Premier Building Envelope Installation Contractor KNOWLEDGE Cutting Edge Sustainable Wall Construction EXPERIENCE 400 Plus Projects Completed Since 2004 On Time In Budget
COMPETITIVE DETAILED PRICING Target value budgeting Accurate and complete takeoffs Descriptive scope letters Clarified inclusions and exclusions Value engineering To Company Project Location Drawing Date Donovan Jones Estimator From ItemScott Harris Brad Hitzfield Addenda Glazing Greencastle IN Date opment Pre liminary Budge t Quantity 1 2 Window Wa lls WW Page 1 of 1 1 WW2 WW 3 WW4 358 Units Tem pered Glass 2 StoEngineered refront S1 is a proud affiliate of Facades Inc S2 51 Uni 21 321 ts 3 Proposal 4 5 6 07 42 43 Metal Composite Material Wall Panels Punched Ope nings A 32 Units Patio Swing Doors D1 D2 100 Units Folding Wall Sys 11 679 cia Panel Edg Specific Exclusions e of Balcony 1 10 70 00 Sun Control Devices 4 24 Wide Fas 2 07 42 43 E flashing trim at or below grade similar to 1 A431 cia at Roof Edg e and Betwe en Window 3 Sheet metal flashing 07 62 00 A similar to 4 A433 Walls 5 4 Bent plate similar to 1 A435 Rusted Steel Stamped Me tal Panel 5 05 40 00 hat channel behind sheathing similar to 2 A435 6 07 27 26 C air and vapor barrier lap flashing similar to 5 A436 6 Roo f Top Equipm ent Scr07 7 Insulation not directly behind composite panels similar to 07 21 00 A per 4 A431 and een21 ing 00 B per detail 6 A431 8 Structural steel metal stud framing sheathing plywood weather barriers wood blocking Other Claddi ng 9 Sealant to adjacent materials i e masonry EIFS DEFS glass glazing etc 10 Roof edge metal such as copings gravel stop fascia counterflashing scuppers gutters and downspouts 1 Soffits Fibe 11 Expansion control deflection joints r Cem ent No pric ing for Stucco 1 788 SF 1 710 SF 1 677 SF 1 479 Brick 1 452 405 18 886 ADD FOR STAND ALONE MOCKUP AS SHOWN ON A 303 PER ADDENDUM 1Total ADD 12 900 4 570 2 SF SF SF SF 285 250 97 00 SF 12 743 600 300 250 00 SF ludes 8 Wide Fas 76 032 115 00 SF 18 886 144 480 66 00 SF 1 141 1 663 038 60 00 SF 5 220 tem 4 Units Handrails 505 Sections Total 78 00 SF 1 152 1 Furnish and install 19 861 square feet of aluminum composite wall and soffit panels including column enclosures 8 2 Panels shall be a dry joint rainscreen system 4mm thick FR core Me2 coat 70 PVDF finish selected from two 2 tal Panels to 1 be Painted by manufacturer s standard colors Soffit Exclud Artist East West South es Pai nting 3 Horizontal 2 piece fiberglass and steel girt with 5 5 mineral wool insulation behind composite panels only and Elev only atiowhere ns and Me tal Panels to be 2 shown on the plans Painted by Art Painting ist North Elev 4 Aluminum composite coping 07 42 43 B integral to system ations Exc BASE BID PRICE INCLUDING SALES TAX Unit SF 2 408 Metal Panels 3 Unit February 28 2020 1 4 16 2020 Contact Crai g Caudill Phone 317 678 8000 Email estimat ing enginee redfacades c om Date 7 19 202 0 xed Use Devel Office Main Office 317 678 8000 Description Titian Construction Empire Zipline Project Name Mi 1 831 942 48 00 560 592 39 00 496 977 71 00 126 948 63 00 107 730 50 00 83 850 39 00 52 00 57 681 982 072 32 00 146 240 Typical Wall 104 660 Constru General Exclusions Non Standard Permits Non Standard Insurances Job Site Travel Other Travel Performance ction Elementand Payment Bond Bid Bond Building SF s Exclud Information Modeling Stamped Shop Drawings Diversity Participation Non Standard Safety Safety Labor Job Site Security Lab TestBud Materials Lab Test Labor ed from 68 44 get ve Metal Stu Visual Mockup Materials Visual Mockup Labor Test Lab Charges Quality Control Field Testing FM Global Requirements ES 1 and Abo ANSI SPRI testing 7 163 132 d Framing Bat PricinComposite t Insulation g Based on Temporary Utilities Field Office Off Site Storage Job Site Storage Off Site Fabrication Labor Cleanup Participation Job Site Cleaning JobSheathing Air InstalCrew g MullioStock Vapor Barrier Site Waste Disposal Final Cleaning Product Protection Materials Product Protection Labor Non Standard Warranties lin Extra Attic ns DoMaterials Roof Edge ors Handrai Metal i e Cop ls Metal Pa ing nels and Soffits at HitzfieldGroup com Ground Lev el Before Flo ors are Lifted
ARCHITECTURALLY CORRECT ENGINEERING ENGINEER EXECUTE PROJECT www eng ineeredfaca des com phone 317 678 800 0 fax 317 845 15255 End 5353 eavor Driv e Suite 100 Noblesville IN 46060 ENGINEER EXECUTE RAINSCREEN 15255 Endeavor Drive RAINSCREEN FACADES Noblesville IN 46060 INSULATED METAL PANELS L PANELS CUSTOMER METAL CLAD DNG METAL CLADDNG JOB NUMBER MESH SUNSCREENS AIRFLOW SYSTEMS S WHILE PRES CREENS DATE OR WALL HUMAN NEED MESH SUNS MEETING HUMAN NEEDS WHILE PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT fax 317 845 5353 Suite 100 INSULATED META LE EXTERI MEETING PROJECT FACADES SUSTAINABLE EXTERIOR WALL DESIGNS www engineeredfacades com phone 317 678 8000 SUSTAINAB DESIGNS ERVING THE AIRFLOW SYST 01 09 20 ENVIRONME EMS CUSTOMER NT JOB NUMB ER DATE SHEET 02 03 20 SK 01 SHEET SK 01 In house design engineers Architectural drafting staff Proposal and transition details Reviewed shop drawings Cutting lists and fab tickets HitzfieldGroup com
PROFESSIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT E xperienced project managers and engineers P ositive customer management philosophy E xpedited approvals and material procurement Detailed project schedules maintained F ield labor plans and installation durations Aug 18 Jul 18 Jun 18 May 18 22 29 5 12 19 Apr 18 10 17 24 1 8 15 Mar 18 Parking Garage Feb 18 29 6 13 20 27 3 Jan 18 18 25 1 8 15 22 Dec 17 4 11 18 25 4 11 Nov 17 Oct 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 17 17 10 Sep 3 26 19 Aug 17 22 29 5 12 10 17 24 1 8 15 30 6 13 20 27 3 Jul 17 Jun 17 May 17 25 2 9 16 23 14 21 28 4 11 18 Garage Parking GC Milestones LVL3 Remove Re Shores es Engineered Facad Task Task Name Mode Parking Garage 1 ID GC Milestones LVL3 Remove Re Shores LVL 9 Remove Re Shores e Planned Completion Garage Panel Fa ad Dismantle Tower Crane of Project Substantial Completion ule Garage Screen Sched Submittals letion Profile Drawing comp ission Profile Drawing Subm val Profile Drawing Appro letion Shop Drawing Comp ission Shop Drawing Subm w Shop Drawing Revie Submit Paint Chip Review Paint Chip Receive Approvals 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Procurement Order Custom Dies order material Finalize cut lists Clips rial stock lengths Mate Clip Order rial Fabricate Clip Mate 19 20 21 22 23 24 Paint Clips ls Garage Screen Pane samples Receive Dies and first rial Procure Painted Mate 25 26 27 28 Assembly East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation North Elevation Planter Boxes Box Lead time rement Steel Support Procu Installation 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 LVL Remove Re Shores 9 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Panels East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation North Elevation Planter Boxes Steel East Elevation South Elevation Planter Boxes East Elevation South Elevation e Planned Completion Garage Panel Fa ad 11 17 6 5 Crane Dismantle Tower 6 15 ule Garage Screen Sched letion 8 17 Profile Drawing comp 8 18 ission Profile Drawing Subm 9 1 val Profile Drawing Appro 8 25 letion Shop Drawing Comp ission 8 28 Shop Drawing Subm 9 11 w Shop Drawing Revie 8 17 Submit Paint Chip 8 31 Review Paint Chip 9 12 Receive Approvals Procurement 9 4 Order Custom Dies 9 19 order material Finalize cut lists Clips 11 21 s length stock rial rial Order Clip Mate Fabricate Clip Mate s Garage Screen Panel first samples Receive Dies and rial Procure Painted Mate 4 17 1 30 1 2 Paint Clips 12 12 10 6 1 30 4 17 12 12 Assembly East Elevation 1 23 South Elevation West Elevation 2 13 3 20 4 17 North Elevation 2 6 2 6 Planter Boxes Box Lead time rement 11 14 Steel Support Procu 6 15 Installation East Elevation Clips East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation 38 HitzfieldGroup com 8 15 South Elevation 2 21 3 1 Panels East Elevation South Elevation 5 7 3 13 3 22 West Elevation North Elevation Planter Boxes Steel East Elevation 3 14 3 14 3 9 South Elevation Planter Boxes 3 2 East Elevation South Elevation Page 1 4 26 West Elevation 3 21 3 21 4 25 5 7
ACCESS TO VENDORS Engineered Facades represents no vendors We are an advocate for the construction team and share unbiased information on suppliers Management carefully examines the quality value and reliability of recommended vendors Selected manufacturers have strengths that make them the best solution for a project HitzfieldGroup com
USE OF TECHNOLOGY Coded On Screen takeoffs 3D modeling and presentations Accurate field measurements Tight tolerance fabrication Sophisticated installation equipment HitzfieldGroup com
CUSTOM COMPONENT MANUFACTURING Engineered and fabricated support framing Custom tapered dimensional and flush panels Unitized wall and screening assemblies Unique louvers trellises and sunshades Custom panel curtain wall infill HitzfieldGroup com
QUALITY FIELD LABOR Seasoned Installation managers and superintendents Trained self performing crews Professional labor subcontractors Lean installation methods Focus on safety and quality HitzfieldGroup com
THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Quality air and vapor barriers Strip in waterproofing Thermally improved girts Insulated metal panel sheathing Continuous insulation HitzfieldGroup com
BARRIER WALL SYSTEMS Flush and corrugated panels Flat lock and lapped systems Insulated metal panels Metal composite material panels Unitized glazing systems HitzfieldGroup com
RAINSCREEN WALL SYSTEMS FIBER CEMENT TERRA COTTA HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE ACM LIMESTONE Engineered and natural stone Terracotta and fiber cement High performance concrete Phenolic and porcelain Honeycomb ACM and MCM HitzfieldGroup com
GARAGE CLADDING SYSTEMS 317 678 8000 Embeds and concrete anchors Custom tubes angles and channels Unitized slats and baguettes Perforated flush and corrugated panels Expanded metal and suspended wall mesh HitzfieldGroup com