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Labs Catalog 2024

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2 0 2 4ABLLAB.COMR4.9LABSACTION BASED LEARNINGEach active learning station in the lab, applies whatwe know about the brain body connection by focusingon the 12 foundations of Learning Readiness.

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T r a i n i n gF A QL a b p a c k a g e sW h y w e e x i s tA c t i o n B a s e d L e a r n i n g1234w w w . a b l a c a d e m y . c o ma b o u t a c t i o n b a s e d l e a r n i n gk - 2 n d , 3 r d - 5 t h , 6 t h - 1 2 t h g r a d e l a b sa n s w e r s t o y o u r q u e s t i o n s

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We exist to change all children's lives through movement, but ourheart is focused on reaching the 3L child... the Least likely to succeed,Last in line, Lost in the school system. ABL provides outreach andtraining for schools around the world to help educators close learninggaps, and set our kids up for success. Healthy, Happy, Active,Academically Engaged6,636,000 childrenthrough movementWe've changed the future for These past years will not stop us25 million by 2025. Children need us now more than ever,

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ABL works with you from ground zero to provide you resources for presenting ABL toyour team, creating an implementation plan, and finding and writing a grant.After understanding your needs and budget, we will create a custom proposal withrecommendations for training and equipment.ABL also offers free training and resources for educators to get started on transformingclassroom culture to active, happy, engaged!Action Based Learning is practiced in PreK through University classrooms, labs,libraries, hallways, PE, and all subject areas.ABL Online Academy also provides training for educators with or without equipment tolearn new movement strategies, brain boosters, and activities for immediateapplication.ABL is a whole child approach to improving the health, wellness, and education of allchildren. Action Based Learning teaching methodology is based on the brain researchthat supports the link between movement and learning to improved academicperformance and behavior. Action Based Learning professional development workshopsfocus on applying brain based research to the learning environment, understanding thebrain body connection, and how we can use movement to prepare the brain to learn!ABL partners with health departments, wellness teams, YMCA’s, pediatric rehabfacilities, daycares, school districts, and youth centers, to impact the lives of childrenaround the world. A B L h a s i m p a c t e dA c t i o n b a s e d l e a r n i n gW o r k i n g w i t h A B L1 , 4 7 9S UM M A R YS c h o ol sH u n d re ds o f F i t n es sF a c i li ti e s a r o u nd t h e Wo r l d !6C o n t in en t s 1 3 . 7 M I LS t u d en tsA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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ABL uses purposeful movement strategies to the child's advantage,resulting in healthier, happier students who test higher.Action Based Learning™ is based on the brain research that strongly supportsthe link between movement and learning. We know that healthy, activestudents, make better learners! So how do we apply this to the classroom?Action Based Learning! ABL provides students an advantage to learn. Thefocus is on creating an optimal learning environments for all students, throughmovement! Action Based Learning stations in the classroom can be used toprepare the brain for learning, reinforce academic content, and strengthen the12 foundations of learning readiness. A B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESS12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESSCROSSING THE MIDLINE:Cross LateralizationBODY IN SPACE:Vestibular/ProprioceptionBALANCE:Spatial OrientationWhen information moves from left to right andfront to back in the brain, it crosses midlineswhich integrates the brain hemispheres andorganizes the brain. Cross lateralization aidsthe brain in placing words on a page, readingwords from left to right and writing patterns insequence.Activities that develop the vestibularsystem coordinate the auditory, visual,and kinesthetic senses. Including spatialawareness, body control, dynamic balance, aswell as locomotor skill development. Theseconcepts aid the brain in putting numbers orletters in sequence, discriminating differentsounds, placing letters and words on a page,and writing letters in proper proportions.We get information about where we are inspace from our feet not our seat. Balancingactivities challenge the brain to adjust its spatialorientation using the proprioceptive system. Balancing helps the brain to place words on apage, to read from left to right and to writepatterns in sequence.MOTOR SKILLS:Locomotor & Non-LocomotorEYE/HAND/FOOT COORDINATION:Manipulative SkillsPHYSICAL FITNESS:Strength and FlexibilityThe brain uses motor skills to lay the frameworkfor learning. The brain’s cerebellum controlsmotor skills, agility, and coordination. Theseconcepts aid the brain in following the flow ofwords, sequencing patterns in math andreading, solving problems, and sortinginformation.Thirty-five percent of the brain’s motor cortex isdedicated to the use of the hands and the feet.The motor cortex helps the brain transfer whatwe are thinking to the paper. Therefore, 35% ofthe brain’s ability to transfer information to thepaper depends on good eye-hand, eye-footcoordination.Developing the muscular system providessupport for the relay of messages throughout thecentral nervous system. Oxygen can then flowfreely, supplying fuel to the brain. Upper bodyand hand strength allows the student to write forlonger periods.AB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESS12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESSCARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS:Aerobic CapacityPROBLEM SOLVING:Embodied CognitionSELF-MANAGEMENT:Mindfulness & Self-AwarenessEye (visual) tracking exercises strengthenthe muscles in our eyes to increase thelength of time that eyes can focus forreading. These concepts aid the brain inencoding the stroke of each symbol of lettersand numbers, following words from left to rightand focusing on reading for longer periods.Activities that develop the vestibularsystem coordinate the auditory, visual,and kinesthetic senses. Including spatialawareness, body control, dynamic balance, aswell as locomotor skill development. Theseconcepts aid the brain in following the flow ofwords, sequencing patterns in math andreading, solving problems, and sortinginformation.What makes us move is what also makes usthink. The brain uses motor skills to lay theframework for learning. The brain’s cerebellumcontrols motor skills, agility and coordination. When the cerebellum is working well, cognitivefunction increases. Activities that involve movingthe legs to move the body activate and storeBDNF. BDNF acts as fertilizer for the brain. Exercise benefits the brain by changing thebrain at a molecular level. Since the brain doesnot produce its own fuel, it relies oncardiovascular exercise to pump oxygenatedblood to the brain to use as fuel. PhysicalActivity and exercise change the learning stateto optimize retention and retrieval of memory.The prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum areconnected. The prefrontal cortex controlsexecutive functions like decision making,problem solving, memory, language, emotionsand attention. Practicing academic conceptsusing movement promotes myelination of thenew information and the growth of secondarydendritic branching for better retention andretrieval of memory.Students need tools to learn to self-manage theirdesired learning state. Learning and properresponses to environmental cues, such as how tobe part of a group, prepares students to reactmore appropriately. Being aware of how ourbodies and brains work together can be used tocalm down or energize appropriately.VISUAL DEVELOPMENT:Encoding SymbolsRHYTHM:Beat Awareness/CompetencyTACTILE LEARNING:Sensory Motor & Fine Motor SkillsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Physical movement is layered with academic practice toincrease academic success and positive behaviors in theclassroom. Purposeful movement allows for a continuoussupply of two vital brain nutrients (Glucose and Oxygen) tothe brain. The result is a more active and attentive brain. Incontrast, research also shows long periods of inactivity areshown to negatively affect cognitive development, andpossibly hinder the ability to retain and absorb newinformation.Align the brain and body back into hormonal balance, which in turn, regulates mood and behavior. The release ofepinephrine hormone is a key factor in preventing drowsy and tired students. Hormones including dopamine andserotonin, are released during movement and can be directly related to improved mood and behavior. Active classroomsshow higher attendance levels and drastically reduced referral rates.Success in school depends upon a student’s ability todecrease their stress. The inclusion of stress-management techniques like Mindfulness activities builtinto your curriculum/schedule improves learning,emotional well-being, and physical health. W E L L N E S SH O W A B LS U P P O R T S . . .ACADEMICSSELI M P R O V E DResearch shows movement improves self-esteem,impulse control, social adjustment and socialcompetence, lowers stress levels, and helps improvebehaviors!Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional, Moral well-being in Students and Staff Put the brain into a state of optimal learning Create a more positive school environment

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12345R e i n f o r c e A c a d e m i c C o n t e n tPhysical movement is layered with academicpractice to increase academic success andpositive behaviors in the classroom. Physicalactivity should occur throughout the schoolbuilding and at multiple times throughout theschool day.O B J E C T I V E SS u p p o r t P h y s i c a l , C o g n i t i v e ,S o c i a l , E m o t i o n a l w e l l - b e i n g i n S t u d e n t s a n d S t a f fResearch shows movement improves self-esteem, impulse control, socialadjustment and social competence,lowers stress levels, and helps improvebehaviors!P u t t h e b r a i n i n t o a s t a t e o fo p t i m a l l e a r n i n gPurposeful movement allows for a continuoussupply of two vital brain nutrients (Glucose andOxygen) to the brain. The result is a moreactive and attentive brain. In contrast, researchalso shows long periods of inactivity areshown to negatively affect cognitivedevelopment, and possibly hinder the ability toretain and absorb new information.A l i g n t h e b r a i n a n db o d y b a c k i n t oh o r m o n a l b a l a n c ewhich in turn, regulates mood andbehavior. The release of epinephrinehormone is a key factor in preventingdrowsy and tired students. Hormonesincluding dopamine and serotonin, arereleased during movement and can bedirectly related to improved mood andbehavior. Active classrooms show higherattendance levels and drasticallyreduced referral rates.C r e a t e a m o r e p o s i t i v e s c h o o le n v i r o n m e n twhere learning and teaching are effective and fun - resulting in higher attendance,increased student engagement, lower referrals and a better workplace environment A B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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ABL is a whole child approach to improvingthe health, wellness, and education of allchildren. Action Based Learning teachingmethodology is based on the brain researchthat supports the link between movement andlearning to improved academic performanceand behavior. Action Based Learningprofessional development workshops focuson applying brain based research to thelearning environment, understanding thebrain body connection, and how we can usemovement to prepare the brain to learn! ABLpartners with health departments, wellnessteams, YMCA’s, pediatric rehab facilities,daycares, school districts, and youth centers,to impact the lives of children around theworld. M I S S I O NCHANGEKIDS'LIVESA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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We are on a mission to changechildren’s futures. Even morespecifically, to impact the 3L student-To serve the Last, Lost, Least child.Action Based Learning™ is based onthe brain research that stronglysupports the link between movementand learning. Research tells us thatstudents are not meeting their fullacademic potential if they are sittingall day. We know that healthy, activestudents, means more engaged, moreattentive, and happier kids... So howdo we apply this schoolwide? ActionBased Learning!CHANGEKIDS'LIVESA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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We exist to change all children's livesthrough movement, but our passion lies inreaching the children that need us themost... the child least likely to succeed, lastin line, lost in the school system. [Least LastLost...First Foremost Found]last least lost3 LEvery year, ABL chooses a large scale outreach project. Recent projects include:One80Place ends and prevents homelessness one person at a time, one family at atime. Their vision is simple: Everyone has a home. ABL built and installed a $10,000custom youth active play on site at the shelter and has impacted the lives of hundreds offamilies since the start of the program. To learn more about ABL outreach visitabllab.comOne80Place Winwood Farm Boys ShelterAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Each year, the ABL Game Changer Grant awards up to $40,000 to schools in need!These funds are a chance for educators to join our mission and reach the children whoneed us the most. If you are a supporter of our mission, and are interested in implementing Action BasedLearning, Kinesthetic Classrooms, or Teacher Training at your school, this is the grant foryou!Cainhoy ElementaryEmerald HS, Greenwood Gamechanger GrantCookson HillsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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0 200 400 600 800 1000Before ABLWith ABLKinder First Second Third Fourth010203040506079%Math ScoresS1S3S5S7S9S11S13S15S17S19S21020406080100120District Coordinator, Kelley SullivanWithin 5 years we wentfrom 1 pilot lab to 47labs across the district.As soon as we got thedata, we knew this wasthe answer for manystudents, it wastransformative.C A S E S T U D YAlief ISDWe have around 44 schools (K-12th) with 41 active ABL labs. ABLlooks different in each school, and not all schools have labs. Thebeauty of Action Based Learning is that these concepts don't have tobe practiced in a lab, movement and learning can be practicedanywhere!I can think of so many times, the brain room was a lifesaver for ourstudents. One example that comes to mind, was way back when wefirst started the lab. A young man, very upset with his teacher andanother student, came into my office shaking mad.... and cussing upa storm. He got on a pedal desk and pedaled, and grabbed akoosh ball to fidget with. In a matter of minutes, he was calm andwanted to talk! That was a pivotal moment for me, because I wasseeing firsthand that the ABL Lab was doing so much more thanhelping them academically, it was improving their well being. Thatwas just the beginning of the many aha moments I would experiencewith my student's in the lab. Today, it's common practice. If they areupset, we get them moving. If they just sit, they just stay mad.Bottom line is this is what is best for kids. We have all the researchto back up using this strategy. Students are more engaged andremember more, which helps their academic achievement.Movement helps behavior by shifting the blood flow in the brain. It istruly amazing to see how fast a student can de-escalate just throughmovement. It works.In 2013, piloted 1 ABL lab. Today, Alief ISD currently ranks as thelargest and most successful Action Based Learning District in theNation. Discipline Referrals Reading LevelsPassing RatePre vs Post ABL Lab ImplementationDecreased by 50% Campus-wideAfter ABLMath LabBefore ABLMath LabStudent Knowledgeof Math FactsHigher Overall Passing RatesChanges made from December 3 to March 4AfterABL LabsBeforeABL Labs

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O U RI M P A C TStatistics show that 1 teacher has the capacity toimpact the lives of 3,000 students over the courseof their career. This means each teacher trainedhas the capacity to impact 300 students this yearthrough Action Based Learning.ABL schools are recognized for theirinnovation in education and proven success inpreparing students for the future. Providestudents the foundations they need to thriveacademically, while supporting socialemotional wellness!Number of Children Impacted:This Year: 660,000Total: 13.7 MillionGoal: 25 Million by 2025STUDENTS IMPACTED S C H O O L SGOAL:147925 mil3,000TEACHER TRAINED1=AB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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FOR DESIGNATED ABL SCHOOL LEADERS ; TRAIN THE TRAINER APPROACHCERTIFICATIONSTAFF TRAININGLONG TERM SUPPORT www.ablacademy.comSUPPORT MATERIALS TOOLKITMANUALS, CUE CARDS, SIGNAGE, AND ACTIVITY GUIDESEQUIPMENT FOR ALL 12 FOUNDATIONSSTATIONS ARE SET UP BASED ON THE 12 FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING READINESSThere are 12 core foundational skills that help students build the framework[and prepare their brains] for learning; cross lateralization, body in space,balance, visual development, tactile learning, motor skills, visual tracking,hand/eye/foot coordination, cardiovascular and physical fitness, rhythm,problem solving, and mindfulness. Practicing these foundations helps us closelearning gaps, and help students reach their maximum learning potential.Receive printed support materials specifically curated to your lab. Supportmaterials include lab manuals, banners and signage, activity guides, and cuecards.The Lab facilitator certification is a specialized certification specifically forimplementing, managing, and enhancing the effectiveness of your ABL Lab. Thiscertification is designed for Lab Facilitators or educators and administratorsinvolved in creating and maintaining a successful lab in your school.Receive professional training on the concept of Action Based Learning andMovement in the Classroom. The training can be customized to fit your needs.Learn how to implement movement (with or without equipment!), andunderstand the science behind learning and moving. If you do have thelab/equipment we will go over in detail how to use and implement existingcurriculum with your labs.Training, Workshops, Annual ABL Summit, ABL online community via ActionBased Learning Online AcademyWHATS INCLUDEDIN YOUR LAB PACKAGE?A B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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"We are fortunate enough to have a variety ofkinesthetic furniture in our classrooms. This is a greatoutlet for students who have difficulty sitting still andfocusing for long periods of time. In our lab, wepractice the 12 foundational movements that alsointegrate curriculum where lessons are morephysically active. Our students LOVE going to the laband we have seen great improvements with theirfocus, coordination and ability to concentrate andattend more in class." Primary Labs-Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Scarletta, and Mrs. Kelly, ABL Educators

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ABL equipment comeswith formal training andclassroom certificationsfor schools and afterschool learning centers.Included in your ABL LabResearch shows children are not reachingtheir full potential if they are sitting all day.When children are active, the brain makesconnections needed for anchoringinformation, memory, and recall.ABL uses purposeful movement strategies tothe child's advantage, resulting in healthier,happier students who test higher. Movement not only grows new brain cellsand prepares the brain for learning, but itworks to enhance development, and helpsclose learning gaps in students who arestruggling. Simply put, ABL Labs aredesigned to prepare the brain for learning.The Primary Lab is designed for PreK through 2nd grade.T H EH I G H L I G H T ST H E D E T A I L SP r i m a r y L a bP r e K - 2 N D L A B P A C K A G EABL lab packages arecustomized to fitindividual needs, budget,and space.All ABL labs includestations to target all 12foundations of learningreadiness.AB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Rockin Turtle ShellKeyboard MatSwim n SpinBoomerboardMonkey-See Eye TrackerStationVeggie Boxes andConnectorsLearning LadderBarrel Jump SetK-2 Labs FeaturedSupport Materials*Actual items may vary based on the individual needs of the lab.Lab ManualActivity guidesLab Station BannersCue CardsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTEE Q U I P M E N TT O O L K I T

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P R E K - 2 N D L A B SC O M P L E T E L A B P A C K A G E ABC Pathways Mat Pack Frog Hop Number Line Mat Math/Telephone Mat Learn N Move Mat Keyboard Letter Learning Mat Geo Color Hop Mat Patterned Walking Mat Food Group MatHigh Five Jungle WallLetter Bounce Wall Large Yoga For Kids WallFrog Hop Number Line WallAnimal Round Up WallNumeracy Noggin WallLearning Ladder Pack Mini SurfboardOver/Under Bars + Roll and Crawl CrossLateralization Station Rockin Turtle ShellPadded Scooter BoardFine Motor KitReading Balance Boards SetBoomerboardHanging Assessment BarVeggie Box Set +Connector LadderAssessment StepsRhythm DrumsBalance ArchHelicopter SpinBalance RopeBalance BeamRainbow River StonesTactile Stepping PathwayLily Bridge SetEle Fun Eye TrackerCrawl Thru TunnelMonkey See StationWhaler BoardBarrel Jump SetReef RescueAcademic Rings NEWNumber Ball NEWMoonwalkerSnowboarderSwim N SpinUpright BikeCross Country SkierEllipticalABL Support Materials Kit ABL Sensory Path HallwaysABL Academic Card Set BoxActive Academics Walls Fitness Equipment w/ FlipchartsLab StationsClapping Patterns Card SetJump RopeRainbow cones w/ drill cardsStation Accessories, Tools, Signage & Support MaterialsRibbon Wands SetRubber BandsWobble ChairsBalance DomesHula HoopsBean Bag SetThe complete ABL Lab package provides the facilitator all of the tools needed to set up labstations, add progressions, and increase challenge and difficulty as children progress throughout the year. The ABL Lab manual provides activities and instructions for variations at each station.Quad Bounce Rhythm PackActive Academics MatsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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3RD - 6TH GRADE“You’re utilizing your brain in adifferent way. Instead of being stuckat a desk all day and all hunchedtogether … These students have theopportunity to move around just likethey would anywhere else,” saidMegan Lewis, ABL teacher.

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ABL equipment comeswith formal training andclassroom certificationsfor schools and afterschool learning centers.Included in your ABL LabT H EH I G H L I G H T SABL lab packages arecustomized to fitindividual needs, budget,and space.All ABL labs includestations to target all 12foundations of learningreadiness.Action Based Learning Labs are designed toprepare the brain for learning. Each activelearning station in the lab, applies what weknow about the brain body connection byfocusing on the 12 foundations of LearningReadiness. For example, the body’s vestibularsystem controls balance and spatial awareness.Strengthening these foundations facilitates thestudents ability to place words and letters on apage. When a student walks or crawls inspecific patterns, the brain’s ability to encodesymbols is increased. Proper development andremediation of these systems are critical to achild's ability to learn. Students engaged inAction Based Learning improve memoryretention, reinforce academic concepts, balancebrain chemicals while experiencing whole-brain,whole body learning.The Brain Body Adventures Lab is focused on 3rd-6th Grade StudentsT H E D E T A I L SB r a i n B o d y A d v e n t u r e s3 r d - 6 t h L A B P A C K A G EA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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3-6 Labs Featuredsupport materials*Actual items may vary based on the individual needs of the lab.Beat SheetsBoomerboardOver / under barsCardio StarwalkerABC Pathways SurfboardReading balance boardsWorld Explorer MatCardio Kids RowerLab Manual12 Foundations SheetLab Station BannersLab Door GraphicA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTEE Q U I P M E N TT O O L K I T

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3 R D - 6 T H L A B SC O M P L E T E L A B P A C K A G EThe complete ABL Lab package provides the facilitator all of the tools needed to set up labstations, add progressions, and increase challenge and difficulty as children progress throughout the year. The ABL Lab manual provides activities and instructions for variations at each station.ABL Math MatUSA Geography MatWorld Explorer Floor MatGrid Coordinates MatABL Keyboard MatLunge ChartHundreds Wall Numeracy Noggin' Wall ABL Brainworks Wall Yoga Wall Over/Under Bars w. Roll N Crawl MatBBA BoardsBoomerboards Qty 4Reading Balance Boards Set of 5Yoga Balance BoardABL SurfboardAcademic Ball Set of 3Drumming DeskQuick Cup StacksFlipping CoastersNeuroconnector SetAcademic Rectangle RingELEM Swim and SpinELEM MoonwalkerJUNIOR SnowboarderELEM Deluxe SkierELEM StarwalkerELEM Elliptical ELEM RowerELEM Ab Crunch ELEM Semi-Recumbent BikeELEM StepperActive Academics WallsFitness Equipment w/ Flipcharts Lab StationsSet of 12 Lab Banners12 Foundations WorksheetABL Lab ManualBrain Body Foundation ChartStation Accessories, Tools, Signage & Support Materials+ Lab Facilitator certification Jump RopesOn-Site TrainingEye Hand ToolBeat SheetsJuggle ScarvesFlip Chart HoldersBalance Rope36 Sets of Academic CardsActive Academics Mats****Items in blue are part of the Lab ToolkitLab Door GraphicPlanning ToolsActivity GuidesStudent/Teacher Cue CardsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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“Research shows that active minds learnbetter and our new setup in theNeuronasium will allow us to turn researchinto reality. My biggest fear is that we willhave a long waiting list of teachers whowish to use that room and as such I amalready thinking of how we begin to planfor our next one!” MS - HS SECONDARY-Jackie Tederick, C2BF Wellness Integration Coordinator, ABLLab Facilitator

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Movement is a critical factor for the developing teenbrain, and has been proven to positively influencethe way the adolescent brain is structured, enhancecognition, and impact brain function throughout theadolescent years. All Action Based Learning Labs arebased on the brain research that shows us howmovement improves brain function. The lab isdesigned for 2 key purposes (1) to maximizecognitive capabilities (2) to provide adolescents anadvantage to learning.As students learn and move in the Neuronasium lab,they experience greater self awareness, heightenedself esteem, and improved social skills. As a result ofpracticing purposeful movement throughout thelearning process, students will experience challenge,feedback, and physical activity, three componentsthat are necessary for optimal brain function.The Neuronasium Lab is created to facilitate ideal Action BasedLearning in 6th-12th grade students.N E U R O N A S I U M L A B ST H E D E T A I L S6 T H - 1 2 T H G R A D E L A B SABL equipment comeswith formal training andclassroom certificationsfor schools and afterschool learning centers.Included in your ABL LabT H EH I G H L I G H T SABL lab packages arecustomized to fitindividual needs, budget,and space.All ABL labs includestations to target all 12foundations of learningreadiness.A B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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6-12 Labs FeaturedVarsity OneElliptical TrainerABC PathwayssurfboardBoomerboard Varsity OneSuper Core Trainer2-Person Stepper DeskStudent Pedal DeskVarsity Wobble ChairWorld Explorer MatMarkerboard Activity TableSwivel Core ChairVarsity5-Person Pedal DeskSpin Bike with CoreSeatA B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTEE Q U I P M E N T

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N E U R O N A S I U M L A B SC O M P L E T E L A B P A C K A G E2-Person Strider DeskHydraulic Sit/Stand DeskHigh Top Cushion Wobble Stool SetPedal Stools6 Person Standing Variety Desk with 2 Pedaldesks, 2 Stand n Spin Stations, and 2 StandingBalance StationsTwo Person Pedal ResistanceStanding Adult DeskStanding Markerboard Activity TableBoomerboardsReading Balance BoardsKinesthetic ClassroomThe complete ABL Lab package provides the facilitator all of the tools needed to set up labstations, add progressions, and increase challenge and difficulty as children progress throughout the year. The ABL Lab manual provides activities and instructions for variations at each station.*Actual items may be customized based on the individual needs of the lab.Varsity Full Body StriderVarsity Elliptical TrainerFitness EquipmentNeuronasium Graphics Package with 8 postersFlip Chart AttachmentsSchool Trainer CertificationStation Accessories, Tools, Signage & Support MaterialsAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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This interactive lab introduces an active sensoryenvironment with developmentally appropriateactivities that assist children with body awareness,fine and gross motor skills, cross-lateralization,vestibular development, proprioception, strength,flexibility and mindfulness.The Sensory Lab is strongly based on the nationallyrecognized 12 Foundations of Learning Readinessskills. Lab Facilitators can incorporate academicsand plan instruction based on developmental stagesof reading, math, & spelling, utilizing the 12foundations of learning readiness.All Sensory Labs are custom and designed to fit theneeds, space, and budget of each facility. To requesta custom proposal, submit the below form or directly for more details. The Sensory Lab uses kinesthetic movement and playful activities to helpstudents learn and master The 12 developmental foundations for success.A B L S E N S O R Y L A B S F O R S C H O O L S ,O T / P T F A C I L I T I E ST H E D E T A I L SS E N S O R Y L A BLab facilitators utilize theABL manual to scaleactivities to meet theunique needs of eachindividual student.Included in your ABL LabT H EH I G H L I G H T SABL lab packages arecustomized to fitindividual needs, budget,and space.Includes staff training tounderstand the connectionbetween the 12Foundations of learningreadiness and how thefoundations pertain toclassroom success.*See Appendix for full list of items included in a Standard Lab

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Each active learning station in the lab, applies what weknow about the brain body connection, supporting thelink between movement and learning to improvedacademics. The immersion lab uses purposeful movementlayered with mathematics to reinforce what is beingtaught in the classroom.Some of the stations include flip-chart holders, the contentof the flip chart can be customized based on the mathcurriculum for that day. Lab can be utilized to review whatis currently being taught in the classroom to anchorlearning, as well as pre-test review. Students can also pairup and work with partners - one student will be movingwhile the other student is quizzing them. Immersion labsoften serve as an additional place for students to reset,refocus, and re-enter the classroom. All Immersion Labs are custom and designed to fit theneeds, space, and budget of each facility. To request acustom proposal, submit the below form or directly for more details. The immersion lab uses purposeful movement layered with specific content areas suchas mathematics, spanish, or ELA to reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.T H E D E T A I L SI M M E R S I O N L A B SLab facilitators utilize theABL manual to scaleactivities to meet theunique needs of eachindividual student.Included in your ABL LabT H EH I G H L I G H T SABL lab packages arecustomized to fitindividual needs, budget,and space.Includes staff training tounderstand the connectionbetween the 12Foundations of learningreadiness and how thefoundations pertain toclassroom success.*See Appendix for full list of items included in a Standard Lab

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1245M A T H M A T SS T A F F W E L L N E S S P A C K A G ES E N S O R Y P A T H SC L A S S R O O M C A R T SK I N E S T H E T I C C O R N E R SMobile Carts focus on utilizing foundational movements toapply math and ELAR activities on a grade by grade basis.Reinforce the 12 foundations for learning readiness.Add Math Mats in classrooms to promote fun active waysto reinforce math facts.Kinesthetic Classroom packages according to grade levelto promote purposeful movement stations in eachclassroom.For all staff to provide an area for physical movement,exercise and stretching.Contact us if there are any questions!B R I N G A B L S C H O O L W I D E !A D D - O N S

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Don't just take our word for it! Hear about how wehave worked successfully with clients and schools!"We can see instances where movement in education have decreased the number of referralswhich has kept students engaged in the classroom."“I see increased attention to task in their classrooms (and) motivation,” she said. “Students areexcited about learning. They can't wait to get in here when it's their time to come into the ABLlab.”"Since the implementation of the Action Based Learning Labs, our instructional leaders sharedthe most drastic improvement among students has been: Increased participation, Betterattention span, more alert, and Increased motivation and student engagement""It’s so important for elementary students to have positive experiences and enjoy learning, If ourstudents enjoy coming to school each day and associate school with positive energy andexcitement, they will be more likely to have a successful academic career.”“The neuronasium is allowing RCHS to incorporate purposeful movement which results in wellbehaved, better engaged, and more attentive students. The students are loving this newalternative approach compared to the traditional classroom of sitting at a desk.”S U C C E S S S T O R I E SD R . G R E G O R Y V O L O S H I ND R . E R I C C U N N I N G H A MD A N A C H A M B E R SJ A C K I E T E D E R I C KD R . T O N Y B O A T W R I G H TPhysical Educator, Willowbrook Elementary, OKHealth and Physical Education Coordinator, Richland County 1Superintendent, Halifax County Schools, NCC2BF Wellness Integration Coordinator, Rappahannock Public Schools, VAPrincipal, Scotchtown Ave School, Goshen, NYAB L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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ABL utilizes a "Train the Trainer" Model in order to provide staff the skills and strategiesyou need to create a school wide culture of healthy, happy, engaged kids!This would prepare the individual to operate and manage the ABL lab on a day to daybasis. We recommend a minimum of 1-2 designated ABL champions within the school be certified. Ideally: Anyone who will be using the abl lab on a regular basis shouldcomplete this training certification. The Lab Facilitator certification is required for a minimum of 1 individual in your school. Theschool trainer certification is recommended be for those looking to take abl beyond the lab.It is up to you which certification level you would like to achieve. You can start with the ABL-LF and later work towards the ABL-ST if you would like. If you start with the ABL-LFcertification, you would only need to take 4 more courses later on to become a certifiedschool trainer.The school trainer certification covers not only the lab, but also how to implement ABLstrategies throughout the school, preparing the individual to support their own staff increating a schoolwide culture of active learning. C E R T I F I C A T I O NC E R T I F I C A T I O N$ 1 9 5 / C O U R S EH O W I T W O R K SS C H O O L T R A I N E RL A B F A C I L I T A T O R $780$1560recommended!recommended!C E R T I F I C A T I O N SThe School Trainer Certification (ABL-ST) is designed to prepare the individual to not onlymanage and run the lab on the day to day, but also be able to train members of the staffthroughout the school to implement ABL throughout the schoolW H A T S T H E D I F F E R E N C E ?4 COURSES (ABL-LF plus 4 ) 8 COURSESA B L - L F v s A B L - S TAB L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Self paced courses for learning on your own terms. Register and begin any course, any time!C O U R S E SAB L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTEThis course provides an introduction to ABL Labs to support educators in the implementation andfacilitation of an Action Based Learning Lab program. This course introduces the concepts behind Action Based Learning, and assists the educator inunderstanding the critical role that movement plays in the learning process. Whether you are new toAction Based Learning, or currently practicing ABL concepts, this course is a must for all educators. This course is a deep dive into the neuroscience behind the 12 foundations to assist us inunderstanding and applying these foundations to improve the growth and development of the child.This course is designed to provide information and strategies to better understand the "why" behavior ofyour "tough or challenging" students, particularly those from poverty. Understanding the complexities ofpoverty and the behaviors that are often associated with it, enable you to identify the core issue and useappropriate strategies to reduce misbehavior and improve the child's overall well being.Lab facilitators are taught how to enhance the lab through academic layering, identifying and fillingin developmental gaps, and strengthening pathways to enhance learning inside the lab. Learn how tobuild on the 12 foundations and their developmentally appropriate progressions to maximize thechild's full learning potential, and create a highly effective learning environment for every child.A B L - 3 3 1A B L - 2 0 1A B L - 1 0 1A B L - 2 1 0A B L - 1 0 2 Introduction to Action Based LearningThe 12 Foundations of Learning ReadinessLab Management & FacilitationLab Progressions3L: Reaching the Last, Least & Lost Students

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Required CoursesABL-101 Intro to Action Based LearningABL-102 The 12 Foundations of Learning ABL-201 Lab ManagementABL-210 Lab ProgressionsWho should become certified?We recommend anyone utilizing the lab!A minimum of 1 certification is required.ABL-LF is a specialized certificationspecifically for implementing,managing, and enhancing theeffectiveness of the ABL Lab. Thiscertification is designed for LabFacilitators, or educators andadministrators involved in creatingand maintaining a successful ABL labat your school. HOW DO I GET CERTIFIED? COMPLETE ALL (4) TRAINING COURSES ON ABL ONLINE ACADEMY AND YOUR CERTIFICATE WILL BE MAILED TOYOU!LAB FACILITATORT H E D E T A I L SCERTIFICATIONCERTIFICATIONACTION BASED LEARNING CERTIFIEDA B L A C A D E M YA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Required CoursesABL-101 Intro to Action Based LearningABL-102 The 12 Foundations of Learning ABL-201Lab ManagementABL-210Lab ProgressionsABL-205 Train the TrainerABL-SPECIALTY COURSES Any (3)Courses of your choosing How it WorksA total of 8 courses are required. There is nolimit on time to complete this certification.ACTION BASED LEARNING CERTIFIEDCERTIFICATIONCERTIFICATIONSCHOOL TRAINERWhile the Lab Facilitator certificationis specifically for labs, the ABL SchoolTrainer certification is a moreadvanced certification for thoselooking to establish themselves as anExpert in Action Based Learning,bring ABL concepts beyond the lab,and bring active learning strategiesschool wide.HOW DO I GET CERTIFIED? COMPLETE ALL (8) TRAINING COURSES ON ABL ONLINE ACADEMY AND YOUR CERTIFICATE WILL BE MAILED TOYOU!T H E D E T A I L SA B L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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Each session is a full day training which can be done in small or largegroups. All training topics are correlated to online courses andworkshops to provide users with follow up content and support.ABL classroom and Lab implementation and Staff wellness training.Kick off session for every staff member to introduce everyone to the ABL Initiative. Focus is onconnecting the brain science that shows movement is essential for student learning and staffwellness. Staff will be invited to actively participate in each of the 5 new ABL areas beingimplemented in the school. Training session 2 will focus on working with identified ABL champions to review the 12Foundations of Learning Readiness and how this can immediately impact their classrooms.Implementation of ABL Classroom Carts and Math Activity will be a primary focus.Understanding the effects of the Brain in Poverty - how to identify a brain that is dealing with traumaand understand that different brains mean different learners. Strategies and classroom activities thatwill create an advantage for these learners while still challenging their peers. Implementation ofspecific and flexible content such as Mathematics -EL: implementation of Active Learning Mats.ABL Teaching Strategies that promote classroom cohesion, increase student engagement andpromote an optimal learning environment. Best practices for the implementation of KinestheticClassroom furniture and activities.S T A F F T R A I N I N GS E S S I O N 5S E S S I O N 3S E S S I O N 1S E S S I O N 4S E S S I O N 2A B L L A B . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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In addition to the ABL Communitypage, each week, learners have theoption to attend a live weekly zoomsession and dive into new researchas ABL coaches discuss how to applypurposeful movement to theclassroomAction Based Learning 3-Day trainingis for all educators, health andwellness professionals, OT/PT,administrators, and anyone lookingto gain new knowledge and the latestresearch in the areas of health,wellness and education. This is ahighly active event - expect to bemoving and on your feet throughoutthe 3 day event!Self paced courses for learning onyour own terms. Register and beginany course, any time. IncludesCertificate of Completion forContinuing Education in ActionBased Learning Education CreditHours vary per course, see coursecatalog for hrs earned.The ABL Resource center provideslearners a complete library of e-books, course materials, checklists,assessments, activity guides, anddigital downloads for learners of alllevels.Action Based Learning 1 hourworkshops are highly interactivezoom sessions facilitated by ActionBased Learning Master Trainers.These sessions provide brain basedstrategies and kinesthetic methodsfor creating a culture of active,happy, engaged students.Item Number or short descriptionand key product details here. Thistemplate is ideal for when you needto write longer product descriptionsABL Community is a social networkwithin the platform that allowseducators to discuss hot topics,research, and trends in education.Each course encourages learners toengage with colleagues, and takepart in thought provoking discussionsand assignments, as they relate tolearning in the classroom. Unlimited courses, and trainingsessions for your entire staff. FullAccess to ABL Academy courses andABL community portal. IncludesResources, Support Materials,Instructor led coaching, 2 TeacherCertifications.COURSESANNUAL SUMMITPERSONAL COACHDIGITALWORKSHEETSACADEMYSUBSCRIPTIONABL COMMUNITYABL WORKSHOPSCHAMPION CHATSA B L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTEL O N G T E R M S U P P O R T

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In this 1 hour action packed session,we dive into what it means to usereal brain based solutions, focus onthe whole child, and create activeclassrooms that set children up forsuccessBuilding better brains15SESSIONS!MINIWORKSHOPS1 HR RECORDED TRAINING SESSIONSREADINESS SKILLS: WHAT THEYARE, WHAT THEY DO AND HOWTHEY CAN BE ACHIEVEDTHROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL DAY(CLASSROOM & LAB)why readiness skills areso importantWhat the brain needs in order tolearn and what this means foreducators.Empowering Brains inPovertyThis session dives into the mosteffective ways to build classroomcohesion. Join us as we translatescience into classroom practice witheasy to implement techniques thatcan quickly transform your classroomenvironmentBuilding ClassroomCohesionBrain hacks to build meaningfulrelationships in the classroom. Joinas as we translate science intoclassroom practiceOur Brain CravesHuman ConnectionStress and the Brain will focus onhow stress impacts brain health andlearning capacity and what we cando to help reduce our own stress andour student population. Facilitatedby ABL Master Trainer, LauraKlubert.Stress and the Brain This session dives into the 12foundations of Learning Readiness toassist educators in understandingand applying these concepts to theclassroom. 12 foundations oflearning readinessThis 1 hour session provides simple,science backed strategies, that makevirtual learning fun, active andengaging.Student engagementThis 1 hour session is highlyengaging (we practice what wepreach!), and provide key takeawaysfor educators struggling to keep theclassroom setting fun and engaging! Active, Happy,engagedA B L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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New discounts and promotions are offered monthly, be sure to ask for an official quote and we will apply thecurrent promotion to your order. Promotions include free products, scholarships to attend our training events, andclassroom accessories!Call or email ABL to request a quote. Your ABL specialist will work together with you to build a package that fitsyour specific student needs. You will receive an official quote including shipping, discounts, and all currentpromotions. You may submit this quote to purchasing or place a verbal order with your ABL specialist.D O Y O U O F F E R D I S C O U N T S ?H O W D O I R E Q U E S T A Q U O T E ?Please note Action Based Learning is a sole source provider. ABL is the manufacturer and direct distributer of ABLand Kinesthetic Classroom products. By ordering directly through the manufacturer, the following is included:- Extended Warranty Program - covers any service, repairs, or replacement units. - Pre Assembly - equipment is ready to use right out the box! Safety Standard Guarantee. - Discounts - Lowest Cost Guarantee. Ships direct from the manufacturer.- Free Product Upgrades- If the manufacturer updates a model, yours is updated and replaced at no cost! - Made in the USA and built to withstand high-frequency use in commercial settings. The quality and durability ofequipment far exceed market standards.A R E Y O U A S O L E S O U R C E P R O V I D E R ?EMAIL: PHONE: 843-879-2201H O W C A N I C O N T A C T A B L ?All featured obstacle courses are custom and designed to fit a wide range of budgets. We offer full services fromdesign, 3D CAD renderings, customization, and full turnkey install for commercial facilities. Pricing is based on sqfootage, and the amount of detail and customization desired. Please submit your request, and we will be in touch tohelp you get started!C A N M Y L A B B E C U S T O M I Z E D ?F A QAnswering yourONLINE STORE: abllab.comABL ACADEMY: ablacademy.comA B L A C A D E M Y . C O MA C T I O N B A S E D L E A R N I N G EMAIL CUSTOMERSERVICE@KIDSFIT.COM FOR QUOTE

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ABL works with you from ground zero to provide you resourcesfor presenting ABL to your team, creating an implementationplan, and finding and writing a grant. Request an ABL PlanningTool by emailing customerservice@kidsfit.comAfter understanding your needs and budget, we will createa custom proposal with recommendations for training andequipment.For new vendor set-up, download W-9 here. Email purchaseorder to Lead times vary between 2 to 6weeks, dependent on the size of the order. The estimatedship date will be provided at the time the order is placed.B R E A K I N G D O W N T H ES t e p 2 G e t a Q u o t eS t e p 3 P l a c e y o u r O r d e rS t e p 1 P l a nO R D E R I N G P R O C E S S

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Wish ListEmail us your order!

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“You’re utilizing your brain in a different way. Instead of being stuck at adesk all day and all hunched together … These students have theopportunity to move around just like they would anywhere else,”"Please pass on to the ABL staff my biggest heartfelt thank you. I amamazed by the resources and I am touched by your high level of customerservice and personal touch. You are a wonderful organization with suchan important message."L O O K I N G F O R W A R D T O P A R T N E R I N G W I T H Y O U R F a c i l i t y !M e g a n L e w i sH o l l i s t e r E l e m e n t a r y L e a d e r s h i p A c a d e m yA m a n d a l i b b yF u l l e r e l e m e n t a r y@ a c t i o n b a s e d l e a r n i n g8 4 3 - 8 7 9 - 2 2 0 1@ a c t i o n b a s e d l e a r n i n gGet in