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SCHEDULE OF UNBENCHED BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Unbenched held under Kennel Club Limited Rules Show Regulations at TOMLINSON S CANINE CENTRE Upper Grange Farm Ratby Lane Markfield Leics LE67 9RJ on Sunday 15th October 2017 only undocked dogs and legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this show All Judges at this show agree to abide by the following statement In assessing dogs judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness health and well being of the dog Judge Mrs Joy Jolley Dekobras Special award classes Judge Mrs Gillian Blair Bell ows Show Opens 9 00 a m Judging Commences 10 00 a m Show closes half an hour after completion of Judging GUARANTORS TO THE KENNEL CLUB Mr George Farmer Chairman 42 Ecton Lane Sywell Northampton NN6 OBA Mrs Liz Rushton Secretary 169 High1eld Street Coalville Leicestershire LE67 3BS Tel 01530 814356 Mr John Steele Hon Treasurer Enchanted Co8age Mostyn Road Green1eld Holywell Flintshire CH8 9DN Mr M Rowley 94 Caernarvon Road Up Hatherley Cheltenham GL51 3JR Mrs N George 17 De Haia Road Rogerstone Newport Gwent NP10 9NT Mrs L Flynn Colonsay House David s Lane Bennington Boston Lincs PE22 OBZ Hon Veterinary Surgeon On Call Cockburn Veterinary PracAce 100 London Road Coalville LE67 3JD TeL 01530 836654 Entries Fees to be sent to the Secretary Mrs Liz Rushton 169 High1eld Street Coalville Leicestershire LE67 3BS Tel 01530 814356 ENTRIES CLOSE Saturday 11 th September 2017 Postmark PASSES WILL NOT BE SENT Show sponsored by

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President Mrs Jean Wallhead Chairman Mr George Farmer Vice Chairman Mr Mike Rowley Treasurer Mr John Steele Secretary Mrs Liz Rushton COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ms R Banks Mrs T Britchford Mrs L Flynn Mrs N George Mr D Hubble Mr M Rowley Mrs C Smith Miss J Tong Show Manager Fire Officer Mr Mike Rowley M SHOW INFORMATION M Non Members 1 st Entry 12 00 per dog Members 1 st Entry 10 00 per dog All subsequent entries with the same dog 1 00 per entry Not for CompeAAon 1 00 per dog see de1niAon of classes Catalogues 3 00 each pre paid with entries Marked catalogues by post 4 00 Membership 2018 fees due 31 st December 2017 UK Single 14 00 Joint 17 00 Junior 3 00 Associate Membership non UK Residents Single 20 Joint 22 ENTRY FEES ANNUAL BALLOT Please note that voAng papers will only be issued to UK paid up members who have paid their subscripAon by 31st December 2017 RAFFLE BREED STAND Any new giJs for the RaKe are most welcome please note that bo8les of alcohol are NOT permi8ed by law SHOW DONATIONS Any show donaAons or prizes will be acknowledged in the Catalogue PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY SMOKING This is a No smoking venue EXERCISE AREA An exercise area will be provided Exhibitor Handlers are required to clear up any fouling by the dog s in their charge DOGS IN VEHICLES Remedial acAon in accordance with Kennel Club guidelines will be taken in the case of any dog found to be in a distressed condiAon MOBILE PHONES No mobile phones to be used ringside REFRESHMENTS The venue supplies the catering and strictly only food and drink bought on the premises may be consumed on the premises H EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE H The planning permission for the venue allows dog shows to be carried out strictly between the hours of 9am to 6pm No dogs are allowed on the site before 9am

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M CLASSIFICATION M Judge Mrs Joy Jolley Dekobras Kennel Club Challenge Certificate Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate Bitch 1 Veteran Dog Or Bitch 2 Minor Puppy Dog 14 Minor Puppy Bitch 3 Puppy Dog 15 Puppy Bitch 4 Junior Dog 16 Junior Bitch 5 Yearling Dog 17 Yearling Bitch 6 Novice Dog 18 Novice Bitch 7 Post Graduate Dog 19 Post Graduate Bitch 8 Mid Limit Dog 20 Mid Limit Bitch 9 Limit Dog 21 Limit Bitch 10 Open Dog 22 Open Bitch 11 Special Novice Red White D Or B 12 Miss E M Tovey Memorial Special Open Red White D Or B 13 Eileen Crawford Memorial Special Open Stakes D Or B 23 Brace 24 Progeny BEST IN SHOW followed by BEST PUPPY IN SHOW BEST RED WHITE BEST RED WHITE PUPPY will be judged after class 24 10 for Best in Show 5 for Best Puppy in Show kindly donated by The President Mrs Jean Wallhead Don t forget the special award classes details overleaf FREE HEART TESTING will be available by Mr David Fisher cardiologist to all members dogs entered at this show Older dogs if not being shown must be entered Not for Competition

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CUPS TROPHIES On oOer to fully paid up members only Cup Steward Mr M Rowley Best in Show Reserve Best in Show Best Dog Best Bitch Best Puppy in Show Best Puppy Opposite Sex Best Red and White Best Veteran America Bowl Yo Yo of Hove Trophy Eileen Haig Memorial Trophy Start Rogers Cup UK Toy Trophy Merida Trophy Yama Rose bowl Langdale Cup ROSETTES Presented to First to V H C In all classes Best in Show Reserve Best in Show Best Opposite Sex Best Puppy in Show Best Puppy Dog Best Puppy Bitch Best Dog Reserve Best Dog Best Bitch Reserve Best Bitch Best Red White in Show Best Red and White Puppy in Show Best Veteran Best ScoQsh Dog Best ScoQsh Bitch ROSETTE DONATIONS ALWAYS APPRECIATED SPECIAL AWARD CLASSES Judge Mrs Gillian Blair Bell ows In line with a Kennel Club iniAaAve we are scheduling Special Award classes in order to give aspiring judges more hands on experience We hope you will give them your support These classes will be judged during the lunch break Dogs must be entered at the show and entries for these classes will be charged at subsequent entry prices These are ring fenced classes and completely independent of the Championship Show Therefore their results will have no impact on eligibility for challenges in the Championship show or Club Points Class SAJ Class SAPG Class SAO Special Award Junior Special Award Post Graduate Special Award Open Rose8es and Prize cards will be given for these classes

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DEFINITIONS OF CLASSES The word dog includes both sexes In the following de1niAons a Challenge CerA1cate includes any Show award that counts towards the Atle of Champion under the Rules of any governing body recognised by The Kennel Club Wins at Championship Shows in breed classes where Challenge CerA1cates are not on oOer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows In the case of a dog owned in partnership and entered in Members classes or compeAng for Members Specials each partner must at the Ame of entry be a member of the Society In esAmaAng the number of awards won all wins up to and including the seventh day before the date of closing of postal entries shall be counted when entering for any class i e 4th September 2017 Wins in Variety classes do not count for entry in Breed classes but when entering in Variety classes wins in both Breed and Variety classes must be counted A 1rst prize does not include a Special Prize of whatever value If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered which is ineligible the exhibitor may choose one of the following opAons 1 Withdrawal The dog may be withdrawn from compeAAon subject to the condiAons of RegulaAons 9 j and 20 2 Transfer a If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its colour sex weight or height the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correct colour sex weight or height and in the event of there being no equivalent class Minor Puppy and Puppy excepted to the Open class for the correct colour sex weight or height b For an exhibit entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy Class Puppy Class or Junior Class which is over age but under twelve calendar months of age eighteen calendar months of age or twenty four calendar months of age respecAvely the Show Secretary shall transfer the exhibit to the Puppy Class Junior Class or Yearling Class respecAvely for the correct colour sex weight or height and in the event of there being no Puppy Junior or Yearling Class to the Open class for the correct colour sex weight or height c For any reason other than the above the Show Secretary shall transfer It to the Open class for the correct colour sex weight or height d If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered the dog may not be transferred to any other class MINOR PUPPY for dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on the 1rst day of the show PUPPY For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the 1rst day of the Show JUNIOR For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the 1rst day of the Show NOVICE for dogs which have not won a Challenge CerA1cate or three or more 1rst prize at Open or Championship Shows Minor Puppy Special Minor Puppy Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted whether restricted or not POST GRADUATE For dogs which have not won a Challenge CerA1cate or 1ve or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Post Graduate Minor Limit Mid Limit Limit and Open classes whether restricted or not where Challenge CerA1cates were oOered for the breed MID LIMIT For dogs which have not become Show Champions under Kennel Club regulaAons or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 5 or more 1st prizes in all at Championship shows in Mid Limit Limit and Open classes con1ned to the breed whether restricted or not at shows where Challenge CerA1icates were oOered for the breed LIMIT For dogs which have not become show Champions under the Kennel Club RegulaAons or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 7 or more First Prizes in all at Championship Shows in Limit or Open Classes con1ned to the Breed whether restricted or not at Shows where Challenge CerA1cates were oOered for the breed OPEN For all dogs of the breed for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show VETERAN For dogs of not less than seven years of age on the 1rst day of the Show BRACE for two dogs either sex or mixed of one breed belonging to the same owner each exhibit having been entered in another class at the show PROGENY For a dog or bitch accompanied by at least three of its registered progeny The dog or bitch not necessarily entered in another class however all progeny having been entered and

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exhibited in another class The dog or bitch and the progeny need not be registered in the same ownership SPECIAL NOVICE The same as for Novice but restricted to Members only SPECIAL OPEN The same as for Open but restricted as to colour NOT FOR COMPETITION SocieAes may at their discreAon accept Not for CompeAAon entries SocieAes may accept such entries from breeds of dog not included within the Atle of the Society and at shows held over more than one day such entries may be accepted on any day from any breed RULES REGULATIONS 1 The Show will open at 9 00 a m 2 Dogs will be received at any Ame but it is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure that exhibits are available for judging when required 3 Judging will commence aJer 10 00 a m 4 Exhibits may be removed from the Show aJer their judging has been completed The Show will close half an hour aJer all judging has been completed 5 The use of cooking stoves in the proximity of the tenAng and benching areas is forbidden except as authorised by the Show Management 6 Entry Fees Member First Entry 10 per dog Non Members First entry 12 00 per dog each subsequent entry with the same dog 1 00 Not for CompeAAon 1 00 per dog Entry fees are not normally refundable Catalogues 3 00 pre paid with entries 3 50 on the day of the show Marked catalogues by post 4 00 Membership 14 00 single 17 00 Joint Junior 3 00 7 Prize money will be awarded Best in Show 10 Best Puppy in Show 5 8 The Commi8ee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries 9 Puppies under six calendar months of age on the 1rst day of the show are not eligible for exhibiAon 10 The maAng of bitches within the precincts of the show is forbidden 11 Best Puppy in Show Where a Best Puppy in Show compeAAon is scheduled the Best Puppy in Show is a puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other puppy exhibited at the same show A puppy is a dog of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the 1rst day of the Show Where the Best in Show is a puppy it should automaAcally be awarded Best Puppy in Show respecAvely Similarly if the Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only been beaten by an adult dog it will also automaAcally be Best Puppy in Show respecAvely Consequently selecAon of Best Puppy in Show must follow the selecAon of Best in Show respecAvely Best Puppy in Show must be selected from puppies which have been judged and which are unbeaten by any other puppy Withdrawal from Other CompeAAon Puppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Show maybe withdrawn from all other compeAAon other than Breed Classes prior to the compeAAon for Best Puppy in Show in order to remain unbeaten A puppy beaten in compeAAon for Best Puppy in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all compeAAon for which it was previously eligible The dog declared Best Puppy in Show however must not compete in any subsequent compeAAon Proviso For the purpose of this RegulaAon dogs beaten in compeAAon for Stud Dog Brood Bitch Progeny Brace and Team or a Special Award con1ned to one breed will not be considered to be a beaten dog 12 Best in Show The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed and is unbeaten by any other dog exhibited at the same Show Best in Show must be selected from the exhibits declared Best of Sex providing they are unbeaten winning dogs Reserve Best in Show must be selected from the Best Opposite Sex and the Reserve Best of Sex to the exhibit declared Best in Show The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show must not compete in any subsequent compeAAon Withdrawal from other compeAAon Dogs which become eligible for Best in Show maybe withdrawn from all other compeAAon other than breed classes prior to the compeAAon for Best in Show as appropriate in order to remain unbeaten A dog beaten in compeAAon for Best in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all compeAAon for which it was previously eligible The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show however must not compete in any

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subsequent compeAAon Proviso For the purposes of this RegulaAon dogs beaten in compeAAon for Stud Dog Brood Bitch Progeny Brace and Team or a Special Award con1ned to a single breed will not be considered to be beaten dogs 13 Exhibits will not be admi8ed to Best in show compeAAon aJer a period of ten minutes has elapsed since the announcement that exhibits are required for judging unless that have been unavoidably delayed by previous judging not being completed on Ame and then only with the special permission of the show management 14 Exhibitors must not pick up dogs by their tails and leads when liJing them This is not acceptable Exhibitors should note that such pracAce would consAtute harsh handling and reports of such pracAce will be referred to the Commi8ee under Kennel Club Show RegulaAon F11 15 It is not acceptable to handle a dog in a manner which causes its feet not to touch the ground when on the move Exhibitors should note that such pracAces could consAtute harsh handling and reports of such pracAce will be referred to the Commi8ee under Kennel Club Show RegulaAon F11 16 All exhibitors must be familiar with Kennel Club RegulaAon F Annex B RegulaAons for the PreparaAon of Dogs for exhibiAon 17 All dogs resident outside the U K must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show can be made All overseas entries without an Authority to compete number will be returned to the exhibitor 18 Dogs in Vehicles on Hot Days Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club oOers the following guidance to help guide you through the do s and don ts travelling to and whilst at KC licensed events When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route and leave earlier to avoid increased Ame in traWc jams If your vehicle is not air condiAoned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all The vehicle should be as fully venAlated as possible and plenty of stops should be taken with lots of water available to drink Ensure your dog is not siQng in full sunlight There should be plenty of free owing air around the dog When at the show never leave your dog in the vehicle Keep the dog in the shade take your own shade for example a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exerAon or from standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of Ame Remember if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel much ho8er and dehydrated and this could lead to dire results Please look aJer your dog s welfare WARNING IF YOUR DOG IS FOUND TO BE AT RISK FORCIBLE ENTRY TO YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE NECESSARY WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog s are met and should not put a dog s health and welfare at risk by any acAon default omission or otherwise Breach of Kennel Club RegulaAons in this respect may be referred to the General Commi8ee for disciplinary acAon under Kennel Club Rules and RegulaAons Right to Refuse Entries Exhibitors CompeAtors are reminded that show socieAes have the right under Kennel Club RegulaAon to refuse any entry 19 Not for CompeAAon entries will be accepted Details of each dog so entered must be recorded on the entry form and must be Kennel Club registered 20 No modi1caAons will be made to this schedule except by permission of the General Commi8ee of the Kennel Club which will be followed by adverAsement in the Canine Press wherever possible 21 The Commi8ee will be most anxious for the care and safety of all dogs entered for exhibiAon and for any property entrusted to it but it must be clearly understood by exhibitors and any

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other persons that the Commi8ee will not be responsible for the enAre or parAal loss detenAon of or damage to any dog or person for any cause whatsoever nor any act or omission of themselves their oWcers servants agents and others and it is on this understanding only entries are received 22 No animal other than exhibit duly entered at the show will be allowed within the precincts of the show during its conAnuance 23 Should a judge be prevents from ful1lling his her engagement the Commi8ee reserve themselves the right appoint another to ful1ll his her duAes Exhibitors are at liberty to withdraw from compeAAon but no entry fees can be returned 24 To help us comply with Fire regulaAons please do NOT obstruct the gangways with equipment etc 25 The Commi8ee of this show cannot be held responsible for products adverAsed or sold by standholders at the show and remind exhibitors that such products may not meet the requirements of the RegulaAons for the PreparaAon of Dogs for ExhibiAon 26 Exhibitors handlers are responsible for clearing up and removing any loose hair or fouling from dogs in their charge or any other li8er whether from the car park the exercise area or from any other part of the venue 27 Owners handlers exhibitors or any other person in charge of a dog at a Kennel Club licensed event must ensure at all Ames that the dog is kept under proper control whilst at the licensed venue including its environs car parks and approaches 28 A dog may be disquali1ed by the General Commi8ee from any award whether an objecAon has been lodged or not if proved amongst other things to have been registered or recorded as having been bred by the scheduled judge This shall not apply to a Judge appointed in an emergency 29 Every exhibitor shall ensure that whilst the dog is being exhibited its handler shall display the correct ring number 30 Each exhibitor is responsible for providing their own crate or cage idenA1caAon and should note that the original exhibit bench number card as provided by the show society must not be used for this purpose DIARY DATES 2018 A G M SPRING SHOW 3 rd MARCH 2018 Judge Ms Rhonda Banks SUMMER OPEN SHOW 15 th JULY 2018 Judge Miss Vanda Smith CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 20 th OCTOBER 2018 Judge Mrs Lorna England

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REGULATIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF DOGS FOR EXHIBITION F B 1 2 3 4 5 6 These regulaAons must be observed when a dog is prepared for exhibiAon and or exhibited at any Kennel Club licensed event ObjecAons may be referred to the General Commi8ee for disciplinary acAon under these show regulaAons and or for disciplinary acAon under Kennel Club Rule A42 a a dog found to have been exhibited in breach of these regulaAons will automaAcally be disquali1ed from exhibiAon at the show and from any award gained there at b Unless the exhibitor provides a saAsfactory explanaAon for the dog being exhibited in breach of these regulaAons then he she may be subject to further penalAes of either a 1ne or as listed under Rule A42 a No substance which alters the natural colour texture or body of the coat may be present in the dog s coat for any purpose at any Ame during the show No substance which alters the natural colour of any external part of the dog may be present on the dog for any purpose at any Ame during the show b Any other substance other than water which may be used in the preparaAon of a dog for exhibiAon must not be allowed to remain in the coat or on any other part of the dog at the Ame of exhibiAon No act or operaAon which alters the natural conformaAon of a dog or any part thereof may be performed except a OperaAons cerA1ed to the saAsfacAon of the General Commi8ee b the removal of dew claws of any breed c OperaAons to prevent breeding provided that such operaAons are noA1ed to the Kennel Club before neutered dogs are shown Nor must anything be done calculated to in the opinion of the General Commi8ee to deceive The General Commi8ee without previous noAce may order an examinaAon of any dog or dogs at any show Any examinaAon thus ordered will be made by a person having execuAve authority who shall have a wri8en direcAve from the Kennel Club in their possession Samples may be taken for further examinaAon and analysis An individual has the right to lodge an objecAon to a dog only if he she is the owner or handler of a dog compeAng in the same breed or class An objecAon may however be lodged by an oWcial of the show or by anyone so deputed by the Kennel Club It will be the responsibility of the individual who lodges the objecAon or the oWcial as appropriate to substanAate the grounds for the objecAon The Kennel Club will substanAate the grounds for an objecAon made on its behalf Any objecAon by an individual related to an infringement of these RegulaAons must be made in wriAng to the Show Secretary at his her oWce before the close of the show and the individual must produce evidence of idenAty at the Ame of lodging the com plaint

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