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Pounding Pavement 101 Program Results

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The Foolproof, Job-Geng, Career-Building Systemwww.poundingpavement101.comScientically Proven Job Search MethodologyProgram Results© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 ProgramILENE REINJob Search Strategist Executive RecruiterFounder & ChairmanIlene is the Founder of the Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System Pounding Pavement 101. She is also the Managing Partner and Executive Recruiter at Marketing & Sales Resources, an Executive Search firm. Ilene continuously heard the same stories from job seekers - they didn't know how or where to start in their job searches, they kept getting ghosted not hearing back from Recruiters, not generating activity, not getting oers. As a Recruiter, she knew that there were certain secrets hidden inside the recruiting world which could make this job searching process much easier for anyone seeking work. Ilene developed Pounding Pavement 101 - an advanced training course designed specifically for highly competitive job seekers who want to learn how to target their ideal job, speed up the job search process and land their dream job. Following this scientifically proven methodology, job seekers rapidly became employed in record time. Finding your perfect job can be diicult. You have tried job searching on your own. Hours have been spent applying only to hear nothing back. It can feel like there are a million factors working against you. You are convinced that it is impossible to get hired. It is time to bring in a job searching expert to assist you in landing your dream job. Pounding Pavement 101 is a scientifically proven methodology that will walk you through step-by-step exactly how to market yourself to Recruiters and Hiring Managers with laser precision to target your dream job using inside secrets from the view of the Recruiter exponentially increasing your chances of getting noticed and hired rapidly!Think of it this way... If you were pitching a million-dollar account, you would do everything you can to land that account, right? You would probably hire a branding expert, a speech coach, an accountant to review numbers, etc. Well, as a job seeker, you are trying to land that big account (your dream job). You are pitching to an employer to spend a lot of money on purchasing your product... YOU!You deserve every chance to land that dream job. You ARE worth it!The Pounding Pavement 101 program has been designed to help you secure your dream job and in record time. It was created by an Executive Recruiter pulling back the curtains on the recruitment process to share the insider secrets teaching you: - How to develop a resume that generates calls - How to prepare for an interview based on what a Recruiter is actually listening for during an interview - Job search strategies showing you how to create immense amounts of visibility for yourself, where the jobs actually are, where Recruiters are searching so you can put yourself in front of them and streamline production to speed up the job searching process. © 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 Program"If you are struggling with your job search, ILENE IS THE BEST! I was applying to jobs le and right for almost a year with no acvity, and within a couple weeks of working with Ilene, I was geng interviews, and I ulmately landed my dream job!— David Player, Social Media Content Creator*When Job Seekers Follow Pounding Pavement 101 Program100% Placement Rate** These success statistics are based on clients to date and for those who follow the Pounding Pavement 101 program. Employment is not guaranteed.© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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The Pounding Pavement 101 job search training program has proven to be a great success. The statistics speak for themselves. The Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System is scientifically proven to get job seekers hired six times faster than searching on their own.Pounding Pavement 101 job seekers find employment in an average of 44 days.The average time it took job seekers to find employment without Pounding Pavement 101 is 255 days. Pounding Pavement 101 saves an average of 211 days of job searching - over 6.9 months job seekers can be earning a paycheck if they used the Pounding Pavement 101 program. These numbers demonstrate the eectiveness of the Pounding Pavement methodology for job seekers. When you're hunting for employment, it's much more diicult to job search on your own because you're just guessing at how to find a job. Why put your career and financial stability on chance?Ages 16 - 66Average Salary Range: $50k - $250kProgram Total ImpactANNUAL MONEY LOST By Job Seekers who chose NOT TO USE Pounding Pavement 101$25k - $210kJob Seekers FOUND EMPLOYMENTsix times faster using Pounding Pavement 1016x Faster 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 32544 DAYS 255 DAYS WITH Pounding Pavement 101WITHOUTAVERAGE DAYS TO GET HIRED© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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"Within weeks, I was able to not only land an interview, but also the job I always wanted!" — Michael Chen, Mechanical Engineer"Ilene is a ninja, yoda, a saint. Ilene has cracked through that shell of our son's stubbornness by demonstrating that what she oers clearly works. Ilene has a keen eye and an acute sense of trends in job seeking and hiring practices. She is also really good at identifying a client's strengths, weaknesses and developing a plan to meet his or her unique needs. Ilene is also a great motivator, a one-woman cheerleading team. Highly recommend!"Patricia ShepherdParentTwo Sons Went Through Program"I would highly recommend Ilene to anyone that is new to a job search or who has been looking for months and has been unsuccessful. I personally was a month into my job search, and Ilene helped me realize there was so much more I could be doing. If I'm in the market again for a new job, I'll definitely be going to Ilene first."Josh MogulAccount ExecutiveHired Rapidly!"Ilene is truly amazing at helping people to better understand the job market. She could help you greatly on the entire process of a job hunt, from the beginning to the end. Ilene is so kind and passionate about where you will be heading next. :)"Xiaohan ChenProject EngineerLanded His Dream Job"Truly, the absolute best resource for any job seeker - Ilene is professional and knowledgeable about all aspects of the job search process, and her support has been invaluable. Her program is comprehensive and thorough, covering everything from resume development to interview etiquette, and she is always available to answer any questions. Ilene is utterly dedicated to her clients, and will help motivate and cheer on any potential job seeker until they land their new job."Cindy LinAnimator, DesignerLanded Job in 4 Weeks!"I was a bit unsure about this program at first, but I have been running in circles with the job search and interviewing process for so long. From day one of this program, Ilene provided me with the advice and guidance that I needed to write a phenomenal resume, clean up my LinkedIn profile, say the right things in an interview and search for jobs. Within weeks, I was able to not only land an interview but also the job I always wanted."Michael ChenMechanical Engineer1.5 Years Searching On Own... 4 Weeks!"The search for employment can be stressful and tedious, but Ilene helps to simplify the process and build your confidence throughout it all. I was able to tackle my job interview with confidence that I didn’t have before. Together, we prepared for so many situations that I was able to focus on highlighting my experiences rather than worrying about my nerves. Ilene is committed to helping you succeed every step of the way. If you are going through the process of finding a job, contact Ilene, and she will make sure you are taken care of."Jessie BeldenMechanical Engineer InternHired for Summer InternshipWITHOUT© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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STUDENTS & GRADUATESAges 18 - 24Average Salary Range: $50k - $75kStudents and graduates are just getting their start in the workforce. They are looking for ways to hunt for jobs and land their ideal job which they have spent the last few years preparing for. This group is interested in attaining financial independence, paying o educational debts, establishing their lives and careers, and carving a niche for themselves in society.Pounding Pavement 101 job seekers find employment in an average of 44 days.The average time it took job seekers to find employment without Pounding Pavement 101 is 222 days. Pounding Pavement 101 saves an average of 178 days of job searching - over 5.8 months job seekers can be earning a paycheck if they used the program. A job seeker in the Pounding Pavement 101 program was searching for a job for 10 months on their own. Within 1 month in the program, they became employed. If they had started using Pounding Pavement 101 10 months prior at the beginning of their search, they could have saved an average of $27,500!ANNUAL MONEY LOST By Job Seekers who chose NOT TO USE Pounding Pavement 101$23k - $32kJob Seekers FOUND EMPLOYMENTsix times faster using Pounding Pavement 1016x Faster 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 32538 DAYS 222 DAYS WITH Pounding Pavement 101WITHOUTAVERAGE DAYS TO GET HIRED© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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"A couple hours of job searching guidance with Ilene provided more informaon than six years of school career counseling!" — Cindy Lin Animator"Working with Ilene at Pounding Pavement 101 was such an eye opening for my career. Within two days after Ilene helped me understand what Recruiters were looking for in resumes and showed me the way to fix it, I received many emails and phone calls. If you are struggling to find a good paying job, I highly recommend anyone to have a sit down with Ilene because she helped me in so many ways I did not think was possible."Doddley GayManagerFirst Generation College Graduate"This is an amazing service. Ilene definitely helped my daughter organize, both on paper and online, her accomplishments and strategy for finding a job. She encouraged and pushed in ways that tend to be more eective than parental guidance. My daughter has a good job and is completely o the family payroll, in her own apt, paying loans, insurance, cell and all." Alison CattelonaParent3 Children Through The Program"Working with Ilene Rein of Pounding Pavement 101 was not only a pleasure, but it was also an awakening experience. As a recent graduate, I had a goal of gaining myself an entry-level job or internship in the fashion industry. Ilene changed my outlook on how to achieve this goal from my initial mindset of “something will come to me” to “I need to bang on every door I can find until I get where I want to be."Gabrielle LitterioAccessories DesignerLanded Her Dream Job"Ilene was a great help to me during my job search as an undergraduate student looking for internships. With her expert help, I learned how to present the best version of myself with steadfast confidence. Ilene's advice to me has been very impactful, and will always be relevant throughout all stages of my job search, be it an internship or even a full time job when I graduate. To anyone looking to stand out: Look no further! You are in good hands."Liang Greg GohSoftware EngineerLanded Co-op Position"With Ilene, you can be your best professional self without getting lost along the way. For anyone like myself who gets caught up in the logistics and complexity of job hunting, Ilene simplifies the equation. She helps you isolate and solve for the first variable, and once you know the first variable, the rest of them come a lot easier. She truly inspires you to 'pound pavement' and will be just as excited as you are when you get the job."Alexandra CapodicasaMechanical EngineerJob Before Graduation"Navigating the job market can be quite overwhelming, especially as a student looking for their first internship. Ilene, however, was able to make the application process not just manageable, but enjoyable as well. With years of experience in recruiting, she gave me the confidence to show o my ability both in my resume and during the interview. Whether you are a full-time student or a professional looking for a new career, Ilene's guidance is valuable for anyone."Tim ShepherdEconomics StudentHired for Summer Internship© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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The responsibilities of a career professional can be overwhelming. They have rent or mortgage payments, bills to pay and maybe even children that they need support! They cannot aord to go weeks, much less months without an income. This is why securing steady employment quickly is of utmost importance to the career professional.Pounding Pavement 101 job seekers find employment in an average of 40 days.The average time it took job seekers to find employment without Pounding Pavement 101 is 244 days. Pounding Pavement 101 saves an average of 204 days of job searching - over 6.7 months job seekers can be earning a paycheck if they used the Pounding Pavement 101 program. Job hunting can be a tedious and time-consuming process. But more importantly, job seekers are losing money when not working! The Pounding Pavement 101 program teaches how to get their foot in the door of companies faster so that months do not go by without calls or income.Ages 24-40Average Salary Range: $70k - $140kCareer ProfessionalsANNUAL MONEY LOST By Job Seekers who chose NOT TO USE Pounding Pavement 101$50k - $81kJob Seekers FOUND EMPLOYMENTsix times faster using Pounding Pavement 1016x Faster 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 32540 DAYS 244 DAYS WITH Pounding Pavement 101WITHOUTAVERAGE DAYS TO GET HIRED© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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"I never could have goen there on my own. Pounding Pavement 101 was like a breath of fresh air. It's the most condent I've ever felt."— Mary Judge, Markeng Director"Being an Engineer, one of the things that you can almost always guarantee is that we will always undersell ourselves because that's just sales is not generally what we do. And really job hunting is nothing more a sales job where you're selling yourself. So having someone else to help me, especially with resume and just general prep things makes a huge dierence because it is not what I am typically good at."Dominick Ruggieri Senior Mechanical EngineerHired!"I had been on the job hunt for, like, 8 or 9 months after finishing a graduate degree and just not making progress, starting to get really stuck and lost. And Pounding Pavement 101 was like a breath of fresh air. This was something I can do that I know will help me. It felt good to have something that I knew I could do that would make a dierence, since what I had been doing was not making a dierence. And now I look back and can know exactly why I didn't get calls and what I was doing wrong."Mary JudgeMarketing Director Switched Industries and Leveled Up"If you are struggling with your job search, ILENE IS THE BEST! I was applying to jobs left and right for almost a year with no activity, and within a couple weeks of working with Ilene, I was getting interviews, and I ultimately landed my dream job! Ilene is extremely personable and cares so much about her clients. She will put you on the right track and won't quit until you are hired. Working with her will be the best decision you'll ever make!"David PlayerSocial Media Content CreatorHired... Laid O... Hired Again!"Ilene Rein is a one stop shop for job hunters because after you have worked with her you will have a job! I have all the confidence in her that my dream job is right around the corner! As a military member, learning from her expertise and wisdom has been a game changer! Her insight but also her friendly and easy to talk to personality has been a delight to work with! Highly recommended!"Kyle RaughUnited States Air ForceLanded New Position"While networking I was referred to Ilene Rein. I had no intention of hiring a career advisor, but I was so impressed with her that I signed up on the spot! She helped me understand how Recruiters think, update my resume, and be prepared for interview questions. I started applying for roles on September 23rd, and on November 10th I accepted a job oer – less than 7 weeks later!"Laura RichardsGlobal Account ManagerLived in Iowa... Hired in New York City"I highly recommend Ilene's program if your having trouble finding a job. I had been looking for a job for almost a year. I had but given up hope until I was referred to Ilene. Her program is very well thought out and she will help you and push you through every step of the way. Her job search strategy was completely dierent from mine and thats why it works. She told me I would find a job in a month. A month later, I found a job as a iOS developer!"Joseph CastroSoftware EngineerSearched a Year On Own... Job in 37 Days© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Senior Career Professionals ages 40-55 are looking for continued career growth opportunities. They have increased responsibilities as children are growing and parents are aging. They are also focused on building their retirement funds. They cannot aord at this stage to go without employment for months on end. Pounding Pavement 101 job seekers find employment in an average of 35 days.The average time it took job seekers to find employment without Pounding Pavement 101 is 327 days. Pounding Pavement 101 saves an average of 292 days of job searching - over 6.7 months job seekers can be earning a paycheck if they used the program. The job market is tough, but it doesn't have to be impossible. This is a problem that's been going on for years, and it has to stop. The Pounding Pavement program will generate activity for job-seekers and put them in the game again!Ages 40-55Average Salary Range: $120k - $250kSenior Career ProfessionalsANNUAL MONEY LOST By Job Seekers who choseNOT TO USE Pounding Pavement 101$87k - $239kJob Seekers FOUND EMPLOYMENTsix times faster using Pounding Pavement 1019x Faster 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 32535 DAYS 327 DAYS WITH Pounding Pavement 101WITHOUTAVERAGE DAYS TO GET HIRED© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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"I was oered outplacement services when I was laid o. They did their job, I suppose. It was nothing like what Pounding Pavement 101 oers. It was like night and day!" — Sharon Wol, Analycs Analyst"Working with Ilene at Pounding Pavement 101 was such an eye opening for my career. Within two days after Ilene helped me understand what Recruiters were looking for in resumes and showed me the way to fix it, I received many emails and phones calls. Ilene also helped me prepared for interviews which went very well. If you are struggling to find a good paying job, I highly recommend anyone to have a sit down with Ilene because she helped me in so many ways I did not think was possible."John BuxbaumNetwork Security EngineeringNow Hired!"I was oered outplacement services when I was laid o. They did their job, I suppose. Nothing I was doing on my own was working. It was nothing like what Pounding Pavement 101 oers. It was like night and day. My resume now really shows who I am and what I can do. Everything I was told by Ilene was actually how it played out. It was just amazing how it happened... boom, boom, boom. Listen to Ilene… She’s good!"Sharon WolAnalytics AnalystDoubled Her Salary!"Ilene is fantastic! Her knowledge and experience were invaluable in guiding me through the negotiations for an unexpected opportunity. She not only knows what to look for, but also was able to oer expertise on how to approach the discussion so that everyone ends up winning. Thank you Ilene!"Richard ForsytheChief Technology OicerEmployed!"While working with Ilene, it is evident that she has a strong passion for helping others to reach their optimization during the job search process. She has customized a proven program that when followed will provide more opportunities to landing a career with better fit. Anyone wanting to improve their successes, in landing a job in an expedient manner should contact Ilene and learn about her proven system which aids in better job searches. One would be fortunate to have her on your side coaching and guiding."Michael DomenechNew Launch Product EngineerNow Hired!"Ilene was great at getting me to where the market is today since it had been 17 years since my last job search and (a few) things have changed. The interview preparation was excellent and really stuck – it has been almost a year since I worked with Ilene and I became free to pursue other opportunities only a short time ago. It was important for me to review these skills. Ilene helped draw them out with feedback on how they would appear to a Recruiter hearing them for the first time."Michael MurphyTechnical Support EngineerEmployed!"I was looking for something new and looking for a dierent career. I just had not had luck, doing it on my own. So I knew I needed help. I really do feel like the Pounding Pavement 101 program really made a dierence for me. I had four resume writers and had spent thousands of dollars with no results. But that's just really the wrong way and the wrong approach. And obviously it wasn't working. I can't say enough good things about Ilene and Pounding Pavement 101, it helped me get the job. There's no doubt about it."Angela PumfordDirector of SalesHired wIth Promotion to DirectorWITHOUT© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 Client ProleClient Age Ranges In The ProgramThe Pounding Pavement 101 Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System works for all job seekers from all age groups, industries and positions.Whether they're just starting out in their careers, unemployed, looking for a change, or reentering the workforce, the goal is always the same: to help job seekers get hired in their dream jobs and in record time. This program is based on information directly from over 40 years of recruitment experience and has been scientifically tested and proven to work everytime. Our clients have gone on to land positions at some of the most prestigious companies in the world. If you're serious about getting hired, there's no better place to start than using the Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System Pounding Pavement 101.© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 Client ProleAccountingAerospace AnimationApparelAudio VisualAutomotiveBiologyBiomedical EngineeringBroadcastingBusinessChemical EngineeringCommunicationsDiversity Equity & InclusionEducationEducation ManagementElectrical EngineeringElectronics ManufacturingEnergyEnvironmental EngineeringEventsFashionFilm ProductionFinanceFood & BeverageFragranceFundraisingGraphic DesignHealthcareHospitalityIndustrial DesignIndustrial MachineryInformation TechnologyInsuranceJournalismLawLeadership DevelopmentLightingManufacturingMarketingMechanical EngineeringMedical DevicesMulti-Level MarketingNon-ProfitOil and GasPetsPharmaceuticalsPsychologyPublic RelationsPublic SpeakingRecruitmentRetailSEOSocial MediaSoftware DevelopmentSportsTechnologyWellness & FitnessAccessories DesignerAccount ExecutiveAccount ManagerAccountantAerospace EngineerAnalytics AnalystAnimatorApp DeveloperBrand ManagerBusiness DevelopmentCAD DesignerChemical EngineerClaims DirectorCommunications ManagerCounselorData AnalystData ScientistDirector of EducationEcosystem Partner ManagerEducation DirectorElectrical EngineerEvents DirectorEvent PlannerFashion DesignerFilm Control OperatorFinancial AdvisorGeneral ManagerGraphic DesignerIndustrial EngineerInside SalesInsurance BrokerIntellectual Property LawyerInternMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerMechanical EngineerOice ManagerProduct DesignerProduct ManagerProgram DirectorProgram OicerProject EngineerProject ManagerRecreation SpecialistResearch EngineerResearch TechnicianSalesSales ManagerSales DirectorSEO SpecialistSocial Media CreatorSoftware EngineerTeacherTrainerUI/UX DesignerWriterINDUSTRIES POSI TIONS© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 ProgramIt's time to invest in yourself and get hired for the job that you deserve. If you have been searching for a job and you are not getting anywhere, its time to reach out for expert assistance. Let's schedule a time to talk about your job search and how the Pounding Pavement 101 Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System can get you hired rapidly:Schedule: searching is a marketing project. You may not be marketing yourself properly based on how Recruiters operate.There are 3 steps to optimize success in your job search.1. RESUME DEVELOPMENT As a Recruiter I look at 500+ resumes a day, so you have about 5 seconds to catch my attention, or I move on to the next resume. Your resume's job is to generate calls. If it is not doing its job, then we need to change things up. 2. INTERVIEW PREPARATION You are probably not the only candidate being interviewed. You need to answer questions based on what the Recruiter is listening for in your responses. If you are going on interviews and not getting job oers, again, we need to do something dierent. 3. JOB SEARCH STRATEGIES You want to find a job sooner than later. Like anything else, you need a plan to create maximum visibility to increase your chances of getting noticed and hired.© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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Pounding Pavement 101 ProgramSTEP 1RESUME DEVELOPMENTModule 1 - The Road Ahead Overview of resume writing based on the view of a Recruiter to grab their attention and basic rules and tools to get you started on the right path to get hired rapidly.Module 2 - Inside A Recruiter’s World Putting you in the world of the Recruiter, sharing with you the inside secrets to how a Recruiter searches and what they are looking for in your resume.Module 3 - Resume Components A detailed discussion of each component in a resume, how to highlight your attributes to get noticed, what to include and not include and tips and tricks to increase your chances of generating calls. . Workbook included prompting your memory of your life and work experiences. Module 4 - Putting It All Together Apply your experience to a Resume Template that has proven to be successful in attracting attention based on how a Recruiter searches for candidates. Resume Templates created in Microsoft Word included for download. Module 5 - Cover Letters Explanation and templates to easily write a Cover Letter so it does not take three days! Cover Letter Templates and Language included to write multiple letters quickly. BONUS Trainings: Creating A Powerful LinkedIn Prole How To Effectively Use The Resume TemplatesSTEP 2INTERVIEW REPARATIONModule 1 - All About Interviews Completely changes your approach to everything you thought you knew about interviews. Module 2 - Personal Questions Questions related about you personally that are asked during an interview, recommended ways to answer and what a Recruiter is actualy listening for in your responses for a successful interview outcome. Module 3 - Position Questions What do you know about the position? This module lays out in detail what research you need to do on the Company before walking into your interview.Module 4 - Work Related Questions We address your work behaviors, developing answers and examples of how to showcase your experience during the interview to make you shine.Module 5 - Education Questions Discussion on presenting your education so you stand out amongst the other candidates.Module 6 - Abstract Questions Preparation for those curveball questions… how to answer them and what they are really asking?Module 7 - Lastly... End the interview on a high note! What to do when salary negotiation time comes, and how to move interviews into offers.Module 8 - After The Interview Following up is just as important as the actual interview, how and when to reach out. Email correspondence templates included.STEP 3JOB SEARCH STRATEGIESModule 1 - 3 Steps To Get Hired Rapidly For any project to be successful, you need a plan. How to target your job search with laser precision to land your dream job. Module 2 - Plan of Attack - Active and Passive Job Searching Where the jobs really are and where Recruiters are searching so you can put yourself in front of them to get found. Included is a list of 165 websites to post your resume and a job application tracking sheet.Module 3 - Plan of Attack: LinkedIn How to create immense amounts of visibility for yourself and leverage the power of LinkedIn for your job search. Module 4 - Plan of Attack: Over and Above Creating visibility for yourself in the world around you in ways you did not think about.BONUS Training: Tips & Tricks Tools and procedures to streamline your job search to speed up the process.BONUS Training: The Ultimate Job Searching Plan To Get You Hired Rapidly© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved.

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The Foolproof, Job-Getting, Career-Building System“Scientifically Proven Job Search Methodology Program Results”© 2023 Pounding Pavement 101®, All Rights Reserved. portion of this eBook and associated information and materials may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a published review.For permission requests, contact: Testimonials found in this document are actual client reviews of Pounding Pavement 101®. Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results.The information presented herein is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as professional advice. We disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or the contents of this document and associated information and materials to the fullest extent permitted by law. No past results serve in any way as a guarantee of future results.