Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Terms and Definitions 6 General Facility Information 6 Review of Current Bird Control Practices 7 Initial Facility Audit Inspection 7 Integrated Bird Management IBM Statement 9 IBM Policy 9 Facility IBM Plan Goals and Bird Pressure Thresholds 9 Facility Coordinator FC and IBM Coordinator IBMC Roles and Responsibilities 11 Facility Staff Education Training 11 Documentation and Reporting 19 Additional Bird Control Options 20 IBM Program Evaluation 21 Certification Inspection 23 Audit Findings 24 Action List 25 Appendix A IBM Policy for Food Industry 26 Appendix B Attach Building Facility Map 28 Appendix C Bird Sighting Log 29 Appendix D Food Industry Inspection Checklist 30 Appendix E Site Specific Bird Control Plan 31 Appendix F Board of Health Letter that Corrective Action is being performed 32 Appendix G Bird Certification 33
Executive Summary of Services Birds of varying species can become a pest problem depending upon where they are landing roosting and or nesting In terms of food facilities birds can cause various concerns product safety risks possible contamination bird droppings feathers poor audit grades inspection failure secondary insect pest problems vectoring of food borne illness pathogens plant closures or fines It is for these reasons that it is essential that Food Beverage and Product Manufactures hereinafter referred to as FBP to establish an Integrated Bird Management hereinafter referred to as IBM program An Integrated Bird Management program will ensure that every essential team member is on the same page in terms of the protocols for managing pest birds within and around the facility Even if a facility has taken a proactive approach to bird control the potential exists for birds to enter a facility Especially considering bird pressures around adjacent properties buildings bodies of water and food sources near the facility IBM for food industry facilities is a systematic approach to preventing birds from gaining access within a facility and reducing the length of time birds remain within a facility Nuisance birds depending upon how severe the bird pressure i e how many birds are landing roosting and or nesting within a given area can cause severe damage to equipment property food products displays vegetation fa ade signage ledges roofs HVAC equipment drains fire suppression electrical equipment and more The longer that birds are permitted to remain within and around a facility the more damage they can cause and the harder it is to remedy the problem Thus it is critical to remove any birds that have gained entry as soon as possible to prevent possible FBP contamination and the birds getting comfortable within the facility A proactive approach to reducing bird populations is critical for food industry facilities As such the IBM program will ensure that your entire staff is properly trained on all the site specific bird control methods reduce the frequency of birds entering the facility and create a documented bird control program that is designed for your specific facility
Steps to Achieving and Maintaining a BIRD FREE Facility Inspection Initial Site Audit Inspection of the Facility o Interior Exterior Current conditions assessment Bird pressure assessment Review Review of current practices with facility management Review of documentation practices with facility staff Review of audit inspection findings with everyone Documentation Implementation Creation of site specific IBM Policy Plan for the facility Creation of IBM Statement Creation of IBM Policy and IBM Site Specific Plan Establish site specific goals based upon a review of all information gathered Make necessary changes based upon findings Correct any conducive conditions Define staff roles regarding bird control efforts on front line facility level Staff training on proper bird control removal methods Review new documentation process Options Review all the available bird control options Impact of Implementation Cost Effectiveness vs Long Term Benefit Review Annual Review Annual Site Survey Plan Adjustment if necessary Certification Complete interior building and staff inspection Issuance of Bird Free Certification Board of Health Action Letter if required
Integrated Bird Management Food Safety Audit Checklist Establishment name ________________________ Address __________________________________________ Form completed by name ____________________________________________ Date __________________ Use this audit checklist to evaluate your compliance with site specific IBM plan Keep a copy for your records The purpose of this audit is to conduct a full inspection of the interior and exterior of the facility for pest bird species related activity building deficiencies and management practices to ensure that any necessary corrective actions are documented and repaired All reports and related documents will be kept on file for inspection Audit Guidelines 1 The IBM Audit is to be completed annually 2 If necessary follow up inspections to ensure corrective actions have been taken 3 The audit consists of all related documentation and records relating to pest birds and an on site audit inspection guidelines Note that during the time of the audit the auditor will speak with staff to fully gauge all the activities that happen from day to day 4 On completion of the audit a site specific action plan will be created for all the deficiencies that are present to ensure that corrective actions are taken immediately 5 All the documents and corrective actions taken are to be retained Key Code 1 Not addressing the issue 2 No standard system 3 System needs improvement 4 Good system 5 Great system NA Not applicable
Audit Inspection Items 1 2 3 4 5 N A Interior Inspection 1 a Active birds with facility ________________________ Location s 2 a b c d Retail Area Location s General Location s Bakery Location s Frozen Location s Other 3 a Interior Landscaping Location s 4 a Food Processing Areas Location s 5 a b c Bay Doors Location s Gaps Location s Bumpers Location s Structural 6 a b c d General Doors Location s Gaps Location s Bumpers Location s Structural Location s Doors Being Left Open 7 a Additional Access Point Location s 8 a Pipe Line Penetrations Location s 9 a Sanitation Location s Food Waste Corrective Action Required Date Completed
CERTIFICATE OF BIRD INSPECTION Recipient Name Is hereby recognized that store name has been recently inspected by Aviaway Bird Control Services and no birds have been observed on the interior of the facility at the time of the inspection STORE NAME PRESENTED BY Signatory name s ON THIS DAY Click to select a date