COUNTDOWN TO FREEDOM 7:37PM May 11, 2018 כ‘‘עשת רייא ו“ח רהב תשרפ-יתקחב May 13- 11:30 dismissal grades 2B-8B due to Rebbeim faculty meeting May 18 - Erev Shavuos - 12:00 noon dismissal gr. 1B-8B, No school for Preschool and gr. 1G-8G May 20-21 - Shavuos –No school May 22 - Classes resume beginning at 10:00 am May 28 - Memorial Day -dismissal for Hamilton building at 11:50, dismissal for Williston building at 12:00 noon As is well-known, the םיבוט םימי of Pesach and Shavuos are closely linked. Parshas רומא discusses the mitzvah of רמועה תריפס, the counting of the days from Pesach until Shavuos, ורפסת תבשה תרחממםוי םישימח. The ךוניחה רפס writes that the purpose of counting the רמוע is likened to an לצ ףאשי דבע, a servant seeking his freedom. Just as a slave counts the days leading to his release, so too, we eagerly anticipate and await the Yom Tov of Shavuos. However, it appears that the לשמנ does not align with the לשמ. Pesach is the בוט םוי of תורח where we celebrate our redemption from Mitzrayim. Shavuos is the Yom Tov of תלבקהרותה, where we accept the תווצמו הרות לוע, a tremendous responsibility, and seemingly the opposite of freedom! הרותב קסועש ימ אלא ןירוח ןב ךל ןיא. Freedom without responsibility is not freedom. A true ןירוח ןב is one who channels his freedom towards a higher purpose. This explains the tight coupling of Pesach and Shavuos. Without a Shavuos, the freedom of Pesach is worthless, and without a Pesach, the responsibility of Shavuos can’t be fulfilled. Thus, we count towards the days of Shavuos, as Shavuos bears witness to the true fulfillment of our freedom. Rav Shamshon Refael Hirsch expounds on this idea by noting that for many nations, freedom is essentially the end game. The notion of what purpose the freedom will serve is irrelevant. Therefore, freedom is the day they count towards. As far as the Torah is concerned, freedom is the day we count from. Freedom for freedom’s sake, as a wise man once said, is an unacceptable liberty. It is how you take advantage of the opportunities that freedom provides that really matters. We received our release from the bondage of Mitzrayim on Pesach. But we only truly actualized our freedom when we accepted the responsibilities of Shavuos, and demonstrated to what higher end we intended to make use of our freedom. Because of the short week next week, I wish everyone תבש טוג and בוט םוי טוג! Rabbi Ochs For their siyum on אציו תשרפ 3G went to Skyline Park and enjoyed lunch there. Thank you Mrs. Youshaei and Mrs. Krochmal for driving the girls. בוט לזמ to 4G on being misayem אראו תשרפ. They celebrated on Thursday by playing makos Jeopardy and eating ices. Rabbi Ochs spoke to the girls On Monday, the girls in grades 4-8, who completed the Hashkamas Haboker Pesach Learning program and scored high on the test, did a beautiful project with Mrs. Sternfield. Shabbaton this week-end for grades 5-8. Details will follow. Grade 4 boys celebrated completing תומש תשרפ with a Taam China Siyum. Thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Rosmarin for sponsoring the siyum. Thank you to Mr. Sanieoff who helped with driving the students. 7G visited Perkins School for the blind in conjunction with their learning about Helen Keller. בוט לזמ to the girls in grade 1 for completing Perek Gimel of Parshas Bereishis
Bulletin Board MAZEL TOV! Drs. Sacha and Ora Zyto on the birth of their son DAY OF LEARNING 25 Iyar - sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Moskovitz l’iluy nishmas Chava Rivka bas Avrohom a”h on her yahrzeit, may she be a meilitz yosher for her family and all of Klal Yisroel 26 Iyar- sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Goldstein l’iluy nishmas Pesach ben Moshe Ahron z”l on his yahrzeit MONTH OF LEARNING 3 Iyar - 3 Sivan- sponsored by Torah Academy for the zechus for a refuah shlaimah for Rachmiel ben Shayna Grade 5: Yisrael Feldman (E, A), Moshe Leff (E, A) Grade 6: Malkiel Miara (E, A) Grade 7: Yonah Gluckin (E, A), Yosef Aryeh Leff (E), Shmuel Meir Solomon (E), Yehudah Zyto (E, A) Grade 8: Moshe Fontek (E, A), , Yekutiel Miara (E, A) Raffle Winners Emor: Y. A . Leff, S.M. Solomon Raffle Winners Achrei Mos-Kedoshim: Y. Gluckin, M. Leff, S. M. Solomon SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Emor (E) Achrei Mos-Kedoshim (A) SPECIAL TORAH ACADEMY EVENTS May 13 Mother/ Child Siddur cover program in Hamilton classroom-note location change May 16 Grade 2G Rus Play 10:00 am May 23 Grade 3G Around the World Fair June 5 3G Shmoneh Esrei play June 6 Kindergarten Siddur Play 10:00 am June 12 Eighth grade girls graduation 7:45 mincha followed by ceremonies June 14 Eighth grade boys graduation 7:45 mincha followed by ceremonies COMMUNITY EVENTS Friday night, May 11 - Zyto Family Shalom Zachor in their house 38 Mount Vernon, Brighton 9:15—11 pm This Shabbos, May 12 - last week of Bnos Thursday, May 31– Chai Odom Dinner, guest speaker Rabbi Yonoson Rosenbloom WANTED 5G - needs clean empty dish washing bottles Prek1 - needs empty seltzer bottles BRYAN HOUSE Painting and Home Repair MA HIL lic #185031 Brighton, MA 401-263-5345
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1. 6th graders sculpting as they imagine the scene being depicted in their novel. 2. Grade 3B science. Working on force, friction, and inertia. 3. 5th graders celebrating the culmination of their independent reading program with a trip to Launch. 4. Boys in 4B celebrating completing Parshas Shemos with a Taam China Siyum. 5. Boys in 2B are singing as part of learning about trusting in Hashem even in the hardest of times. 3. 5. 4. 3. 4. 3. 1. 2. 2.
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1. Students in grades 4-8 enjoyed the project for the Hashkamas Haboker Learning program. 2. 4G siyum on Parshas Va’eira 3. 7-8G students do exercises around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. 4. 4G STEM project- Putting Newton's Laws of Motion in effect when building marble mazes- (the slowest one wins the race!) 5. 3G performing a Pirkei Avos skit. 6. 5G magazine weaving. 7. K1 learns about shmittah and makes cupcake fields that say hefker. 8. Shabbos Mommy and Totty in PreK1. 9. Mrs. Ledewitz performs with her violin for V week in PreK 1 & 2. 10. 7G visits Perkins school for the blind. 10. 1. 4. 2. 6. 5. 8. 9. 7. 3.
Sunday, May 13 9:30 am to 12:00 noon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday May 14, 15, 16 7:30 pm—9:30 pm
Guest speaker Rabbi Henoch Plotnik, Chicago Illinois
Rabbi Akiva Posy