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2017 National Merit Finalists

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Boise School District 2017 National MeritFinalists Announced45 Boise District High School Seniors Selected Boise, ID -- (2/27/2017) -- Today Boise School District announced the names of 45 highschool students selected as Naonal Merit Finalists in the 62nd annual Naonal MeritScholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors now have anopportunity to connue in the compeon for some 7,500 Naonal Merit Scholarshipsworth about $33 million that will be offered this spring. The naming of these Finalists comes aer the Boise District received word in the fall thathalf of Idaho's total number of 2017 Naonal Merit Semifinalists (95) were from the BoiseSchool District (47). Boise School District enrolls about 9% of the total number of publicschool students in the state of Idaho. "We congratulate these students, and their families, for being named Naonal MeritFinalists," said Boise Schools Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly. "This significantachievement is the result of their hard work and our commitment to providing theadvanced, rigorous coursework and the highly skilled teachers students need to earn thisnational recognition."SavannahArmstrong Borah HighSchoolCaleb BattenBoise High SchoolLinnea BoiceBoise High SchoolHailey BrookinsCapital High SchoolNoah Brown Jackson CentenoJoseph DaviesAbbey Erwin

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Boise HighSchoolBoise HighSchoolBorah HighSchoolBoise HighSchoolShanaya FoxCapital HighSchoolWinston GeeBoise High SchoolElliott GlassBoise High SchoolAlexander HamrickTimberline HighSchoolKathryn HilburnBoise HighSchoolSpencer HullTimberline High SchoolEleanor HuntBoise High SchoolKevin JinBoise High SchoolHyonoo JooTimberline HighSchoolGarret KatayamaBoise High SchoolDavid KirkBoise High SchoolMinji KoBoise High SchoolSamantha KrausBorah HighSchoolElizabeth LeeBoise High SchoolDaniel LiuCapital High SchoolVincent MaTimberline HighSchoolThomas MaloneyBoise High SchoolSara MatlockBoise HighSchoolAnna McClain-SimsBorah HighSchoolSamuel McEwanCapital HighSchoolDalton MillerTimberline HighSchoolAngela NiTimberline HighSchoolHayden PickardBoise HighTheodore RameyBoise HighSchool

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SchoolGrace RosenvallCapital HighSchoolJennifer RyuTimberline HighSchoolDavid ShinTimberline HighSchoolMaxwell SmayCapital HighSchoolEstelle SpanneutBoise HighSchoolSamuel StandalBoise HighSchoolDerek SteinTimberline HighSchoolIvan VazquezCapital HighSchoolPaul ViningBoise HighSchoolMegan WongBoise HighSchoolAnne Xia BoiseHigh SchoolAndrew ZhangCapital HighSchoolHenry ZhangCapital HighSchool About the National Merit Scholarship ProgramThe National Merit Scholarship Program is a United States academic scholarshipcompetition for recognition and university scholarships administered by the National MeritScholarship Corporation (NMSC), a privately funded, not-for-profit organization based inEvanston, Illinois. The program began in 1955.Steps in the Competition About 1.6 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2017 Naonal MeritScholarship Program by taking the 2015 Preliminary SAT /Naonal Merit ScholarshipQualifying Test (PSAT/ NMSQT ®), which served as an inial screen of program entrants.The naonwide pool of Semifinalists, represenng less than one percent of U.S. high schoolseniors, includes the highest- scoring entrants in each state. The number of Semifinalists ina state is proportional to the state's percentage of the national total of graduating seniors. To become a Finalist, the Semifinalist and his or her high school must submit a detailedscholarship applicaon, in which they provide informaon about the Semifinalist'sacademic record, parcipaon in school and community acvies, demonstrated leadershipabilies, employment, and honors and awards received. A Semifinalist must have anoutstanding academic record through- out high school, be endorsed and recommended by ahigh school official, write an essay, and earn SAT ® scores that confirm the student's earlierperformance on the qualifying test. From the approximately 16,000 Semifinalists, about 15,000 are expected to advance to theFinalist level, and in February they will be nofied of this designaon. All Naonal Merit

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Scholarship winners will be selected from this group of Finalists. Merit Scholar designeesare selected on the basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potenal for success inrigorous college studies, without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religiouspreferenceNews Media Contact:Dan HollarPublic Affairs AdministratorBoise School District (208) www.boiseschools.orgBoise School District | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 | 208.854.4000 ww.boiseschools.orgSTAY CONNECTED: