Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 Coture by Lorenza Bozzoli Bluring the lines between Design and Fashion 2 3
Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 Coture by Lorenza Bozzoli Bluring the lines between Design and Fashion 2 3
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4 5 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
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C o u t u re una collezione di accessori per l arredamento di alta gamma creata dalla designer Lorenza Bozzoli Pensata e progettata in Italia e completamente realizzata a mano da artigiani Couture una combinazione di design e moda lussuosa ed elegante che impiega materiali di alta qualit offrendo innumerevoli varianti di colori personalizzabili su Co u tu re is a collection of high end fur niture accessories luxurious and elegant conceived by designer Lorenza Bozzoli Completely made in Italy by hand made craftmanship Couture is a combination of fashion and design with high quality materials and endless color s combination which can be customized by client s request richiesta 8 9
C o u t u re una collezione di accessori per l arredamento di alta gamma creata dalla designer Lorenza Bozzoli Pensata e progettata in Italia e completamente realizzata a mano da artigiani Couture una combinazione di design e moda lussuosa ed elegante che impiega materiali di alta qualit offrendo innumerevoli varianti di colori personalizzabili su Co u tu re is a collection of high end fur niture accessories luxurious and elegant conceived by designer Lorenza Bozzoli Completely made in Italy by hand made craftmanship Couture is a combination of fashion and design with high quality materials and endless color s combination which can be customized by client s request richiesta 8 9
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An exclusive luxury for you Each piece is not just originally designed and customized for the single client but is signed stamped and numbered by the designer which certify the original authenticity an exclusive luxury for you Ogni pezzo non solo progettato e personalizzato in modo originale per il singolo cliente ma firmato timbrato e numerato dalla designer che ne certifica l originalit e l autenticit un lusso particolare esclusivo per te 12 13
An exclusive luxury for you Each piece is not just originally designed and customized for the single client but is signed stamped and numbered by the designer which certify the original authenticity an exclusive luxury for you Ogni pezzo non solo progettato e personalizzato in modo originale per il singolo cliente ma firmato timbrato e numerato dalla designer che ne certifica l originalit e l autenticit un lusso particolare esclusivo per te 12 13
14 15 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
14 15 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
These exceptional Haute Couture objects features colourful fringes woven on 18th Century loom Each thread is handstitched and cut by designers and artisans which make each product a perfect example of contemporary craftsmanship and design Questi eccezionali oggetti di Haute Couture impiegano frange colorate tessute su telai del XIX secolo Ogni filo cucito e tagliato a mano da designers ed artigiani che rendono ogni prodotto un perfetto esempio di artigianato e design contemporaneo 16 17
These exceptional Haute Couture objects features colourful fringes woven on 18th Century loom Each thread is handstitched and cut by designers and artisans which make each product a perfect example of contemporary craftsmanship and design Questi eccezionali oggetti di Haute Couture impiegano frange colorate tessute su telai del XIX secolo Ogni filo cucito e tagliato a mano da designers ed artigiani che rendono ogni prodotto un perfetto esempio di artigianato e design contemporaneo 16 17
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The availability of over 75 colours of fringes and velvets let endless possibilities of customization where every aspect is designed in close relation with the client an exclusive choice of colours and shapes which make each piece completely unique and special La disponibilit di oltre 75 colori di frange e velluti rende infinita la possibilit di personalizzazione ogni aspetto progettato in stretta collaborazione con il cliente una scelta esclusiva dei disegni e dei colori che rende ogni pezzo completamente unico e speciale 20 21
The availability of over 75 colours of fringes and velvets let endless possibilities of customization where every aspect is designed in close relation with the client an exclusive choice of colours and shapes which make each piece completely unique and special La disponibilit di oltre 75 colori di frange e velluti rende infinita la possibilit di personalizzazione ogni aspetto progettato in stretta collaborazione con il cliente una scelta esclusiva dei disegni e dei colori che rende ogni pezzo completamente unico e speciale 20 21
The elegance of pure geometric form of this versatile piece adds luxur y with a splash of colour in any s pace The new decorations with them chromatic and formal refinement are represented by soft cur ves ar ticulated as floral patterns L e le g a n za d e lla p u ra fo rm a g e o m e tr ica di q u e sto o g g e tto ve rsa tile a g g iu n g e lusso c o n u n to c c o d i c o lo re in q u alsia si s paz io I n u ovi d e c o ri d a lla ra ffin a ta ric e rcatez z a c ro m a tic a e d e c o rativa si a r tic o lano in p a tte rn d a l ric h ia m o flo re a le c o n mor bide c u r ve 22 23
The elegance of pure geometric form of this versatile piece adds luxur y with a splash of colour in any s pace The new decorations with them chromatic and formal refinement are represented by soft cur ves ar ticulated as floral patterns L e le g a n za d e lla p u ra fo rm a g e o m e tr ica di q u e sto o g g e tto ve rsa tile a g g iu n g e lusso c o n u n to c c o d i c o lo re in q u alsia si s paz io I n u ovi d e c o ri d a lla ra ffin a ta ric e rcatez z a c ro m a tic a e d e c o rativa si a r tic o lano in p a tte rn d a l ric h ia m o flo re a le c o n mor bide c u r ve 22 23
Couture provides a complete tailor made service each piece reflects and interpret the client s vision The designer works closely with the client providing him sketches and high quality renders customizing shapes and colours exclusively for his piece Couture offre un servizio completo su misura ogni pezzo riflette ed interpreta la visione del cliente Il designer collabora con il cliente realizzando schizzi e rendering di alta qualit personalizzando forme e colori in modo esclusivo per ogni pezzo 24 25
Couture provides a complete tailor made service each piece reflects and interpret the client s vision The designer works closely with the client providing him sketches and high quality renders customizing shapes and colours exclusively for his piece Couture offre un servizio completo su misura ogni pezzo riflette ed interpreta la visione del cliente Il designer collabora con il cliente realizzando schizzi e rendering di alta qualit personalizzando forme e colori in modo esclusivo per ogni pezzo 24 25
26 27 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
26 27 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
Inspired by Ar t Deco s motifs the geometric pattern of fringes whit its lines and colours rethink and exhibit a delicate and timeless beauty Isp irato a i m o tivi d e ll Ar t De c o il p a tter n g e o m e tric o d i fra n g e rie la b o ra e p ro p one in lin e e e c o lo ri u n a b e lle zza d e lic a ta e se n za te m p o 28 29
Inspired by Ar t Deco s motifs the geometric pattern of fringes whit its lines and colours rethink and exhibit a delicate and timeless beauty Isp irato a i m o tivi d e ll Ar t De c o il p a tter n g e o m e tric o d i fra n g e rie la b o ra e p ro p one in lin e e e c o lo ri u n a b e lle zza d e lic a ta e se n za te m p o 28 29
30 31 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
30 31 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
The squared and rectangular motifs of the new poufs are inspired by the composure of pure form the cube The straight lines softened by fringes offer a contemporar y touch adding a different feel of depth to the design I m o tivi q u ad ra ti e re ttan g o la ri dei nuov i p o u fs si isp ira n o a lla c o m p o ste z z a della fo rm a p u ra d e l c u b o Le lin e e rette e a m m o rb id ite d a lle fra n g e o ffro n o cos un to c c o d i c o n te m p o ra n e it a g g iungendo u n d ive rso se n so d i p ro fo n d it a l decoro 32 33
The squared and rectangular motifs of the new poufs are inspired by the composure of pure form the cube The straight lines softened by fringes offer a contemporar y touch adding a different feel of depth to the design I m o tivi q u ad ra ti e re ttan g o la ri dei nuov i p o u fs si isp ira n o a lla c o m p o ste z z a della fo rm a p u ra d e l c u b o Le lin e e rette e a m m o rb id ite d a lle fra n g e o ffro n o cos un to c c o d i c o n te m p o ra n e it a g g iungendo u n d ive rso se n so d i p ro fo n d it a l decoro 32 33
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34 35 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
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Introducing the new square collection 38 39 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
Introducing the new square collection 38 39 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019
The new square and rectangular forms belong to the Couture Collection of this year Together with the soft and sinuous cur ves of the last series the new poised forms restate a geometric and decorative attention capable of elevate each space whit a luxur y and eclectic vision L e nuove for me quadr ate e rettangolar i appar tengono alla collez ione Couture di quest anno Assieme alle cur ve mor bide e sinuose delle precedenti ser ie le for me composte della nuova collez ione r ibadiscono un attenz ione geometr ica e decor ativa capace di rendere ogni spaz io lussuoso ed eclettico 40 41
The new square and rectangular forms belong to the Couture Collection of this year Together with the soft and sinuous cur ves of the last series the new poised forms restate a geometric and decorative attention capable of elevate each space whit a luxur y and eclectic vision L e nuove for me quadr ate e rettangolar i appar tengono alla collez ione Couture di quest anno Assieme alle cur ve mor bide e sinuose delle precedenti ser ie le for me composte della nuova collez ione r ibadiscono un attenz ione geometr ica e decor ativa capace di rendere ogni spaz io lussuoso ed eclettico 40 41
The fringes which decorate the poufs are hand cut with a sophisticated precision Each pattern can be realized following the client s suggestion creating unique and exclusive pieces Le frange che deco r an o i p o u fs s o n o t ag l i at e a mano con ra f f inat ezza e m as s i m a p re c i s i o n e Og ni pa t t ern deco r at i vo p u e s s e re re al i zza to se guendo il disegno d e l c l i e n t e fac e n d o d i o g n i prodot t o un ogget t o u n i c o e d e s c l u s i vo 42 43
The fringes which decorate the poufs are hand cut with a sophisticated precision Each pattern can be realized following the client s suggestion creating unique and exclusive pieces Le frange che deco r an o i p o u fs s o n o t ag l i at e a mano con ra f f inat ezza e m as s i m a p re c i s i o n e Og ni pa t t ern deco r at i vo p u e s s e re re al i zza to se guendo il disegno d e l c l i e n t e fac e n d o d i o g n i prodot t o un ogget t o u n i c o e d e s c l u s i vo 42 43
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Each piece is a high quality object completely handmade by designers and artisans an exellence of craftmanship and materials The fringes offer a feeling of fluidity and lightness to the poised pouf s volumes enriched by the soft velvet cover Each piece is a high quality object completely hand made by designers and ar tisans an excellence of craftmanship and materials Le fra n g e o ffro n o u n a se n sa zio n e d i flu id it e le g g e re zza a l vo lu m e c o m p o sto d e i p o u fs a rric c h ito d alla m o rb id e zza d e lla c o p e r tu ra in ve llu to Og n i p e zzo u n o g g e tto d i a lta q u a lit c o m p le ta m e n te re a lizza to a m a n o d a l d e sig n e r e d a ll a r tig an o u n e c c e lle n za d i m a n ifa ttu ra e m a te ria li 46 47
Each piece is a high quality object completely handmade by designers and artisans an exellence of craftmanship and materials The fringes offer a feeling of fluidity and lightness to the poised pouf s volumes enriched by the soft velvet cover Each piece is a high quality object completely hand made by designers and ar tisans an excellence of craftmanship and materials Le fra n g e o ffro n o u n a se n sa zio n e d i flu id it e le g g e re zza a l vo lu m e c o m p o sto d e i p o u fs a rric c h ito d alla m o rb id e zza d e lla c o p e r tu ra in ve llu to Og n i p e zzo u n o g g e tto d i a lta q u a lit c o m p le ta m e n te re a lizza to a m a n o d a l d e sig n e r e d a ll a r tig an o u n e c c e lle n za d i m a n ifa ttu ra e m a te ria li 46 47
These poufs are availaible in four sizes 1 30 X 30 X 46 cm 2 40 X 40 X 46 cm 3 50 X 50 X 46 cm 4 95 X 95 X 35 cm Also any additional sizes can be customised as per needs of client Anche eventuali var ia zi o n i n e l l e d i m e n s i o n i d e i poufs sono a discre zi o n e d e l l e e s i g e n ze d e l cliente 48 49
These poufs are availaible in four sizes 1 30 X 30 X 46 cm 2 40 X 40 X 46 cm 3 50 X 50 X 46 cm 4 95 X 95 X 35 cm Also any additional sizes can be customised as per needs of client Anche eventuali var ia zi o n i n e l l e d i m e n s i o n i d e i poufs sono a discre zi o n e d e l l e e s i g e n ze d e l cliente 48 49
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Couture extends its design collection by introducing the new typology of tables in color ful ceramic tiles and lacquered metal Its volumetric form remembering the pouf s colours and details and their customization s possibilities represents an ideal extension of Couture family Couture estende la sua nuova collez ione introducendo un esclusiva tipologia di tavoli realiz z ati con piastrelle di cer amica color ata e metallo laccato L a loro for ma volumetr ica r icordando i poufs sia nei color i e nelle finiture che nelle possibilit di per sonaliz z az ione r appresentano un estensione ideale della famiglia Couture 54 55
Couture extends its design collection by introducing the new typology of tables in color ful ceramic tiles and lacquered metal Its volumetric form remembering the pouf s colours and details and their customization s possibilities represents an ideal extension of Couture family Couture estende la sua nuova collez ione introducendo un esclusiva tipologia di tavoli realiz z ati con piastrelle di cer amica color ata e metallo laccato L a loro for ma volumetr ica r icordando i poufs sia nei color i e nelle finiture che nelle possibilit di per sonaliz z az ione r appresentano un estensione ideale della famiglia Couture 54 55
The tables of the new line are conceived as exclusive pieces suitable for any space and customizable by choice of chromatic patterns of ceramic tiles I tavo li della nuova l i n e a s o n o p e n s at i c o m e pez z i e sclusiv i a dat t i p e r o g n i s p azi o p e r so nali z z a bili nella s c e l t a d e l p at t e r n c ro matico delle pia st re l l e i n c e r am i c a 56 57
The tables of the new line are conceived as exclusive pieces suitable for any space and customizable by choice of chromatic patterns of ceramic tiles I tavo li della nuova l i n e a s o n o p e n s at i c o m e pez z i e sclusiv i a dat t i p e r o g n i s p azi o p e r so nali z z a bili nella s c e l t a d e l p at t e r n c ro matico delle pia st re l l e i n c e r am i c a 56 57
Special design s fabrics as the embroidered silk by fashion designer Cristian Lacroix Maison can also be used in pouf s production expanding the customization s possibilities Tessuti speciali di design come la seta ricamata dello stilista Cristian Lacroix Maison possono essere integrati nella realizzazione dei poufs offrendo un ampia possibilit per una completa personalizzazione 58 59
Special design s fabrics as the embroidered silk by fashion designer Cristian Lacroix Maison can also be used in pouf s production expanding the customization s possibilities Tessuti speciali di design come la seta ricamata dello stilista Cristian Lacroix Maison possono essere integrati nella realizzazione dei poufs offrendo un ampia possibilit per una completa personalizzazione 58 59
These tables with ceramic tiles and lacquered metal top comes in three sizes 1 33 X 33 X 43 cm 2 43 X 43 X 52 cm 3 62 X 62 X 37 cm This makes the table useful as a side table ser ving table for trays for outdoor lounge or bedrooms and vanity areas I nuov i tavoli con piast re l l e i n c e r am i c a e p i an o i n metallo laccato sono d i s p o n i b i l i i n t re d i m e n s i o n i 60 61
These tables with ceramic tiles and lacquered metal top comes in three sizes 1 33 X 33 X 43 cm 2 43 X 43 X 52 cm 3 62 X 62 X 37 cm This makes the table useful as a side table ser ving table for trays for outdoor lounge or bedrooms and vanity areas I nuov i tavoli con piast re l l e i n c e r am i c a e p i an o i n metallo laccato sono d i s p o n i b i l i i n t re d i m e n s i o n i 60 61
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Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 66 Ceramic Tiles available in different tones and hues to suit your ambience 67
Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 66 Ceramic Tiles available in different tones and hues to suit your ambience 67
The square hand made poufs come in three sizes 1 35 X 35 X 46 cm 2 70 X 35 X 46 cm 3 130 X 40 X 46 cm with rounded edges I pouf s squa dra t i e re al i zzat i a m an o s on o disp onibili in t re dim e n s i o n i 68 69
The square hand made poufs come in three sizes 1 35 X 35 X 46 cm 2 70 X 35 X 46 cm 3 130 X 40 X 46 cm with rounded edges I pouf s squa dra t i e re al i zzat i a m an o s on o disp onibili in t re dim e n s i o n i 68 69
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Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 72 Each bespoke piece is stamped at the bottom on the lining of the pouf signed numbered and dated personally by the designer Lorenza Bozzoli The original authenticity of each product highlights the artisanal quality and the art of a luxury dedicated design Ogni pezzo reca lo stampo di autenticit sul fondo firmato dalla designer Lorenza Bozzoli numerato e datato L autentica originalit di ogni prodotto evidenzia la qualit della manifattura e l arte di un design dedicato al lusso 73
Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 72 Each bespoke piece is stamped at the bottom on the lining of the pouf signed numbered and dated personally by the designer Lorenza Bozzoli The original authenticity of each product highlights the artisanal quality and the art of a luxury dedicated design Ogni pezzo reca lo stampo di autenticit sul fondo firmato dalla designer Lorenza Bozzoli numerato e datato L autentica originalit di ogni prodotto evidenzia la qualit della manifattura e l arte di un design dedicato al lusso 73
The circular poufs are available in 4 standard sizes are highly versatile The square poufs and benches are available in 4 standard sizes as well Poufs with 30 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc 35X35 cm square poufs with 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc Poufs with 40 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as seat for vanity table an extra seat for living room ottoman etc 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc Poufs with 50 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as a side table table for ser ving trays an extra seat etc Poufs with 95 cm diameter 35 cm height Ideal as a low seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces center table etc 74 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc 130X40 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as a seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces etc 75
The circular poufs are available in 4 standard sizes are highly versatile The square poufs and benches are available in 4 standard sizes as well Poufs with 30 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc 35X35 cm square poufs with 46 cm height Ideal as extra seat in the living room walk in closets shoe stores fitting room etc Poufs with 40 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as seat for vanity table an extra seat for living room ottoman etc 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc Poufs with 50 cm diameter 46 cm height Ideal as a side table table for ser ving trays an extra seat etc Poufs with 95 cm diameter 35 cm height Ideal as a low seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces center table etc 74 70X35 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as an extra seat for living room in lobbies etc 130X40 cm benches with 46 cm height rounded edge Ideal as a seat for more people in lobbies vestibule spaces etc 75
6 11 16 21 26 31 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 5 10 15 20 25 30 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 1 36 35 Note Due to monitor and resolution differences the actual colors may wary slightly from what appears on screen and also differ from screen to screen 76 77
6 11 16 21 26 31 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 5 10 15 20 25 30 Lorenza Bozzoli Design New Collection 2019 1 36 35 Note Due to monitor and resolution differences the actual colors may wary slightly from what appears on screen and also differ from screen to screen 76 77
FLO SERIES DECO SERIES LBGEODECOB BE R LR LG 30TR LBGEODECOLB BE LB B P 30TR LBGEODECOY BE R BK Y 30CO LBGEOGIOBX BE R P BX 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOG G LB T Y 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOY BE O R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy 78 Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 75 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOB B LB B P 40PL Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W13 75 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kgs 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOGY BE Y BE GY 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOG G R O BX T 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 PE Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOBE BE BR R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOO BE O R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOBK GY R BR BK 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOB B B Y BX T 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Dimensions L35 x D35x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOO BE O R Y 50VI LBGEOGIOG BE LB T G 40TR LBGEOGIOGY GY LGY DB BK B 35X70VI LBGEOGIOG G LG B DB BE 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L35x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOBX BX P R C LB 35X70TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions L70 x D35 x H46 cm Viscose fringes Dimensions L70 x D35x H46 cm W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L70x D35 x H46 cm W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy 79
FLO SERIES DECO SERIES LBGEODECOB BE R LR LG 30TR LBGEODECOLB BE LB B P 30TR LBGEODECOY BE R BK Y 30CO LBGEOGIOBX BE R P BX 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 80 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOG G LB T Y 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOY BE O R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy 78 Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W11 75 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOB B LB B P 40PL Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W30 x D30 x H46 cm W13 75 x D11 80 x H18 Weight 6 2 kgs 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOGY BE Y BE GY 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOG G R O BX T 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 PE Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 8 8 kg 19 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOBE BE BR R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOO BE O R Y 50VI Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOBK GY R BR BK 40TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions Viscose fringes Dimensions W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy W40 x D40 x H46 cm W15 75 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 6 2 kg 13 6 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOB B B Y BX T 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Dimensions L35 x D35x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEODECOO BE O R Y 50VI LBGEOGIOG BE LB T G 40TR LBGEOGIOGY GY LGY DB BK B 35X70VI LBGEOGIOG G LG B DB BE 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L35x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOGIOBX BX P R C LB 35X70TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Material Beech wood velvet 53 AC 47 PL 5 VI Viscose fringes Dimensions L70 x D35 x H46 cm Viscose fringes Dimensions L70 x D35x H46 cm W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions L70x D35 x H46 cm W27 50 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy 79
COFFEE TABLE WIEN SERIES LBGEOWIENC C P G BE T 50TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOWIENBK P C G BE T 40BCO Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W130 x D40 x H46 cm W51 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 25 kg 55 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOWIENBE P P R BK 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy BGEOWIENG G B LG BE GY 35X70TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions Material Wood Metal and Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions W42 5 x D42 5 x H51 5 cm W16 75 x D16 75 x H20 25 Weight 21 1 kg 46 5 lbs Dimensions W62 5 x D62 5 x H37 5 cm W24 60 x D24 60 x H14 75 Weight 31 5 kg 69 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Handmade in Italy Material Wood Metal and Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions Material Wood Metal Stainless Steel Ceramic tiles Dimensions W32 x D32 x H42 5 cm W12 5 x D12 5 x H16 75 Weight 11 8 kg 26 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Metal Stainless Steel Ceramic tiles LBGEOWIENG G B LG BE GY 40BCO Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W130 x D40 x H46 cm W51 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 25 kg 55 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions W32 x D32 x H42 5 cm W12 5 x D12 5 x H16 75 Weight 11 8 kg 26 lbs Handmade in Italy W42 5 x D42 5 x H51 5 cm W62 5 x D62 5 x H37 5 cm W16 75 x D16 75 x H20 25 Weight 21 1 kg 46 5 lbs W24 60 x D24 60 x H14 75 Weight 31 5 kg 69 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Handmade in Italy Note Due to monitor and resolution differences the actual colors may wary slightly from what appears on screen and also differ from screen to screen 80 81
COFFEE TABLE WIEN SERIES LBGEOWIENC C P G BE T 50TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 10 kg 22 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOWIENBK P C G BE T 40BCO Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W130 x D40 x H46 cm W51 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 25 kg 55 lbs Handmade in Italy LBGEOWIENBE P P R BK 35X35TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W35 x D35 x H46 cm W13 75 x D13 75 x H18 Weight 7 9 kg 17 4 lbs Handmade in Italy BGEOWIENG G B LG BE GY 35X70TR Material Beech wood velvet 100 Trevira Viscose fringes Dimensions W50 x D50 x H46 cm W19 75 x D19 75 x H18 Weight 11 9 kg 26 2 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions Material Wood Metal and Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions W42 5 x D42 5 x H51 5 cm W16 75 x D16 75 x H20 25 Weight 21 1 kg 46 5 lbs Dimensions W62 5 x D62 5 x H37 5 cm W24 60 x D24 60 x H14 75 Weight 31 5 kg 69 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Handmade in Italy Material Wood Metal and Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions Material Wood Metal Stainless Steel Ceramic tiles Dimensions W32 x D32 x H42 5 cm W12 5 x D12 5 x H16 75 Weight 11 8 kg 26 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Metal Stainless Steel Ceramic tiles LBGEOWIENG G B LG BE GY 40BCO Material Beech wood velvet 100 Cotton Viscose fringes Dimensions W130 x D40 x H46 cm W51 x D15 75 x H18 Weight 25 kg 55 lbs Handmade in Italy Material Wood Copper Ceramic tiles Dimensions W32 x D32 x H42 5 cm W12 5 x D12 5 x H16 75 Weight 11 8 kg 26 lbs Handmade in Italy W42 5 x D42 5 x H51 5 cm W62 5 x D62 5 x H37 5 cm W16 75 x D16 75 x H20 25 Weight 21 1 kg 46 5 lbs W24 60 x D24 60 x H14 75 Weight 31 5 kg 69 4 lbs Handmade in Italy Handmade in Italy Note Due to monitor and resolution differences the actual colors may wary slightly from what appears on screen and also differ from screen to screen 80 81
Lorenza Bozzoli was born in Milan She attended the Academy of Brera and moved to New York to kick off her career in the fashion field with her first self produced lines Upon returning to Milan she soon star ted working with Elio Fiorucci and companies like Basile Camper Sergio Rossi Plein Sud Her interest then moved toward the world of interior design and she star ted ar ticulating her work through a vast series of collaborations with big brands such as Alessi Moooi Dedon Pomellato Dilmos Edition Mingardo Slamp Tato Italia Col Lorenza currently lives and works in Milan 82 83
Lorenza Bozzoli was born in Milan She attended the Academy of Brera and moved to New York to kick off her career in the fashion field with her first self produced lines Upon returning to Milan she soon star ted working with Elio Fiorucci and companies like Basile Camper Sergio Rossi Plein Sud Her interest then moved toward the world of interior design and she star ted ar ticulating her work through a vast series of collaborations with big brands such as Alessi Moooi Dedon Pomellato Dilmos Edition Mingardo Slamp Tato Italia Col Lorenza currently lives and works in Milan 82 83
Lorenza Bozzoli Design Address Piazza Castello 20 20121 Milano Italia Mob 39 339 892 7777 T 39 02 72018776 www lorenzabozzoli com lorenza bozzoli lorenzabozzoli com