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6th Moroccan Koshiki News Journa

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ﻲﻜﻴﺷﻮﻜﻠﻟ ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻐﻤﻟا ﺔﻴﻜﻠﻤﻟا ﺔﻌﻣﺎﺠﻟاROYAL MOROCCAN KOSHIKI FEDERATIONRecognized and Affiliated with WKKF and IKKFMoroccan Koshiki NEWS JOURNALUniting Nations The Historic Journey of Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka in MoroccoD E C E M B E RSpecialSpecialSpecial EditionEditionEditionM. Bouzekrawi 2 0 2 4

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We are thrilled to present this special edition dedicated toan extraordinary event that has made a lasting mark on thehistory of Koshiki in Morocco.From December 4th to 10th, 2024, our Federation had thehonor of hosting a national training camp led by ShihanMasamitsu Kudaka, President of the World KoshikiFederation. This camp, held in the cities of Oujda andTemara, brought together Koshiki practitioners from allacross Morocco for an intensive and enriching trainingexperience.Under the expert guidance of Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka,this event offered a unique opportunity to refinetechniques, share the culture and values of Koshiki, andstrengthen the bonds between practitioners from diversecities. In this edition, we will revisit the highlights of thecamp, the invaluable teachings shared by Shihan, and thefeedback from participants who had the privilege ofexperiencing this unforgettable event.We invite you to explore through these pages the profoundimpact this event has had on the Koshiki community inMorocco and beyond.I N T R O D U C T I O N硬式空⼿

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' S V I S I T T O M O R O C C OShihan Masamitsu KudakaShihan Masamitsu KudakaShihan Masamitsu Kudaka In line with the official program for the visit of Shihan MasamitsuKudaka, President of the World Koshiki Federation, the Japanese masterwas warmly welcomed upon his arrival in Morocco.On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 10:30 AM, Shihan Kudaka wasgreeted at Mohammed V Airport in Casablanca by a delegation thatincluded Messrs. Abderrazak El Khaoudi, Mohammed Bouzekrawi,Boulouafa RMICHI, and Ahmed Sellay. This moment marked thebeginning of a series of exceptional events, emphasizing the growingimportance of Koshiki in Morocco and the strengthening ofinternational ties in the field of martial arts.Later that day, a working meeting was held with Shihan Masamitsu,where we discussed the new structure of the Royal Moroccan KoshikiFederation. This was a significant step, following over a decade ofexistence as the Moroccan National Koshiki Committee. Despitechallenges from the Karate Federation, we successfully integrated clubsfrom across Morocco, from Tangier to Lagouira.During the meeting, we reviewed various documents related to theRoyal Moroccan Koshiki Federation, including the statutes, regulations(such as the arbitration and grading system), and informationalmaterials about Moroccan Koshiki. Additionally, we had theopportunity to learn about the different competitions organized by theWorld Koshiki Karate Federation (WKKF).M A S T E R

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FèsFirst stopCity of Heritage and SpiritualityAs part of the cultural tour accompanyingShihan Masamitsu Kudaka's visit toMorocco, the first stop took the Japanesemaster and his delegation to the spiritualcity of Fes. On December 5th and 6th,2024, Fes, with its rich historical andcultural heritage, provided the perfectbackdrop for an immersion into Moroccantradition. During this visit, ShihanMasamitsu Kudaka had the opportunity toexplore the wonders of the Fes medina, aUNESCO World Heritage Site, whilefurther strengthening the bonds offriendship and cooperation between Japanand Morocco. The atmosphere was one of exploration, cultural exchange, and deep respect for the values of Koshiki.

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OujdaThe second leg of the tour took Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka toOujda, the capital of the Oriental region, on December 6th and7th, 2024. This vibrant city, rich in history and culture, warmlywelcomed the Japanese master for a Koshiki technical seminar.Under Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka's expert guidance,participants had the opportunity to refine their techniques andreceive valuable teachings on the principles of Koshiki.During the event, the Koshiki instructors of Oujda expressedtheir gratitude and appreciation through a special gesture. Inhonor of Shihan Kudaka's expertise and the presence of thefederal board members, commemorative trophies werepresented as tokens of respect and appreciation for theircontribution to the promotion and development of Koshiki inMorocco and around the world. This symbolic moment furtherstrengthened the bonds between practitioners, adding a humanand memorable dimension to this exceptional event.Second Stop Gateway to the Orient

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TémaraA second training camp for practitioners across the countryThird StopFollowing the resounding success of theOujda training camp, the delegationjourneyed to Temara for the third stage ofthe tour, held on Sunday, December 8th,2024. Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka conducteda second Koshiki training camp, open toassociations and clubs from various regionsof Morocco, including the Centre, North,Casablanca, Souss, and many others. Thisevent brought together practitioners fromacross the country, offering them theopportunity to benefit from the teachingsof the Japanese expert and to furtherstrengthen the practice of Koshiki on anational scale.The camp allowed participants to refinetheir technical skills and deepen theirunderstanding of Koshiki's fundamentalvalues and principles. It also helpedstrengthen the bonds between the diversecommunities of Koshiki practitioners inMorocco, highlighting the importance ofunity and shared purpose within thefederation.

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It was a great honor to dedicatemy 6th DAN achievement toSensei Bouzekrawi, a true pillarof Moroccan karate, during thehighly successful internationalKoshiki training camp held todayin Temara. This event alsooffered a wonderful opportunityfor meaningful encounters andexchanges with Senseis ofexceptional sincerity andexpertise.Sensei Chafik Saifia

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TangierEnd of the VisitCity of Iconic LandmarksTo conclude this exceptional visit, ShihanMasamitsu Kudaka and his delegationtraveled to Tangier on Monday, December9, 2024. This final leg of the tour presentedan opportunity to explore various iconicsites within the city. Among the visitedlocations, the renowned Hercules Cave, amythological site of breathtaking beauty,captivated everyone's attention. They alsoexplored Port Med, a flagship project ofthe city, and other historical monumentsthat showcase Tangier's rich culturalheritage and legacy.This day served as a fitting culmination tothe tour, combining sightseeing withmoments of friendly exchange andcamaraderie, further strengthening thebonds of friendship between the Japanesemaster and Moroccan practitioners.

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’ S H E A R T F E L T F A R E W E L LShihan Masamitsu KudakaShihan Masamitsu KudakaShihan Masamitsu Kudaka On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at noon, Shihan Masamitsu Kudakadeparted Morocco for Okinawa, marking the conclusion of hismemorable visit. Accompanied by Messrs. Ahmed Said, Abderrazak ElKhaoudi, and Mohammed Bouzekrawi, the Japanese master wasescorted to Mohammed V Airport in Casablanca. This farewell momentwas filled with gratitude and respect, symbolizing the success of thetour, which strengthened the bonds between Japan and Morocco in thefield of Koshiki.Before his departure, Shihan Kudaka expressed his deep appreciationfor the warm welcome he received and for the dedication of Moroccanpractitioners to the discipline. This visit will remain a significantmilestone in the history of Koshiki in Morocco, and the sharedteachings will continue to inspire practitioners for years to come.M A S T E R

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“ The Royal Moroccan Koshiki Federationorganized this national training camp with theparticipation of all officials, managers, andassociations, driven by dedication and sincerity,not by empty words or pretense. This campprovided an invaluable opportunity to learn andembrace the sport without hesitation or concern.The organization of this event brought togetherdistinguished individuals, whose contributionsare well-recognized in their respective fields.They gathered on a day devoted to meeting andworking diligently, guided by the directives ofour nation’s leader. These individuals are figuresof great importance, comparable to kings andpresidents in their meticulous approach to theirwork. This has instilled a sense of anticipationamong Moroccans worldwide, awaiting thewords of His Majesty.Our Federation’s role in this event was toorganize a high-level training camp that reflectedkindness, grace, and excellence. Such efforts arecrucial in raising the level of our Federation andfulfilling His Majesty’s vision, who holds a deeplove for the Moroccan people and the Moroccancommunity abroad.”The esteemed Master, spiritual father of Koshiki practitioners, Mr. Ahmed Zahouni, took the floor to address the gathering withheartfelt words in honor of this training camp:

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The event unfolded in a wholesome, sporting, and fraternal atmospherethroughout Shihan Masamitsu Kudaka’s stay, with the presence ofnumerous distinguished Moroccan masters. It was a true celebration ofKoshiki, marked by enriching exchanges and unforgettable moments ofcamaraderie.The event was further enhanced by messages of support from prominentfigures in the world of Koshiki. Mr. Jeffrey Henderson (Andorra), despitebeing unable to travel with Shihan Masamitsu due to health reasons, senthis warm congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery.Additionally, Mr. Dialo Mamadou (Switzerland), Mr. Ousmane Maiga(Mali), and Mr. Philippe Nadeau (Canada) also extended theircongratulations and expressed their eagerness to collaborate on thedevelopment and promotion of Koshiki. They expressed their hope thatMorocco would one day host a major international event, furtherstrengthening the bonds between practitioners worldwide.This event was a resounding success, not only on a technical level but alsoin terms of international solidarity, marking a significant milestone in therecognition and growth of Koshiki in Morocco and beyond. We thankeveryone who contributed to its success and continues to work toward thepromotion of this discipline.C O N C L U S I O N

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Moroccan Koshiki News JournalE D I T I O N D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 42 0 2 4M. BouzekrawiM. BouzekrawiM. Bouzekrawi Special