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SERVICE DIRECTORY YOU RE INVITED 99 Only per month Hi My name is Tony Spano and I m a broker here in beautiful Naples FL Realtors are continually asked for the names of reliable companies that provide quality home products and services Especially the 1 000 s of people who are new to the area If you ve been in business at least two years deliver quality products and services and are looking to develop more business within upscale communities this is a golden co marketing opportunity Twice each year we will mail a Service Directory to home owners in select communities Each will be mailed to the same address home owners receive their tax bill so not only do we know the address is good only owners of properties will receive a Service Directory Not only will you be reaching the right people at the right time you will be developing a relationship with a top Realtor that serves that area And as their businesses grow so does their ability to network with you SERVICE DIRECTORY Please contact these fine companies when you need professional products and services for your home SERVICE DIRECTORY Thanks to all these fine companies that service our community and for making this Service Directory possible We specialize in our community If you re thinking of selling buying or referring a friend or relative contact us first LUXE MARBLE TILE SERVING OUR COMMUNITY FOR 30 YEARS 123 456 7890 LUXEMARBLE COM AGENTS NAME PHOTOS HERE 123 456 7890 234 567 8901 youremail email com yourwebsite com YOUR COMPANY NAME If your home is currently listed with another broker please disregard this advertisement as it is in no way a solicitation of that listing Each company advertises in our Service Directories independently and are in no way connected to one another nor should this be considered an endorsement or recommendation by any company shown in the Service Directory for another FISCHER LIGHTING GALLERY 123 456 7890 FISHERLIGHTING COM Jackson jacksonservices com 123 456 7890

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ABC PAINTING INC residential commercial abcpainting com LICENCED BONDED INSURED SERVICES INSTALLATION SECURITY MONITORING FOR A FREE CO N S U LTATI O N V I S IT S M A RT H O M E C O M GULFSIDE CUSTOM HOMES Luxury Excellence Quality W W W G U L F S I D E C O M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 MODERN CONCEPTS design planning VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 123 456 7890 238 West First Street www modernconcepts com SUTTER Bath Design Seaside Patio Furniture 123 456 7890 sutterbath com 2040 East Park Dr seasidepatio com 123 456 7890 Island Flooring Co Providing the Highest Quality Since 1993 123 456 7890 1388 Blossom Drive www islandflooring com STRAUSS KITCHEN CABINETRY FAMILY OWNED OPERATED FOR 34 YEARS STRAUSSKITCHEN COM 123 456 7890 Here are a few of the benefits of YOUR HOME Service Directories COST You pay far less than comparable forms of marketing You can choose one community or several depending on your budget and where you want to target And with our introductory pricing you save even more we ll include production of your ad with your annual commitment EXCLUSIVITY We only feature one of each type business in a Service Directory Unlike other media loaded with your competition you don t have to out spend the other guy with bigger ads better placement or larger discounts the playing field is level Once you sign up the category is closed to everyone else DIRECT MAIL You get the pinpoint accuracy of direct mail Our Service Directories are mailed to home owners within each community No more guessing if your message is reaching your target audience You will reach full time residents as well as snowbirds because we mail to the tax bill address Lists are updated before each mailing 100 HOME Our Directories are only available to companies that offer home related products and services It does nothing to increase your image and your brand to be surrounded by companies like dentists car washes and restaurants ANNUAL COVERAGE Twice each year home owners receive a current Service Directory As you can see the format is designed to be kept and used for months Bi annual distribution allows us to update and keep each Service Directory current RECOMMENDATIONS Every day Realtors are asked to recommend companies like yours Assuming you qualify this is an excellent way to reach upscale homeowners when they need your products and services the most and cement your relationship with a professional that specializes in the communities you choose Reach the right people at the right time for less and it s exclusive For more information email me at Tony YourHomeRealty com or call me on my cell at 239 249 2884 Our Directories are available on a first come first serve basis so reach out as soon as possible if you are interested Remember we are exclusive and cannot offer it to companies that service categories committed for

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