels gold book magazine Avrupa da me hur bir Alman markas Tamara Comolli duygular tasar mla bulu turan g ndelik l ks koleksiyonlar n ICON da sunacak gold book magazine 77
events ROBERTO COIN The essential but highly evocative lines of the Petals collection are born from the genius of Roberto Coin creations enriched by malachite nacre diamonds and the vivid turquoise that combine with the magnetic and perfect symmetry of the Obelisco collection and to the retro futuristic style of the Pois Moi Luna line Petals koleksiyonunun zg n ancak a r m yapt ran izgileri Roberto Coin in dehas n n bir r n bu kreasyonlar Obelisco koleksiyonunun manyetik ve kusursuz simetrisi ile Pois Moi Luna izgisinin retro f t ristik stilini birle tirerek malakit sedef elmas ve canl turkuaz rengi ile zenginle tirmi VICENZAORO Hall 7 400 VICENZAORO Hall 7 250 TAMARA COMOLLI Tamara Comolli a well known German brand in Europe will present its collections of casual luxury in the ICON district in a mix of design and emotions 76 ilbernardojewels gold book magazine Avrupa da me hur bir Alman markas Tamara Comolli duygular tasar mla bulu turan g ndelik l ks koleksiyonlar n ICON da sunacak gold book magazine 77
events ANNA MARIA CAMMILLI The Florentine brand Anna Maria Cammilli will present a new exclusive gold hue to the visitors of VICENZAORO January 2019 which is added to the seven colors a result of years of research and experimentation The color called Chocolate Brown is a sophisticated original shade strictly 18 carats an uncommon color that further enhances the unique shapes and the recognizable design of Cammilli jewels Bir Floransa markas olan Anna Maria Cammilli VICENZAORO Ocak 2019 ziyaret ilerine y llar s ren ara t rmalar ve deneyleri sonucu elde ettikleri yedi renge eklenen yeni ve se kin alt n tonlar n sunacak Chocolate Brown ad n verdikleri renk Cammilli m cevherlerinin zg n ekillerini ve tan n r hale gelmi tasar mlar n daha ileriye ta yan 18 karatl k orijinal sofistike g lgelere sahip al lmad k bir renk VICENZAORO Hall 7 600 DAMIANI FINE JEWELRY Damiani fine Jewelry will present precious extensions of the D Side and Eden collections the latter inspired to the design of the Damiani bracelet winner of the Diamonds International Award and the iconic Belle Epoque where the equilibrium between design and beauty celebrates the grandiose euphoria and the Belle poque divas for whom everything was possible VICENZAORO Hall 1 220 Damiani Fine Jewelry D Side ve Eden koleksiyonlar n n de erli ta lardan olu an bir grubunu sunacak bu koleksiyonlardan ikincisi Diamonds International d l ile ikonik Belle Epoque d l n kazanan tasar m ve g zellik aras ndaki dengenin d nyan n ayaklar alt na serildi i la belle poque divalar n n g rkemli co kusuna kat ld Damiani bilezi inin tasar m na ilham vermi ti 78 gold book magazine gold book magazine 79
events ANNA MARIA CAMMILLI The Florentine brand Anna Maria Cammilli will present a new exclusive gold hue to the visitors of VICENZAORO January 2019 which is added to the seven colors a result of years of research and experimentation The color called Chocolate Brown is a sophisticated original shade strictly 18 carats an uncommon color that further enhances the unique shapes and the recognizable design of Cammilli jewels Bir Floransa markas olan Anna Maria Cammilli VICENZAORO Ocak 2019 ziyaret ilerine y llar s ren ara t rmalar ve deneyleri sonucu elde ettikleri yedi renge eklenen yeni ve se kin alt n tonlar n sunacak Chocolate Brown ad n verdikleri renk Cammilli m cevherlerinin zg n ekillerini ve tan n r hale gelmi tasar mlar n daha ileriye ta yan 18 karatl k orijinal sofistike g lgelere sahip al lmad k bir renk VICENZAORO Hall 7 600 DAMIANI FINE JEWELRY Damiani fine Jewelry will present precious extensions of the D Side and Eden collections the latter inspired to the design of the Damiani bracelet winner of the Diamonds International Award and the iconic Belle Epoque where the equilibrium between design and beauty celebrates the grandiose euphoria and the Belle poque divas for whom everything was possible VICENZAORO Hall 1 220 Damiani Fine Jewelry D Side ve Eden koleksiyonlar n n de erli ta lardan olu an bir grubunu sunacak bu koleksiyonlardan ikincisi Diamonds International d l ile ikonik Belle Epoque d l n kazanan tasar m ve g zellik aras ndaki dengenin d nyan n ayaklar alt na serildi i la belle poque divalar n n g rkemli co kusuna kat ld Damiani bilezi inin tasar m na ilham vermi ti 78 gold book magazine gold book magazine 79
events ROBERTO BRAVO Roberto Bravo s new collection features aesthetic designs that truly reflect the nature s bounty Every piece in the collection is captivating refreshing and sophisticated making it perfect to complete a woman s look In Black Orchid collection a fire enamel technique was used and it includes rings earrings delicate necklaces and bracelets with sapphires ruby and tsavorites Roberto Bravo invites jewellery enthusiasts to a new journey towards the mysterious and charming world of precious gems and offers an enthralling life style to the admirers of a creative soul VICENZAORO Hall 6 230 Roberto Bravo nun yeni koleksiyonu do an n g zelli ini yans tmay ba aran estetik tasar mlardan olu uyor Koleksiyonun her bir par as b y leyici canland r c ve sofistike b ylece bir kad n n g r n n tamamlamak i in gereken her eyi sunuyor Black Orchid koleksiyonunda bir emaye f r nlama LYDIA COURTEILLE the jewellery presented by French gemmologist traveller and collector Lydia Courteille is ironic and surreal Frans z gemolog gezgin ve koleksiyoncu Lydia Courteille in sundu u m cevherler ironik ve ger ek st VICENZAORO Hall 7 290 tekni i kullan lm ve safir yakut ve tsavorite ta kullan lan y z k k pe ince kolye ve bilezikleri i eriyor Roberto Bravo m cevher tutkunlar n de erli ta lar n gizemli ve b y leyici d nyas na do ru yeni bir yolculu a davet etmekte ve yarat c ruhun hayranlar na b y leyici bir ya am stili sunmaktad r TEK N SEYREKO LU What makes Tekin Seyreko lu s designs so unique is the importance that he places on the quality and handcraft of his boutique golden products The latest collections of Tekin Seyreko lu will be displayed in the Icon hall VICENZAORO Hall 7 292 ANNA MACCIERI ROSSI Time is a priceless luxury to which Designer Anna Maccieri Rossi dedicates fine jewellery creations characterized by an automation that makes the item a constantly changing lucky talisman inspired by the designer s inherited watch making profession Zaman Tasar mc Anna Maccieri Rossi nin kendisine miras kalan saat ilik mesle inden ilham alan r nlerini s rekli de i en bir ans t ls m na d n t ren bir devinimin simgeledi i g zel tak kreasyonlar na adad paha bi ilemez bir l ks 80 gold book magazine Butik alt n r nlerinde kalite ve el i ili ine verdi i nem Tekin Seyreko lu nun tasar mlar n e siz k lmakta Tekin Seyreko lu yeni koleksiyonlar ile Icon b l m nde sizleri bekliyor olacak VICENZAORO Hall 7 550
events ROBERTO BRAVO Roberto Bravo s new collection features aesthetic designs that truly reflect the nature s bounty Every piece in the collection is captivating refreshing and sophisticated making it perfect to complete a woman s look In Black Orchid collection a fire enamel technique was used and it includes rings earrings delicate necklaces and bracelets with sapphires ruby and tsavorites Roberto Bravo invites jewellery enthusiasts to a new journey towards the mysterious and charming world of precious gems and offers an enthralling life style to the admirers of a creative soul VICENZAORO Hall 6 230 Roberto Bravo nun yeni koleksiyonu do an n g zelli ini yans tmay ba aran estetik tasar mlardan olu uyor Koleksiyonun her bir par as b y leyici canland r c ve sofistike b ylece bir kad n n g r n n tamamlamak i in gereken her eyi sunuyor Black Orchid koleksiyonunda bir emaye f r nlama LYDIA COURTEILLE the jewellery presented by French gemmologist traveller and collector Lydia Courteille is ironic and surreal Frans z gemolog gezgin ve koleksiyoncu Lydia Courteille in sundu u m cevherler ironik ve ger ek st VICENZAORO Hall 7 290 tekni i kullan lm ve safir yakut ve tsavorite ta kullan lan y z k k pe ince kolye ve bilezikleri i eriyor Roberto Bravo m cevher tutkunlar n de erli ta lar n gizemli ve b y leyici d nyas na do ru yeni bir yolculu a davet etmekte ve yarat c ruhun hayranlar na b y leyici bir ya am stili sunmaktad r TEK N SEYREKO LU What makes Tekin Seyreko lu s designs so unique is the importance that he places on the quality and handcraft of his boutique golden products The latest collections of Tekin Seyreko lu will be displayed in the Icon hall VICENZAORO Hall 7 292 ANNA MACCIERI ROSSI Time is a priceless luxury to which Designer Anna Maccieri Rossi dedicates fine jewellery creations characterized by an automation that makes the item a constantly changing lucky talisman inspired by the designer s inherited watch making profession Zaman Tasar mc Anna Maccieri Rossi nin kendisine miras kalan saat ilik mesle inden ilham alan r nlerini s rekli de i en bir ans t ls m na d n t ren bir devinimin simgeledi i g zel tak kreasyonlar na adad paha bi ilemez bir l ks 80 gold book magazine Butik alt n r nlerinde kalite ve el i ili ine verdi i nem Tekin Seyreko lu nun tasar mlar n e siz k lmakta Tekin Seyreko lu yeni koleksiyonlar ile Icon b l m nde sizleri bekliyor olacak VICENZAORO Hall 7 550
events INNOVA Innova the very first brand implementing the electroform technology in Turkey is a leading brand for the new generation jewellery Innova offers jewels that are huge by volume but lighter than a feather and this way it creates a distinguished style with its exquisite designs Although you used to see Innova in 1st Hall in Vicenzaoro for years you can visit their booth in 4th Hall this year Electroform teknolojisinin T rkiye deki ilk uygulay c s Innova alt nda yeni nesil tak lar n nc s bir marka Hacimsel olarak b y k ama a rl t yden de hafif tak lar reten Innova zel tasar mlar yla alt nda farkl bir tarz yarat yor Vicenzaoro da senelerdir 1 Hall de g rmeye al t m z nnova y bu fuarda 4 Hall de ziyaret edebilirsiniz VICENZAORO Hall 4 157 DILA DIAMOND With the Illusion setting technique a single large stone appearance is obtained by using a combination of small size diamonds in different cutting shapes Dila Diamond one of the most successful representatives of this technique is ready to present its new models at the booth in Vicanzaoro hall 3 1 207 Illusion setting tekni i ile farkl kesimlerde k k boy p rlantalar bir arada kullan larak tek bir b y k ta g r n m elde ediliyor Bu tekni in en ba ar l temsilcilerinden biri olan Dila P rlanta Vicenzaoro hall 3 1 deki stand nda yeni modellerini tan tmaya haz r VICENZAORO Hall 3 1 247 82 gold book magazine gold book magazine 83
events INNOVA Innova the very first brand implementing the electroform technology in Turkey is a leading brand for the new generation jewellery Innova offers jewels that are huge by volume but lighter than a feather and this way it creates a distinguished style with its exquisite designs Although you used to see Innova in 1st Hall in Vicenzaoro for years you can visit their booth in 4th Hall this year Electroform teknolojisinin T rkiye deki ilk uygulay c s Innova alt nda yeni nesil tak lar n nc s bir marka Hacimsel olarak b y k ama a rl t yden de hafif tak lar reten Innova zel tasar mlar yla alt nda farkl bir tarz yarat yor Vicenzaoro da senelerdir 1 Hall de g rmeye al t m z nnova y bu fuarda 4 Hall de ziyaret edebilirsiniz VICENZAORO Hall 4 157 DILA DIAMOND With the Illusion setting technique a single large stone appearance is obtained by using a combination of small size diamonds in different cutting shapes Dila Diamond one of the most successful representatives of this technique is ready to present its new models at the booth in Vicanzaoro hall 3 1 207 Illusion setting tekni i ile farkl kesimlerde k k boy p rlantalar bir arada kullan larak tek bir b y k ta g r n m elde ediliyor Bu tekni in en ba ar l temsilcilerinden biri olan Dila P rlanta Vicenzaoro hall 3 1 deki stand nda yeni modellerini tan tmaya haz r VICENZAORO Hall 3 1 247 82 gold book magazine gold book magazine 83
designer THYREOS VASSILIKI EFE KORKMAZ REPORTS YAZAN EFE KORKMAZ History is one of the important factors for promoting artistic creativity And Thyreos Vassiliki is simply inspired by the rich legacy of the past and brings them to present day with an innovative artistic approach Describing a jewel as the form of a micro sculpting Thyreos Vassiliki creates exceptional designs that manage to become one with its buyer perhaps more than any other branch of art thanks to his original artistic approach 84 gold book magazine Tarih sanatsal yarat c l n harekete ge mesindeki nemli unsurlardan biridir Thyreos Vassiliki de ge mi in zengin miras ndan ilham al p yenilik i bir sanatsal anlay la r nlerini g n m ze aktar yor M cevheri bir mikro heykel bi imi olarak tan mlayan Thyreos Vassiliki belki de ba ka herhangi bir sanat dal ndan daha fazla zg n sanatsal yakla m ile al c s yla b t nle meyi ba arabilen ender tasar mlar ortaya koyuyor gold book magazine 85
designer THYREOS VASSILIKI EFE KORKMAZ REPORTS YAZAN EFE KORKMAZ History is one of the important factors for promoting artistic creativity And Thyreos Vassiliki is simply inspired by the rich legacy of the past and brings them to present day with an innovative artistic approach Describing a jewel as the form of a micro sculpting Thyreos Vassiliki creates exceptional designs that manage to become one with its buyer perhaps more than any other branch of art thanks to his original artistic approach 84 gold book magazine Tarih sanatsal yarat c l n harekete ge mesindeki nemli unsurlardan biridir Thyreos Vassiliki de ge mi in zengin miras ndan ilham al p yenilik i bir sanatsal anlay la r nlerini g n m ze aktar yor M cevheri bir mikro heykel bi imi olarak tan mlayan Thyreos Vassiliki belki de ba ka herhangi bir sanat dal ndan daha fazla zg n sanatsal yakla m ile al c s yla b t nle meyi ba arabilen ender tasar mlar ortaya koyuyor gold book magazine 85
designer While many people think that a jewel is a tangible piece of object without spirit Thyreos Vassiliki s response is quite the opposite She regards an original jewel as a reflection of its owner s personality a sign and message of his train of thoughts and his attitude towards life She not only places importance on the artistic meaning of jewellery but also refers to the mythology and global civilizations However her designs also glimpse a highly modern character ready to meet the exquisite aesthetic needs of contemporary times That s the reason why she exhibits her creations in such spaces that best suit their spirits 86 gold book magazine Pek ok ki i m cevheri sadece ruhsuz bir nesne olarak g r p ve maddi bir varl k olarak de erlendirirken Thyreos Vassiliki bunun tam tersi bir anlay sergiliyor zg n bir m cevheri sahibinin ki ili i d ncesi ve hayata bak n n mesajlar ve sembolleri olarak g r yor M cevherin sadece sanatsal anlam n de il tarihe mitolojiye ve k resel uygarl klara yapt referanslar da nemsiyor Ama ayn zamanda t m tasar mlar g n m z n zel estetik ihtiya lar n da kar lamaya haz r ve olduk a a da bir karakter ortaya koyuyor Bu y zden tasar mlar n ruhuna en uygun yerlerde sergiliyor gold book magazine 87
designer While many people think that a jewel is a tangible piece of object without spirit Thyreos Vassiliki s response is quite the opposite She regards an original jewel as a reflection of its owner s personality a sign and message of his train of thoughts and his attitude towards life She not only places importance on the artistic meaning of jewellery but also refers to the mythology and global civilizations However her designs also glimpse a highly modern character ready to meet the exquisite aesthetic needs of contemporary times That s the reason why she exhibits her creations in such spaces that best suit their spirits 86 gold book magazine Pek ok ki i m cevheri sadece ruhsuz bir nesne olarak g r p ve maddi bir varl k olarak de erlendirirken Thyreos Vassiliki bunun tam tersi bir anlay sergiliyor zg n bir m cevheri sahibinin ki ili i d ncesi ve hayata bak n n mesajlar ve sembolleri olarak g r yor M cevherin sadece sanatsal anlam n de il tarihe mitolojiye ve k resel uygarl klara yapt referanslar da nemsiyor Ama ayn zamanda t m tasar mlar g n m z n zel estetik ihtiya lar n da kar lamaya haz r ve olduk a a da bir karakter ortaya koyuyor Bu y zden tasar mlar n ruhuna en uygun yerlerde sergiliyor gold book magazine 87
designer Ancient theatres art houses museums historical places are only some of the places where her designs are displayed Her exhibitions usually go hand in hand with certain other forms of art including statues holographic projections music and acting with participation from noteworthy figures from the business artistic academic and political world In this way music theater sculpting and other fine arts become an instrumental part of her designs These exhibitions help its customers better understand the spirit of jewels and feel the atmosphere of the historical era Antik tiyatrolar sanat evleri m zeler tarihi mekanlar tasar mlar n sergilendi i yerlerden sadece bir k sm Sergileri genellikle uluslararas i sanat akademi ve siyaset d nyas ndan nemli ki ilerin kat l m ile heykeller holografik projeksiyonlar m zik ve oyunculuk gibi sanatlarla birlikte ger ekle iyor B ylece m zik oyunculuk heykel ve di er g zel sanat dallar n tasar mlar n n yard mc bir par as haline getiriyor Bu sergiler m cevherlerin ruhunun m teriler taraf ndan daha iyi anla lmas n ve ba l ba na tarihi bir d nemin hissedilmesini sa l yor Targeting to breathe life to History as a Form of Art philosophy with her designs Vassiliki states that his purpose is to intensify and bring the recipient s feelings to light Kneaded with this approach unique and exquisite creations find their way to this world Her jewels are presented by actors in magazines ELLE Vogue Madame Figaro etc and fashion shows thanks to their superior qualities and sophisticated designs and debut at selected and distinguished galleries around the world Thyreos Vassiliki Jewellery creations are seen in Hollywood movies and TV series Thyreos Vassiliki have received many international awards and enjoys a prestigious place in the sector as her exquisite items are offered to state presidents and VIPs etc Fidel Castro prime ministers etc as exclusive PR gifts 88 gold book magazine Tasar mlar yla Sanat Olarak Tarih felsefesini ya atmay hedefleyen Vassiliki amac n n al c lar n duygular n yo un bir ekilde g n y z ne karmak oldu unu ifade ediyor Bu anlay n sonucunda da e siz kreasyonlar ve s ra d koleksiyonlar ortaya k yor M cevherleri st n kaliteleri ve sofistike tasar mlar sayesinde akt rler taraf ndan dergilerde ELLE Vogue Madame Figaro vb ve defilelerde sunulmakta ve d nya ap nda se ilen galerilerde g r c ye kar lmaktad r Thyreos Vassiliki M cevherat kreasyonlar Hollywood filmleri ve TV dizilerinde yer almakta Thyreos Vassiliki uluslararas ald bir ok d l n yan s ra devlet ba kanlar ve VIP ki iler Fidel Castro ba bakanlar vb i in zel PR hediyeler olarak sunulan r nleriyle bu sekt rde nemli bir yer edinmi tir gold book magazine 89
designer Ancient theatres art houses museums historical places are only some of the places where her designs are displayed Her exhibitions usually go hand in hand with certain other forms of art including statues holographic projections music and acting with participation from noteworthy figures from the business artistic academic and political world In this way music theater sculpting and other fine arts become an instrumental part of her designs These exhibitions help its customers better understand the spirit of jewels and feel the atmosphere of the historical era Antik tiyatrolar sanat evleri m zeler tarihi mekanlar tasar mlar n sergilendi i yerlerden sadece bir k sm Sergileri genellikle uluslararas i sanat akademi ve siyaset d nyas ndan nemli ki ilerin kat l m ile heykeller holografik projeksiyonlar m zik ve oyunculuk gibi sanatlarla birlikte ger ekle iyor B ylece m zik oyunculuk heykel ve di er g zel sanat dallar n tasar mlar n n yard mc bir par as haline getiriyor Bu sergiler m cevherlerin ruhunun m teriler taraf ndan daha iyi anla lmas n ve ba l ba na tarihi bir d nemin hissedilmesini sa l yor Targeting to breathe life to History as a Form of Art philosophy with her designs Vassiliki states that his purpose is to intensify and bring the recipient s feelings to light Kneaded with this approach unique and exquisite creations find their way to this world Her jewels are presented by actors in magazines ELLE Vogue Madame Figaro etc and fashion shows thanks to their superior qualities and sophisticated designs and debut at selected and distinguished galleries around the world Thyreos Vassiliki Jewellery creations are seen in Hollywood movies and TV series Thyreos Vassiliki have received many international awards and enjoys a prestigious place in the sector as her exquisite items are offered to state presidents and VIPs etc Fidel Castro prime ministers etc as exclusive PR gifts 88 gold book magazine Tasar mlar yla Sanat Olarak Tarih felsefesini ya atmay hedefleyen Vassiliki amac n n al c lar n duygular n yo un bir ekilde g n y z ne karmak oldu unu ifade ediyor Bu anlay n sonucunda da e siz kreasyonlar ve s ra d koleksiyonlar ortaya k yor M cevherleri st n kaliteleri ve sofistike tasar mlar sayesinde akt rler taraf ndan dergilerde ELLE Vogue Madame Figaro vb ve defilelerde sunulmakta ve d nya ap nda se ilen galerilerde g r c ye kar lmaktad r Thyreos Vassiliki M cevherat kreasyonlar Hollywood filmleri ve TV dizilerinde yer almakta Thyreos Vassiliki uluslararas ald bir ok d l n yan s ra devlet ba kanlar ve VIP ki iler Fidel Castro ba bakanlar vb i in zel PR hediyeler olarak sunulan r nleriyle bu sekt rde nemli bir yer edinmi tir gold book magazine 89
news THE BRAND THAT BRINGS VERSATILE JEWELLERY APPROACH OF THE OTTOMANS TO THE PRESENT KISWAH JEWELLERY The Ottoman Empire left many traces in many parts of the world as a magnificent empire that survived for centuries and spread over a very wide geography The basis of the Ottoman culture was the Anatolian geography that had been Turkishized since 1071 inated and they blended the new cultural values from these places with their own values In this way a harmonic culture and art life was created which made an unforgettable contribution to the history of civilization For the Ottomans who made culture and art a part of their daily lives this approach was also reflected in the gems which are the symbol of grace and power The jewel which means embellished with ore was used as priceless canvases in which the Ottoman arts were depicted Kiswah Jewellery which sees jewellery as a reflection of cultural life as the Ottomans did prefers designs reflecting the cultural values It adopts the idea that the jewellery is the indicator of the social position of the owner and the mastery of the jeweler 90 gold book magazine Osmanl mparatorlu u y zy llar boyunca hayatta kalm ve ok geni bir co rafyaya yay lm ihti aml bir imparatorluk olarak d nyan n bir ok yerinde derin izler b rakt Osmanl k lt r n n temelinde 1071 den beri T rkle en Anadolu co rafyas T rk gelenek ve g renekleri ve slam dini vard ancak Osmanl padi ahlar egemen olduklar topraklardaki k lt rlere yabanc kalm yor ve buralardan gelen yeni k lt rel de erleri kendi de erleriyle harmanl yorlard Bu sayede medeniyet tarihine unutulmaz bir katk sa layan harmonik bir k lt r ve sanat ya am ortaya k yordu K lt r ve sanat g nl k ya amlar n n bir par as haline getiren Osmanl larda bu yakla m zarafet ve g c n sembol m cevherlere de yans yordu Cevher ile bezenmi anlam na gelen m cevher Osmanl sanatlar n n aksettirildi i paha bi ilemez tuvaller olarak kullan l yordu Osmanl larda oldu u gibi m cevheri k lt rel ya am n yans mas olarak g ren Kiswah Jewellery sahip oldu u k lt rel de erleri yans tan tasar mlar tercih ediyor M cevherat n sahibinin toplumsal konumunun kuyumcunun ise ustal n n g stergesi oldu u fikrini benimsiyor OSMANLILARIN OK Y NL M CEVHER ANLAYI INI BUG NE TA IYAN MARKA KISWAH JEWELLERY When the Ottoman tradition is examined it attracts attention that the jewellery was a branch of art which was appreciated and supported by the sultans During the first period of the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent In particular the sultan s unique desire for grandeur for both his own appearance and his surroundings resulted in giving great importance to jewellery It was also influential that Suleyman had received jewellery training in his youth KISWAH commemorates the glorious sultan who made an unforgettable contribution to the world of jewellery with the ring design that was inspired by his seal and it creates an eye catching example of jewels with cultural value In the tradition of the palace life the jewels were seen not only as ornaments but also the symbol of power and dignity Even though the most glamorous jewels belonged to the sultans the women of the palace and the state officials also reflected themselves through the jewels KISWAH which fueled by the cultural and artistic riches of 4000 years of civilization says that the jewellery is a part of our attire and it considers jewels not just as ornaments but also as a part of the appearance which is a reflection of personality and identity Osmanl gelene i incelendi inde kuyumculuk padi ahlar taraf ndan sevilmi ve desteklenmi bir sanat dal olarak dikkat ekiyor zellikle Kanuni Sultan S leyman n saltanat n n ilk d neminde padi ah n hem kendi g r n m yle hem de evresiyle ilgili benzersiz ihti am arzusu m cevhere b y k nem verilmesini sa lam t bunda Kanuni nin gen li inde kuyumculuk e itimi alm olmas da etkiliydi KISWAH onun m hr nden yola kan y z k tasar m yla m cevherat d nyas i in unutulmaz katk lar bulunan g rkemli padi ah tekrar an yor ve k lt rel de eri de olan m cevherlere g z al c bir rnek olu turuyor Saray ya am gelene inde geni yer tutan m cevherler sadece s s e yas olarak g r lm yordu onlar ayn zamanda g c n ve asaletin de sembol yd Her ne kadar en g steri li m cevherler padi ahlara ait olsa da saray kad nlar ve devlet erkanlar da m cevherlerle kendilerini yans t yorlard 4000 y ll k medeniyetin k lt rel ve sanatsal zenginliklerinden beslenen KISWAH de M cevherler kisvemizdir diyor ve m cevherleri s s e yas olarak de il ki ili in ve kimli in bir yans mas olan g r n m n bir par as olarak de erlendiriyor gold book magazine 91
news THE BRAND THAT BRINGS VERSATILE JEWELLERY APPROACH OF THE OTTOMANS TO THE PRESENT KISWAH JEWELLERY The Ottoman Empire left many traces in many parts of the world as a magnificent empire that survived for centuries and spread over a very wide geography The basis of the Ottoman culture was the Anatolian geography that had been Turkishized since 1071 inated and they blended the new cultural values from these places with their own values In this way a harmonic culture and art life was created which made an unforgettable contribution to the history of civilization For the Ottomans who made culture and art a part of their daily lives this approach was also reflected in the gems which are the symbol of grace and power The jewel which means embellished with ore was used as priceless canvases in which the Ottoman arts were depicted Kiswah Jewellery which sees jewellery as a reflection of cultural life as the Ottomans did prefers designs reflecting the cultural values It adopts the idea that the jewellery is the indicator of the social position of the owner and the mastery of the jeweler 90 gold book magazine Osmanl mparatorlu u y zy llar boyunca hayatta kalm ve ok geni bir co rafyaya yay lm ihti aml bir imparatorluk olarak d nyan n bir ok yerinde derin izler b rakt Osmanl k lt r n n temelinde 1071 den beri T rkle en Anadolu co rafyas T rk gelenek ve g renekleri ve slam dini vard ancak Osmanl padi ahlar egemen olduklar topraklardaki k lt rlere yabanc kalm yor ve buralardan gelen yeni k lt rel de erleri kendi de erleriyle harmanl yorlard Bu sayede medeniyet tarihine unutulmaz bir katk sa layan harmonik bir k lt r ve sanat ya am ortaya k yordu K lt r ve sanat g nl k ya amlar n n bir par as haline getiren Osmanl larda bu yakla m zarafet ve g c n sembol m cevherlere de yans yordu Cevher ile bezenmi anlam na gelen m cevher Osmanl sanatlar n n aksettirildi i paha bi ilemez tuvaller olarak kullan l yordu Osmanl larda oldu u gibi m cevheri k lt rel ya am n yans mas olarak g ren Kiswah Jewellery sahip oldu u k lt rel de erleri yans tan tasar mlar tercih ediyor M cevherat n sahibinin toplumsal konumunun kuyumcunun ise ustal n n g stergesi oldu u fikrini benimsiyor OSMANLILARIN OK Y NL M CEVHER ANLAYI INI BUG NE TA IYAN MARKA KISWAH JEWELLERY When the Ottoman tradition is examined it attracts attention that the jewellery was a branch of art which was appreciated and supported by the sultans During the first period of the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent In particular the sultan s unique desire for grandeur for both his own appearance and his surroundings resulted in giving great importance to jewellery It was also influential that Suleyman had received jewellery training in his youth KISWAH commemorates the glorious sultan who made an unforgettable contribution to the world of jewellery with the ring design that was inspired by his seal and it creates an eye catching example of jewels with cultural value In the tradition of the palace life the jewels were seen not only as ornaments but also the symbol of power and dignity Even though the most glamorous jewels belonged to the sultans the women of the palace and the state officials also reflected themselves through the jewels KISWAH which fueled by the cultural and artistic riches of 4000 years of civilization says that the jewellery is a part of our attire and it considers jewels not just as ornaments but also as a part of the appearance which is a reflection of personality and identity Osmanl gelene i incelendi inde kuyumculuk padi ahlar taraf ndan sevilmi ve desteklenmi bir sanat dal olarak dikkat ekiyor zellikle Kanuni Sultan S leyman n saltanat n n ilk d neminde padi ah n hem kendi g r n m yle hem de evresiyle ilgili benzersiz ihti am arzusu m cevhere b y k nem verilmesini sa lam t bunda Kanuni nin gen li inde kuyumculuk e itimi alm olmas da etkiliydi KISWAH onun m hr nden yola kan y z k tasar m yla m cevherat d nyas i in unutulmaz katk lar bulunan g rkemli padi ah tekrar an yor ve k lt rel de eri de olan m cevherlere g z al c bir rnek olu turuyor Saray ya am gelene inde geni yer tutan m cevherler sadece s s e yas olarak g r lm yordu onlar ayn zamanda g c n ve asaletin de sembol yd Her ne kadar en g steri li m cevherler padi ahlara ait olsa da saray kad nlar ve devlet erkanlar da m cevherlerle kendilerini yans t yorlard 4000 y ll k medeniyetin k lt rel ve sanatsal zenginliklerinden beslenen KISWAH de M cevherler kisvemizdir diyor ve m cevherleri s s e yas olarak de il ki ili in ve kimli in bir yans mas olan g r n m n bir par as olarak de erlendiriyor gold book magazine 91
news One of the main reasons that there was such a cultural richness in the jewellery area in the Ottomans was the jewellery masters and artisans who were brought to the capital to exhibit their skills Jewellery production was enriched with the participation of jeweler craftsmen from Khorasan Tabriz different parts of the Balkans and Russian borders and more At the end of the day many artistic designs reflecting the Ottoman spirit which is a cultural synthesis became a representative of a unique jewel approach that could not be found anywhere else in the world The diversity and colorfulness at the sense of aesthetics of the Ottomans was reflected on the jewel Combining different pieces and using various motifs and arts together were one of the characteristic features of Ottoman jewellery Many materials such as gold silver tortoise ivory mother of pearl diamond pearl ruby emerald turquoise as well as stones such as sapphire jade coral and agate were collected from various regions of the Ottoman Empire and the jewels made with them were processed at the workshops of the palace KISWAH who uses original materials such as turquoise ruby tortoiseshell in its designs and who applies various art branches such as stained glass kundekari inlaying and marbling draws attention with presenting reflections of the period that had high level of respect for art The imperial treasure preserved in Topkapi Palace which is the best place to visit to see the jewellery from the Ottoman period has reached the present day as the greatest Islamic treasure Although it was able to see the jewels of the era it was not possible for modern people to wear a jewel in this style While there was no brand that reflects the jewellery concept of the past Kiswah Jewellery fills this gap KISWAH which offers a rich style by using different arts and various materials explores the depths of the Ottoman jewellery world with its Classics Collection Kiswah Jewellery brings together the historical perspective of the past with modern jewellery design especially through the Harem Collection which presents the jewel with illumination art and the Empire Collection which contains designs inspired by the badges which were given to those who went on the pilgrimage to Ottoman times during Ottoman times 92 gold book magazine Osmanl larda m cevherdeki k lt rel zenginli in ana sebeplerinden biri ise geni leyen topraklardan ba kente h nerlerini sergilemek zere getirilen kuyumcu ustalar ve zanaatkarlard Horasan dan Tebriz den Balkanlar n de i ik b lgelerinden Rus s n rlar ndan ve daha bir ok farkl yerden gelen kuyumcu ustalar n n da kat l m yla m cevher retimi zenginle tiriliyordu G n n sonunda k lt rel bir sentez olan Osmanl ruhunu yans tan ok sanatl tasar mlar d nyan n hi bir yerinde bulunmayan zg n bir m cevher yakla m n n temsilci olmu tu Osmanl n n estetik alg s ndaki ok renklilik ve e itlilik m cevhere olan bak a s na da yans m t birbirinden ba ms z par alar n bir araya getirilmesi farkl motiflerin ve sanatlar n bir arada kullan lmas Osmanl m cevherat n n karakteristik zelliklerindendi Alt n g m ba a fildi i sedef elmas inci yakut z mr t firuze gibi pek e itli malzemelerin yan s ra safir ye im mercan akik gibi ta lar Osmanl mparatorlu u nun e itli b lgelerinden toplat l yor ve bunlarla yap lan m cevherler saray at lyelerinde i leniyordu Tasar mlar nda turkuaz ta yakut ba a gibi zg n materyaller kullanan ve tasar mlar na vitray k ndekari kakmac l k ebru gibi e itli sanat dallar n uygulayan KISWAH de sanata sayg n n had safhada olan d nemin yans mas n sunmas yla dikkat ekiyor Osmanl d nemi m cevherlerini g rmek i in ziyaret edilebilecek en iyi yer olan Topkap Saray nda korunmu olan imparatorluk hazinesi en b y k slam hazinesi olarak g n m ze ula t Her ne kadar o d nemin m cevherlerini g rmek m mk n olsa da bu tarzda bir m cevher takmak modern insanlar i in m mk n de ildi G n m zde ge mi d nemlerin m cevher anlay n yans tan bir marka yokken Kiswah Jewellery bu bo lu u dolduruyor Farkl sanatlar ve e itli materyalleri bir arada kullanarak zengin bir tarz sunan KISWAH Classics Collection ile Osmanl n n m cevher d nyas n n derinliklerini ke fediyor zellikle tezhip sanat n yeniden canland ran m cevherleriyle Harem Collection ve Osmanl zaman nda hacca gidenlere verilen ni andan ilham alan tasar mlar i erisinde bar nd ran Empire Collection arac l yla Kiswah Jewellery ge mi in anlam dolu bak a s n modern m cevher tasar m ile bulu turuyor gold book magazine 93
news One of the main reasons that there was such a cultural richness in the jewellery area in the Ottomans was the jewellery masters and artisans who were brought to the capital to exhibit their skills Jewellery production was enriched with the participation of jeweler craftsmen from Khorasan Tabriz different parts of the Balkans and Russian borders and more At the end of the day many artistic designs reflecting the Ottoman spirit which is a cultural synthesis became a representative of a unique jewel approach that could not be found anywhere else in the world The diversity and colorfulness at the sense of aesthetics of the Ottomans was reflected on the jewel Combining different pieces and using various motifs and arts together were one of the characteristic features of Ottoman jewellery Many materials such as gold silver tortoise ivory mother of pearl diamond pearl ruby emerald turquoise as well as stones such as sapphire jade coral and agate were collected from various regions of the Ottoman Empire and the jewels made with them were processed at the workshops of the palace KISWAH who uses original materials such as turquoise ruby tortoiseshell in its designs and who applies various art branches such as stained glass kundekari inlaying and marbling draws attention with presenting reflections of the period that had high level of respect for art The imperial treasure preserved in Topkapi Palace which is the best place to visit to see the jewellery from the Ottoman period has reached the present day as the greatest Islamic treasure Although it was able to see the jewels of the era it was not possible for modern people to wear a jewel in this style While there was no brand that reflects the jewellery concept of the past Kiswah Jewellery fills this gap KISWAH which offers a rich style by using different arts and various materials explores the depths of the Ottoman jewellery world with its Classics Collection Kiswah Jewellery brings together the historical perspective of the past with modern jewellery design especially through the Harem Collection which presents the jewel with illumination art and the Empire Collection which contains designs inspired by the badges which were given to those who went on the pilgrimage to Ottoman times during Ottoman times 92 gold book magazine Osmanl larda m cevherdeki k lt rel zenginli in ana sebeplerinden biri ise geni leyen topraklardan ba kente h nerlerini sergilemek zere getirilen kuyumcu ustalar ve zanaatkarlard Horasan dan Tebriz den Balkanlar n de i ik b lgelerinden Rus s n rlar ndan ve daha bir ok farkl yerden gelen kuyumcu ustalar n n da kat l m yla m cevher retimi zenginle tiriliyordu G n n sonunda k lt rel bir sentez olan Osmanl ruhunu yans tan ok sanatl tasar mlar d nyan n hi bir yerinde bulunmayan zg n bir m cevher yakla m n n temsilci olmu tu Osmanl n n estetik alg s ndaki ok renklilik ve e itlilik m cevhere olan bak a s na da yans m t birbirinden ba ms z par alar n bir araya getirilmesi farkl motiflerin ve sanatlar n bir arada kullan lmas Osmanl m cevherat n n karakteristik zelliklerindendi Alt n g m ba a fildi i sedef elmas inci yakut z mr t firuze gibi pek e itli malzemelerin yan s ra safir ye im mercan akik gibi ta lar Osmanl mparatorlu u nun e itli b lgelerinden toplat l yor ve bunlarla yap lan m cevherler saray at lyelerinde i leniyordu Tasar mlar nda turkuaz ta yakut ba a gibi zg n materyaller kullanan ve tasar mlar na vitray k ndekari kakmac l k ebru gibi e itli sanat dallar n uygulayan KISWAH de sanata sayg n n had safhada olan d nemin yans mas n sunmas yla dikkat ekiyor Osmanl d nemi m cevherlerini g rmek i in ziyaret edilebilecek en iyi yer olan Topkap Saray nda korunmu olan imparatorluk hazinesi en b y k slam hazinesi olarak g n m ze ula t Her ne kadar o d nemin m cevherlerini g rmek m mk n olsa da bu tarzda bir m cevher takmak modern insanlar i in m mk n de ildi G n m zde ge mi d nemlerin m cevher anlay n yans tan bir marka yokken Kiswah Jewellery bu bo lu u dolduruyor Farkl sanatlar ve e itli materyalleri bir arada kullanarak zengin bir tarz sunan KISWAH Classics Collection ile Osmanl n n m cevher d nyas n n derinliklerini ke fediyor zellikle tezhip sanat n yeniden canland ran m cevherleriyle Harem Collection ve Osmanl zaman nda hacca gidenlere verilen ni andan ilham alan tasar mlar i erisinde bar nd ran Empire Collection arac l yla Kiswah Jewellery ge mi in anlam dolu bak a s n modern m cevher tasar m ile bulu turuyor gold book magazine 93
events BAHRAIN S BILLION DOLLAR JEWELLERY SHOWCASE ENDS ON HIGH NOTE JEWELLERY ARABIA 2018 ATTRACTS OVER 55 000 VISITORS MARKING A 9 INCREASE Manama Bahrain Over 55 000 visitors from 48 countries attended the 27th edition of the Middle East s premier jewellery and watch exhibition Jewellery Arabia 2018 marking a 9 increase on the previous event Jewels gems and watches worth over US 1 billion went on display at the glittering five day exhibition staged across 21 000 square meters at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre A total of 561 exhibitors from 31 countries converged to launch new product lines display latest collections and introduce limited edition pieces to discerning private buyers and trade professionals Total sales during the show exceeded US 31 million marking a 20 increase on the 2017 edition Visitors from Saudi Arabia the Middle East s largest market accounted for 23 of the show total Manama Bahreyn 48 lkeden 55 000 in zerinde ziyaret i bir nceki y la g re 9 art g stererek 27 ncisi d zenlenen Orta Do u nun ba l ca m cevher ve saat fuar olan 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar na kat ld Bahreyn Uluslararas Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi nde 21 000 metrekarelik alanda ger ekle tirilen ve be g n s ren lt l fuarda 1 milyar dolar de erinde m cevherler de erli ta lar ve saatler sergilendi 31 lkeden toplam 561 kat l mc yeni r n gruplar n lanse etmek son koleksiyonlar g stermek ve zel al c lara ve ticaret uzmanlar na s n rl say da par a tan tmak i in bir araya geldi 2017 de 20 art g steren toplam sat fuar boyunca 31 Milyon Amerikan dolar n a t Ortado u nun en b y k pazar olan Suudi Arabistan dan gelen kat l mc lar etkinlik toplam n n 23 n olu turmu tur A dazzling display of classic and contemporary design a huge range of finished jewellery timepieces precious gems clocks fine writing instruments luxury accessories and more from around the globe went on sale at Jewellery Arabia 2018 Klasik ve a da tasar m n g z kama t r c bir g r nt s ok e itli m cevherat kol saatleri de erli ta lar duvar saatleri ince yaz aletleri l ks aksesuarlar ve d nyan n d rt bir yan ndan ok daha fazlas 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda sat a kt 94 gold book magazine BAHREYN N M LYAR DOLARLIK M CEVHER SERG S BA ARIYLA TAMAMLANDI 2018 JEWELLERY ARABIA FUARI 9 LUK B R ARTI G STEREREK 55 000 DEN FAZLA Z YARET Y A IRLADI gold book magazine 95
events BAHRAIN S BILLION DOLLAR JEWELLERY SHOWCASE ENDS ON HIGH NOTE JEWELLERY ARABIA 2018 ATTRACTS OVER 55 000 VISITORS MARKING A 9 INCREASE Manama Bahrain Over 55 000 visitors from 48 countries attended the 27th edition of the Middle East s premier jewellery and watch exhibition Jewellery Arabia 2018 marking a 9 increase on the previous event Jewels gems and watches worth over US 1 billion went on display at the glittering five day exhibition staged across 21 000 square meters at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre A total of 561 exhibitors from 31 countries converged to launch new product lines display latest collections and introduce limited edition pieces to discerning private buyers and trade professionals Total sales during the show exceeded US 31 million marking a 20 increase on the 2017 edition Visitors from Saudi Arabia the Middle East s largest market accounted for 23 of the show total Manama Bahreyn 48 lkeden 55 000 in zerinde ziyaret i bir nceki y la g re 9 art g stererek 27 ncisi d zenlenen Orta Do u nun ba l ca m cevher ve saat fuar olan 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar na kat ld Bahreyn Uluslararas Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi nde 21 000 metrekarelik alanda ger ekle tirilen ve be g n s ren lt l fuarda 1 milyar dolar de erinde m cevherler de erli ta lar ve saatler sergilendi 31 lkeden toplam 561 kat l mc yeni r n gruplar n lanse etmek son koleksiyonlar g stermek ve zel al c lara ve ticaret uzmanlar na s n rl say da par a tan tmak i in bir araya geldi 2017 de 20 art g steren toplam sat fuar boyunca 31 Milyon Amerikan dolar n a t Ortado u nun en b y k pazar olan Suudi Arabistan dan gelen kat l mc lar etkinlik toplam n n 23 n olu turmu tur A dazzling display of classic and contemporary design a huge range of finished jewellery timepieces precious gems clocks fine writing instruments luxury accessories and more from around the globe went on sale at Jewellery Arabia 2018 Klasik ve a da tasar m n g z kama t r c bir g r nt s ok e itli m cevherat kol saatleri de erli ta lar duvar saatleri ince yaz aletleri l ks aksesuarlar ve d nyan n d rt bir yan ndan ok daha fazlas 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda sat a kt 94 gold book magazine BAHREYN N M LYAR DOLARLIK M CEVHER SERG S BA ARIYLA TAMAMLANDI 2018 JEWELLERY ARABIA FUARI 9 LUK B R ARTI G STEREREK 55 000 DEN FAZLA Z YARET Y A IRLADI gold book magazine 95
Returning participants included world famous watch and jewellery houses including major brand names Many of these high profile international exhibitors used the event as a platform to introduce exclusive collections and limited edition pieces to the Middle East collectors market Complementing these iconic brands were 7 national groups from leading jewellery export countries They included returning delegations of the finest retailers designers and manufacturers from Hong Kong India Lebanon Singapore and Thailand A pavilion of flagship jewellers from Russia made their debut at Jewellery Arabia 2018 introducing the very best designs and craftsmanship inherent in the works of jewellers from Moscow St Petersburg Yakutsk and other cities to a Middle Eastern audience Jewellery Arabia 2018 also turned the spotlight on independent designers and leading manufacturers from Bahrain who are breathing new life into jewellery making traditions through their customised collections During the course of the show visitors were offered free gem and jewellery education opportunities by the world s foremost authority on gemmology The Gemological Institute of America GIA and the Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones DANAT 96 gold book magazine Kat l mc lar b y k marka isimleri de d hil olmak zere d nyaca nl saat ve m cevher evlerini i eriyordu Bu y ksek profilli uluslararas kat l mc lar n o u Ortado u koleksiyoncular pazar na zel koleksiyonlar ve s n rl say da par alar tan tmak i in bir platform olarak etkinli i kulland Bu ikonik markalar tamamlayan nde gelen m cevherat ihracat lkelerinden 7 ulusal grup vard Hong Kong Hindistan L bnan Singapur ve Tayland dan en iyi perakendecilerin tasar mc lar n ve reticilerin temsilcileri de bunlara dahildi Rusya n n en iyi irketleri Moskova St Petersburg Yakutsk ve di er ehirlerden gelen kuyumcular n eserleri aras ndaki en iyi tasar mlar n ve i iliklerin Ortado u daki al c lara tan t m n 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda ilk kez yapt 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda zel koleksiyonlar ile gelenekleri s rd rerek m cevher d nyas na yeni bir soluk getiren Bahreynli ba ms z tasar mc lara ve lider reticilere de dikkat ekildi G steri s ras nda ziyaret ilere gemoloji alan nda d nyan n en iyi kurulu lar olan Amerika Gemoloji Enstit s GIA ve Bahreyn nci ve De erli Ta lar Enstit s DANAT taraf ndan cretsiz m cevher ve m cevher e itim f rsatlar sunuldu gold book magazine 97
Returning participants included world famous watch and jewellery houses including major brand names Many of these high profile international exhibitors used the event as a platform to introduce exclusive collections and limited edition pieces to the Middle East collectors market Complementing these iconic brands were 7 national groups from leading jewellery export countries They included returning delegations of the finest retailers designers and manufacturers from Hong Kong India Lebanon Singapore and Thailand A pavilion of flagship jewellers from Russia made their debut at Jewellery Arabia 2018 introducing the very best designs and craftsmanship inherent in the works of jewellers from Moscow St Petersburg Yakutsk and other cities to a Middle Eastern audience Jewellery Arabia 2018 also turned the spotlight on independent designers and leading manufacturers from Bahrain who are breathing new life into jewellery making traditions through their customised collections During the course of the show visitors were offered free gem and jewellery education opportunities by the world s foremost authority on gemmology The Gemological Institute of America GIA and the Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones DANAT 96 gold book magazine Kat l mc lar b y k marka isimleri de d hil olmak zere d nyaca nl saat ve m cevher evlerini i eriyordu Bu y ksek profilli uluslararas kat l mc lar n o u Ortado u koleksiyoncular pazar na zel koleksiyonlar ve s n rl say da par alar tan tmak i in bir platform olarak etkinli i kulland Bu ikonik markalar tamamlayan nde gelen m cevherat ihracat lkelerinden 7 ulusal grup vard Hong Kong Hindistan L bnan Singapur ve Tayland dan en iyi perakendecilerin tasar mc lar n ve reticilerin temsilcileri de bunlara dahildi Rusya n n en iyi irketleri Moskova St Petersburg Yakutsk ve di er ehirlerden gelen kuyumcular n eserleri aras ndaki en iyi tasar mlar n ve i iliklerin Ortado u daki al c lara tan t m n 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda ilk kez yapt 2018 Jevellery Arabia Fuar nda zel koleksiyonlar ile gelenekleri s rd rerek m cevher d nyas na yeni bir soluk getiren Bahreynli ba ms z tasar mc lara ve lider reticilere de dikkat ekildi G steri s ras nda ziyaret ilere gemoloji alan nda d nyan n en iyi kurulu lar olan Amerika Gemoloji Enstit s GIA ve Bahreyn nci ve De erli Ta lar Enstit s DANAT taraf ndan cretsiz m cevher ve m cevher e itim f rsatlar sunuldu gold book magazine 97
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