Eco Schools Action Plan Topic Action Target Measure Timescale Deadline Responsibility Actual result achieved Date Complete full Review completed with three areas for improvement identified 20 12 2015 Share findings with wider school community 30 02 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 30 02 2016 Establish a monthly e bulletin E bulletin sent out at the end of each month detailing eco committee activities 12 02 2016 Communications team On going Create a display board which is updated monthly Display board allocated for Eco Schools use and updated monthly 12 02 2016 Eco Schools section on school website Eco Schools webpage updated monthly 30 06 2016 Communication Team On going Ensure Eco Eagles are easily identified by staff and pupils Ensure each classroom has a poster identifying the Eco Eagle in charge of that room 18 05 2016 Miss McIntyre Mrs Frazer Stephen Barber Paul Alexander Achieved Use local media and social networking sites to promote the work of the Eco Schools Committee Send pictures and information about the Big Spring Clean to Live Here Love Here to share on their Twitter Feed 24 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved environmental review Communications Miss McIntyre Mrs Switzer Norman Caretaker and Mr Skarmoutsos Achieved 02 02 2016 12 02 2016 Communication Team On going 12 02 2016 18 05 2016 24 04 2016
Energy Send Belfast Hills Partnership pictures and information about wildflower planting for them to share on their Facebook page 25 05 2016 Miss McIntyre Celebration Event Parents wider school community and press invited to a celebration event to promote the work of the Eco Schools Committee 30 01 2017 Miss McIntyre Eco Schools Committee Encourage all staff members and pupils to become more energy efficient Establish an Eco Code which highlights the importance of being energy efficient 30 01 2016 Whole School Establish an Eco Contract for all members of the Eco Schools Committee highlighting the importance of being energy efficient 20 05 2016 Achieved 25 05 2016 Achieved 30 01 2016 Eco Schools Committee Achieved 20 05 2016 Achieved Find out how much energy we are currently using by looking at previous bills Survey staff members and pupils about their energy use in school and share findings with wider school community 12 02 2016 Eco Schools Committee 12 02 2016 Achieved 12 02 2016 Eco Schools Committee 10 02 2016
Create an energy use policy and disseminate to pupils and staff 15 02 2016 Eco Schools Committee Achieved 15 02 2016 Set achievable targets to reduce the amount of energy we use 22 02 2016 Train Eco Eagles in becoming more energy efficient in their classrooms form rooms 16 03 2016 Eco Schools Committee Achieved 12 02 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 16 03 2016 Appoint an Eco Eagle to record energy use in mobiles Eco Schools Committee 30 05 2016 Achieved 30 05 2016 Establish a monthly competition measuring energy use in mobile classrooms Put up signs in classrooms and offices encouraging pupils and staff to reduce energy consumption Have an energy power down day Embed being Energy Efficient through the Year 10 Curriculum by developing a Recycling booklet to be taught in Eco Schools Committee Achieved 30 05 2016 30 05 2016 Eco Schools Committee 30 05 2016 Achieved 30 06 2016 Whole School 30 06 2016 Miss McIntyre 31 05 2016 Achieved 30 05 2016
Term Three Upgrade mobiles to become more energy efficient Replace insulation in the walls of 8 mobiles to improve energy efficiency 12 02 2016 Upgrade mobiles to become more energy efficient Upgrade 60 windows in 8 mobiles to double glazing to improve energy efficiency 30 03 2016 Upgrade mobiles to Improve insulation in the floors of 7 mobiles to improve energy efficiency 30 03 2016 Upgrade mobiles to Replace front and back 30 03 2016 become more energy doors on 8 mobiles 18 efficient new doors fitted Upgrade mobiles to Install new water heaters become more energy in 10 mobiles become more energy Eco Schools Committee Achieved 12 02 2016 Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors Achieved Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors Achieved 30 03 2016 30 03 2016 efficient Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors 29 02 2016 Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors Achieved 30 03 2016 Achieved 29 02 2016 efficient Improve water heating Install time clock water system cylinders for in 10 rooms 29 02 2016 Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors Achieved 29 02 2016 and 3 mobiles Upgrade lighting system Change all lighting in rooms and mobiles to LED lighting 12 02 2016 Mr Skarmoutsos and contractors Achieved 12 02 2016
Develop links with Energy We will have held Energy 30 06 2016 Miss McIntyre Provider Efficiency Workshops with Establish an Eco Code which highlights the importance of reducing re using and recycling 30 01 2016 Whole School Establish an Eco Contract for all members of the Eco Schools Committee highlighting the importance of reducing reusing and recycling 20 05 2016 Find out how much we are currently reducing reusing and recycling by checking bin collection data from Lisburn and Castlereagh Council 10 06 2016 50 classes Waste Encourage all staff and pupils to increase the amount they reduce reuse Achieved 30 01 2016 and recycle Survey staff members and pupils about what they are currently doing to reduce reuse and recycle Share findings with wider school community Achieved 20 05 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 28 04 2016 Eco Schools Committee 12 02 2016 15 02 2016 Create a Waste Reduction policy and disseminate to pupils and staff Achieved 12 02 2016 Eco Schools Committee Achieved 15 02 2016 25 06 2016 Source and distribute new Eco Schools Committee Miss McIntyre Lisburn Achieved
dry recycling and food waste bins to all classrooms and offices Organise Eco Eagle scheme so that every classroom and office has an Eco Eagle in charge of collecting recycling and food waste from that room and Castlereagh Council 25 05 2016 Achieved 22 02 2016 Miss McIntyre and Eco Schools Committee 22 02 2016 Achieved Organise training of EcoEagles in collecting recycling to ensure correct items are going into the recycling bin Introduce contamination stickers 16 03 2016 16 03 2016 Mr John Kelly and Miss McIntyre 16 03 2016 Mr John Kelly and Miss McIntyre Achieved 16 03 2016 Achieved Source and distribute stickers and leaflets explaining what can go into the dry recycling and food waste bins Purchase a school composter Introduce new printers and printing system which will reduce paper and ink wastage Reducing bill by 10 000 Mr John Kelly 16 03 2016 Miss McIntyre and Mr John Kelly Achieved 16 03 2016 25 06 2016 29 06 2016 Achieved 31 05 2016 Mr Skarmoutsos Mr McIlmoyle and Mr Clulow 31 05 2016
Staff will add a signature to the bottom of their email asking recipients to think before they print their email Embed recycling through the Year 10 Curriculum by developing a Recycling booklet to be taught in Term One Find innovative ways to reduce reuse and recycle 25 06 2016 Whole School Staff 20 11 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 20 11 2016 Invite the Lisburn and Castlereagh Council Waste Bus into school 04 05 2016 Establish an EcoEnterprise club 12 11 2015 Eco Enterprise Valentines project designing creating and selling roses made out of scrap material 18 02 2016 Eco Enterprise Summer project collecting and up cycling glass jars to create memory jars for Year 12 leavers 05 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 04 05 2016 Eco Enterprise Club Cash for Clobber event 30 092016 Junior School cat food 30 01 2016 Miss McIntyre Mrs Switzer Miss Frazer Miss McIntyre Mrs Switzer Miss Frazer Eco Enterprise Club members Miss McIntyre Mrs Switzer Miss Frazer Eco Enterprise Club members Miss McIntyre Mrs Switzer Miss Frazer Eco Enterprise Club members Achieved 12 11 2015 Achieved 18 02 2016 Achieved 05 04 2016
boxes project Biodiversity Raise staff and pupil awareness of what Create and administer a biodiversity survey to all pupils and staff 25 06 2016 Mrs Coulter Ach 30 01 2016 Miss McIntyre Mrs Frazer Achieved 03 06 2016 Biodiversity means Embed Biodiversity into the Year 10 Environment and Society curriculum Encourage all pupils and staff to protect all living things in Longstone Establish an Eco Code which highlights the importance of protecting biodiversity 18 02 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 18 02 2016 30 01 2016 Whole School Achieved 30 01 2016 School grounds Establish an Eco Contract for all members of the Eco Schools Committee highlighting the 20 05 2016 Eco Schools Committee Achieved 20 05 2016 importance of biodiversity Embed Biodiversity through the Year 10 Curriculum by developing a Recycling booklet to be taught in Term Two Belfast Hills Partnership Eco School Committee trip to Cavehill to identify wildflowers and butterflies and learn how to attract these to Longstone School grounds 18 02 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 18 02 2016 29 06 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 29 06 2016 Miss McIntyre Mrs
Do regular litter picking clean ups in the school grounds with Year 10 classes Purchase a composter for Longstone School Garden Academy and EcoEnterprise Club Established 17 05 2016 O Donnell Mrs Brown Year 10 Established 17 05 2016 Miss McIntyre 25 06 2016 Achieved 29 06 2016 Mr Johnston 01 09 2015 Achieved 01 09 2015 Continue with Gardening Academy Club on Friday Afternoons Mr Brockbank Achieved 01 04 2016 Mr Melin Achieved 10 10 2015 Introduce a Fishing Club on Friday afternoons 01 04 2016 Junior school bird feeders 10 10 2015 Eco Eagles achieve John Muir Award 30 06 2017 Develop a relationship with the Belfast Hills Partnership and Lisburn Castlereagh Council Biodiversity Officer 06 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Mr Skarmoutsos Apply for wildflower seeds from Belfast Hills Partnership and plant these in small pots 28 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Miss Frazer Eco Schools Committee Yr 10 Achieved 28 04 2016 Register for Compost Week with Lisburn 02 05 2016 Miss McIntyre John Kelly Lisburn Achieved 02 05 2016 Miss McIntyre Develop links with organisations that can help us protect and improve on the biodiversity Achieved 06 04 2016 of our school grounds
Castlereagh Council to get compost for planting seeds Once wildflower seeds have matured plant these as a wildflower garden Apply for funding from the Big Lottery Fund to help develop a nature structure play area within the school Work with Belfast Hills Partnership and Lisburn and Castlereagh Council to develop a large scale garden project which will introduce a nature area in the school grounds Register with the Woodland Trust for free trees to plant in November 2016 Improve the Biodiversity of the local community Castlereagh Council 30 09 2016 Eco Schools Committee 26 06 2016 Miss McIntyre Mr Skarmoutsos Achieved 10 09 2016 06 12 2017 Miss McIntyre 23 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieve Green Tree Schools Award from Woodland Trust 20 02 2017 Miss McIntyre Register to the Adopt a Spot Programme 17 03 2016 Miss McIntyre Achieved 17 03 2016 24 04 2016 Miss McIntyre Year 8 Achieved 24 04 2016 Participate in the Big Achieved 23 04 2016
Spring Clean Hold a Clean Up event involving Parents Guardians and the wider community 25 06 2016 Miss McIntyre Mrs Cunningham Year 11 30 09 2016 Hold a Big Spring Clean involving local schools Miss McIntyre Middle School