Catalyst 20191 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skillsQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The entire class I felt like I was growing. I could retain the information easily because of the way it was taught.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?They were great#1#1COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:16:38 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:16:38 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:24:12 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:24:12 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:07:3300:07:33IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 20192 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?It was a very interesting class and I learned a lot. The first two days were very fast paced compared to the rest.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?They were greatQ8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 20193 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. It was definitely worth itPage 10
Catalyst 20194 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My highlight was the amazing places we went to, especially the Buddhist house in France as well as Darren being a great professor and person.#2#2COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:19:55 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:19:55 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:32:04 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:32:04 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:12:0800:12:08IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 20195 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren was prepared, very knowledgable, found related aspects in both cities and was great with all the students.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlights from Sex and Gender were how we were able to get 3 very different perspectives from 3 different professors and it was very impactful.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?All three of the professors were prepared, knowledgable and great with students. It was difficult tying some of the sights we saw into our content but otherwise an amazing course.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 20196 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Michelle was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catlyst was the biggest leap I ever took in my life and it was very worth it. I met wonderful people, the other students as well as faculty and staff members. Sereena was the best, she was always there to talk to, made everyone feel better and safe, and she was the most trustworthy person I found.Page 9Page 10
Catalyst 20197 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I think I found a new peace within myself after taking mindfulness and learning how to tap into a new area of my mind in order to be fully aware and nonjudgmental of the present moment.#3#3COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:32:29 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:32:29 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:51:00 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:51:00 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:18:3100:18:31IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 20198 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?My session one professor was phenomenal and always gave offered wonderful information and was always prepared. He treated us all the same and gave us respect and allowed us to come together as a class in a beneficial way.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I love that I was able to learn about a new topic and had a lot of fun doing so. I think I learned how to “stop and smell the roses.”Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?The teaching was well organized, however I don’t believe it was always clear how my teacher wanted our projects set up. We were taught to take touristy photos in someone else’s vision and it felt as though we weren’t able to express our own individuality through our art. Also, I believe that being expected to meet close to our professor’s hotel each day made it difficult for many other students to get there on time. However, as far as teaching goes, I did enjoy this class and I believe I would take it again if given a chance.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 20199 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201910 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I don’t know whatprogram staff would have done to help me or if I’d havebeen helped at all in our classroom cities,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I definitely believe this trip was worth the money. This trip has caused me to view life in a new light. Other than the break in situation in Prague, I believe this trip is well set up. However, I do think it should be clear to people on the trip that coming into your room drunk and being loud with your friends at 3 in the morning every single night is so very inconsiderate to the students in the room trying to get rest before the next morning.Page 10
Catalyst 201911 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from meQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved the Shakespeare Course! Dr. Wadia is an excellent Professor and it’s so clear how much he cares for both Shakespeare and travel in general. Seeing the Globe and going to see plays were definitely eye opening highlights of the trip for me. So amazing!Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Wadia was amazing! I loved his course and his teaching style. He was very knowledgeable and did a great job preparing us for the final. It’s clear dr. Wadia loves traveling and teaching, and his passion spread to me and the other students. I definitely think his class works best with a small amount of students. The six in our class was a perfect number in my opinion.#4#4COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:43:54 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:43:54 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:58:02 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:58:02 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:14:0700:14:07IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Catalyst 201912 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Session two was lots of fun as well. Garden of beasts was engaging and the lectures were very interesting. I was not a fan of all the walking, especially as it was the second half of the program and I was already tired. That was my only issue with the course howeverQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Excellent teachers! I especially loved dr. Weist’s lectures and Sean’s living maps. I do think that when the whole group is walking somewhere the faculty should take care not to leave people behind. There was one scary moment where one group of people was ahead with dr Mac, one was back with dr. Weist, and I was in the middle and couldn’t see either of them. I thought I lost them and was really scared because I didn’t know where I was going or even really where I was. Plus I had no data on my phone to find out. Very scary and unpleasant. Other than that the faculty were greatQ8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201913 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The hostels need air conditioning. Being out in the city was great. But coming back to a hot room is a horrible way to end the day. It made it hard to sleep and aggravated my allergies. I felt like I was spending way too much on the program for those living conditions. Other than that huge point the trip was amazing! I saw so much and it went by so fast. I have no more money, but I wouldn’t change it backPage 10
Catalyst 201914 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?There needs to be a better understanding of what the course is. Dr. Tubre states that it fully covers the content of abnormal psychology but it truly doesn’t. It didn’t cover the content that I felt it needed to. It truly just needed to be advertised better, possibly a new title.#5#5COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:58:24 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:58:24 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:18:01 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:18:01 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:19:3600:19:36IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201915 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I loved his tours around the city but he seemed to be representing himself in an inappropriate manner by seeming more self involved.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved being able to grow independently on this trip as well as connect with people as a group! I met what I hope are life long friendsQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?They did not know any history on the locations that we went to. I felt that we weren’t taught information very often but we were given lots of shooting time. She also didn’t prepare us for our exam and directed us to “google” terms.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201916 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was not responsive to me via text oremail when I had questions,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201917 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Manager Mike was not consistently available nor was heeasy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was not consistently available norwas he easy to contact via Crew or text,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I absolutely loved this program and I wouldn’t change my decision to go at all. It’s been truly life changing and I feel so much more confident now. Economically I feel we should get an itemized list so we know where our money is going. It’s definitely worth it thoughPage 10
Catalyst 201918 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My first course was a bit different than I anticipated, but I still feel like I learned a lot. I didn't expect the madness course to cover leadership and social identity, and I feel like a majority of the class was focused on those two things. We only had one actual question about hysteria on the final. That threw me off a bit. We also talked about some material that didn't pertain to our class at all. Besides that, I feel like this class experience helped me grow in my comfort levels in big cities and it definitely made me confident in using public transportation.#6#6COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:34:47 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:34:47 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:23:11 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:23:11 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:48:2300:48:23IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3
Catalyst 201919 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Tubré was always very prepared to teach us the course material. He knows what he is talking about when it comes to psychology. The day that Dr. Seefeldt was there was great! He helped us out a lot at the Queen Square Archives and that was one of my favorite moments of the class. Both professors had good attitudes for the entirety of the class. Dr. Tubré talked about the sexuality class more than I would have liked, but I did my best to focus on what I needed to know for the class.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I learned more about Germany and the World Wars in this course than I ever have before. Also, I had never talked about the occupation of Czechoslovakia. I really enjoyed everything about this course. Doug and Andy did a fantastic job and really know their stuff. Also, it was really cool to have Sean come along and offer his knowledge to us. It was a lot of walking, a lot of information, but a lot of fun and I wouldn't change a thing.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Each of the professors did an outstanding job at knowing the material, connecting with the students, and making the class a lot of fun. They had good attitudes every day and taught us a lot about both of the cities we were in. I would take a class with any of them again in a heartbeat.Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201920 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201921 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 10
Catalyst 201922 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catalyst was a great experience that I will never forget. Going forward, I think there should be some sort of application process for becoming a future coordinator. People sucked up to coordinators and professors and really tried to sell themselves instead of just living and enjoying the trip. Also, students were talking behind others backs about who should and shouldn't get a coordinator position for the following year. It was just very dramatic and I feel like a short application or even just a message saying they were interested would relieve some of that drama. Back to the positives though, I feel like I got to travel to five cities that I may never get to see again. I consider myself extremely lucky. It was worth every penny.
Catalyst 201923 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I honestly learned to become more mindful of myself. I became more self aware, I loved that it was more of a discussion based course. It helped me face my fears.#7#7COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:08:06 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:08:06 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:31:03 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:31:03 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:22:5600:22:56IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201924 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I loved Dr.Bernal, he was very knowledgeable and he explained concepts well and was very chill. He made very what felt like stressful times, with the transitions between America and Europe seem very relaxed and just happy.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Some of the highlights that I loved was walking through both the Secret Garden and Terezin Concentration Camp. I loved the walking though, even though I was exhausted it made me feel accomplished at the end of the day. Overall I had a very positive experience with this course.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Very positive attitude and very well informed. However some of the information between Dr.Mackaman and Wiest did tend to repeat itself and from what was going to be originally a thirty minute conversation turned into an hour and a half conversation about the same topics repeated with different wording. Overall though very wonderful chemistry and just such pure passion and true care for the students. That is so wonderfully appreciated.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201925 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201926 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I have to say that I've learned so much about myself. I have a new identity. I also have a new family. I seriously want to go back to Europe again because of this trip. One thing I would appreciate in the future would to know exactly where my money is going to because the trip is kind of pricey. I do think though that the experience was worth it.Page 10
Catalyst 201927 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Better problem solving skills,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Raiders (History),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The setting of the class in different museums was fantastic for me as I want to work in museums as a career. In Paris, it seemed like there was trouble with tickets and things but the professors were very flexible.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?The professors were very knowledgeable, engaging, and the material was interesting and related to the places we visited.#8#8COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 2:21:59 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 2:21:59 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:40:13 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:40:13 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 01:18:1301:18:13IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Catalyst 201928 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I greatly enjoyed the content of the second class. The confidence the professors had in the material helped make the sensitive topics less awkward.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?They were all clearly very knowledgeable and excited about teaching the class. They kept people involved for the most part and though a clear disclaimer for what the class would be discussing would have been nice, I never felt upset or uncomfortable with the subject material.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201929 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystManager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. This trip has done an amazing job of helping me become a better adult, an adult who plans trips and has to take care of themselves with little assistance. It has made me more confident in my ability to handle difficult situations in places that are completely unfamiliar to me. I have shared close quarters with others before but that was definitely a learning curve for most. Honestly my only main issue with the program was that the program cost breakdown includes travel costs covered to and from class and that was not always true. The extra expense was not large but that should not be on the catalyst page and promised by program leaders if it is not provided. If plans change while abroad, just communicate that! I had a lot of help from my university paying for this trip so I cannot truly comment on how I feel about spending thousands of dollars on the program so I will simply say that if it is within a person's means with or without help, they should definitely take the plunge and travel with the catalyst for a unique study abroad experience.Page 10
Catalyst 201930 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really thought that Blitzkrieg was taught incredibly well. I think it was mainly because we had such a small tight group and everyone helped each other out when needed.#9#9COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 4:23:01 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 4:23:01 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 4:33:32 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 4:33:32 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:10:3000:10:30IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201931 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I thought that Dr. Mackaman did a fantastic job. He had so much knowledge on the topic and had such a positive attitude the whole time.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Garden of beasts was a difficult course at times because the class was so large. I also didn't like that Dr. Mackaman wasn't in class for some of the days.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I think the professors knowledge on the topic was wonderful, but I think there should have been more communication between all 3 of them before class started.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201932 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201933 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The catalyst has made me appreciate the small things and the details a lot more than I did before. It made me want to find the stories in every crack and picture. I think the program could be better if there was a small limit to how many students could be in a class. The time andoney spent for this program was well worth it.Page 10
Catalyst 201934 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Increased flexibility,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from meQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Being comfortable sitting with my own thoughts, wish we had more practice with guided meditationQ4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Mostly prepared, highly knowledgeable, positive attitude. Some of the museum activities seemed a bit of a stretch to make relevant to the course and I wish we had to the turn in the assignments on paper.#10#10COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 11:37:45 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 11:37:45 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 23, 2019 11:54:15 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 11:54:15 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:16:3000:16:30IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201935 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Acceleration was expensive and challenging and shouldmaybe be dropped from the programQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Highlights were the conversations we had in class, disliked how long the lectures wereQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Highly knowledgeable and well prepared. The only thing that wasn’t relevant to the course was the Prague tour but I really enjoyed that.Very inclusive, respectful environment.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201936 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 201937 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. Well worth it, met my best friends here and for the most part well organized. AGood balance between guidance and independence. I would do away with acceleration since we already get to see so much of Europe with the classroom cities (maybe add an extra sojourn day in each)? And do away with the whole group traveling at once because that was very chaotic.
Catalyst 201938 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really enjoyed this class although I would have liked to learn more about hysteria and mental healthQ4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Great#11#11COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 12:13:45 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 12:13:45 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 12:26:01 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 12:26:01 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:12:1500:12:15IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Catalyst 201939 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I didn’t like that students believed they were also professors teaching the class. I would have liked you learn more about the class from the professors. I believed my greatest growth point was going to trezinQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?GoodQ8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201940 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I believe the program was worth it but I would have liked increase security throughout the travel.Page 10
Catalyst 201941 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved the visits to the Buddhist center in London and the monestary in Paris. Learning how Buddhists essentially use mindfulness to lead happier lives was really eye opening. Also, being more mindful has helped me to just enjoy the little things in life more and savor every moment.#12#12COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:34:47 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 2:34:47 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:54:37 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 2:54:37 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:19:5000:19:50IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201942 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren was awesome. I could tell that mindfulness was something that he is very passionate about and very knowledgeable of.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?It was pretty great having both Julianna and Travis teaching us in Prague so that we got both a male and female perspective. My biggest takeaway from the course though was from the first part of the course. I thought the Queer tour was one of the best things I’ve ever done and should definitely be kept in the course. The BWR lecture should also be kept!Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren, Julianna, and Travis were all awesome. I’m not sure if Julianna will be busy with her research or practice in the coming years, but she was amazing.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201943 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201944 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. This program was worth it in each and every way. I feel that I’ve made life long friends and life long memories. Learning in these amazing cities about my passion, psychology, has just been amazing and I can’t wait to pass on some of the information learned to family, friends, and colleagues. There is no doubt that I’ll be back in europe one day.Page 10
Catalyst 201945 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I learned so much from my Mindfulness course, I personally have really bad anxiety and depression and through this course I was ableto learn better coping skills and also learned how to live in the moment rather than constantly worry about the future or dwell on things that already happened and I can’t change.#13#13COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:32:43 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 2:32:43 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:56:30 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 2:56:30 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:23:4600:23:46IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201946 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr.Bernal was the perfect professor for this course. From the very first day I met him I was looking forward to learning more from him because he has such a wonderful attitude and taught with such patience that I felt so comfortable sharing in class or asking any questions.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlights of this course for me was simply having a safe environment to ask questions and learn about such an important topic that I didn’t know much about prior to this class.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Both Dr.Bernal and Dr.Tubré did a fabulous job in explaining all the material I felt like I learned so much from both of them and I loved that they both made me feel comfortable enough to ask any questions or share any thoughts/experiences!Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201947 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,My squad leader was not responsive to me via text oremail when I had questions,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201948 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 10
Catalyst 201949 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catalyst had a huge impact on who I’ve become, I feel like I’ve grown up so much over these last few weeks, I pushed myself in so many different ways and I just feel like I can do anything I want now and I’m not scared. Personally I would like to see the coordinators having more respect for the students by treating us like adults rather than speaking to us like children. I do feel like this investment was worth it, the experiences I had abroad were absolutely incredible and I can’t thank Travis enough for pushing me to take this chance and getting me out of my comfort zone.
Catalyst 201950 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The art course generated an amazing perspective on cultural identity, and how different art forms generate both a local and national symbol for that. The comparison and connection to this identity for both street art and historical classical works was fascinating to discover. This class is an amazing innovation for the program. The only change i would have made to the course would be within the placing of Paris, but even that was amazing. Each last minute change was better than the last, and I am glad we went to musée d'orsay rather than the louvre. I know this was an accident, but i think having both for next year as visited museums would be phenomenal. I don't know that i would want to go to the Picasso museum again.#14#14COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 4:32:10 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 4:32:10 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:08:38 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 5:08:38 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:36:2800:36:28IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201951 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Eoin was a phenomenal professor. He was prepared to not only teach the class but to be flexible with the variability that is required for a mobile classroom. The integration for London was seamless. I would have liked a little more connecting to art and it's impact on cultural identity specifically when talking about the lack of street art. Maybe tie in if the local art scene makes up for the gap? He camewith such a good attitude that was maintained throughout. Please bring him back!Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The revelation of the queer environment in Berlin and the Sexual history of Terezín and Prague as a whole. Honestly i think the course was nearly flawless. The Hirschfield institute was unfortunate fairly boring to most students, but maybe with the integration of the queer Berlin tour and the information they give, that could be removed. Darren and Travis together teaching this class had to be one of,if not the best educational experience i have ever had.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren was always prepared with a brilliant perspective on the material and it's relevance to modern day. I would have liked a little more historical education in the city when we walked places, but everything else was wonderful and delivered with a bright but mindful demeanor. Travis is an astounding professor, human being, and piece of this program. His attitude, through all ranges of emotion that were exposed due to the harsh reality of some of Prague, created an intensely human and relatable aspect to the class that truly tied it all together. The lectures were brilliant on both weeks. And Juliana heavily enhanced the quality of the overall course with her amazing insight.This class is so important educationally. So many students don't get access to information like this, and the professors are brilliant in knowledge, application, mindfulness on the sensitivity of topics, and inclusiveness of all students.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201952 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 201953 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I think that i found a future life path that I didn't know I wanted until this program. I had pieces, but i didn't know the full picture. It's life changing. I would like it if the program picked better breakfast options. Having bad and bread based meals for the first two weeks was difficult. There weren't vegan options until Berlin, and Prague had vegetarian options but vegan was impossible despite having a large vegan population in the city. Vegetarian was still mostly bread and cheese.but if that is my only complaint, I think we are doing well. The only other thing that was frustrating was being toke transportation to and from class would be covered, and then finding that it often wasn't. It was great in London, but difficult past that. Considering the expense of the course, it would be nice if transportation in the city was budgeted in.I think that the invested time and money is more than worth it. I found a major piece of my future and life long friends because of it. That's priceless.
Catalyst 201954 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate studyQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Being out of the country for the first time was a great growing experience.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Mack was well prepared and was terrific professor for the course#15#15COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:15:50 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 1:15:50 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:33:48 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 5:33:48 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 04:17:5704:17:57IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Catalyst 201955 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I like Berlin and Prague much more than London and Paris. I was also more comfortable with other staff and students.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Mack was once again an amazing professor. The addition of Dr. Wiest and Shaun McKnight only made the class experience better.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201956 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalPage 10
Catalyst 201957 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I believe the catalyst was a terrific program that was well worth the price. I would like to see the program change by the removal of Dr. Tubre. Even not being in his classes the minimal contact I had with him were full of personal and inappropriate by him. He shared countless details of his sex life in just normal conversations and I heard it was only worse in his class. I understand these surveys are anonymous and I hope some of the countless other students I have talked to that have had problems with him will speak of it. Some fromhis university have told me they are afraid to say anything due to it possible affecting their grade since he is the department head. I do not think a professor should be included on the staff of this program when students are in fear to speak out against him due to possiblereprisal. Besides Dr. Tubre I think the catalyst is an amazing program and would recommend it to anyone.
Catalyst 201958 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from meQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I learned to not worry so much and to critique myself less. I enjoyed this class a lot. However I wish we learned more techniques of mindfulness such as in counseling/classes.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I really enjoyed the professor and his knowledge on the topic. However I feel like I wanted more information. He was always very respectful of students.#16#16INCOMPLETEINCOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:23:51 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 3:23:51 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 12:42:48 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 12:42:48 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 21:18:5621:18:56IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201959 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points foryou in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it wastaught?Respondent skipped this questionQ7How would you describe your experience with yourSession Two course faculty: their level of preparation toteach, their knowledge of the course material, their abilityto integrate material within the two cities, their attitudetoward students and their overall comportment andattitude?Respondent skipped this questionQ8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Respondent skipped this questionQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystRespondent skipped this questionPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Page 10
Catalyst 201960 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you willremember this program and what it did for you as a collegestudent meeting the world. Respondent skipped this question
Catalyst 201961 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Raiders (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved learning about operation anthropoid. Navigating my own acceleration week was definitely a week of self growth:#17#17COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:58:19 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 2:58:19 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 3:04:57 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 3:04:57 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:06:3700:06:37IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201962 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?My session one teachers were absolutely fantastic. They were always so concerned for the students and truly cared. They were incredibly well versed in what they were teaching.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My session two course was wonderful, I just wish we didn’t gloss over super important parts and go into depth about less important onesQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?My teachers were incredibly knowledgeable about the topics. I loved the human maps and they truly cared about the students understanding the contentPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201963 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I think that this was an incredible experience I will never forget. I think a different program than crew would be helpful but I overall think every penny I invested in this trip will have been worth itPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 201964 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?i enjoyed the first day of class in a new city because Travis would talk us in a big walking tour. It was a lot of walking but a great way to become familiar with the city. I also appreciated having public transportation paid for if class was far, and getting the tickets in advance. All the places we went for this class were amazing so no complaints there. One thing I disliked, however, was traveling in very big groups where some people were not conscious of the locals around them. I know in some cases it is inevitable but having friendly reminders to be aware of other people walking on the sidewalks would be neat.#18#18COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 3:04:26 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 3:04:26 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 3:28:28 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 3:28:28 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:24:0200:24:02IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3
Catalyst 201965 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Tubre was very knowledgeable on many topics, not just the psychology behind hysteria, but the history, culture, and identity of the city we were in. I feel like it added to the fact that we were studying abroad instead of a classroom and helped me connect more with the material and the city. In terms of attitude, Travis is always upbeat and energetic, which keeps the class moving, but he also realizes the gravity of some of our topics and relays information in a respectful manner.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I enjoyed my week in Berlin with Dr. Bernal, it was very enlightening to see his perspective on things and made me think more of my thoughts and why I think them. I also enjoyed the week in Prague with Travis and Juliana, I really appreciated having a young female as an instructor. I very much enjoyed the topics discussed in class, but i did not realize that they would be so divided. I feel like Berlin was mostly gender, and Prague was mostly sex and I would like to see more overlap between the two. This class was a bit of a slower pace, which I am not used to, so i found myself losing focus more.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Bernal was very much a calming presence and I was very interested in his lectures and how he viewed and presented material. I liked his ability to flow with the class as things changed, and that we spent time to sit in parks for lecture. Same with Dr. Tubre, I like that before we enter a museum or see a monument we take time to sit- usually in a park - and discuss the importance of why we are there. All three professors had extensive knowledge on the class and could answer all of my questions sufficiently.Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201966 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201967 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 10
Catalyst 201968 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. When my family asks how classes are going, and if i am actually learning anything I answer truthfully: I am learning an incredible amount and growing exponentially on this trip. Not only are classes jam packed with valuable and interesting information, but I am learning about cities, countries and their history, culture, identity. I am learning how to interact with people that speak other languages. I've (mostly) mastered the metro. I traveled by myself for a week, taking planes and trains and metro, booking hostels, dealing with delays or other inconveniences. I have discovered things about myself, and made countless new friends. Without a doubt in my mind this trip was worth the investment.
Catalyst 201969 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved this class especially in London. I really enjoyed looking through the real medical records of patients. Going to Normandy was an incredible experience. I did wish that we hadn’t focused so heavily on social identity in Paris though.#19#19INCOMPLETEINCOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 9:24:43 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 9:24:43 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, June 24, 2019 9:29:19 PMMonday, June 24, 2019 9:29:19 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:04:3600:04:36IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201970 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with yourSession One course faculty: their level of preparation toteach, their knowledge of the course material, their abilityto integrate material within the two cities, their attitudetoward students and their overall comportment andattitude?Respondent skipped this questionQ5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Respondent skipped this questionQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points foryou in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it wastaught?Respondent skipped this questionQ7How would you describe your experience with yourSession Two course faculty: their level of preparation toteach, their knowledge of the course material, their abilityto integrate material within the two cities, their attitudetoward students and their overall comportment andattitude?Respondent skipped this questionQ8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Respondent skipped this questionPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201971 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystRespondent skipped this questionQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you willremember this program and what it did for you as a collegestudent meeting the world. Respondent skipped this questionPage 10
Catalyst 201972 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My session one course I learned how to be mindful. I was never informed with this topic and this sort of living but it really benefited me.#20#20COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 6:47:10 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 6:47:10 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 6:57:20 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 6:57:20 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:10:1000:10:10IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201973 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren was very well prepared and was knowledgeable about the topic. I enjoyed having him as a professor the first half.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Acceleration was expensive and challenging and shouldmaybe be dropped from the programQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Session two course was my favorite. I liked everything about the course and learned so much!Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?The faculty was very good during the course! I loved every minute of it! They both challenged me and made me think in a different waywhich allowed me to grow in a new way. I really liked my professors in this course they all had a different view point which was amazing.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201974 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201975 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Michelle was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Abby was not consistently available norwas he easy to contact via Crew or text,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I think it was very worth it! I learned so much and grew! The program was amazing and I’m glad i did it. My favorite part was the sexuality course , it talked challenged me to think in a different way. The two people that really stood out to me and helped me with anything and everything was Sereena and Dr. Tubre. They both were always there for me if I needed anything or felt unsafe.Page 10
Catalyst 201976 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I absolutely adored Madness! It was a great combination of psychology, history and tourism while teaching so many core values I will forever carry. I had steller stories as assignments in my second course and enjoyed that type of assessment. However, the every other day essays were achievable too.#21#21COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 4:42:48 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 4:42:48 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 7:47:11 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 7:47:11 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: Over a dayOver a dayIP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201977 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I was taught at a level that made the material comprehensive to learn. It was very well integrated between the multiple different subjects and places we went. Tubré was very well prepared and knew the material, or he was extremely well at thinking on his feet. His positivity is contagious.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I am not a history major, nor have I ever been good at history. Garden of the Beasts pushed my intellectual limit daily. I pushed through walls I never thought I could overcome. This class taught me a new kind of resilience. I learned a lot about the cities, however we did not see much of the city touristy wise in class.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Doug and Andy were extremely knowledgeable about the WWI & WWII history. They taught in a fashion that made the material like a story. Very intriguing and kept my attention. Andy gave great examples that I could relate to and understand the material better. Doug has a different level of enthusiasm I’ve never seen emitted from anyone. Both were positive and made class a great experience.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201978 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201979 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The experiences and skills I gained while on the Catalyst... priceless. The spontaneous growth I underwent during my time in Europe... priceless. The people I met, the places I went, the food I ate, the things I learned... priceless. I am thankful for the opportunity I was given to attend the Catalyst 2019.Page 10
Catalyst 201980 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.I’m not thinking that I grew or changed much becauseof The CatalystQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?OmitQ4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?5/5#22#22COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 9:39:49 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 9:39:49 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 9:43:39 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 9:43:39 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:03:5000:03:50IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5
Catalyst 201981 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?OmitQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?5/5Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I didn’t use the Online Manual at allPage 6Page 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 201982 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. Made life long friends. Better hostels. YesPage 10
Catalyst 201983 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really enjoyed Artscope as a whole. We went to many historic places and learned a lot about those places. I enjoyed joining other classes as well. The final project was relevant and something I wanted to do. There was a good balance of independence and support. The only bummer was not going t the Louver, which was somewhat out of our control. Artscope was my favorite out of the two classes. I felt I learned a lot.#23#23COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 10:55:30 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 10:55:30 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 11:42:40 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 11:42:40 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:47:1000:47:10IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201984 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Eoin was a great professor and taught good content. He was flexible enough, but still kept strict rules which made the class function well. I enjoyed the discussion as a class. Eoin knew what he was talking about, and if we had questions he didn't know the answer to he would look up. He was open to feedback and suggestions throughout the course.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I was really excited to be able to to take great pictures of all the places I was going and be able to document my travel. I was a little underwhelmed at the content. Class was short and we didn't get a lot of background or history of the places we were going. The final didn't reflect what I learned during class, but what I googled afterward. I have some background in photography and felt that I didn't learn very much.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I liked Joni, she was friendly and wanted to get to know her students. She made sure class moved at a pace everyone could participate in. However, I felt I had to edit my images to her liking, not my own. I took pictures for myself that I liked, and then I took pictures for Joni in order to receive a good grade. At times I felt we walked places without a purpose. The final frustrated me a little because I study very hard based on the study guide, however, when I went in to take the test, there were things on the test that Joni didn't tell us to study. It was very anxiety inducing because I had worked so hard studying and there was content that felt like it was there to trick me. Most of the study guide content was from what I had googled myself, little of it came from class. Overall, I really liked Joni I just wished I had gotten more of a background of the places we were going.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201985 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9
Catalyst 201986 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The program in the people in it were amazing. I felt like I grew as a person on many levels. Sereena was always there when there was a problem and she is a big reason why everything went so smoothly. I wish the other coordinators were more like her. The program did cost a lot, and I would see if there is any way to cut down on that, but it was still worth it.Page 10
Catalyst 201987 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Learning what mindfulness was and that it is a way of life not just an activity was my greatest growth point. I am so excited to apply it to my life and see how it transforms me.#24#24INCOMPLETEINCOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 12:23:02 PMTuesday, June 25, 2019 12:23:02 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 12:43:22 PMTuesday, June 25, 2019 12:43:22 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:20:2000:20:20IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201988 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I would describe Dr. Darren Bernal and the course as 5/5 for each of these questions. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to teach me mindfulness because they would not have been able to do it in the way he did. In the beginning of the course I thought everyone was exaggerating how great Dr. Bernal was, but they weren’t.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My greatest growth point in the Sexuality course was only possible because of how openly the topic was discussed because no one is ever that comfortable to discuss it with me. My greatest growth points involved the conversations that bridged mindfulness and sexuality. They really resonated with me the most and I will take more time to reflect on my sex life as a result.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Again, Dr. Bernal was a rockstar the first week. Dr. Tubré and Ms. Guitelman blew me out of the water with the contemporary knowledge and stats they had about sexuality. I really enjoyed Dr. Tubré’s and Ms. Guitelman’s perspective on this topic. I would highly recommend that they continue to teach the course together.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201989 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 201990 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you willremember this program and what it did for you as a collegestudent meeting the world. Respondent skipped this question
Catalyst 201991 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Raiders (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlight of session one was definitely getting to see the Elgin Marbles and the Rosetta Stone and learn more about how they are displayed in regards to repatriation, especially because I’m going into the legal field. I loved my professors as well.#25#25COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 2:45:22 PMTuesday, June 25, 2019 2:45:22 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 2:54:19 PMTuesday, June 25, 2019 2:54:19 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:08:5600:08:56IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201992 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Incredible. Both Dr. Troche and Dr. Brinkman were always overly prepared and willing to help out in every way possible! I greatly enjoyed their class.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlight was definitely the human maps of the battles, particularly the 1941 German invasion of France. It helped me better understand the battle and fully be able to remember it.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?They were incredible! Dr. Mack and Dr. Weist were always prepared and always engaged with their students. They really tried to keep everyone interested and engaged.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201993 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9
Catalyst 201994 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. Other than the moments of disorganization and some of the drama, I cannot say enough good things about this program. I absolutely loved going on this trip and most of the people I met. Overall I would say maybe have more requirements and restrictions in regards to the students selected to go on the trip, but the trip has changed my life. I would say that the money was definitely worth it, though I wish we would have more clarity about where our money is going, especially considering we were guaranteed metro tickets to and from classes and we often had to fight in order to get those.Page 10
Catalyst 201995 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Highlights: guided meditation with Trudy, Buddhist Monastery Growth points: living more in the moment, staying calm in hard situations#26#26COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 12:46:55 PMWednesday, June 26, 2019 12:46:55 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 12:59:54 PMWednesday, June 26, 2019 12:59:54 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:12:5900:12:59IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 201996 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?He was absolutely amazing. He made sure to check in on us everyday, was extremely easy to talk to, and made the class more close knit in the two weeks we had than I've ever seen one become in my life. He was able to answer all questions and use real life experiences for most things. Amazing class!Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Highlights: touring the concentration camp, visiting the place that it was decided the Jews would be deportedGrowth points: more sympathy for others, more interest in learning about historyQ7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Professors were extremely knowledgeable and understanding/flexible with students. They did an amazing job utilizing what each city had to offer and made sure we knew everything we could about each location. They were all clearly excited about the topic they were teaching and passed positive energy and an eagerness to learn to the students.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 201997 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 201998 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 10
Catalyst 201999 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catalyst was a life changing experience and taught me so much about traveling in general as well as Europe. I became close with so many people that were strangers to me before the program began and watched a group of people who hadn't met have each other's backs like a family. I think the selection of coordinators and communication between them could have been better but other than that I wouldn't have changed anything. It was an amazing experience and most definitely worth it.
Catalyst 2019100 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Raiders (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlights for me in session 1 were definitely our Triumph walk in Paris and our Mithreum Day in London. These were the most immersive experiences I Had in raiders and climbing the Arc de Triomphe was a super humbling experience. The only things I didn’t like was the jumping back and forth between time periods. I enjoy being taught history like it’s a story but with different artifacts and teaching points in different locations it was hard to connect everything. But I understand why it was done the way it was.#27#27COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 23, 2019 4:59:49 PMSunday, June 23, 2019 4:59:49 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, June 27, 2019 3:01:26 PMThursday, June 27, 2019 3:01:26 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: Over a dayOver a dayIP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3
Catalyst 2019101 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?My faculty, Dr. Troche and Dr. Brinkman, were Extremely professional. I didn’t even know that they are married until Paris. Like I said in the last question the only complaint that I have about the course is they had to jump around a lot time period wise because so many of the artifacts that they wanted to teach on were in different locations. They were both super energetic and excited about what they were teaching. Both are passionate about their areas of expertise and it shows. They were patient and engaging and I appreciate that so much.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?My second class was very worthwhile and probably one of the reasons I decided to come on this trip. My highlights and greatest growth points probably happened At the more emotionally involved sites like the monument to the murdered Jews of Germany and the concentration camp. The one thing that I didn’t like about the course was the first couple days in Berlin we had very long days and then after would be kind of just handed a museum ticket and left. While I appreciate the idea, I didn’t feel like I was getting much out of the museums after such hands on experience and lecture.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I loved this class , Both of the professors were again super passionate about the subject material and experts in their field. The only downfall to that was sometimes I feel like they would go on unplanned rants, bouncing off of one another, that we’re sort of on topic but sort of not which was super entertaining but also kind of hard to follow at times.Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019102 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessagePage 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019103 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catalyst put me in a lot of uncomfortable situations that I would never have been and if I hadn’t of gone and I am super appreciative of this. A lot of people go their lives living in their comfort zone’s and never leave so they never truly get to take advantage of all the world has to offer. I met so many lifelong friends on this journey and tried so many new things that I never would’ve gotten a chance to try. The only non-beneficial, uncomfortable or annoying situations that I was put into were in my interactions and/or because of some of the coordinators and one of the managers. I understand that the purpose of this program is to promote independence. I am completely independent at home and I won’t ask for help unless I truly need it. But when I do have a question that needs answering or I just want to talk I think it is inappropriate for those who are on this trip to provide guidance to roll their eyes at me and or act like I am inconveniencing them. I don’t know what all their Job entails and I am sure that is not easy, but they were often times the only people that we had and I felt like many were unapproachable. Coordinator Mike and Anna we’re the only ones that I did not have a single bad experience with. That’s not to say of course that all of the interactions with the others were all bad but more often than not they were at least uncomfortable and I have heard many other students say the same. I would like to see the program evolve to have more in leadership like Anna and Mike. The investment I put into this program was completely worth it.I don’t know of any other study abroad like it and if time was reversed I would choose to do it a million times over. The good overly outweighs the bad and learning to the overcome the inconveniences of not having AC or a Walmart near by or overcoming a language barrier is humbling and important because in America we have a habit of forgetting the rest of the world exists. It is our responsibility toculture ourselves and everyone who went on this trip grabbed that opportunity by the horns.
Catalyst 2019104 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?One of my favorite days was when we went to the archives and learned about faradium.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I loved the faculty, I wish we got to spend more time with Professor Seedfelt. He had wonderful inputs. The class was almost to large, but all the students were very kind, and inclusive.#28#28COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Friday, June 28, 2019 5:35:28 PMFriday, June 28, 2019 5:35:28 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Friday, June 28, 2019 5:56:26 PMFriday, June 28, 2019 5:56:26 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:20:5800:20:58IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019105 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?One thing I did not like was some of the students. They could be too judgmental, and rude. However, all the professors were super inclusive and wonderful. Some of my highlights was when we visited the prison camp and the tours. I learned so much from them.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?The faculty was so thoughtful. Professor Darren had a way where if you answered wrong, he wouldn't make you feel embarrassed. Professor Tubre is the most loving and sweetest teacher. You can tell he really cares about his students and knows so much about the subject. He is also good at making us feel comfortable, even after the fellow students can be a little too much. I also enjoyed having Julieana her input was inspiring for us females.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019106 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Michelle was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Abby was not consistently available norwas he easy to contact via Crew or text,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The program had their ups and downs. I love the traveling classroom, and the information we are given and the teachers were wonderful. What I did not enjoy was some of the fellow students were to immature for tcertian classes, especially sexuality. I also really disliked the coordinators, with the exception of Seerena, Mike and Missy. The rest were rude, and treated us like we were five. Michelle was very two faced, and kept wanting to be the center of attention in class. Jade was just mean, and made life more difficult.Page 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019107 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Eoin is a terrific instructor with a passion to teach about art and the world around it and it shows. The first two weeks were packed and busy but an amazing experience. I would highly recommend artscope taught by Eoin for this reason. The addition of Dr Kaylee Spencer for the Paris week was a highlight of the trip. She is extemely knowledgable and is a wealth of information of art history and art, perfect for this program. This is why students choose study abroad programs like these, for the special instructors who take time out of their summers to travel around the world with us, and they as individuals and professors will be why I recommend the Catalyst to my friends. In the future it would be amazing to see a session 2 artscope class or a specific art history class. As an art history/fine arts major, their class helped connect with places, people, and famous artworks shown on screens. To be able to see these in person and learn directly was an experience I never thought I would have, but will benefit me in the rest of my academic and professional careers.#29#29COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 30, 2019 3:54:55 PMSunday, June 30, 2019 3:54:55 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 30, 2019 4:14:15 PMSunday, June 30, 2019 4:14:15 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:19:2000:19:20IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019108 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?10/10 Both Eoin and Kaylee were always prepared but flexible, had a positive attitude that kept everyone going, listened to the students when we needed to slow down for any reason, answered any and all questions from in the museums to random pieces or monuments on the streets. Extremely knowledgeable and passionate for what they were teaching and integrating into the culture of each city.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?As a photography course, this course did not teach us about photography beyond “take a good photo” which I found offputting. The first lesson in Berlin gave us true photography knowledge and terms but beyond that, it did not focus on how to take adequate photos beyond what the instructor preferred.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Joni was not prepared for class in the way I believe she should of been. Multiple times she was unclear about where to meet, what we were doing and how she wanted to photos done. She was unprofessional towards the students, there were a few occasions where she made them cry. I would not recommend photography on the Catalyst because of her. This was a wonderful trip overall, but the last two weeks felt as though my friends and I were on our own to research what we were seeing and where to go. During preparation for the final, the final had several things on them that we had barely scraped the surface on in class, and we were told to look it up ourselves and use google to find the answers.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019109 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was not responsive to me via text oremail when I had questions,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 2019110 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I don’t know whatprogram staff would have done to help me or if I’d havebeen helped at all in our classroom citiesQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The Catalyst overall had a positive impact on my life, not only for the courses taken but for the people I met along the way. It is a worthwhile investment for the first week, the session 2 photography course tainted the worth of the last two weeks.Page 10
Catalyst 2019111 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Sexuality and Gender (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The mindfulness course with Darren was the perfect balance of stimulating, challenging, and enlightening while also helping me to stay relaxed and present during my experience in a foreign country living amongst so many other students.#30#30COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:11:56 AMMonday, June 24, 2019 5:11:56 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 30, 2019 4:24:57 PMSunday, June 30, 2019 4:24:57 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: Over a dayOver a dayIP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019112 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Darren is a phenomenal teacher, guide, and human being. It was such a pleasure to be around him, as he was always making it a point to hear what the students had to say during class discussions and one-on-one. He demonstrated an inspirational level of expertise without being condescending or patronizing whatsoever. He is level-headed, humorous, and considerate and this translated into the course content in both cities. Everything that we studied and learned about was somehow relevant to mindfulness psychology as well as the culture or history of the setting that we were visitingQ5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Berlin was the highlight for me, and Prague was a bit of a let down in comparison. It was interesting because we had a change of instructors between the cities and had the opportunity to get a different perspective and experience from the different teaching styles, but it was also a bit of an adjustment. Sexuality and gender itself was very interesting especially in Berlin since it is especially open and accepting of LGBTQI+ individuals. In Prague I enjoyed learning about sex work and other personal topics.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Travis demonstrated a lot of expertise on the topic of sexuality and it was also nice to have Juliana’s perspective as well. They were both very considerate and made the material relevant to the city of Prague. I would say that I enjoyed Darren’s style of teaching a bit better because we would have lectures that included a lot of discussion and it just had a more relaxed feeling and flow. I also think that Darren has an impeccable level of professionalism and is a bit more private when it comes to sharing deeply personal information or bonding with students on an emotional level. He is extremely present, but there is definitely a healthy boundary. I think Travis is very passionate and open with his students on almost every level, which isn’t necessarily better or worse because I think that he is a sincere individual and it was nice to experience the contrast, but sometimes I felt like more of an audience member just listening to him talk about himselfPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019113 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,UWF Global Studies staff were not especially helpful tome in completing my study abroad applicationprocedures,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019114 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. Yes I think that this program is worth the investment, although I did see a lot of my friends who were stressed out and worrying about money throughout the trip. Overall, I am beyond grateful for this experience and the friendships that I’ve made during this adventure. Personally, I could have stayed even longer and would have enjoyed being able to drop in with other classes/mingle with more students at certain points. Maybe there could be an option to stay for different number of weeks? Like offer one or two more classes In another city for students who wish to study more or stay longer. I am so inspired by Europe and this trip has helped me grow so much.
Catalyst 2019115 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Madness 2 (Psychology)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The very first day when we talked about the enlightenment and years leading up to World War I extensively. It made me realize how much history we do not learn much about in schools.#31#31COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Sunday, June 30, 2019 4:36:54 PMSunday, June 30, 2019 4:36:54 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Sunday, June 30, 2019 4:47:16 PMSunday, June 30, 2019 4:47:16 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:10:2200:10:22IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019116 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Doug was great. Could not have been better.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really liked the museums we visited.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I think Dr. Bloodworth is a very smart man. But he needs to prepare a little bit more prepared.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019117 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystManager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. The catalyst has given me a lot of confidence. I'll always love traveling and I'll always have a thirst for knowledge thanks to the catalyst. The only thing I would really change about the program is making it easier for kids who do not go to UWF or UWRF to apply. The application process for me was really stressful, but luckily it was worth it.Page 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019118 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Madness 1 (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)#32#32COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, July 01, 2019 2:22:05 AMMonday, July 01, 2019 2:22:05 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, July 01, 2019 2:50:22 AMMonday, July 01, 2019 2:50:22 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:28:1700:28:17IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3
Catalyst 2019119 / 145Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?As a non-psych major student I was nervous heading into this class because I knew very little regarding psych material. However I felt that this class and Travis did a good job of making it beneficial and easy to understand. I felt that he covered enough to teach me some basics of psych as well as teaching the psych majors in the class something new. One thing I was kind of bummed about was as the class went on we started to talk increasingly more towards sexual psychology which was interesting but I felt that it was too much of a tangent from what I originally signed up for. Initially when we were learning about PTSD and its growth of diagnosis it was interesting and what I expected, but that's where it kind of stopped. We didn't cover much beyond that, we didn't really go into how "madness" is considered today in prisons or modern beliefs.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I felt that Travis was extremely knowledgable and it was fascinating to listen to him teach. Like I said even though the sexual psychology topics kind of tended to drift off from the point, they were still interesting to hear about. I do feel that London was the best in regards to what I thought the class was going to be more about. I felt that in Paris we tended to primarily focus on sexual psychology, as well as leadership. Not even how leadership can manipulate people, just what it takes to be a leader, which I felt didn't necessarily apply to madness really.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I absolutely loved this course! I was also nervous going into this class because I am a biomedical major and have not taken a history class since my junior year of high school. I didn't know if I was going to really love the course and the material like I did. History has never been my greatest subject. However, taking this class and learning about material, where it actually occurred, had a huge impact on reigniting my love for history. I never liked military history, but Andy Weist and Sean McKnight (I hope I spelt those right) had me hanging onto every word in lecture. For the first time I wasn't getting bored with military strategy, I found it to be so freaking cool! Overall this class was amazing and going to see Terezin was so impactful. Some of my most memorable moments on this program come from this class.Page 4Page 5Page 6
Catalyst 2019120 / 145Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Mackaman was amazing! He had so much knowledge and made the lectures so easy to listen to. Even when we were standing in the blistering sun I found my self enthralled with his lectures. Having Weist there was also amazing. I really think that not only the places we saw made this class, but also the faculty. This class was such a treat thanks to Mackaman, Weist, and McKnight. Hands down awesome faculty!Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 7Page 8Page 9
Catalyst 2019121 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalPage 10
Catalyst 2019122 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I feel that the Catalyst will leave a lasting impact on me. This program was awesome. Even though there were communication slip ups here and there, they didn't take away from the overall experience. I am forever grateful to have been on this trip. I met so many new friends, ones who even went to my school that I had never seen before! I loved pretty much everybody on the trip, student wise. I felt that there were only three students overall that I felt were pretty disrespectful to the faculty as well as the places we were in (two fell asleep during our seminar in Tower of Terror which I found distracting and disrespectful to the guide). I feel that the only thing that really needs improvement would be the coordinators. Primarily how they're chosen, having students vote for the next trip's coordinators would be most impactful. We are the ones who see everything from behind the scenes and we have a pretty decent telling on who would actually make a good leader. For the most part manager Serena, coordinator Michelle, coordinator Mike, and manager Missy (even though she was only around for a week) were really good and helpful. Especially Serena, I always felt that I could approach her with anything when I needed help. Coordinator Jade however I felt was super rude to me and other students when faculty weren't around. She consistently made us feel like burdens when we came to her with help. Also when she was with our class for Tower she got mad at me for asking her if I could step out to go to the bathroom, but didn't even react when she saw two students falling asleep. Ijust felt very uncomfortable whenever she was around because she just was so unapproachable and mean. Other than that I do think this trip was worth every penny I spent.
Catalyst 2019123 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Eoin was very knowledgeable about all of the places we visited during our first session. I feel as if I learned a lot from his class. I also really loved when Kaylee joined the class and was able to teach us even more about the places we visited in Paris. I hope that she can do it again.#33#33COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, July 01, 2019 7:51:27 AMMonday, July 01, 2019 7:51:27 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, July 01, 2019 8:24:45 AMMonday, July 01, 2019 8:24:45 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:33:1800:33:18IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019124 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I think that Eoin did a fabulous job in all of these aspects.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timeQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really enjoyed seeing all of the places that I learned about in history classes in person and my favorite thing to see in Prague during class was the Mucha Museum. I sometimes wish that Joni knew more about some of the things she was showing to us, and that if things were going to be put on the test, that she would be sure to mention all of the information about them in class.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Joni was prepared in the sense that she had a plan for each day, and stuck to that plan pretty successfully. She had an assignment prepared for us for each day and each assignment progressed successfully from the last. However, the day she took us to the Olympic Stadium we were told to take pictures for the day's assignment and weren't told what guides she wanted our assignment to follow until after class(mind you we did ask). So if you didn't have what she wanted already in your photos just by pure luck, you had totake more.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019125 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I'm glad I participated in the Catalyst. I made a lot of friends on this trip, and I don't think that coming to these places as a tourist would have yielded the same experience.Page 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019126 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I think the highlights of session one for me would have been Dr. Mackaman taking the class to the sites where the blitzkrieg bombs had hit and you could see on the buildings where they had left the little bits of damage that held so much history. It was especially awesome that Dr. Mackaman speaks french and could get us into these beautiful historic structures. One of which is actually getting remodeled into, if I remember correctly, apartments and we were some of the last people to go inside and learn there. I feel like the group was made of so many witty, sharp, and educational people it really was just a great environment to learn in.#34#34COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, July 01, 2019 11:04:26 AMMonday, July 01, 2019 11:04:26 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Monday, July 01, 2019 12:21:51 PMMonday, July 01, 2019 12:21:51 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 01:17:2501:17:25IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019127 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?It was overall fantastic. Dr. Mackaman is one of the most inspirational and knowledgeable professors I met on this program. When we moved on to Paris from London it was like the two cities were never more than a ten minutes walk from each other by the way Dr. Mackaman talked about them. Even though the Blitz happened in multiple countries the material was tied together so elegantly that as a student we were brought to think of them as a whole. The events we learned about here even stretched into our second course. One event in London forever tying itself to an event that happened in Prague. A sequence of events I never would’ve seen if it hadn’t been for Dr. Mackaman.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?one of the best things about session two was the Topography of Terror. The lesson at the museum taught us all about nazism and the guest speakers had us thinking from every angle. They don’t have a conclusion to their museum because they want you to come to a conclusion on your own. Which some people didn’t like but I loved. It gave all of us the opportunity to absorb the information and decide for ourselves how we really viewed it all.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I’ve already stated the greatness of Dr. Mackaman. He’s wonderful. Our other faculty who was with us for a majority was Mr. Weist andShawn. These two are incredibly funny and talented teachers. They bounce off each other with information flawlessly. All three of these men have my highest respects.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019128 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was not consistently available nor wasshe easy to contact via Crew or text,Manager Mike was not consistently available nor was heeasy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was not consistently available norwas she easy to contact via Crew or text,Coordinator Abby was not consistently available norwas he easy to contact via Crew or text,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospitalPage 9
Catalyst 2019129 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I think the overall impact of the Catalyst was incredible. I met people who I know would’ve taken me years to meet otherwise because I don’t think I would’ve traveled to Wisconsin anytime soon haha. It was an experience of a life time. It made me a more flexible traveler, a thousand times more patient and adaptable human in social settings, and it taught me to be open to everyone’s ideas not just ones that are like my own. I definitely agree 100% that the investment in time and money spent here will have been worth it. I think it already is. I think the only changes I would suggest for future improvement is a smaller group. This may sound harsh and by nomeans do I want people to miss the opportunity to study abroad but I think a smaller group and maybe an essay submission on why that person wants to study with the catalyst would weed out all the people who chose this as a way to party in different countries. There are some people on this trip who did just that. They weren’t worried about their classes and one even claimed her hangover as a migraine to get out of class after she partied too hard the night before. Which I think is unfair to the people who wanted this as a way to finish classes and also get that well rounded cultural experience and took things seriously. There is nothing wrong with having a drink here or there and being a mature adult about it but there were a handful of students who couldn’t do that. Another change I would make would be not so many coordinators. Sereena was the only one who was there for us at all hours or who come running even when she wasn’t the emergency contact. She’s the only one who always had a smile on her face and genuinely offered a helping hand. I know she was a manager but the other managers and coordinators didn’t do that. I can’t even type a realistic number for how many times I saw Jade roll her eyes at students when asking her a question or even joking with her. And I understand that leadership comes with stress and frustration but as a leader I don’t think you should wear that frustration outwardly when the people you’re leading need your help. And Michelle is a sweet individual but her saying “I’m here for you because that’s what a coordinator is and what they do” speech made it seem like she only offered because she had to not because she really wanted to. It just wasn’t genuine. Besides thosetwo things I wouldn’t change anything about the catalyst.Page 10
Catalyst 2019130 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More global competency,Higher social efficacy,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Visiting the Tate Modern was a growth point in London, and the large cemetery in Paris was another growth point for me.I loved the course, there was a lot of knowledge to soak in. I wish there wasn't an overload of homework in Paris than there was in London. Maybe finding a balance between the two homework loads would be a good idea so it's not so much night and day between the two cities.#35#35COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Monday, July 01, 2019 9:19:15 PMMonday, July 01, 2019 9:19:15 PMLast Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 9:50:11 AMTuesday, July 02, 2019 9:50:11 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 12:30:5612:30:56IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019131 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Eoin knew a lot about the places of we were going, or at least enough to answer any questions we had. When Kaylee joined our class it was just more information that we could take in, she knows so much already. Eoin and Kaylee were also super understanding of my seizure condition and worked with me to make sure I didn't die(so that's good), the only day that was bad was in Paris and that's because I didn't prepare properly for the Louvre not letting us in and then running 2 miles yo the next location in the sun. 10/10 great class and hope they have an Art Scope for Berlin/Prague because it would've been amazing to have experienced the cities through that class.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Highlights were the Mucha Museum. The gallery was laid out beautifully, even if it was small. My biggest issue was the lack of knowledge for the loctions we went to. I feel we talked about the spaces, but we never really learned about them. So come test time, I felt I was googling a lot of facts for the places i had been. Plus some information passed along was incorrect. I would rather a professor say "hey, let me get back to you on that" than give me a false answer.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?I will commend Joni on teaching us about shutter speed and aperture. I have previously taken a photography class and I just could wrap my head around it, but Joni explained it very well. However, I will say that she wasn't always open to different art styles. I get we're multiple exposures, but artists have creative liberties that I feel were taken away because it didn't fit her aesthetic. For example, it was about saying an image was bad because there was no color in it or some arbitrary visual thing. Concept can be just as importantto an art piece as is the visuals indicators where the photo was taken. Just because there's no visual clues to where an image was taken, doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't belong in a series or that it's a bad image.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019132 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulQ9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I don’t know whatprogram staff would have done to help me or if I’d havebeen helped at all in our classroom citiesPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019133 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I enjoyed my time on the catalyst, but I also had some really rough times. I know I'm a strong person and I'll push myself to lengths that I probably shouldn't sometimes, but the catalyst really challenged that. I had a great time the first half, but the second half was pretty rough, especially with heat triggered epilepsy. I never expected there to be the hottest heat wave is Europe's history to be happening when I was there, most of Europe didn't know it was even going to be that hot! Then having my coordinator, Jade, telling me maybe I should go home (a week before I was supposed to), and that I really didn't think this program through really got to me. I cried for three straight days in Prague because not only were students saying awful things about me, now the Catalyst staff thought I was such a huge problem that I should've never went on the program. I live with the condition, I know the hindrance it can cause and I try my damn best to not let it ruin others time, I thought this program through. Luckily for me I had some amazing friends on this trip who made sure I enjoyed the rest of my time in Europe.For future Catalyst programs I HIGHLY recommend that for students with invisible disabilities(ones you can't clearly see) note in the meetings leading up to leaving for Europe that if they feel comfortable to let their professors and coordinators know if there's somethingthat might be an issue. Eoin knew me from before, and I filled out the paperwork on study abroad site at UWRF. I assumed all the people knew, but Dr. Wooley later told me it never goes past Doug due to HIPAA. Which is fine, but I didn't know that and it would havebeen good to know that the coordinators didn't know about my seizures right away. In the end I went back to Europe, saw some amazing places and art, and made many new friends so it was worth the money in the end. These memories will last with me for a life time, and I don't regret going on this trip.
Catalyst 2019134 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.Mindfulness (Psychology),Garden of the Beasts (History)#36#36COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 2:16:04 AMTuesday, June 25, 2019 2:16:04 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, July 03, 2019 11:44:59 AMWednesday, July 03, 2019 11:44:59 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: Over a weekOver a weekIP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3
Catalyst 2019135 / 145Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlights of the mindfulness course for me are as follows. I was better able to understand the importance of the present moment and how being grounded in it provides us with a better mental state. I was able to understand through this course that my thoughts are just a float in a parade and that I don't have to go down a rabbit hole and engage them. One of the most profound conclusions I came to due in large part to this course was that I need to move past the 'if I do this then I'll be happy' mentality. One of my biggest insecurities is wondering if people care about me and I realized that even thinking about this was a form of that mentality. There was no quantifiable number of people I could say that if they cared for me then I'd be happy so I'm now able to move on from that thought. It's also worth noting that the mediation exercises were also amazing and helped me relax both my body and mind. One thing that I think would improve the course is to have the reading more structured into the class. For example having chapter 10 read by this day would give you a better background on the topic of the day versus having 2 books read when it's less apparent what information is important.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Dr. Bernal was always prepared to teach and did so with deep knowledge of the material he was presenting. Even when we were at other places like the buddist monastery he would offer insight on the topics at hand. He showed great flexibility able to deal with the Louvre being on strike the day we were supposed to meet. He also overall had a very mindful and respectful attitude with the class andwas easily approachable for questions and conversation.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break had its ups and downs but wasoverall a worthwhile timePage 4Page 5Page 6
Catalyst 2019136 / 145Q6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?The highlight of Garden of Beasts for me was LARPing major WWII battles. That activity was the essence of the class. Approaching a grim and horrific reality in a way that students can digest and learn from. That's not to say that the course shyed away from the heavy hitting stuff but that it was a healthy mix. This course has also equipped me to see today's society through a different lens and to be active in stopping the rise of ideologies that eeriely mirror the Nazis. The one thing I would do to improve this course is perhaps not do the topography of terror tour. Whether or not it was my own tiredness or expectations of something different the experience didn't inspire me like I thought it would. Also as the program grows and class sizes get bigger I feel like it might be a good idea on longer days to section off the class in two if possible and take smaller breaks.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Throughout my life some of my best professors have been in my history courses and this class was certainly no exception to that trend. The amount of passion combined with expert level knowledge made the two week course one of the most valuable learning experiences I have ever had. The way the professors played off of each other's points and covered each other made even lectures after 5-7 hours of walking extremely interesting and informative. Professors were also very friendly and approachable. I have nothing but positive things to say about the professors of this course.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Tubre was readily available to help me through myapplication and hold lifting process as I got ready tostudy abroad,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019137 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingPage 9Page 10
Catalyst 2019138 / 145Q10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I wanted to wait a little while before completing this survey to try and digest a little what the Catalyst meant to me. I wanted to make sure that the feelings I had while flying back home were genuine and not just a high I was riding. After spending some time adjusting to a normal life again I can definitively say the Catalyst is a positive life altering experience that I will cherish till the end of my days. I was able to prove to myself how much I have grown as a person to be able to do this. Just as importantly though I was able to realize that I have much I need to improve on as well. The people I have met on this program are some of the most wonderful and inspirational people I have ever met and I hope to remain lifelong friends with them. As far as ways to improve and grow the program the one minor thing I would suggest is a little bit more open dialogue in the coordination process. It would have been nice to know when and where finals were going to be a bit earlier especially for the week leading up to acceleration. If it's within the budget I think a genius advertising technique would be to use a bit of VR to give potential students just a taste of all the amazing sites they would be seeing. As far as the investment of time and money goes it was a tiny price to pay for what I got out of this program. When Dr. Mackaman came to our campus I truly thought he was up selling the program by calling it a life changing experience but I am happily wrong in that regard. I have absolutely zero regrets doing the program.
Catalyst 2019139 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,More global competency,Higher social efficacy,Increased flexibility,Higher sense of resiliency/toughness,Better problem solving skills,A heightened sense of comfort with people who aredifferent from me,Renewed academic excitement,Heightened interest in possible graduate study,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.When We Were Young (History),Garden of the Beasts (History)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?Most of the greatest growth points were probably when I was alone traveling or roaming a city. Some of the highlights were the historical places we went - which was a lot. I do wish we could have had more time at Normandy, but I am grateful I was able to be there at all, especially on memorial day.#37#37COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Friday, July 05, 2019 10:42:08 AMFriday, July 05, 2019 10:42:08 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Friday, July 05, 2019 10:55:09 AMFriday, July 05, 2019 10:55:09 AMTime Spent:Time Spent: 00:13:0000:13:00IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019140 / 145Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Great! Getting helpful side tips about being in each city was also a huge help. Especially when we got to Paris.Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I really enjoyed having Dr Weist and Dr McKnight come in for this course. Dr McKnight was also great in the first course. I enjoyed having all three share the lectures and giving their own scholarly perspectives on the course material.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?Great! Same answer as #6.Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019141 / 145Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,My squad leader was responsive to me via text or inface to face meetings with my Catalyst questions andapplication steps,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 9
Catalyst 2019142 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystI knew each day of the program who was on-call to helpme if I needed anything personal or related to my healthor any academic matter,Manager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Manager Jade was consistently available when I neededhelp or was easy to find via Crew or text message,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Anna was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Michelle was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Abby was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I think we all have a lifetime experience that we will never have any regrets about. I think that the investment of time and money was totally worth it and I would definitely do it again.Page 10
Catalyst 2019143 / 145Q1What were your overall biggest Catalystaccomplishments? Please check all that apply to yourexperience.More self confidence,An increased love for travelQ2What were your Catalyst Session One and TwoCourse? Please be sure to check both of your courses.ArtScope (Art),Art Scope (Art Studio)Q3What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session One course? What if anything did youreally like or not like about this course or how it was taught?I loved getting to see all the street at and architecture. I am upset that I did not get to see the Louvre from the inside but I know that part of that was my own fault. I could have tried to go on Saturday night. It was very interesting to get to hear more about the history ofthe places we were, since you can only learn so much about a country when you go to school in a different country.Q4How would you describe your experience with your Session One course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?The professors seemed very knowledgeable about what they were teaching and if they did not know something they would look into it and tell us. They seemed like they wanted to learn more with us, and that they wanted to get us involved with our surroundings. They loved the cities we were in and seemed to know them well. I really enjoyed how Eoin always took different paths so we could see different parts of the city.#38#38COMPLETECOMPLETECollector:Collector: Mobile Link Mobile Link (Web Link)(Web Link)Started:Started: Saturday, July 06, 2019 11:51:09 AMSaturday, July 06, 2019 11:51:09 AMLast Modified:Last Modified: Saturday, July 06, 2019 2:27:29 PMSaturday, July 06, 2019 2:27:29 PMTime Spent:Time Spent: 02:36:2002:36:20IP Address:IP Address: 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Catalyst 2019144 / 145Q5How would you characterize your Accelerationexperience?Traveling for break was a huge time of growth andexploration that I’ll likely remember foreverQ6What were the highlights and/or greatest growth points for you in your Session Two course? What if anything did youespecially like or not like about this course or how it was taught?It was cool to get to see places and hear about them, but personally I would like to hear information from my professor and not a tour guide. I would like to have taken different walking paths in the cities. Mostly because we were a photography class and we just kept taking pictures of the same things. I wish she had a work shop type class one time if only for 30 minutes to an hour to show us how to use the editing tools better and how she wanted things fo be done. I feel like she was kind of biased as to how we were to do the photos. Some people had very good artistic elements and she did not like them and told the people they had to be a certain way. I know she is the teacher and it her way or nothing but it still felt like she wanted everyone stuff very similar.Q7How would you describe your experience with your Session Two course faculty: their level of preparation to teach, theirknowledge of the course material, their ability to integrate material within the two cities, their attitude toward students andtheir overall comportment and attitude?It seemed as though she was prepared for our tours and had tickets if we needed them but I feel like the places we went were very touristy. I wish we could have seen more of the cities in class.Q8How would you characterize the help you received withCatalyst questions before leaving for Europe? Pleaserespond to as many points below as are relevant to yourexperience.I participated in some or all of the online sessions orlistened to some or all of them in asynchronousformat?,Dr. Mackaman was not responsive to my questions viatext, email or phone,UWF Global Studies staff were extremely helpful to mein completing my study abroad processes,I found the Online Catalyst Manual helpfulPage 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Catalyst 2019145 / 145Q9How available to help you abroad were our staffmembers? Please answer all the points below that relateto your experience with The CatalystManager Sereena was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,Coordinator Mike was consistently available when Ineeded help or was easy to find via Crew or textmessage,If I got sick or needed medical help, I knew could gethelp at any time from the program in our classroomcities up to and including assistance in getting to adoctor or even a hospital,I felt like Crew was an asset in terms of being able toreach out to the program if I needed anythingQ10Please say in a few sentences how you feel you will remember this program and what it did for you as a college studentmeeting the world. I loved the program and being able to meet so many great people. It was an amazing experience and worth it. I wish the professors could have been house in the same place as us so if needed we could contact them more readily and feel like they are more readily available. I did like the hostels we were in but there were times I wished we could have had better ones. There were times where the communication between professor and coordinator and coordinator to students and vice versa was just not there and that was frustrating for everyone. I am glad we got to go to Normandy on Memorial day but I feel like it could have been done differently. It was a very long day of traveling for a very short amount of time to really take in where we were.Page 9Page 10