Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 11 22 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on November 22 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Current and new Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow Glen and Mick Hoffer Barry Konken Greg and Rita Miller John Kladstrup Jen and Hailey Johnke Ryan Berg Christina Watkins Mike Hardy Mike Pesicka Paul Dyke Mike Gilbride Guests present were Ron Kersbergen and Sheri Beyer President Mike Skiles reported that the Annual Banquet was held on November 12th and the crowd was down a little More RSVP s than actually attended With the 45 no shows club lost about 1 100 00 per the meal guarantee We will work to address that in the future Mike reported that he and Greg have just about everything completed to move some of our money to Edward Jones to be held at 6 12 and 18 month C D s The current paid interest rate will be in the 4 range This should be finalized next month and will have everything complete for the new officers He thanked everyone who helped this year and wished all good luck next year Merchandise Jen and Hailey Johnke reported they have inventoried all the merchandise and had Ryan Berg out to go through the trailer etc She also forwarded a financial report to the Board Hailey has used this year as one of her National Honor Society projects They were both thanked for their service BHCC Barry Konken reported that the Holiday Inn has administrative rights to the BHCC website but the SFCC maintains ownership of the website Plans are ongoing for the BHCC Vice President Dave Rowe reported that as of the last meeting there were no nominations for board Secretary Since the banquet a new member Jeff Gifford has come forward and volunteered to be the Secretary Jeff is from Yankton works for the Social Security Administration and is a veteran Denny Robinson moved and John Pesicka seconded to appoint Jeff Gifford as Secretary Motion carried Dave also passed out the dates for Board and General meetings in 2023 Secretary Denny Robinson reported that the minutes from last month s board and general meeting were sent in for posting Treasurer Lisa Glasgow reported the books are up to date and she is getting all in order to transfer to Elaine Robinson the new treasurer NCCC Racing John Kladstrup reported the NCCC Regional Insurance cost this year is 1 00 per member and the list of members and premium will be sent in to NCCC soon Spring Run Plans are ongoing Chips Christina Watkins reported she is working with Michaela on the CHIP conversion and web site updates but both she and Michaela are a little behind schedule They are now back on course and all will be finished in the near future They will be bringing the new CHIP editor Mike Hardy on board as well President Mike Skiles then asked if there was any other pertinent business there being none the group split into meetings between the old and new officers at 7 15 Mike adjourned the meeting at 8 00 p m Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 8 23 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on August 23 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Glen and Mick Hoffer Barry Konken Greg and Rita Miller John Kladstrup Jen Johnke Jeff and Christina Watkins and Mike and Connie Gilbride Guests present Ron Kersbergen and Elaine Robinson The meeting was called to order by the Sgt At Arms at 6 30pm President Mike Skiles reminded everyone that the Sgt at Arms Mick Hoffer has keys for the shed and trailers if needed Mike has a few door prizes for the picnic at Nordstroms and Jeff Watkins is in charge of getting others Discussion was held and Dave made a motion to allow 500 00 from the club to be used for getting gift gas cards and whatever else needed for the picnic Second by Greg Miller Motion passed Mike mentioned Jason Ahrendt from State Farm is giving 1 000 00 towards the cost of the picnic and a big thank you is in order Mike mentioned that the club video shown at the BHCC will be shown again at the picnic and there will be a chance to win a prize as a quiz will be given after the video to see who may have the best memory Merchandise Jen Hailey said they had a great year to date and had really good sales in Spearfish She thanked all those that helped her and Hailey in Bersford and Spearfish She will have left over t shirts available for sale at the picnic first come first serve at 15 00 each The Board gave her a round of applause for her dedication and hard work this year Also she reported she and Hailey took the donation to the Children s Inn and got a real good tour of the facility Also she advised being that next year is Hailey s last year in high school that unfortunately she does not have the time to continue as chair of merchandising next year BHCC Barry Konken reported on the Classic and the good reports he has received He said there was a post Classic review by several and all in all members were satisfied and would like to partner with the Holiday Inn for a second year Some tweaking will be done but the group looks forward to working with the Holiday Inn next year Vice President Dave Rowe reported he has purchased a new table top sound system for the SFCC and it appears that it works well and we will get a lot of good use out of it He said there was a good crowd at Nyberg s Ace Hardware event and the Grass Roots were fantastic One car show coming up Thursday night at 49th and Minnesota 6 30 8 30 p m There is a 5 00 entry fee with all proceeds to be given to charity He also reported on 2 upcoming parades in October one for Augustana s homecoming and one for USD Dakota Days October 22nd in Vermillion They want at least 19 Corvettes for the Dakota Days parade Dave is also seeking volunteers to help marshal the Sanford Open in September Sanford will make a donation to our club based on volunteer numbers Just let Dave know Secretary Denny Robinson reported all minutes are up to date and posted Spring Car Show John Kolander inquired whether next year s show should be a Corvette only or a Corvette Camaro show The overall consensus is for it to be a Corvette show only Spring Run Greg Miller reported nothing new for now Chips Christine Watkins talked about upgrading our website and making it more user friendly She is working with Micheala to get some idea of costs to set the new items up coordinate with CHIPs BuzzBook and Facebook She is also checking on monthly fees to have Micheala do the work and keeping the sites current and the approximate monthly maintenance fees She advised Micheala will charge 85 00 per hour with a minimum charge of 20 00 She will report back as soon as she receives the information Dave suggested we make Michaela a honorary club member so she can feel free to attend some of our meetings and answer our questions Ongoing
Glen Hoffer Historian reported he is still obtaining pictures of events He spoke about our most recent club trip to southeast Minnesota to follow the Jessie James get away trail and various historic and scenic sites There were 17 cars and a good time was had by all Glen and Mick were thanked for all their hard work putting this event together Buzzbook Mike Gilbride reported he is working with Christina on the computer issues and encouraged all who want to be in the BuzzBook to submit their information and also to check your individual entries to make sure they are current and accurate Mike is also studying whether to leave as is or possibly go to a PDF format Old Business Mike reminded all about the Lacrosse area holding a color run in mid September Mike also mentioned the September Drive and Dine location is not yet cemented in and more information will follow Also the October Drive and Dine will be held at the Blind Butcher near Inwood Iowa October 9th 2022 The meal is being sponsored club member Abdulah Delibasic He will be cooking a traditional Bosnian open pit lamb feed with all the fixings There will be chicken available for those who do not like lamb The cooking begins at 2pm with the meal following at approximately 4 30 p m The Club is very appreciative to Abdulah for sponsoring this meal New Business None There being no further business motion by John Kladstrup and seconded by Mick Hoffer to adjourn at 7 45pm Motion passed unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 7 19 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on July 19 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Mick Hoffer Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride John Kolander Greg Miller Jen Johnke Hailey Johnke and Barry Konken Guests present were Cheri Beyer Paul Dykes and Elaine Robinson President Mike Skiles informed us that Jen had to leave early so the report on Merchandise would be first He also reported the Audit Committee has made their report and everything is in order Merchandise Jen and Hailey Johnke advised the merchandise could be set up in the hall or set up a booth with the vendors and be opened less hours At least it would be less costs and hours involved Also wouldn t need to take the trailer out as well Decision will be made later Hailey and Jen were both thanked profusely for all their hard work It is much appreciated Jen will be giving the old laptop to Mike to sell BHCC Barry Konken was pleased on how things went at Jerry s and Hot Summer Nights on Wednesday He said a few minor changes will be made for the Quick 60 next year but a lot of participation nonetheless He also said all in all for this being the Holiday Inn s first year everything went well A few glitches here and there but overall a positive response The Holiday Inn does need to get an emcee for the banquet for next year There was good participation in the caravan auto cross and drag races The band on Saturday night and fireworks were both tremendous and a great finale Vette street USA was a little slow in getting the cars in and parked and those issues will go back to the chamber for some tweaking Barry said the Holiday Inn definitely wants to do it again next year Barry and Cheri were thanked for their effort and hard work to make this a successful event Vice President Dave Rowe thanked Cheri for helping to announce at Jerry s on Wednesday and all agreed she did a great job Dave has 5 new members and again explained that new members that have a complimentary membership will be on a separate membership roster If they do decide to be active and continue etc they will be placed on the main roster and name tags will be ordered After going through the entire membership rolls there are 226 dues paying members He requested 279 00 for an amplifier for the Club sound system as the old one is shot He also wants to convert all to a table top type system which is much easier to handle and set up John Kolander moved to proceed and Mike Gilbride seconded Motion passed Dave reminded everyone of Nyberg s Ace Hardware All Car Show Saturday the 23rd from 4pm 9pm All are welcome and Dave s band and the Grass Roots will be playing that evening All free of charge Spring Car Show John Kolander reported the Spring Car show went very well and the Alliance worked out great He suggested having it little earlier than late June and consider having it earlier in the day A suggestion was made holding it in early June on a Saturday at 10 2pm He also wants to be more proactive in advertising He mentioned that there was a minor issue with a Camaro owner but that issue will be resolved next year John was thanked by the Board for his hard work Spring Run Greg Miller reported that he and Mike Skiles are in the process of finding a home for our investments where we maybe can make a little with little or no potential loss They will have it narrowed down next month Chips Christina Watkins reported she and the computer committee will be meeting August 1st with Micheala to start getting ideas on how to modernize our Web Site and FB page They will bring the ideas and Estimated cost back to the board Glen Hoffer Historian Glen is sorting through some new pictures and reported there are 17 couples going to Minnesota the first weekend in August Old Business None
New Business The next Board meeting is August 23rd Picnic at Nordstrom s August 31st sponsored by Jason Ahrens of State Farm Insurance Will be carpooling from Fred Assam Middle School Met at 5 30 at the school and leave at 6 Picnic at 6 30pm There being no further business motion by Mick Hoffer and seconded by Greg Miller to adjourn the meeting at 7 45 p m Motion passed unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 6 22 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on June 22 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 00 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow Mick Hoffer Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride John Kolander and Barry Konken Hailey and Jen Johnke were manning the merchandise trailer President Mike Skiles Mike reported there are a few items that needed to be taken care of tonight Jen and Hailey are requesting additional funds to buy more merchandise to make sure they have enough for Hot Summer Nights and the BHCC The suggestion was an additional 3 000 00 Motion by Denny Robinson and second by Dave Rowe to grant the additional expense Motion carried unanimously Mike Skiles also requested up to 2 000 to help sponsor the lunch at Jerry s Chevrolet prior to the BHCC Motion by Dave Rowe second by Mick Hoffer Motion carried unanimously Mike Skiles reported he obtained 1 000 sponsorships from Sioux Empire Cleaning and Jason Ahrendt from State Farm Insurance for the Club picnic Also Experience Sioux Falls for Hot Summer Nights is a 1 000 sponsor for Hot Summer Nights Car Show at the Alliance John Kolander reported all is ready to go for Friday s car show and that set up will begin at 2 00 p m registration starts at 4 00 p m and the show runs from 5 00 9 00 p m He is in the process of making ballots for People s Choice Awards for all models BHCC Barry Konken advised everything is almost ready for the BHCC Over 275 cars and 375 registrants so far He advised he talked to the new manager at Al s in Oacoma and they are happy to provide a big buffet for us enroute to Spearfish Approximately 130 cars are registered for the caravan Buzz Book Mike Gilbride reported there is a problem with the program When you Google the SFCC up pops SFCC BuzzBook 2019 edition He is attempting to visit with the web server company to fix as quickly as possible Old Business Buckets will be strategically placed at Hot Summer Nights to collect donations for the Children s Inn New Business None There being no further business motion by Dave Rowe second by John Kolander to adjourn the meeting at 6 30 p m Motion passed unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 5 17 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on May 17 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Elaine Robinson Lisa Glasgow Christina Jeff Watkins Mick Hoffer Glen Hoffer Mike Gilbride John Kolander Rita Miller Jen Hailey Johnke and Barry Konken Secretary Denny Robinson Denny reported that the minutes from last month s Board and General meeting were submitted for publishing There were also copies available at the meeting President Mike Skiles thanked everyone for coming and advised that tonight s meeting was being held a little early due to the Hilton being previously booked He made mention we need to have a table and promotional material from the Children s Inn available at Hot Summer s night Mike also talked about how he and Greg were still researching possibility of finding a place to invest our funds with little or no risk Vice President Dave Rowe reported on the Viet Nam Vet s event in Parkston on June 29th He will have a sign up sheet available at the meeting Dave mentioned there are about 30 names of previous members he has tried several times to contact who have not paid dues The vast majority have not responded The Board decided to go ahead and drop them off the current membership roll and if any show interest they can be signed up later After dropping those who have not paid their dues and adding the several new members we are at about 260 members the highest we have been Treasurer Lisa Glasgow Lisa reported that all bills are paid and the accounts are up to date She has been working closely with Dave to verify dues and those that have not paid CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins Christina mentioned that Macalah had taken a new job and that our web site needs to be refreshed and updated We have not refreshed the web site for a number of years and can t add folks on Buzz Book as it full at this time Mike appointed Chistina Dave Rowe and Mike Gilbride to meet and develop website strategies Racing NCCC John Kladstrup Absent Spring Rally Rita Miller informed the group there were 29 cars registered for the Spring Rally She said there were two routes used each being approximately 120 miles long and ending at Squealer s in Tea She announced the winners of both the East and the West and said a good time was had by all The Board thanked her for her and Greg s hard work Spring Car Show John Kolander reported everything is nearly ready to go on June 4th There will be awards and door prizes given He has volunteers but could always use more Workers need to be there at 4 00 p m as the show runs 5 00 9 00 pm at the Alliance He had some flyers available to put up Historian Glen Hoffer said that new pictures of events are coming in and he is processing them He also mentioned the August trip to Minnesota is a go and there will be 2 dates sent out to choose from Glen also reminded us about the upcoming car show the weekend of May 28th at Papik Motors in Luverne Sgt At Arms Mick Hoffer commented the audit is nearly complete and will be available to the board soon BHCC Barry Konken reported that there are over 200 cars registered for the Rally and everything is a go including the Auto Cross Plans are nearly complete for Hot Summer Nights and help will be needed
Merchandise Jen Hailey Johnke said that the summer merchandise has been ordered The Rally shirt vouchers will be available for sale at the May meeting Hailey suggested we place a 1 00 donation to the Children s Inn on order blanks etc It was deemed to be a great idea so that will be added Past President Jeff Watkins had to leave early so no report Buzz Book Mike Gilbride reported that Buzz Book is up to date Old Business All went very well with cleaning out the shed and moving items to the new one New Business None There being no further business motion by Lisa Glasgow second by Dave Rowe to adjourn the meeting at 7 30 p m Motion passed unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 4 19 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on April 19 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow John Kolander Barry Konken Jeff and Christina Watkins Jen and Hailey Johnke Greg and Rita Miller and Glen and Mick Hofer Others present Ron Kersbergen and Greg Johnson Secretary Denny Robinson passed out the minutes from last month and asked for corrections if needed Minutes were approved as printed President Mike Skiles mentioned how well the new member orientation was received He had a few budget questions from the last meeting and brought up the question whether we should explore other alternatives than just leaving our money in checking and CD s The Board discussed investing but we all agreed if we do anything different in the future we will not invest in anything that isn t guaranteed to be safe or subject to loss We all agreed what we do with our individual funds is for us to decide but we will not invest the Club s money unwisely Mike mentioned that we have a newer club member that would like to sponsor a feed for the Club sometime this summer We will include this as a Drive and Dine once the details are known Mike encouraged everyone to attend our next club meeting next week on April 27th at Tailgaters in Brandon Mike mentioned the idea of having dinner ready when we arrive so we can eat before the meeting or finish after the meeting has begun Everyone thought we should try that and see how it goes Vice President Dave Rowe mentioned that he has received more applications from several new members and he will be in contact with them He also reported that the community of Parkston is really excited that we are coming as a group to participate The veterans that desire to ride in the parade will be picked up at the west end of Main St and will ride down through Main Street until we get near the park The community of Parkston is providing a big barbecue in the park following the parade and has invited us to attend following the parade Therefore there will be no need to eat before the parade The Club was invited to come over through Mitchell before the parade and go as a group to Dimock to assemble for the parade More information to follow Treasurer Lisa Glasgow reported that she sent out this month s financials and didn t receive any questions She raised a question regarding dues When does a new person actually need to pay their dues and are dues reduced after the BHCC What policy do we want to use for new members There was a good discussion regarding thoughts and ideas for dues payments the importance of membership and making new members feel welcome Mike Skiles commented that there have been some questions on membership dues when they are to be paid and for what period of time do they cover So it was agreed as follows For members renewing membership Membership dues are for a calendar year Jan 1 Dec 31 Dues are payable in advance at or prior to the Annual Banquet in November First time members who join and pay dues after July 15 will receive complimentary membership until the following January 1 First time members who purchase a Corvette from our club sponsor Jerry s Chevrolet Corvette will receive a free trial membership for the remainder of that year Our goal is that the trial membership results in long time membership Dues are payable at or prior to the Annual Banquet for the following calendar year Mike said membership in SFCC is a real value for those who enjoy the Corvette hobby and spending time with likeminded people The SFCC plans and hosts over 15 Corvette driving related events yearly sends frequent e mail update reminders provides monthly social type meetings including a light meal plus liability insurance coverage through the National Council of Corvette Clubs It s often said that I joined the Corvette Club for the Car and I stayed for the people
Hopefully this will allow new members to participate in club only activities for the balance of the year and help to make them feel a part of the club CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins reported she has received a few questions and inquiries regarding advertising items for sale on the SFCC website It was agreed that she could be the judge if she wants to give them a once done on our FB page however only members and or sponsors can advertise items for sale on the web site She mentioned she gets several emails daily regarding different things Lastly Christina mentioned the application for membership needs to be updated to include the dues policy She will also put this information on the website and will work with Lisa on this project Racing NCCC John Kladstrup Absent Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller said that plans are being made for the Spring Rally on May 1st They have most everything put together and in case they are gone due to family considerations Dave Rowe Jill and the Pesickas will be the go to people for the day Spring Car Show John Kolander reminded everyone that the date for the show is June 24th from 5 00 p m to 9 00 p m at the Alliance in Sioux Falls Registration will begin at 4 00pm and help will be greatly appreciated The flyer for the show should be ready very soon and plans will be made for distribution The merchandise trailer and a food truck will be on site All the proper permits are being obtained Historian Glen Hoffer Glen mentioned the possibility of having a historical run following the Jessie James Trail this summer It follows the trail from the bank robbery in Northfield Minnesota down through Mankato and Madelia and points southwest He and Micki have taken this trip before and said the scenery is beautiful and the trip is very historical and educational More to follow BHCC Barry Konken reported that there are over 300 registered for the Rally so far and he has now received the contract for the Auto Cross Rally It will be held once again on the campus of Black Hills State Everything is moving along well for the Fairgrounds event the night before the Rally He also advised an anonymous donor has graciously covered our costs for the Fairgrounds rent That was much appreciated by the group Merchandise Jen Hailey Johnke said that all the old merchandise has been liquidated and the Rally shirt orders will be available in May There will not be new merchandise available until June Past President Jeff Watkins Jeff promoted membership and fun He reminded all that we are a car club and not a fraternal club and membership promotion is very important Buzz Book Mike Connie Gilbride Absent Old Business Discussed above New Business April 24th there will be a wine and pizza tour leaving from Jerry s and ending in Crofton Nebraska Also we need to get our items out of the small storage building into the other one that is ready for us within the next 2 weeks A group of volunteers will get this handled on April 28th There being no further business motion by Dave Rowe second by Christina Watkins to adjourn the meeting at 8 10 p m Motion passed unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 3 22 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on March 22 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow John Kolander Barry Konken Christina Watkins Jen and Hailey Johnke Others present Mike and Connie Gilbride Ron Kersbergen Elaine Robinson Greg Johnson and Roger Coon Secretary Denny Robinson passed out the minutes from last month and asked for corrections if needed Minutes were approved as printed President Mike Skiles was presented on behalf of the club a beautiful handmade table top U S flag stand and storage box from Roger Coon Roger was thanked for his creation and great work We will be using it for all board and club meetings Mike mentioned the upcoming Drive Dines and asked one and all to participate He also mentioned that there are several out of state rallies that we could attend as a club if we wish and he knows several members are thinking about attending an event He also brought up the idea of having a club picnic which will be discussed more fully in the near future Mike encouraged everyone to attend our first club meeting of the year next week on March 30th Vice President Dave Rowe gave a report on the dance at the Alliance He said overall attendance was about 175 which they felt was a good crowd Dave passed out a list of the 30 or so new members with their contact information and reported there are 8 new members this month He stressed attendance to all the Drive and Dines especially the one on June 29th in Parkston We have been invited to the parade involving the Vietnam Veterans portable Memorial Wall We have been asked to help bring in the Vietnam Vets by car with a parade from Dimock to the park in Parkston on that date The parade organizers would like our club to transport one Veteran per car in the parade that day He will ask for numbers next week at the club meeting so he can give a count to the Vietnam Vets parade committee The club will travel to Parkston and will meet at noon for lunch and from there go to Dimock by 1 00 p m to line up for the parade He also has put together a new member orientation for next Wednesday night starting at 6 00 p m He would like to explain the club s ins and outs to all the new club members who would like to attend The regular club meeting will follow Treasurer Lisa Glasgow gave a great overview of the budget for 2022 She reported our taxes are now complete for the 2021 tax year and then answered a few questions regarding the budget A motion to approve the 2022 budget as printed was made by Greg Miller and seconded by Mike Gilbride Motion passed CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins reported she received a Facebook inquiry from an individual who wants to know if he can bring his Cadillac SLR which has many Corvette components to our Corvette Car Show at the Alliance on June 24th It was decided he could come to show his car at the Alliance on the 24th but not at Hot Summer Nights as that is for Vettes only Christina will let him know Racing NCCC John Kladstrup Absent Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller said that plans are being made for the Spring Rally on May 1st Information to follow Spring Car Show John Kolander reminded everyone that the date for the show is June 24th from 5 00 p m to 9 00 p m at the Alliance in Sioux Falls He does need help and several of the members have
volunteered to help He was advised by the Alliance we could have a food truck if they were serving food that the Alliance does not serve He is working with Kris Kaas on trophy ideas He will ask the Alliance to request the City to block the service road in front of the Alliance and will file for a noise permit for the event from the City He would like the workers to show up by 4 00 p m to get everything ready to go Historian Glen Hoffer Absent BHCC Barry Konken reported that he will be in contact with the Holiday Inn in Spearfish to get a current registration count for the Rally He has also requested that the Holiday Inn consider sponsoring the auto cross again this year Barry said he has a friend from Rapid City who is willing to help run it The cost will be in the 1 000 range plus awards Merchandise Jen Hailey Johnke passed out the design for the front of the 2022 Rally shirt This year s theme is Fast Cars and Freedom and the design for the t shirt was very well received They will finish up the design for the back of the shirt and have them made Everyone agreed that the club shirts will not be changed this year Jen and Hailey will order some new items for the Rally and will bring club shirts and old inventory to the club meetings for sale Past President Jeff Watkins Absent Buzz Book Mike Connie Gilbride said they are currently working on updating the BuzzBook to include the new members since last summer They will be willing to take pictures at the next Club meeting for those who would like to be included in the book Old Business None New Business April 24th there will be a wine and pizza tour leaving from Jerry s and ending in Crofton Nebraska There being no further business motion by Mike Gilbride and second by Lisa Glasgow to adjourn the meeting at 7 45 p m Motion passed Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 2 15 2022 The SFCC Board meeting was held on February 15th at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m Board members present were Mike Skiles Dave Rowe Denny Robinson Lisa Glasgow John Kladstrup Barry Konken Jen and Hailey Johnke Others present were Mike and Connie Gilbride Ron Kersbergen and Elaine Robinson Secretary Denny Robinson passed out the minutes from last month and asked for corrections if needed He also advised that he sent a sympathy card to the Casanova s in Rapid City regarding the loss of Dan s mother President Mike Skiles thanked the board for all their efforts and involvement and encouraged continued participation at club events Mike and Dave opened discussion regarding our club attending other Corvette rallies around the area Since we won t be having near as much responsibility for the BHCC it might be fun to attend other rallies More information will follow Mike mentioned that he and Dave are working on Drive and Dine dates this year They encouraged that we all participate and are seeking ideas of where to go and things that we might be interested in seeing Currently under consideration are the Truck Museum in Sanborn Iowa the Prime Time in Madison the Hole in the Wall in Freeman for chislic Waddy s in Hudson and possibly a day trip to Sioux City Additionally they are looking for people to be the lead for the ones that are scheduled Vice President Dave Rowe reminded everyone about the dance for the American Legion that will be held at the Alliance Friday night March 5th at 6 30 10 30 The Club is picking up 50 of the cost for your dance tickets Just let them know at the door you are a Corvette Club member Please provide a head count to Dave He reported that our club has been invited to take part in the Parkston Vietnam Veterans celebration and parade on June 29th We will be following the traveling Vietnam Vet Memorial Traveling Wall from Dimock SD 6 miles into Parkston Each Corvette has been requested to be involved and have one Viet Nam veteran ride in each Corvette in the parade All participants are to meet in Parkston for lunch then go as a group to Dimock to line up for the parade Treasurer Lisa Glasgow reported that she has received budget requests from all that need to do so She will have a final budget draft ready for our next BOD meeting in March She is also working with Christina Watkins to update our membership list and dues list CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins Absent so no report Racing NCCC John Kladstrup Plans are ongoing Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller Absent so no report Spring Car Show John Kolander reminded everyone that the date for the show is June 24th from 5 00 p m to 9 00 p m at the Alliance in Sioux Falls Historian Glen Hoffer Absent so no report BHCC Barry Konken reported that Hot Summer Nights will be held at the Fairgrounds There are a couple of sponsors to help offset costs this year Once again there will be a Quick 60 event sponsored by
Nordstrom s as well as vendors and food and drink Barry also reported registration will open on February 28th for the BHCC and is being handled by the Spearfish Holiday Inn Merchandise Jen and Hailey Johnke are working on the artwork for this year s BHCC t shirt The theme is Fast Cars and Freedom Club members will be able to pre order the shirts when designed They are also continuing going through the merchandise and getting ready to order new There possibly may be some old merchandise brought to the March meeting for sale Past President Jeff Watkins Absent so no report Buzz Book Mike and Connie Gilbride said they are currently working on updating the book to include the new members since last summer Old Business None New Business As reported previously discussion was held on future Drive and Dines and possibly attending some other Rallies around the country There being no further business motion by Lisa Glasgow and second by John Kladstrup to adjourn at 7 30 Motion carried unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club
Board Minutes Sioux Falls Corvette Club 1 18 2022 The SFCC Board Meeting was held January 18 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn The meeting was called to order by president Mike Skiles at 6 30 p m with 13 members present and 2 visitors Ron Kerbersgen and Mick Hoffer Absent John Kladstrup and Jeff Watkins Secretary Denny Robinson said that the January meeting minutes were posted No questions and nothing further to report President Mike Skiles reported he checked on vendors for additional advertising on the trailer or renewing the current advertising Basically no new takers There was a motion to forego selling new advertising on the trailer Mike also mentioned that Roger Coon is working on a table top flag stand with a U S and S D flag and requests that we start each meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance All agreed this is a great idea Mike mentioned the January 30 2022 Drive and Dine at Inwood Iowa and then presented an overview of the 2021 Profit and Loss He also reminded everyone that SFCC Board Meetings are open to all SFCC members Treasurer Lisa Glasgow reported that an Audit Committee has been appointed to look over the books and Profit and Loss figures and recommend any changes to the Board The Audit Committee is Glen and Mic Hoffer Dusty and Kathy Miller Tom and Sheila Reding Greg and Rita Miller Lisa reported that the bills are paid and reminded everyone that the budget needs to be presented to the general membership in March and approved at the April meeting She stated that all committee chairs need to submit their budget requests to her by February 11th so the Budget Committee can review the financials for 2021 and the profit and loss figures Then the 2022 budget can be ready to present at the Board Meeting in February Lisa also gave a report on the storage shed situation Currently we have one small storage unit and that an offer was made by the storage shed owner that if we give up our storage shed he will provide us one extra large shed for the same price as last year which would give us a little more room and we would only need one unit instead of two Motion by Mike Skiles second by Christina Watkins to approve this change The motion passed unanimously Vice President Dave Rowe talked about upcoming events and membership New members are Brian and Amy Peterson of Brookings Joey and Kassie Pedersen of Sioux Falls Jeremy Helinbolt of Sioux Falls David Graham of Sioux Falls Susan Schelske of Sioux Falls The SFCC now has 300 members Dave mentioned that the American Legion is once again sponsoring dances at the Alliance starting on March 4 2022 Dave made a proposal that our club make a point to participate in this dance and designate it as a club sponsored event Dave will be the DJ and a band will be playing Dave proposed that the SFCC pay for half the cost of each couple s tickets or about 15 couple All proceeds benefit the American Legion Motion by Denny Robinson and second by John Kolander Motion carried unanimously Racing NCCC John Kladstrup No report Spring Rally Greg Rita Miller said the date is Sunday May 1 2022 More information to follow Spring Car Show John Kolander reported that the Spring Car Show will be held Friday night June 24 2022 at the Alliance from 5 00 p m 9 00 p m Alliance will provide a burger and chips for a nominal fee There will be plenty of parking and merchandise will be sold Dave Rowe will be the DJ for the event Come one come all Vettes Historian Glen Hoffer commented that there is nothing new to report but that history is being made CHIPS Editor Christina Watkins Discussion regarding membership list and dues payments Christina will work with Lisa to review the membership dues list to make sure it is current and up to date Chris is looking for additional volunteers to help with Facebook to post events and pictures No religious political or vulgar posts will be allowed
BCCH Barry Konken advised that registrations for the BHCC should start in February There will be tours drag races and Vette Street Poker Run The theme is Fast Cars Freedom The Holiday Inn in Spearfish is taking care of the BHCC website this year and is doing a good job of it Discussion was held on the location for Corvette night Looked at some downtown locations costs etc There is nowhere to hold under over competition which was very popular If we go back to the Fairgrounds Nordstrom s will help defray some of the expense for this event A decision was made to go back to the Fairgrounds for music drink and food and plenty of room for up to 350 cars not counting spectators Merchandise Jen Hailey Johnke reported that left over items have been put on Facebook to sell They did a complete inventory of the old merchandise A SFCC member has made an offer to purchase the old merchandise for our cost up to a certain amount A motion was made by Lisa Glasgow and seconded by Mike Skiles to sell what we can soon and sell the remaining inventory for our cost and start the new year with fresh merchandise The motion passed unanimously Jen and Hailey were thanked for their on going efforts with our merchandise Past President Jeff Watkins Absent so no report Old Business None New Business Reminders of Drive Dines and discussion of potential club trips There being no further business motion by Lisa Glasgow 2nd by Mick Hoffer to adjourn the meeting at 8 30 p m Motion carried unanimously Respectfully submitted Denny Robinson Secretary Sioux Falls Corvette Club