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soldFROM LISTED TOYour Home of Georgia Team 7 7 0 - 8 3 1 - 3 2 2 2 | W W W . Y O U R H O M E O F G E O R G I A . C O MA H O M E S E L L E R ' S G U I D E

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Nice to meet you770.831.3222christine@yourhomeofgeorgia.comwww.yourhomeofgeorgia.com'S

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M E E T T H E T E A MSeniorAgentREALTOR®404.394.8329Jill JacksonCo LeadREALTOR®770.831.3222Jim WellsTeam LeadREALTOR®770.656.4407Christine MoodyAgentREALTOR®678.448.2170Rose Moody

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STEP ONEconsultationSTEP TWOpricingSTEP THREEstagingSTEP FOURSTEP FIVEpre-marketingSTEP SIXgoing liveSTEP SEVENshowingsSTEP EIGHTofferSTEP NINEnegotiatingSTEP TENinspectionsSTEP ELEVENappraisalSTEP TWELVEtitle & utilitiesSTEP THIRTEENfinalwalkthroughSTEP FOURTEENclosingSTEP FIFTEENlast stepsprocessH O M E S E L L I N Gphotography &videography

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F A C T O R 3marketingWe offer SUPERIOR MARKETING TECHNIQUES to help get your home sold faster and for more moneythan the competition.PROSPECTINGProspecting daily for potential buyers, talking with neighbors, and our co-op agents and past clients. MARKETINGThe second you sign with us, we go to work on marketing your home! COMING SOON MARKETING,ONLINE MARKETING, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING and PRINT MARKETING are all part of the success ofgetting your home seen by the most potential buyers, selling your home faster and for more moneythan the competition.COMMUNICATIONActively communicate with you through every step of the process. Diligently sharing feedback fromshowings, following up with agents after viewing the home, and calling weekly to discuss the progressfrom the previous week. the advantage of listing with us85% of staged homes sold for 6-25% moreMost tasks are completed during the appointment PROFESSIONAL STAGING ARRANGED SHOULD SELLER WANTBOOSTED ONLINE EXPOSUREToday’s market is centered on technology. Buyers are performing their own searches online,so it is important that your listing is ranked high and shown in it’s best light. Studies haveshown that online buyers, disregard homes with limited photos, low quality photos, andminimal information. Rest assured we take the extra steps to get maximum exposure foryour listing and give the online shopper a wealth of information, as well as quality photos,and video tours. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDEDF A C T O R 1pricingWhen pricing your home it is important to carefully consider top market value. Using ourcompetitive market analysis tool, I will suggest your home’s best listing price. We sell homesHIGHER than the market average because we list homes at the correct price from the start. F A C T O R 2how it showsIt is important to have your home ready for market on day one. We will help you make sure yourhome is ready for showings and online by:Completing repairs that need to be doneDecluttering & removing personal itemsMaking sure the home is clean and smells fresh Cleaning carpetsNeutralizing spaces and wallsD E T E R M I N I N G F A C T O R SFOR IF A PROPERTY WILL SELL OR WILL NOT SELL

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listing strategy+15%+10%-10%-15%10%30%60%75%90%*MVUsing a scientific market analysis in your area, we will price your home correctly the first time so thatit will sell quickly.If your home is priced at fair market value, it will attract the largest number of potential buyers in thefirst few weeks. If a home is overpriced it will attract the fewest number of buyers looking to purchase a home. Themajority of home buyers look at a lot of homes, and they quickly get a feel for the price range thathomes sell for in a given condition and location.P R I C I N G S T R A T E G YP R O F E S S I O N A L S T A G I N GTo make sure your home is shown in the best light to buyers, we will arrange a professionalstaging consultation to ensure your home is ready to go on the market. A stager's job is toneutralize your home to appeal to the maximum number of potential buyers. P R O F E S S I O N A L P H O T O G R A P H YIn today’s market, home buyers are searching online first. It is imperative that the photos of yourhome are top notch and of the best quality to catch the buyers attention and stand out from thecompetition. Having more eyes on your home, is the fastest way to get it sold and sell for topdollar.A G E N T M A R K E T I N G We are part of a very large agent network. We will reach out to this network to see if your homemight be a great fit for one of their buyers. This agent network is key to connecting buyers withyour home as 88% of residential sales involve real estate agents.A D V E R T I S I N G & M A R K E T I N GWe know the importance of marketing a property. This is an area we heavily focus our budgeton. Our expertise is attracting hundreds of buyers per month, and increasing brand awareness.ASKING PRICEcompared to market value% OF BUYERSin the market*MV= Market ValueACTIVITY LEVELWHEN MOSTOFFERS ARERECEIVEDWEEKS ON MARKET121110987654321

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A clean, neutral, and streamlined look helps buyers to imagine what life would be likein your home. The action points below will help them be able to do that. • Wash or paint the home’s exterior • Paint the front door • Keep the yard nicely trimmed • Keep the lawn free of clutter • Weed and freshly mulch garden beds • Clean interior and exterior windows • Apply fresh paint or stain to wooden fences • Remove personal items, excessive decorations & furniture • Replace or clean carpets • Get rid of clutter and organize and clean closets • Apply a fresh coat of paint to walls, trim and ceilings • Replace outdated ceiling fixtures, and clean lighting fixtures • Minimize and clean pet areas in the home • Be sure that all light bulbs are in working orderA new coat of exterior paint helps a home's curb appeal. It isn’t a low-budget item, but if you can swing it...DO ITIf you can’t paint the entire home, paint the trim. This is a relatively simple thing to do and it helps give a home that wowfactorUpdate exterior light fixtures. This can quickly give a home an updated lookPut a fresh coat of paint on the front doormaximize your home's potentialE X T E R I O RI N T E R I O RF R E S H E N T H E P A I N T & F I X T U R E S010203preparing to list

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the art of staging90%staged homes spentless time on the market5%•LESS TIME ON THE MARKET•INCREASED SALE PRICE•HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST FEATURES OF THE HOME•DISGUISES FLAWS OF THE HOME•DEFINES SPACES AND REVEAL PURPOSE OF EACH SPACE•DEMONSTRATES THE HOMES FULL POTENTIAL•CREATES THE WOW FACTOR YOU WILL NEED IN PHOTOS TO MAKE YOUR HOME STAND OUTStaging a home is definitely different the designing a home. The goal of hiring astager is having a trained eye come into your home and look at it as a buyerwould. This service is to create a clean, decluttered look so that potential buyerscan look at your home like a blank canvas to envision all their loved ones andbelongings in the space for years to come. staged homes increased sale price up toB E N E F I T S O F S T A G I N G

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real estate photographya picture says a thousand wordsA listing's photos are often the first and sometimes only opportunity to attract apotential buyer. Most buyers are finding their homes online and photos are the firstimpression of your home. Pictures are the key to getting a home noticed, showingsscheduled and therefore sold. As your agent, I will ensure that your listing will beshown in its best light. Many times a buyer has already decided if they are interestedin your home just from the pictures online, without ever stepping foot inside yourhome. 118%quality photos enjoymore online views19K MOREprofessionally shot listingscan sell for up to10 TIMESpotential buyers look atprofessionally shot photoslonger than non professional photosinteresting facts:

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videographyvideo is the number one form of media for engagement Real estatelistings with videoreceive more inquiriesVideos attract more traffic fornurturing leads.of homebuyerswatch video housetours403%300%70%Video gives a prospective buyer a true feeling of moving through a home, and is farmore descriptive of a space than still images can ever hope to be.PROFESSIONAL

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Using aerial photography in realestate can show buyers a muchmore accurate depiction of whatthe property is actually like. aerialP H O T O G R A P H YProvides views of the entireproperty & landThe condition of the roof andother property featuresThe neighborhood andsurrounding area, including thehome’s proximity to schools &amenitiesDevelopments or local districtsthat are supported by thebuyer’s property taxesbenefitsof having aerial photos:

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A virtual tour is a sequence of panoramic imagesthat are 'stitched' together to create a 'virtual'experience of a location. Once created, the viewer isable to experience what it is like to be somewherethey are actually notUtilizing cutting-edge technological solutions, wecan narrow in on the most serious buyers. By usingvirtual tours we can give buyers a good look at yourhome without disturbing you. Leaving only themore serious buyers to schedule a showing. They are interactive by design, which means usersspend more time exploring than they would lookingat photos. The more invested in the interactionpotential buyers feel, the more likely to take the nextstep in their purchase journey.Potential home buyers don't like to wait and theywant all the information now. Never missing anotheropportunity. A virtual tour allows your home to be ondisplay around the clock.Exposes your home to a wider audience. Your homecan be toured from clear across the country atanytime. T H E B E N E F I T StoursV I R T U A L

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Property brochures are a memorable marketing piece for buyers to bringhome with them after a showing. These brochure outline every detail ofyour home seen and unseen. We love using these to show all the uniquedetails, photos, neighborhood specs, schools, upgrades and features yourhome has to offer.brochuresP R O P E R T Y

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We have you coveredI f y o u w o u l d l i k e o n c e y o u r l i s t i n g g o e s l i v e , w ew i l l p r o v i d e a l l t h e n e c e s s a r y p r o t e c t i v e g e a r , a n df r i e n d l y r e m i n d e r s i g n s f o r a l l o f y o u r s h o w i n g s .J u s t l e t u s k n o w d u r i n g t h e p r e l i s t i n g p e r i o d i fy o u w o u l d l i k e .U p o n r e q u e s t w e w i l l p r o v i d e f a c e m a s k s , h a n ds a n i t i z e r , g l o v e s , s h o e c o v e r s , a n d s o c i a ld i s t a n c i n g r e m i n d e r s i g n s . W e a r e S O L D o nk e e p i n g y o u s a f e !safeK E E P I N G Y O U

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N E T W O R K I N GA large percentage of real estate transactions happen with co-operating agents inthe country. We will expose your listing to this market.N E T W O R K I N GA sign will be placed in your yard as well as pointers and open house signs prior to an openhouse. These will be placed at the most opportune times to gain the most exposure. S I G N A G EBuyers in today’s market first start their search online. We will meet your potential buyerwhere they! Not only will your home be featured in the local MLS, it will also befeatured on all major 3rd party real estate sites, and syndicated to literally hundreds of otherlisting sites. Your home will be featured on our company website, and social media.S U P E R I O R O N L I N E E X P O S U R EAn email will be sent to our current buyer database of thousands of buyers searching forproperties on our website. A new listing email alert will go out to our agent network ofthousands of agents in the area. E M A I L M A R K E T I N GHighly informative and creative property flyers will be displayed inside your home. Thesehelp potential buyers remember the key items and unique features of your home. P R O P E R T Y F L Y E R SLockboxes are essential for the safety of all. They allow an agent to show your housewhenever he or she needs to, rather than relying on you the owner for a key. Owners are alsoexpected to vacate the property for showings. Having a lockbox makes this process mucheasier for all involved.L O C K B O XWhen we list your home, you will also be signed up with a showing service that immediatelycommunicates with you when a showing is requestd. When feedback isn’t left, I will followup with those agents requesting their feedback within 24 hours.S H O W I N G SAfter reviewing many surveys, we have discovered the perfect formula for what day is best tolist a home and the perfect day for an open house. O P E N H O U S E SWe practice regular social media marketing on today’s top social sites which include and arenot limited to: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.S O C I A L M E D I A M A R K E T I N Grobust marketing

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We will feature your home on the top homesearch sites, on social media and syndicate it toover 400+ other sites. Homes that receive the top 10% of page views sellan average 30 days faster!maximumG E T F E A T U R E Dexposure

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showingsAfew tips to help your home showings go assmoothly as possibleF L E X I B L EBe as flexible and accommodating to the buyers schedule aspossible. We want to avoid having missed opportunities if at allpossible. I N F O R M E DMake sure everyone in the home is informed when showings are tohappen so they can keep their spaces clean.D A I L Y C L E A N I N GKeep up with daily messes. Wipe down kitchen and bathroomcounters before leaving for the day.O D O R SAvoid strong-smelling foods: Keep your meal prep as neutral andsimple as possible.F U R R Y F R I E N D SKeep pet areas clean. Clean up after your pets immediately andwash their bedding regularly. Hide pet food or litter. Not everyone isa pet person and it may hinder a potential buyers ability to picturethemselves living in your home.N A T U R A L L I G H TOpen blinds and curtains and let in as much natural light aspossible. Leave lights on before you leave for a showing.T R A S HEmpty trash cans to avoid any odors. Try to empty trash cansnightly so that the home is fresh when you leave for the day.T E M P E R A T U R EKeep the room temperature comfortable. This demonstrates tobuyers that the HVAC is working properly.P E R S O N A L SMake sure you place all valuables and prescriptions out of site andin a safe place.V A C A T EHaving a seller present can make buyers feel awkward. We want tomake the buyers feel at home and stay awhile.

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A conventional loan is often the least complicated. This is an appealingchoice for sellers. offersPrice is just one of manyconsiderationswhen deciding whichoffer is best for your home. Here are someof the other factorsthat matterThe fewer contingencies on an offer the better. Shorter time periods are alsovaluable.A cash offer is usually more appealing than a finance offer as the sellerdoesn’t need to worry about the bank approving the loan.Assures home sellers thatthe buyercan gettheloan they need.Sometimes an offer comes in high, but the buyer asks you to pay apercentage of the buyer’sclosing costs. You might need to close quickly to move on to the next adventure,or you might need to extend closing to allow time for the nexthome to be ready. Choosing the offer with the closing time thatfits your needs will be most attractive to you. If you care about the future of your home, a buyer letter couldassure you that you’re selling to someone who will love the homeand your neighbors as much as you did.Of course price matters too! If ahigh offerwill cost you more inclosing costs, repairs or other factors—then it probably won’t bethe better offer.If the home needs some repairs, but you don’t havethe time ormoneytodo them, a buyer who is willing to do them foryoumight be what you need. C O N T I N G E N C I E SA L L C A S H B U Y E RP R E - A P P R O V A LL O A N T Y P EC L O S I N G T I M E L I N EC L O S I N G C O S T SB U Y E R L E T T E RR E P A I R R E Q U E S T SO F F E R P R I C E

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NEGOTIATIONSWE CAN: •Accept the offer •Decline the offer If the offer isn’t close enough to your expectation and there is noneed to further negotiate.•Counter-offer A counter-offer is when you offer different terms to the buyer. AFTER AN OFFER IS SUBMITTEDTHE BUYER CAN THEN:•Accept the counter-offer•Decline the counter-offer•Counter the the offerYou can negotiate back and forth as many times as needed until youcan reach an agreement or someone chooses to walk away.OFFER IS ACCEPTEDYou will sign the purchase agreement and you are now officially under contract!This period of time is called the contingency period. Now inspections, appraisals, or anything else built into your purchaseagreement will take place.

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Renegotiate the sale price with the buyerRenegotiate with the buyer to cover the differenceCancel and re-listConsider an alternative all-cash offerhomeAPPRAISALIf the buyer is seeking a loan to purchase your home they will need to have anappraisal performed by the bank to verify the home is worth the loanamount.As a seller we want the property to appraise for at least the saleamount or more. It is very difficult to successfully contest your appraisal. Anexperienced agent demonstrates certain strategies to reveal value of thehome prior to the appraisal.APPRAISAL COMES IN AT OR ABOVE SALE PRICEYou are in the clear, and closing can be begin!APPRAISAL COMES IN BELOW SALE PRICE

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1. TRANSFER FUNDSThe transfer of funds may include payoffs to: • Seller’s mortgage company as well as any lien holders • Local government, if any property taxes are due • Third-party service providers • Real estate agents, for payment of commission • Sellers, if there are any proceeds from the sale of the home2. TRANSFER DOCUMENTSThe transfer of documents may include: • The deed to the house • Certificate of Title, Bill of Sale, and other real estate-related documents • Signed closing instructions and/or settlement statement (HUD 1) • Receipts (if needed) for completed repairs, per sales contract3. TRANSFER PROPERTYThe transfer of property may include: • Recording of the signed deed (completed by third-party) at county courthouse • Post-closing agreement, if seller will need to rent back home for specified time frame • Exchange of keys, garage door opener, security codes and/or devices, appliance manuals, etc. • Homeownership legally transfers to the new owner when the signed deed is recorded at the seller's local county courthouse.YOUR COSTSSeller’s commonly pay: • Mortgage balance & penalties if applicable • Any claims against your property • Unpaid assessments on your property • Real estate agents, for payment of commission • Title insurance policy • Home warrantyWHAT TO BRINGSellers need to bring to closing: • A government picture ID • House keys • Garage door openers • Mailbox and any other spare keysAFTER CLOSINGKeep copies of the following for taxes: • Copies of all closing documents • All home improvement receiptsClosing is when funds and documents are transferred in order to transfer ownership of the property to the buyer.The escrow officer will look over the contract and find out what payments are owed by who, prepare documentsfor closing, perform the closing, make sure all payoffs are completed, the buyer’s title is recorded, and that youreceive payoffs that are due to you. what to expectCLOSING THE SALE

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stepsF I N A LF O R S E L L E R SEnsure all blinds are closed, and lock the windowsand doors.L O C K U PTurn off valves to the sinks, toilets, appliances, andwater heater. Turn off all light switches and fans.Lastly, call the electric company.T U R N E V E R Y T H I N G O F FOnce title transfer has occurred contact yourinsurance agent to cancel your policy so you canreceive a refund of anyprepaid premiums.C A N C E L P O L I C I E SCancel utilities and close those accounts. Keep alist of phone numbers for each of your utility andentertainment companies.C L O S E A C C O U N T SLet everyone know your new address. Submit achange-of-address form to the post office.C H A N G E A D D R E S SSecure all closing documents as well as thecontract and closing documents. Keep them in asafe place.D O C U M E N T SPut together a packet of manuals, receipts, andany warranties as well.G A T H E R H O M E P A P E R W O R KEnsure that your home is completely clean uponleaving the home. Clean the cabinets,refrigerators, and other appliances inside and out.Thoroughly clean out the garage. Schedule trashpick up prior to the day of closing. Leave yourhome the way you would like to find it if you werethe buyer.C L E A NMove out your personal belongings completely.Check all drawers, cabinets, and closets.C L E A R O U T P E R S O N A L SLeave all house keys, remotes, gate keys, poolkeys, and mailbox keys in a drawer in the kitchen.I N C I D E N T A L SVacuum and sweep floors one more timeF L O O R S

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resourcesflooringelectricianWil Spurlock Electric770-271-9154willspurlock.complumbingMastercraft Plumbing404-456-1144mastercraftproservices.compaintingFresh Coat of cleaningfencingBritts Flooring770-982-2808britts.comlandscapingPenningtonFence770-963-9961penningtonfence.comrecommendedWe offer all of our client our movingtruck to assist with preparing yourhome for market as well as moving. Molly Maid678-389-7608mollymaid.comBUSINESS NAME123-456-7890website.comHVACClarks Heating&

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REVIEWS"Christine was an absolute pleasure to workwith! She understood what we were looking forand was patient and persistent in helping usfind our home. Even though the areas we wererequesting were not those she had worked inmuch before, she was quick to gain insights onthe area that helped us find the perfect spot.We appreciated all of Christine's expertise,energy and support during the process.""Jill Jackson assisted our family with bothlisting our home and helping us find our newhome. She was very detailed, explained all ofour options and offers we received and gave usgreat counsel. It was by far the smoothest homebuying experience we have had (and we havedone this 4x). I loved that Jill was alwaysaccessible and answered promptly when wehad questions.""From the minute we met the entire team, wewere impressed beyond words with theprofessionalism and enthusiasm each teammember showed in trying to help us find theperfect home. We were treated as though wewere their most important clients. Every phonecall, text, and every e-mail was immediatelyresponded to and the entire team went aboveand beyond to make the entire home buyingprocess an incredible experience. We plan tokeep in touch with all of the people on the team and have been encouraged by them toreach out at anytime should we ever needanything. This group of people are truly anincredible team and have become a part ofsome wonderful memories for our family.""Christine was great to work with. She helpedus sell our previous home quickly, and helpedus successfully overcome numerous issues withour new home purchase. I would recommendChristine's services to anyone who is looking topurchase or sell a home. Thanks for all yourhelp Christine , we love our new home!""I have already recommend The Team and theircompany to others in need of a real estateprofessional. The team very courteous andalways answered our questions in a timelymanner. The house we were selling was about1.5 hours away so if we ever needed their helpat the house they were willing to help outwhich cut our visits down tremendously. Hehas the tools and experience necessary to getthe job done.""The team did a fantastic job helping us to bothsell our home and find a new one. On the sellside, his experience and professionalismhelped us prepare our home to receive full listprice! He also represented us on the buy side,taking time to show us as many homes as wewanted and helping spot pros and cons of eachhouse. He was patient, attentive, and reallymade the whole process go as smooth aspossible."

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REAL Trends The Thousand survey ranks participating U.S. agents on their 2019 residential transaction sides and sales volume. ©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_3027255 OUT OF THE LAST 7 YEARSMORE TOP-RANKEDAGENTS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND.

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RE/MAX Outsells Other AgentsYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Choose the brand with outstanding agents, leading brand awareness and an unmatched global presence.INDUSTRY RE/MAX®THENATIONAL, FULL-SERVICE BROKERAGE BRANDSTRANSACTION SIDES PER U.S. AGENT1U.S. TRANSACTION SIDES2U.S. BRAND AWARENESS (UNAIDED)3 COUNTRIES & TERRITORIESOFFICESWORLDWIDEAGENTS WORLDWIDE15.7 979,522 37.3% 110+ 8,664 137,7928.6110,6862.0% 33 2,300 36,7008.154,579 0.2% 6 500 8,0007.8706,42019.4% 40 3,100 98,6007.6 60,510 9.0% 2 50 7,9247.5144,784 1.3% 1 300 19,3857.2 150,738 3.9% 75 1,000 24,0007.21,154,61314.1% 51 1,070 176,4677.1359,43033.4% 8413,222 144,7007.1359,8598.7% 9 1,500 50,0006.9 85,457 1.9% 5 400 12,5006.1238,981 0.3% 9 NA 41,3135.8 87,512 0.3% 2 300 15,0003.774,200 0.3% 1 180 20,000©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. Data is full-year or as of year-end 2020, as applicable. Except as noted, Coldwell Banker, Century 21, ERA, Sotheby’s and Better Homes and Gardens data is as reported by Realogy Corporation on SEC 10-K, Annual Report for 2020; data for all other competitors is from company websites and industry reports. 1U.S. transaction sides per agent are from the T3 Sixty Real Estate Almanac Enterprises report, citing 2020 transaction sides and agent counts, some of which are estimated by T3 Sixty. 2RE/MAX, Keller Williams, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Compass, Better Homes and Gardens, Century 21, Coldwell Banker, ERA and Sotheby’s transaction totals include commercial transactions while totals for all other brands are residential only. 3MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers, and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind? 21_3033522021 USAVS.

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Source: RE/MAX first-party data for full-year 2020.Source: More visits than any other national real estate franchisor website, according to SimilarWeb report of 2020 data for all U.S. real estate franchisors among website visits in the “Business and Consumer Services/Real Estate” category. ©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. All rights reserved. 21_303272***Keller WilliamsCentury 21Data from January-December 202025%FEWER VISITS** VISITS45%FEWER VISITS** VISITSColdwell Banker32%FEWER VISITS** VISITSOVER 80MILLION VISITSRE/MAX®#1 Real Estate Franchisor Site** The site they see.

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UNITED STATES15.39.015.43,60862,303967,090

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TOP 100 BROKERAGESWHEN RANKED BY MOST TRANSACTION SIDES PER AGENTProductivity. That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent.EXIT Realty – 1ERA – 1Keller Williams – 1Real Living – 1 Coldwell Banker – 2Non-Franchise – 7 87RE/MAX®of the top 100brokerages* *Based on 2021 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2020 transaction sides for the 1,753 largest participating U.S. brokerages (ranked by transaction sides). ©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_303352DOMINANT PRODUCTIVITYRank 1,753 of the largest brokerages by sides per agent, and what do you find? That the most productive agents are with RE/MAX.*Out of the top 100 brokerages ranked this way, 87 are RE/MAX firms. Their agents averaged 29 home sales in 2020.2021

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15.7RE/MAXAmong national U.S. brands, RE/MAX® agents average more home sales than agents at any other national real estate brand.*U.S. transaction sides per agent are from the T3 Sixty Real Estate Almanac Enterprises report, citing 2020 transaction sides, some of which are estimated by T3 Sixty. ©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_30335220218. BY TRANSACTION SIDES PER AGENTNATIONAL BRANDSAGENT PRODUCTIVITY BY BRAND T3 SIXTY REAL ESTATE ALMANAC

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2021SOLD16.0SOLD7. 3RE/MAXCompetitors$5.0$3.0millionmillionCompetitorsAmong the country’s largest real estate brokerages, RE/MAX® agents continue to outperform the competition in both transaction sides and sales volume.*DOUBLE THE OTHERSRE/MAX agents averaged more than twice as many transaction sides as competitors.HIGHER VOLUME BY FARRE/MAX agents averaged 67% more sales volume than the average for competitors.*Based on 2021 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2020 transaction sides for the 1,753 largest participating U.S. brokerages (ranked by transaction sides). ©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_303352Productivity. That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent.RE/MAX

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. Keller WilliamsCompared to 6.9 transaction sides for Keller Williams agents11.6%Keller Williams44Keller WilliamsMore trac thankw.com226%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. eXp RealtyCompared to 5.3 transaction sides for eXp agents0.3%eXp4eXpMore trac thanexprealty.com9482%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.3RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AGENT PRODUCTIVITY110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?Source: Reported in the 2020 T360 Real Estate Almanac’s Top 20 Residential Real Estate Franchisors based on Transaction Sides, citing 2019 production.RE/MAX® vs. Berkshire Hathaway HSCompared to 6.7 transaction sides for Berkshire Hathaway HS agents6%Berkshire Hathaway HS7Berkshire Hathaway HSMore trac thanberkshirehathawayhs.com383%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. Better Homes & GardensCompared to 6.4 transaction sides for Better Homes & Gardens agents1.7%Better Homes & Gardens5Better Homes & GardensMore trac thanbhgre.com1833%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. Coldwell BankerCompared to 7.3 transaction sides for Coldwell Banker agents18.5%Coldwell Banker44Coldwell BankerMore trac thancoldwellbanker.com106%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. CompassCompared to 5.6 transaction sides for Compass agents0.8%Compass1CompassMore trac thancompass.com797%

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GLOBAL PRESENCE: RE/MAXTRANSACTION SIDES15.6Source: Calculated by RE/MAX based on 2020 REAL Trends 500 data, citing 2019 transaction sides for the 1,711 largest participating U.S. brokerages.RE/MAX AGENTS AVERAGEONLINE PRESENCE 2019: remax.comSource: Hitwise data, Jan.-Dec. 2019#1Real EstateFranchisor WebsiteMore thanProductive agents. Influential brand. Unmatched global presence. RE/MAX is the clear choice in real estate.AMONG THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST BROKERAGES110Countries and Territories MORE BUYERS AND SELLERS THINK OF RE/MAX THAN ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE BRAND32.5%©2020 RE/MAX, LLC. Each RE/MAX Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 20_302525Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness among buyers, sellers and those planning to buy or sell; asked, when they think of real estate brands, which ones come to mind?RE/MAX® vs. Century 21Compared to 7.0 transaction sides for Century 21 agents24.2%Century 2184Century 21More trac thancentury21.com174%

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OFFICE COUNT©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. All rights reserved. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_303611MORE OFFICES WORLDWIDETHAN EVE R201620152014201320122011201020172018201920206,2596,2886,3316,4816,7516,9867,3437,8418,2298,6648,629Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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COUNTRY & TERRITORY COUNT110+84CENTURY 21110+RE/MAX40COLDWELL BANKER75SOTHEBY’SKELLER WILLIAMS51ERA339REALTY EXECUTIVESEXP BERKSHIRE HATHAWAYBETTER HOMES AND GARDENS569Data is year-end 2020. Coldwell Banker, Century 21, ERA, Sotheby’s, and Better Homes and Garden data is as reported by Realogy Corporation on SEC 10-K, Annual Report for 2020; all other competitor data is from company websites and industry reports. ©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. All rights reserved. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_303611THE LARGEST GLOBAL PRESENCEIN REAL ESTATE110+ COUNTRIES & TERRITORIESYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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2016111,9152015104,829201498,010201393,228201289,0082011AGENT COUNT119,0412017124,280201820192020137,792130,889©2021 RE/MAX, LLC. All rights reserved. Each Oce Independently Owned and Operated. 21_3036119 CONSECUTIVE YEARS OFWORLDWIDE GROWTH87,476Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Automated Listing SyndicationIntegrates WithYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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More Buyers and Sellers Think of RE/MAXYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Voted #1 Most Trusted AgentsYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Over 2 Million Total Transaction SidesYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Map of Comparable PropertiesRef # Status Address1 Subject Property 947 Trophy Club2 Currently On The Market 1236 Trophy Club Avenue3 Under Contract 1246 Trophy Club Avenue4 Recently Sold 1206 Trophy Club Avenue5 Recently Sold 1267 Trophy Club Avenue6 Recently Sold 1116 Trophy Club AvenueYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Currently On The Market1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23DescriptionBeautiful Spacious 4 Bed 2.5 Bath Home inSought after Del Mar Club Subdivision! ThisBright & Open Floorplan is a Must See! Grand 2Story Entrance With Formal Living, FormalDining, Sunken Family Room, Breakfast Room,Open Gourmet Kitchen with GraniteCountertops, Stainless Steel Appliances, PowderRoom on 1st Floor, 3 Secondary Large Roomsand Oversized Master Bedroom with SittingRoom, His & Her Walk-in Closets and more! Lastbut certainly not least, The Backyard withExtended Deck and Covered Porch is like yourown Personal Outdoor Oasis! One step into thisbackyard and You will definitely envision all thegreat gatherings, entertaining or just simplerelaxing ahead! Welcome Home! ***Seller toReplace Carpet With Brand New CarpetThru-Out Prior to closing*** Property DetailsArea: Subdiv: Del Mar Club at HarbYear Built: 2015Lot: xSqFt: 2895Style: TraditionalStories: 2Bedrooms: 4Full Baths: 2Half Baths: 1Heat: Forced AirCooling: Ceiling Fan(s)Fireplaces: 1Fireplace: Factory BuiltParking: GarageConstruction: Brick FrontBasement: NoneRoof: CompositionInterior: Coffered CeilingInterior: Crown MoldingExterior: Private YardYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1236 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $449,999 DOM: 23Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Under Contract1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30DescriptionThis 5 Bedroom 4 Bath House has only had 2owners and the home has been treated withlove. As you enter this home you will findyourself in a Welcoming 2-story foyer. To theleft, you will find a nice-sized sitting roomcurrently being used as an office. To the right,you have your separate dining room withgorgeous Craftsman Trim. You can findHardwood floors throughout most of thecommon areas of the home including the diningroom and kitchen. Full bed and bath found onmain floor perfect for a guest suite. Kitchenfeature granite countertops, a large island,stainless steel appliances, a tile backsplash, anda double oven! A large Extra Living Room Areacan be found upstairs along with 4 bedrooms, 3bathrooms, and Laundry Room. Patio areas canbe found in the front and the rear of the house.Won't Last Long! Property DetailsArea: Subdiv: Del Mar Club at HarbYear Built: 2015Lot: 64x130x62x129SqFt: 3066Style: TraditionalStories: 2Bedrooms: 5Full Baths: 4Half Baths: 0Heat: CentralCooling: Central AirFireplaces: 2Fireplace: Living RoomParking: GarageConstruction: Brick FrontBasement: NoneRoof: CompositionInterior: Double VanityInterior: Entrance FoyerExterior: OtherYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1246 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $479,000 DOM: 30Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Recently Sold1206 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $459,900 Sold Price: $475,000 DOM: 4DescriptionBeautiful 4 Bedroom 3.5 Bathroom Brick HomeIn Highly Sought After Del Mar Club Community!Come Home To This Lovely Open Concept FloorPlan With an Upgraded Kitchen W/IslandOverlooking A Cozy Family Room W/Fireplace.Featuring An Oversized Master On Main With ABeautifully Tiled Shower And A Large SoakingTub For Relaxing After A Long Day. Main LevelShowcases A 2 Story Entrance Foyer, HighCeilings, Hardwood Floors, Crown Molding,Beautiful Coffered Ceilings, And Lots Of NaturalLight. The Second Level Comes With Its OwnLiving Room/ Study Or Play Area And With 3Generously Sized Bedrooms, (One Of Which HasIts Own Private Bath!) With Walk-In Closets!And All This In A Tennis/Pool CommunityMinutes From Highway 316 And Shopping! Property DetailsArea: Subdiv: Del Mar Club at HarbYear Built: 2015Lot: xSqFt: 3139Style: TraditionalStories: 2Bedrooms: 4Full Baths: 3Half Baths: 1Heat: CentralCooling: Ceiling Fan(s)Fireplaces: 1Fireplace: Family RoomParking: DrivewayConstruction: Brick FrontBasement: NoneRoof: CompositionInterior: Coffered CeilingInterior: Double VanityExterior: NoneYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1206 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $459,900 Sold Price: $475,000 DOM: 4Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1206 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $459,900 Sold Price: $475,000 DOM: 4Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1206 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $459,900 Sold Price: $475,000 DOM: 4Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Recently Sold1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18DescriptionLarge 5 bedroom, 4 full bath home, loaded withupgrades, located in fabulous Del Mar Cubsubdivision! A lot of natural light. Gourmetkitchen, loaded with cabinets, granitecountertops, huge island, designer backsplash,stainless steel appliances, large pantry andkitchen that views the family room with cozyfireplace. Great for entertainment. Hardwoodfloors throughout the main. In-law suite on themain, with guess bedroom and full bath.Spacious dining room consists of cofferedceiling plus designer wainscoting panels.Separate living room. HUGE master bedroomwith sitting area, tray ceiling. Master bathroomwith garden tub, his and her closet, dual vanitiesand separate shower. Large media or flex room,great for entertainment for you and your kids.This home has a lot to offer. Great schools andlocated minutes from highway 316. Greatlocation! Property DetailsArea: Subdiv: Del Mar Club at HarkYear Built: 2014Lot: xSqFt: 3390Style: TraditionalStories: 2Bedrooms: 5Full Baths: 4Half Baths: 0Heat: CentralCooling: Ceiling Fan(s)Fireplaces: 1Fireplace: Factory BuiltParking: AttachedConstruction: Brick FrontBasement: NoneRoof: CompositionInterior: Cathedral CeilinInterior: Coffered CeilinExterior: Private Front EnYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1267 Trophy Club AvenueList Price: $460,000 Sold Price: $465,000 DOM: 18Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Recently Sold1116 TROPHY CLUB AvenueList Price: $430,000 Sold Price: $449,000 DOM: 13DescriptionGorgeous Craftsman in move-in ready condition.Walk into this easy-flowing floorplan withhardwoods and arched doorways on the mainlevel. Bright and airy space highlights thebeautiful details making you feel right at home.Located in the Archer School District and is anactive swim/tennis community. The main levelhas a sitting room/office space as you walk inflowing right into the formal dining room withcoffered ceilings. Continue to the updatedkitchen with warm wood cabinetry, wall oven,stainless steel appliances, recessed lighting,breakfast area, and granite counters. Perfect forentertaining with access to the covered backpatio and views to the living room. Upstairsoffers 3 guest rooms, laundry room, and largeOwners' Suite. Owners Suite has high ceilingsand plenty of space for a sitting area. Property DetailsArea: Subdiv: Del Mar ClubYear Built: 2016Lot: 62X129X63X129SqFt: 3000Style: Contemporary/ModStories: 2Bedrooms: 4Full Baths: 2Half Baths: 1Heat: CentralCooling: Central AirFireplaces: 1Fireplace: Family RoomParking: Garage Door OpenConstruction: Brick FrontBasement: NoneRoof: CompositionInterior: Coffered CeilingInterior: High Ceilings 1Exterior: OtherYour Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1116 TROPHY CLUB AvenueList Price: $430,000 Sold Price: $449,000 DOM: 13Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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Additional Photos1116 TROPHY CLUB AvenueList Price: $430,000 Sold Price: $449,000 DOM: 13Your Home of Georgia, CRS,ABR,CLHMSOffice: 770-831-3222Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

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soldFROM LISTED TOYour Home of Georgia