2020 LINA DENG The Food Archive FEATURED This is a design proposal for a digital archive in an imagined future where food has become an obsolete fuel
2020 LINA DENG The Food Archive FEATURED This is a design proposal for a digital archive in an imagined future where food has become an obsolete fuel
C SAR Bread Head Self Portrait 1973 bread mounted on iron rod concrete plaster plexiglas box C sar gave a Parisian baker a mould of his head with which to produce several loaves in 1973 These loaves were exhibited in an exhibition titled T tes a T tes at the opening C sar served slices of his bread heads to the attendees MATTEO LUCCA Bread Men 2018 bread cooked with consolidated treatment GIUSEPPE LICARI Pasta Madre 2011 ongoing bread polyester moulds 0 06 Pasta Madre is a project that celebrates the most common food item in the world Inspired by a Christian tradition in Sicily for Saint Joseph where several women from different villages congregate to bake small bread sculptures to adorn Saint Joseph s altar Licari produces sculptures of himself out of bread and leaves them to decay in different ways before encapsulating each and halting the decomposition in polyester cubes 0 07
C SAR Bread Head Self Portrait 1973 bread mounted on iron rod concrete plaster plexiglas box C sar gave a Parisian baker a mould of his head with which to produce several loaves in 1973 These loaves were exhibited in an exhibition titled T tes a T tes at the opening C sar served slices of his bread heads to the attendees MATTEO LUCCA Bread Men 2018 bread cooked with consolidated treatment GIUSEPPE LICARI Pasta Madre 2011 ongoing bread polyester moulds 0 06 Pasta Madre is a project that celebrates the most common food item in the world Inspired by a Christian tradition in Sicily for Saint Joseph where several women from different villages congregate to bake small bread sculptures to adorn Saint Joseph s altar Licari produces sculptures of himself out of bread and leaves them to decay in different ways before encapsulating each and halting the decomposition in polyester cubes 0 07
FEATURED Toast Most certainly a reference to toasting for Koffee s own successes Either way the title fits perfectly for this playlist BREAD PLAYLIST BY HARRY WILKINSON Section One Toast Toast appears to be the form of bread that has most dominated my life especially during first year of University On a bad night it wouldn t be surprising if I finished half a loaf of bread Section Two Types of Bread There are at least 140 types of bread in the world Within the UK we eat over 220million slices of bread each day personally sourdough has to be considered my favourite The chapatis I had in Kenya make a very close second though On the other end of the spectrum rye bread sits comfortably as my least favourite type of bread Toaster Crumpets in my toaster Very British not a personal favourite of mine French Toast For the old WWE fan in me the Shawn Michaels skit at the end is a highlight Baguettes in the Face Admittedly referring to diamonds in a baguette shape rather than the actual bread type Regardless if a song has a good NAV feature it s got to go in Section Three Bread and Butter The classic combination Another favourite of mine when I don t have time to use the toaster The term Bread and Butter was first used in the 1700s and refers to one s income or livelihood Section Four Bread Money Bread meaning money originated from the English Cockney Rhyming Slang term Bread and Honey meaning Money SEE MUSIC PLAYER BELOW TO LISTEN 0 08 Money Money Money Soundtrack for all the WAGs out there Paper Trail With constant referral to Wu Tang Clan s classic C R E A M Joey Bada explains how money has changed him in a negative way 0 09
FEATURED Toast Most certainly a reference to toasting for Koffee s own successes Either way the title fits perfectly for this playlist BREAD PLAYLIST BY HARRY WILKINSON Section One Toast Toast appears to be the form of bread that has most dominated my life especially during first year of University On a bad night it wouldn t be surprising if I finished half a loaf of bread Section Two Types of Bread There are at least 140 types of bread in the world Within the UK we eat over 220million slices of bread each day personally sourdough has to be considered my favourite The chapatis I had in Kenya make a very close second though On the other end of the spectrum rye bread sits comfortably as my least favourite type of bread Toaster Crumpets in my toaster Very British not a personal favourite of mine French Toast For the old WWE fan in me the Shawn Michaels skit at the end is a highlight Baguettes in the Face Admittedly referring to diamonds in a baguette shape rather than the actual bread type Regardless if a song has a good NAV feature it s got to go in Section Three Bread and Butter The classic combination Another favourite of mine when I don t have time to use the toaster The term Bread and Butter was first used in the 1700s and refers to one s income or livelihood Section Four Bread Money Bread meaning money originated from the English Cockney Rhyming Slang term Bread and Honey meaning Money SEE MUSIC PLAYER BELOW TO LISTEN 0 08 Money Money Money Soundtrack for all the WAGs out there Paper Trail With constant referral to Wu Tang Clan s classic C R E A M Joey Bada explains how money has changed him in a negative way 0 09
This sculpture serves as a physical manifestation of an earlier work by Wojnarowicz Untitled Bread Sculpture A Fire in My Belly 1986 87 a film 1988 1989 intended to depict the suffering of an AIDS victim which featured a clip of him bread string needle newspaper stitching together two halves of a loaf of bread The sculpture also echoes another segment from the film which would later become an iconic image symbolic of the AIDS crisis of himself with his mouth sewn shut with red thread JUDITH G KLAUSNER Eggs on Toast 2010 toast thread paper DAVID WOJNAROWICZ SOOKOON ANG Your Love is Like a Chunk of Gold 2013 bread and crystals First exhibited at Singapore s Frost Gallery in 2013 native Singaporean Sookoon Ang s piece combines the familiar with the scientific resulting in something distinctly unappetising and disorientating The combination of crystal and bread evokes the unsettling forms of mould growth and evokes the simultaneous pain and comfort of Your Love Self confessed food obsessive Judith G Klausner plays with the permanence of perishable food items The Toast Embroidery series used a big brand quintessential loaf of uniform bread from Klausner s local 7 11 Klausner is concerned with the social implications of the aesthetics of food and the consequences of playing with these aesthetics 0 10 0 11
This sculpture serves as a physical manifestation of an earlier work by Wojnarowicz Untitled Bread Sculpture A Fire in My Belly 1986 87 a film 1988 1989 intended to depict the suffering of an AIDS victim which featured a clip of him bread string needle newspaper stitching together two halves of a loaf of bread The sculpture also echoes another segment from the film which would later become an iconic image symbolic of the AIDS crisis of himself with his mouth sewn shut with red thread JUDITH G KLAUSNER Eggs on Toast 2010 toast thread paper DAVID WOJNAROWICZ SOOKOON ANG Your Love is Like a Chunk of Gold 2013 bread and crystals First exhibited at Singapore s Frost Gallery in 2013 native Singaporean Sookoon Ang s piece combines the familiar with the scientific resulting in something distinctly unappetising and disorientating The combination of crystal and bread evokes the unsettling forms of mould growth and evokes the simultaneous pain and comfort of Your Love Self confessed food obsessive Judith G Klausner plays with the permanence of perishable food items The Toast Embroidery series used a big brand quintessential loaf of uniform bread from Klausner s local 7 11 Klausner is concerned with the social implications of the aesthetics of food and the consequences of playing with these aesthetics 0 10 0 11
ANNA BELLA GEIGER Our Daily Bread 1978 six postcards in a paper bag mounted on card GUERILLA GIRLS We Sell White Bread 1987 offset lithograph One of thirty posters printed as a part of the series Guerrilla Girls Talk Back This particular image first appeared on stickers placed on New York Gallery windows and doors in 1987 The anonymous group of female American artists produced the series of posters as a campaign against museums dealers curators critics and artists who they felt were complicit in the exclusion of female and non white artists in mainstream exhibitions This appropriation of advertisement aesthetics explicitly equivocates art to human sustenance 0 12 This piece acts as a documentation of Geiger s 1978 performance which addressed poverty in Latin America The work consists of six postcards depicting black and white photographs and a brown paper bag typical for Brazialian bakeries at the time The first postcard hones in on a woman s mouth about to bite into a piece of bread and beneath this lies two photos of sliced bread with the cartographic shapes of Latin America and Brazil cut out from each Beside these there are three more black and white photos one of a bread basket with the bread slices lying in it another with the slices propped up beside each other and a further image of the basket with no bread only the outlines of the countries sketched in 0 13
ANNA BELLA GEIGER Our Daily Bread 1978 six postcards in a paper bag mounted on card GUERILLA GIRLS We Sell White Bread 1987 offset lithograph One of thirty posters printed as a part of the series Guerrilla Girls Talk Back This particular image first appeared on stickers placed on New York Gallery windows and doors in 1987 The anonymous group of female American artists produced the series of posters as a campaign against museums dealers curators critics and artists who they felt were complicit in the exclusion of female and non white artists in mainstream exhibitions This appropriation of advertisement aesthetics explicitly equivocates art to human sustenance 0 12 This piece acts as a documentation of Geiger s 1978 performance which addressed poverty in Latin America The work consists of six postcards depicting black and white photographs and a brown paper bag typical for Brazialian bakeries at the time The first postcard hones in on a woman s mouth about to bite into a piece of bread and beneath this lies two photos of sliced bread with the cartographic shapes of Latin America and Brazil cut out from each Beside these there are three more black and white photos one of a bread basket with the bread slices lying in it another with the slices propped up beside each other and a further image of the basket with no bread only the outlines of the countries sketched in 0 13
ANATOLY OSMOLOVSKY Bread Series 2008 wood and bronze This series of sculptures treated and made to resemble the texture and shape of traditional Russian breads There are parallels to be drawn with Russian icons which generally consist of painted wooden panels frequently featuring gold leaf within their designs By exhibiting them in wall compositions comparisons between the traditional devotional paintings and the bread sculptures are prompted MARC QUINN Bread Hands 2019 bread 0 14 Quinn made facsimiles of the hands of visitors to his exhibition at the CAFA Art Museum in Beijing He plans to cast these in bronze following the conclusion of the exhibition Quinn has created several sculptures out of bread of his own hands titled after the day that they were produced to show how his hands are changing and growing much like bread dough might morph while it is proved URS FISCHER Untitled Bread House 2004 2005 bread breadcrumbs wood polyurethane foam silicone acrylic paint screws tape rugs theatre spotlights Modelled after an alpine cabin from the artist s native Switzerland Bread House utilises soft edible construction materials to produce an antithetical solid shelter Fischer elaborates on what a rotting world may look like with this piece as inevitably it begins to decay in the gallery space in some showings of it live parakeets peck away at the house while viewers watch 0 15
ANATOLY OSMOLOVSKY Bread Series 2008 wood and bronze This series of sculptures treated and made to resemble the texture and shape of traditional Russian breads There are parallels to be drawn with Russian icons which generally consist of painted wooden panels frequently featuring gold leaf within their designs By exhibiting them in wall compositions comparisons between the traditional devotional paintings and the bread sculptures are prompted MARC QUINN Bread Hands 2019 bread 0 14 Quinn made facsimiles of the hands of visitors to his exhibition at the CAFA Art Museum in Beijing He plans to cast these in bronze following the conclusion of the exhibition Quinn has created several sculptures out of bread of his own hands titled after the day that they were produced to show how his hands are changing and growing much like bread dough might morph while it is proved URS FISCHER Untitled Bread House 2004 2005 bread breadcrumbs wood polyurethane foam silicone acrylic paint screws tape rugs theatre spotlights Modelled after an alpine cabin from the artist s native Switzerland Bread House utilises soft edible construction materials to produce an antithetical solid shelter Fischer elaborates on what a rotting world may look like with this piece as inevitably it begins to decay in the gallery space in some showings of it live parakeets peck away at the house while viewers watch 0 15
Louis Vuitton Baguette 2013 oil paint urethane found hardware nokia phone CHLOE WISE These works are all taken from the series Bread Bags which feature realistic plastic sculptures of bread adorned with luxury brand names and recognisable patterns to come together in satirical tongue in cheek compositions Wise states that All of my work is a combination of sculpture and comedy Ain t No Challah Back pack Girl 2014 oil paint urethane sesame seeds solicited prada hardware ADRIAN MARDEN Bread 2019 digital print on paper 0 16 Moschino English Muffin 2015 urethane oil paint leather hardware butter container 0 17
Louis Vuitton Baguette 2013 oil paint urethane found hardware nokia phone CHLOE WISE These works are all taken from the series Bread Bags which feature realistic plastic sculptures of bread adorned with luxury brand names and recognisable patterns to come together in satirical tongue in cheek compositions Wise states that All of my work is a combination of sculpture and comedy Ain t No Challah Back pack Girl 2014 oil paint urethane sesame seeds solicited prada hardware ADRIAN MARDEN Bread 2019 digital print on paper 0 16 Moschino English Muffin 2015 urethane oil paint leather hardware butter container 0 17
STUDIO RYGALIK DAVID LIGARE Still life with Bread and Wine 2007 oil on Canvas In this still life golden sunlight casts long dark shadows while illuminating two objects in a strange walled space by the ocean a glass of wine and two pieces of bread The religious significance of the items depicted is emphasised by their shadows that merge together on the panel beside them and seem to resemble a corporeal form Baguette Tables 2011 stale bread and glue BEN NICHOLSON 1922 Bread oil paint on canvas These tables were constructed using stale bread that was intended to be thrown away with the aim of starting a discussion about the vast amount of food waste in the world today and with a specific focus on the food waste of Vienna 0 18 This still life depicts a table with a breakfast arrangement featuring five loaves of bread unusually positioned upright in a row The verticality of the bread selection and the heavily outlined forms with thickly applied paint contribute to a sense of twodimensional unreal space 0 19
STUDIO RYGALIK DAVID LIGARE Still life with Bread and Wine 2007 oil on Canvas In this still life golden sunlight casts long dark shadows while illuminating two objects in a strange walled space by the ocean a glass of wine and two pieces of bread The religious significance of the items depicted is emphasised by their shadows that merge together on the panel beside them and seem to resemble a corporeal form Baguette Tables 2011 stale bread and glue BEN NICHOLSON 1922 Bread oil paint on canvas These tables were constructed using stale bread that was intended to be thrown away with the aim of starting a discussion about the vast amount of food waste in the world today and with a specific focus on the food waste of Vienna 0 18 This still life depicts a table with a breakfast arrangement featuring five loaves of bread unusually positioned upright in a row The verticality of the bread selection and the heavily outlined forms with thickly applied paint contribute to a sense of twodimensional unreal space 0 19
This conceptual appliance design draws inspiration from a vinyl turntable with the heating arm toasting the rotating bread placed on the base The design seeks to ensure a uniform and consistent toasting that is easily adjustable for the user YU HSIANG LIN Another Toaster ADI ZAFFRAN Pita Bread Toaster cement cinder block two rebar rods a heating element wood Bezalel Academy of Art and Design graduate Adi Zaffran designed this minimalist cinder block pita bread toaster whilst at university 0 20 OTHMAR M HLEBACH Printer Toaster This design is based on an inkjet printer with sliced bread stacked and fed into the appliance from the top which is subsequently ejected after being toaster onto the base 0 21
This conceptual appliance design draws inspiration from a vinyl turntable with the heating arm toasting the rotating bread placed on the base The design seeks to ensure a uniform and consistent toasting that is easily adjustable for the user YU HSIANG LIN Another Toaster ADI ZAFFRAN Pita Bread Toaster cement cinder block two rebar rods a heating element wood Bezalel Academy of Art and Design graduate Adi Zaffran designed this minimalist cinder block pita bread toaster whilst at university 0 20 OTHMAR M HLEBACH Printer Toaster This design is based on an inkjet printer with sliced bread stacked and fed into the appliance from the top which is subsequently ejected after being toaster onto the base 0 21
LEXIE SMITH Solstice Masks bread dough New York based artist Lexie Smith creates these solstice mask sculptures entirely from bread dough inspired by the celebrations of Midsummer festivities occurring on the summer solstice across the globe Smith links the spiritual and regenerative energy of midsummer festivities with the ritualistic process of baking bread from scratch SALVADOR DALI Retrosepctive Bust of a Woman 1933 painted porcelain bread corn feathers paint on paper beads ink stand sand and two pens This surrealist sculpture incorporates multiple seemingly random elements in order to create a strange and dreamlike woman with a hat made from bread and an inwell and a necklace made from a zoetrope and two corn on the cobs Dali intended his surrealist sculptures to be a tangible materialisation of ideas and fantasies of a delirious character resulting in unusual and fantastical pieces such as this one 0 22 MARKETA LUSKACOVA Woman and Man with bread Spitalfields London 1976 photograph gelatin silver print on paper In this candid snapshot of two unknown Londoners conversing in famed London food market Spitalfields a woman and a man converse earnestly about a piece of bread held precariously in between the man s fingers like a cigarette 0 23
LEXIE SMITH Solstice Masks bread dough New York based artist Lexie Smith creates these solstice mask sculptures entirely from bread dough inspired by the celebrations of Midsummer festivities occurring on the summer solstice across the globe Smith links the spiritual and regenerative energy of midsummer festivities with the ritualistic process of baking bread from scratch SALVADOR DALI Retrosepctive Bust of a Woman 1933 painted porcelain bread corn feathers paint on paper beads ink stand sand and two pens This surrealist sculpture incorporates multiple seemingly random elements in order to create a strange and dreamlike woman with a hat made from bread and an inwell and a necklace made from a zoetrope and two corn on the cobs Dali intended his surrealist sculptures to be a tangible materialisation of ideas and fantasies of a delirious character resulting in unusual and fantastical pieces such as this one 0 22 MARKETA LUSKACOVA Woman and Man with bread Spitalfields London 1976 photograph gelatin silver print on paper In this candid snapshot of two unknown Londoners conversing in famed London food market Spitalfields a woman and a man converse earnestly about a piece of bread held precariously in between the man s fingers like a cigarette 0 23
FEATURED Fried egg on toast 0 24 LEA HUGO Strawberry jam on toast Acrylic Paintings Beans on toast Avocado on toast 0 25
FEATURED Fried egg on toast 0 24 LEA HUGO Strawberry jam on toast Acrylic Paintings Beans on toast Avocado on toast 0 25
N O R A A WAYNE THIEBAUD Y E L L I T Space Bakery 2020 photograph 0 26 Tilley creates interesting and unusual compositions for his photographic stilllifes This work was produced for kinfolk magazine clockwise from top Sandwich 1963 Bread Butter and Knife 1962 Peanut Butter Sandwich 2009 oil paint on canvas Thibaud s oil painted still life compositions often feature food at their core The simplicity of the background in these works draws focus to the objects portrayed and invites consideration towards their often overlooked forms The texture of the paint is often applied to resemble the organic substances of the items depicted 0 27
N O R A A WAYNE THIEBAUD Y E L L I T Space Bakery 2020 photograph 0 26 Tilley creates interesting and unusual compositions for his photographic stilllifes This work was produced for kinfolk magazine clockwise from top Sandwich 1963 Bread Butter and Knife 1962 Peanut Butter Sandwich 2009 oil paint on canvas Thibaud s oil painted still life compositions often feature food at their core The simplicity of the background in these works draws focus to the objects portrayed and invites consideration towards their often overlooked forms The texture of the paint is often applied to resemble the organic substances of the items depicted 0 27
FEATURED DANIELLE ANDERSON photography instagram smell0vision 0 28 0 29
FEATURED DANIELLE ANDERSON photography instagram smell0vision 0 28 0 29
2001 A Breadscape Warner s foodscapes were carefully created by photographing real foods which were then digitally inserted into a landscape composition in order to create magical lands which consist entirely of food Here we see two bread dominated landscapes one a planet topography made entirely from bread inspired by the outer space environments of Stanley Kubrick s film 2001 A Space Odyssey the other a whimsical fairytale village with mountains and houses all made from bread loaves CARL WARNER Foodcapes digitally altered photographs TIM SILVER Untitled oneirophrenia 3 2015 raw bread dough and plaster Bread Village For his oneirophrenia series Silver filled plaster busts with raw bread dough which violently burst through the plaster forms as it rose creating eerie dreamlike forms such as this one 0 30 0 31
2001 A Breadscape Warner s foodscapes were carefully created by photographing real foods which were then digitally inserted into a landscape composition in order to create magical lands which consist entirely of food Here we see two bread dominated landscapes one a planet topography made entirely from bread inspired by the outer space environments of Stanley Kubrick s film 2001 A Space Odyssey the other a whimsical fairytale village with mountains and houses all made from bread loaves CARL WARNER Foodcapes digitally altered photographs TIM SILVER Untitled oneirophrenia 3 2015 raw bread dough and plaster Bread Village For his oneirophrenia series Silver filled plaster busts with raw bread dough which violently burst through the plaster forms as it rose creating eerie dreamlike forms such as this one 0 30 0 31
MAURICIO ALEJO Bread Poetry is a collaboration between Bristol based artist Luke Jerram and Hobbs House Bakery in which each Saturday from January till March 2020 a different poem was baked onto at least 200 loaves being distributed around the West Country Jerram aims to allow for a place for selected poems to express their creativity while also sharing their work to a wider community The placement of the poems on bread suggests poetry could be essential to daily life for the artist LUKE JERRAM Bread Poetry 2020 bread ink 0 32 Slices 2003 photograph Alejo uses photography to present objects disobeying their functionality In this particular piece the Mexian artist redistributes the linear order of a loaf of sliced bread The spacing of the slices evokes a purpose different from that of a food item Each slice is presented as a frame in a stop motion animation yet condensed simultaneously into the same frame Its placement suggests motion REBECCA STRAIN Born and Bread 2009 bread letraset pva glue Strain felt frustrated by the proximity yet abject isolation from each of her neighbours who she saw each day washing their dishes and smoking in their gardens So she resolved to write to thirty of them and ask them for a piece of bread and to compile all the slices into a sculpture for the Yorkshire Sculptors Group exhibition in London in 2009 In the end she received nine slices in response to her thirty letters Each slice records where and when each respective bread giver was born and bread 0 33
MAURICIO ALEJO Bread Poetry is a collaboration between Bristol based artist Luke Jerram and Hobbs House Bakery in which each Saturday from January till March 2020 a different poem was baked onto at least 200 loaves being distributed around the West Country Jerram aims to allow for a place for selected poems to express their creativity while also sharing their work to a wider community The placement of the poems on bread suggests poetry could be essential to daily life for the artist LUKE JERRAM Bread Poetry 2020 bread ink 0 32 Slices 2003 photograph Alejo uses photography to present objects disobeying their functionality In this particular piece the Mexian artist redistributes the linear order of a loaf of sliced bread The spacing of the slices evokes a purpose different from that of a food item Each slice is presented as a frame in a stop motion animation yet condensed simultaneously into the same frame Its placement suggests motion REBECCA STRAIN Born and Bread 2009 bread letraset pva glue Strain felt frustrated by the proximity yet abject isolation from each of her neighbours who she saw each day washing their dishes and smoking in their gardens So she resolved to write to thirty of them and ask them for a piece of bread and to compile all the slices into a sculpture for the Yorkshire Sculptors Group exhibition in London in 2009 In the end she received nine slices in response to her thirty letters Each slice records where and when each respective bread giver was born and bread 0 33
JASPER JOHNS Bread 1969 lead relief and oil paint Inspired by the use of found objects and the readymade in Dadaism of the twentieth century Johns sought to depict and draw attention to common unremarkable objects which were often seen and not looked at not examined in his art Here for example we see a lone slice of white bread usually an object which would not be paid much mind taking centre stage on a grey art canvas 0 34 PIERO MANZONI Achrome circa 1962 panini and kaolin on wood This piece is a part of Manzoni s experimental Achrome series which explored the use of monochromatic and formless surfaces in art in order to reject the association of meaning with the object This particular Anchrome documents Manzoni s later exploration of the use of new materials namely bread rolls in order to explore ideas of imprisoning energy By freezing the bread rolls in time with clay Manzoni s bread rolls are transformed and trapped in an immobilised state 0 35
JASPER JOHNS Bread 1969 lead relief and oil paint Inspired by the use of found objects and the readymade in Dadaism of the twentieth century Johns sought to depict and draw attention to common unremarkable objects which were often seen and not looked at not examined in his art Here for example we see a lone slice of white bread usually an object which would not be paid much mind taking centre stage on a grey art canvas 0 34 PIERO MANZONI Achrome circa 1962 panini and kaolin on wood This piece is a part of Manzoni s experimental Achrome series which explored the use of monochromatic and formless surfaces in art in order to reject the association of meaning with the object This particular Anchrome documents Manzoni s later exploration of the use of new materials namely bread rolls in order to explore ideas of imprisoning energy By freezing the bread rolls in time with clay Manzoni s bread rolls are transformed and trapped in an immobilised state 0 35
THE BREAD AND THE ALLEY 1970 The Bread and the Alley 1970 Acclaimed Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami s first ten minute film features a young boy with a loaf of bread trying to escape a barking dog Dir Abbas Kiarostami After a long unfruitful day of looking for their stolen bicycle Antonio Ricci treats his son Bruno to mozzarella in carrozza deep fried bread stuffed with cheese and a litre of wine in this moving classic of world cinema Dir Vittorio de Sica IN FILM BREAD BICYCLE THIEVES 1948 GOLD RUSH 1925 Charlie Chaplin performs the dinner roll dance Dir Charlie Chaplin 0 37
THE BREAD AND THE ALLEY 1970 The Bread and the Alley 1970 Acclaimed Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami s first ten minute film features a young boy with a loaf of bread trying to escape a barking dog Dir Abbas Kiarostami After a long unfruitful day of looking for their stolen bicycle Antonio Ricci treats his son Bruno to mozzarella in carrozza deep fried bread stuffed with cheese and a litre of wine in this moving classic of world cinema Dir Vittorio de Sica IN FILM BREAD BICYCLE THIEVES 1948 GOLD RUSH 1925 Charlie Chaplin performs the dinner roll dance Dir Charlie Chaplin 0 37
WHEN HARRY MET SALLY SAUSAGE PARTY 1989 Dir Rob Reiner I ll have what she s having In one of the most iconic scenes in romcom history Sally shows Harry how she fakes an orgasm LIEVITO MADRE 2016 Dir Conrad Vernon Greg Tiernen This raunchy animated comedy from Seth Rogen features Frank a sausage Brenda a bun Vash a crusty piece of lavash bread and his arch enemy Sammy Bagel Jr as they discover that life isn t paradise beyond the supermarket BREAD 2014 Dir Fulvio Risuleo 1953 Dir Charles Eames Ray Eames This impeccably crafted and bizarre 17 minute short follows an Italian couple who find a lump of sourdough in a disused piano Eroticism intrigue and horror to follow in neutral tones and sharp contrasts From the workshop of Charles and Ray Eames the eclectic designers filmmakers and artists comes 6 minutes of pans close ups portraits through a fantastical bread heaven to the seductive lull of the saxophone ALADDIN 1992 Dir Ron Clements Jon Musker All this for a loaf of bread After narrowly escaping the street police after stealing a loaf of bread Aladdin hands it to two young hungry children 0 38 THE IRISHMAN 2019 Dir Martin Scorsese Russell Bufalino and Frank Sheeran cement their five decade long friendship by breaking bread and dipping it in wine 0 39
WHEN HARRY MET SALLY SAUSAGE PARTY 1989 Dir Rob Reiner I ll have what she s having In one of the most iconic scenes in romcom history Sally shows Harry how she fakes an orgasm LIEVITO MADRE 2016 Dir Conrad Vernon Greg Tiernen This raunchy animated comedy from Seth Rogen features Frank a sausage Brenda a bun Vash a crusty piece of lavash bread and his arch enemy Sammy Bagel Jr as they discover that life isn t paradise beyond the supermarket BREAD 2014 Dir Fulvio Risuleo 1953 Dir Charles Eames Ray Eames This impeccably crafted and bizarre 17 minute short follows an Italian couple who find a lump of sourdough in a disused piano Eroticism intrigue and horror to follow in neutral tones and sharp contrasts From the workshop of Charles and Ray Eames the eclectic designers filmmakers and artists comes 6 minutes of pans close ups portraits through a fantastical bread heaven to the seductive lull of the saxophone ALADDIN 1992 Dir Ron Clements Jon Musker All this for a loaf of bread After narrowly escaping the street police after stealing a loaf of bread Aladdin hands it to two young hungry children 0 38 THE IRISHMAN 2019 Dir Martin Scorsese Russell Bufalino and Frank Sheeran cement their five decade long friendship by breaking bread and dipping it in wine 0 39
ANTONY GORMLEY Mothers Pride V 2019 bread and wax Bread Room 2008 bread and wax Bed 1980 81 Bread and wax on aluminium panels 0 40 Gormley s Bread Works series date from 1979 up until the present day and involve an ongoing experimentation with the use of bread as a ready made found object that can be manipulated and change its form through biting These works focus on ideas of the body as a vessel and a site of alchemical transformation Gormley sees bread as a quintessential substance of such transformation a substance that lies outside for a while then enters the body and then becomes the body 0 41
ANTONY GORMLEY Mothers Pride V 2019 bread and wax Bread Room 2008 bread and wax Bed 1980 81 Bread and wax on aluminium panels 0 40 Gormley s Bread Works series date from 1979 up until the present day and involve an ongoing experimentation with the use of bread as a ready made found object that can be manipulated and change its form through biting These works focus on ideas of the body as a vessel and a site of alchemical transformation Gormley sees bread as a quintessential substance of such transformation a substance that lies outside for a while then enters the body and then becomes the body 0 41
Swedish artist Johanna Martenson created this urban cityscape entirely out of bread then proceeded to photograph the model regularly over the next six months to document the slow process of decay Photographed here we see the bread me tropolis in a state of decomposition with mould encroaching on the doughy skyscrapers slowly taking over Eventually the once fresh bread buildings crumbled in on themselves completely taken over by mould leaving behind a mere pile of grey dust Martenson said she was inspired by writings on how well the earth would do without humans and these ideas of nature taking over man made creations certainly permeate through the work with the later images of the city almost entirely overcome with grey and black seeming almost apocalyptic 0 42 JOHANNA MARTENSON Bread City 2009 film stills 0 43
Swedish artist Johanna Martenson created this urban cityscape entirely out of bread then proceeded to photograph the model regularly over the next six months to document the slow process of decay Photographed here we see the bread me tropolis in a state of decomposition with mould encroaching on the doughy skyscrapers slowly taking over Eventually the once fresh bread buildings crumbled in on themselves completely taken over by mould leaving behind a mere pile of grey dust Martenson said she was inspired by writings on how well the earth would do without humans and these ideas of nature taking over man made creations certainly permeate through the work with the later images of the city almost entirely overcome with grey and black seeming almost apocalyptic 0 42 JOHANNA MARTENSON Bread City 2009 film stills 0 43
STEPHEN SHORE Granite Oklahoma from American Surfaces 1999 1972 photograph One of the first American photographers to use colour in his photos Shore shocked audiences with the colour popping banality of his photographic compositions He sought to depict the nomaility of American life This particular photo depicts the appropriately seventies linograph of an aluminium lined diner table The monochrome of the white bread sanwhich and the plate it s sat upon give the sandwich an ironically statuesque permanence JAMES ROSENQUIST White Bread 1964 oil on canvas Rosenquist s works draw upon the visual palate of commercial images like many of his Pop Art contemporaries However unlike other Pop artists he presents a more generalised comercial aesthetic The painting considers American consumerism just as much as it considers the act of painting itself generically yellow margarine spread on generically white bread mirrored by a flattening yellow background evokes the spread of paint on canvas 0 44 ALISON KNOWLES Identical Lunch 1968 present performance A tuna fish sandwich on wheat toast with no butter and lettuce no mayo and a cup of buttermilk This is what Alison Knowles identical lunch consists of Conceptualised after a friend commented that the Fluxus artist had the exact same thing for lunch everyday she set out to document many of her friends and acquaintances eating the very same lunch Knowles admitted that the project was really an excuse to eat and meet with people and really pay attention to the encounter 0 45
STEPHEN SHORE Granite Oklahoma from American Surfaces 1999 1972 photograph One of the first American photographers to use colour in his photos Shore shocked audiences with the colour popping banality of his photographic compositions He sought to depict the nomaility of American life This particular photo depicts the appropriately seventies linograph of an aluminium lined diner table The monochrome of the white bread sanwhich and the plate it s sat upon give the sandwich an ironically statuesque permanence JAMES ROSENQUIST White Bread 1964 oil on canvas Rosenquist s works draw upon the visual palate of commercial images like many of his Pop Art contemporaries However unlike other Pop artists he presents a more generalised comercial aesthetic The painting considers American consumerism just as much as it considers the act of painting itself generically yellow margarine spread on generically white bread mirrored by a flattening yellow background evokes the spread of paint on canvas 0 44 ALISON KNOWLES Identical Lunch 1968 present performance A tuna fish sandwich on wheat toast with no butter and lettuce no mayo and a cup of buttermilk This is what Alison Knowles identical lunch consists of Conceptualised after a friend commented that the Fluxus artist had the exact same thing for lunch everyday she set out to document many of her friends and acquaintances eating the very same lunch Knowles admitted that the project was really an excuse to eat and meet with people and really pay attention to the encounter 0 45
BEANS ON TOAST FEATURED Open the cupboard Thrust hands through Long forgotten Packets and wrappers Spy the dull glint Glimmering Tin at the back Which you grab Heavy handed That pain in your back Flares up beans drop To the countertop Bang and a thud Regain your composure Pull off the top Ring pull slight drool Pan down on the hob Slop half no all of it Fresh orange plop Thick slow moving Liquid riddled with Lumps heat up well done You deserve a cold one Unwrap the plastic Sack inhale the jaunty Stench of processed Wheat white as death and Soft as the gut bulging Through the sweat stained Shirt of the fat man to whom You gave a dirty look Remove two slices like Sheets of dried skin Watch the crumbs shed Dandruff like onto your Kitchen floor Clean up in the morning Not like it matters with this Yum fun meal for one Float the cotton candy clouds Into your toaster Marvel at the speed With which your bread Changes like the Inevitably disappointing Hookers you re scared to order Artificial and cheap Wait for the pop Which echoes round the room Like a death knell Sounding your factory made Banality Grab that plate You ate off earlier Slap down your toast and Drown it with sadness Et voila dinner Is served house special again Same time tomorrow JOHN REMBOWSKI photo Montage by JACOB JOHNSON 0 46 0 47
BEANS ON TOAST FEATURED Open the cupboard Thrust hands through Long forgotten Packets and wrappers Spy the dull glint Glimmering Tin at the back Which you grab Heavy handed That pain in your back Flares up beans drop To the countertop Bang and a thud Regain your composure Pull off the top Ring pull slight drool Pan down on the hob Slop half no all of it Fresh orange plop Thick slow moving Liquid riddled with Lumps heat up well done You deserve a cold one Unwrap the plastic Sack inhale the jaunty Stench of processed Wheat white as death and Soft as the gut bulging Through the sweat stained Shirt of the fat man to whom You gave a dirty look Remove two slices like Sheets of dried skin Watch the crumbs shed Dandruff like onto your Kitchen floor Clean up in the morning Not like it matters with this Yum fun meal for one Float the cotton candy clouds Into your toaster Marvel at the speed With which your bread Changes like the Inevitably disappointing Hookers you re scared to order Artificial and cheap Wait for the pop Which echoes round the room Like a death knell Sounding your factory made Banality Grab that plate You ate off earlier Slap down your toast and Drown it with sadness Et voila dinner Is served house special again Same time tomorrow JOHN REMBOWSKI photo Montage by JACOB JOHNSON 0 46 0 47
Mauricio Alejo plainmagazine com mauricio alejo surrealism everyday objects Sookoon Ang designboom com art crystalized bread by sookoon ang Cesar demischdanant com works cesar11 Salvador Dali moma org collection works 81329 Urs Fischer pinterest co uk pin 132363676521727188 Anna Bella Geiger tate org uk art artworks geiger our daily bread t14257 Guerrilla Girls anothermag com art photography 8125 the guerrilla girls 30 years of art activism and counting Guy Goldstein guy goldstein com projects php projectId 1 Antony Gormley antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p9 antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p10 antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p3 Jasper Johns christies com lotfinder Lot jasper johns b 1930 bread from lead 6127076 details Luke Jerram lukejerram com breadpoetry Judith G Klausner Alison Knowles Giuseppe Lacari jgklausner com work toast embroidery p10 walkerart org collections artworks journal of the identical lunch bibliographics tumblr com image 49654149460 pinterest co uk pin 451415562631470227 David Ligare ic pics livejournal com carmelist 4291139 384745 384745_original jpg Yu Hsiang Lin yankodesign com tag yu hsiang lin Matteo Lucca iloboyou com baked bread human sculpture matteo lucca hifructose com 2018 06 04 matteo luccas figurative bread sculpture Marketa Luskacova tate org uk art artworks luskacova woman and man with bread spitalfields london p80290 Piero Manzoni christies com lotfinder Lot piero manzoni 1933 1963 achrome 4125985 details aspx 0 48 Adrian Marden londoncontemporaryart co uk product bread Johanna Martenson inhabitat com johanna martensson built a city out of bread just to watch it mold Othmar M hlebach design milk com printing your toast by othmar muhlebach Ben Nicholson tate org uk art artworks nicholson 1922 bread t07955 Anatoly Osmolovsky v a c ru exhibition pawel althamer and anatoly osmolovsky parallel convergences James Rosenquist medium com dipchain james rosenquist white bread 304c54b7fcae Studio Rygalik inhabitat com studio rygaliks baguette table uses old bread to raise awareness about food waste Stephen Shore foodbabyjournal com fools paradise 2018 2 23 stephen shore Tim Silver designboom com art tim silver oneirophrenia series art basel hong kong sullivan 03 16 2016 Lexie Smith allsemantics com Solstice Masks Rebecca Strain axisweb org p rebeccastrain workset 71073 born and bread Wayne Thiebaud christies com lotfinder Lot wayne thiebaud b 1920 sandwich 5681161 details pinterest ch pin 59039445098592489 flickriver com photos faceme 45577341044 Aaron Tilley aarontilley com work space bakery Marc Quinn artsncollections com index php r post 2Fview f 123 id 642 Carl Warner carlwarner com artist Chloe Wise chloewise com 2058417 bread bags David Wojnarowicz Adi Zaffran ppowgallery com exhibition 2749 work fullscreen_exhib panel1 1 trendhunter com trends pita bread toaster by adi zaffran 0 49
Mauricio Alejo plainmagazine com mauricio alejo surrealism everyday objects Sookoon Ang designboom com art crystalized bread by sookoon ang Cesar demischdanant com works cesar11 Salvador Dali moma org collection works 81329 Urs Fischer pinterest co uk pin 132363676521727188 Anna Bella Geiger tate org uk art artworks geiger our daily bread t14257 Guerrilla Girls anothermag com art photography 8125 the guerrilla girls 30 years of art activism and counting Guy Goldstein guy goldstein com projects php projectId 1 Antony Gormley antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p9 antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p10 antonygormley com sculpture item view id 259 p3 Jasper Johns christies com lotfinder Lot jasper johns b 1930 bread from lead 6127076 details Luke Jerram lukejerram com breadpoetry Judith G Klausner Alison Knowles Giuseppe Lacari jgklausner com work toast embroidery p10 walkerart org collections artworks journal of the identical lunch bibliographics tumblr com image 49654149460 pinterest co uk pin 451415562631470227 David Ligare ic pics livejournal com carmelist 4291139 384745 384745_original jpg Yu Hsiang Lin yankodesign com tag yu hsiang lin Matteo Lucca iloboyou com baked bread human sculpture matteo lucca hifructose com 2018 06 04 matteo luccas figurative bread sculpture Marketa Luskacova tate org uk art artworks luskacova woman and man with bread spitalfields london p80290 Piero Manzoni christies com lotfinder Lot piero manzoni 1933 1963 achrome 4125985 details aspx 0 48 Adrian Marden londoncontemporaryart co uk product bread Johanna Martenson inhabitat com johanna martensson built a city out of bread just to watch it mold Othmar M hlebach design milk com printing your toast by othmar muhlebach Ben Nicholson tate org uk art artworks nicholson 1922 bread t07955 Anatoly Osmolovsky v a c ru exhibition pawel althamer and anatoly osmolovsky parallel convergences James Rosenquist medium com dipchain james rosenquist white bread 304c54b7fcae Studio Rygalik inhabitat com studio rygaliks baguette table uses old bread to raise awareness about food waste Stephen Shore foodbabyjournal com fools paradise 2018 2 23 stephen shore Tim Silver designboom com art tim silver oneirophrenia series art basel hong kong sullivan 03 16 2016 Lexie Smith allsemantics com Solstice Masks Rebecca Strain axisweb org p rebeccastrain workset 71073 born and bread Wayne Thiebaud christies com lotfinder Lot wayne thiebaud b 1920 sandwich 5681161 details pinterest ch pin 59039445098592489 flickriver com photos faceme 45577341044 Aaron Tilley aarontilley com work space bakery Marc Quinn artsncollections com index php r post 2Fview f 123 id 642 Carl Warner carlwarner com artist Chloe Wise chloewise com 2058417 bread bags David Wojnarowicz Adi Zaffran ppowgallery com exhibition 2749 work fullscreen_exhib panel1 1 trendhunter com trends pita bread toaster by adi zaffran 0 49