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8th Latin America Ports Forum Panama

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 1 www.latamports.comProjects, industry trends,innovation and evolving opportunities for the port sector in Latin AmericaPorts ForumLatin America8thwww.latamports.comHOTEL W - PANAMA CITY, PANAMA - SEPTEMBER 6-7, 2023

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 3 www.latamports.comProjects, industry trends,innovation and evolving opportunities for the port sector in Latin AmericaPorts ForumLatin America8thSEPTEMBER 6-7, 2023PANAMA CITY,

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4 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comRaúl Ferro Chairman8th Latin America Ports ForumOrganized by Industry Exchange LLCPorts ForumLatin America8thCiudad de Panamá, septiembre de 2023Estimados colegas y amigos:En nombre de Industry Exchange es un placer darles la bienvenida al 8th Latin America Ports Forum. Estamos muy contentos de reunirnos nuevamente en Panamá junto a los principales actores de la industria portuaria y logística de la América Latina y el Caribe, con muchos temas para discutir y compartir.El 2023 ha sido un año de evolución en la industria, con cambios en desarrollo y nuevos desafíos y oportunidades enmarcados por los nuevos patrones de comercio global, la disrupción causada por la invasión de Rusia a Ucrania y el enfrentamiento comercial entre Estados Unidos y China.En este contexto, una de las tendencias que se están haciendo sentir con más fuerza es el llamado nearshoring, fenómeno que está impulsando con especial vigor la economía de México, aumentando sus requerimientos logísticos. América Central y el Caribe también están comenzando a tomar ventaja de esta tendencia y presentan un importante potencial de desarrollo, que requerirá de una mayor y más eciente infraestructura logística. El fenómeno del nearshoring ha venido a potenciar otra tendencia que veíamos tomar fuerza desde hace algún tiempo: el desarrollo de zonas francas y de zonas económicas especiales, donde vemos un especial dinamismo en Panamá. También la transición energética y la descarbonización sigue avanzando, con la electricación de equipos en los puertos y la incipiente aparición de naves construidas o adaptadas para utilizar GNL y metanol, lo que abre la puerta a futuras oportunidades en el ámbito de la obtención, almacenamiento y bunkering de combustibles alternativos.Como siempre, buscamos que el intercambio de ideas y experiencias ayuden a identicar oportunidades de negocio y faciliten el crecimiento de un sistema portuario y logístico más eciente, sustentable y funcional, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y social de la región.Queremos agradecer a nuestros sponsors –ENEL, S&P Global, Puerto Barú, Intercoastal Marine, Taylor International, Weeks Marine, Puerto Barranquilla y Mercator International-- así como a las organizaciones de apoyo –la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá, Panamcham, Cámara Marítima de Panamá y Americas Market Intelligence — y a todos los asistentes a esta cumbre por su apoyo y participación.Los esperamos el próximo año en el 9th Latin America Ports Forum.

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 5 www.latamports.comJay Applewhite Director8th Latin America Ports ForumOrganized by Industry Exchange LLCPorts ForumLatin America8thPanama City, september 2023Dear industry colleagues and friends:On behalf of Industry Exchange, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the 8th Latin America Ports Forum. We are very happy to meet again in Panama together with the main players in the port and logistics industry of Latin America and the Caribbean. With many topics to discuss and share,2023 has been a year of evolution in the industry with changes unfolding and new challenges and opportunities. New global trade patterns and investment ows are forming as a result of the disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the US-China trade standoff. In this context, the evolving nearshoring trends are being felt signicantly, a phenomenon that is driving the Mexican economy with special vigor, which is increasing its logistics requirements. Central America and the Caribbean are also beginning to take advantage of this trend and present signicant development potential, which will require a larger and more efcient logistics infrastructure. The nearshoring phenomenon has come to promote another trend that we have seen gain strength for some time: the development of free zones and special economic zones, where we see a special dynamism in Panama.The energy transition and decarbonization also continues to advance, with the electrication of equipment in ports and the incipient appearance of ships built or adapted to use LNG and methanol, which opens the door to future opportunities in the eld of obtaining, storing and alternative fuel bunkering.As always, we seek the exchange of ideas and experiences to help identify business opportunities and facilitate the growth of a more efcient, sustainable, and functional port and logistics system, contributing to the economic and social development of the region.We would like to thank our sponsors –ENEL, S&P Global, Puerto Barú, Intercoastal Marine, Taylor International, Weeks Marine, Puerto Barranquilla and Mercator International-- as well as our supporting organizations –the Panama Canal Authority, Panamcham, Cámara Marítima de Panama and Americas Market Intelligence — and to our international delegates attending this summit, for their support and participation.We look forward to seeing you next year at the 9th Latin America Ports Forum.

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6 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comAlberto Alemán Zubieta is the former CEO of the Panama Canal Authority, the autonomous agency that manages the Panama Canal, the leading interoceanic waterway that serves world maritime commerce. Alberto Alemán Zubieta began his professional career in the construction eld. For many years, he served as CEO of one of the largest construction companies in the Republic of Panama. From 1996 to 1999, he served as Administrator of the former Panama Canal Commission, the United States Government federal agency which was responsible, until December 31, 1999, for the administration and operation of the Panama Canal. In 1998, two years into his appointment as head of the Panama Canal Commission, he was appointed Administrator of the Panama Canal Authority, the Panamanian entity tasked with the administration of the waterway upon its transfer to the Republic of Panama, on December 31st, 1999. During the following two years, he served simultaneously as Administrator for both the Panama Canal Commission and the Panama Canal Authority.ALBERTO ALEMÁN ZUBIETAPresident | Puerto BarúRAUL ALFONSO Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Ofcer| Port Tampa Bay Raul has over 40 years of professional experience in the port industry. Throughout his professional career, Raul has been involved in the successful development of three of Florida’s largest ports, and other international operations. A common thread over Raul’s carrier has been the successful creation of new shipping and transportation networks for his ports and customers they serve. Raul started his career at the Port of Miami, where he helped elevate Port Miami to its position then, as one of the leading Florida ports for cargo and cruise. In 1997, Hutchison Port Holdings, at the time the largest terminal operator in the world, recruited Raul as Director of Marketing & Trade Development for the Americas region. During his time with Hutchison, Raul was successful in the commercial development of Hutchison’s port terminals in Freeport, Bahamas and the ports of Balboa and Cristobal, in Panama. Raul returned to Florida in 2003, as Director of Trade Development & Global Marketing for JAXPORT. Raul was part of a team that expanded the port’s global business portfolio, resulting in the port becoming a new gateway for Asia trades in Florida. In 2013, Raul joined Port Tampa Bay, as the Chief Commercial Ofcer, to lead the port’s Commercial Activities. In 2014, Raul was promoted to Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Ofcer. Raul and the Port Tampa Bay team are busy expanding Port Tampa Bay’s diverse customer base of cargo and cruise, while transforming the port into a highly efcient hub for consumer products’ supply chains in the Florida region. Raul is a graduate of Florida International University in Miami, FL. He is married with two children, and is tri-lingual, uently speaking Spanish, Portuguese, and English.ANTONIO ARAUZInvestment Director | CIFIAntonio is a seasoned investment professional with over 17 years of international track record in commercial banking, structured and corporate finance, private equity, and investment management. Antonio joined CIFI in 2016, where he has been leading financing transactions of infrastructure projects across Latin America and the Caribbean, either with CIFI´s balance sheet and/or CIFI´s funds under management and by syndicating among other financial institutions. Before joining CIFI, he began his professional career as a regional manager in commercial banking to later specialized in corporate banking and private equity investments in companies and projects throughout Latin America within the cleantech, sustainable forestry, energy efficiency, and renewable energy space. SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 7 www.latamports.comJorge Arias Lazcano es un empresario nacido en Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia, ha sido presidente de Cámara de Industria y Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz Cainco (del 2015 al 2019), Presidente del Directorio de la Feria Internacional Fexpocrux (del 2015 al 2017), Director del Banco Ganadero S.A. (del 2015 a la Fecha), Presidente de la Asociación de Bancos y Entidades Financieras de Santa Cruz - Bolivia (1995) y Director de diferentes Instituciones como Sociedad Petrolera del Oriente Director Accionista (del 1994 al 1995), Altraser S.A. Unicruz S.A., Cámara de Exportadores de Santa Cruz Cadex, Federación de Empresarios Privados de Santa Cruz, Consejo Empresarial para el desarrollo Sostenible de Bolivia CEDES Bolivia, primer Presidente de la Cámara Boliviana Argentina. Actualmente se desempeña como Gerente General y Accionista de la Sociedad Agroindustrial Nutrioil S.A. y Presidente Accionista de Complejo Portuario Puerto Jennefer, además es Director Accionista de Embolpack S.R.L. Con anterioridad se desempeñó como Gerente General y Accionista de Gravetal S.A. y anterior a ello como Gerente General y Accionista del Banco de la Unión. Ha sido Docente como profesor adjunto de Análisis Financiero en la Universidad de Chile (en 1978), profesor de Análisis Financiero de la Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra y profesor en la Universidad Gabriel Rene Moreno de Análisis Financiero, Costos Industriales (del 1978 al 1980). El señor Arias es Ingeniero Comercial (mención - distinción) y Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas (mención - distinción) otorgado por la Universidad de Chile en Santiago de Chile, teniendo Post Grado en Carteras de Inversiones en Santiago de Chile, Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos en Santiago de Chile y Evaluación de Empresas y Determinación de Precio, Compra-Venta de Acciones en Santiago de Chile, también es Técnico Agrónomo especializado en Ganaderia. Entre sus principales logros esta la restructuración y ampliación de capacidad instalada de Gravetal Bolivia, Canal Tamengo y la creación de Complejo Aceitero Nutrioil S.A., del Complejo Portuario Puerto Jennefer y de la Sociedad de Polipropileno Embolpack S.R.L. y Agropecuaria Pirai.JORGE ARIAS LAZCANOPresidente Accionista de Complejo Portuario | Puerto JenneferJORGE BARAKAT PITTYPresiden | Maritime Policy BureauGraduate in Law and Political Sciences –Honorary Chapter, Sigma Lambda–, graduated from the University of Panama; He completed a Master in Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration at the Latin American University of Sciences and Technology and a Postgraduate in Alternative Conict Resolution Methods at the same study center, receiving the honor degree Suma Cum Laude. In maritime matters, he studied at the University of Panama for a Master’s Degree in Maritime Procedural Law with an emphasis in International Maritime Law and obtained certication as Port Professional Manager (PPM) by the American Association of Port Authorities in collaboration with Trainmar Americas. Positions held in Public Administration: Panama Maritime Court [Tribunal Marítimo de Panamá] – 1999-2003, Judicial Secretary a.i. and Clerk Ofcer III, Panama Maritime Authority [AMP] – 2009-2011 | 2014-2019 Minister of Maritime Affairs of Panama and General Administrator. Deputy General Manager.ROBERT BARCELÓBusiness Development Manager | Port EvergladesRobert Barceló was appointed Business (Cargo) Development Manager for Port Everglades on June 9, 2014. He brings diverse ocean carrier knowledge to his endeavor of further developing business thru Port Everglades. Barcelo served as Commercial Manager for Isabella Shipping. He’s held similar commercial and operational managerial positions with various South Florida regional and multi-national carriers. Originally from Habana, Cuba, Robert immigrated to the US along with his family in 1969; he’s been a South Florida dweller since. Barceló has an Associated Degree in Business Management from Miami-Dade College. He is currently an active participant with various organizations involved in South Florida’s International / Domestic transportation and logistics community.

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8 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comJorge Barnett Lawton is the Managing Director of the Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation & Research Center. He obtained a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technologial University of Panama in 1999, an M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004 and M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the MITZaragnd teaching oza International Logistics Program, in Spain in 2013. During his doctoral program, where his research focused on supply chain network design, he spent time as a visiting student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and the Polytechnical University of Catalonia in Barcelona. He is a Fullbright Scholar and an IFARHU-SENACYT Doctoral Scholarship recipient. Before joining the Center, he accumulated a decade of Industry experience through diverse roles in the elds of manufacturing, Project management and logistics, as well as holding research and teaching positions in Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Panama. His research interests are focused on mathematical models for operations management, design and supply chain strategy, and the integration of social and environmental aspects to the modeling of supply chains.JORGE BARNETTManaging Director | Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation & Research CenterJOHN BRESSICEO | Tuxpan PortMr. Bressi joined Carrix, the holding company for SSA Marine International, SSA Mexico and TPT, in 1988 as general manager of a general cargo operation in Southern California. He graduated in 1982 from Texas A&M Maritime College with a degree in Marine Transportation. Mr. Bressi holds a Master license in the US Merchant Marine and has sailed as Captain in the offshore logistics sector. Mr. Bressi began his shore-side career working for United States Lines and later Matson Terminals prior to joining SSA Marine. Previous positions with SSA include Project Manager for SSA’s Automated Terminals Initiative, Vice President of Operations and Port Administrator of MIT-Panama, Chief Operating Officer of SVTI-Chile, Director of Business Development for SSA in Eastern Europe and Egypt, General Manager of SSA’s operations in Port Hueneme and has served as a Board Member of SSA’s terminals in Chile and as an Officer in several Commerce Chambers. As an evolution of John’s successful leadership of the pilot automation project at MIT –Panama, John was nominated General Manager of Tuxpan Port Terminal (TPT) in July 2015 although he was involved in the planning of the terminal since 2013. ENRIQUE BRITO MARINAdministrador del dragado del canal de acceso a los terminales portuarios de GuayaquilEs Oficial Marina Mercante, Escuela Naval Arturo Prat – Chile. Tiene un MBA en Administración de Empresa, IEDE – España y más de 40 años de experiencia en el sector marítimo / portuario, desarrollando su carrera profesional, principalmente en SAAM (Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas). Fue Gerente de la división de puertos de SAAM, siendo al mismo tiempo director de los Puertos chilenos de Iquique, Antofagasta, y presidente de los directorios de:• San Antonio y San Vicente en Chile, • Fort Ladaurdale en Estados Unidos, • Mazatlán en México, • Caldera en Costa Rica y• TPG (Terminal Portuario Guayaquil) en Ecuador. Actualmente se desempeña como Administrador del dragado del canal de acceso a los terminales portuarios de Guayaquil.

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 9 www.latamports.comSupply Chain & Port SolutionsPort Performance ProgramBenchmark global container port and terminal performance with empirical data for competitive insights, fewer delays, cost savings and lower emissions.This unique dataset combines monthly port call data from operators of 80% of global container fleet capacity with world class S&P Global maritime datasets for richer insights and more meaningful analysis.Learn more at Chain SolutionsWe provide unrivaled data on every stage of the global supply chain. From manufacturers and buyers to shipping and logistics, get the trade coverage you need to stay ahead of the competition from S&P Global Market Intelligence.Built with powerful data visualizations and machine learning, access 30+ years of forecasting analysis, standardized data, and 1,000+ daily insights into pricing & risk across 200+ countries and territories.Learn more at Intelligence Risk Suite (MIRS)Shield your business from maritime risk.Integrates the world’s largest maritime database, real-time ship movement tracking software, and a newly developed risk events database to provide a one-stop maritime risk mitigation solution.Learn more at

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10 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comSPEAKER BIOGRAPHIESJUAN CARLOS CROSTONVice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs | Manzanillo International TerminalJuan Carlos Croston is vice president of Marketing and Corporate Affairs with Manzanillo International Terminal – Panama (MIT – Panama). In this role, he is responsible for commercial and business development strategies and the company’s social responsibility and sustainability initiatives. Previously, Croston worked onboard Panamax-type vessels. He joined MIT – Panama as a terminal planner in 2004 and was promoted to the position of customer service manager in 2005. He was named vice president of marketing in January 2008 and stepped into his current role since January 2016. Croston is an active member of the Maritime Chamber of Panama (Board of Directors’ member since 2011 and president of the Board from 2014 to 2015), the Caribbean Shipping Association (General Council member since 2012 and current vice president since 2015), and other local and international organizations. In July 2014, he was granted the Distinguished Alumni Award by the International Maritime University of Panama and, in May 2015, was named by Lloyd’s List in their Next Generation 2015 list of worldwide maritime leaders, and was the only one from Latin America. Croston holds a B.S. in nautical engineering from the former Nautical School of Panama and am M.Sc. in maritime affairs from the World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden.JULIO DÍAZ COHENChief Commercial Ofcer | AES PanamaMr. Diaz Cohen is recipient of Master’s Degrees in the Electric Power Industry and Industry 4.0 with Excellent distinction from Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid and Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and B.Sc in Electrical Engineering with Summa Cum Laude distinction from the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology, and other certifications and studies in the fields of Finance, Risk Management, Investment Project Valuation, Management and Negotiation. Julio has been working for the US multinational AES Corporation since 1999. In his current position as MCAC Regional Director, he is responsible for leading the structuring, analysis and valuation efforts of commercial businesses, as well as the planning function, market studies, regulatory and risk assessment. In addition to his professional activities in AES, Julio has worked as a professor of undergraduate and master’s degrees programs contributing to the academic training and education of more than +500 young engineers. Currently, Mr. Diaz Cohen is an associate professor of the Dual Master Degree Program in Industry 4.0 and Process Automation at Three Points and Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona. He has also been a professor in the faculties of the engineering and business schools of the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology and the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra, both prestigious schools in the Dominican Republic. Additionally he has been invite as a professor of a special course of the International Master in Regulation of the Electricity Industry, given by the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid and Global Foundation in the Dominican Republic.ANTONIO DOMINGUEZManaging Director | Central America, Andina and the Caribbean, MaerskCon más de 26 años de carrera en Maersk y con base en Panamá, Antonio Domínguez se desempeña actualmente como director ejecutivo América Central, Andina y Mar Caribe de Maersk. Cuenta con un BS en Administración de Negocios por la Universidad de Kansas y con un MBA de la Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología.

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12 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comRaúl has more than 30 years of experience covering and understanding business in Latin America. Prior to joining Industry Exchange, he was Business Intelligence Director at Business News Americas (BNamericas) for 10 years and Editorial Director at AméricaEconomía for 12 years. He has been a regular columnist at Expansión, Mexico’s largest business magazine, and contributor to a number of international business information services. Raúl has created and designed more than 60 business conferences and round tables in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and the USA. He has been speaker and moderator at large international conferences like the ABAC-APEC Summit in Lima and Santiago, and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Campinas, Brazil. Raul’s industry insight and Latin America expertise plays a fundamental role in the development of a top-quality agenda and speaker line up for Industry Exchange events. RAÚL FERRODirector & Partner| Industry ExchangeJOHANNA GÓMEZInvestment Management Lead Ofcer-Infrastructure and Energy | IDB InvestCenterJohanna Gómez es economista de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y cuenta con un MBA en Finanzas de la Universidad de los Andes de Colombia y un Master of Global Management de la A.B. Freeman School of Business de la Universidad de Tulane, entre otros títulos académicos. Durante su carrera profesional se ha desempeñado en el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), en Emerald Peak Private Equity y en la Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura (CIFI). Se desempeña desde mediados de 2020 como Investment Management Lead Ofcer-Infrastructure and Energyde IADB Invest.GIOMAR GONZÁLEZDirectora | BASC Panamá Directora del Capítulo BASC Panamá: organización mundial sin fines de lucro, constituida bajo las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América bajo World BASC Organization. Fue Presidente Mundial de la Junta Directiva de World BASC Organization durante tres periodos consecutivos, promoviendo la “Cultura de Seguridad en el Comercio Internacional”, en 14 países del continente americano. Con formación en US CUSTOMS, Giomar tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas (MBA), Postgrado en Alta Gerencia y Licenciatura en Derecho Internacional. Es Auditora Internacional y Especialista en Análisis de Gestión de Riesgos. Actualmente Chair del Comité de Transporte y Logística de AmCham.ERNESTO GUEVARA KJUIRODirector de Proyecto Puertos | Proinversión-PerúEconomista de 44 años por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, egresado del MBA de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, con especialización en Estructuración Económico Financiera de APPs por ESAN, y con 20 años de experiencia en procesos de promoción de proyectos e inversiones extranjeras y desarrollo de negocios. Como especialista en gestión de proyectos en asociaciones público privadas, ha participado en la estructuración de proyectos de infraestructura portuaria como el Terminal Portuario de Yurimaguas – Nueva Reforma, el Nuevo Terminal Portuario de Pisco, Terminal Multipropósito de Salaverry; y el proyecto en vías navegables “Hidrovía Amazónica”. Actualmente, es “Director de Proyecto” en los proyectos Nuevo Terminal Portuario de San Juan de Marcona, y Terminal Internacional de Chimbote, los cuales tienen prevista su adjudicación entre el 2023 y 2024.

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14 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comGUSTAVO GUZMÁN FERNÁNDEZDirector General | API TamaulipasCuenta con una amplia experiencia y liderazgo en la administración pública municipal, estatal y federal. Con visión empresarial para cumplir objetivos estrategicos y politicas publicas coorporativistas. Actualmente se desempeña como Director General de la Administración Portuaria Integral de Matamoros en el estado de Tamaulipas.DORIANA HUNGerente General | Chevron PanamáActual Gerente de Chevron para Panamá. Dentro de sus funciones están las de dirigir las ventas y el mercadeo del país, que incluye la venta al por menor a estaciones de servicio Texaco y ventas comerciales a empresas. Además, es responsable de desarrollar e implementar el plan de negocio en el país, así como de funcionar, junto con el área de Asuntos Públicos, como representante ante el gobierno, gremios y los medios de comunicación en Panamá. Doriana se unió a Chevron como Ingeniera de Procesos en Refinería Panamá en octubre de 1999. En su permanencia con la compañía, ha ocupado diferentes posiciones dentro de la organización, incluyendo Especialista de Planificación y Precios y Gerente de Mercadeo para Colombia y América Central. Recibió su licenciatura en Ingeniería Química en el Florida Institute of Technology en 1997 y el grado de Master in Business Administration de la Universidad Latina de Panamá en 2001.MICHAEL KRISTIANSENPresident | CK AmericasCK Americas was founded in 2013, following a 25-year career at the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group. It is based in Panama and brings together people, ideas and assets in shipping, land transport, logistics, port and terminals, offering consultancy and management services. Clients include different shipping and logistics companies, terminal operators, port and other authorities, as well as investors. Kristiansen has broad experience from different parts of the A. P. Moller – Maersk Group, in Maersk Line, Safmarine, Maersk Logistics (now Damco), APM Terminals and other Container Business activities over the past 25 years in the group, working in 8 different countries (Denmark, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Uruguay, Russia, Japan and Panama), with deep functional experience, having worked with Business Development, Marketing, Product Management, Terminal Projects and other Infrastructure Investments, Operations, Procurement and Country Management, including Human Resources and Finance. He also had held Board positions in 12 different group companies. He was in 2008-2012 Head of Operations (aka Senior Director) for Maersk Line for Latin America & Caribbean, with responsibility for all Terminal, Depot and Vessel operations, and Procurement. In 2012-2013 Kristiansen was Managing Director for APM Terminals Inland Services, Latin America, overseeing 50 logistics facilities and transport assets in 13 countries, involved in Container Depots, Container maintenance, repair and sales, Warehouse and Distribution Centers and Trucking and Rail services.TEÓFILO LEMOS MOSQUERAGerente General | Puerto Pisisí S.A.El Dr. Teófilo Lemos Mosquera es gerente general de la Sociedad Portuaria de Turbo Pisisí, empresa promotora del proyecto portuario en la bahía de Turbo. El proyecto, que cuenta con una importante participación local, apunta a un terminal multipropósito.

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16 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comRANDY DELBERT LETANGChairman/President/CEO/Founder | SGP BioEnergy Randy Delbert Letang currently serves as President and CEO of SGP BioEnergy, an integrated bioenergy products development company serving a global customer base and driving tangible solutions and thought leadership through the development of industrial projects that leverage existing infrastructure and create industrial, economic and humanitarian impact. Randy is responsible for overall global bioenergy business strategy, supply chain development, and execution. Randy is a rst generation, caribbean-born entrepreneur, nancier and operator recognized as a seasoned executive providing vision, strategic direction, and tactical implementation for launching, growing and re-positioning high-potential start-up and mature companies. Randy also currently serves in two advisory capacities at the United Nations, rst as Ambassador of Sustainable Energy and Technology of the NGO Committee on Private Sector Development, a growing consensus-based coalition of NGOs focused on industrial-scale global implentation of projects designed to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as outlined by the United Nations, and Global Envoy of the Institute for Conscious Global Change (ICGC), an international non-prot organization specializing in providing mapping and spatial modeling services for governments and agencies around the world. Both organizations operate in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). ICGC is also in Observer Status with UN-Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM) of the United Nations. Randy’s service to a host of senior level executives and strategic relationships have allowed him to assemble a global rolodex across industries of impact and policy development. Conceiving, developing and executing the strategies and initiatives that drive revenues, growth, competitive market positioning, prots and shareholder value is what Randy does best. Throughout his career, he has earned a track record of success in managing complex business initiatives in niche and emerging industries.GUILLERMO MISIANOFundador y CEO | PTP GroupGuillermo Misiano es oriundo de San Nicolás de los arroyos, provincia de Buenos Aires , abogado de la UNR especializado en Derecho administrativo y Derecho de la navegación y master en logística del comercio internacional. Es el fundador y CEO de PTP Group con más de 15 años de trayectoria y experiencia en la operación de terminales portuarias y prestación de servicios logísticos integrales en Sudamérica. También es el Presidente de Zona franca Santafesina, un ámbito de la provincia de Santa Fe con un régimen fiscal diferenciado.GLORIA MORALESGerente Extena del Proyecto ZAL-PPCDirectora y fundadora de Supply & Global Management, S&GM Consulting, firma de consultoría estratégica en Supply Chain para Latinoamérica. Actualmente es la Gerente Extena del Proyecto ZAL - Zona de Actividades logísticas de Panama Ports, el primer deposito Aduanero logístico dentro de un Puerto en Panama, desde donde se prestan servicios como: Movimiento de Carga directo del del buque directo a las bodegas dentro del puerto, Consolidación y Desconsolidación de cargas, Operaciones de Crossdocking, Servicios de Valores agregados dentro de puerto, Etiquetado, Maquila, Reempaques, Reparaciones, limpiezas, entre otros. Gloria es Experta en comercio internacional, aduanas y tratados de libre comercio, con más de 15 años de experiencia en la implementación de plataformas logísticas y zonas francas en Latinoamérica, se ha destacado en la implementación de proyectos +principalmente en puertos y aeropuertos en Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, y Panama, redefiniendo y configurando nuevos modelos en la cadena de suministro, Acompaña a las compañías en la relocalización de sus operaciones y creación de ecosistemas productivos que generen encadenamientos de valor a través de estrategias en la cadena de abastecimiento.SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 17 www.latamports.comPorts ForumLatin America8thwww.latamports.comHOTEL W - PANAMA CITY, PANAMA - SEPTEMBER 6-7, 2023Weeks is a one-stop-shop for Marine work, providing turnkey streamlined solutions for large and complex projects. We leverage over a century of experience, combining it with the drive to innovate and uncover creative solutions. Through marine infrastructure construction, waterway maintenance and creation, tunneling and other environmental coastal protection projects, our work supports and protects how we live daily. Our portfolio includes projects executed successfully in USA, Canada, Central America, The Caribbean Basin, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guam, and the HawaiianIslandsSPONSORED BY

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18 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comALEXEI ODUBER Managing Director | GAC Panama ShippingDirector ejecutivo de GAC Panama Shipping. Graduado del Oak Ridge Military Academy, cuenta con un MBA de Nova Southeastern University. Fue gerente general de Hamburg Sud Panamá y director de operaciones y soluciones marítimas de Alliance Transport LogisticsERIC OLAFSONDirector for Global Trade & Business Development | Port MiamiMr. Eric Olafson has a wide spectrum of experience in public administration and management, and has served Miami-Dade County government for more than 17 years. Prior to his appointment at PortMiami, Mr. Olafson held a number of executive level positions within Miami-Dade County government including Assistant Director at the MiamiDade County Office of Intergovernmental Affairs where he was responsible for executing Miami-Dade County’s federal legislative agenda as well as establishing and managing thecounty’s Washington DC office. Mr. Olafson has also worked as Legislative Counsel to US Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota. Mr. Olafson began his career working as staff in the Florida House of Representatives and subsequently worked for five years in the US Department of Justice, immigration division. He is a member of a number of maritime, business and economic development organizations at national and international levels including: World Trade Center Board of Directors; Global Ties Miami; Florida Ports Council; The Beacon Council; The Department of Commerce District Export Council; International Refrigerated Transportation Association; Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; the Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association, the American Association of Port Authorities, Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors and Miami Propeller Club. Mr. Olafson holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, History of Latin America (Spanish), and graduated Suma Cum Laude. He is also a graduate of the University Of Miami School Of Law as a Juris Doctor.ENRIQUE PIQUERAS CEO | PSA PanamáEnrique Piqueras is the CEO of PSA Panama. PSA International (PSA) is a leading global port operator and trusted supply chain partner to cargo stakeholders. PSA’s ports and cargo solutions portfolio comprise over 60 deep-sea, rail and inland terminals, across 160 locations in 42 countries – including two flagship port operations in Singapore and Belgium, as well as affiliated businesses in supply chain management, logistics, marine and digital services. Drawing on the deep expertise and experience from a diverse global team, PSA collaborates with its customers and partners to develop world-class port ecosystems, deliver innovative cargo solutions, and co-create an Internet of Logistics to accelerate the shift towards sustainable trade.RENÉ PUCHEPresidente | Puerto BarranquillaRené Puche se desempeña como presidente de La Sociedad Portuaria de Barranquilla desde 2013. Con anterioridad se desempeñó como Vicepresidente de Logística y Cadena de Suministro de Abocol S.A., una compañía multinacional de fertilizantes con base en Colombia. Previo a su vinculación con Abocol, el Sr. Puche trabajó con Yara International por 18 años en donde desempeñó varios roles. Fue Director de Logística y Gerente Comercial en Barranquilla, posteriormente fue Gerente General de la operación en Ghana y Director de la Cadena de Suministros para América Latina y África, con base en Francia y Suiza. El Sr. Puche nació en Barranquilla hace 46 años, es casado con dos hijas y se graduó como Administrador de Empresas de la Universidad de Texas.

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8t Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 19 www.latamports.comCONFERENCE NOTESFor over 95 years, Taylor has been designing, engineering, and manufacturing the highest quality material handling equipment and backs it with the most responsive after-market parts and service available worldwide. Taylor’s product line consists of more than 100 models, including forklifts, container handlers, and reach stackers with lift capacities ranging from 2 to 56 tons. tbernal@taylorbigred.comTel: +1-662-773-3421WE ARE TAYLORwww.taylorintl.comYOU CAN DEPEND ON

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20 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comMATEO RAMÍREZBusiness Development | Enel Green PowerMateo Ramírez is a seasoned professional in the energy industry, currently serving as Business Developer. He has a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions that drive business growth and improve operational efciency. Mateo’s expertise in energy has been honed through his diverse range of experiences and responsibilities, including the creation of the region’s rst energy podcast, design of the largest grid energy storage system in Panama, record sales of energy storage systems for BYD, and project management of the rst charger for an electric truck in Panama. In his current role, Mateo is responsible for identifying new business opportunities and developing strategies to drive growth in the energy industry. He holds a degree in Electronic Engineering. Mateo is a driven professional who is dedicated to making a positive impact in the energy industry and is poised to continue delivering results.ANA REYESGeneral Manager| ARLOGSACon más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector logístico y marítimo, Ana Margarita Reyes lideró la Secretaría del Gabinete Logístico de Panamá (2015 - 2022), donde logró incorporar un Comité Permanente del Sector Privado, como parte de la estructura oficial del Gabinete Logístico y dirigió el desarrollo de la Estrategia Logística Nacional 2030. Hasta el año 2015, Ana Margarita Reyes fue parte de la vicepresidencia de Gestión Corporativa de la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá, donde desarrolló proyectos de innovación y estrategia, siendo responsable del Cuadro de Mando Integral del Canal de Panamá. Graduada en Sistemas de Información por la Universidad de Texas, Ana Margarita Reyes obtuvo con honores el título de una maestría, en Logística y Estrategias en Cadena de Suministros por el Georgia Institute of Technology. En adición, posee una maestría en Administración de Negocios de NOVA Southeastern University y un Diplomado en Innovación de UC Berkeley. Actualmente, es miembro de la Junta Asesora del Georgia Tech Logistic and Innovation Center, Panamá Branch, de la Junta Directiva de la Zona Libre de Colón y preside el Comité de Transporte de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC). Desde diciembre de 2019 a agosto del 2022, ocupó el cargo de Subadministradora de la Autoridad Marítima de Panamá.ALVARO RÍOSSocio Director | Gas Energy Latin AmericaSocio director de Gas Energy Latin America. Lidera estudios y realiza asesoramiento en temas de hidrocarburos con foco en la cadena de gas natural, energía eléctrica y petroquímica. Fue Secretario Ejecutivo de OLADE entre 2006 y 2007 y Ministro de Hidrocarburos de Bolivia entre 2003 y 2004. Se gradúo como Ingeniero Químico de la Universidad de Texas A&M (1983) y posteriormente realizó estudios de postgrado en Ingeniería Química en la Universidad de Houston. Como académico ha apoyado y diseñado diplomados y postgrados en el área de Petróleo y Gas en la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) y ha dictado varios cursos para diplomados y maestrias en varios países de Latinoamérica. Es frecuentemente invitado a dar conferencias y charlas sobre temas energéticos y gas natural en particular en América Latina y el Caribe, Norte América y Europa. Tiene publicaciones y reportajes en varias revistas técnicas y medios de comunicación.CARLOS RIVERADirector de Puertos Centroamérica | CrowleyCarlos Rivera Garin es Ingeniero Electricista, graduado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras y Director de Operaciones Marinas en Crowley, maneja la operación de los Puertos en la Región Centroamericana y México, que abarca Puerto Cortes, Santo Tomas, Puerto Barrios, Moin, Manzanillo y Tuxpan. Carlos cuenta con +15 años de experiencia en la industria naviera en las áreas de Mantenimiento y Operaciones Portuarias. Posee un certificado en Crowley como Facilitador de Formación de Lideres en Seguridad, cuenta también con una certificación extendida por el IICL (Institute of International Container Lessors /Instituto de Arrendadores Internacionales de Contenedores) para la inspección de medios de transporte intermodal. Actualmente es el presidente de la Asociación Hondureña de Compañías y Representantes Navieros, AHCORENA

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22 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comDIEGO RODRIGUEZLogistics & Industry Director | Americas Market Intelligence - AMIDiego Rodriguez leads the logistics and industrial practice at Americas Market intelligence since 2018 with over 10 years of experience in the market intelligence eld in Latin America. Diego oversees dozens of studies per year that focus on competitive analysis, market sizing, lead generation, strategies to produce logistics savings, RFP and best bidding practices, sourcing strategies and more. In total, Diego has led over 100 market intelligence studies in countries that include Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, and Brazil, among others. He has also provided consulting services regarding LatAm logistics and industrial sectors to more than 20 multinational companies, including several Fortune 500 rms.JOSELÍN CALIXTODirector de Operaciones | Palermo Soc. PortuariaJoselín Calixto es el director de operaciones para el Palermo Sociedad Portuaria. Palermo Sociedad Portuaria es un centro industrial ubicado en la costa norte de Colombia, ideal para el comercio exterior por sus características y su posición estratégica. Es la integración de puerto marítimo y fluvial, Zona Franca, Parque Industrial y Terminal de Líquidos con una infraestructura construida con los más altos estándares de calidad. Entre sus ventajas se destaca su personal calificado, su ubicación, capacidad de expansión, su infraestructura de última generación y el fácil acceso que tiene a las vías por carretera, y conexión fluvial. Sólo 56 kilómetros separan a Palermo Sociedad Portuaria de la intersección vial hacia el interior del país, sin necesidad de atravesar tráfico urbano.STEVEN ROTHBERGPartner | Mercator InternationalMr. Rothberg has 38 years of experience in transportation network design, ocean shipping economics, cargo market analyses, port infrastructure development, asset valuations and strategic planning. Mr. Rothberg has led or participated in numerous port planning projects on six continents for port authorities, terminal operators, ocean carriers and financial institutions. He has designed and managed transportation networks and services as well as asset sharing agreements for multiple international shipping lines and railroads. He has also developed strategic business plans for an array of transport service providers and infrastructure operators.ENOC RUBIOTechnology Director | Port BarranquillaEnoc Rubio is the technology Director for Port Barranquilla. Located on the Magdalena River on Colombia´s Caribbean coast, the port of Barranquilla is a 94 hectare a multi-purpose facility that handles containers, reefers, general cargo, bulk cargo and coke from both river barges and ocean-going vessels. The port’s docks consist of 1358 linear meters of water and eight berthing positions on the Magdalena, as well as 500 additional meters of berths for boats and barges in an interior harbor basin.SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIESDIANA RUANSenior Investment Ofcer| IFCDiana Ruan ejerce la posición de Head Regional de Infraestructura para México y Centroamérica como Oficial Senior de Inversiones de la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC), parte del Banco Mundial. Diana cuenta con más de 17 años de experiencia en el área de financiamiento corporativo y de proyectos. Actualmente basada en México, Diana ha trabajado también en Washington DC con el Departamento de Infraestructura y el Grupo Global de Transporte de IFC, enfocándose en proyectos de energía, transporte y recursos naturales en diferentes regiones, incluyendo América Latina, Europa y Asia. Diana tiene una Maestría en Finanzas del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 23 www.latamports.comAMBAR RUIZDirectora General de Zonas Francas de PanamáLicenciada en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, titulada con honores académicos (Capítulo de Honor Sigma Lambda) en la Universidad de Panamá. Fue Diplomática acreditada ante el Reino de España. }Posee experiencia en promoción y captación de inversiones y en el fomento de la internacionalización de empresas. Es conferencista internacional. Diplomada en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, España) y en Asociaciones Público-Privadas por el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina-CAF. Culminó el Programa de Doctorado en Derecho Mercantil: Transformaciones del Mercado y el Derecho, en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Recibió formación como Líder Político en el Instituto Ramón Rubial en Galapar, con el auspicio de la Unión Europea. Posee experiencia en alta dirección e imagen corporativa, a raíz de su desempeño en el Despacho del Administrador del Canal de Panamá, durante la campaña en pro de la aprobación en referéndum del proyecto de ampliación del Canal (Tercer Juego de Esclusas). En el inicio de su vida profesional, trabajó como investigadora sumarial en varias fiscalías superiores (Anticorrupción y Jurisdicción especial de Adolescentes). Desde hace 15 años, participa activamente en temas de sensibilización social. Gestora cultural para proyectos de inclusión, empoderamiento femenino y estilismo, especialmente para madres de niños con discapacidad.Abogada corporativa de diversas empresas, adscrita a la firma forense Panama LAC, de la cual es socia fundadora, especialista en Derecho Corporativo. Fue la Administradora de los Despachos Superiores, de la Presidencia de la República de Panamá. Desde mayo de 2020, es la Directora General de Zonas Francas de Panamá, un régimen económico especial aplicable a nivel nacional y uno de los principales motores de la reactivación post pandemia. En septiembre de 2021, fue reelecta por unanimidad para formar parte de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Zonas Francas de las Américas (AZFA), un gremio con 25 años de trayectoria que defiende y promueve el instrumento de Zonas Francas en Iberoamérica.CHRISTIAN SCHWARZManaging Director Panama & Caribbean | DHL Global ForwardingCon más de 10 años de experiencia en la industria logística, Schwarz se unió a DHL Global Forwarding en 2012. Se desempeñó como Jefe de Marketing para las Américas y como Jefe de Marketing y Ventas para Miami y Puerto Rico, ambos en Miami, FL. En 2018, fue ascendido a Director de Marketing y Ventas para el CENAC y Panamá. Antes de incorporarse a DHL, ocupó cargos de desarrollo empresarial, marketing y ventas en otras empresas de logística de servicios aéreos y marítimos.JOSE SEVILLA-MACIPSenior Research Analyst, Latin America Country Risk | S&P Global Market IntelligenceJosé Enrique Sevilla-Macip covers political, security, and operational risks in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Jose joined the Latin America country risk team as a Research Analyst in March 2021. He focuses on Mexico and also covers Honduras and Panama in Central America, and Cuba and the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. He previously worked as Director in the Mexican Senate, focusing on legislative analysis and advice, as well as speechwriting for multiple lawmakers. He has taught at both public and private universities in Mexico, specifically on international relations, political science, and international business. Jose holds an MSc in Political Science from El Colegio de México and a BA in International Relations from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Mr. Sevilla-Macip is currently based in Xalapa, México.

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24 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comSTEPHEN SHAFFERPresident | Colon Container TerminalExecutive with more than 18 years of experience with private equity and maritime industries. Key roles include executive management, equity investments in terminal operating companies, asset management for a $6.5 billion infrastructure fund, strategic planning and execution, executive recruitment, and transformational change management. Stephen held top positions at Moffatt & Nichol, Goldman Sachs, Tanglin Infrastructure LLC, Oliver Wyman and Evergreen.JOSÉ RAMÓN SILVAComisionado de Energía | Estado de TamaulipasActual Comisionado de Energía de Tamaulipas, Consultor Adjunto en petróleo y gas ONU-SRM México – Latinoamérica y creador y socio fundador del ITPE. Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas con 2 maestrías en energía y ambiental. Con más de 18 años de experiencia en el sector energético, habiendo ocupado posiciones directivas en empresas de exploración y producción. Geocientífico especializado en bioestratigrafía y laborando en áreas de exploración, geología y paleontología. Reconocido como una de las 30 promesas del sector energético por la Revista Expansión en mayo de 2014.DARWIN TELEMAQUECEO | Antigua Port AuthorityMr. Darwin Telemaque started his tertiary studies at the University of the Virgin Islands. He later continued studying Management and Marketing at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. He is currently completing a Masters Program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Caribbean Maritime Institute in Jamaica. He is a Certified Port Executive (C.P.E) (Canadian based Port certificate). He is also working along with the American Association of Port Authorities to obtain his international classification as a Professional Port Manager (PPM). In 1994, Mr. Telemaque joined the sales team at Tropical Shipping. His tenure at Tropical Shipping exposed him to the world of Transportation, Logistics, freight forwarding, warehousing agency and Port Management. His tenure at Tropical Shipping started in the US Virgin Islands. Three years later, he became Island Manager for St. Kitts. His success in St Kitts earned him a promotion to the Company Headquarters in Port of Palm Beach, Florida where he became the Leeward Island Sales Manager. Prior to assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Antigua Port Authority, he was World Bank consultant within the Trade Facilitation program for Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific countries. While at the World Bank, Mr. Telemaque worked with experts within this field to provide solutions to Governments as part of improving their Port infrastructure with the aim of designing and implementing international best practice standards at their ports. As a World Bank consultant, he was engaged in a number of regional and international projects. Mr. Telemaque is currently employed by the Antiguan Government as the Chief Executive Officer of the Antigua Port Authority. Mr. Telemaque is also the Vice Chairman of the Port Managers Association of the Caribbean.DANIEL TORRESBusiness Developer Centro América | Enel X WaySenior Executive with more than 15 years of experience in the energy and financial sectors. Daniel had worked in areas such as financial planning, treasury, marketing and business development, with specialization in project management and project execution. He is in charge of electric mobility development markets in Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala (Central America). Responsible for the strategy of the B2C/B2B segments and the creation and maturation of business opportunities. Bachelor of Business Administration from CESA, Daniel hold a Master in Digital Transformation and Business Development by the Universidad de Barcelona.

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 25 www.latamports.comORGANIZED BY INDUSTRY EXCHANGE LLC9th MEXICO INFRASTRUCTUREPROJECTS FORUMEnergy, Hydrocarbons,Transportation & Logistics in Focuswww.mexicoinfrastructure.comCAMINO REAL HOTEL | MONTERREY, NUEVO LEONJANUARY 24-25, 2024

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26 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comSPEAKER BIOGRAPHIESCARLOS URRIOLAPresident | SSA InternationalMr. Urriola joined Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) in 1995 as assistant vice president of Marketing. In 1978, he graduated with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México. From 1979 to 1993, he held various positions in the National Port Authority of Panama, including operations director, executive planning director and special projects director. From 1993 to 1995, he worked as a private consultant in port projects and was involved in the MIT project from the early stages. He was promoted to Vice President of Marketing in 1996 overseeing all customer relationships for MIT’s daily operations. In September 2003, he was promoted to General Manager of MIT Panama. Mr. Urriola also is Senior Vice President for Marketing and Project Development for SSA Marine.He was president of the Maritime Chamber of Panama for 2002 and 2003 and president of the American Chamber of Commerce of Panama and of Junior Achievement in 2006-2007. From 2006-2009 he was vice president of the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA) and served as President of the CSA from 2009 to 2012. In 2011, Carlos was promoted to Senior Vice President for Carrix, reecting his responsibility for overseeing marketing and customer contracts for international operations. In February 2017, Carlos was promoted to President of SSA International with responsibility for all container operations outside the US.RAJAN VIGFounder, Indimex | Consultant, Western Power Trading ForumRajan started his own entity in 2019 called Indimex Group, a Mexico City- headquartered oil and liquid gas marketing and trading company with offices in the United States. Indimex Group is focused on the procurement, marketing, trading and optimizing of refined products and liquified gases into Mexico and other regions of Latin America as well as investing and operating physical assets in Mexico and the United States. He is currently the Chief Consultant to Mexico for the Western Power Trading Forum within the power and gas space and sits on the Committee Board for ACE and ISME. He additionally writes articles on Mexico for energy publications. He previously worked in energy private equity and strategy in London before moving to Houston to start an energy strategy consulting practice. In 2016, he moved to Mexico City to setup BioUrja’s Mexico business for gas, power and fuels trading at the start of the Energy Reform. Rajan graduated with a Master of Science in Latin American Economics and Politics from Oxford University in UK and graduated with a double major in Modern Languages from University of Manchester, also in UK.

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 27 www.latamports.comSPONSOR PROFILESEnel Panamá, a través de su línea de negocio Enel Green Power, genera más de 400 MW de energía limpia a través de sus 10 centrales (una hidroeléctrica y nueve parques solares en operación), aportando a la diversicación de la matriz energética de Panamá, contribuyendo con el progreso local y apostando por el desarrollo de proyectos que benecian a sus clientes, a las comunidades, y en general, al país. La compañía opera la Central Hidroeléctrica Fortuna, la más grande de Panamá, con 300 MW de capacidad instalada, y en la actualidad es uno de los principales generadores de energía solar del país, siendo los pioneros en la introducción de esta tecnología en el 2015, con una capacidad total instalada y operativa de 100.7 MW. Esperanza, Chiriquí, Caldera, Sol de David, Estrella Solar, Sol Real, Vista Alegre, Milton Solar y Jagüito son sus nueve parques fotovoltaicos, ubicados entre las provincias de Chiriquí y Coclé, que a través de fuentes no convencionales de energía renovable aportan decididamente al desarrollo social, ambiental y económico de estos territorios. La operación de estas plantas evita la emisión de cerca de 138,567 toneladas de CO2 anuales. A este portafolio se sumarán los proyectos solares Madre Vieja, de 31 MW, y Baco, de 30 MW, ambos en construcción y localizados también en la provincia de Chiriquí. La estrategia del Grupo Enel en Panamá hace parte del objetivo global de la descarbonización completa de sus operaciones al 2040.Intercoastal Marine Inc. (IMI), es una empresa especializada en el Diseño y Construcción de Obras Marítimas y Montajes Industriales en Suramérica, Centroamérica y el Caribe, con sede en Panamá y actualmente con sucursales en República Dominicana, Perú y otros países de la región. Nuestra compañía es parte del grupo de construcción líder en Sudamérica, formado por Salfacorp de Chile y Constructora Conconcreto de Colombia. La misión de la compañía se centra en generar soluciones integrales bajo modalidad EPC (Ingeniería, suministro y construcción) a nuestros clientes en los diferentes sectores; portuario, minero, energía (Oil & Gas), turismo entre otros, manteniendo siempre un serio compromiso con el desarrollo de nuestros clientes y respetando los estándares ambientales en los lugares donde trabajamos. Nuestra compañía se distingue por crear estrechas relaciones con sus clientes. Nuestro personal altamente calicado y equipos propios especializados, junto con nuestros años de experiencia comprobada, garantizan nuestro cumplimiento con los exigentes programas de rendimiento, los más altos estándares de calidad y las estrictas prácticas de salud y seguridad en nuestros proyectos, lo que nos coloca como la constructora marítima líder en la región.Mercator International provides advisory services to a diverse group of stakeholders operating in industries across the freight transportation spectrum – from private equity investors looking for appropriate infrastructure assets to carriers, port authorities, terminal operators, industrial real estate developers, and benecial cargo owners. With decades of experience and a deep portfolio of industry contacts, Mercator International is positioned to help clients navigate uncertainty and achieve their goals all while managing risk. Mercator International is the trusted, independent, and experienced advisor to stakeholders across the global transportation sector. Mercator International’s primary assets are its people. A diverse range of experience ensures well-rounded perspectives and insights. The team at Mercator International, LLC, has worked in senior management and front-line positions for: ocean carriers, stevedores and terminal operators, investment banks and funds, port authorities, academic institutions, terminal operating system developers, third-party logistics providers, railroads, freight forwarders, air freight companies, benecial cargo owners, and engineering rms.

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28 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comPuerto Barú is a multipurpose feeder port located in David, Chiriquí, which will promote connectivity in the Western Region of Panama and Southern Costa Rica. The Port is designed as sustainable infrastructure, and will provide port services to different cargo types, a tourism terminal, a free trade zone for added-value operations, a tank farm terminal, and a private marina.The project is led by a team of U.S. investors and leading national and international maritime experts. The port will provide a key platform to boost logistics, agro-industry and tourism, and represents an initial investment of $250 million dollars, with plans to start operating second half of 2026.At Market Intelligence, our team of experts delivers unrivaled insights, leading data and technology solutions, partnering with customers to expand their perspective, operate with condence, and make decisions with conviction.We are the foremost provider of information services and solutions to global markets.Data & Analytics Our breadth and depth of data, from fundamentals to sector-specic KPIs, M&A to credit risk, helps you uncover new insights to make decisions with conviction.Enterprise TechnologyThrough a combination of leading-edge technology and a keen eye on changing markets, we help you apply the power of innovation to nancial decision-making.Expertise & AdvisoryWith a deep understanding of what customers need to succeed in complex markets we stand alongside you to help solve today’s business International, located in Mississippi, is one of the only privately held manufacturers of material handling equipment operating in the U.S.A., today. The company has been operating since 1927, four Taylor family generations later. The “Big Red” product line consists of over 100 models of forklifts, lift trucks, reach stackers, and container handling equipment for port operations, intermodal, and steel industries, to name a few. Taylor designs, engineers, and manufactures the most reliable, durable, and lowest operating cost truck with the highest resale value in the industry. From busy ports in South America, Central America, and the Pacic to transshipment hubs in the Caribbean Islands to steel mills in Mexico and to oil elds in the Middle East and Africa, Taylor has the equipment, specialists, and after-market support to meet the heavy material handling needs of operations around the globe.Established in 1919, Weeks draws on over a century of successes to create the most effective and innovative solutions in marine construction, dredging, marine services, tunneling and aggregates, combined with the best-in-class equipment. Our family environment makes us special, motivates us to come to work every day – and ensures our work excels. At the start of 2023, the Weeks organization was acquired by Kiewit Corporation to become wholly-owned subsidiaries of Kiewit.Weeks is a one-stop-shop for Marine work, providing turnkey streamlined solutions for large and complex projects. We leverage over a century of experience, combining it with the drive to innovate and uncover creative solutions. Through marine infrastructure construction, waterway maintenance and creation, tunneling and other environmental coastal protection projects, our work supports and protects how we live daily. Our portfolio includes projects executed successfully in USA, Canada, Central America, The Caribbean Basin, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guam, and the Hawaiian Islands

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February 2023LatAm Logistics Market Data Portrait

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30 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comProjected CAGR of Argentina’s freight and logistics market, 2022-2025.8projected growth on tons of cargo transported between 2021 and 2031.9>2%www.americasmi.com542M 640MARGENTINALogistics costs in Argentina are higher vs. other LatAm countries:32% higher than in Brazil and almost 3X higher than in Mexico.14of internal transportation of goods in Argentina is by truck.1091%of cargo in Argentina is transported via the Paraná Waterway.134.8%Tons transported by Trenes Argentinos Cargas in 2022, a new record11, but only8.4M4.2% of cargo in Argentina is transported by train.12$$$While there is LatAm logistics market data out there, it’s scattered all over the Internet and comes from various sources. This is why we conduct customized primary research at AMI for clients by exhaustively uncovering the strategic data they need. However, we also recognized the need for a free resource that combines the multiple strands of market numbers, so we created the infographic below. www.americasmi.comLATIN AMERICASURGING SEGMENTSProjected value for Latin America’s logistics market in 2027—it will grow with a CAGR of 6.2% between 2020 and 2027.1$784.6 billionSeveral sectors within the LatAm logistics market have strong projected growth:CAGR projected for container terminal operations market, 2023-2028.46%CAGR for cold chain market, 2021-2026.56.5%CAGR for contract logistics market, 2023-2028.63.5%CAGR for the cross-border freight market.75%The drop in Liner Shipping Connectivity Index in LAC.3The total tonnage in maritime trade moved in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021 (including goods loaded and discharged), a 3% increase over 2020.22,000,000,000In 2023, revenues for South America’s 3PL logistics market7 will reachUS$39.95 billion16.5202016.32022

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 31 www.latamports.comProjected CAGR of Argentina’s freight and logistics market, 2022-2025.8projected growth on tons of cargo transported between 2021 and 2031.9>2%www.americasmi.com542M 640MARGENTINALogistics costs in Argentina are higher vs. other LatAm countries:32% higher than in Brazil and almost 3X higher than in Mexico.14of internal transportation of goods in Argentina is by truck.1091%of cargo in Argentina is transported via the Paraná Waterway.134.8%Tons transported by Trenes Argentinos Cargas in 2022, a new record11, but only8.4M4.2% of cargo in Argentina is transported by train.12$$$While there is LatAm logistics market data out there, it’s scattered all over the Internet and comes from various sources. This is why we conduct customized primary research at AMI for clients by exhaustively uncovering the strategic data they need. However, we also recognized the need for a free resource that combines the multiple strands of market numbers, so we created the infographic below. www.americasmi.comLATIN AMERICASURGING SEGMENTSProjected value for Latin America’s logistics market in 2027—it will grow with a CAGR of 6.2% between 2020 and 2027.1$784.6 billionSeveral sectors within the LatAm logistics market have strong projected growth:CAGR projected for container terminal operations market, 2023-2028.46%CAGR for cold chain market, 2021-2026.56.5%CAGR for contract logistics market, 2023-2028.63.5%CAGR for the cross-border freight market.75%The drop in Liner Shipping Connectivity Index in LAC.3The total tonnage in maritime trade moved in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021 (including goods loaded and discharged), a 3% increase over 2020.22,000,000,000In 2023, revenues for South America’s 3PL logistics market7 will reachUS$39.95 billion16.5202016.32022

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32 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comwww.americasmi.comCHILEbetween 2023 and 2028.29Chile’s road freight transportation market is projected to grow with a CAGR of>4%With home delivery growing strongly in Chile and spiking demand, its 3PL market is expected to grow by 2026304.78% throughthe projected growth of Chile’s transport and logistics market, 2016-2026.274%of goods for foreign trade transported in Chile’s ports during 1H 2022, 1.6% higher than in 1H 2021.2860.6M RECORD-BREAKINGSantiago’s airport exportedtons of cargo in 2022, a new record.31250,716BRAZILwww.americasmi.comtons of international air cargo transported in Brazil in 2022.16Brazil’s freight and logistics market is expected to grow with a CAGR ofbetween 2020-2025.15>2% 988.8Mtons of domestic air cargo transported in Brazil in 2022.17429.6MHEAVY FLOWbillion tons of cargo were transported by Brazilian sea ports in 2022(f).18This is a 4.8% increase vs. 2020.191.23billion tons of cargo were transported by seaports in 2021.201.21billion tons will be transported by seaports in 2025.211.36billion tons will be transported by seaports in 2026.221.4of everything produced and consumed in Brazil arrives at its destination by roads.2360%Brazil’s road freight transport market is set to grow bybetween now and 2028.245.10%US$5.22billion projected growth in the volume of Brazil’s 3PL logistics market, 2021-2025.25of Brazilian e-commerce was cross-border in 2022(f).266%

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 33 www.latamports.comwww.americasmi.comCHILEbetween 2023 and 2028.29Chile’s road freight transportation market is projected to grow with a CAGR of>4%With home delivery growing strongly in Chile and spiking demand, its 3PL market is expected to grow by 2026304.78% throughthe projected growth of Chile’s transport and logistics market, 2016-2026.274%of goods for foreign trade transported in Chile’s ports during 1H 2022, 1.6% higher than in 1H 2021.2860.6M RECORD-BREAKINGSantiago’s airport exportedtons of cargo in 2022, a new record.31250,716BRAZILwww.americasmi.comtons of international air cargo transported in Brazil in 2022.16Brazil’s freight and logistics market is expected to grow with a CAGR ofbetween 2020-2025.15>2% 988.8Mtons of domestic air cargo transported in Brazil in 2022.17429.6MHEAVY FLOWbillion tons of cargo were transported by Brazilian sea ports in 2022(f).18This is a 4.8% increase vs. 2020.191.23billion tons of cargo were transported by seaports in 2021.201.21billion tons will be transported by seaports in 2025.211.36billion tons will be transported by seaports in 2026.221.4of everything produced and consumed in Brazil arrives at its destination by roads.2360%Brazil’s road freight transport market is set to grow bybetween now and 2028.245.10%US$5.22billion projected growth in the volume of Brazil’s 3PL logistics market, 2021-2025.25of Brazilian e-commerce was cross-border in 2022(f).266%

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34 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comwww.americasmi.comCOLOMBIAThe 3PL logisticsThe market in Colombia is expected to grow with a CAGR of4.75% through 202736249,552 tons of cargo transported between Colombia and the U.S. in 1H 2022, an 11.4% increase compared to 1H 2021.322022 TONS TRANSPORTEDAirlines operating in Colombia transported 886,606 tons of cargo and mail, 5% more than in 2021.3385.8 million tons of cargo were transported via Colombian ports in 2022, 3% more than in 2021.34123 million tons were transported via Colombia’s roads between January and November 2022, 9.47% higher than the same period in 2021.35

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 35 www.latamports.comwww.americasmi.comMEXICO• 450 tractor-trailers were hijacked in Mexico in 2022 vs. 300 in 2021.47• Most truck hijackings in Mexico occur while the truck is in transit.48• Most of the time (87%), the criminals kidnap the driver along with the truck.49• Most truck hijackings occur during daylight hours.50e-commerce purchases in Mexico in 2022 were cross-border.513 of 10 Projected growth for Mexico’s freight and logistics market, 2021-2026.3710.5%MUCHO MOVIMIENTO1.1M tons of goods were moved through Mexico’s airports in 2022, 1.2% more than in 2021.38287.4Mtons of cargo moved by Mexico’s maritime shipping sector in 2022, a 0.2% increase vs. 2021.398.3Mcontainers moved in Mexican ports in 2022, a new record.40Total of cross-border commerce between U.S. and Mexico, 2022.41Mexico recorded 3,717 truck hijackings during the rst half of 2022, a 4.9% increase from the same period in 2021.46$779.3 BILLIONvalue of Mexico’s road freight transportation market by 2027vs. $81.9B value in 2021.45US$131.6Bof goods traded in Mexico are transported by freight transport.4390%Mexico’s national road network has a total length42 of408,000 kmTruck manufacturers in Mexico producedcargo vehiclesin 2022, a new record.44195,789HIGHER HIJACKING

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36 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comCONFERENCE NOTESwww.americasmi.comNext StepsWhile we were able to track some valuable primary data for this infographic, there is a market intelligence gap for logistics in Latin America—but at AMI, we are lling it by producing dozens of proprietary, customized studies every year for the largest companies operating in the region.Our work delivers opportunity benchmarking, competitive intelligence, risk analysis, and more to help logistics players nd—and maximize—their opportunities in Latin America.About Americas Market IntelligenceContact usAmericas Market Intelligence (AMI) is the leading market intelligence company for Latin America. AMI provides detailed knowledge and deep insights based on its market intelligence studies. Its personalized research projects oers up strategic data and analysis to help logistics companies increase their success in the region.Within the logistics sector, AMI’s experience includes e-commerce, cross-border and domestic shipping, as well as last-mile logistics and other topics relevant to the sector. AMI consultants are recognized opinion leaders who help their clients (logistics service providers, governments, etc.) to develop and implement innovative, successful strategies.Contact us for more learn more about how we can help your company with the data, analysis, and guidance you need to power your future success in LatAm logistics.Diego RodriguezLogistics Practice Senior DirectorAmericas Market Intelligencedrodriguez@americasmi.comwww.americasmi.comPERU120/monthThe average number of cargo thefts in the cities of Callao and San Martín de Porres.57Between 2020 and 202552, Peru’s logistics and freight market will grow with a CAGR of7.4%ROAD RISEPeru’s road freight transportation market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% through 2026.5470,000companies in Peru transport merchandise, primarily via trucks.55More than 70% of the merchandise in Peru is transported by trucks.56Tons of cargo were transported by Peru’s ports in 2021.53110.8M

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8t Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 37 www.latamports.comCONFERENCE NOTESwww.americasmi.comNext StepsWhile we were able to track some valuable primary data for this infographic, there is a market intelligence gap for logistics in Latin America—but at AMI, we are lling it by producing dozens of proprietary, customized studies every year for the largest companies operating in the region.Our work delivers opportunity benchmarking, competitive intelligence, risk analysis, and more to help logistics players nd—and maximize—their opportunities in Latin America.About Americas Market IntelligenceContact usAmericas Market Intelligence (AMI) is the leading market intelligence company for Latin America. AMI provides detailed knowledge and deep insights based on its market intelligence studies. Its personalized research projects oers up strategic data and analysis to help logistics companies increase their success in the region.Within the logistics sector, AMI’s experience includes e-commerce, cross-border and domestic shipping, as well as last-mile logistics and other topics relevant to the sector. AMI consultants are recognized opinion leaders who help their clients (logistics service providers, governments, etc.) to develop and implement innovative, successful strategies.Contact us for more learn more about how we can help your company with the data, analysis, and guidance you need to power your future success in LatAm logistics.Diego RodriguezLogistics Practice Senior DirectorAmericas Market

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38 ▪ September 6-7, 2023www.latamports.comCONFERENCE NOTESwww.americasmi.comSources[1] Allied Market Research[2] United Nations Conference on Trade and Development[3] United Nations Conference on Trade and Development[4] Mordor Intelligence[5] Market Data Forecast[6] Mordor Intelligence[7] Statista[8] Mordor Intelligence[9], [10] Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario, reported in[11] Ministerio de Transporte de Argentina[12], [13], [14], [15] Mordor Intelligence[16], [17] Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil do Brasil[18], [19], [20], [21], [22] Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ) do Brasil[23] Confederação Nacional dos Transportes [24] Mordor Intelligence[25] Technavio[26] Americas Market Intelligence[27] Mordor Intelligence[28] Mundo Marítimo[29], [30] Mordor Intelligence[31] Nuevo Pudahuel[32] Colombia’s Ministry of Transportation[33] Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia[34] Superintendencia de Transporte[35] Colombia’s Ministry of Transportation[36][37] ResearchAndMarkets[38] Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), Mexico[39], [40] Dirección de Puertos de Secretaria de la Marina de México[41] U.S. Census Bureau[42] Reportlinker[43] Forbes Mexico[44] Asociación Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones de México [45] Mordor Intelligence[46] Mexican government, as cited by Forbes Mexico [47] Asociación Mexicana de Empresas de Seguridad Privada e Industria Satelital, cited by Forbes México[48], [49], [50] Mexican government, as cited by Forbes México [51] Statista[52] Mordor Intelligence[53] Autoridad Portuaria Nacional de Perú [54] Mordor Intelligence[55], [56], [57] Safelink México

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8th Latin America Ports Forum ▪ 39 www.latamports.com10th MEXICO GAS SUMMITOnshore, Midstream and Storage in Focuswww.mexicogassummit.comST. ANTHONY HOTEL BY MARRIOTT | SAN ANTONIO, TEXASMAY 16-17, 2024ORGANIZED BY:For more information: info@mexicogassummit.comwww.americasmi.comSources[1] Allied Market Research[2] United Nations Conference on Trade and Development[3] United Nations Conference on Trade and Development[4] Mordor Intelligence[5] Market Data Forecast[6] Mordor Intelligence[7] Statista[8] Mordor Intelligence[9], [10] Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario, reported in[11] Ministerio de Transporte de Argentina[12], [13], [14], [15] Mordor Intelligence[16], [17] Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil do Brasil[18], [19], [20], [21], [22] Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ) do Brasil[23] Confederação Nacional dos Transportes [24] Mordor Intelligence[25] Technavio[26] Americas Market Intelligence[27] Mordor Intelligence[28] Mundo Marítimo[29], [30] Mordor Intelligence[31] Nuevo Pudahuel[32] Colombia’s Ministry of Transportation[33] Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia[34] Superintendencia de Transporte[35] Colombia’s Ministry of Transportation[36][37] ResearchAndMarkets[38] Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), Mexico[39], [40] Dirección de Puertos de Secretaria de la Marina de México[41] U.S. Census Bureau[42] Reportlinker[43] Forbes Mexico[44] Asociación Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones de México [45] Mordor Intelligence[46] Mexican government, as cited by Forbes Mexico [47] Asociación Mexicana de Empresas de Seguridad Privada e Industria Satelital, cited by Forbes México[48], [49], [50] Mexican government, as cited by Forbes México [51] Statista[52] Mordor Intelligence[53] Autoridad Portuaria Nacional de Perú [54] Mordor Intelligence[55], [56], [57] Safelink México

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