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How Will You Enjoy Hollywood Farms?

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Y VV O F 1850 EST D HO O LL A R M S How Will You Enjoy Hollywood Farms We l com e t o t h e con scie n t iou s sp or t ing e st a t e in Je f fe r sonv il l e Ge org ia years we have many exciting ways for small groups and gatherings to enjoy Hollywood Farms I t i s a p l ea s u re t o we l co m e yo u a nd t o h e l p pl a n yo ur tail o r m a de e v e nt 12 86 H wy 96 E ast Je f f e rson v i l l e G A 3 1044 478 2 56 512 5 hol l y wood f arm sga com S H A P I N G R E S P O N S I B LY OUR NEXT HUNDRED YEARS As we strive to responsibly shape our next hundred

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V V OO Y L S F 1850 EST D HO WeL offer 3 ways for you to live extraordinary moments A R M Our Partner Events Hollywood Farms offers unique experiences for a variety of tastes and interests all while enjoying the natural beauty of the land and the historical charm of our home built in the 1850s You may book an individual reservation in any one of our partner events or reserve the entire event as well You can also create your very own experience at Hollywood Farms that will be tailor made for your friends family or clients Surrounded by succulent and varied foods enjoy how Terrye Schaetzel Founder and Principal of Veranda Vine and Certified Specialist of Wine will drive you to learn and build wine confidence in an intimate setting Among other things learn how to fully experience wine by actively engaging your five senses simplifying wine landscapes regions and areas and focusing on type and style to expand your wine IQ November 11 12 2022 November 16 18 2022 May 18 20 2023 At Hollywood Farms we are continuously working the land responsibly to bring back this timeless game bird DATES December 5 8 2022 January 2 6 2023 February 6 10 2023 At Hollywood farms our habitat restoration efforts are making our 1400 acres an attractive ecosystem for their migration DATES December 13 16 2022 January 9 13 2023 February 18 20 2023 The Dove Hunts at Hollywood Farms Our 18 acres of sunflowers welcome a maximum of ten shooters per hunt We have planted our fields strategically to maximize Georgia s three dove hunting seasons Remember it will be fun to compare the size of the local birds to those migrating northern birds arriving in December and January DATES DATES There was a time when the glorious bobwhite quail could be found in large numbers across the Southeast Over the past five decades the overwhelming number of challenges they ve faced has forced their populations to plummet dramatically The Woodcock Hunts at Hollywood Farms Starting Your Dog the Wildrose Way Beginner Introduction School The Wild Quail Hunts at Hollywood Farms Rarely known in Georgia woodcock present an extraordinary gamebird cherished by a few passionate wingshooters in the Peach state Wildrose is the oldest largest and most diversified producer and trainer of British Labradors in North America Their dogs are regarded among wingshooters and adventurers as the finest most versatile sporting dogs in the world Over 70 years ago Stefano Fausti created the first Fausti shotgun Today his three daughters exemplify the same enthusiasm he showed and are continuously ensuring Fausti shotguns lead the world Our Wingshooting Events Basic Gundog Training DATES December 9 11 2022 Improve Your Shooting Skills School DATES January 25 27 2023 April 20 22 2023 Ladies Only School DATES March 8 10 2023 The South of France Its Marvels Magic Rhone Valley Provence DATES February 2 4 2023 One of the greatest opportunities at Hollywood Farms is the chance to experience this unique destination in complete privacy Spanish Wine Holiday DATES March 30 April 1 2023 Italy s Piedmont At Its Finest DATES May 11 13 2023 F O R A L L E X P E R I E N C E S YO U M AY B O O K A N I N D I V I D U A L R E S E RVAT I O N O R R E S E RV E T H E E N T I R E S P O RT I N G E S TAT E F O R Y O U R U S E MOST EVENTS REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF 6 AND A MAXIMUM OF 10 GUESTS Whether celebrating a family event or reunion wanting to escape for the weekend from the bustling city wishing to entertain key clients or simply planning an overnight business gathering Hollywood Farms is sure to enhance any experience you wish to pursue DATES November 21 23 2022 January 16 18 2023 Rented to only one party at a time you will enjoy complete privacy during your gathering With a staff to service you throughout your stay know Hollywood Farms will also help you design your event not only from an experiential standpoint but from an operational one as well Your Tailor Made Events CALL FOR AVAILABILITY PRICING

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