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What Christian love is and is no

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CHRISTIAN LOVE 11 17 2017 Christian Love What it is and What it is not I John 3 18 states Dear children let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth NIV The Message states it even more plain My dear children let s not just talk about love let s practice real love What is hard to understand about this Is it too difficult for Christians to understand in this messed up world we live in today Has the meaning become too diluted with our fast food and give cash mentality that we have forgotten how to show love Think about this as a church whole Does your church go out among the citizens of your community and physically help those who need to be helped Repair their homes shake the hand of a homeless person while giving him a new blanket and a bologna sandwich How often does your church send people to stay with a widow or widower who is alone and sick and needs short term care fix meals do laundry help them to and from the restroom and whatever else needs to be done for them while they are ill Does your church do grocery shopping for shut ins Or Does your church give monthly to a local social service that feeds and helps the homeless Does your church contribute to missions on a monthly or triannual basis Does your church contribute to charities that only requires members to write a check Or maybe you just say the words I love 2017 Bonnie C Clark All rights reserved

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CHRISTIAN LOVE 11 17 2017 you to your Christian friends on during a passing hug while coming to or leaving the church each service There is nothing wrong with giving contributions and there is nothing wrong with saying I love you But do you ever get your hands dirty in order to practice real love Enter a personal experience There is a person in my family that was struck with fungal meningitis in October of 2014 She was in the hospital and rehab for over six months when she came home she needed constant care This required family members to practically stop their own lives in order to take care of her During this time no Christian offered to sit with her for a few hours to give the family members a break No one offered to make a meal send a card or send a word of encouragement Not long ago I took this person to a business in this city and a woman from church saw her She also saw me but I am shunned so I wasn t spoken to This Christian woman approached my love one and asked how she was doing and said I love you The question I have is this Was that a real demonstration of Christian love I have an answer all prepared for you and the answer is No far from it So think about your life and the life of your church in light of 1 John 3 18 let s not just talk about love let s practice real love MSG 2017 Bonnie C Clark All rights reserved