Photography by Saleme Fayad Photography Board of Directors L O N D O N H U N T A N D C O U N T RY C LU B M E M B E R S H I P The Club s distinction as one of the finest in Canada inspires us to endlessly create an experience beyond expectations Now consider how do you enjoy your membership On the course on the courts dining entertaining With family celebrating holidays making lifelong friends learning something new There are so many ways to enjoy Membership at the London Hunt and Country Club If you would like to share the joy of membership with co workers friends or family by introducing them to the Club as potential members please contact Brandie Cooper Membership and Communications Manager for information Brandie Cooper Membership and Communications Manager 519 471 2523 extension 213 bcooper londonhuntclub com
WHAT S INSIDE Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Peter Hall President CONTENTS SPRING 2023 Doug Davis First Vice President Dieter Bruckschwaiger 11 QUALITY CONSISTENCY Second Vice President John Sliskovic Past President Doug MacKenzie Nancy Gee Bob DiFruscia Marlene McGrath Jeff Doty John Stein Sandra Van Ymeren 8 60 MANAGEMENT TEAM Jon Nusink SECONDS WITH CCM CCE Chief Operating Officer Chris Lawson PGA of Canada 17 SPRING SOUFFL Director of Golf Jayson Griffiths Director of Agronomy and Grounds Adam Baranowski Director of Racquet Sports Ken Cannon ALSO IN THIS ISSUE CPA CA Director of Finance and Administration Michael Hearse PRESIDENT S MESSAGE 03 C H IEF O PER ATIN G O FFIC ER S R EPO RT 05 CCM N EW SEA SO N N EW W H EELS AND MORE 15 Director of Clubhouse Operations TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH 1 9 Tracey Machesney TENNIS AND PICKELBALL RATINGS 2 2 Fitness Manager EV EN T C A LEN D A R 23 Michael Stark Executive Chef 2 13 NEW SERVICE AREA On the cover Photography by Saleme Fayad Photography SPRING 2023
PRESIDENT S REPORT Board of Directors PRESIDENT S MESSAGE Peter Hall peterhall autotube com Welcome back to any members returning from southern destinations As always the Club has a great lineup of events new facilities and new menus from the kitchen for the upcoming summer season but at the top of the list is our new golf course Jayson and his team as well as our outside contractors continued working during the winter months on pond enhancements and our tree management program The remaining holes will commence construction soon and with some warm weather and sunshine the new grass will take root quickly I would like to extend a special thanks to Doug MacKenzie for his countless hours as Chair of the Golf Course Renovation Committee Doug along with Chris Lawson and Jayson Griffiths were on the course almost daily to ensure things were progressing to plan often in inclement weather addition of two new golf simulators Many members took the opportunity to play St Andrews or Pebble Beach or the many other courses available Chris Lawson and the Golf Committee have prepared an exciting calendar of events for the upcoming year Scheduling was a difficult task due to our later than normal start to the golfing season but they have managed to fit in almost every event The indoor golf facility was very well used this winter in part due to the The Board met regularly during the winter and approved the final details to the redesign of the new Glenmore Bar Lounge areas The new plans and renderings will cause some exciting conversation as we glimpse into the future of our new spaces Special thanks to the Ad Hoc committee chaired by Bob DiFruscia who did most 3 Trap and skeet championships will wrap up on April 1st The Trap and Skeet committee have also done a good job planning and scheduling events in a shortened season The Tennis calendar is very busy this summer thanks to the planning efforts of Adam his team and the Racquets Committee This past year we had a full season of pickleball and it has been very well received as a new amenity at the Club This coming year tennis associates will have full access to the pickleball courts which will be a welcome addition to our new pickleball community SPRING 2023
PRESIDENT S REPORT of the work on the lead up to this project the Hunt Club continues to improve year over year Enhancing member experience and prudent fiscal management continues to be the main focus for the Board as we continue to improve our facilities in all areas of the Club The renovation of the Oxford Room and kitchen is nearing completion transforming this space into our new Caf 1885 This will be a great spot to meet up with friends after a game or workout The Pro Shop is stocked the grass will soon be green and nets are going up again soon so be sure to make plans to fully enjoy our amazing Club this summer The Nominating Committee has completed its mandate by recommending three nominees for the Board as well as all of the new additions to our committees These recommendations will be presented to the membership and voted on at the Annual General Meeting A special thanks to the over 100 members who volunteer their time and energy to serve on committees I truly believe the willingness of our membership to step up and help is one of the key strengths of the Club Peter Hall Club President It has been a very enjoyable year for me and I would like to thank my fellow Board members as well as Jon Nusink and his team for all their support and contributions as 4 S PSRP IRNI NG G220022 03
COO REPORT Spring Report Jon Nusink GM COO jnusink londonhuntclub com The start of a new year inherently gives time for pause and preparation for change with the seasons and a new calendar year Time to refresh and regroup before merging onto the autobahn as the Club begins to spring back into action However this off season was anything but a relaxing break between Christmas and Easter as the management team reflected on the many initiatives launched in 2022 and the new ones in the works for 2023 In the Food and Beverage Department while we welcomed some great new talent and reorganized the leadership team both in the kitchen and in the front of house we continue to face staffing challenges post covid One study suggests over one third of all hospitality workers did not return to the industry post covid which makes competition for staff the greatest I have ever seen it That being said I don t ever remember such a strong and devoted core team than we have right now under the leadership of Michael Hearse that should carry over and continue to strengthen into the coming season While food and beverage revenues returned to pre pandemic levels surpassing 3m in gross sales the bottom line was a bigger challenge than ever competing with extra high inflation when it comes to wages and cost of goods There was a focus on using technology to our advantage with the sequential roll out of an online ordering system for ordering on the course and ordering for take out An online reservation system which while currently on pause for the winter while we are dining in the opposite end of the building will return as soon as we re back in north end of the Clubhouse A point of sale integrated Kitchen Display System which organizes orders in the kitchen for more efficient execution and provides feedback on timing and standardized recipes at the culinary staff s fingertips in real time was also added We also began implementing tablet based point of sale systems to make the server s duties more efficient especially when in places like the far corners of the Terrace The new Terrace awning was built and can be operated from a tablet to open close turn lights on or off sun shades up or down and heaters on when needed With respect to the heaters the ones installed were powered by electricity and proved to not be sufficient enough for our needs So we are working with the contractor to have these replaced with higher powered gas fueled models which will be much more welcomed on cold days And finally the sound system for all of the dining areas were upgraded to provide better individual controls to adjust volume and create unique musical moods in each space 5 SPRING 2023
COO REPORT The Member Satisfaction Survey reported that nearly a third of members thought the food quality and service increased in 2022 over the previous year but continuous improvement in these areas remain at the top of the list to focus on in 2023 The Oxford Room s changes and repurposing will be complete in late March as the space is reopened and named Caf 1885 Michael s article both this month and in the December edition of Club Life goes into greater detail about this exciting new amenity and dining option at the Club The restaurant kitchen will also be completed at the same time with new flooring new wall coverings improved layout and a slew of new equipment and upgrades to continue to improve your dining experiences at the Club We have also been very busy wrapping up the proposals for the Glenmore and Grill Room Renovation Project taking into account the feedback received through focus groups and committees We have been working closely with the designer suppliers contractor and digital marketing firm to bring what we feel is the best possible proposal for all demographics of members While we understand it will never be everything to everyone there should be something for everyone Communication for this exciting project will begin March 9th There will not be a Town Hall this time around but we are required to convene a Shareholder s meeting to put forward the motion to accept the capital expenditure from the Shareholders This will take place on March 30th followed immediately by electronic online voting which will expire on April 4th with the results announced April 6th The renovation part of the project would then begin in January 2024 and be completed by the time the golf course opens in the spring Information for the project will be availble on the Club s website The Tennis Operation quickly grew and is now known as the Racquets Operation with a full year of pickleball as an added amenity now under our belt This activity was met with great enthusiasm and continued to grow each week as the season progressed All of our professional staff got certified in pickleball and we welcomed Carolyn and her extensive experience to the team This next season pickleball will be offered to associate members as well and we look forward to an even busier and active season in 2023 We also added a new position at the Chalet filled most diligently by Krista Meriam who brought a new level of organization and hospitality to the facility which will only be enhanced in the coming year While most clubs experienced a covid boom when it comes to participation this area continues to go stronger than ever with no slowing in sight Looking ahead we will welcome Matt Mueller as our new Assistant Professional to complement Adam Ava and Carolyn and bid farewell to Edgar Suski In golf the months leading up to the start of construction were much busier than normal as many members prepared for the construction starting in August by timing their summer vacations Play then decreased considerably as work began on our historic golf course project Chris added two virtual golf bays to the winter offerings and the Board opted to make the hitting nets complimentary this season The virtual golf option has been very well received and we will look to enhancing this even more in the future We also said goodbye to Connor Brown as he moves his career to Toronto and welcomed Will Gavarkovs as our new Associate Golf Professional The Golf Pro Shop was successful again exceeding budgets in both sales and bottom line contribution with our new ownership structure for the past two seasons With the opening of the course this season we will be receiving our new cart fleet in May Not only is the colour and brand different but they are all equipped with on board GPS which Chris takes a deeper dive into on the following pages Several years of planning the golf course enhancements culminated in the first shovel hitting the turf in August and the contractors steam rolled ahead until winter arrived Every aspect on the ground was skillfully managed day to day by our Director of Agronomy and Grounds Jayson Griffiths To say that this project is a major undertaking would be an understaement as the team also maintained as many golf holes open for play as possible The contractor expects to be back on site in the next few weeks and predicts that completion will be done at the end of May as planned As reported previously grow in will need to take place on many areas and we expect a full 18 holes will be ready to play tee to green in mid to late June If the weather cooperates we will try to get the driving range open for use on Easter Weekend aka Master s Weekend this year and the first holes open for play in early May 6 SPRING 2023
COO REPORT Trap and skeet has had another successful season with the weather cooperating on most days and the championships wrapping up on April 1st The Trap and Skeet Committee hosted a very successful Intermediates event in February with nearly 30 people in attendance There will be two gun safety courses offered in April that are already sold out proving a budding interest amongst the membership for this traditional Club amenity Membership continues to be strong with a full roster and a healthy waitlist Twelve families graduated from the Veranda Category to full membership in December and 12 families moved from the waitlist to Veranda Since then we also welcomed Cole McGuffin and Ciara Walsh as our newest Intermediate 30 34 Veranda Members who join with their 10 month old daughter Cole is a National Account Manager with Vinmar Polymers America and Ciara is Project Manager with Miami Developments They were proposed by Tom Faulds and seconded by Marjorie Macoun The waitlist is currently 50 families deep for full membership representing an approximate 4 year wait and 6 in waiting for Tennis Associate Membership As always if you have a friend or colleague that you think would be a great addition to the Hunt Club Family please do not hesitate in contacting us to get the process started The waitlist is administered chronologically so the quicker we get it rolling the higher they will be in the queue Lastly I would be remiss if I didn t thank the retiring members of the Board for their hard work and dedication over the past year as their terms come to an end Doug Mackenzie has been just about the best committee chair one could ask for as he has led the golf course construction project for the past several years He knows it intimately and has been a leader every step of the way including in the field during the biweekly contractor and architect meetings Nancy Gee has been a solid contributor to the Board as she is active in many aspects of the Club She has been a tremendous support to the committees she represented and always gave measured and reasonable feedback at the Board Room table John Sliskovic finally gets to retire from years of successful Club service including during some unsteady times as he steps away as Past President and opens that spot up for Peter Hall who will be transitioning from President of the Board Sometimes you get to work with a President who just gets it and Peter was certainly one of those He ran meetings efficiently kept the Board s eye on the ball at all times and was fully plugged into the pulse of the Club which helped him lead us all through a challenging year of transition and growth In my position one of the many benefits I have is working with a collection of intelligent and driven individuals that volunteer their time and energy on the many committees and the Board all for the purpose of betterment for their fellow members Each one brings a unique element to their duties and I consider myself very lucky to be able to spend time with them all At the AGM in April all committees will have some turnover as committee members and some chairs retire and pass the torch to the next crop of volunteers Thank you to all who are retiring for your input and service to the Club and welcome to all the newcomers starting their terms on committees It won t be long now until the flowers start to bloom and the grass greens again I can t wait for another exciting year at the Club LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB IN MEMORIAM 7 Alexander Kennedy Paul Greenhow December 2 1947 December 25 2022 December 7 1933 December 27 2022 SPRING 2023
60 Seconds With 60 Seconds With INCOMING PRESIDENT DOUG DAVIS S O M E T H ING T HAT SEPARAT ES T H E H U N T C L U B F R OM OT HER CO U N T R Y C L U BS We are the only family inclusive membership within 200 km which greatly enhances the culture and atmosphere of our Club YO U R F IR ST J OB Apple picking at 15 years old I quickly realized how slow I was at picking compared to the fulltime staff Fortunately I was not overpaid as I only got paid for what I gathered L AND OR SEA Tough one how about land overlooking the sea F AVOU R I T E MOVI E Field of Dreams truly more than just a baseball film but in fact about realizing your dreams YOU CAN HAVE DINNER WITH ANYONE PAST PRESENT OR FUTURE WHO IS IT AND WHAT ARE YOU EATING Nachos with Rory McIlroy great player and leader L A S T T H ING Y OU DO EAC H DAY Count my blessings Being healthy and on the right side of the turf Unfortunately not all our friends are T HE L AST PL AC E Y OU WENT O N VAC AT I ON AND T HE NEXT P LACE YO U WANT T O GO Just got back from Barbados Going to the Kentucky Derby for the first time in May A R T M U S E U M OR HI ST OR Y MUSEUM History museum SOMET HI NG Y OU C AN T L IV E WITHO UT My wife Mary Lynn of course and spicy food L I F E L ESSON WOR T H SHARING Most things these days are first world problems I will try to remember this over the coming year T HE MEMB ERSHI P SHOU L D BE E XCITE D ABOU T T HI S I N 2023 Getting back full use of our wonderful re vamped golf course 8 SPRING 2023
Department of Medicine Hawaiian Themed Function 2015 E XPE R I E NCE THE EXCEPTIONAL AT Y O U R N E X T C O R P OR AT E E V ENT I have been organizing events for my department at the London Hunt and Country Club since 1996 The staff have always been great to work with and over the last several years I have immensely enjoyed working with Event Coordinator Ginny Leyten and Executive Chef Michael Stark It is a pleasure to interact with them as we coordinate multiple large events each year often with a theme Their professionalism innovation collaboration and attention to detail are exceptional After all these years I feel like an extended family colleague Testimonial from Deborah Clements Executive Assistant Department of Medicine Chair s Office
EL E VAT E Y O U R E V E N T CONTACT US Members enjoy no room or linen fees custom menus to suit your event and taste London s most sought after address with rooms that can accommodate an intimate gathering for eight or large celebration for up to 300 and access to experts at creating an unforgetable Hunt Club experience for you and your colleagues Ginny Leyten Events Coordinator gleyten londonhuntclub com 519 471 2523 ext 240 Did you know members are able to sponsor friends and colleagues so they can enjoy the Club for their events too Eric Frenzel Banquet Manager efrenzel londonhuntclub com 519 471 2523 ext 229
F B REPORT Quality Consistency Michael Stark Executive Chef mstark londonhuntclub com instagram com huntclubfoodandbeverage The renovations that are being completed in the restaurant kitchen will allow the culinary team to further serve the membership with greater efficiency It will allow for a better flow of service and ease of use for the kitchen staff We look forward to moving into this kitchen and being able to utilize it to serve the membership better We will continue to create exciting menus that will deliver varied dishes with a blend of both traditional club foods and not so traditional foods The kitchen will continue to use tools to keep quality and consistency top of mind We will continue to use a playbook that has recipes and specs for each dish that are used by all cooks We continue to source the best and freshest ingredients from continued partnerships with suppliers and as well as sourcing new suppliers for harder to find ingredients With a shift in people s eating habits toward more plant based options we will be offering a wider variety of meat alternatives This will differ from other menus that offered several vegan and vegetarian dishes We will offer more alternative options to a large volume of dishes so that members that want plant based options can enjoy a fuller menu of options and not be limited to just a few dishes I have met with several of our members that focus on plant based diets to discuss the best way to satisfy their needs and understand what they would like to see We also continue to offer many gluten free options and are able to create many of our dishes in a gluten free presentation as well The spring menu will continue to offer weekly features that will be different every week and showcase seasonal ingredients Along with the daily features we will focus on having new items to tempt your pallette while continuing to offer the static weekly feature that the membership has come to enjoy and support like the Sunday Brunch the Friday Night Buffet and Prime Rib Night The Culinary Team is focused on the enjoyment of the membership and serving them the best dishes possible We continue to innovate and keep quality top of mind If there is anything we can do to create a better experience for you please reach out to myself and I will be glad to assist If you have ideas or feel that we are missing an opportunity please reach out to me and let me know 12 SPRING 2023
CLUBHOUSE REPORT Embarking on the Implemtation of Caf 1885 A New Service Area and Prepaing for the Future Michael Hearse Director of Clubhouse Operations mhearse londonhuntclub com Instagram com huntclubfoodandbeverage A follow up article to Facility Evolutions for Improved Service and Sustainability from the December edition of Club Life It should be noted that the details communicated within this article could change to accommodate service or be amended for structural or construction related reasons We appreciate your patience and understanding with any adjustments that might occur throughout the projects On behalf of the Management Team I would like to thank the membership for their patience and understanding during the current construction phase of our Glenmore Kitchen and Oxford Room renovations Your support and encouragement of our temporary dining spaces in the Private Dining Room and South Lounge are greatly appreciated We have received extremely positive feedback for this presentation the new locations and the atmosphere created by the change of scenery We look forward to welcoming you back to the Glenmore end of the building in the future and to unveiling the new Caf As noted in the article Facility Evolutions for Improved Service and Sustainability both projects have been undertaken with the goal of providing more service improving efficiency adapting to the utilization of the membership and are on track to be completed in late March Further expanding on the information previously shared and focusing on the Caf specifically we are pleased to provide a more in depth overview of what this new space will provide as an experience and how it will positively impact our food and beverage operation The Caf as a concept will be a casual quick service destination designed to present artisanal coffee cold pressed juices smoothies and protein shakes freshly prepared baked goods delicatessen inspired sandwiches grab and go offerings for the first tee 13 SPRING 2023
CLUBHOUSE REPORT and be a space in which the membership can quietly review emails do work remotely or read the paper Improvements to the flooring a relocation of the booths to the windows the addition of a quick service display counter top of the line coffee equipment and casual lounge furniture will create a welcoming atmosphere for you to relax and enjoy the freshly renewed space This will provide for the membership a place to share after a workout before work before you tee off or just as an escape from the fast pace of daily life This new destination for the Club will be a caf experience designed for a private club OUR club and be one that sets us apart within the industry This food and beverage area will be the first to open daily and be available from 6 30 a m for our traditional Hunt Club breakfast alongside a diverse menu of culinary offerings that are great for dining in or to take out The Caf will be available on the Hunt Club mobile app with items being able to be ordered in advance of arrival for pickup and pre arranged service Other food and beverage areas such as the Grill Room Terrace Lounge Terrace Glenmore Dining Room and Glenmore Patio will open later in the morning at 11 00 a m allowing our Team Members the opportunity to prepare these areas for service This will not only provide the membership with a more focused and improved experience but also allow the Management Team to efficiently direct Team Members toward business volumes and areas throughout the day A sample of a proposed hours of operation are below It should be noted that closing times are approximate depending on demand Seasonal weather and daylight will adjust availability accordingly Dining Area Hours of Operation April November Glenmore Monday and Tuesday Closed Wednesday to Sunday 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m Glenmore Patio Monday and Tuesday Closed Wednesday to Sunday 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m Caf 1885 Daily 6 30 a m to 4 00 p m These proposed hours of operation and layout will also help our Team Members and the membership prepare for the potential adjustment in the future for the Terrace Lounge to become a more prevalent service area with the proposed relocation of the bar and Grill Room As such for 2023 the Terrace Lounge will be set up as an additional dining space to develop the traffic pattern for the future All host stands and access points will be located to support this flow of service The Food and Beverage Team has curated a diverse selection of freshly prepared hot and cold items that will be of the highest quality Artisanal coffee will be available in varying roast levels and preparations customized for the Club Refreshing beverage options such as cold pressed juices smoothies protein shakes and Italian sodas will deepen the Club s offerings in this area alongside beer wine and spirits that will also be available not only for takeout to the first tee but also to enjoy in the comfortable atmosphere provided The smell of freshly house baked offerings such as croissants danishes muffins and scones will drift through the Club and be available while delicatessen inspired sandwiches are presented with an array of breakfast and lunch dishes Special consideration and effort has been given to ensure that this menu provides options for those members who may have dietary restrictions such as gluten free vegan or vegetarian and lactose free while also supporting the endeavor to have products be locally sourced and sustainable Once again thank you for your support and encouragement of these projects that we know will bring great enjoyment to the membership moving forward We look forward to evolving this menu and new service area collaboratively to ensure its success and that it exceeds all expectations upon completion We look forward to you enjoying a freshly brewed coffee fresh from the oven pastry smoothie or cold pressed juice on your way to the first tee work or workout Yours in hospitality Michael Hearse Grill Room Daily 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m Terrace Daily 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m Terrace Lounge Daily 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m 14 SPRING 2023
GOLF REPORT New Season New Wheels and More Chris Lawson Director of Golf clawson londonhuntclub com instagram com londonhuntclub_proshop Springtime at the Club brings plenty of excitement as we transition from our winter sports activities and hobbies back to the driving range tee knowing soon we will be able to get out onto the fairways and greens of the golf course To some the freshness and beauty of the season changing on these hallowed grounds is what they wait for all year For others spring brings to light the tradition of a new dawn of the pending golf season a season of promise and one that never grows old This year s spring season will bring other exciting changes and new beginnings within golf and to the golf course Undoubtedly the golf course renovation project is a highlight of the season and brings plenty of new features and enhancements even beyond the scope of irrigation new bunkers and tee decks Another exciting change for this spring and the 2023 golf season is the arrival of 48 new Club Car power carts The Club will receive delivery of this new fleet in early May This upgrade will give the membership and our staff teams plenty of useful tools to enhance your experience all while riding in what is considered the golf industry s premier cart for comfort and style These power carts have many new features beyond our current models most notably GPS units Some of the benefits of the GPS units that will elevate golfer experience include 15 SPRING 2023
GOLF REPORT Real time yardage with distance to the pin zone and hazards Scorekeeping ability Touch screen for distances 3D layout of the hole including visual green layout distances to the front and back of the greens and distance to hazards Daily pin zone can still be featured similar to our 6 day pin rotation cards currently used Health and safety features two way messaging system along with weather alert warnings to all carts Another noteworthy feature is the Pace of Play monitoring these new power carts can provide Real time pace per hole data will be accessible on the in vehicle golf cart screen as well as available to the Golf Shop This provides staff members accurate data that they can use to determine if the use of the alert system is necessary to politely provide any information to specific groups or carts that might have become out of position This is a great aid for the Professional staff not only for tournaments but for day to day use to ensure the Club s four hour round target is maintained As we all know this spring we will see the course in need of healing and recovery after undergoing the major surgery of the renovation project The cart tracking feature will allow specific areas or zones to be restricted and limit cart access Closer to the beginning of the golf season more information on these areas and how best to navigate them will be provided Something that will need to be updated this spring is the Golf Course Rating and Slope for each of the specific tees for women men and Juniors Our team has been in contact with Golf Canada and Golf Ontario to make arrangements for their course raters to be at the Club during final stages of construction This will allow for updates to be made to our scorecards and to the Club s handicap system parameters Last fall during an initial visit a representative from Golf Ontario walked the completed holes and has already arranged a return visit They thoroughly enjoyed the property and the golf course enhancements The full details and updates to the Club s Course Rating for handicap purposes will be provided to the membership as it becomes available The new rating will take effect immediately however data collected throughout the season will be used by Golf Canada and Golf Ontario to ensure the validity of the ratings and each hole s handicap stroke allocation New scorecards will be ordered in smaller quantities just in case any changes are necessary So with these exciting changes we still need to set the clocks ahead take the covers off the greens and get ready to watch The Masters All these traditions can only mean one thing a new golf season is quickly approaching and will be here before you know it I hope you are ready I know we are See you at the Club soon 16 SPRING 2023
GROUNDS REPORT Spring Souffl Jayson Griffiths Director of Agronomy and Grounds jgriffiths londonhuntclub com twitter com GriffithsJayson Spring conveys a message of hope new beginnings and ultimately the anticipation of a tremendous season ahead Much like a souffle the key to a properly finished Master Plan ready for play demands the investment of time from both the Chef Mother Nature and patron The souffle requires a watchful eye and most inconveniently it cannot be made in advance If made right Souffle are magical and amazing but there are many things that can go wrong As Chef would say Do not open the oven door This analogy applies directly to the readiness and presentation of the current infrastructure golf refurbishment project Precision contractor skill with exacting sequence of materials and process have begun to fabricate the new landscape painting which is London Hunt Of all the ingredients it is time and a specific duration of temperature which allow the finished product to look and taste as intended Simply put the greatest recognition and appreciation is to you the Membership of London Hunt and Country Club Your patience to withhold play and extend healing late into the fall season has resulted in the stitching of holes 11 12 13 14 8 7 6 and 5 The ability to heal scars following construction surgery is paramount The dividends of proper post plant care including water sunlight moderate temperature nutrition sand rolling and patience nurtures the plants and surfaces to establish and thrive in advance of certain late spring play Your significant financial investment and countless Member volunteer hours culminated last August in the beginning of a new vision To date 58 of the budgeted skilled contract work has been completed with significant material purchases made prior to 2022 inflationary pressures Further details as to cost analysis will be available upon completion but by all accounts any adjustments due to cost time allocations have been carefully considered with architect and contractor input to the Club The Souffle is as ordered with minor tweaks along the journey to keep the timeline and budget considerations paramount while not compromising on quality of finish We are eager to see the golf course returned to you for your enjoyment The legacy of London Hunt as a sporting Club began 138 years ago in 1885 Over time the necessity of generational inputs and care have enabled this proud institution to flourish contribute to the development of its youth families and gain national recognition for its amateur players and philanthropic community endeavors Next steps Step 1 The golf course has been managed throughout the winter months by a professional group of Assistant Superintendents and Equipment Management Staff The focus is on observing the fluctuations in winter extremes monitoring soil temperatures checking ice encasement drainage patterns forecasting spring clean up shade improvement and equipment readiness to execute a scripted start Step 2 The Historical Spring Assessment Chart has been compiled the past 12 springs and objectively records data measurements relative to observations This data has improved our pre winter and winter strategies in strengthening the plant and mitigating significant spring loss of plants Fluctuations in snow cover rainfall and extremes in temperature are no longer uncommon The inputs made to the golf course during April and October most certainly have improved the consistency and reliability of the putting greens throughout the year with minimal disturbance in season 17 SPRING 2023
GROUNDS REPORT Step 3 March roadway hard surfaces greens cover removals collar dams and driving range preparations in advance of Easter The planned Opening Day for the Range is Thursday April 6th coinciding with the last Trap and Skeet event scheduled the Wednesday before Step 4 Contractor inputs will be well underway with a focus on pond improvements and fairway expansion fill to hole number 10 in addition to irrigation mainline completion across the driving range via the main roadway to hole 15 Once completed the priority will be to install the irrigation laterals and sprinkler heads to hole 1 and 9 with minor work remaining on hole 7 These sequences are critical to allow drier conditions to present and allow final grading prior to sod harvest and installation In order to sequence a flow of opening golfing holes the 1st 5th tee 6th tee and 6th green complex need to be finalized and well healed to receive traffic Step 5 Grounds operations invested in a what is next attitude last August through December in providing dual roles Maintaining the playable holes while simultaneously exceeding all expectations with the mantra the sod comes first Water and heat are needed but without one of these variables a certain decline will happen Fabricating water tankers dragging hoses priming the new irrigation system where functional are key spring tools to delivering the post surgical care required Step 6 Opening golf holes will be determined based upon the advice of our expert architects golf course contractors sod installers and weather The anticipation of modified play in early May is real The caveat a week early has far more potential risks than a week late On budget with excellent quality should be the focus as your investment of accumulated resources and financial inputs are significant Clubs who have opened early in Toronto under exaggerated readiness with excessive guest play under wet conditions have been forced to close and re start with additional delays and costs A short term sequential opening of 9 holes in May in addition to guided traffic protocols of protection will enhance the long term return of your time and financial commitment Step 7 New golf cart enhancement features will be unveiled this season using the Visage GPS cart control system allowing improved cart experience pace of play monitoring while minimizing proximity of carts to hazards and sensitive features USGA Course Stewardship posters and educational offerings will be available to new and experienced golfers in the care of the golf course from divot and ball mark etiquette to bunker raking and best practices for traffic mitigation while improving the pace of play and golfer experience Step 8 Opening of additional holes once time and weather allow new sod to root and provide shear strength to the golf cleat Early opening of areas not yet mature can lead to golfer injury turf slippage and damage to the golf course Efforts to ensure healing will be a prime focus and will involve input from architect and golf course contractor A Punch List of deficiencies and detail improvements are being compiled Much like a new home a new Clubhouse a new kitchen small items post construction require ideal conditions to affect results and as advised would be redundant if completed at the wrong time The contractor knows best is true in this case In closing the anticipation of a tremendous season is upon us We thank the tireless volunteer Member hours and special committees who have worked diligently behind the scenes in crafting a vision in making 2023 a spectacular year 18 SPRING 2023
FITNESS REPORT Take Control of Your Health in 2023 Tracey Machesney Fitness Manager tmachesney londonhuntclub com https www facebook com LondonHuntClubFitnessCentre Fitness is a broad term that means something different to each person however in general terms it refers to your own optimal health and overall well being Being physically fit not only means your physical health but also your emotional and mental health It defines every aspect of your health physical emotional spiritual intellectual and social techniques and exercise Athletic Therapists are able to decrease client s pain and swelling improve range of motion strength and performance This service can be beneficial for our member s who have chronic and acute pain and injuries as well as utilized for pre and post golf tennis and pickleball matches to activate and mobilize the muscles and joints or assist in cooldown and recovery Experts define physical fitness as one s ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance endurance and strength with the management of disease injury prevention fatigue and stress and reduced sedentary behavior Jason Kaszycki holds an HBA in Kinesiology from Western University and an Advanced Certificate in Athletic Therapy from Mount Royal University He is a registered member with the Canadian Athletic Therapists CATA Association and the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario This definition can be broken down into the following areas of health and wellness nutrition strength and endurance mobility rest and recovery energy stress management and daily activity Since obtaining his CATA certification in 2012 Jason has held multiple clinical and team positions throughout Ontario Jason has worked with Hockey Canada the Ontario Hockey League and Ontario University Athletics Most recently he spent the 2019 2020 season as Head Athletic Therapist at Western University working directly with the Football and Men s Hockey programs What it means to be fit Energy to do what s important to you and to be more productive Stamina and a positive outlook to handle the mental challenges and emotional ups and downs of everyday life and to deal with stress Reduced risk for many health problems such as heart disease cancer diabetes and osteoporosis The chance to feel your best Physical strength and endurance to accomplish physical challenges A better chance for a higher quality of life and perhaps a longer life The Fitness Centre has been working towards providing a well rounded health and wellness service to our membership and we are excited to continue to grow the program to benefit our member s We look forward to introducing new speciality wellness services to the Fitness Center including Athletic Therapy and Registered Dietitian Nutrition as well as continuing our Registered Massage Therapy and Fascial Stretch Therapy services What is Athletic Therapy Athletic Therapists specialize in acute and chronic injury assessment On site care and active rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries bone muscle joint allow Athletic Therapists to help return clients to their previous activity levels whether that be competitive sport or everyday movements Assessments are designed to determine the cause of a client s limitation or contributing factors towards injury Through the use of modalities manual therapy 19 We are also looking forward to welcoming guest speakers this spring to provide awareness and expertise on health topics for both men s and women s health Wednesday March 8 2023 Nutrition in Peri to Post Menopause Dr Trina Kennedy BSc ND Thursday March 30 2023 Why Fat Loss In Mid Life Is Hard Alicia Clow Ennis Tuesday April 4 2023 Nutrition during Pregnancy Dr Trina Kennedy Trina Kennedy BSc ND Tuesday May 2 2023 Mindfulness Treatment for Stress Reduction and Mental Health Darryl DeRoches MSW RSW and Dr Jillian MacDonald MD CCFP Tuesday May 16 2023 Men s Health Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Cancer Screening and Local Treatment Dr Jeffrey Campbell MD MPH Tuesday May 30 2023 Men s Health All the Things Your Urologist Would Like You to Know Dr Jeffrey Campbell MD MPH Take control of your health this spring Learn spread awareness fix your acute or chronic injury strengthen your muscles to prevent falls build endurance to walk the course with ease and fuel your body with the right nutrients This is all possible within your Club so visit the Fitness Center today SPRING 2023
FITNESS REPORT You can have all the riches and success in the world but if you don t have your health you have nothing Steven Adler 20 SPRING 2023
RACQUET REPORT Photography by Saleme Fayad Photography 21 SPRING 2023
RACQUET REPORT Tennis and Pickleball Ratings Adam Baranowski Director of Racquet Sports abaranowski londonhuntclub com https www instagram com londonhuntclub_tennis Rating systems have been around for many years in various sports including tennis pickleball and golf to name a few They describe and identify one s ability in a given sport in this case pickleball and tennis The 2023 season will be our first implementing ratings for pickleball These ratings will be useful in finding players of similar level and ability and participating in group lessons clinics or various leagues They will also be useful in arranging games to compete at a higher level using handicap scoring similar to golf Over the winter break I took the liberty in rating all the players that have stepped foot on the tennis courts and will continue to do so with the Racquet Chalet professional staff going forward To access your rating sign into your SALIX account and go to your profile where your rating should be indicated If you don t see your rating or you are unsure what level rating you are just please ask either Carolyn Stevens Head Pickleball Professional or I and we will be happy to assist you Please remember that as you play more and improve your rating may also improve Below is a summary of the rating systems for tennis and pickleball players Full details on both rating systems will be available in the 2023 Tennis Times Rating Tennis Ability Rating Pickleball Ability 1 5 Player has limited experience working primarily on getting the ball into play 1 0 2 0 Player is just starting to play pickleball and is just starting to understand the rules of pickleball 2 0 Needs on court experience stroke weaknesses familiar with basic positions for play 2 5 Limited experience keeps a short rally on the pickleball court has a basic understanding of the rules of pickleball 2 5 Learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability 3 0 3 0 Consistent when hitting medium paced shots not comfortable with all strokes lacks execution when trying for directional control depth or power Can generally hit forehand drives serves and returns with medium pace as well as dinks lacks consistency and control understands the basic strategy and rules of pickleball can keep the score properly 3 5 3 5 Achieved improved stroke dependability still lacks depth and variety more aggressive net play improved court coverage developing teamwork in doubles Player hits drives serves and returns with pace including developing backhand shots as well as dinks and drop shots developing consistency and control understands the basic strategy and rules varies shots between the hard and soft game moves quickly to the non volley zone line 4 0 Dependable strokes including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate shots ability to use lobs overheads approach shots and volleys with some success occasionally forces errors when serving teamwork in doubles is evident 4 0 Hits both forehand and backhand drives serves and returns with pace as well as dinks drop shots and volleys of different speeds has consistency and control understands the strategy and rules of pickleball including stacking has a moderate number of unforced errors understands how to attack your opponents weaknesses on the pickleball court 4 5 Begun to master the use of power and spins beginning to handle pace has sound footwork can control depth of shots beginning to vary game plan according to opponents can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve tends to over hit on difficult shots aggressive net play is common in doubles 4 5 Hits both forehand and backhand drives serves returns dinks drop shots and volleys with pace spin depth direction consistency and control understands the strategy and rules of pickleball including stacking limited unforced errors changes game play to opponents weaknesses 5 0 Good shot anticipation frequently has outstanding shots or attribute around which a game may be structured regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls can put away volleys successfully execute lobs drop shots half volleys overhead smashes good depth and spin on 2nd serves 5 0 Mastered both forehand and backhand drives serves and returns with pace as well as dinks drop shots and volleys of different speeds has consistency and control has mastered the strategy and rules of pickleball including stacking rarely makes unforced errors attacks opponents weaknesses 5 5 Developed power and or consistency as a weapon can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation hits dependable shots in a stress situation 6 0 7 0 6 0 player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior and collegiate levels has obtained a sectional and or national ranking 5 5 to 6 0 Player has mastered all shots and strategy on the pickleball court is consistently winning at the highest level meaning that they are winning against the best professional pickleball players at the tournament level 7 0 player is a world class player 22 SPRING 2023
MARCH EVENTS March Events Murder Mystery Dinner I March 4 Masi Amarone Wine Dinner I March 29 It s 1922 in New York and Mick is recounting his first impressions of the friends of his neighbour They live privileged lives contrasting sharply with Mick s more modest and grounded lifestyle Now it s up to you to help solve the murder mystery at this interactive dinner Register for an evening of dining with a menu paired with Masi wines presented by Andrew Sainsbury Speaker Series Nutrition in Peri to Post Menopause I March 8 Presented by Dr Trina Kennedy BSc ND this session will focus on nutrition in peri through post menopause Imagine Monet French Wine Dinner I March 10 Toast French painter and impressionist founder Claude Monet and enjoy an evening of French wine and fare Event includes a three course meal paired with wines and a ticket to the Imagine Monet Exhibit Shareholder s Meeting I March 30 To put forward the proposal for the Glenmore and Grill Room upgrade Food and Beverage Features Feature Sandwich Daily Feature Soup Daily Feature Omelete Daily Burger and Beer Pairing Weekly Wednesday Chicken Dinner Friday Night Buffet Saturday Prime Rib Feature Sunday Brunch Sunday Family Feast Italian Feature Menu I March 15 18 When you want a good meal to fill you up Italy is definitely the place to go Mark your calendar to enjoy some Italian favourites 23 SPRING 2023
APRIL EVENTS April Events Trap and Skeet Closing Awards and Dinner I April 1 An evening to celebrate the season and present champions with awards Speaker Series Nutrition During Pregnancy I April 4 Easter Brunch I April 9 Gather with friends family and of course the Easter Bunny to savour a bountiful array of Easter brunch favourites and an egg hunt for Juniors ABBA Mania Dinner and Show I April 15 Presented by Dr Trina Kennedy BSc ND this session will focus on nutrition during pregnancy Enjoy the legacy sound of the ABBA with hits like Dancing Queen Mamma Mia Take A Chance On Me and more performed by ABBA Mania Michter s Bourbon Tasting I April 5 Firearms Course I April 4 and 24 Pop Up event in the Grill Room with Corrine Mair from Michter s a great opportunity to sample a variety of bourbons Full day course taught by Brian Jewell that includes a continental breakfast and lunch Intermediate Chopped Event I April 5 Mark your calendar to attend the Club s Annual General Meeting Intermediate members compete and turn baskets of mystery ingredients into a plate at this Intermediate only event Good Friday Fish n Chips I April 7 Contact the Club to reserve a table to dine in or place an order for take out of this Club favourite 24 Annual General Meeting I April 27 Opening Cocktail Reception I April 29 Enjoy cocktails food stations entertainment and surprises at the year s Around the World in 80 Days Opening Cocktail Reception SPRING 2023
MAY EVENTS May Events Speaker Series Mindfulness Treatment for Stress Reduction and Mental Health I May 2 Presented by Darryl DeRoches MSW RSW and Dr Jillian MacDonald MD CCFP focussing on stress and mental health Ping Fit Day I May 5 Test drive the latest and greatest from Ping TaylorMade Fit Day I May 5 17 and 27 Test drive the latest and greatest from TaylorMade Junior Tennis and Pickleball Fair I May 6 A morning of organized group games and activities followed by a lunch for Juniors Speaker Series Men s Heath Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Cancer Screening and Local Treatment I May 16 Presented by Dr Jeffery Campbell MD MPH focussing on prostate health Tennis Intermediate Event May 24 An organized evening of Tennis activities and games for our intermediate members ages 19 35 followed by snacks Mixed Pickleball Event May 26 Mixed social event followed by snacks Intermediate Pickleball Event I May 10 Speaker Series Men s Health All the Things Your Urologist Would Like You to Know I May 30 Junior Golf Opening Event I May 13 League Opening Days An organized evening of Pickleball for intermediate members ages 19 35 followed by snack Start the season with course play then BBQ Mother s Day Brunch I May 14 Treat Mom to a fabulous buffet brunch that is sure to include all her favourites Racquet Chalet Opening I May 19 Get together with fellow racquet enthusiasts 25 Presented by Dr Jeffery Campbell MD MPH focussing on the men s pelvic floor Men s League Doubles May 8 Pickleball League 3 5 May 9 Women s Doubles League May 9 Mixed Doubles League May 10 Senior Men s Quota League May 15 Women s 9 and 18 Hole League May 16 Men s Golf League May 17 Sunset Skirts May 18 SPRING 2023
Hunt Club Yogurt Bowl Photography by Saleme Fayad Photography