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May 2020 Prayer Bulletin

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HOLDING ONTO JESUS HAND Sharing the Love of Jesus MAY 2020

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JP S JOURNAL BY JONATHAN CEO HOLDING ON TO JESUS HAND Dearest friends and partners in the gospel And we shall reign with Him For He lives Christ is risen from the dead I send you the love and greetings of everyone at Caring For Life We hope and pray that you are all staying well and are knowing the presence of the Lord in a very special way I am sure like me you sat from the isolation of your homes to watch your church s Easter service and like me sang prayed and rejoiced in the glory of being part of God s family because of Jesus resurrection You may have even sung that song See what a morning Last month we heard many people saying these words Easter is cancelled Well I don t want to put anyone down but Easter certainly wasn t cancelled The celebrations of Easter will never be cancelled because as we know Easter celebrates the victorious work of our risen Saviour I am always moved to tears when I sing the final part of that song And we are raised with Him Death is dead love has won Christ is risen It is a magnificent declaration of the power of the cross and the uncontainable love of God given to us in Christ and look Hang on to the hand that lifted Peter from we shall reign with Him for He lives because Christ is the stormy sea the hand that cleansed the risen from the dead leper the hand that gave sight to the blind and the hands that hold scars which speak of His love for you We know with full assurance that Jesus lives He is risen and He reigns forever glorious As Stuart Townend wrote He is One with the Father Ancient of Days Through the Spirit Who clothes faith with certainty Honour and blessing glory and praise To the King crowned With power and authority And we are raised with Him Death is dead love has won Christ has conquered 1 We are surrounded by death at this moment in time and it s heart breaking Our prayers go up for every grieving heart and every sick soul We can only pray for a swift end to this pandemic and for the Lord s sustaining hand to be upon all those who are treating the sick or caring in the community and for those who are making big decisions Sadly this situation can so easily cause us to fear and to become discouraged in our faith but please please dear friends hang on with all your might to the gentle but strong hand of Jesus

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Hang on to the hand that lifted Peter from the stormy sea the hand that cleansed the leper the hand that gave sight to the blind and the hands that hold scars which speak of His love for you He will not let you go so don t let go of Him hang on to Him and you will reign with Him Paul would often say these words Here is a trustworthy saying he wanted to emphasise that what he was saying is the truth and in 2 Tim 2 11 he writes Here is a trustworthy saying If we died with him we will also live with him if we endure we will also reign with him Let us all endure with Him even in the midst of the battles whether they are personal practical spiritual mental local national and even global battles because He is a sovereign Lord and He is Lord over our lives Do you remember the words Jesus spoke to his disciples the night He met with them after His resurrection We read them in John 20 19 On the evening of that first day of the week when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders You see the disciples knew what it was like to be held in isolation too not from fear of a virus but from fear of being killed because of their love for Christ But then Jesus comes to them and says If we died with him we will also live with him if we endure we will also reign with him Peace be with you After he said this he showed them his hands and side The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord Again Jesus said Peace be with you As the Father has sent me I am sending you And with that he breathed on them and said Receive the Holy Spirit That is my prayer for all of you that the peace of Jesus be with you It is my prayer for all those in our care at Caring For Life It is my prayer for the staff who continue to work and those who are on furlough It is my prayer for our nation and the world that each and every soul would hear Jesus saying to them Peace be with you That lovely little song comes to mind now My peace I give unto you It s a peace that the world cannot give It s a peace that the world cannot understand Peace to know peace to live My peace I give unto you 2

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JP S JOURNAL CONTINUED All that thrills my soul is Jesus He is more than life to me and the fairest of ten thousand in my blessed Lord I see Peace perfect peace comes from hanging onto Jesus hand it comes from looking to Him and listening to Him So lean not on your own understanding my friends but in all your ways acknowledge Him I am going to quote Robert Murrey McCheyne again and you will have to forgive me if you have heard me quote this before but this now means more to me and I hope to you than ever before Let us all look to and stand upon that Rock the rock of our salvation Jesus the Saviour and friend we all need and the Saviour and friend we can all have All that thrills my soul is Jesus He is more than life to me and the fairest of ten thousand in my blessed Lord I see Dear friends thank you for your amazing love thank you for your response to the crisis by giving so sacrificially and for your faithful prayers we are so grateful This ministry is here serving the Lord because 3 of His faithfulness and because of your love for the Lord Psalm 41 God is at work and His Gospel will prevail but let s pray that through the present trials and tragedies we shall see many coming to seek after and finding the source of our hope and joy even in the midst of this storm The Lord bless you and keep you The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you His peace Amen Yours in the battle Jonathan

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GOD AT WORK IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM Life in lockdown can be very tough for people who don t have a garden or balcony and for those who cannot leave the house One person we support who cannot go out at all is spending 10 minutes every day sitting on a chair at the back door looking at the sky and the clouds and remembering that we have a great big God who loves us and is with us A lady asked Lynn to pray with her on the phone She is struggling with mental health issues and cannot get help at present Whilst we are unable to actually be with those Caring For Life is supporting at this time those ringing people have had some very encouraging opportunities to talk about the Lord A young man we support has been reading his Bible and some daily reading notes and rang to ask if we would be producing more because he wanted more notes when those ran out Talking with his key worker he said I have Jesus and I have Caring For Life I m ok A gentleman asked Steve to pray with him over the phone He later asked How come you re so positive When Steve said it s because of the Lord he asked What are you reading in the Bible at the minute Steve was then able to explain the message of Easter One lady asked for Bible reading notes and to do a study over the phone sometimes This was a major change as she has not shown such interest for some time Someone asked for prayer and said I am praying too This was the first time prayer or anything to do with the Lord had been mentioned by this person But now this is what the Lord says he who created you Jacob he who formed you Israel Do not fear for I have redeemed you I have summoned you by name you are mine Isaiah 43 1

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LIFE IN LOCKDOWN BY GAYLE PENNANT Pastoral Director Both our two supported homes have been in lockdown for some time with the staff seeking to keep all the residents safe and occupied in what is a very different way of life for them at this time We are so thankful that both our homes have gardens enabling people to get some fresh air and sunshine and keeping some of the residents busy with gardening projects Gayle is keeping in touch with the staff team through Zoom meetings but is also able to speak with each of the residents each week through Zoom which avoids a phone getting passed around and enables face to face chats delivered to the homes each week by Rachel who normally undertakes driving for Caring For Life We pray that the staff will stay well along with each of the residents and we are doing all we can to avoid risks Just shopping for the two homes can be difficult due to shopping for a fairly large household But having a special letter to present to supermarkets has been a real help and food items plus essentials from our own stores are packed up and 5 Life in lockdown can be confusing and frustrating for the gentlemen at Tindall House They want to be up at the farm looking after the animals and taking part in their various projects It can be difficult for some to understand why we can t go out and the fact that we don t know when this will all be over can be frustrating We continue to keep the

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gentlemen busy with daily prayer times for anyone who wants to join in Bible reading film nights gardening doing jigsaws board games baking and many more things The gentlemen enjoy these activities and we are so grateful to the Lord that the morale in the house is high at the moment and He is holding us Our house motto has become One day at a time because we know that the Lord holds the future in His hands and the gentlemen are finding comfort in the fact that the One who loves them and died for them is watching over them now The ladies at Wendy Margaret Home have built a structure for their day choosing to start every day by praying for the health of everyone in their home and at Tindall House for their staff and for the Exec They are also getting together every evening to read the Bible together Both homes are enjoying watching their church service online and it is wonderful to see and hear their enthusiasm Lots of baking is happening at Wendy Margaret Home as well as various craft activities The films and photos sent through from the Farm are also very much enjoyed helping them to feel in touch The residents are trying to do these activities while staying two metres apart Chairs in the Tindall garden have tape on the ground to show where they should be The gentlemen have been asked to stay apart and imagine Nathan tallest staff member lying between them The ladies are doing Joe Wicks exercise each morning but in different rooms so they can stay apart They also made a funny video for the farm staff to enjoy Some are enjoying time with their guinea pigs and hamsters One lady is keeping a pandemic journal to look back on Everyone is getting on well and looking out for each other very much a family One of the gentlemen said Nought s gonna bring me down We ll get through this together There s one difference we have God on our side That s why we ll get through 6

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SHARING JESUS LOVE FROM and I m sure all of you reeling with the daily announcements about the impact of the pandemic and the resultant changes to our lives Yet we still have much to thank God for Each of these people has been allocated a key worker for the duration of this period The key worker is keeping in touch regularly through phone and video calls to monitor well being medication needs food needs and just to provide some loving human contact at a tough time The day that we had to close the doors of the farm projects and send our precious beneficiaries home was a very difficult day What a blessing though to know that we can lift them to our Heavenly Father who loves them so much more than we do whose love is unstoppable and whose presence can t be impacted by any social distancing measures The homes in which our beneficiaries are having to self isolate are not always happy safe cosy places so it has been essential to be able to draw alongside them even remotely in these circumstances and to do what we can to make situations even slightly better The past weeks have left all of us Since then the farm has been closed and we have had to rethink all of our care We continue to care for our residents in Wendy Margaret Home and Tindall House and have had some very precious times in those homes as the ladies and the gentlemen have really shown that they are family to one another As one gentleman who recently moved into Tindall House commented I m so glad I m here now Can you imagine what it would have been like if I was still alone in my flat The individuals that we are most concerned about though are those who are home alone with no one else to look out for them so we have a implemented a new model of care for all of those we have been supporting through the Being There team and the farm projects 7 We ve been able to drop much needed food parcels and this is likely to be an ongoing need that we want to continue to be able to respond to As our stock of donated food ran low on some items we were thrilled to receive a sizeable donation of baked beans from a local food bank which had a surplus A supermarket chain also gave a very kind gift enabling us to go into their store to purchase food items and household essentials for distribution We ve also been able to help in other very practical ways eg liaising on behalf of our folk with utility companies contacting courts and probation on their behalf continuing to help with benefits remotely and contacting GPs to ensure they get essential medication delivered In all of this we have seen so many reminders that God is with us and that He has been answering your prayers The conversations we ve had have been very precious and we are praying for

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M A SOCIAL DISTANCE We ve been able to drop much needed food parcels and this is likely to be an ongoing need that we want to continue to be able to respond to opportunities to share Jesus love at this tough time want to be a lifeline to them through this time One young man who has only recently come to us commented Thank you for praying with us for these precious individuals God is certainly working in their hearts and we are praying for a great turning to Him in this crisis It s great to know that Caring For Life is there even when you re not there One young lady who suffered for years with agoraphobia before she was supported by Caring For Life commented that we have spent years encouraging her to get out meet people get involved in something positive and engage in the world yet now we are telling her the exact opposite It s good that she was able to laugh about it We are concerned though for the mental health and well being of many we support as well as for their physical health So many have such significant pre existing mental health difficulties that the strain of the current situation is enormous We are also concerned for those who do not always feel safe in their homes and really We have had the blessing of many beneficiaries asking for Bible reading notes to help them at this time We ve had others asking to pray together on the phone And we have had some who were very antagonistic to any mention of the name of Jesus noticeably soften and show some interest for the first time One lady who describes herself as an avowed and vocal atheist said recently to her key worker I guess I ll just have to thank the heavens for you We are praying that she and many others will see beyond the help they receive and have their eyes opened to the Saviour 8

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NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL Although our daytime projects are closed and we miss all the beneficiaries very badly the farm itself needs to be maintained ready for when we pray our beneficiaries are able to return Livestock still need to be cared for and the busy season of lambing has come to an end with lambs and ewes safely out in the fields Horses and ponies have to be cared for ridden and exercised stables mucked out and tack cleaned or the arena maintained all the usual work but it is strangely quiet without folks chatting on the project The hens are still laying and the free range eggs are in huge demand in our farm shop Then vehicles still need maintenance so Nigel is kept busy whilst also helping with tasks such as picking up surplus food donated by a local supermarket ready to go out with food parcels 9 The sensory gardens and conservation area all need maintaining and cannot be left to go to seed So there is plenty of work to be done on the Farm but alongside this the staff are busy ringing beneficiaries listening to their concerns seeking to ensure they stay safe arranging practical help if needed and just maintaining that vital contact Staff are working hard in the busy Farm Shop with Steve kept very busy in the meat room There is also the task of caring for stock in the nurseries at this difficult time

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Then whilst many staff are furloughed and some work remotely Jonathan pictured helping to keep the grounds maintained and Tim remain on site along with a small number of staff from PR accounts and Design and Media all being careful to socially distance The Farm is a very quiet place during this time with so few vehicles and virtually no air traffic It makes it easier to hear the skylarks and curlews which is beautiful but we would far rather have the noise of laughter and chatter competing with the sounds of nature The sensory gardens and conservation area are bursting into life and colour as spring progresses But we miss people racing to be the first to spot the signs of spring as part of our annual SpringWatch competition Even the first swallows are back and we welcome their return But a very much greater welcome awaits our beneficiaries whenever they are able to return here 10

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keeping you UPDATED To keep abreast of the latest news at Caring For Life please look on a regular basis at either the Caring For Life web page or Caring For Life s Facebook page We will be giving regular updates throughout the ongoing crisis and as the situation develops To all of you who have been able to respond to our current crisis through making a donation and to all of you who are praying for us thank you so very much We pray that the Lord would continue to meet whatever shortfall we may have and we pray the Lord blesses you through what you are doing for Him in standing with us to share the love of Jesus with those in need Thank you from everyone at Caring For Life And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose Romans 8 28 Pseudonyms are often used throughout these bulletins to protect the privacy of individuals Due to the sensitive information in this bulletin about individuals may we remind you not to leave it lying around copy reproduce any contents without permission or pass it on to others If you know of someone who would like to receive a copy please ask them to contact Pam on 0113 2303610 or pam parkinson caringforlife co uk to be added to our mailing list Thank You

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MAY prayer points I am the light of the world Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life PSALM 31 24 Sunday Thank God that although we cannot be with those we support physically He is blessing the conversations which are taking place over the phone and that a growing number of those we care for are turning their eyes to Jesus Monday Thank God that He is sustaining us during this very difficult time Please pray for strength and wisdom for all the staff as this is a very tiring time both physically and mentally Tuesday Thank God that we are being enabled to deliver food parcels to those we support who are unable to get food by any other means Pray for the safety of our staff as they deliver food and pray we will have all the food we need to support those people at this time Wednesday Thank God that we are able to connect remotely with all those we support at Caring For Life But please pray for those we are helping who are very much at risk whilst in isolation because of poor mental health suicidal thoughts or domestic violence Thursday Thank God with us for gifts that have come in at this time to support our ministry Please pray that God will meet all our needs enabling us to continue our work Friday Thank God that the farm shop one of our social enterprises has been able to remain open Pray for the staff as they are extremely busy Saturday Join us in praying for each of the people we are supporting for all our supporters for our nation and for the world Pray for an end to the spread of the virus and for many more people to turn their eyes upon Jesus to look full in His wonderful face and to come to know Him Thank you so much for praying for the ministry of Caring For Life Please continue to pray with us each day through the week