The Legend of Nian A Reading A Z Level G Leveled Book Word Count 188 LEVELED BOOK G Nian Oh kaka ki Ow Karen Mockler It wapi ka Chengcheng Hu Visit www readinga z com for thousands of books and materials www readinga z com
Nian had a sharp horn and a huge mouth He could eat five people in one big bite Glump Eh k eha P e h ka H ska Mak he l oy te ki l la Nian k ok p api Nian h p eln ya t ka h ha 3 4
Nian h p est stola na t ka yuk Tuw z pta iy hakaska naw hap a ok hi Long ago in China people were afraid of Nian the dragon beast The Legend of Nian Level G 3 4
mak a ki taya kin l Nian mniw a het l i t me Wan yetu ha l la lo h ah The Legend of Nian Level G Each year just before the Chinese New Year Nian would climb out of the ocean 5 6
ha wan yetu iy hila P e h ka H ska mak a T a ki it kab l i Nian o kpa i i na na mniw a et ha glin p e All year long Nian slept deep in the ocean By the end of winter he was very hungry The Legend of Nian Level G 5 6
Na oy te t ebw hayi kta iw hagni om ni L la wak ye a wi h yul aw telake ha kh heh tu h na oy te ki o l ka mah l na in mekhiy pi 7 One New Year s Eve a very old man came He said he could scare away the beast 8
He would look for people to eat Nian liked to eat children best People would run away and hide in a cave The Legend of Nian Level G 7 Yu k wan yetu wa l wi h ala wa t khiyata ha h na iy p eln ya ki nap ya ok hi k ye 8
ya tuw ni wi k ela ni ha akh o l ka l on p api H ha h pi ki ta sl sli hi gn na bub hi gni na kpakp hi gl ha na pi On New Year s morning the old man was gone Nian was gone too and he never came back again 9 10
No one believed him so they hid in the cave That night people heard boom bang and clang They heard Nian roar The Legend of Nian Level G mak a t a ki hih ni yu k wi h ala ki t k a a Na Nian ey t k a a na het ha t ha ni gl ni 9 10
Nah wi h ala ki w uha t ka wa t ku ta ogn ha yun yewi h khiye Im hel gle a na wan p obyapi na h a m za na ha ks iy yapi i h Nian hen k kip a ha kh 11 Now on New Year s Eve people know how to keep Nian away They wear bright red light firecrackers and make noise all night long 12
The old man had left a bag for them Inside they found red shirts firecrackers tin pans and sticks Nian was afraid of noise and the color red The Legend of Nian Level G ha leh hu niya mak a T a h na na oy te ki igl zapi na ha h pi pta wan p obyapi na hok ta ya kel oph i iyapi na na t ku m za kak k okapi H hel na Nian ki api 11 12
The Legend of A Note on Pronunciation In the Mandarin Chinese language the closest pronunciation of Nian is nee YEN The word nian also means year Nian Written by Karen Mockler Illustrated by Chengcheng Hu The Legend of Nian Level G Leveled Book Learning A Z Written by Karen Mockler Illustrated by Chengcheng Hu All rights reserved www readinga z com www readinga z com Correlation LEVEL G Fountas Pinnell Reading Recovery DRA G 11 12 12