Our CEO once was powerless He like all of us wanted to have the ability to fly produce fire run really fast and heal The day he saw a hero fly by above him he decided to create a restaurant that by eating the product the consumer would acquire power And this is how Fly BY was born We decided that it would be easier to create groups based on the type of power the product offered With these the 6 types of power were set Fire Energy Electricity Heal Water and Poison Each of the powers has its own personality and with it a package of design swatch patterns sound design and animation We chose the colors according to the elements And with the power of these 6 the logo was created ncidunt In id semper ante quis feugiat nibh
With elements in mind neon or anything that brings light energy and power to mind we rummaged through cyberspace to find a glimpse of other worlds This included mood boards art frames color schemes typography icon systems composition 3D animation techniques food industry and photography Anything that spoke to us in how modern bold and futuristic it was carried us into the next step of our brand development
BRANDING DEVELOPMENT In our first explorations a bright bold color palette and a fun animated and characteristic font family were our goals Later on for a font we decided on Harlow which has a whimsical and retro feel It also has a sense of movement that when used with Fly By visualizes more of this sense Gotham was clean and legible typeface that balanced out the fluidity and playfulness of harlow For the color we wanted to play off the idea that until patrons partake in the food they are living in this black and white colorless powerless world Once the food is eaten the world becomes colorful and the patrons become heroes
LOGO DEVELOPMENT Created in Adobe Illustrator Deconstructed Belca s elements into basic outlines of the elements next page Combined the elements to form a hexagon shape and then adjusted some of the lines so that the logo wasn t so busy The city last page was created using basic shapes circles make up the foliage and clouds buildings were predominantly rectangles Final Fly By logo right using Harlow
INFOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS These infographic elements are extracted from the Fly By concept structure and swatch They are used in the packaging app and animation t In id semper ante quis feugiat nibh
03 TACTILE TO GO MENU When this design first started it was going to be a menu in the shape of a triangle Patterns and colors of each element are incorporated with the menu content As it came together it was thought to be a menu that would pop up on the table as a centerpiece However that didn t work out since the sizes of the triangles and its base were equal which lay it flat instead The design then shifted to a small triangular to go booklet that opens up as a hexagon The versatile design can be stood up on the table so the triangles are upright and it can be folded to fit in the back pocket while on the move quis feugiat nibh
COINS In this world the currency for heroes are Hero Points Each color represents different values The lowest currency is the bronze coin 10 bronze have the value of a silver coin and 10 silver coins are 1 gold coin On one side is the hero that each of us can become and the other side is the world in which Fly By exists These coins can be obtained by fighting villans and contributing in a positive aspect to the community
GENERIC PACKAGING This package is used for single or non hero meal products Each of them come with the description of the elements and a very important disclaimer warning These in short state that we are not responsible for any actions that our consumers decide to do or any side effects that these products may create
fir F i re has been arguab l y one of the most s ought af ter el ements to master i n the s uperhero w orl d It i s s ai d that f i re i s onl y f or the brav e the ri s k tak ers and the go g etters Our s el ecti ons of f i ery f oods g i v e ev eryone the f i re pow ers they crav e and maybe ev en s ome courag e too e FlyBy com WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution en As a s uperhero f i g hti ng v i l l ai ns and p rotecti ng the i nnocent come natural l y Unti l you run out of energ y Luck i l y our s el ecti ons of energeti c f oods hav e yet to b e ri val ed Once us ed heroes w i l l nev er hav e to w orry about runni ng out of steam y ele erg FlyBy com WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution ele ctr Feel i n g l ow At de ath s door Or maybe yo u re si mpl y ou t of i de as Ou r el e ctri c produ cts h ave bee n prove n to revi ve both th e body an d sou l Wh ateve r th e case may be we wi l l de f i n i te l y gi ve you th e spark you n ee d ctr F eel i ng l ow At death s door Or maybe you re s i mp l y out of i deas Our el ectri c products hav e b een prov en to rev i v e both the b od y and s oul W hatev er the cas e may b e w e w i l l d ef i ni tel y gi v e you the s park you need ici ty FlyBy com ici WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution al FlyBy com ty he Bei ng a hero and g etti ng i nj ured al most comes hand i n hand The ab i l i ty to heal qui ck l y has b een caref ul l y res earched and s ought af ter f or many years Thes e s el ecti ons of heal i ng meal s are f or anyone needi ng comp l ete rej uv enati on FlyBy com WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution wa As one of the more f l exi bl e el ements water can b e us ef ul f or hydrati on steal th as w el l as tradi ti onal water attack s H eroes hav e b een us i ng the f l ui d i ty of water to d el ude and s ubd ue thei r enemi es f or as l ong as records exi st Al most any hero can f i nd a water meal that s ui ts thei r needs ter FlyBy com WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution poi A v i ci ous el ement p oi s on can both d estroy and p rotect Si nce i ts i nv enti on heroes hav e us ed the pow er of poi s on to s av e thei r al l i es or turn on them once they b ecome enemi es Thes e meal s are f or anyone w hos e f eel i ngs can change at the d rop of a hat son FlyBy com WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution WARNING These products may cause indigestion uncontrollable coughing sneezing itching internal bleeding sleep walking restless leg syndrome static shock growth of reptilian skin profuse sweating irreversible invisibility exploding diarrhea general confusion and or spontaneous combustion We are not responsible for any act s and or uncontrollable urge s of heroism that may may not stem from our products All products are used at the consumers risk and should be used with caution
FOOD PRODUCT PACKAGING EAT THIS energy STA R COMET DUST STAR NUGGETS GET THIS WA N T T O KN OW MO R E These stars fall into our atmosphere from a far off universe bounding with newly formed energy They collide with comet tails and collect their dust on the way down As they enter our atmosphere they get roasted at high speed making the perfect nuggets that are freshly caught and handled safely by our very own specialty Fly By Star Nugget catchers Eat these to gain the perfect energy boost and outrun your enemies with no risk of crashing EN ERGY 1 0 4 HRS SPEED 50 4 HRS USE FOR EN ERGY BO OST GI V ES SPEED Pair with Dragon Wings for the Supreme offensive combo W e a re not resp os i b l e f o r an y d am ag e o r a ccid ent ca u sed by co n su m er R GE 4 4 H RS FlyBy com E AT T HI S M ATC HA SUGAR M ATC HA GLAZ E B UTTER M ILK F LOUR heal MATCHA DONUT G E T T HI S HEALS 2 5 WA NT T O K NOW M Specially cultivated from a st found in the shade of the hig contains special healing pow create This power can only b way to bring out the best of dangerous At Fly By we have partenere have passed down the art of generations USE FO R B OOSTS IM M UNE SYSTEM B OOSTS C ONC ENTR ATION R EC OV ER POWER LOST Pair with the Sna cleanse We are not res pos ible for any damage or accident caus ed by cons umer electricity LEMONADE SODA SHOCK WA N T T O KN OW MO R E There is an area in this planet where lightning storms are a part of the daily weather Nature has adapted to these conditions and there are unique animals and plants that thrive under the lightning In this area only lemon trees are trained to grow with the increased capability to withstand lightning and make it part of its feeding process Fly By s specialty lemonade produced from the fruit of these trees have the amazing power to revive heal and provide electricity E AT R A IN THUN GET WATE
E AT THI S DRAGON W INGS FIRE GH OST PEPPERS CRU SH ED DRAGON S CALES W ITH A HINT OF PARSLEY G E T THI S FLY 6 HR P E R W I N G FI R E DA M A GE SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY SP I CY WA N T T O KN OW MO RE fire It is said that during the Stone Age there was a brave human that tried for the first time in history a Dragon Wing He was able to breath fire and use it for cooking staying warm and chasing away his enemies It was a turning point in the survival of super heroes and their evolution DRAGON WINGS Try our spin on this age old treat for a the classic fire breath as well as the ability to fly L1 2 1 HR L2 4 2 HRS L3 6 3 HRS L4 8 4 HRS L5 1 0 5 HRS L6 1 2 6 HRS L7 1 4 7 HRS L8 1 6 8 HRS L9 1 8 9 HRS L1 0 2 0 1 0 HRS U SE F O R Pair with Star Nuggets for the Supreme offensive combo FIR E BREATH FLYING ABILITY FlyBy com We ar e not re sposible for a ny da ma ge or accide nt ca use d by consume r OW M ORE E AT T H I S from a strain of green tea that can only be f the highest mountain this matcha ling powers other plants simply cannot an only be captured and brewed a specific best of it s powers otherwise it s pretty SNAK E SKIN GR OUND SN A KE ME AT C OW BE A N S GET THIS artenered with local specialty farmers who he art of cultivating these plants through POISON ATTACK 20 5 HR S DETOX 20 USE F O R INC R EASE P O ISO N R E SISTA N C E C LEAN P O ISO N C LEAN ME TA L ACC UMUL ATIO N C ANC EL OTHE R S P OWE R the Snake Burrito for the ultimate We are not res p o s ib le fo r any d amag e o r accide nt c aus ed by c o ns umer FlyBy com EAT THIS RAI N ST O RM F RIES THU N D E R water STORM FRIES GET THIS WA N T T O KN OW MO R E Found in the most terrible thunderstorms drifting over the earth these rain storm fries have been harvested and infused with extra thunder and lightning along with Fly By s special ingredients to bring you the Storm Fries you see today Eat these fries to gain or enhance water powers and give significant water damage to your enemies WAT E R DA MA GE 1 0 2 HRS U SE F OR THU N D E R N OISE WAT E R FA LL We a re no t r e sp osib le for a n y d am ag e o r a cci de n t ca used by con su m er Pair with the Lemonade Shoda Shock for an extra electrifying attack FlyBy com poison SNAKE BURRITO
PACKAGING AT A GLANCE We have very unique food and drink packages The drink packages are made to go with the drink orders on the menu They are inspired by the triangle shape we ve incorporated in the logo and used patterns of each element that were created The hot drinks have an opening on top and the cold drinks are displayed with a straw
04 PHOTOGRAPHY Using a full professional photography set up and green room Gerald photographed our food products and packaging as well as filmed various team members as moving element representations These were later animated and enhanced in Adobe Photoshop and After Effects
05 DIGITAL Digital marketing the posters right are ads to be placed on bus stops in stores and magazines in order to promote Fly By
ANIMATION Animations created in Adobe After Effects These style frames show the animation that informs the customer a little about what they are going to get when they eat this or drink our products
ANIMATION LOOP AD The loop animation uses the personality of each element of Fly By These are represented with the design swatch style of movement and sound design
This commercial was created to emphasize the possible transformation of power that could happen with Fly By products particularly the Lemonade Soda Shock This is different from the other animations because of its callto action Drink This Do This It was created with a combination of stop motion vector and 3D animation in Photoshop Cinema 4D Illustrator and After Effects The combo of styles lends to the quirkiness of the overall Fly By brand
ELEMENTS PERSONIFIED Filmed in the green room various team members played the role of each element representing the power and effect of different foods and the abilities they can bestow upon you The effects and enhancements were later assembled and edited in Adobe After Effects
APP Creation of this colorful and intuitive application for mobile devices allows Fly By customers to browse our menu read about various powers you may desire and place orders anywhere on the go
INVITATIONS We wanted to play with the concept of Fly By with the feeling because our product sells dreams to our consumers It is a solving issue at the same time The invitations were given only to the ones that accepted the email invitation as a small easter egg These invitations contain the 3 coins required to access the pack of snacks
T SHIRTS The goal for the T shirts was to make something that would utilize the logo in a non traditional way as well as display the different elements that make the Fly By brand The individual elements and colors are emphasized to coordinate with the different elements of the food our company is based on
ON SCREEN MENU This menu was designed to make ordering as well as information sharing as easy as possible There are a lot of stats involved with the food and so this menu condenses that so that the most important information is seen first The black backgrounds with pops of color synchronize with the overall brand
Thanks for stopping by Next time you fly by say hi We re always open and we re always hungry Satisfying the super hero in you is what we strive for