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Current Products What we do Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting is not only an efficient method of disinfecting but also more effective than Fogging taking only 1 to 5 minutes to kill 99 99 of pathogens for peace of mind Let s Connect Phone Sanitize Disinfect 918 520 4463 Website www fcpindustries com Email support fcpindustries com Electrostatic Sprayers

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The process of spraying an electrostatically charged mist onto surfaces and objects FCP Products BENEFITS Efficient Ergonomic method of disinfecting EISXMINI Handheld Entire surface coverage for complete disinfection of all designated areas Safer and more consistent application with no disruption to existing areas papers or surfaces with quick kill time and no residue How it works An electrode atomizes the special disinfectant solution The charged particles are attracted to the entire surface area The charged particles completely encapsulate all surfaces 3D objects hard to reach areas receive a clean even coat of disinfectant EISXMINI_20X Handheld w Battery Pack ADVANTAGES 1 Kills 99 99 of all pathogens 2 Touchless application means EISX100 Backpack Sprayer zero cross contamination 3 The spray contains charged particles that are able to aggressively adhere to all surfaces and objects Use in Offices Healthcare facilities any public or private area for optimal health safety

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