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February 7

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COMPLETE DETACHMENT 4:47 PM February 7, 2020 י‘‘שת טבש ב“פ חלשב תשרפ In this week’s parsha we experience the culmination of Yetzias Mitzrayim with ףוס םי תעירק. The day we left Mitzrayim and the day the sea was split are both celebrated as Yomim Tovim – the first day of Pesach, and the last day of Pesach. The entirety represents the complete destruction of the Egyptians and the elevation of the stature of Klal Yisrael. In Parshas Shemos, Hashem tells Moshe: ...םירצממ םעה ךאיצוהב, referring to Klal Yisrael as an םע, a nation. In Parshas Vaeira, the possuk refers to the האיצי as, םיארצממ לארשי ינב תא איצוהל, referring to Klal Yisrael as sons. Rav Elyashiv explains that this defines the two stages of Yetzias Mitzrayim. The first took place on the first day of Pesach when there was the actual physical redemption. That was when תא ךאיצוהבםירצממ םעה. However, at Yam Suf, we reached the level of complete detachment from Egyptian culture. We attained the status of םינב, and achieved םירצממ לארשי ינב תא איצוהל. This idea is reiterated in the Tefillah we say nightly after Shema. The Chasam Sofer writes that in the words of the Tefillah אצויו םירצמ ירוכב לכ ותרבעב הכמהםלוע תורחל םכותמ לארשי ומע תא, Hashem struck the firstborn and took out His nation from amongst them to eternal freedom – we are described as ומע. Further on, ףוס םי ירזג ןיב וינב ריבעמה, He passed His sons between the split sea and we are described as וינב. As parents, we need to educate our children from their youth that not only are they the רחבנה םע, but they are also םוקמל םינב, children of Hashem. When this is inculcated within them and us, we and they will view the obligations of Yiddishkeit, not as restrictions, but as opportunities stemming from our royal status as princes and princesses of Hashem. תבש טוג ! Rabbi Ochs  Monday's STEM fair was a celebration of the exciting learning our students have done over the past month. The students presented their projects with confidence and clarity. We thank the teachers for guiding and preparing the students so effectively.  Both PreK classes finished a unit on brachos this week and celebrated together with a brachos party.  3G celebrated their completing Pashas Toldos with a delicious breakfast siyum.  Siyum pizza parties were held both in grade 2G for Parshas Noach and 7G for Parshas Chukas.  בוט לזמ to grade 1 girls on completing א קרפ‘ of תישארב רפס  3B is learning principles of a good debate. They have learned that preparing a formal debate involves supporting a resolution (affirmative team) and one opposing the resolution (opposing team) and those who are judging the quality of the evidence and arguments and the performance in the debate. It includes crafting articulate reasoning to win the debate and how to win an argument while maintaining decorum. We look forward to finding out which team will win the debate.  Grades 3B and 3G participated in an Understanding Our Differences Program this week. The topic was deafness. Mr. Gary Alpert led the discussion facilitated by our school social worker, Mrs. Racheli Edelman.  February 13– February 19 Winter break  February 20 - Regular classes resume  March 23– Torah Academy 38th Anniversary Dinner

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Bulletin Board SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Bo! 5B Mordy Bier Ephraim Kashnow Naftoli Ochs Tuvia Schonberg 6B Shlomo Rosmarin 7B Yaakov Fontek Moshe Leff Binyomin Septimus Noam Youshaei 8B Nechemia Ochs Raffle Winner: Yaakov Fontek Naftoli Ochs Shlomo Rosmarin DAY OF LEARNING  8 Shevat—sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Heshy Mermelstein in memory of Shalom ben Nuta Yitzchok z”l on his yahrzeit  6 Shevat– sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Fine l’ilui nishmas Mr. Steve Fine, Shlomo Yitzchak ben Sholom Meir z”l CONDOLENCES TO:  Mr. Michael Levin on the passing of his father, Mr. Victor Levin z”l. Mr. Michael Levin is sitting shiva at his home - 117 Sutherland Road, Brighton. Please assist with the minyanim,.7:30 AM shachris and 4:50 PM mincha (through Monday morning, February 10). MAZEL TOV TO  Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Rena Krochmal on the marriage of their granddaughter. COMMUNITY EVENTS  Looking for Purim costumes? Small Purim costume gemach le’iluy nishmas Alter Avrohom ben Zev z’l and Rivka bas Mirel a”h. Contact Marion Fine 857-919-8467.

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 K1 students playing cooperatively.  Pre-K 2 wearing their Tu B'shvat trees. The kinderlach are the sweetest fruit on the tree!  K1 students display their blossoming shkediyah trees in time for TuB’Shevat.  Gardening time with Mrs. Klompas.  Creating letters with blocks  Kriah time in K1.  During L week the PreK classes visit the Brighton branch library.  Moshe Hoffman is happy that he won the bingo game.  Reb Yanky Halpern’s Shabbos Tisch.  At the conclusion of their brochos unit, the two PreK classes join together to celebrate with a brochos party..  K2 Shkediayah “forest.”  Squeezing lemons and limes for juice during l week in PreK1.  Kindergarten classes prepare bird feeders for Parshas Beshalach and Shabbos Shirah. PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 8. 12. 10. 13. 3. 5. 13. 1. 9. 2. 7. 4. 11. 6.

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1. Hamilton STEM Fair 2. Winter break imaginative collage by grade 2. 3. Girls in Grades 2 through 8 ice skating at Warrior Ice Arena in honor of Rosh Chodesh Shevat. 4. 7G siyum for Parshas Chukas. 5. 3G siyum for Parshas Toldos. 6. 5G watercolor pencil stained glass Tu b’Shvat Art 7. 4G celebrates the Chinese Lunar New Year. HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 5. 1. 1. 6. 1. 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 7. 7. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. 2.

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1. In 2B, project of parapet hands as they learn the mitzvah to wait their turn and raise hands before speaking. 2. 4B practices therapeutic touch as they learned in the story they read this week, Emily's Hands On Science Experiment. 3. Preparing for they upcoming debate in grade 3B. 4. Hands on circuit designing continues in grade 7B. 5. New puzzles in Grade One for indoor recess. The boys had a great time working with their partners. 6. 6B learning. 7. 5B word hunters — working with dictionaries, thesaurus, and other reference books WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1. 2. 2. 3. 7. 2. 4. 6. 4. 3. 7. 5.

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Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. 1st GRADE Aaron Nadler 2nd GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrumi Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Sebbag Moshe Segal Tuviyah Sternfield Yaakov Wallin 3rd GRADE Eliyahu Benmergui Yehoshua Kashnow Yehuda Leib Rodkin Eliyahu Youshei 4th GRADE Uri Hain Aron Luria 5th GRADE Mordy Bier Eli Feuerstein Ephraim Kashnow Asher Katz Shmuel Loketch Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy 6th GRADE Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Feuerstein Aaron Sanieoff Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Wolff Eitan Youshei 7th GRADE Yoni Faintuch Yisrael Feldman Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Moishe Leff Yosef Yakov Mermelstein Mendel Meyers Avrami Shimanovich 8th GRADE Aaron Bier Akiva Bresel Akiva Feuerstein Ahron Fireman Yitzy Gould Mendel Rodkin

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