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September 2018

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 1 Institute of Animal Technology Bulletin G G G IAT Council Meeting The First Edition IV Congresso SPCAL G G G Dispatches Branch News Diary Dates Vol 54 No 9 September 2018

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 3 Bulletin Vol 54 No 9 September 2018 EDITOR Carole Wilson bulletineditor iat org uk ASSISTANT EDITOR Karen Dunford bulletinassistant iat org uk ADVERTISEMENT MANAGERS PRC Associates Ltd mail prcassoc co uk Published monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL ISSN 0263 2861 For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact IAT ADMINISTRATOR admin iat org uk or 0800 085 4380 Final copy date for November Bulletin 1st October CONTENTS Dear Readers IAT Council Meeting Congress 2019 7 8 9 The First Edition 11 17 IV Congresso SPCAL 2018 19 24 Andrew Blake Tribute Award 25 AS ET Lecture Announcements 26 28 Branch News 31 39 BING Caption Competition 41 Dispatches 42 44 Non technical Summaries 45 46 Diary Dates The opinions expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or the Institute 5 47

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 5 Bulletin September 2018 De ar Re aders Do you like the front cover It is a photograph sent to me by Alan Graham and is the taster of a new feature we will be introducing next month called The Gallery in response to people sending me images which I d like to share with everyone Let me take this opportunity to encourage other budding photographers to send in their pictures as well It goes without saying they have to be of suitable subjects for the Bulletin If you don t have images you would like to share keep thinking about points you would like to raise in the Bulletin perhaps letters I would love to see people using the Bulletin as a forum for discussion of those things we think are relevant to our industry Karen has written a review of the first Journal see pages 11 17 How do you think the industry has changed over the last 68 years I wonder if they imagined all those years ago how the Journal would become two separate publications the Bulletin and the Journal Animal Technology and Welfare I wonder at that first Congress whether they ever thought that Congress would grow into what it has become today So I hope you are all thinking about work you can submit for Congress 2019 see page 9 Of course the IAT doesn t just participate in Congress read the report about the SPCAL meeting in Portugal pages 19 24 which all sounds very interesting and it s great to see the Portuguese taking a real interest in our education programme Finally I rarely mention Diary Dates but it is a regular feature in the Bulletin have a look through and see if there is anything there that might inspire you Until next month Happy R eadi ng Carole 5

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 7 Bulletin September 2018 7 Synopsis of the IAT Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th July 2018 AGM Abridged minutes correction An enquiry had been received as to why the abridged AGM minutes which were published in the June issue of the Bulletin reported that Penny Hawkins had been elected as a Vice President unanimously as this was not the case due to there being one vote against the proposal The vote is correctly recorded in the full version of the AGM minutes which appear on the IAT website This information has been relayed to the person making the enquiry who accepted this response Animal Welfare Group The Animal Welfare Group AWG continues to review papers and look at animal welfare issues The AWG have prepared an advice note on feeding and watering laboratory animals which will be circulated widely via the IAT website and publications The AWG have also been invited to present a workshop entitled Adverse effects humane endpoints and animal welfare at the LASA Winter Meeting SPCAL Meeting Two members of Council were invited to attend the SPCAL meeting in Braga in Portugal The meeting took place over three days and the IAT were asked to give a presentation on the IAT Qualifications and how they can be taken in Europe As a follow on from this meeting Council agreed that the IAT Career Pathway should be translated into several European languages so that the qualifications can be more widely understood by other Animal Technologists throughout Europe Tech Month The Communications Group are starting to make plans for Tech Month which will take place in the lead up to Congress 2019 Letters will be sent to Establishment Licence Holders to let them know of plans and suggestions for activities during the month There will also be posters to display and more information will be available on the IAT website A quiz will also be launched over four weeks in March

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 8 8 September 2018 Bulletin Branch News Council were delighted to hear that the Aberdeen Branch is looking to reestablish An enquiry had also been received from a member at Cardiff University who has sufficient signatures to request setting up a South West Branch Council approved this request Board of Moderators Current moderators for IAT Level 2 and 3 Diplomas were reported to be Theresa Langford Envigo Jenny Parks Venture Forward Sarah Reed Cathy Godfrey Learning Curve Development Anthony Iglesias University of Cambridge Simon Cumming Red Kite AST2020 There will be a joint meeting between IAT LASA and LAVA in 2020 No other large meetings will be held by these three organisations during 2020 so it will be the largest laboratory animal science meeting in the UK that year Plans are progressing and initial details given to trade exhibitors who attended the IAT Trade Meeting prior to the July Council meeting Further details will be released on the AST2020 website www ast2020 org as they become available The dates for this meeting are 23rd 26th March 2020 and advertising for the event is being rolled out now AAALAC International Fellowship Award 2018 It was reported that Allan Thornhill has won this prestigious award as the UK recipient for 2018 Allan will travel to the USA and spend a week at institutions prior to attending the AALAS National meeting in Baltimore Allan will produce a report following his visit to the USA and details on how to apply for this award can be found on the AAALAC website the IAT website or advertisements in the Bulletin and ATW The next meeting of the IAT Council will take place in September 2018

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 9 WE RE ONLINE FOR BUSINESS REGISTRATION OPEN 10TH SEPTEMBER Venue North West England KEVIN DOLAN MEMORIAL LECTURE GUEST SPEAKER IS CONFIRMED Dr Anna Williams MA Oxon MSc PhD PGCLTAHE MCSFS FICPEM FRAI FHEA Principal Enterprise in Forensic Anthropology University of Huddersfield Anna will be giving us an insight into the research she is carrying out concerning Human Taphonomy Facilities used around the world which allow human relevant research rather than the use of animals Her full abstract will be published in the Provisional Scientific Programme The Invitation to Participate booklet can also be viewed online and downloaded at www iat org uk congress Advanced Booking Save 100 off the Full Delegate Package Reductions for ALL Scientific Programme Presenters and for Poster Displays To discuss any aspect of Congress or if you have any questions for the Congress Committee please contact us at congress iat org uk Check for updates www iat org uk

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 11 Bulletin September 2018 11 The First Edition Reviewed by Karen Dunford O nce a month IAT members receive the IAT Bulletin in their mailboxes detailing anything from reports of days out to paper reviews and even some historical reviews such as this one The first publication was issued in 1950 as a quarterly journal and was entitled The Journal of the Animal Technicians Association Notice a difference The cover of the first edition of the Journal of the Animal Technicians Association The first edition was authentically reprinted and distributed with every copy of the August 2010 issue of the Bulletin to celebrate 60 years of the IAT The inaugural publication has advertisements an editorial a report of the previous Congress as well as a book review and literary abstracts It had similar content to the modern day version albeit the newer ones are more colourful The original edition told of the changes in animal technology over the previous half a century

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 12 12 September 2018 Creativity in 1950s animal bedding advertising Bulletin George Baker sells his wire cages in the 1950s Things have changed since then The adverts point to the improvements in animal welfare that have been made in the last 50 or so years George Baker Ltd advertised their animal cages made from wire claiming we can manufacture any article from wire modern cages tend towards solid and fully enclosed walls and are typically made of plastic But more familiar ads are present too such as animal bedding perhaps though more modern ads would shy away from the poetical slant The written content gives the report of the decision to create the Animal Technician s Association ATA and to develop its own bulletin as well as its aims for the future The editorial written by the editor R T Charles laid out the plans for future publications He and the rest of the then ATA wanted a bulletin for animal technicians written by animal technicians He put a call out for material written by members of the ATA specifically concerning scientific and technical information and innovation Ideally the bulletin was to also include extracts from other journals as well as Letter to the Editor Unfortunately there are no letters for the first edition but it would be interesting to see some of the later

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 31 Page 13 September 2018 13 entries This request for material from its own members is still at the heart of the IAT publications A foreword was also included from the first President of the ATA a Dr A S Parkes He noted the importance of the work done by animal technicians and the contemporary change in the perception of the importance of animal welfare and its impact on research Therefore Parkes noted that the professional standards of animal technicians should have a recognised prestige as their work is an imperative for scientific research And although this short piece was written 68 years ago it still resonates with the modern animal technician The Foreword of the first edition written by the then President Dr A S Parkes emphasising the professional level that the ATA was striving for in 1950

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 16 September 2018 Page 16 Bulletin An artist s rendering of the reported discussion on the formation of the ATA at 1950 Congress Artwork by Tom Wheeler Just like current bulletins the first had a report on the proceedings of Congress of Animal Technicians which was held on March 30th and 31st in 1950 at the Royal Veterinary College London this was held with the support of the newly formed Laboratory Animals Bureau now defunct During this conference the attendees discussed the benefits and disadvantages of establishing the ATA Some of the arguments for the formation of the association concerned the support and validation of the role of an animal technician it was hoped that a formal professional body would help combat the attitude that they were just cage muckers Whilst some pointed out that an association was unnecessary as there were pre existing bodies that they could join such as the Science Technologist Association STA many more pointed out that despite best efforts STA were not agreeable to having any form of union Mr Short of the NIMR feared that animal technicians would only become the Cinderella of

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 31 Page 17 September 2018 17 that body A Mr Crisp from Aldershot even called for a divorce between animal technicians and science technologists Interestingly the Scottish representative Miss Mackay declined on behalf of the North to join in the ATA and wished the South the best of luck with its endeavours The decision to form a separate professional body for all animal house workers now animal technicians was unanimously passed The recorded comments made during this free discussion are quite interesting to read some felt that they were looked down upon by scientists and explicitly stating that the contemporary term animal attendant had become derogatory It is clear that this was a period in history of polar sentiments those who looked after animals in a scientific setting felt that they were seen as the lowest within their work place but at the same time scientists were beginning to understand the impact and value of animal health within their work As this was Congress the remainder of the time included paper presentations lab visits throughout London and beyond all of which ended with tea in the canteen and what sounds like a rather fun cinematograph film show Interestingly there were more film presentations than paper presentations 11 to 3 some of the former include This Modern Age Will Britain Go Hungry Heredity in Animals Penicillin and the rather intriguing title Experiments in the Revival of Organisms If anyone has copies of these films it would be fantastic to resurrect them and perhaps show them again one day at a future Congress This format of Congress does differ from current ones as there is a stronger emphasis on talks or presentations rather than films and site visits are not common Although there is always tea This first edition is a snapshot of the beginnings of the Institute of Animal Technology Not only does it cover the papers and films presented at an early Congress it gives us the details of the discussion on the formation of the professional body It reveals how earlier animal technicians felt about their place in this industry as well as their dedication to their profession

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 19 Bulletin September 2018 19 IV Congresso SPCAL 2018 21st 23rd June 2018 G lyn Fisher and I represented the IAT at the 4th SPCAL Congress 21 23 June 2018 held in the millennial city of Braga Portugal The theme chosen Quality and Transparency in Science involving Laboratory Animals was to reflect current social and scientific trends and issues concerning animal based biomedical research We couldn t get accommodation in any of the conference hotels so we ended up in a new hotel in Braga itself which used to be an old hospital about 3 miles from the conference venue and which was a stunning building Braga is about 50km from Porto airport it is a beautiful town and it turned out that the days we were there the town was celebrating the Festa de S o Jo o The festival of Saint John the Baptist The culmination of the Festival takes place on the night of June 23rd and involves a huge street party and feast which lasts all night until dawn During the days leading up to the feast the Parque de Exposi oes is home to a multitude of tents and marquees serving traditional and contemporary food

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 20 September 2018 Page 20 Bulletin and drink An interesting tradition among the people of Braga during the Festa de S o Jo o with roots in pagan courtship rituals is to hit each other either with garlic flowers or soft plastic hammers We had to look this up when we got home because we had no idea why everyone was getting hit on the head with these soft plastic hammers that made a strange squeaking noise The Congress venue was at the School of Medicine and the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute ICVS at the University of Minho On arrival on Thursday morning after our 3 mile walk Glyn and I were immediately struck by the massive sign on the wall outside the building which clearly showed the use of animals within the process of the development of a medicine The conference is held every three years and there were probably around 80100 delegates and ten trade stands Day one was all about the announcement of the Accordo Pulblico or Transparency Agreement similar to our Concordat on Openess and the session was open to the public and journalists Kirk Leech who is from the European Animal Research Association EARA which is a communications and advocacy organisation whose mission is to uphold the interests of biomedical research and healthcare development across Europe was there for the launch

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Bulletin Page 21 September 2018 21 Day Two started bright and early with another 3 mile walk in 28 degrees which meant we arrived rather hot and sweaty to the venue Unfortunately the foyer we were in had no air conditioning or fans so it was a little like sitting in a greenhouse The programme continued with papers on quality and welfare in laboratory animals managing research facilities and new perspecivives on legislation Glyn and I went into a few of the presentations that day and Joseph Garner s Stanford University USA presentation about reproducability was fascinating He felt animal experiments ideally should be run like clinical trials or at the very least each cohort should have a BALB c C57 and a CBA mouse in the cage If the compound works in all three strains it has a much higher chance of being translatable to man That evening we had the Congress dinner a relaxed affair held at the University of Minho The main course was baby goat with chestnuts and apricots it might be one we consider for the Congress IAT dinner dance After the three mile walk back due to a road race taking place we enjoyed a few drinks in the festival atmosphere

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 31 Page 23 September 2018 23 The Saturday sessions were around education and training Ana Isabel Santos Honorary Secretary at FELASA and vice Dean at NOVA Medical School was chairing the session She is impressed with the IAT education system and asked Glyn to get up and speak about the structure of the training modules Following this there was a lot of interest from local technicians at the stand

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 24 September 2018 the career pathway having kindly been translated into Portugese by Bruno Correia da Silva from KCL There was a further workshop on severity assessment that afternoon but all the trade were packing away so we headed off and joined in with the finale of the festival heading home at about 2am leaving the locals to party into the early hours All in all the meeting was a success and we made a few new European contacts Reporter Linda Horan Page 24 Bulletin

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 26 26 September 2018 Bulletin Annual Lecture AS ET Lecture AS ET Annual AnnualAS ET Lecture London London London Two for the Two pricefor of the one price of one Two for the twinning price of one the ultimate twinning the ultimate twinning the ultimate UHJHQHUDWLRQ regeneration UHJHQHUDWLRQ Professor Claudio Stern Professor Claudio Stern BSc Professor PhD DSc FRSB FRMedSci Claudio SternFRS BSc PhD DSc FRSB FRMedSci FRS BSc PhD DSc FRSB FRMedSci FRS J Z Young Professor of Anatomy J Z Young Professor of Anatomy J Z Young Professor of Anatomy University College University London College London University College London ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4 30pm Wednesday 18th October 2018 5 00pm 2018 4 30pm Wednesday Wednesday 17th 18th October October 2018 Central Central London London Central London The be followed by a wine reception The bylecture winewill reception Thelecture lecturewill will be be followed followed by aa wine reception ________________ ________________ Admission Free Admission Free Order Tickets from Order Tickets from http www animalsinscienceeducationtrust org uk annuall http www animalsinscienceeducationtrust org uk annuallecture Sponsored by Sponsored by

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 31 Page 27 Bulletin September 2018 27 Annual Lecture AS ET Lecture AS ET Annual AnnualAS ET Lecture Manchester London London Two for the Two pricefor of the one price of one Harnessing Stem Cells for twinning the ultimate twinning the ultimate Regenerative Medicine UHJHQHUDWLRQ UHJHQHUDWLRQ how far have we got Professor Professor Richard Gardner Professor Claudio Stern Claudio Stern BSc PhD DSc FRSB FRMedSci FRS MA PhD PhD DSc ScD FRSB Hon FRS BSc FRSB FIAT FRMedSci FRS Emeritus Research Professor Royal Society J Z Young Professor Emeritus Student Christ Church Oxford J Z Young Professor ofCollege Anatomy of Anatomy University College London University College London ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4 30pm Wednesday 18th October 2018 5 00pm November 2018 4 30pmWednesday Wednesday7th 18th October 2018 Manchester University Central London Central London The be followed by a wine reception The bylecture winewill reception Thelecture lecturewill will be be followed followed by aa wine reception ________________ ________________ Admission Free Admission Free Order Tickets from Order Tickets from http www animalsinscienceeducationtrust org uk annuall http www animalsinscienceeducationtrust org uk annuallecture Sponsored by Sponsored by

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin 11 32 Page 28 May 2014 15 May 2014 15 May 2014 May 2014 15 15 AS ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence Bulletin May 2014 15 the28 care and welfare of animals used in science Bulletin September 2018 To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org AS ET isisaacharity up advance education and promote excellence inin AS ET charityset set uptoto advance education and promote excellence The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them the and welfare ofofanimals used ininscience thecare care and welfare animals used science find out how to support us by looking at our website To how you can for visit website www as et org uk Tosee see how canapply apply for abursary bursary visitour our website www as et org uk AS ET charity set up up toaadvance advance education excellence in AS ET isis you aa charity set to education and promote AS ET is charity set up to advance education and promote excellence in the care and of animals usededucation ineducation science AS ET ischarity awelfare charity set up to advance advance education and promote excellence in the care and animals used in science AS ET aawelfare charity set up and promote excellence AS ET is ais setof up to to advance and promote excellence in in the care and welfare of animals used in science The listed below AS ET If would like totojoin them the care and welfare ofsponsor animals used in science science the care and welfare animals used the care welfare of of animals used in in science Thecompanies companies listed sponsor AS ET Ifyou you would join AS ET is aand charity to below advance education and promote excellence inlike the care andin them AS ET is a charity set up to advance education and promote excellence To see how you can apply for a bursary visit our website www as et org uk find how to support usinof by looking atvisit our website To see how you can apply for alooking bursary welfare of animals used science findout out how to support by our the care and welfare animals usedat in science To see how you can us apply for a bursary visit website our website www as et org uk To see how you can apply for bursary visit our website www as et org uk how apply aa bursary visit website www as et org uk To To seesee how youyou cancan apply forfor a bursary visit ourour website www as et org uk The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like them of AS ET listed below and to find out more please www as et org uk visit to thejoin website TheSponsors companies listed below sponsor AS ET Ifour you would like to join them To see how youare can apply for asponsor bursary visit website The companies listed below AS ET If you would like to join them The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them www as et org uk The companies listed below sponsor AS ET If you would like to join them find out how to support us by looking at our website find out how to support us by looking at our website find out how to support us by looking at our website find out how tolisted support us by by looking at our our website find how support looking website find outout how to to support us us by looking at at our The companies below sponsor AS ET Ifwebsite you would like to join them find out how to support us by looking at our website

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 31 Bulletin September 2018 31 Oxford Branch Quiz Night 13th April 2018 Rewley House quiz night O n the evening of Friday 13th 12 teams gathered at Rewley House Oxford for the IAT annual quiz night but only 1 team would leave victorious The night started fairly calmly but the tension was present as the returning champions got ready to defend their title Everyone was having a good time with questions from all rounds flying out which included a classic true or false round a Friday 13th horror special round breeds of cats and dogs and celebrities that sadly passed away in 2017 among others Many thanks to Ross from Tecniplast for being the quiz master for the evening even if he did get his Britney songs mixed up That was of course until the music rounds Horror music Who d have thought that a big scary looking bearded tattooed man would be the one person to argue a question about Britney Spears and get it right If that wasn t enough his victory dance for getting the question about Las Ketchup right was something to behold

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 32 September 2018 Page 32 Bulletin Ross the quiz master Victory celebrations The traditional raffle was hosted managing to raise 136 for the branch even if Tecniplast bought 135 worth of the tickets themselves Prizes ranged from a box of doughnuts to bottles of wine and vodka all the necessities for a quiz night

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 32 Page 33 September 2018 33 Tensions rose during the quiz as the defending champions were close to making it two years in a row which has never been managed before It was a tooth and nail fight to the end and indeed it was all on the last round to determine the winners Unfortunately right at the end they were pipped to the post and we d like to congratulate the winners who were My Drinking Team Have A Trivia Problem Envigo who won by the finest of margins 1 2 a point to be exact The winners We would like to take the time to thank the organisers of the event IAT Oxford committee members and also a huge thanks to our sponsors Datesand and S3 as these events would not be possible without them Matthew O Brien Branch Reporter

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 35 Bulletin September 2018 35 Edinburgh Branch Skittles Night 16th May 2018 O n Wednesday May 16th the Edinburgh branch held its annual skittles night at the historic Duddinston Sheep s Heid This year we had a decent turnout of 16 bowlers and myself who due to a back injury could not bowl but organised the teams and kept score instead The group split into two teams of eight The Alley Cats vs The Badgers The evening s bowling began with a flurry of strikes but these soon wore off Possibly due to the drink imbibed by the non drivers but blamed on the curvature of the lanes by all the bowlers After a lovely half time buffet of mini burgers chips and salad the teams changed lanes but I did not see much of a difference in the quality of bowling with the lane change

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 36 36 September 2018 With the final scores tallied the Alley Cats won by a score of 443 against the Badgers 406 The battle for the individual prizes involved a couple of bowloffs Prizes for the highest scores went to Janice who after many years as lowest scoring female she seems to finally have the hang of this game and to Jeff who beat Ian in a bowl off The lowest scoring prize went to Fina and Walter respectively Not sure if that was poor bowling or an attempt by our commercial colleagues to avoid coming in first Congratulations to all prize winners and thanks to everyone who came along for a fun evening Thanks again to Envigo for their continuing sponsorship of this event which is certainly the longest sponsorship deal with the Edinburgh Branch and possibly the longest sponsorship deal in IAT branch history Keith Chalmers Branch Reporter Bulletin

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 38 September 2018 Page 38 Bulletin Edinburgh Branch Talk by Keith Davies of Cardiff University 7th June 2018 O n Thursday 7th June the Edinburgh branch had the pleasure of hosting a talk by Keith Davies of Cardiff University We held this presentation during the working day to see if we could attract more people to attend and low and behold we had a very good turn out Keith s talk was titled Caring Killing and Coping The emotional paradox for animal technologists It was a very thought provoking talk that covered the use of animals throughout history right up to where we are today Many interesting facts came out during the talk We had a good question and answer session at the end A delegate quoted Excellent presentation highlighting the emotional problems keenly felt by most animal care staff and technicians

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 32 Page 39 September 2018 39 I have not gone into details of the talk as I would highly recommend inviting Keith along to give this talk to any branch We would like to thank Edinburgh University for their sponsorship of this event Keith Chalmers Branch Reporter

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 41 Bulletin September 2018 The BING Caption Competition Write a 10 word or less caption for this photo and win a 50 voucher The winner will be published in a future edition of the Bulletin Send your entries to Linda Westall lynda westall aol co uk and Kally Booth k booth dundee ac uk Closing date 31 October 2018 41

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 42 42 September 2018 Bulletin Dispatches 30 YEAR CAREER IN ANIMAL WELFARE RECOGNISED UFAW Medal awarded in acknowledgement of exceptional contribution to the welfare of laboratory animals The 2018 winner of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare UFAW Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Welfare Science has been announced A commemorative medal and award was presented to Professor Paul Flecknell at UFAW s one day conference on measuring animal welfare at the Centre for Life Newcastle on the 28th of June The UFAW Medal recognises exceptional achievements of individual scientists who have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of animal welfare over a number of years The award is open to individuals anywhere in the world whose

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 32 Page 43 September 2018 research teaching service and advocacy has significantly benefited the welfare of animals UFAW was very pleased this year to recognise Paul s remarkable achievements over a 30 year career which has successfully focused on improving the welfare of laboratory animals in the UK and internationally through a diverse range of activities Professor Paul Flecknell Professor of Laboratory Animal Science Director of Comparative Biology Centre at Newcastle University is widely recognised as the leading authority in the field of veterinary anaesthesia and pain recognition particularly in relation to research animal welfare His work has helped scientists around the world understand and recognize the pain and distress which may be caused to animals by their research procedures and how this can be very effectively managed without reducing the value of their science He was a pioneer in the field in 1981 Professor Flecknell s Churchill Fellowship alerted him to the poor standards of anaesthesia and analgesia pain relief then being practised around the world and as Director of Comparative Biology at Newcastle University he set about addressing the problem The Newcastle group which Prof Flecknell has nurtured over the years is justifiably seen as a world leader in developing innovative methods for assessing pain and welfare in lab animals and for evaluating the effects of new techniques aimed at ameliorating pain that may be caused by experimental or management procedures He has published an impressive list of over 180 books chapters and peer reviewed papers all with a strong record of citations which reflects their impact on the scientific community His publications and stimulating presentations have influenced attitudes internationally teaching research scientists veterinarians and technicians in many countries 43

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 44 September 2018 Page 44 Bulletin Prof Flecknell has also played a hugely influential role on many committees societies funding bodies and journals concerned with veterinary and laboratory animal welfare science and practice including holding presidencies of the British Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association and the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and being Vice Chair and Acting Chair of NC3Rs Furthermore he has been a trail blazer in the development of innovative web based training resources that have been viewed by many people around the world His book Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia is a standard text in the field as is his edited volume Pain Management in Animals in which he contributed to nearly half of the chapters He has mentored many PhD students and post docs allowing them to draw on his ideas and expertise so that they may go on to form the next generation of leading researchers in the field Professor Flecknell was nominated for this award by Dr Matt Leach a lecturer at the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Newcastle University who said Paul is recognised as a world leading expert in both laboratory animal science and welfare Outside of his veterinary and research activities he has undertaken a variety of roles in over 14 national and international committees and boards that promote laboratory animal welfare I cannot think of a more deserving candidate for the UFAW medal for outstanding contributions to animal welfare than Professor Flecknell UFAW s Chief Executive Dr Robert Hubrecht who will be presenting the award said Professor Flecknell s exceptional contributions have been at many levels scientific practical translational educational and in academic leadership He is an outstanding winner of the 2018 UFAW medal

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 Bulletin 11 32 Page 45 September 2018 45 N on technical summaries NTS are an integral part of an ASPA project license application These summaries are the only section of the license that are written for the public and have the potential to show the scope of work being carried out in the UK as well as steps taken to minimise harms to the animals and to use alternatives However summarising complex and technical information in lay terms is a skilled task Therefore UAR has worked with partners to develop the following guidance to help researchers write better and more engaging summaries of their ASPA licensed projects Our top ten tips for writing non technical summaries are as follows 1 You are strongly advised to seek support from your communications team in writing the NTS 2 Ask non researchers to check the language used your AWERB lay member should be able to provide valuable advice 3 The audience for the NTS is the general public and you should therefore assume a reading age of 12 4 The summary should be concise a limit of 1 000 words is standard 5 On reading your NTS a lay person should be able to fully understand the following G G G G G a description of the project of work the objectives of the programme the predicted harms and benefits of the programme the numbers and types of animals to be used evidence that the programme of work has considered and complies with the 3Rs 6 Summarise the key components of the project take notes of the points you want to make meeting the requirements for NTS content

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 46 September 2018 Page 46 Bulletin 7 Provide a balanced view of the project s potential benefits and of the expected harms to the animals 8 Use short everyday words whenever you can Avoid jargon and acronyms explaining any technical terms you have to use 9 Sentences should be short down to an average of 15 to 20 words Try to keep to one main idea in a sentence 10 Use active verbs as much as possible Say the mouse may feel discomfort rather than discomfort may be felt by the mouse We hope that in time non technical summaries will be seen as more than a statutory requirement they will provide a way of engaging interested people with the research projects taking place in an institution To download the full guidance please visit the UAR website http www understandinganimalresearch org uk resources document library

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Sept IATB NEW 4 9 18 11 32 Page 47 Bulletin September 2018 47 DIARY Dates 10 September Congress 2019 Online registration opens See page 9 17 October AS ET Annual Lecture London Details on page 26 18 September 4 December Theatre Technician Workshop London Details info learningcurvedevelopment co uk 28 October 1st November AALAS Meeting Baltimore Details https www aalas org nationalmeeting 19 September LASA 3Rs UFAW Section Meeting Details info lasa co uk 30 October RSPCA UFAW Rodent and Rabbit Welfare Meeting Central London Details research animals rspca org uk 21 September RSPCA Lay Members Forum Edinburgh Details research animals rspca org uk 4 5 October The Digital Revolution Technologies to power animal facilities and science Italy Details secretary fondazioneguidobernardini org 6 October Surrey Sussex Hampshire Branch Autumn Horse Racing and Beer Festival Details Sarah Tamasauskas iatshs aol com 31 October Caption competition closes Details on page 41 2 November The Andrew Blake Tribute Award closing date Details on page 25 7 November AS ET Animal Lecture Manchester Details on page 27 12 13 November NACWO Workshop London Details info learningcurvedevelopment co uk 11 October 17 November AWERB Roadshow Birmingham Newcastle Details asc secretariat homeoffice gsi gov uk 16 November Congress 2019 closing date for Paper and Workshop submissions Details on pages 29 and 46 12 October 9 November Support Staff Full Day Workshop London Details info learningcurvedevelopment co uk 27 29 November LASA Conference Birmingham Details http www lasa co uk meetings info lasa co uk Front cover Butterfly by Alan Graham

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