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February 2017

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Institute of Animal TechnologyBulletinVol 53 No 2 February 2017G AALAS Report G AS-ETG Congress Publicity G Branch NewsG Congress Workshops G Situations VacantG AAALAC Fellowship Award G Diary Dates

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EDITOR*Sarah EDITOR*Carole Associates monthly by theInstitute of Animal Technology*Registered Office:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR* 0800 085 4380BulletinVol 53 No 2 February 2017Final copy date forApril Bulletin1st MarchThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSAALAS National Meeting 5-14ReportCongress Workshops 8,16,18,22,27,32Congress Publicity 15IAT Annual Awards 17Congress Trade Passport 19CompetitionAS-ET 20-21Suppliers Register i-xlivAAALAC Fellowship 23-27Award 2016 ReportBranch News 33-34Situations Vacant 37-38Diary Dates 39

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AALAS National MeetingCharlotte, North CarolinaOct 30th – Nov 3rd 2016Sarah Lane and I were fortunate enough to be chosen by Council torepresent the IAT at this annual meeting in the USA. There was a slightdegree of trepidation as the meeting drew closer when news of some seriousstreet riots were reported taking place in Charlotte – these as a result of policeshooting and killing a civilian. Still, things quietened down and we wereassured by the organisers that all was well and that Charlotte was ready towelcome us.Charlotte is the largest city in the state of North Carolina. It is the secondlargest city in the south eastern United States, just behind Jacksonville, Florida.Charlotte is the third fastest growing major city in the United States andaccording to the last census, the 17th largest city in the United States based onpopulation. Residents of Charlotte are referred to as “Charlotteans”. It is listedas a “gamma-plus” global city and is home to the corporate headquarters ofFebruary 2017• 5Bulletin

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the Bank of America and the east coast operations of Wells Fargo, which alongwith other financial institutions makes it the second largest banking centre inthe USA. Among Charlotte’s attractions are the Carolina Panthers of theNational Football League, the Charlotte Hornets of the National BasketballAssociation and the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Charlotte Douglas InternationalAirport is a major international hub and was ranked the 23rd busiest airport inthe world by passenger traffic in 2013.We arrived at Charlotte Douglas airport early on Saturday evening after a fairlypleasant flight with American Airlines. We were soon unpacking at our hoteland ignoring the jet lag, we met with some other colleagues from the UK forsupper and a few drinks before retiring for the night. There were quite anumber of folk out and about in fancy dress costumes in recognition ofHalloween which was coming up – the Americans celebrate this veryenthusiastically and some of the costumes were certainly sinister!The convention centre was close to our hotel which was very handy and thenext day we made our way there. Following registration at which we collectedour badges and sponsored bag etc., we joined the Tecniplast team forbreakfast. We had been invited some weeks before and this was a great way6 •February 2017Bulletin

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to catch up informally with friends and colleagues alike before the conferenceitself began.Sarah and I then set off to the trade exhibition in the Grand Hall to pick ourway carefully around the army of forklift trucks and teams of workers whowere erecting large booths and setting up equipment. We found our muchmore modest booth and went in search of Shepherds and LBS, both of whomvery kindly store and transport the IAT ‘pop-ups’ and other equipment for us.Alas, our union flag had gone missing! We shall have to replace it.Our booth was number 849 and we were in a good position quite near theinternet café. Instead of being among a row of Affiliates only we were moremixed up with trade companies which we felt was a good thing. We hadtravelled laden with IAT pens, Caring Careerbrochures and postcards and of course, ourtraditional Flying Saucers and other ‘Britishcandy’. It didn’t take us long to set up and getour bearings, so we decided to go shopping andpick up some Halloween-inspired additions tojoin in with the spooky fun due to take placethe following day. We found a CVS store andpurchased some Halloween buckets forpens/sweets plus some interesting headgear forus…Sunday evening was the PMI dinner, at which one UK and one US recipientwould be awarded the PMI Technician of the Year Award. This year’s winnerswere Allan Thornhill and Lynelle DuPepe. We had actually met Lynelle beforeas she had been an AAALAC Fellowship Prize winner a few years ago andtherefore had visited IAT Congress. The PMI dinner is always a jolly affairwhere past recipients get together and each person gets the chance to standup and say a few words about what they have been doing. A major feature isthe running montage of photographs, many of which are very amusing.Naturally, the Americans far outnumbered the Brits but we did our bit. Wheneverybody had had their say, the current winners got up to make their ownpresentations and these were very well prepared. Allan found himself thebrunt of some good-natured jokes and those amusing photographs. It was allvery entertaining – well done Allan and Lynelle! Thanks are due as always toSenga Latta at IPS and George Nugent at PMI for their hospitality.Monday morning found us suited and booted (plus Halloween attire) at ourstand for the 08.30 opening of the trade hall. We had rather thought that therewould be more spooks/ghouls or witches among us but in fact there were moreFebruary 2017• 7Bulletin

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February 2017• 9Bulletinmassage machines in evidence than anything else! These did seem to be verypopular whether they were armchairs which delegates could sink into and resttheir weary feet, or mobile machines which you could actually purchase.Straightaway we were quite busy at our booth. Some people know who we areand we even recognise faces and other affiliate members now. Delegates whovisit are always very interested in what we do and the Caring Career Brochurewas immediately very popular. We swapped candy with nearby booths and asusual, the flying saucers were a source of intrigue and amusement. They are abit like Marmite – most people seem to love them or hate them! As usual wehad arranged to take part in the ‘Technician Fair’ so lots of technicians visitedthe booth to seek answers to the set questions. Each company or affiliatetaking part supplies two questions as well as a ‘prize’ which is put into a draw.Technicians have to answer as many questions as they can and visit thosebooths to check that they have the correct answers. Then they can enter thedraw where the highest number of correct answers wins a prize. There arealways plenty of prizes too; the IAT donated two copies of the IAT Manual.Many of our visitors on the first day seemed to work with primates, so somefound our questions quite challenging as they were to do with mice.

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10 •February 2017BulletinAt lunchtime we met up with our good friends Gail Thompson and RobWeichbrod who are both Vice Presidents of the IAT and very supportive of ourorganisation. Our booth is also, naturally, a focus point for other Brits inattendance so we had plenty of visitors and especially as we were close to theCyber café, which meant they could pick up the free Wifi easily. After a briskday the trade exhibition closed at 5pm and we returned to our hotel tofreshen up ready for a relaxing evening.On Tuesday it was quieter at the booth and the general footfall through theexhibition hall seemed less than usual. By talking to other exhibitors wediscovered that numbers were down by quite a large number this year. Thiswas thought to be partly due to the previous rioting which had taken place inCharlotte some weeks before (as some companies had placed a travel ban tothe location) plus Carolina had taken a political decision with regard to thetreatment of people of different sexual orientation which some states haddisapproved of and hence had boycotted the meeting – this was quitesurprising. So it was a shame to see fewer people but it did give Sarah and I

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February 2017• 11Bulletinthe chance to take turns to have a look around and also gave me a bit of timeto practise a presentation on IVCs and sentinel health screening I was due togive the following day.That evening we were the guests of Tecniplast again and were taken to arestaurant a little way out of town – transported there by a proper Americanbus which was good fun! We were joined at the restaurant by a group ofAustralian customers as well which was nice. We are very grateful to Tecniplastfor providing a very pleasant evening with good food and good company.The following morning Sarah attended the Affiliates breakfast whereeverybody gives an update on the activities of their organisation over theprevious year. Sarah took along some copies of the Caring Career brochuresand spoke about the launch of the career pathway.As the booth was fairly quiet again, apart from lots of friends coming to sayhello, we were able to start break down at 11am (prior to the exhibitionclosing at 1pm). This helped our schedules for the afternoon as Sarah was

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attending the AAALAC/AALAS/ICLAS International Luncheon and I wasparticipating in the workshop (Making the Move: Sentinel Animals to ExhaustAir Dust PCR’) where I was giving a presentation on a trial we had carried outat Imperial College. This was the first time I had presented at AALAS – it was a‘platform presentation’ session where I and two other colleagues gave apresentation and then attendees could come to a microphone to ask questions.It was very well attended as many of the workshops seemed to be.At the International Luncheon Stephen Woodley who was the 2016 UK winnerof the AAALAC Fellowship Award received his prize and gave a shortpresentation. Many congratulations to Stephen on his achievement.The luncheon was well attended with delegates from around the world andpast recipients of this prestigious award.The trade exhibition closed on Wednesday afternoon and although we hadhanded out most of the ‘British candy’ over the previous few days we managedto offload the remaining sweets to a Brit who works in the US and was on abooth in the next aisle. It was amazing how quickly the exhibition wasdismantled on Wednesday compared to assembling it on the previous Sunday.The evening was spent with other Brits at the basketball where we saw thelocal team, Charlotte Hornets win a close game.February 2017• 13Bulletin

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Both Sarah and I thought it was a great experience although it was quieterthan other AALAS conferences we had been to in the past.We would like to thank Council for giving us this opportunity to represent theIAT.Wendy Steel and Sarah Lane14 •February 2017Bulletin

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COUNTING DOWN TO CONGRESS …Final date to register is Friday 3rd MarchWHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND!Apart from the Scientific Programmeof Platform Papers, Ten Workshops,Poster Displays and Presentations toengage in there are plenty moreopportunities to provide you withexcellent content-rich information:O Furthering your career?Board of Moderators’ members aswell as CLAST representatives willbe available to answer questionson FE and HE qualifications at theDrop-In SessionO Network and connect by:Attending everything – from theAGM to the Ice Breaker and QuizNight!O Meet our industry experts:Who all have a wealth ofknowledge and great products toshow you, as well as seeing thelatest innovationsSee you there!Keep checking for updates theInvitation to Participate andProvisional ScientificProgramme at discuss any aspect of Congresswith the Congress Committee or ifyou have any questions, email –

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IAT Annual AwardsHonorary FellowsThe Council may elect as an Honorary Fellow any member who in theopinion of the Council shall have given long and valuable service in theinterests of the Institute. An Honorary Fellow shall be entitled to enjoyall the privileges of a Fellow for so long as he/she shall remain amember of the Institute but shall not be required to contribute to thefunds of the Institute except in the case of a winding up. No more thantwo Honorary Fellows shall be elected in any one calendar year.We are delighted to announce that Professor Paul Flecknell wasawarded Honorary Fellowship of the Institute in December 2016 whichwill be presented to him at Congress next month.IAT CouncilPaul Flecknell MA VetMB PhD DECLAM DLAS DECVA (Hon)DACLAM (Hon) FRCVSPaul has been a lab animal vet for almost 40 yearsand spent most of that time working on painassessment, pain alleviation and laboratory animalanaesthesia. He commenced a long associationwith the IAT when working for the MRC, when hetaught on the Animal Technology courses atPaddington Technical College. He attended the firstof many IAT Congresses a few years later, runninganaesthesia workshops. Paul was elected as a VicePresident of the Institute and has continued to work to promote therole of Animal Technologists in the UK and elsewhere. Most recently, hebecame a trustee of CLAST and is also involved in the delivery of one ofthe course modules.He steps down as Director of the facilities at the University of Newcastlethis year but will continue to teach and develop e-learning materials.February 2017• 17Bulletin

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Congress Trade Passport Competition 2017YES! It’s happening again! For the 6th year running, the Trade Exhibitorshave grouped together to give delegates attending Congress the chanceto win one of 2 iPads. There are still no questions to answer and no one isexcluded from entering.Look out for your ‘CongressPassport’ in your delegate bagand make sure you have it withyou at all times in the TradeExhibition Hall to get it signedagainst the logo by a memberof staff on each stand – and weall know people in the tradewho want to sign autographs!As long as you have got all thecompanies’ signatures by thedeadline printed on thepassport and return it to NickyWindows or Ryan Hill on theDatesand stand, you will bein with a chance of winning.Each year one of the two iPadsis always won by a first timeCongress attendee so if youhave never attended before,why not come away with morethan some free pens and a sore head (from all the learning obviously)!The second device can be won by anyone.Warm thanks to the Trade Exhibitors who generously participate each yearbecause the funds generated from this competition are always splitbetween the nominated branch charity at Congress and AS-ET. So as theLondon branch has chosen AS-ET as the charity for 2017, they will benefitfrom this two-fold support.Get your Passport signed and make Congress 2017 a winning one!February 2017• 19Bulletin

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James Bussell with AS-ET PatronLord PatelAS-ET NewsG AS-ET BursariesIf you want to follow an education or training course and cannot obtain funding,remember you can apply to AS-ET. Application forms are on our website( The conditions are that you are employed in the care and welfareof animals used in science and the course must be relevant to your work.GAS-ET FundraisingThe more money AS-ET can raise, the more people it can help improve their education.Our funds come from corporate sponsors (see the list in this Bulletin), official supportersand fund raising activities.Official supporters should complete a standing order form to donate £24 a year or £2 amonth and if they complete a gift aid form AS-ET can claim an extra 20% from HMRC.Please consider becoming an official supporter, forms can be found on our website.GPrize WinnersAS-ET likes to acknowledge educational achievement and one way we do that is byawarding prizes for the students who obtain the highest marks in the IAT HigherEducation courses. The winner of the 2016 AS-ET / IAT West Middlesex Branch Prize forthe level 4 qualification was Michelle Warburton of King’s College, London and thewinner of the AS-ET / Tecniplast Prize for the level 5 qualification was James Bussell ofthe Sanger Institute.Michelle Warburton with AS-ETPatron Lord Patel20 •February 2017Bulletin

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AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the care andwelfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit the 2017• 21Bulletin

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AAALAC Fellowship Award 2016In June 2016 I received the call to inform me that I had won the prestigiousAAALAC Fellowship Award which nearly brought tears to my eyes. Winningthe award meant a lot to me especially when you look at the past winners whohave played a significant role in the improvement of animal welfare andeducation, amongst many other areas. Everyone at the AAALAC office wereamazing, organising the whole trip for me.On Saturday 22nd October I set off from London Heathrow to WashingtonDulles on my adventure. After an 8hr flight I arrived and went through securityto be greeted by a driver to take me to my hotel. The hotel was located inBethesda which was a beautiful location close to the centre of Washington,DC. After checking intothe hotel I decided torelax after the longjourney.Sunday 23rd October – thiswas a free day whichallowed me to exploreMaryland andWashington, DC. I decidedto take the metro so Icould see the famousbuildings (White House,Washington Monument,Washington Mall and thesurroundings).February 2017• 23BulletinAfter enjoying lunch I decided to head back tothe hotel but on the way I noticed a station“Woodley Park-Zoo” and the coincidence that mylast name is Woodley meant I couldn’t resist thetemptation of getting off and exploring. This wasa great place with nice independent shops,restaurants and a zoo. The zoo was great and Iexpect it was named after me ;o). Back at myhotel I went for dinner and decided to have anearly night as there was a busy week ahead.

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Monday 24th October – I was picked up by Rob Weichbrod who took me toUniversity of Maryland for my first tour of a USA animal facility. Initially, I wasgiven an overview of the facility and then taken through the various unitswhere I met very friendly technicians who gave me a great insight into theworkings of an animal research facility in the USA. I was then collected andtaken to Virginia for dinner and a night at another separate hotel. We arrivedat Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus James; I was at aloss for words seeing this site containing beautiful buildings, a lake, on-sitehotel and restaurant. Having met some of the senior team at Janelia we satdown for a nice meal and drink. After this the staff headed to the hotel andwent to bed.24 •February 2017BulletinTuesday 25th October – I had breakfast with the Director of Janelia and wasthen taken for my tour around the facility. This was an impressive facilityunlike I have ever seen before and the staff were incredibly passionate about

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animal welfare, polite and happy to answer any of my questions. During mytour I also met researchers who were carrying out innovative research and to ahigh standard.Wednesday 26th October – This day was allocated to visit National Institute ofHealth which is a federal building with high levels of security. Once I had gonethrough security I met with the administrative staff for the care and use ofanimals in research. Having discussed various aspects of USA law I was slowlygaining a better understanding of how research can be conducted and theworks put into place to ensure it is done at the highest standards.After the meeting I headed off to the Zebrafish facility and the size was simplyamazing, 86,000 ltrs, spanning over a vast area with a mammoth plant area.I was taken to a little garden area where I was shown a plaque which was inplace as a dedication to the animals used in research, which was beautiful.I then went to the staff room where I was greeted by the staff of building 49and gave a brief presentation about myself and career to date, answeringmany questions on UK research, living in the UK and BREXIT (this was acommon question especially with potential USA election looming). After lunchI was given a presentation and then headed off to the facility. The facility wasa multi-species facility including some species you are unlikely to see in the UK.I was surprised by the size, spanning over 5 floors with 120 staff.Thursday 27th October – I was taken to National Eye Institute to meet a fellowBrit to discuss the behavioural research his group is carrying out and to seeexperiments in action. This was really interesting to me after working in thearea of Ophthalmology research for over 13 years. Then we headed off tolunch and to meet everyone at the AAALAC office. Firstly, I had to thank themfor all their hard work organising my trip and then gave them an update onmy experiences so far. I was given a presentation where the staff discussedvarious aspects of AAALAC accreditation which I believe is becoming ever morewidely used globally.I was given my AAALAC goodie bag and then headed off to view anotherfacility which was part of the National Institute of Health. On arrival I met vets,facility managers and unit staff where we discussed various aspects of animalresearch in the UK and USA. We then went for a tour around a large primatequarantine facility which had both indoor and outdoor facilities.Friday 28th October – Consisted of a tour to Medlmmune where I was greetedby one of the 2016 USA winners of the AAALAC Fellowship Award. This was aFebruary 2017• 25Bulletin

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26 •February 2017Bulletinfantastic opportunity to discuss our trips and have a tour of the facility. I hadthe afternoon free so decided to explore a little more of Washington, DC.Saturday 29th October – I was collected by a chauffeur and taken to theairport for my flight to Charlotte. On arrival I headed off to my hotel and thenmeet up with some Brits for lunch and a tour of the NASCAR museum.Sunday 30th October – This was the first day of the AALAS meeting to collectmy ID and have a tour. I was told the conference would have over 3000 peopleand based on the size of the venue I wasn’t surprised.Wednesday 2nd November – International Luncheon (Award day)! We satdown for lunch and following this awards/prizes were given out for variouscontributions to animal welfare/research. It came to my award and I went upto give my speech. I have to say with roughly 300 people in the room from allaround the world I got a little nervous. I was given the beautiful globe which Iwas so proud to receive and then sat down to talk with people from across theworld.

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February 2017• 27BulletinThroughout my time at AALAS I attended great lectures, posters and the tradestands where I met some amazing people and learnt so much.This has been a once in a lifetime experience and a great opportunity to shareinformation on the use and care of animals in research. It was fascinating tolearn more about the use of animals in research within the USA, see all thecare that goes into animal welfare and the passion from the people involved.It has been such an honour receiving this award and I would encourageeveryone who is eligible to apply, to do so. I would also like to say a specialthank you to everyone who accommodated me in the USA especially RobWeichbrod and the staff at the AAALAC office who made my trip stress free.A special thank you also to the sponsors of the trip (Priority One andDatesand).I would also like to thank all my mentors along the way who have developedme as an Animal Technologist, providing me with great support and advicealong the way, plus all my colleagues at King’s College London for theirsupport, especially during my wonderful AAALAC Fellowship.Stephen Woodley MIAT RAnTech

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It has become a tradition at theNational AALAS meeting in Americato have an evening event where theBrits can get together to socialiseafter a busy day at the conference.This year AALAS was held inCharlotte famed for its NASCARracing heritage and for its basketballteam, the Charlotte Hornets andfootball team, the Panthers.By luck the Hornets were playing on the night of the 2nd November whilst theAALAS conference was in full swing and a group of 20 attendees had pitch sidematch warm up/practice seats, pitch side photos, a stadium tour of the facilitiesbefore being escorted to a private box with fantastic views of the stadium andof the court. In the processof the tour we met theHornet’s mascot, Hugo, andsome members of the cheerleader team, the HoneyBees. It was clear that theevent was much more thanjust the basketball withOblivicam on before thematch filming unsuspectingspectators with a timer tosee how long it was beforethey realised they were onthe huge screens above thebasketball court.Buzzing around in Charlotte28 •February 2017Bulletin

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There was the traditionalwelcoming fanfare for the teams,loads of loud music and theAmerican National Anthem to setthe scene for the night.At each of the breaks there was afantastic commentator who gee’dup the crowd, dancing from theHoney Bees and a Unicycle actamongst the interludes from Hugothe mascot and sponsored eventsto provide spectators with theopportunity to win t-shirts andother merchandise.The match itself was against the Philadelphia 76ers and after going more than10 points behind, the Hornets eventually turned it around and won. It washard not to get caught up in the electric atmosphere and I am sure that I amnot the only one who will remember being at the Brits Night Out in Charlotte2016 for a very long time.Norman MortellTeam Reporter––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Thanks go to our sponsors – Datesand, Agenda Resource Management, LBS,Impex and NKP for what was a memorable American sporting spectacle.February 2017• 29Bulletin

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For more great reasons to join the IAT visit

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NC3Rs/IAT Animal Technicians’ Symposium22 September 2016On what was a mild day, a large number of Animal Technicians made theirway to London for a very full programme of presentations covering avariety of species used in research including mice, voles, minipigs, frogs andZebrafish.The subject matter included:– A new e-learning module to support EU module 6.3 – Humane methods ofkilling (Professor Paul Flecknell).– Home cage monitoring – what happens when you are not looking? (Dr SaraWells).– Variability in the olfactory characteristics of routine husbandry proceduresand its impact on laboratory mouse behaviour and welfare (Dr NoeliaLopez-Salesansky).– Refining the laboratory husbandry of the African clawed frog, Xenopuslaevis (Dr Lottie Hosie).– Latest refinement opportunities for the care and use of minipigs (Mr PhilRidley).– Practical experimental and welfare considerations for preclinical imaging(Dr Jordi Lopez-Tremoleda).– Improving the welfare of laboratory rats and mice: modifications tostandard housing and expression of natural behaviours (Dr JoannaMakowska).In addition to the presentations there were 4 posters:– Light intensity and its impact on survival rates of pigment-less Zebrafish(Danio rerio).– Evaluation of enrichment and housing for voles (Microtus aevalis).– Ultrasonic vocalisation as a measure of evaluating positive welfare in rats.– Refining disinfection protocols for Zebrafish embryos.The one thing that was very clear throughout was the passion that thepresenters had not only for the science but also for the welfare of the animalsused in research.February 2017• 31Bulletin

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Bulletin32 •February 2017This is the second year this symposium has been held and it is good to have anevent like this to be aimed at Animal Technicians. Sharing experiences andrefinements in looking after animals is vital to the roles of both an AnimalTechnician and Animal Technologist.Matthew BiltonIAT Council Member/Animal Welfare Group

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BulletinFebruary 2017• 33West Middlesex Branch Thames River Cruisethrough Central LondonThe West Middlesex Branch held a number of events during 2016. We arelucky to have a very active branch located in Central London where thereare numerous events and attractions. One of these attractions we visited is ariver cruise along the Thames in central London, taking in the sights of ourcapital city. The West Middlesex Branch opened up the trip to all IATmembers from any branch but if you were a Branch member, then the ticketswere subsidised.The group met in a small pub underneath the gaze of Big Ben before boardinga cruise boat docked by the Houses of Parliament. The boat was equipped withindoor seating in case of adverse weather and a spacious upper deck for thosewho wanted to enjoy the fresh air and take in the sights. The tickets included awelcome drink and food and the boat included a bar.Viewing London from the deck of a cruise boat on the river Thames gives avery different perspective of the capital from the one we usually enjoy, stuck intraffic or on public transport. Once again we were blessed with fine weatherwhich enabled us to enjoy all the sights from the open deck. The London

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skyline is constantly changing and each year we have attended the river cruisehas seen a change to the magnificent views.We enjoyed a very relaxing evening in great company, in one of the world’sgreat cities. We all wish to say a big thank you to Nilgun Fulbrook fororganising the trip and I for one am looking forward to next year’s trip.The IAT West Middlesex Branch is always looking for new members and newideas for events so if you wish to join us on one of our adventures or join ourbranch, please get in touch.Wayne RussellBranch Reporter34 •February 2017Bulletin

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February 2017• 35BulletinSpeakers include:G Condition Taste Aversion in Crows & Magpies – Dr Sandra Baker (Oxford University)G Mating Behaviour in Harvest Mice – Ms Ruth Brandt (Oxford University)G Bats – (Bristol University)G Bees/insects/butterflies – (FERA)G Fish and (Micro) Chips – Gareth ReedmanG Naked Mole Rats – (Bradford)G Xenopus – Betsy Powel (York University)CPD Pointsavailable9.30am–4.00pm – FERA Science Ltd., York YO41 1LZFree event with lunch and refreshments providedTo register email

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Chief Technical Oicer 1 in Comparative Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin. Reporting to the director. This unit consists mainly of rodents in both IVCs and open caging.Duties will include the management of sta, financial resources, health and safety, training and regulatory compliance. Oversight of transgenic breeding programs is a key duty for this position.This will be a 5 year fixed contract.At least 5 years’ experience of managing an animal unit, including a supervisory role, is essential.Experience within an academic environment would be an advantage.This appointment will be made on the Chief Technical Oicer 1 salary scale (below the bar) at a point in line with current Government pay policy. (Range: €56,282 - €63,700 gross per annum)Closing Date for applications is 12 Noon on Tuesday, 28th February 2017.Please go to for the full job specification and application instructions.Trinity is an equal opportunities employer and we encourage and welcome talented people from all backgrounds to join our staff community.Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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DIARY Dates8 MarchNEE Branch Research on BritishWildlifeDetails page 3521-23 March + 28-30 MarchPiL A-C TrainingLondonDetails MarchCongress 2017Latest updatesDetails March8th European Charles River ShortCourseBerlinDetails fromwww.eushortcourse.criver.comSee page 230 MarchLASA & Fish Veterinary SocietyMeetingEdinburghDetails AprilTecniplast Foundation Course inTecniplast IVC’sCentral UKDetails frominfo@tecniplastuk.com10 AprilWorkshop: Assessment,prevention and alleviation ofpain and distress in lab animalsNewcastleDetails fromNewcastle University WebsiteSee page 358 JuneTecniplast IVC Knowledge & SkillsRefresher CourseCentral UKDetails frominfo@tecniplastuk.com15-16 JuneNACWO CourseCambridgeDetails June – 7 JulyInternational Course inLaboratory Animal ScienceUtrechtDetails fromlas@uu.nlCover photo: AAALAC Fellowship Award – Stephen WoodleyFebruary 2017• 39Bulletin

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