GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 108 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2019 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK PRESENCE NOT PRESENTS We are entering the Advent Season or as the rest of our culture calls it the Christmas Season which for our culture lasts from the day after Thanksgiving until New Years For several years now Julie and I have been trying to teach our kids to value presence not presents at Christmas It s not easy to do in our consumerist culture But we have never made a big deal about Santa or gifts of toys etc Instead we have made a big deal of family time and traditions church family time and traditions In other words we focus on the gift of being present with each other throughout this season As most of us adults discover more and more the older we grow there is a sort of magic in that too maybe an even greater magic We think this is the best way to embody for our kids the real meaning of Christmas Among all the many proclamations of Good News at Christmas the one that has always stood out to me is the simple message that Jesus birth is the gift of God s presence with us Immanuel God with us When Julie and I are present with our kids in meaningful ways it reflects to them the way God in Christ comes to be fully present with us As you can imagine it is hard for pastor parents to be present with our kids during this season but we try really hard because at the end of the day that is what our kids truly crave not more toys to clutter up their room In truth it is what we all crave And maybe that is why this season can be so difficult for some of us because we are painfully aware of those not present with us We long for presence We ache for loved ones who have died We ache for family and friends far away We ache for God s presence to feel more real to us An AARP survey recently found that 31 of people questioned reported feeling lonely during the holiday season at some point in the last 5 years And maybe that is the gift that the church offers during this season While everyone else scurries around pretending it is already Christmas here the moment December hits the church proclaims for 4 weeks Advent that Christmas is coming Jesus birth is the gift of God s presence with us 1 that God s presence is coming that God s presence is what God promises and what we can hope for but is not here yet in all its fullness The waiting season allows us to express all that longing and aching for presence that exists within us and to try our best to embody presence for each other so that we might feel God s presence The amazing thing is that often God does show up in a fuller way Somehow we feel God s presence through others who make it a priority to be fully present with us So this year I encourage you to set aside all the hurry and scurry of the season and focus your energy on being fully present with those around you especially those who may be lonely or isolated Embody presence for them that they might experience God s presence more fully Be part of bringing Immanuel into the world That is what the Christ child does for us Let s make this Advent and this Christmas about presence not presents Pastor Jen
BIRTHDAYS Beverly Finn 12 5 Jim Moore 12 19 Harry Miller 12 21 Julie Daysa 12 30 Elizabeth Daysa 12 30 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard FELLOWSHIP Beryl Fruth and Ginnie Thompson 12 1 Available 12 8 Available 12 15 Christmas Tea with Gretchen Ackerson Katie Fullerton 12 22 Breakfast Church 12 29 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 12 1 Available 12 8 Available 12 15 Katie Gretchen and Poinsettias 12 22 Poinsettias 12 29 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for harm to give you a future with hope Jeremiah 29 11 NRSV 2020 STEWARDSHIP Our Stewardship Campaign pledge Sunday was November 24 and during the regular offering time the people were asked to come forward to place their pledges and offering on the altar Pastor Jen also asked everyone to write on a piece of paper on the altar some of the things they feel would make Good Sam thrive during the upcoming months On Monday November 26 we finished entering the pledges into a spreadsheet and found that we have received a total of 108 000 This gives us 70 of our needed pledges for the year 2020 Many in the congregation increased their pledges over last year s giving Submitted by Kate Hall Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE October 27 50 November 3 57 10 54 17 61 24 49 Ministry Teams Please ask someone from your team each month to be responsible to get news or announcements turned in for the monthly newsletter IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED IN YOUR PLEDGE CARD PLEASE FILL IT OUT AND EITHER PLACE IT IN THE OFFERING PLATE OR GIVE IT TO KATE HALL 2
MARK YOUR CALENDARS December Oasis Trip Victorian Christmas Stroll at The Henry B Plant Museum in Tampa Saturday December 14th 9 30am Admissions Adults 16 Seniors 14 Youth 10 Experience the extravagance and grandeur of a Victorian Christmas at the former 1891 Tampa Bay Hotel during the Henry B Plant Museum s Victorian Christmas Stroll allowing visitors a glimpse of Christmas past Visitors will explore the Museum transformed by Christmas trees ranging in height from a few inches to more than 14 feet 40 000 lights and hundreds of feet of garland Decorations include vintage fashions antique toys locally sourced items and fanciful ornaments The Victorian Christmas Stroll celebrates the warmth and spirit of an old fashioned holiday Complimentary cider and cookies will be served on the veranda while holiday music floats through the air We will follow our visit with lunch on Tampa s Riverwalk at Ulele pronounced You lay lee which celebrates the vibrant fusion of ingredients from Florida waters and land once home to many Native Americans including the young princess Ulele Expect intricately flavored visually appealing dishes prepared on the 10 diameter barbacoa grill Will meet at Good Sam to carpool at 9 30am Plan to be back around 3pm Check out the Ulele lunch menu and Sign up in the Narthex Contact Eric Johnson for more info 727 319 6970 3
MARK YOUR CALENDARS January Oasis Trip Beaches Benches and Boycotts The Civil Rights Movement in Tampa Bay An original exhibition of The Florida Holocaust Museum Saturday January 11th 10 00am Contact Eric Johnson for more info 4
JUST FOR FUN M Dylan Barlowe Bev Kelly and Liz Barlowe celebrating Edna Smith s 97th birthday FAST ANNUAL ASSEMBLY The FAST 16th Annual Assembly was held October 28th Network members from the 40 member congregations crowded the sanctuary of Holy Family Catholic Church in St Petersburg The Executive Committee members were elected and testimonies and reports were received from the each of the issues FAST worked on this year Network members then voted on the issue to focus on in the coming year Of the seven categories Affordable Housing received the most votes Youth Arrests Suspensions Committee implementing Restorative Practices in the public school and Criminal Justice Committee better mental health facilities and less racial profiling are issues FAST will continue to pursue as well Good Sam had 24 network members present and committed to bringing 70 people to the Nehemiah Action on Monday March 30 Now the research begins Staff members arrange meetings with persons involved with these issues to learn what is being done and to advocate for further action Any network member is welcome to attend these meetings This information is updated at the FAST monthly board meetings so that before the Nehemiah Action our specific recommendations for action by persons of authority are submitted to those leaders who are invited to the Action FAST is one of the most effective grassroots groups working for change in Pinellas County How do we stand FAST TOGETHER Submitted by Bev Kelly M Ginnie Thompson and Bev Kelly spread the Halloween spirit at the Food Pantry on October 31 No clients seemed to be frightened by their appearances DIRECTORY CXS Our new 2020 Directories have come out and already we have some corrections Please mark these changes in your personal copy We will be placing these changes in the newsletter as they are provided Gretchen Ackerson and Katie Fullerton First change the Gandy address to 541 not 533 Second the alternate address is effective from 11 01 to 5 01 not 5 01 to 11 01 5
3RD ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ERIC JOHNSON CAROLYN WOODARD SUZIE STEGER AND JULIE DAYSA Big thanks to all of our 22 Volunteers who hosted fantastic frightful and fun trunks at our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat last night at the Good Samaritan parking lot Over 135 local kids from the surrounding community and their parents enjoyed coloring on a human piece of paper at the Crayola trunk exploring the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin Patch a Haunted tea party a pirate ship and visits from The Ghostbusters and Superman to name a few Submitted by Eric Johnson 6
MEETING SCHEDULE MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 10 00 a m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m The next Session meeting will be on January 22 There is no meeting in December Many teams take a month or two off from meeting in the summer please check with the team moderator about summer schedule if you are hoping to attend BAGS FOR PANTRY A woman named Marion from the Rare Plant Network donated a bunch of cloth bags the kind you can buy to use over and over at a grocery store and she also donated a few canned goods and food mostly bags to be used by the pantry or given out Thank you Marion Submitted by Rebecca Kessel DEADLINE FOR JANUARY 2020 MESSENGER IS DECEMBER 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com 7
On Sunday evening November 17 from 5 00 to 8 00 p m members and friends of Good Sam gathered at Seminole City Center s Pieology Pizzeria The pizzeria was doing a fundraiser for Good Sam where 20 of any food purchased by someone presenting a Good Sam Pieology flyer would go back to Good Sam Many turned out for the food fun and fellowship PHOTOGRAPHY BY KATIE FULLERTON PIEOLOGY IT BECAME A BAZAAR PHOTOGRAPHY BY RICH FEIGLE AND BEV KELLY The empty Fellowship Hall quickly and steadily turned into an orderly setting Beryl Fruth Ginnie Thompson and Katie Fullerton slowly and methodically priced every item Then with Mirko s help in just 2 hours everything was moved from the choir room storage room and hallway to the Fellowship Hall Next the organization and more pricing thanks to Judy Friend Ginnie and Beryl Carolyn Woodard designed one of her wonderful artsy ads We were ready Now for a lineup of volunteers to really make it work Cashiers eyes on the room and helpers did the trick Two days not much hassle and willing shoppers made The Bazaar a success Many thanks to all who donated helped and packed the excess to clear the room Submitted by Katie Fullerton WATCH FOR THIS SIGN ON SUNDAYS Watch for this sign on the big screen on Sundays throughout the upcoming year This will be our way of asking for your help to put together our Pack A Snack meals for the Head Start Children to take home with them When many hands help the work is light and the fellowship fun 8
SABBATICAL LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Gretchen Ackerson Session Resource Development Grant Team Member Ginger Breitkreutz Care Team Rich Feigel Clerk of Session Justice Mercy The first meeting of the Sabbatical Team was held on Saturday November 23 in the conference room at Good Sam All team members attended except Judy Friend who had to be out of town Rev Jen Daysa led the meeting and the team was given an overview of the many items that will have to be handled while Pastor Jen is gone One of the first items of business was to discuss pulpit supply how it will be handled advertised and organized Gretchen Ackerson is our point person for many of our guest speakers but Pastor Jen is also going to be helping to make sure each Sunday is covered Then we discussed how the Care Team will make sure that anyone who needs a visit or care of any kind will receive that Mickey Moore will be the recipient of phone calls and will pass needed info to Ginger the Care Team Moderator Ginger will then either delegate to others on the team or will make visits herself Beryl Fruth volunteered to be available to help with visitation as needed We are looking for one or two other people in addition to Beryl who would temporarily commit to being part of the Care Team for the months Pastor Jen is gone If you would like to help visit people in their homes or the hospital please let us know Rich Feigel took over as our recorder and took minutes of the meeting He will also help out with making sure the sound and big screen information is covered over the course of the sabbatical Debbie Rasmussin as the leader of Spiritual Development will be very busy coordinating our services making sure we have someone to open the service readers someone to teach Child in Us All confirming that we have a musician etc She and Carolyn Woodard will be following up each week with those who are taking part in the service to make sure they are still on track Judy Friend Justice Mercy Beryl Fruth Session Resource Development Debbie Rasmussin Spiritual Formation Carolyn Woodard Session Fellowship Outreach Grant Team Member M At our first meeting L R Gretchen Beryl Rich Carolyn Debbie Ginger and Pastor Jen Judy Friend will continue to handle the food distribution for Head Start as well as keeping us on track with our Justice and Mercy outreach We have also contacted Lewis Hill who was part of our initial grant writing team to help with the coordination of the restaurant dinners 1 each month and our community meals 1 each month that you will begin hearing about very soon The ministers who are going to be preaching will be sending their sermon info and any songs or other input they want to include in the service ahead of time so that Pastor Jen can review it and make sure it is in line with the theme of 9 our sabbatical Then Rebecca our office administrator will be handling the printing of the bulletins each week We will be needing help from many of you as well to step up to take over some of the regular responsibilities that keep the church running smoothly each week We will need ushers readers welcomers help with fellowship after service and many more things If you ve ever wanted to be a part of the action now is the time More and more information will be in the newsletter each month as we nail down specifics and fill in dates and times for everyone Stay tuned for more
BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 1 150 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa Jean Cooley Kate Hall Judy Friend Martha Taylor Bill Cooley Dawn Johnson Bev Kelly Robin Becker Grace Forsythe Ralph Madison Dick Hall Ginger Breitkreutz FOOD PANTRY REPORT OCTOBER 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 14 Number of clients served Adults 177 Children 75 Total 252 Volunteers during October were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Sarah Butz Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carole Diehm Tom Fauquet and Clarence Wilkinson The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in October was 84 The number of individuals served through October of 2019 was 2 091 Recently the pantry has received donations of children s clothing shoes toys and books Our volunteers have sorted these items by size and placed them in containers in the waiting room near the books table These items have been well received by the pantry clients some young parents filling a bag to take home Although we have limited storage space we would welcome clean gently worn clothing for children and adults Occasionally Pastor Jen has adults coming to the office for assistance who are in need of clothing as well Currently the pantry could use vegetables soups canned meat and fruit Food and money donors in October Patricia Waloga Cindy Pugh Good Will Industries Sue Palmeri Trinity United Church of Christ All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall ANNIVERSARY CLUB Dick Kate Hall Ralph Rainey Madison Jean Bill Cooley Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Vegetables Soups Canned Meat and Fruit M The Thanksgiving bags that we collect every year make a tremendous difference in the lives of families who are food insecure and might not be able to have much of a meal on Thanksgiving Day without your generosity We have collected a total of 55 bags and 23 of those were donated to us by Trinity United Church of Christ We are so appreciative of their support and the support of all of the Good Sammers who made this possible 10
DECEMBER 2019 DAILY LECTIONARY Saturday November 30 2019 Psalm 122 Genesis 6 11 22 Matthew 24 1 22 Sunday December 1 2019 First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2 1 5 Psalm 122 Romans 13 11 14 Matthew 24 36 44 Tuesday December 17 2019 Psalm 42 Ezekiel 47 1 12 Jude 1 17 25 Wednesday December 18 2019 Psalm 42 Zechariah 8 1 17 Matthew 8 14 17 28 34 Monday December 2 2019 Psalm 124 Genesis 8 1 19 Romans 6 1 11 Thursday December 19 2019 Psalm 80 1 7 17 19 2 Samuel 7 1 17 Galatians 3 23 29 Tuesday December 3 2019 Psalm 124 Genesis 9 1 17 Hebrews 11 32 40 Friday December 20 2019 Psalm 80 1 7 1719 2 Samuel 7 18 22 Galatians 4 1 7 Wednesday December 4 2019 Psalm 124 Isaiah 54 1 10 Matthew 24 23 35 Saturday December 21 2019 Psalm 80 1 7 17 19 2 Samuel 7 23 29 John 3 31 36 Thursday December 5 2019 Psalm 72 1 7 1819 Isaiah 4 2 6 Acts 1 12 17 21 26 Sunday December 22 2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent Isaiah 7 10 16 Psalm 80 1 7 17 19 Romans 1 1 7 Matthew 1 18 25 Friday December 6 2019 Psalm 72 1 7 18 19 Isaiah 30 19 26 Acts 13 16 25 Saturday December 7 2019 Psalm 72 1 7 1819 Isaiah 40 1 11 John 1 19 28 Sunday December 8 2019 Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 11 1 10 Psalm 72 1 7 18 19 Romans 15 4 13 Matthew 3 1 12 Monday December 23 2019 Luke 1 46b 55 2 Samuel 7 18 23 29 Galatians 3 6 14 Tuesday December 24 2019 Nativity of the Lord Isaiah 9 2 7 Psalm 96 Titus 2 11 14 Luke 2 1 14 15 20 Isaiah 62 6 12 Psalm 97 Titus 3 4 7 Luke 2 1 7 8 20 Monday December 9 2019 Psalm 21 Isaiah 24 1 16a 1 Thessalonians 4 1 12 Wednesday December 25 2019 Nativity of the Lord Isaiah 52 7 10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1 1 4 5 12 John 1 1 14 Tuesday December 10 2019 Psalm 21 Isaiah 41 14 20 Romans 15 14 21 Thursday December 26 2019 Psalm 148 Wisdom 4 7 15 Acts 7 59 8 8 Wednesday December 11 2019 Psalm 21 Genesis 15 1 18 Matthew 12 33 37 Friday December 27 2019 Psalm 148 Proverbs 8 22 31 1 John 5 1 12 Thursday December 12 2019 Psalm 146 5 10 Ruth 1 6 18 2 Peter 3 1 10 Saturday December 28 2019 Psalm 148 Isaiah 49 13 23 Matthew 18 1 14 Friday December 13 2019 Psalm 146 5 10 Ruth 4 13 17 2 Peter 3 11 18 Sunday December 29 2019 First Sunday after Christmas Day Isaiah 63 7 9 Psalm 148 Hebrews 2 10 18 Matthew 2 13 23 Saturday December 14 2019 Psalm 146 5 10 1 Samuel 2 1 8 Luke 3 1 18 Sunday December 15 2019 Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 35 1 10 Psalm 146 5 10 or Luke 1 46b 55 James 5 7 10 Matthew 11 2 11 Monday December 30 2019 Psalm 20 Isaiah 26 1 9 2 Corinthians 4 16 18 Tuesday December 31 2019 Psalm 20 1 Kings 3 5 14 John 8 12 19 Monday December 16 2019 Psalm 42 Isaiah 29 17 24 Acts 5 12 16 SESSION SUMMARY OCTOBER 23 2019 Kate Hall was elected Treasurer for 2020 Rich Feigel was elected Clerk of Session for 2020 The Pilgrimage Healing Process was allowed to use the church property for free It was agreed to upgrade the message board on Park Boulevard The best offer of 1 922 26 was accepted After attending a forum on protecting places of worship sponsored by the U S Department of Homeland Security U S Department of Justice FBI and Florida Department of Law Enforcement it was agreed to investigate implementing preventative measures for church safety Submitted by Rich Feigel 11 TREASURER S REPORT In early October Pastor Jen received an email from Jean Johnson s son alerting us to watch for a check from his mother s estate We received a check for 20 000 This was recorded a Bequest Income in October and is included in the total income for October of 36 481 75 The check was deposited to the savings account at PNC Bank We will be using some of the money to recoup what was needed earlier in the year to cover payroll and other expenses We will be paying for the overhaul of the monument sign on Park Blvd with some of the bequest money What is left will be transferred to our investment with United Church Funds Our new insurance policy through The Insurance Board was effective on October 19 2019 They billed us for the period of October 17 through the end of the year for a total of 3 159 We have received our first donation through the Presbyterian Foundation accessed through our Good Sam website the donate button The individuals making the donation kindly included an additional small sum to cover the fee for the service The Resource Development Team will be presenting the 2020 Budget to session at the November meeting The October Small Change was 76 94 and was deposited to the Pastor s Discretionary Fund Submitted by Kate Hall TODAY IS THE LAST DAY Our Singing the Unsung Class is ending today Be sure to stay after worship to hear what a vital part music plays in worship ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Harold Brockus Mickey Moore Paul Brockus Jacob Daysa Rich Feigel Edna Smith Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Eddie Kosinski Bill Baker Mickey Moore s brother who was diagnosed with cancer Sandy Badger Donna Knight and Good Samaritan Church
THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email office goodsam church org Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Clarence Wilkinson Moderator Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Jean Adams Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly