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HTLAPP Presentation Eng 01

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HTLAPP NET Your Guest is Our Passion

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INFOCHANNEL AND STREAM ING TV Htlapp is a service that uses cloud based information via a broadband Internet connection to deliver contents to your guests via a small box connected through an HDMI cable for every TV set When powered and plugged to a LAN cable or connected to a WIFI HTLAPP turns on TV and presents a welcome screen personalized and language specific to guest nationality Guests use one REMOTE to navigate through all media News and weather pages provide real time information Streaming channels and leisure contents provide entertainment for all WE DELIVER OVER 5000 STREAMING CHANNELS WORLDWIDE

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WELCOM E TO YOUR HOTEL Th e f ir st an d on ly in f o ch an n el ser vice you can CLICK AND BUY Works with ANY TV No server needed Cloud based service Change all the contents via web browser anywhere you are Remote Check in and welcome message No minimum buy Live TV streaming worldwide Up and running in 5 minutes Uses your Internet connection

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IT S EASY TO BECOM E OUR CUSTOM ERS What you need to activate HTLAPP determine the number of TV sets you want to be HTLAPP enabled make sure your TV sets are HDMI and preferably CEC ready make sure you have a free power plug behind every TV preferably always powered like the refrigerator click on our SHOP select our MONTHLY SERVICE or ALL IN ONE SERVICE and multiply per total TV sets if you need accessories be sure to include in your order in order to view high quality streaming TV you need an ADSL connection with at least 20Mbps for every 10 simultaneous access

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