PROGRAM GUIDE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 202221225 Lorain Rd • Fairview Park • 440-356-4444
Community ContactsNEWSAROUND THE CITY 2-4EVENTSCOMMUNITY EVENTS 5-6GEMINI CENTER INFORMATIONGEMINI CENTER RATES & HOURS 7 POLICIES & PROCEDURES 8FITNESS CENTER & TRACK POLICIES 9KIDS CLUB POLICIES 9MAIN GYM & MULTIPURPOSE GYM POLICIES 10LOCKER ROOMS 10RENTALS RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES 11-13PROGRAMS & CLASSESADAPTIVE 14YOUTH SPORTS & PROGRAMS 15-16FITNESS & WELLNESS 17-18OLDER ADULT FITNESS 19-20REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION AT A GLANCE 21CITY OFFICIALSMayor...............................................................Patrick J. CooneyCouncil President.............................................Michael KilbaneWard 1...............................................................Bryan SimmerlyWard 2............................................................William F. MinekWard 3...........................................................................Dan JichaWard 4..................................................................Sarah WeringWard 5.....................................................................Bridget KingCouncil at Large......................................................Greg BurgerClerk of Courts..................................................Liz WestbrooksPARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONCommissioner............................................................John RoachVice Chairman..........................................................Erin HoskinChairman..............................................................Duke SchaeferCity Council Representative..........................Bryan SimmerlySchool Board Representative................................Erin HinkelParks and Recreation Commission MeetingsAll meetings take place in the Gemini Center Meeting Rooms and begin at 6 PM. Visit for meeting dates. All are welcome to attend!Senior Center20769 Lorain Rd • 440.356.4437(Located directly behind City Hall)RECREATION DEPARTMENT- 440.356.4444City Hall20777 Lorain Road • 440-333-2200Commissioner............................................................John RoachDirector....................................................Kerry Kemp, ext 105Office Manager........................................Mary Long, ext 106Program Coordinator................Danielle Danburg, ext 102 Program Coordinator..........................Josué Collazo ext 103Facility Manager.....................................Eric Dennis, ext 104Rental Coordinator...............Marette Winchester, ext 109Weather Hotline.......................................................OPTION 6
FAIRVIEW PARK RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (440) 356-4444 • www.fairviewparkrec.com676t he6A Great Place to Grow!AroundCity
GoodbyeGoodbye Summer...Summer...It was a Summer to remember andwe want to thank all of those whoplayed a part in the fun!
TEXT MY GOV The City of Fairview Park has launched “TextMyGov”, a citizen-to-city communication platform that helps guide residents to resources and report matters of concern. Using TextMyGov, citizens can get immediate answers to questions, report issues and more – all via text messaging. TextMyGov also gives citizens an option to receive resident notifications from the City, such as emergency information, road closures, power/water outages and more. To sign up, text HI to 440.496.1114.The Service Department recommends the following tips and guidelines for efficient leaf collection: VISIT FAIRVIEWPARK.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION!The Service Department recommends the following tips and guidelines for efficient leaf collection:• Please do not rakes leaves into the street. Leaf piles in the street obstructtraffic flow, cause accidents, and entice young children to play in them,oblivious to road traffic.• Leaf piles also block the normal drainage flow of water on the street andmany times completely block the storm sewer. With evening temperaturesgetting colder, there is a danger of standing water freezing.• Yard waste collection runs through the end of November as well. You mayalso put leaves into yard waste container(s) until that time.• During the times of year without leaf pick up or yard waste collection, youmay also place them in your blue rubbish cart for pick up on regularcollection days or you may use plastic bags and place them at the curb onBulk Collection Day (the third Monday of each month).• As the growing season ends, please be reminded that the last day for yardwaste collection occurs in late November. After that date, and beforeweekly collection resumes in the spring, you may put yard waste in yourblue rubbish cart for pick up on regular collection days or you may useplastic bags and place them at the curb on Bulk Collection Day (the thirdMonday of each month).The 202 2 Leaf Collection Program for Fairview Park kicks off once again on October 31. The Fairview Park Service Department has two crews, one on the north side and one on the south side of Lorain. Crews move from the western end of the city toward the eastern end, “vacuuming” leaves as they go. Once they reach the eastern end of the city, they begin the round again.During the first few weeks, crews move pretty quickly. Once leaves start to fall in earnest, the pace slows due to the amount of leaves that need to be collected. When this occurs, we will update the “leaf tracker” on the website and our Facebook page to help to inform residents where the trucks will begin the next day so you will know how close they are to your home.Leaf collection officially runs through the end of November. We try to keep going into early December, weather permitting. Leaf collection trucks are also used for snow plowing so if we run into badweather, collection can be delayed.If you have questions, call the Fairview Park Service Department at 440-356-4410.Leaf Collection Program
GEMINI CENTER HOURSMonday - Friday Saturday & Sunday5:30 am - 9 pm 8 am - 5 pm CLOSEDNew Year’s DayEasterMemorial DayIndependence DayLabor DayThanksgivingChristmasEvening Before ThanksgivingChristmas EveNew Year’s EveEARLY CLOSINGGEMINI CENTER RATES & HOURSMEMBERSHIPRESIDENT YEARLY RATE$120$ 60$ 90$ 99$ 85$0$335$20$0Individuals (ages 19-59)Youth (ages 3-12)Student (ages 13-18)College Student (Full Time)Senior (60+)Toddler (2 and under)Family (up to 6 members)Resident Per Person MonthlyActive MilitaryMEMBERSHIPCORPORATE YEARLY RATE$220$110$165$605$660$715$ 20Individuals (ages 19-59)Youth (ages 3-12)Senior (60+)Family (4 members) (5 members) (6 members)Corporate Per Person MonthlyMEMBERSHIPONCE A MEMBER, ALWAYS A MEMBER$170$110$140$149$135$0$385$25Individuals (ages 19-59)Youth (ages 3-12)Student (ages 13-18)College Student (Full Time)Senior (60+)Toddler (2 and under)Family (up to 6 members)Resident Per Person MonthlyDAILY NON-MEMBER GUEST RATESRESIDENT$ 3.00$ 5.00$10.00$ 6.00Junior (Ages 3-6)Youth (Ages 7-14)Adult (Ages 15-59)Senior (60+)NON-RESIDENT$ 3.00$ 5.00$ 5.00$ 3.00KIDS CLUBOne Child, Per HourAdditional Siblings, Per Hour$ 3.00$ 1.00Kids Club Bucks available for purchase at Front Desk in increments of $30 or $
WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org86Cell Phone PolicyCell phones can be used for audio devices on the fitness floor and studios only. Cell phone usage, including texting and game playing is restricted to the front lobby ONLY! Age RequirementsAll children under the age of 12 yrs old MUST be accompanied by an adult (18yr or older). Children 7 yrs and under must have direct Adult supervision. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 15 is permitted to use the track and fitness areas (kids age 12-14 years old may use the fitness floor upon completion of Code of Conduct with some time usage restrictions). Refund Policy (Programs & Activities)Refunds (or credit, if preferred) will be issued if an activity is full or cancelled by the Recreation Department. Refund checks will be sent by the city’s Finance Office four to six weeks from program cancellation. All other refund requests MUST be submitted to the Recreation Director, IN WRITING, detailing the reason for the withdrawal, and must be accompanied by the original receipt. No other requests will be considered. Refund requests made before the registration deadline will be considered on a case by case basis. Refund requests made after the registration deadline will be approved for MEDICAL REASONS ONLY and a doctor’s written verification is required. Late registration and non resident fees are not refundable. A $10.00 administrative fee will be deducted from all refunds unless program is cancelled. (The $10.00 administrative fee will be waived if the option of Department Credit is chosen. A credit remains in the computer indefinitely and can be used by anyone in the family for any future program expense). The balance of the refund will be prorated based upon how long after the registration deadline the refund request is made. INCLEMENT WEATHER & INFORMATION LINE (440) 356-4444 Option 6Membership SpecificationsA Family Membership (up to 6) is defined as 2 adults and 4 children under the age of 18 with the same address or 1 adult and up to 5 children under the age of 18 with the same address. Children 2 and under are free and must be listed on application form. A maximum of 6 members permitted. Exceptions to be approved by the Director of Recreation.Full-time College Student rate is available for $25 during Winter Break (December 1 through January 31) and $50 during Summer Break (May 1 – September 1). Students must show proof of enrollment.Individual, Youth and Student Memberships (those ages 3-17) must be completed by parent or legal guardian.Verification of Residency/AgeTwo current forms of residency or corporate verification must accompany application for new or renewed memberships.A copy of birth certificate or valid driver’s license must accompany any age verifications for new memberships.Changes to MembershipA membership package may be upgraded (add college age student, upgrade from individual to family, etc.) at any time, however, the expiration date of the original membership becomes effective for all members; fees will not be prorated.ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON TRANSFERABLE.Corporate and Partnership Packages Available upon request for options of 10 and 25 employees.Caregiver and Personal Aid Passes Please contact the recreation office for more details.POLICIES & PROCEDURESPrevious members who no longer live in Fairview Park, or are no longer employees of the City of Fairview Park, FP Board of Education, or FP Branch Library, are eligible to maintain their Gemini Center membership that was left in good standing.Participants in this program will pay membership fee based on their status, along with a $50 administrative fee. Rates are detailed on the membership application.A new application is required, along with valid current photo identification.**This program is not available for previous corporate members.**Guest Pass Policy Residents may purchase a daily guest pass for themselves with proper photo identification (ages 16 and older) and (1) current proof of Fairview Park residency; however, may not bring in guests. Non resident guests must be accompanied by a current Gemini Center member, and waivers must be completed by all guests. Member must accompany and take responsibility for their guests at all times while in the building. Adult members are allowed a maximum of 4 non resident guests per visit. Members under 18 are allowed 1 non-resident guest per visit. Children less than 12 years of age must be accompanied by parent/legal guardian/adult over the age of 18 while in the facility. Anyone accompanying a participant to observe a program must either be a current member or paid guest in order to use the facility for anything other than observing that program. Guests of members who are not program participants are required to pay a guest for any visit. Those who fail to abide by this rule will be asked to leave the facility.Cancellation of Activities In case of Inclement Weather:Please call the Weather and Information Line (440.356.4444 Option 6) for status of games. Daytime programs may be cancelled when Fairview Park Schools are closed due to inclement weather. Cancellation of evening programs (after 5:00pm) will be determined by 4:00pm at the discretion of the Recreation Department.Low Enrollment: Sometimes courses & programs are cancelled because too many wait until the last minute to register. We need a minimum number of students enrolled before a class/program can run. The Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment.Lost or Stolen ArticlesThe Gemini Center is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. It is strongly recommended that you do not bring any valuables into the Center. We encourage you to place all belongings in a locker and secure them with a personal lock (lock needs to be removed by closing time or it will be removed by management). Proper AttireOnly scuff-resistant shoes are permitted in the activity areas of the building. Muddy or dirty shoes are not permitted. Dark soled running shoes, turf shoes, street shoes and any types of shoes which mark the floors, especially our gym, track and aerobics floor are absolutely prohibited. Shoes are required to be worn at all times while in the facility (except in locker rooms) or at the discretion of a manager. Proper dress required. No intimidating or vulgar attire permitted.DisciplineDiscipline will be given for any violation (including foul language, inappropriate behavior, continuous horseplay, breaking building policies/gym rules, physical contact, verbal harassment, theft, vandalism and disrespecting Gemini Center staff) or recognized facility rule or membership guideline noted.
89FITNESS CENTERThe Fitness Floor will operate during the facility’s hours ofoperation. The Fitness Attendants are on staff to assist you and to enforce the policies of the area. Please find these policies below.• Proper workout attire is required (i.e. t-shirts, gym shorts, sweat pants,closed-toe athletic shoes, etc.) No jeans with rivets, street shoes orsports bras are permitted. Please remember this is a family-orientedfacility.• Patrons are asked to adhere to a 30 minute time limit for all cardioequipment during peak times. Peak times will be defined as thoseinstances when all pieces of one equipment type are in use (i.e. alltreadmills, all elliptical, etc)• Cell phones may not be used for verbal conversations or pictures onthe Fitness Floor.• Members must clean off each piece of equipment after each use.• All weights must be returned to their proper location after use. Pleaseremove all weight plates from the free-weight equipment when finished.AGE RESTRICTIONSUse of the Fitness Floor is restricted to those patrons 15 years of age or older.Children ages 12-14 are permitted to use the Fitness Floor with restrictions and must complete the Teen Code of Conduct.May only use the Fitness Floor during restricted times Monday - Friday5:30am - 5:00pm (no parent supervision required)Monday - Friday5 pm - 8 pm (parent supervision required)Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 5 pm (parent supervision required) Parent supervision must be the child’s parent and must remain on the Fitness Floor at all timesTRACK• The inside lanes of the track are for walkers only. The outside lanes arefor joggers/runners.• Sprints on the track are only permitted on the straight-aways.• All stretching must be done in the designated areas off the edge of thetrack.• The track may not be used as an observation area for activities in theGym, Multi-Purpose or Aquatic areas.• Baby joggers, strollers and rollerblades are prohibited. Infants may becarried in a baby carrier. Children under the age of 12 are not permittedon the fitness floor.PERSONAL TRAINING AVAILABLE Gemini Center trainers offer unique and innovative techniques to develop a program for you that will fit your lifestyle. Whether you are 15 or 75, personal training can help you reach your health and fitness goals.Your trainer will develop a personalized program that is perfect for you and will provide you the support, knowledge, coaching and motivation to help you look and feel your best!Visit for more information!&TrackFitness CenterGEMINI CENTERKIDS CLUB HOURLY RATES$3perhr./firstchild$1 each additional child in the same family (onehourminimum /twohoursmaximum)Kids Club Bucks can be purchased at the Front Desk in increments of $30 and $50.RULES & REGULATIONS• Parents/guardians (18 yrs or older) must remain in the Gemini Center whilethe child is in Kids Club.• There is a 2 hour maximum time limit per visit• Upon arrival, parents/guardians should attend to the child’s bathroom/diaperneeds. The Kids Club staff will not be responsible for changing diapers orassisting with bathroom needs other than snaps or buttons.RESERVATIONS• In order to ensure space availability and safety, advance reservations arerequired for all children. Please be aware we can only accommodate one (1)child 18 months and younger per hour.• Reservations must be made online or during the Gemini Center operatinghours at the front desk, in person or via telephone.• Reservations will be held 15 minutes past the scheduled time, after which thatspace will be made for other potential users.CHECK IN/OUT PROCEDURE• Before utilizing the Kids Club room, parents/guardians must complete aMedical/Emergency Contact Form for each child. Please allocate at least 10-15minutes for a brief orientation to the Kids Club on your first visit.• Upon each arrival, parents/guardians must complete the Kids Club check in/out sheet with information such as child’s name, time in, parent/guardian name,and anticipated location in the facility.• A wristband with corresponding numbers for the parent/guardian and childwill be attached to both the child and the parent/guardian. Wristbands mustremain on both the child and the parent/guardian for the duration of each visit.KIDS CLUBMon-Fri 8:00 am -12:00pm DUE TO STAFFING, THERE WILL BE LIMITED HOURS:COLD AND FLUYou SHOULD NOT visit Kids Club if you have/had:•A fever within the last 24 hours• Vomited within the last 24 hours• Diarrhea within the last 24 hours• Significant and persistent nasal drainage, which is green or yellow in color
FAIRVIEW PARK RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (440) 356-4444 • www.fairviewparkrec.com91RULES AND REGULATIONS • Non-marking athletic shoes.• Wet shoes prohibited.• Gemini Center dress code applies at all times. SHIRTS REQUIRED.• No profanity.• Programmed and scheduled activities have priority.• No food, drink or gum allowed. Water only in closed containers.• Items may not be thrown between the gym & fitness floor.• All throwing of balls is strictly limited to the gym.• During open gym times, basketball only is permitted.• Full court is not permitted if only 1/2 of the gym is available. Half-court play may also be limited based on attendance in the gym.• No softball, baseball or lacrosse unless rented.MAIN GYM AND MULTI-PURPOSE GYMGEMINI CENTER•Children over the age of 4 are not permitted in the opposite sex locker room. Please use the Family Changing Rooms located inside the entrance to the Aquatics Center. The family changing rooms are intended for use by those who need assistance or have young children.•The Gemini Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please put all belongings in a locker and secure with a personal lock. Personal locks must be removed daily or they will be cut off. •No food, drink, gum or chewing tobacco permitted. • No horseplay permitted. •The handicap showers are for those individuals who require physical assistance. LOCKER ROOMSThe City of Fairview Park Recreation Department invites you to contact us if you are interested in renting any of the following athletic facilities.GEMINI CENTER MAIN GYMGEMINI CENTER MULTIPURPOSE GYMFAIRVIEW PARK STADIUM TURF FIELD OR TRACKBOHLKEN PARK BASEBALL / SOFTBALL DIAMONDSThe Recreation Department, School District and/or City of Fairview Park sponsored groups are considered In-House users and qualify for In-House rates. All RESIDENT groups require 80% residency to qualify.Renters, other than Outside Varsity Athletics, cannot charge admissions to events at any Fairview Park athletic facility unless authorized by the City of Fairview Park’s Recreation Department. If you are interested in securing any of the above facilities please call 440-356-4444.The Gemini Center Main Gymnasium has a wooden floor, two high school basketball courts dividable into four junior size basketball courts or three volleyball courts with electronic score boards. The Multi-Purpose Gym has a rubberized floor striped for soccer and volleyball, built-in soccer goals, observation area for teams, elevated wrestling mat movers and scoreboards. Between the two gymnasiums is a sitting area.
93RENTAL OPPORTUNITIESMAPLE ROOM(Seats 80 with full-size catering kitchen)MONDAY - THURSDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $35 per hourResident: $45 per hourBusiness: $55 per hourNon-Resident: $55 per hourFRIDAY - SUNDAY(Hourly Rates) Member: $45 per hourResident: $55 per hourBusiness: $65 per hourNon-Resident: $65 per hourROOM RENTAL RATES -Subject to change in 2023 OAK OR BIRCH ROOM(Seats 80 with kitchenette)MONDAY - THURSDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $30 per hourResident: $40 per hourBusiness: $50 per hourNon-Resident: $50 per hourFRIDAY - SUNDAY(Hourly Rates) Member: $40 per hourResident: $50 per hourBusiness: $60 per hourNon-Resident: $60 per hourMAPLE AND OAK ROOM(Seats 160 people with kitchens)MONDAY - THURSDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $55 per hourResident: $65 per hourBusiness: $85 per hourNon-Resident: $85 per hourFRIDAY - SUNDAY(Hourly Rates) Member: $65 per hourResident: $75 per hourBusiness: $95 per hourNon-Resident: $95 per hourOAK AND BIRCH ROOM(Seats 160 with kitchenettes)MONDAY - THURSDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $50 per hourResident: $60 per hourBusiness: $80 per hourNon-Resident: $80 per hourFRIDAY - SUNDAY(Hourly Rates) Member: $60 per hourResident: $70 per hourBusiness: $90 per hourNon-Resident: $90 per hourEVERGREEN ROOM(Seats 250 with kitchens)MONDAY - THURSDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $100 per hourResident: $110 per hourBusiness: $140 per hourNon-Resident: $140 per hourFRIDAY - SUNDAY(Hourly Rates) Member: $120 per hourResident: $130 per hourBusiness: $160 per hourNon-Resident: $160 per hourWILLOW ROOM(Seats 20 people)MONDAY - SUNDAY (Hourly Rates)Member: $25 per hourResident: $30 per hourBusiness: $40 per hourNon-Resident: $40 per hourThe Gemini Center is equipped with 3 spacious rooms that can seat up to 80 people or be combined for 250. For more information, please contact our Rental Coordinator at 440-356-4444 ext 109.The Maple Room has a full-size catering kitchen that includes a microwave, convection oven, coffee maker, refrigerator, freezer, sink and icemaker. The Oak and Birch Rooms each have a kitchenette that includes a microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, sink and counter space.All private rentals are first come, first serve. Proof of residency is required for renters to receive member/resident rate, and the renter must be present for the entire event.
RULES AND REGULATIONS:• Gemini Center activities/programs have priority over any private rentals.• All private rentals are first come, first serve. Proof of residency is required for renters to receive member/resident rate,and the renter must be present for the entire event.• Facility rental does not include admission to the Gemini Center.• Renters will use their own caterers. All on-site caterers will have certain responsibilities including but not limited toproviding proof of insurance and a credit card number to be charged in the event of damages. It is the responsibility of thecaterer/renter to provide all dishes, utensils, decorations, and linens.• The Gemini Center is a non-smoking facility.• The rental hours of the Community Rooms follow the hours of operation of the Gemini Center. Rental hours can beextended until midnight on Friday and Saturday, however, extended staffing charges may apply. Renter access to room islimited to the times agreed to on the Rental Application.• Gemini Center staff will set up tables and chairs prior to the rental time. Set-ups and tear-downs of personal effects suchas linens, centerpieces, etc, are the responsibility of the renter. Renter is requested to leave the room in the condition inwhich you found it, wiping down tables & chairs, and bagging all trash. Cleaning supplies are provided. All personal propertymust be removed.• No decorations may be attached to the walls, windows, doors, tables, chairs or light fixtures, and the use of tape, pushpins, rice, confetti, "silly string", glitter and the like is prohibited.• Renters bringing their own AV devices (laptops, projectors, IPods) are required to bring their own cables. A sound andvisual check must be done prior to the event.• Rentals that occur during operating hours with parties of 50 or more will be required to park in the back lot located offW. 213th Street until spaces are full; parking will the proceed to the front lot. Parking is not permitted at the library oroffices next to the center, cars will be towed.• One-half (1/2) of the room rental fee is due at contract signing, and a credit card (MC/Visa/Discover) must be provided asa security deposit. Should damages occur; the credit card on file will be charged. The balance of the room rental fee is duethirty (30) days prior to the event. Reservations are not considered final or confirmed until full payment of all fees isreceived by the Gemini Center.• The Rental coordinator must be contacted directly for all cancellations. Any event that is scheduled for two or morerooms must be cancelled 60 days prior to rental date in order to receive a refund. Sectional rentals (one room) must becancelled 30 days prior to rental date in order to receive a refund. Failure to contact rental coordinator will result in norefund.• Management reserves the right to cancel a rental if facility rental policies are violated.9393WAVE ROOM RENTALSDue to the Aquatics Center Closure, there will be no Wave Room Rentals at this time.
9495RULES AND REGULATIONS• The cabin is a historical site. No decorations may be attached to thewalls, windows, doors, tables, chairs or light fixtures, and the use oftape, push pins, rice, confetti, “silly string”, glitter and the like isprohibited. Items are not permitted to be hung from the ceiling orlights. • Open flames are not permitted, along with hay, or any other itemsthat can cause difficult clean up or hazard to guests.• NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR SMOKING ALLOWEDANYWHERE IN THE CABIN OR BAIN PARK• NO FIRE PITS or GRILLS permitted.• The Cabin accommodates maximum 80 people seated at tables at one time. • The custodian sets up and takes down the tables.• Tables used are 6ft x 3ft. Tables and chairs are not to be removedfrom the cabin at anytime.• The Gazebo is included in the rental of the Bain Cabin, but you mustrent chairs to use at Gazebo if needed.BAIN CABIN(Seats 100)RENTAL OPPORTUNITIESBAIN PARK CABIN & PAVILIONMONDAY – SUNDAY Day Hours 9:00a-4:00pmResident: $150Non-Resident: $240MONDAY - THURSDAYEvening Hours 5:30pm-12:00amResident: $150Non-Resident: $27594RENTALS94FRIDAY - SUNDAYEvening Hours 5:30pm-12:00amResident: $200Non-Resident: $335The Cabin, located at 21077 North Park Dr., offers the following amenities: • A kitchen with convection oven, (no stove top available), refrigerator,freezer, microwave, sink, counter work space, ice maker.• Coffee maker (RENTER MUST SUPPLY COFFEE/FILTER, STANDARDSIZE AND COFFEE)• Bathrooms (handicapped accessible)• Heat and air conditioning• Artificial fireplace that gives off heat (Renters must ask the Custodian toturn it on)• 6 foot long banquet tables/folding chairs• 2 wood picnic tables on back patio• Renter is responsible for any audio/visual equipment.• Garbage cans and bags are supplied.• PLEASE NOTE THE CABIN DOES NOT HAVE WI-FI CAPABILITIES.RENTAL RATESSubject to change in 2023MONDAY - SUNDAYEntire Day9:00am-12:00amResident: $350Non-Resident: $575BAIN PAVILION(Seats 100)Residents: $50Non-Residents: $85The Pavilion is located at the corner of Eaton and West Park.Amenities include: 8 picnic tables, covered seating area and 2 grillsOne rental permitted per day.Restrooms are open Memorial Day weekend and close Labor Day WeekendReservations now being accepted for 2023. Viewings for the Cabin are held by appointment only.For more information on our Community Rooms, Cabin or Pavilion Rentals, please contact our Rental Coordinator at 440-356-4444 ext 109.
Adaptive ProgramsREC2CONNECTRec2Connect's mission is to connect people with special needs andtheir families through community recreation, wellness, and lifetimeleisure skills. They are devoted to fostering growth and overalldevelopment in children and adults with special needs throughinnovative Recreation and Aquatic Therapy services.For more information on the land and aquatics programs, visit Courtesy Rec2Connect Facebook Page
JUNIOR CAVSGRADES 3-8NO TEAM REQUESTSLOCATION: Gemini Center Gym & surrounding citiesPractices start in DecemberIncludes:• Jr. Cavs co-branded reversible jersey• Two (2) Cavs tickets/vouchers per participant & otherleague benefits.After November 20 wait list only & need approval by Athletic Coordinator.3-4 Grade Boys & Girls Division5-6 Grade Boys & Girls Division7-8 Grade Boys & Girls DivisionFEES OCTOBER 15 - NOVEMBER 13Members - $90Residents - $95Non-Residents - $100FEES AFTER NOVEMBER 13Youth Sports & ProgramsRequests, Appeals, and Coaching• If you volunteer to be a HEAD COACH, you may request to be placed with ONE parent assistant coach of Head Coach’s and their child.• Siblings will be assigned to the same team or class session, gender permitting• Requests are not guaranteed for any youth sports league or class.• For leagues in which scores and / or standings are kept, any request is not guaranteed in order to form equal and competitive teams.• Number of registrations prior to registration deadline will determine the number of teams entered into each league.Registration Information• Registration is open without penalty until the deadline noted for each specific sport / program. Beginning the day after the deadline, late registrations will be taken IF SPOTS ARE AVAILABLE. A $10 fee increase will be assessed for each late registration. A wait list will be started once the league / program is full and / or teams are formed. Programs may meet their maximums before the registration deadline. **Subject to change based on registration numbers and season start dates.**•Refunds will be issued based on the following circumstances:• Full Refund by initial payment method if participant is injured and can provide a doctor’s note prior to participating in a game for a sports league or prior to the first day of class for a leisure program• Full or Partial Credit in the Gemini Center Sportsman system for any withdrawals other than injuries to be used towards any class registration or membership renewal (Must be submitted prior to league or class start date)•Other refunds issued at the discretion of Gemini Center ManagementVOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDED! YOUTH BASKETBALLGRADES 1-2Practices will be held once per week (typically at 5:30 PM) and games are on Saturday mornings throughout the season. Volunteer coaches manage the teams and all games will be played at the Gemini Center gyms. Games begin January 7.Boys & Girls Divisions if numbers allowFEES OCTOBER 15 - NOVEMBER 13Members - $70 Residents - $75Non-Residents - $80 Members - $80Residents - $85 Non-Residents - $95FEES AFTER NOVEMBER 13VOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDED! Members - $45Residents - $50Non-Residents - $55YOUTH IRISH DANCE(Age 3-5)Story time, games, dolls and more are incorporated in class to provide an interactive fun experience for children to learn Irish Dance. This class teaches proper technique for Traditional Irish Dances. In addition, dancers will learn coordination, poise, movement and rhythm with emphasis on the basic style and characteristics which make Irish Dance a unique art form. Irish Dance is full of energy with jumps, kids and skips. Dancers will benefit from the many wonderful health benefits of Irish Dance.Class Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm; SundaysInstructor: Peggy CannonLocation: Studio 2FEES: November 6 - December 18 (No class Nov 27)Members - $100 Residents - $105 Non-Residents - $110Members - $45Residents - $50Non-Residents - $55YOUTH IRISH DANCE(Age 6+)This class teaches proper technique for Traditional Irish Dances. In addition, dancers will learn coordination, poise, movement and rhythm with emphasis on the basic style and characteristics which make Irish Dance a unique art form. Irish Dance is full of energy with jumps, kids and skips. Age-appropriate activities are included to engage the dancers. Dancers will benefit from the many wonderful health benefits of Irish Dance.Class Time: 1:45pm-2:30pm; SundaysInstructor: Peggy CannonLocation: Studio 2FEES: November 6 - December 18 (No class Nov 27)
YOUTH SPORTS & PROGRAMSTINY MOVERS TAP/BALLET (Age 3 - 41/2 )A combination dance class of tap and ballet with tumbling and dance games for kids. This energetic and expressive class will have your Tiny Mover learning basic dance and motor skills, musicality and rhythm to reach class goals in fun creative ways. Classes start with tap and then transition into ballet each week. This is the first ‘big kids’ class as parents watch from outside of the room. Dancers are welcome to join throughout the year. This class is great for both boys & girls. Class is designed to be progressive, continuing throughout the year until the annual spring recital. See dress code. Class Time: 4:00-4:55pm; WednesdaysInstructor: Dance to EvOLveLocation: Studio 2FEES: Fall Session 2: October 26 - December 14NO CLASS 11/23Members & Residents - $116 (7 week session) Non-Residents: $126 (7 week session)STAR SHINERS BALLET/TUMBLE (Age 41/2-6 )Keep your Star Shiner moving in this tap and ballet combination class. This progressive class introduces curriculum goals through fun movement allowing your dancer to be challenged while expressing themselves. Classes start with tap and then transition into ballet each week. Dancers develop dance, listening, and coordination skills, including an emphasis on ballet terminology and technique as they work towards the annual spring recital. Once a month, class will get switched up with a jazz dance day!Class Time: 5:00pm - 5:55pm; Wednesdays Instructor: Dance to EvOLveLocation: Studio 2BEAT BREAKERS HIP HOP(Age 4-7 )This fun, high-energy kid’s dance class enables boys to be boys and girls to let loose while developing creativity, coordination, musicality, and listening skills. Activities include hip hop, and dance games in a non-stop action-packed class that will have you movin’ to the beats! All music and moves are age appropriate. Dancers encouraged to participate in the annual spring recital.Class Time: 6:00pm-6:55pm; Wednesdays Instructor: Dance to EvOLveLocation: Studio 2Dance To EvOLvE specializes in children’s dance classes and holds classes at multiple convenient studio locations in Northeast Ohio. We believe in learning through laughter and have a mission to EvOLvE our students through dance while creating heart-warming smiles. Fall Session 2: October 26 - December 14NO CLASS 11/23FEES: Fall Session 2: October 26 - December 14NO CLASS 11/23Members & Residents - $116 (7 week session) Non-Residents: $126 (7 week session)Members & Residents - $116 (7 week session) Non-Residents: $126 (7 week session)FEES: Winter Session 1: January 11 - February 15Members & Residents - $99 (6 week session) Non-Residents: $109 (6 week session)FEES: Winter Session 1: January 11 - February 15Members & Residents - $99 (6 week session) Non-Residents: $109 (6 week session)FEES: Winter Session 1: January 11 - February 15Members & Residents - $99 (6 week session) Non-Residents: $109 (6 week session)Free Trial Class 1/11 Free Trial Class Jan 11* Free Trial Class 1/11 Free Trial Class Jan 11*Free Trial Class Jan 11** Try high-quality fun Dance to EVOLVE classes without obligation on January 11.Liability waiver required. Classes are designed to be progressive. All participants areinvited to be part of the annual recital in June, 2023Twitter: @Gemini_CenterFacebook: GeminiCenterFP BABYSITTER TRAINING AGES 11-15This course is designed to help participants develop leadership skills, build their business, help keep themselves and others safe, help children learn how to behave, and learn basic child care and basic first aid. Please bring a drink, a lunch and baby doll. Location: Birch Room, Gemini CenterTime: 9am-3pm SFEES: Session I: Saturday, November 12Members - $80 Residents - $85 Non-Residents - $90FEES: Session 2: Saturday, December 10Members - $80 Residents - $85 Non-Residents - $90
FITNESS &WELLNESSFITNESS FLOOR RULES & ETIQUETTE• The Fitness Floor will operate during the facility’s hours of operation.• Use of the Fitness Floor is restricted to those patrons 15 years of age or older.• Proper workout attire is required (i.e. t-shirts, gym shorts, sweat pants, athletic shoes, etc.) Nojeans, sports bras or street shoes are permitted.• Please remember this is a family-oriented facility.• Patrons are asked to adhere to a 30 minute time limit for all cardio equipment during peak times.• Peak times will be defined as those instances when all pieces of one equipment type are in use (i.e.all treadmills, all elliptical, etc)• Members must clean off each piece of equipment with sanitizer wipes after each use.• All weights must be returned to their proper location after use. Please remove all weight plates fromthe free-weight equipment when finished.• The inside lanes of the Track are for walkers only. The outside lanes are for joggers/runners.• Sprints on the Track are only permitted on the straight-aways.• All stretching must be done in the designated areas off the edge of the Track.• The Track may not be used as an observation area for activities in the Gym, or Multi-Purpose areas.• Baby joggers, strollers and rollerblades are prohibited. Children may be carried in a baby carrier only.Children under the age of 12 are not permitted unless being carried in a baby carrier.36For all the latest Group Fitness Schedules, be sure to visit!
FITNESS & WELLNESSADULTSPILATESINSTRUCTOR: ShariRATE: $8 Member; $10 Non-MemberMind-body exercise based on the principles of Joseph Pilates; strengthen core muscles through mat training that emphasizes correct spinal and pelvic alignment.SPINNINGRATE: $5 Member; $7 Non-MemberA Certified Instructor will coach you through a variety of terrains and heart rate zones on the bike. All fitness levels welcome…space limited to 10. Bring a towel and water. Time Day(s)Fridays (Melissa B)TRXRATE: $5 Member; $7 Non-MemberBorn in the Navy SEALs, Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability simultaneously. Space is limited. Pre-registration is recommended. Time Day(s)5:45-6:30a Mondays (Rachel) Wednesdays (Rachel)5:45-6:30a Tuesdays (Missy M )8:15a-9:10a Saturdays (Melissa B)Mondays6:30p-7:30p Thursdays Time Day(s)YOGAINSTRUCTOR: PeggyRATE: $8 Member; $10 Non-Member This class integrates body and mind for total performance featuring strength, conditioning & flexibility. Bring your own yoga mat.Time Day(s)9:00a-10:00aSaturdays 10:00a-11:00a 5:40a-6:25a 5:40a-6:25a 8:15a-9:10a Sundays (Melissa B/Missy M)Time Day(s)WARRIOR RHYTHMINSTRUCTOR: INSTRUCTOR: JessicaJessicaRATE:RATE: $$8 Member; $10 Non-Member8 Member; $10 Non-MemberFitness-focused with yoga undertones, WARRIOR Rhythm™ increases strength, flexibility, and balance. It’s yoga + weights + HIIT + mindfulness rolled into one insanely rhythmic experience! Grab a yoga mat, and weights and get ready for unconventional yoga flows and unforgettable playlists designed to unleash your inner wild thing. Saturdays 10:15a-11:15a BARREBARREINSTRUCTOR: INSTRUCTOR: JessicaJessicaRATE:RATE: $$8 Member; $10 Non-Member8 Member; $10 Non-MemberTTotal body workouotal body workout using weights, bt using weights, balleallet bar,t bar, Pilates exercisePilates exercises and yoga stres and yoga stretctches to tone andhes to tone and scusculptlpt66XXQQGD\VGD\V DDDDTime Day(s)Instructors Wanted!Are you certified? Are you interested in building a great fitness program?Contact for more information.
OLDER ADULTOur senior group exercise objectives, working with the SilverSneakers® organization, are to minimize age-related physical deterioration, and improve health and physical fitness in order to increase functional activities for daily living. Through SilverSneakers and other affiliations, our instructors receive training and continuing education in older-adult fitness to consistently offer participants the latest information, research updates and practical tools to deliver classes in the safest and most effective format. FITNESSFor more information on Senior Activities in the community, please contact the Senior Life Department FAIRVIEW PARK SENIOR CENTER • (440) 356-443620769 Lorain Road • Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 FITNESS FLOOR RULES & ETIQUETTEIn order for all participants to enjoy class in a safe environment, we ask that you observe the following class rules:•Shoes are required, along with appropriate apparel.• Please participate in the class as presented by the instructor.• Maintain adequate spacing for all participants to view the instructor.• Please allow the class before yours to exit before you enter.• Please be on time, and let your instructor know if you are leaving early.• In classes requiring a chair for support, SilverSneakers requires that achair is available for every student in the class.In addition to the above, feel free to ask your instructor for variations if there are moves you are unable to do. Listen to your body’s limitations. Be sure to bring water to class, and have breakfast.
ZUMBA GOLDINSTRUCTOR: RachelDesigned for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba®class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. Easy-to-follow Zumba®choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.This class incorporates athletic exercises that boost your overall fitness. Move through muscle-conditioning blocks and activity-specific drills to improve strength and functional skill. A fusion of yoga and Pilates that focuses on stretching and core strength. Improve your flexibility and balance in a class that’s good for your body and your mind. Please bring yoga mat. Time Day(s)SILVERSNEAKERS® CLASSICIncrease muscular strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level. Time Day(s)10:15a-11:00aSILVERSNEAKERS® CIRCUITExperience standing, low-impact choreography alternated with standing upper-body strength work. This class is suitable for nearly every fitness level, and your instructor can adapt the exercises depending on your skill. Time Day(s)9:00a - 9:45a Tuesdays (Shari) Time Day(s)9:00a - 9:45a MondaysSILVERSNEAKERS® YOGAINSTRUCTOR: ShariMove through seated and standing yoga poses designed to increase flexibility, balance, and range of movement. Finish with restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation to promote reduced stress and mental clarity. Time Day(s)10:15a - 11:00a Mondays (Shari) Wednesdays FITNESS & WELLNESSSILVERSNEAKERS® & OLDER ADULTS (Ages 60 & Older) BOOM MUSCLE & MINDFAIRVIEW PARK RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (440) 356-4444 • www.fairviewparkrec.com10:15a-11:15a Tuesdays (Andrea) Wednesdays (Andrea)11:15a-12:00p FridaysCLASS INFORMATION• Members Only (Gemini Center, Silver Sneakers or Optum)• Sign Up sheet will be located at Front Desk at 8am Wednesdays (Andrea) Thursdays (Jessica)9:00a - 9:45a10:15a - 11:00a Tuesdays (Shari)9:00a - 9:45a 9:00a - 9:45a 10:15a - 11:00a Thursdays (Jessica)TAI CHI EASYINSTRUCTOR: MikeA mind, body, spirit class that includes 5 gentle movements which will aid in balance, flexibility and strength. Will help you to be more in tune with your own body. Time Day(s)10:00a - 11:00a Fridays