SimplebookletMeetVersion 9.0Simplebooklet works across all modern browsers, on all devices. Tap the page turn buon to see what Simplebooklet can do for your content.The simplest way to turn your markeng and communicaonscollateral into engaging, lead generang online content.
2Catch and hold yourcustomer’s aentionWhen you turn your markeng and communicaonsinto a Simplebooklet, your content comes alive.Simplebooklet / Featured Highlights
3Enhance your pages with buons and link hotspots that trigger fullscreen images, slideshows, videos and interacve content.Simplebooklet / Featured HighlightsEven embed a video to play directly in your page.
4Build trust and condence in your content.
5Brand your bookletSimplebooklet / Branding
A custom background
And even your own domain.
With your logo
6Encourage EngagementMake it easy for customers to reach out to your business with our in page form builder, business cards, and messaging tools.Simplebooklet / Engagement Form Builder Example send
7Simplebooklet / Engagement
Messaging made easy for your customer.
9Be with your customer when you can’t be there.Simplebooklet / NarrationKeep Their AentionGuide customers through your Simplebooklet with video narraon. You’ll keep your customer engaged and focused on the relevant parts of your content. Automacally ip to the next page when your narraon is nished to keep your story going.
10Manage AccessSimplebooklet / Manage Access Set mulple passwords, display a popup to capture leads, or add a paywall to charge customers for access.It’s your content, you control how people access it.
11You can restrict access at any point in your Simplebooklet.Simplebooklet / Manage Access
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