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BSD Bond Rating Upgrade

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Boise School District Upgraded ToHighest Bond Rating:First In Idaho To Achieve Triple “A” Credit RatingBoise, ID -- 06/11/2019 -- Boise School District is the first and only Idaho public entity(public bond issuer), and currently one of only 89 school districts in the nation, to earn aAaa bond rating from Moody’s Investor Service. The Aaa rating is the top credit ratingavailable for a government entity. “The Aaa rating confirms the financial strength of the Boise School District andrecognizes our continued efforts to be responsible stewards of taxpayer funds," saidBoise School Board President Nancy Gregory.Credit ratings play a critical role in determining how much companies and governmententities that issue debt have to pay to access credit markets. Not unlike a personal creditscore, credit ratings determine borrowing costs and the amount of interest paid onissued debt.In its press release, Moody’s said school districts rated Aaa are judged to “be of thehighest quality and subject to the lowest level of credit risk. Additionally, BoiseIndependent School District has continued to strengthen or maintain its already solidcredit fundamentals through an economic cycle and we expect the district will maintain alevel of budgetary and economic resilience that will allow it to continue to produce stableoperations comparable to its Aaa-rated peers.”Less Than 1% of public school districts hold aTriple "A" credit ratingAn evaluation of public school districts in the United States reveals that only 0.50% holda Aaa credit rating. “It is extraordinarily difficult to achieve a Aaa rating from Moody's,said Boise School District Chief Financial Officer Nancy Landon. "Our staff works veryhard to keep our district in a very strong financial position and to be acknowledged in thisway is a great honor."This is the first time in history that the Boise School District has received the prestigiousinvestment grade credit ranking. Moody’s Investor Service upgraded Independent SchoolDistrict of Boise City, Idaho’s General Obligation bonds to Aaa from Aa1, affectingapproximately $127.1 million in debt outstanding. Moody's also assigned the Aaa ratingto the district’s $60.6 million General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019. ABOUT BOISE SCHOOL DISTRICT

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Boise School District is a high-performing, nationally recognized, comprehensive publicschool system serving approximately 26,000 students. Each day, our distinguished andpassionate teachers deliver a high-quality educational program to each and everystudent - helping to prepare them for success in college, career and in life. Learn moreat Media Contact: Dan Hollar Public Affairs Administrator Boise School District (208) 854-4064 www.boiseschools.orgBoise School District | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho | 208-854-4000 | Fax 208-854-4003 |www.boiseschools.orgBoise School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, orage in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all individuals. Learn more...STAY CONNECTED    