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6th Mexico Gas Summit Conference Program

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6th MEXICO GAS SUMMIT Onshore Development Midstream and Storage in focus A VIRTUAL EVENT FROM SAN ANTONIO TEXAS SEPTEMBER 8 9 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com ORGANIZED BY INDUSTRY EXCHANGE LLC

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THANK YOU Sponsors Supporting Organizations Partners 2 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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6th MEXICO GAS SUMMIT Onshore Development Midstream and Storage in focus A VIRTUAL EVENT FROM SAN ANTONIO TEXAS SEPTEMBER 8 9 10 www mexicogassummit com ORGANIZED BY INDUSTRY EXCHANGE LLC www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 3

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Estimados conferencistas patrocinadores y colegas de la industria energ tica Me complace darles nuevamente la bienvenida a esta su casa 6th Mexico Gas Summit 2020 celebrado por primera vez en forma virtual Recuerdo que hace s lo 15 meses parece un siglo durante el 5th Mexico Gas Summit platic bamos de los niveles extraordinarios de incertidumbre en que se encontraba la industria la econom a la regi n Coment bamos sobre la adaptaci n a los equipos de la nueva administraci n el retraso de proyectos la lucha comercial entre EUA y China las amenazas contra el TLC la polarizaci n social en M xico y en EUA En compa a de nuestros colegas de la industria energ tica con una cerveza en la mano inocentemente jug bamos a futurear Como dicen de este lado del rio Little did we know nos cay el 2020 e incertidumbre incertidumbre incertidumbre en niveles en esos entonces insospechados es el pan nuestro de todos los d as Nadie discute que la pandemia del Covid 19 se ha traducido en el mayor shock para el sistema energ tico mundial en los ltimos 70 a os con una abrupta ca da de la demanda este a o y aunque a n es demasiado temprano para calcular el efecto a largo plazo podemos deducir que la industria energ tica que surgir de esta crisis mundial ser distinta de la que hemos participado antes Pero por otro lado como declar Fatih Birol esta crisis ha subrayado la profunda dependencia de las sociedades modernas en los suministros de electricidad confiables para apoyar los sistemas de salud las empresas y los servicios b sicos de la vida cotidiana La pandemia nos ha obligado a cuestionarnos y ha funcionado como herramienta de b squeda de la innovaci n Conectar con nuestros los colegas es indispensable y nos permite entender otras perspectivas y construir otros caminos para enfrentar los desaf os sociales corporativos y econ micos La realizaci n del 6th Mexico Gas Summit 2020 con su insuperable nivel de conferencistas y participantes me es causa de gran satisfacci n porque ahora que estamos en un momento de la industria y de la humanidad en que tenemos pocas certezas m s que nunca es indispensable conectar con los mejores socios de negocios y participar en los mejores proyectos disponibles Es un honor proveer de una plataforma seria que apoye estos prop sitos El 2020 pasar a la Historia la Historia con may scula por la llegada del COVID 19 que se esparci en todo el mundo como la p lvora de una manera que jam s nos imaginamos dejando industrias empresas y familias devastadas Pero tambi n si algo nos ha mostrado el COVID 19 es que as como podemos estar juntos en las buenas tambi n estamos juntos en las malas entonces estamos juntos Agradezco profundamente a nuestros patrocinadores quienes priorizando la salud e integridad de esta comunidad fueron los principales impulsores de la iniciativa de migrar el 6th Mexico Gas Summit 2020 a un evento virtual Es un honor contar con la colaboraci n de corporaciones con una mira tan alta Los invitamos a tomar ventaja de las excelentes presentaciones y paneles de discusi n pero tambi n de las oportunidades de relacionamiento que proporciona nuestra plataforma Cualquier cosa que mi equipo o yo podamos apoyar durante estos tres d as de conferencia quedamos a su entera disposici n Es un placer saludarlos virtualmente y espero compartir nuevamente una cerveza cara a cara con ustedes en el 7th Mexico Gas Summit San Antonio 2021 Afectuosamente desde Texas Dora Mancera Directora General Socia Industry Exchange LLC 4 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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Dear Participants Welcome to the Virtual 6th Mexico Gas Summit San Antonio 2020 The goal of this conference is to analyze the industry s opportunities and challenges in Mexico facilitate information sharing and create new commercial relationships between stakeholders of the highest profile It was not long ago during the 5th Mexico Gas Summit when we talked about the extraordinary levels of uncertainty in which the industry the economy and the region were undergoing Highlighted topics included the adaptation to the new administration project delays and the ongoing intense trade discussions between the US and China threats against continuity of NAFTA and social polarization in each country Looking back at this time these issues seem small compared to our lives today No one disputes that the Covid 19 pandemic has resulted in the biggest shock to the global energy system in the last 70 years with a sharp drop in demand for oil this year and uncertainty of the new normal we can deduce that the energy industry that will emerge from this global crisis will be different from the one we have participated in before Having said that this crisis has underlined the deep dependence of modern societies on reliable electricity supplies to support health systems businesses and the basic services of everyday life The pandemic has forced us to question ourselves and the way we operate which in terms has spurred innovation Connecting with our colleagues is essential and allows us to understand other perspectives and build other paths to face social corporate and economic challenges This is an intense moment for the oil and gas sector in Mexico the United States and the world This summit will focus on the development of onshore exploration in Mexico with a special focus on the areas of the Burgos Basin that include Tamaulipas and Nuevo Le n in both conventional and unconventional The prospects for investing and financing in Mexico s hydrocarbons industry over the next few years will also be analyzed as Mexico enters a new phase of development Another key discussion will be the logistics transport and storage of natural gas and liquids The infrastructure development plan for pipelines the potential greenfield projects and the regulation of transport supply and storage of gas will be reviewed and discussed by operators and regulators We will also analyze the challenges and progress of the evolution of the natural gas market in Mexico its commercialization structure of prices and demand prospective as well as the economic benefits of a renewed Texas Mexico partnership under the USMCA Meetings like the 6th Mexico Gas Summit San Antonio 2020 are strategic opportunities not only to better understand the new market dynamics but to generate valuable business contacts through networking and candid discussion We would like to thank our sponsors for their support and our delegates for taking time out of their schedules to be with us today It is a great honor for Industry Exchange LLC to host this event and provide a platform where oil and gas sector experts can share their market knowledge and exchange key industry insight We invite you to take part in the conference s sessions and the networking opportunities that we will facilitate to help you develop and grow your business and define your market strategy Best regards Jay Applewhite Chairman 6th Mexico Gas Summit San Antonio 2020 Organized by Industry Exchange www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 5

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES FERNANDO ALONSO Director of Government Affairs Fermaca Fernando Alonso has been a consultant for several energy storage companies LNG liquefied natural gas and power generation plants He was head of the Investment Promotion Unit of the Energy Secretariat from 2000 to 2013 and was previously a representative of the Secretary of Energy at the Embassy of Mexico in Washington D C For the last 10 years Fernando has been a Director of Government Affairs in Fermaca Fernando holds a degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnol gico Aut nomo de M xico He also has other studies in finance SARAH BAIRSTOW Chief Commercial Officer Mexico Pacific Limited Sarah holds unique end to end commercial LNG project development experience having successfully marketed and commercially delivered LNG projects from concept through to commercial operations She was previously Head of LNG Marketing Commercial for the 18 5b Gladstone LNG Project where Sarah secured the long term SPAs before building and running the Gladstone LNG Project s commercial LNG desk for close to a decade on behalf of project partners Santos KOGAS PETRONAS and Total Prior to Gladstone LNG Sarah was an energy transactions and projects lawyer with Ashurst working on some of the largest M A transactions and project developments in the energy and resources space Sarah holds a Bachelor of Laws Hons and a Bachelor of International Business from Griffith University MAYRA BALC ZAR Head of Project Infrastructure Finance Mexico Citibanamex Mayra Balc zar is head of Mexico s Project Infrastructure Finance group and has recently been appointed responsible of Syndicated Loans for Citibanamex During the past ten years she has structured and arranged several important transactions for the bank and capital markets focused on the Oil Gas Energy and Infrastructure sectors Prior to joining PIF Mayra worked in Banamex Debt Capital Markets for five years leading the origination and execution of structured transactions executing more than 50 issuances helping Citibanamex become the 1 Underwriter in Mexico during those years She joined the Project Infrastructure Finance group in 2010 Recent transaction experience comprise Storage financing acquisition of a portfolio of power assets and several gas pipelines financings in the bank and capital markets On the Infrastructure side she has focused on social infrastructure such as Federal penitentiaries hospitals water and toll road securitizations MIGUEL BARRIOS ANTONIO Head of natural gas trading Grupo M xico With 10 years of experience in the energy sector Miguel Barrios has had the opportunity to work in both conventional and renewable energy projects within Mexico USA and Spain After joining Grupo Mexico back in 2015 Miguel has proactively managed the natural gas transactions of the largest mining company in Mexico procuring the supply of natural gas for industrial processes and providing the best pricing and market conditions for the power plant and pipeline owned by the company Miguel Barrios holds a master s degree in energy management by Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education He has also participated as a speaker in events organized by CENAGAS CONCAMIN Confederation de C maras Industriales and CAMIMEX C mara Minera de M xico ING C SAR CADENA CADENA Presidente Cl ster Energ tico Nuevo Le n C sar Humberto Cadena Cadena is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Energ ticos a leading company in the sale of fuels in Mexico and the main diesel wholesaler in the country and a pioneer in the distribution and commercialization of compressed natural gas Cadena Cadena is president of the National Union of Distributors of Fuels In 2016 he was appointed president of the Energy Cluster of Nuevo Le n the first group of this sector that is constituted under said figure in Mexico Before venturing into the energy sector he participated in several companies dedicated to the trade of birds livestock and cheeses and previously he was the executive director of Pasterizadora Nazas which is now part of Grupo Lala where he was responsible for the purchase negotiations expansion of the company and its daily operation C sar Cadena Cadena studied Chemical Engineering at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Le n and holds a Master s Degree in Business Administration for Senior Executives from the Pan American Institute of Senior Business Management IPADE He has participated in various business administration councils and editorial boards in newspapers like El Norte and Reforma 6 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES MARIA DEL ROC O C RDENAS ZUBIETA Directora Sr De Desarrollo IEnova Roc o C rdenas Zubieta cuenta con 26 a os de experiencia en el sector energ a espec ficamente en las reas de comercializaci n planeaci n estrat gica desarrollo de proyectos y alta direcci n Actualmente es Directora Sr de Desarrollo en IEnova empresa de infraestructura energ tica filial de Sempra Energy Fue Directora Ejecutiva de Pimienta Energy S A P I de C V empresa consultora en proyectos de infraestructura de almacenamiento y transporte as como asesora de empresas comercializadoras de hidrocarburos en M xico Hasta Octubre de 2011 Roc o C rdenas ocup la Direcci n General de PMI Comercio Internacional S A de C V empresa mexicana encargada de la comercializaci n internacional del petr leo crudo de M xico y de dar servicios de comercializaci n administraci n y financieros a las empresas del Grupo PMI Fue miembro del Grupo de Direcci n de Pemex Previamente fue Directora Comercial de Refinados en PMI Comercio Internacional S A de C V y Directora de PMI Trading Ltd posiciones en las que realiz la comercializaci n a nivel internacional de productos refinados y GLP as como el suministro de productos refinados para consumo en M xico Fue Presidenta de PMI Holdings North America Inc PMI Services North America Inc y Directora General de PMI Norteamerica S A de C V empresas del Grupo PMI en Estados Unidos encargadas de la construcci n de infraestructura para almacenamiento y transporte de hidrocarburos y analisis de mercados de crudo y gas Fue miembro de la junta de socios de Deer Park Refining LP refiner a en sociedad entre PMI Norteam rica y Shell Oil US miembro de la junta de Directores de Pemex y miembro de varios consejos de administraci n de las empresas de Grupo PMI Es Ingeniera Qu mica por la Universidad Aut noma Metropolitana con cursos ejecutivos de negociaci n y direcci n de empresas en Harvard y MIT Curs el ADII en el IPADE RAUL CARRAL VP Business Development Mexico Wartsila Ra l Carral is responsible for Business Development for W rtsil Energy Solutions in Mexico Central America and the Caribbean Previous to that he was Managing Partner and Consultant at Finance and Development Group S A de C V a business and project development consulting firm based in M xico He was Professor of Innovation and Strategy at Monterrey Tech Campus Santa Fe in Mexico City and International Faculty Fellow of MIT Sloan School of Business He has years of experience of working in business development of infrastructure projects with Nokia Networks as well as working with Nokia Mobile Phones and Research in Motion He holds a Doctor of Science in Technology degree from Helsinki University of Technology in Helsinki Finland a Master of Business and Administration from Helsinki University of Technology in Helsinki Finland a Master of Science in Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology in Helsinki Finland JOSEFA CASAS Asociada Doxia Josefa Casas cuenta con m s de 25 a os de experiencia en el sector p blico habi ndolos combinado con trabajo en los mbitos privado y acad mico Es Maestra en Ciencias por la London School of Economics and Political Science del Reino Unido en Pol ticas de Desarrollo y se gradu como Licenciada en Ciencias Pol ticas y Administraci n P blica por la Universidad Iberoamericana Josefa es experta en el sector energ tico particularmente en las actividades relacionadas con la cadena de valor de la transformaci n del crudo y el gas de su producci n a su comercializaci n y actualmente se desarrolla como consultor para la ejecuci n de estrategias de negocio Josefa colabor en Petr leos Mexicanos por m s de 8 a os siendo responsable por nombramiento del Consejo de Administraci n de la planeaci n y evaluaci n del desempe o operativo y econ mico de Pemex Transformaci n Industrial as como del cumplimiento regulatorio y la evaluaci n de proyectos comerciales y de infraestructura que implicaron desarrollar esquemas de participaci n p blica privada Antes de su desempe o como Subdirectora de An lisis Estrat gico ocup la Coordinaci n Ejecutiva de las Direcciones Generales de Pemex Gas y Petroqu mica B sica y Pemex Transformaci n Industrial Desde su labor como funcionaria p blica mexicana Josefa Casas ha logrado desarrollar alta capacidad de gesti n habiendo coordinado equipos de trabajo interinstitucionales de distintos rdenes de gobierno involucrando incluso organizaciones internacionales multilaterales como la OEA la OCDE y la ONU La capacidad anal tica y estrat gica de Josefa ha ofrecido al sector privado elementos para la toma de decisiones orientadas a la generaci n de valor y a resultados 8 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES CESAR CASTRO DOM NGUEZ Head Trader Mex Gas Supply Actuary graduate he has been in the company for three years As part of Mex Gas Supply S L subsidiary company of Mexican state owned Petr leos Mexicanos he has been on the trading team and currently develops as Trading Manager of the natural gas desk MGS is responsible of the daily import to Mexico of about 35 of the natural gas demanded with a strong presence in the South Texas market OSCAR DEL CUETO CUEVAS Presidente Gerente General y Representante Ejecutivo Kansas City Southern de M xico S A de C V El Mtro Oscar del Cueto es Presidente Gerente General y Representante Ejecutivo de Kansas City Southern de M xico S A de C V KCSM empresa subsidiaria de Kansas City Southern KCS NYSE KSU Fue nombrado en el cargo el 1 de agosto de 2020 Cuenta con m s de 30 a os de experiencia en la industria ferroviaria particip como enlace en el proceso de desincorporaci n de los ferrocarriles nacionales y coadyuv en el proceso de entrega recepci n del primer ferrocarril concesionado en M xico Se incorpor a KCSM en el 2006 donde ocup diferentes direcciones en distintas reas de la empresa como Relaciones Institucionales Comunicaci n Log stica Planeaci n y Operaciones Posteriormente en el 2018 tom la vicepresidencia y la direcci n general de la ferroviaria Tiene una Licenciatura en Comunicaciones y una Maestr a en Administraci n de Empresas en la Universidad de Monterrey Cuenta con diversos estudios y cursos gerenciales en M xico y Estados Unidos as como con un Certificado en el Programa Gerencial de Ferrocarril de la Universidad de Michigan Ha cursado varios diplomados entre los que destacan el de Materiales Peligrosos en el Transportation Technology Center en Pueblo Colorado Desarrollo de Liderazgo Desarrollo de Habilidades de Direcci n y de Administraci n del Talento Humano Tambi n tom cursos de operaciones en Estados Unidos en terminales operativas como Houston San Antonio y Dallas en el Estado de Texas y Nueva Orleans en Luisana Fue Presidente del Comit de Operaciones y Seguridad de la Asociaci n Mexicana de Ferrocarriles AMF durante 5 a os es miembro titular del Consejo de Administraci n del Ferrocarril y Terminal del Valle de M xico Ferrovalle y Miembro Consejero del Consejo Mexicano del Comercio Exterior del Noreste Comce Noreste Consejero de la AMF y actualmente es miembro titular en el Comit Directivo de la terminal ferroviaria Ferrovalle ALEJANDRO DORIA Presidente Bulmatic de Mexico Alejandro Doria is President of Bulkmatic de Mexico S de RL de CV a subsidiary of Bulkmatic Transport located in Griffith IN Graduating from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon in 1996 with a degree in Public Accountant Alejandro also has completed an Executive Management Program by the IPADE Business School in Monterrey and a ONE I MBA Master in Global Business Administration by EGADE Business School in Mexico Brazil USA Netherlands and China Alejandro has more than 25 years of experience in the Transport and Logistics industries focused particularly on international movements between the US and Mexico Over the past 22 years he has been building Bulkmatic s presence in the Mexico market and spearheading the development of fourteen rail to truck transloading terminals within Mexico including more than 45 kilometers of tracks equivalent to 2 300 car spots and over 1 million sq foot of warehouse During this time Alejandro has helped establish Bulkmatic de Mexico as the leading bulk transload and distribution company in Mexico receiving and transferring over 35 000 railcars per year Alejandro is married to Diana and both has 3 kids Diana 25 married Alejandro 21 and Paulina 18 they all live in Monterrey except Diana daughter who lives in Madrid He likes to travel read cook and spend time with his family 10 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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RICARDO FERREIRO Director Regi n Norte Tecpetrol Mr Ricardo Ferreiro is Tecpetrol s North Region Director with responsibilities on the E P and G P operations in Mexico Colombia Venezuela and Ecuador In Mexico he was also member of the Board of the AMEXHI and currently member of the Mexican Section of the U S Mexico Energy Business Council Before this he has been General Manager of Transportadora de Gas del Per TgP the Camisea Transportation System since 2006 to 2014 In Per he also acted as Director of AFIN alternate director of CONFIEP Director and Vice President of the SNMPE and President of the Hydrocarbon Chapter of SNMPE and Director of the Organizing Committee of INGEPET Before joining TgP Mr Ferreiro served as General Manager of Tecpetrol Venezuela He worked there serving several positions since 1996 to 2005 Facilities Production and Operations Manager His responsibilities included the management and control of business units as well as negotiations with the government and the state owned oil company PDVSA He was also Director of the AVHI He has been with Tecpetrol Techint Group for 25 years having started as Facilities Engineer later production and wells supervisor and gas plant treatment and reinjection at the Campo Dur n and Aguarague operations in northern Argentina since 1992 to 1995 Mr Ferreiro is a Mechanical Engineer with a degree from Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina RA L FERRO Energy Intelligence Director Industry Exchange Ra l has more than 30 years of experience covering and understanding business in Latin America Prior to joining Industry Exchange he was Business Intelligence Director at Business News Americas BNamericas for 10 years and Editorial Director at Am ricaEconom a for 12 years He has been a regular columnist at Expansi n Mexico s largest business magazine and contributor to a number of international business information services Ra l has created and designed more than 60 business conferences and round tables in Mexico Chile Peru Colombia Brazil Argentina and the USA He has been speaker and moderator at large international conferences like the ABAC APEC Summit in Lima and Santiago and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Campinas Brazil Raul s industry insight and Latin America expertise plays a fundamental role in the development of a top quality agenda and speaker line up for Industry Exchange events JAMES FOWLER Editor Mexico Energy Report ICIS James Fowler is editor of the ICIS Mexico Energy Report the first English language report focused exclusively on Mexico s power and natural gas sectors He has covered energy markets policies and projects across Latin America over five years for a range of different publications including The Santiago Times Business News Americas and the Economist Intelligence Unit Since joining ICIS in 2012 he has led coverage of the Latin American LNG and natural gas markets from both Santiago Chile and Houston USA www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 11

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES SANTIAGO GARC A CEO Santa Fe Gas Mr Garcia s previous experience includes a FX trader at Bank of Nova Scotia b Gas Power Structuring at Enron UBS c Director of Commodities Trading at Tyson Foods d Global Risk Manager at Grupo Vitro e Managing Director LATAM Commodities Trading at Citibank and f Managing Director LATAM Commodities Trading at Macquarie Currently Mr Garcia is the Chief Executive Officer for Santa Fe Gas one of the first natural gas energy companies that offers integrated services for US Mexican markets At Enron Mr Garcia worked in the Structuring Desk creating innovative hedging strategies for gas and power companies In addition Mr Garcia worked in the development of several gas and power projects in Colombia Guatemala Panama and Puerto Rico At Citibank Mr Garcia was named Managing Director of Global Commodities for Latin America At Citi Mr Garcia was responsible for managing the energy metals and softs desks for the LATAM region advising customers and sovereign countries about risk management strategies and implementing those hedging strategies After Citibank Mr Garcia was named Managing Director of Global Commodities for Latin America working for Macquarie one of the world s strongest banks At Macquarie Mr Garcia was responsible for managing the energy metals and softs desks for the LATAM region advising customers and sovereign countries about risk management strategies physical commodity transactions project finance foreign exchange and interest rates In January 2016 Mr Garcia was named Chief Executive Officer of Santa Fe Gas one of the first natural gas energy companies that offers integrated services for US Mexican markets JOS FRIEDRICH GARC A MALLITZ Subsecretario de Promoci n y Atracci n de Inversiones SEDEC Secretar a para el Desarrollo Econ mico y la Competitividad Jos Friedrich Garc a Mallitz es Ingeniero Industrial y cuenta con una Maestr a en Administraci n de Negocios en el rea de Calidad y Productividad ha estado activo en la industria del petr leo y gas en M xico por m s de 22 a os Antes de ser Subsecretario de Promoci n y Atracci n de Inversiones para el Estado de Tabasco trabaj como Director de Operaciones en la empresa Garcia Mallitz empresa que se dedica a la venta y distribuci n de equipos para la intervenci n y estimulaci n de pozos Es una persona convencida de la importancia de la innovaci n la investigaci n y el desarrollo en las empresas As mismo particip en la creaci n del cl ster del petr leo y gas en el Estado de Tabasco adem s de desempe arse como Vicepresidente en la C mara Nacional de la Industria de Transformaci n CANACINTRA delegaci n Tabasco Ha participado como ponente en diferentes foros nacionales e internacionales MA ANTONIETA G MEZ L PEZ Encargada del Despacho de la Comisi n de Energ a de Tamaulipas State of Tamaulipas Es originaria de Reynosa Tamaulipas tiene m s de 20 a os involucrada en el sector energ tico en octubre de 2016 ingres en el Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas como Directora de Enlace con Organismos T cnicos y Normatividad de la Agencia Estatal de Energ a en 2017 tras la creaci n de la Comisi n de Energ a se incorpor como Directora de Normatividad en enero de 2019 fue promovida para ocupar el cargo de Directora General Jur dica de Normatividad y Transparencia y a partir de febrero de 2020 funge como Encargada del Despacho de la Comisi n de Energ a de Tamaulipas De 200 4 a 2016 se desempe como Responsable de Servicios Jur dicos en Repsol Exploraci n M xico llevando a cabo sus funciones de 200 4 a 2007 en la Ciudad de M xico y de 2008 a 2016 en Reynosa Tamaulipas De 1998 a 2003 se desempe como Jefe de Asesor a Jur dica Distribuci n en Gas Natural M xico ahora Naturgy desempe ando sus funciones de 1998 a 2000 en Monterrey Nuevo Le n y de 2000 a 2003 en la Ciudad de M xico Trabaj de 1995 a 1998 como Gerente Jur dico en Grupo Financiero Afirme en el corporativo ubicado en Monterrey Nuevo Le n de 1991 a 1994 trabaj en la Notar a P blica N mero 104 de esa misma Ciudad Estudi la carrera de Derecho e n la Universidad de Monterrey ha realizado diversos cursos entre los que destacan Curso de Especializaci n en Servicios P blicos por el Instituto Tecnol gico Aut nomo de M xico y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Curso de Arbitraje en Comercio Internacional por la C mara de Comercio Internacional en Par s Francia Programa de Liderazgo en Seguridad y Medio Ambiente en el Centro de Formaci n de Repsol en Espa a entre otros 12 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES SHAWN GRAU Vice President Natural Gas Liquids EPIC Midstream Shawn Grau joined EPIC as a Vice President in February 2020 prior to joining EPIC Shawn held numerous LPG NGL trading positions at Trafigura Shell Trading and the Dow Chemical Company He also spent 5 years in various roles in the ethylene industry at Dow Chemical Mr Grau received a BS in Chemical Engineering from Texas A M University and a MBA from the Bauer School of Business at University of Houston RUTH RUGGERO HUGHS Secretary of State State of the Texas Ruth Ruggero Hughs was sworn in as the 113th Texas Secretary of State on August 19 2019 Secretary Hughs is one of six state officials named by the Texas Constitution to form the Executive Department of the State In addition to serving as Texas Chief Elections Officer Secretary Hughs is also senior advisor and liaison to the Governor for Border and Mexican Affairs and is the state s Chief International Protocol Officer In that role she serves as the Border Commerce Coordinator facilitating communication and coordination of border initiatives among local officials state agencies and the federal governments of the United States Mexico and Canada as well as chairing the Border Trade Advisory Committee which works to identify and address key border trade transportation challenges facing Texas Secretary Hughs has a proven record of public service most recently having served as Chair and Commissioner Representing Employers at the Texas Workforce Commission where she worked to foster opportunities for economic growth by partnering with the business community to provide employers with a variety of resources to expand their businesses as well as implementing initiatives for youth veterans women entrepreneurs and people with disabilities Prior to her appointment Secretary Hughs worked as a licensed attorney and was a small business owner She also previously served at the Office of the Texas Attorney General as the Director of Defense Litigation where she was responsible for the successful management and oversight of the civil litigation divisions representing agencies across the state Secretary Hughs received a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctor degree from the Rutgers Camden School of Law and she earned a certificate in Leader Development at the U S Army War College s National Security Seminar 14 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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ELVIRA DANIEL KABBAZ ZAGA Director General CENAGAS Centro Nacional de Control de Gas Natural Abogada de profesi n se ha desempe ado en la vida p blica y privada El ejercicio de sus funciones incluye la pr ctica legal corporativa y administrativa la realizaci n de negociaciones comerciales corporativas administrativas y el conocimiento de las relaciones internacionales Tiene experiencia en el mbito judicial y legislativo Ha trabajado en despachos privados como abogada postulante en el Poder Judicial Federal como Secretaria de Estudio y Cuenta y como asesora en la C mara de Diputados paralelamente encabez la creaci n del rea jur dica de Grupo Danhos empresa dedicada al desarrollo inmobiliario en donde estuvo a cargo de las negociaciones de proyectos de gran escala Colabor en el Gobierno de la Ciudad de M xico de 2003 a 2006 en donde entre otros aspectos trabaj como asesora del Jefe de Gobierno en temas relacionados con la simplificaci n administrativa y lucha contra la corrupci n Posteriormente fue invitada a dirigir una empresa paraestatal encargada de las operaciones de transporte p blico el ctrico Desde 2006 a la fecha ha formado parte del movimiento encabezado por el presidente de M xico Lic Andr s Manuel L pez Obrador colaborando en diferentes reas que van desde la capacitaci n de entidades municipales promoviendo mejores pr cticas de gobierno hasta la coordinaci n de la promoci n del voto y la capacitaci n de los funcionarios electorales en varios Estados durante la campa a presidencial de 2012 Paralelamente en el sector privado cre la Direcci n de Comunicaci n y Mercadotecnia en Grupo Danhos y se reincorpor al rea legal como coordinadora y asesora de la Fibra Danhos empresa privada de cotizaci n p blica Desde 2013 es miembro del Comit T cnico de la Fibra y Directora de la empresa de comunicaci n y marketing Ha sido candidata a puestos de elecci n popular y en 2016 fue electa a la Asamblea Constituyente de la Ciudad de M xico en donde form parte de la Comisi n de Reglamento de la Comisi n de Buen Gobierno Combate a la Corrupci n y R gimen de Responsabilidades de Servidores P blicos y fungi como Secretaria de la Comisi n de Principios Generales De enero a junio de 2018 decidi viajar a Washington DC con la intenci n de profundizar su conocimiento del sistema pol tico norteamericano y establecer v nculos con diversos actores pol ticos think tanks asociaciones civiles y miembros del Congreso Federal de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica Durante su estancia estudi y analiz reas de oportunidad en la relaci n bilateral y de cooperaci n entre M xico y los Estados Unidos en las reas de Comercio Migraci n Seguridad Fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho y lucha contra la corrupci n Es licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad An huac graduada con Menci n Honor fica estudi la Especialidad Judicial en Amparo en el Instituto de la Judicatura Federal y un Diplomado en An lisis Pol tico Estrat gico en el Centro de Investigaci n y Docencia Econ micas Ha participado en cursos de Derecho Ambiental y Constitucional Tiene pleno dominio de los idiomas ingl s y franc s YANN KIRSCH Chief Operating Officer Perseus Energy Yann Kirsch Oil Gas executive with 18 years of industry experience in both E P and services companies marine shipping companies Currently Chief Operating BD Officer for Perseus Energy Executive Board of Director member for T cnicas Mar timas Avanzadas TMA With extensive knowledge in the Mexican O G industry E P and Service companies operations bidding tender processes with CNH PEMEX and IOC s contract negotiations S P agreements strategic alliances and M A activity Worked collaboratively with different governmental entities in Mexico to meet the needs of the company and compliance with all regulatory requirements Yann has significant experience working in the Mexican drilling sector accruing experience in the chartering crewing operation maintenance and general management of offshore rigs and vessels CHRISTOPHER LENTON Senior Editor Mexico and Latin America at Natural Gas Intelligence NGI Christopher joined NGI as a Senior Editor for Mexico and Latin America in November 2018 Prior to that he was a Senior Editorial Manager at BNamericas in Santiago Chile Based out of Santiago he has covered Latin American energy markets since 2009 as a reporter editor and analyst He has an MA in International Economic Policy from Columbia University and a BA in International Studies from Trinity College www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 15

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES WARREN LEVY CEO Jaguar Exploraci n y Producci n Warren Levy is Chief Executive Officer of Jaguar E P Jaguar E P is a Mexican private company established in 2014 by Grupo Topaz with a strong conviction of strengthening our national energy industry and developing of our communities Jaguar is involved in onshore mature fields exploration production and operation with a talented team of collaborators Currently Jaguar E P is the private company with the largest number of license contracts for exploration and production of hydrocarbons on Mexican onshore mature fields Warren has extensive experience in developing natural resource companies for more than 24 years in more than 20 countries He has contributed strategically to the economic growth and development of the industry in Latin America in executive positions Estrella International Energy Services Schlumberger Pentanova Energy Corp and President Petroleum He has also been a Board Member of several oil operators oil services companies such as Miramar Hydrocarbons Montan Energy and Quad Energy BRIAN LLOYD Director of Regulatory Strategy Sempra Energy Brian Lloyd is currently Director of Regulatory Strategy Texas for Sempra Energy a Fortune 500 energy infrastructure company that owns regulated electric and natural gas utilities in Texas California Mexico and South America liquified natural gas terminal projects in Texas Louisiana and Mexico and other energy infrastructure and generation projects in Mexico Prior to joining Sempra Energy Mr Lloyd served as Executive Director of the Public Utility Commission of Texas where he was responsible for the daily operations and management of the agency strategic planning and policy development and implementation Mr Lloyd also served as Governor Rick Perry s Deputy Director of Budget Planning and Policy and served as the Governor s primary energy policy advisor Before joining the Governor s office Mr Lloyd worked in a variety of roles at the Public Utility Commission and private industry and was the principle author of the 2008 Texas State Energy Plan developed by the Governor s Competitiveness Council Mr Lloyd has a bachelor s degree in economics from Louisiana State University and graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a master s degree in economics He currently lives in Dallas Texas with his wife and two sons DR DAVID MADERO Independent Consultant David Madero is an economist with more than 25 years of experience in public finance macroeconomics and public policy with an emphasis in energy and oil and gas He holds a bachelor s degree from ITAM and master s degree and PhD in economics from UCLA He is currently an independent consultant He recently worked for Acclaim in that role Immediately before he founded the National Center for Natural Gas Control CENAGAS and was its CEO during a four year period during which firm based capacity contracts were successfully placed on the integrated natural gas pipeline system and operations and control of the infrastructure were transferred Before he had been CFO at the Treasury s Service for Asset Management and Disposal and Credit Director at the national development bank for infrastructure Banobras He also held several senior management positions in the Ministry of Energy overseeing policy for upstream midstream and downstream oil and gas activities David Madero has been recognized as one of the 100 most influential leaders in Mexican energy and enjoys living in Mexico City 16 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES ALFONSO MARTIN FERNANDEZ Latin America Business Development Bank of America Merrill Lynch Alfonso Martin Fernandez counts with more than 12 years of experience trading and analyzing global financial markets Currently he is a Vice President on Bank of America Merrill Lynch oil trading desk in NY He currently focuses on generating fundamental analysis for the desk and leading the energy business development effort in Mexico and Latin America He is been extremely involved on the recent energy reform in Mexico over the last few years he and actively works on commodity risk management solution with several clients in the region Prior to BAML he worked at Barclays commodities desk trading different parts of the barrel and at Banco de Mexico Central Bank operation division where he held different roles managing the international reserves portfolio worth more than 100 billion focusing on FX Fixed Income and Commodities He holds a BA in economics from ITAM and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business DR ROGELIO MONTEMAYOR SEGUY President CL STER DE ENERG A COAHUILA A C Rogelio Montemayor Seguy se gradu de Licenciado en Econom a en el Tecnol gico de Monterrey y de Maestr a y Doctorado en Econom a en la Universidad de Pensilvania En ese lapso se desempe a como investigador adjunto del Doctor Lawrence Klein Premio Nobel de Econom a en 1980 Su trayectoria profesional incluye diversos cargos dentro del gobierno federal entre los que destacan Director de Pol tica Econ mica de la SHCP Subsecretario de Planeaci n del Desarrollo de la misma dependencia y Secretario T cnico del Gabinete Econ mico de la Presidencia de la Rep blica En 1985 es nombrado Presidente del Instituto Nacional de Geograf a e Inform tica y como resultado del sismo ocurrido ese mismo a o en la Cd de M xico se encarga de coordinar la descentralizaci n de este organismo a la ciudad de Aguascalientes y a casi 3 000 colaboradores y sus familias Ha sido Diputado Federal por Coahuila a la LIV Legislatura donde presidi la Comisi n de Programaci n Presupuesto y Cuenta P blica Senador de la Rep blica y Gobernador del Estado de Coahuila en el per odo 1993 1999 En el a o 2000 despu s de concluir su per odo como Gobernador fue designado Director de Pemex A la par de su trabajo pol tico ha publicado art culos de pol tica econ mica en diversas revistas entre otros Una agenda para el crecimiento acelerado y la equidad Plataforma n 2 mayo 2012 Revista Trimestral de la Fundaci n Colosio AC coautor de Planeaci n en tiempo de crisis SPP 1983 y es autor del libro El cambio que no lleg las reformas que M xico requiere Ed Diana 2005 Es consultor independiente en proyectos de desarrollo comunitario y pol ticas p blicas Actualmente preside el Cl ster de Energ a Coahuila A C CARLOS MORALES GIL CEO PetroBal He is a Petroleum Engineer from the University of Mexico earned a Master Degree from Stanford University and a Certificate on Project Appraisal and Management from Harvard University Served in the state own oil company Pemex for 32 years where he held several technical and executive positions and from 2004 to February 2014 he was CEO of the Pemex E and P Company His experience includes research and teaching positions at the Mexican Petroleum Institute and The University of M xico and management positions at Solar Turbines and the marine transportation company TMM In February 2015 he was appointed CEO of the Mexican oil company PetroBal Is a member of professional organizations Mexico s Engineering Academy the Society of Petroleum Engineers the Colegio de Ingenieros Petroleros de M xico and the World Energy Council where he has occupied several leadership positions and received recognition awards 18 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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H CTOR MOREIRA RODR GUEZ Comisionado Comisi n Nacional de Hidrocarburos CNH Cuenta con las Licenciaturas en Ciencias Qu micas e Ingenier a Qu mica por el Instituto Tecnol gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey y un Doctorado por la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington D C Adem s tiene un Diplomado en Administraci n Universitaria realizada en la Universidad de Warwick Tiene una trayectoria de m s de trece a os en el sector energ tico en los cuales ocup cargos importantes En el periodo de 2003 a 2004 fue Subsecretario de Planeaci n Energ tica y Desarrollo Tecnol gico de la Secretar a de Energ a En los a os 2004 a 2006 fue Subsecretario de Hidrocarburos de la Secretar a de Energ a donde era responsable de establecer y evaluar estrategias programas e instrumentos normativos para el sector hidrocarburos y de proponer l neas estrat gicas para el desempe o de PEMEX y sus subsidiarias Coordinador de la elaboraci n de proyectos de iniciativas de leyes y decretos legislativos para el marco normativo del sector energ tico Durante el periodo 2009 a 2015 fue Consejero Profesional en el Consejo de Administraci n de PEMEX donde era responsable de apoyar al Consejo de Administraci n de PEMEX en los Comit s de Auditor a y Evaluaci n de Desempe o y de Remuneraciones as como de coordinar el Comit de Estrategia e inversiones Durante el periodo 2009 a 2015 fue Consejero Profesional en el Consejo de Administraci n de PEP Pemex Exploraci n y Producci n En el mbito Acad mico ha sido Vicerrector Acad mico del Instituto Tecnol gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM Colabora como investigador Asociado de Arizona State University en la creaci n de un modelo matem tico para la generaci n de escenarios en el sector energ tico Ha sido consejero del Instituto Mexicano del Petr leo del Instituto de Investigaciones El ctricas del Centro de Investigaciones y Docencia Econ micas y ha sido el autor de varias publicaciones de planeaci n del sector energ tico Fue nombrado por la LXIII Legislatura de la C mara de Senadores el 28 de Abril de 2016 y ratificado para un segundo periodo el 25 de Abril de 2018 como Comisionado de la Comisi n Nacional de Hidrocarburos rgano regulador del sector energ tico que cuenta con autonom a t cnica para regular y supervisar temas de la exploraci n y extracci n de hidrocarburos en M xico GUILLERMO ORTIZ Director Project Finance Global Corporate and Investment Banking MUFG Guillermo Ortiz has played a key role in the bank s leading positions for several transactions in the energy and infrastructure sectors across five Latin America countries and the natural resources sector in the USA His most recent experience before MUFG was in the Structured Finance team within the Oil Division at GLENCORE based in London where he executed M A pre export financing reserve based lending as well as project financing transactions in the South American West African and European regions Before collaborating with GLENCORE he worked in New York for Citigroup on numerous project finance arranging and advisory assignments in the Americas within a range of different sectors from power to oil and gas and infrastructure He also has over 10 years of experience working in various industries such as energy chemicals and cement Prior to joining Citigroup he performed project appraisal for a number of investment and M A opportunities at the Linde Group based in the U S Before this he worked for Pemex Natural Gas Division and was involved in the implementation of key pieces of the new regulatory framework applicable to the natural gas sector in Mexico Previous to his experience at Pemex he worked for Swiss Re and Cemex Guillermo holds a B S in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad Regiomontana in Monterrey Mexico and an MBA from New York University s Leonard N Stern School of Business www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 19

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES ALEJANDRO PADILLA SANTANA Executive Director of Economic Research and Financial Markets Strategy Banorte Alejandro Padilla has 15 years of experience as a professional economist and macro strategist Mr Padilla is Executive Director of Economic Research and Head of Financial Markets Strategy Fixed Income Currencies Commodities and Equities at Grupo Financiero Banorte the second largest bank in Mexico He has been part of Banorte s team for the last 10 years Previously Mr Padilla worked for more than 3 years at J P Morgan Chase as emerging markets strategist based primarily in the Mexico City office He has also worked in the financial sector in areas related to treasury and IR Mr Padilla obtained a Master s degree in Economics from University of Stellenbosch together with an Honours degree graduate level in Financial Economics from the same institution He holds a Bachelor s degree in Economics from ITAM in Mexico and a Corporate Finance diploma from Kellogg Northwestern University On the academic front Mr Padilla has lectured in the MBA program at Universidad Iberoamericana and at several diploma programs about corporate finance and market economy at Tecnol gico de Monterrey EGADE Business School Universidad An huac and Riskmathics He actively participates in national and international publications as well as in radio and TV specialized programs highlighting a monthly newspaper column at El Financiero Bloomberg He was awarded with the Future Leaders distinction in 2017 by the Institute of International Finance Since 2020 is part of the Economic Studies Committee from IMEF He has dictated several conferences about economics and financial markets in Mexico United States Europe and Asia CRISTHIAN P REZ Managing Director Vopak Mexico Chemical Engineer from Universidad Central de Venezuela Caracas Venezuela Supply Chain Management Specialist from Universidad Tecnol gica del Centro Valencia Venezuela Experience in operations manufacturing supply chain sales business development customer services project management and general management in the chemical shipping and terminal industries Last 15 years in Vopak have worked in Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Chile Peru and since July 2017 in Mexico Guest Speaker at APLA Logistica Santiago de Chile 2011 Guest Speaker at Argus Mexico Fuls Market Summit Mexico City 2018 Guest Speaker at Energy Forum British Chamber of Commerce Mexico City 2018 Member of the board of Sociedad Nacional de Mineria Petroleo y Energia Lima Peru 2011 2014 Member of the Board ANIQ Mexico period 2019 2021 JORGE PI N Director Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy Jackson School of Geosciences University of Texas Jorge R Pi n began his 30 year career in the energy sector when he joined Shell Oil Co supply and logistics organization He was president and CEO of Transworld Oil USA prior to joining Amoco Corp in 1991 as president of Amoco Corporate Development Company Latin America supporting the business development efforts between Amoco Corp and state oil companies In 1994 he was transferred to the downstream oil sector to serve as president of Amoco Oil de M xico and president of Amoco Oil Latin America based in Mexico City After the 1999 merger between Amoco and BP he was then transferred to Madrid Spain to manage BP Europe s Iberian petroleum supply and logistics operations As VP and member of the board of AMCHAM Mexico Mr Pi on received the Yiacatecutli award for distinguished service in U S Mexico business relations He was also a member of INROADS de Mexico an organization supporting socio economic disadvantage university students He has conducted research and country risk assessments as an Energy Fellow at the University of Miami s Center for Hemispheric Policy and at Florida International University s Latin American and Caribbean Center He has testified before various committees of the U S House of Representatives and Senate on energy and Latin America U S geopolitical issues He holds degrees in International Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Florida Specialties Business Development and Relationship Management in Emerging Markets 20 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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FABRIZIO PUGA VP Global Business Development Fabrizio joined Edison Energy s team of energy experts in 2010 As Vice President of Global Business Development for Edison he is responsible for the growth of Edison s international servicing as well as the coordination of members of the Energy Experts Alliance While at Edison Fabrizio has expanded global service capabilities by seeking out and establishing like minded partners for the Energy Experts Alliance to provide clients with global energy management with local expertise He is also a key member in the development and expansion of Edison s advisory service in Mexico Prior to joining Edison Fabrizio worked in global energy sourcing for an international paper company and was also VP of Business Development for an energy and carbon consultant He has worked in the energy industry since 1993 and has experience in both the regulated and deregulated energy landscapes as well as expansive knowledge on multiple international energy markets Fabrizio is a graduate of Boston University with a bachelor s degree in international management and has an MBA from University of Texas at Austin He is fluent in both Spanish and English MONSERRAT RAMIRO Global Fellow Wilson Center Global Fellow Montserrat was appointed Commissioner by the Mexican Senate on September 18 2014 for a five year period In 2018 she became Chair of the OECD s Network of Economic Regulators She holds a degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnol gico Aut nomo de M xico She also has a master s degree in Economics from the University College London where she specialized in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Additionally she has a graduate diploma in Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility from Harvard University She is an Eisenhower Fellow Mrs Ramiro has nearly 20 years of experience in the energy industry and environmental sector She started to serve in the public sector at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Subsequently she worked as a consultant on topics related to energy and environment both in Mexico and in the United States Between 2005 and 2013 she served in several areas of Petr leos Mexicanos PEMEX and the subsidiary PMI Group From 2013 to 2014 she worked as Director of Energy at the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness IMCO CELESTE REBORA MIER Directora de Relaciones Institucionales External Affairs Grupo Valoran In the area of Hydrocarbons the most important project is the TFCM a Joint venture between KCS Watco and Grupo Valoran located in San Luis Potos within the WTC Industrial Park 1 She is currently developing corporate research projects on regulatory framework institutional relations and national development plans in Mexico Her research covers the regulatory impact of the structural reforms of 2014 until its evolution in the National Development Plan of the current administration Among her responsibilities is the analysis of future infrastructure projects where the group can participate and the External Affairs She joined the head hunter industry in 2006 in a Mexican firm In 2009 she became the firm s Managing Partner and in 2014 her already established firm became a part of the Alexander Hughes Group as a leader in the Industry and Energy practices Since January 2014 as a result of the Energy Law Reforms Celeste started to participate in several forums with her experience she advised international companies from the Energy sector on how to perform in M xico At this time everything was new in Mexico therefore she had the opportunity to study and to advance at the same time of how they were giving the reforms and the changes With her experience she advised international companies from the Energy sector on how to perform in M xico Celeste started her professional career at Vibosa a Mexican large scale precasted concrete elements for infrastructure where she was in turn Head of Costumer Service Operations Logistics Manager and COO Since 2015 she became a member of the Energy Commission of the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial She holds a degree in architecture given by the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey a Diploma in Energy Law by the Escuela Libre de Derecho and a Diploma on Social Well Being by the USEM www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 21

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES JAMES REDDINGER President and Chief Executive Officer Stabilis Energy Inc James Reddinger is the CEO of Stabilis Energy a leading small scale LNG production and distribution company in North America Stabilis operates under the brand names Stabilis Energy LNG production and Prometheus Energy LNG distribution He has also served as the CFO and COO of the company Prior to joining Stabilis Energy Reddinger was the CFO of Tiger Rentals a Managing Director at UBS Investment Bank and a Vice President at Credit Suisse He holds a BA from Harvard University and an MBA from The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University DR MIGUEL SANTIAGO REYES HERNANDEZ Director General CFE Energ a El Dr Miguel Santiago Reyes Hern ndez es Director General de CFEnerg a S A de C V y CFE International LLC de diciembre 2018 a la fecha Tiene un Doctorado en Econom a por la Universidad de las Am ricas Puebla Es acad mico de la Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de Puebla y Ciudad de M xico NORMA A RODR GUEZ GONZ LEZ Procurement Energy Manager FRISA Forjados Norma Rodr guez is responsible for the purchasing of Raw Materials and Energy at the Steel Business Unit in Frisa Forjados Since 2015 that Frisa started the construction of the Steel Plant she took part in the electricity and natural gas infrastructure development Also and due to the growing power market in M xico she has led the tenders and negotiations of the new contracts for these power supplies that are very important for Frisa In the management of the contracts she has insured the supply with significant savings She also leads the relationship with government entities such as CRE CENACE and CENAGAS Her professional experience is in Industrial Engineering and Purchasing in the steel industries like Tamsa and Ternium Norma Rodr guez is Industrial Engineer graduated from Universidad de las Am ricas Puebla UDLA P and also has a master degree in Corporate Finance Member of Women s Energy Network WEN Chapter M xico FRANCISCO XAVIER SALAZAR DIEZ DE SOLLANO Socio ENIX Francisco Xavier Salazar Diez de Sollano is a partner at Gadex Enix and Trust Mexico Gadex is a consulting firm specialized in the natural gas market in Mexico Enix is devoted to energy regulation while Trust Mexico analyses socio political risks for infrastructure projects in the country Francisco is also the Coordinator of the International Confederation of Regulators ICER In 2016 he was appointed as the first Institute of the Americas Regional Energy Integration Non Resident Fellow and as executive fellow at the School of Public Policy of the University of Calgary During 2015 2017 he was Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the World Energy Council WEC In 2017 he became a member of COMEXI the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations From 2005 to 2015 he served as Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Commission CRE time during which he was an active promoter of energy reform in Mexico During 2011 2015 he chaired the Ibero American Energy Regulators Association ARIAE Prior to being a regulator he was a congressman for two terms In Congress he served as a Chairman of the Energy Committee at the Chamber of Deputies At the beginning of his professional career he also was involved in the Chemical Sector Mr Salazar holds an MSc in Public Financial Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi and Diploma studies in Law and Economics from other universities He has taught courses on Public Finance and Monetary Economics at local universities in San Luis Potosi and written on the use of economic instruments in environmental public policy as well as on energy policy and regulation Mr Salazar has also participated as member of editorial boards from major newspapers and business magazines in Mexico 22 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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CHAD SMITH SVP Terminal Operations Has been with One Cypress Energy for the previous five years based out of San Antonio TX with current responsibility to manage the marine terminal operation located at the Port of Brownsville TX Prior to joining One Cypress spent more than a decade in financial positions across several energy related practices including KPMG Corporate Finance FTI Consulting and Lehman Brothers in the Energy and Natural Resources Investment Banking group Holds a BBA from Southern Methodist University and an MBA in Finance from The University of Texas at Austin SEAN STRAWBRIDGE CEO Port of Corpus Christi Authority With over 25 years experience serving and advising clients and investors in GLOBAL ENERGY TRADE TRANSPORTATION and PRIVATE EQUITY sectors Sean has broad based international experience LATAM MENA BRIC countries in sales marketing business corporate development capitalintensive industrial operations integration turnarounds restructuring and new market development Sean is an executive with a passion for attracting talent a sturdy record of results and an ability to energize and mobilize business teams to achieving higher results In doing so his business unit teams have achieved greater performances typically outpacing broader markets Sean has worked with multidisciplinary teams in a multitude of markets including the United States Brazil PRC Panama Mexico Colombia Peru Egypt Oman U A E and India Over his career Sean has gained valuable experience in SALES MARKETING BUSINESS CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT MERGERS ACQUISITIONS GREENFIELD BROWNFIELD PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION INFRASTRUCTURE CONCESSIONS and JOINT VENTURE CAPITAL STRUCTURING He has well forged global relationships with customers partners investors and suppliers which he diligently maintains and values GEOFF STREET Director Marketing Tenaska Marketing Ventures As Director of Marketing for Tenaska Gas de Mex co an affiliate of Tenaska Marketing Ventures TMV Geoff Street manages all business development and origination activities for natural gas marketing into and within Mexico Prior to joining Tenaska Street was involved in various trading and marketing roles for Hunt Oil Company Hunt Electric Power Marketing and Iberdrola Renewables He has more than 12 years of experience in the natural gas industry including eight in Mexico energy Street is a graduate of Vanderbilt University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and Economics PAULA SWAIN Managing Director Downstream Energy Export Import Bank of the United States Paula Swain is a managing director in the Structured and Project Finance Group of the Export Import Bank Ex Im Bank the official export credit agency of the U S She rejoined Ex Im s Structured and Project Finance Group in 2011 and specializes in large energy projects Prior to rejoining Ex Im Bank she was with El Paso Corporation Fortune 500 for ten years where she financed El Paso s energy projects in Mexico Panama Brazil and China U S regulated pipelines and an LNG facility in addition to support of M A project development and treasury activities She was with Ex Im Bank in Washington for nine years prior to returning to her hometown and joining El Paso Corporation She has financed or raised financing for several of Project Finance Magazine s Deals of the Year Paula began her career in middle market banking to the Texas oil patch in the mid 80s She has a sound understanding of the energy value chain and has financed projects in Mexico for over 25 years Ex Im Bank s total authorizations for fiscal year 2015 are supporting an estimated 17 billion in U S export sales and approximately 109 000 American jobs in communities across the country Ex Im Bank transferred more than 431 6 million in deficit reducing receipts to the U S Treasury s General Fund for fiscal year 2015 Almost 90 of the transactions directly supported U S small businesses www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 23

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES LUIS V ZQUEZ SENTI S Presidente del Consejo de Administraci n Diavaz Luis is the founder and member of the Board of Directors of Diavaz since 1982 to date Diavaz is a 100 Mexican business partnership made up by several basic business units jointly created through strategic and business alliances The activities of DIAVAZ are related to the Mexican energy industry ranging from oil and gas exploration and production its process transportation storage until its final consumption He has been and still is an advisor of several national and international companies all of them related to the energy industry Luis V zquez actively participates in a wide variety of Chambers Associations as well as Professional and Entrepreneurial Organizations Eng V zquez is Chairman of the Mexican Natural Gas Association and former president and current member of Mexico s Chapter of the World Energy Council Luis V zquez is a chemical engineer he graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto Canada RAJAN VIG ounder Indimex Consultant Western Power Trading Forum Rajan started his own company in Dec 2018 called Indimex Group The entity is a Mexico Cityheadquartered oil marketing and trading company with offices in the United States Indimex Group is focused on the procurement marketing trading and optimizing of refined products into Mexico as well as investing and operating physical assets for the movement of fuels in Mexico and the United States He previously built BioUrja s Mexico business BioUrja Mexico and BioUrja Mexico Gas for the physical movement of gas power and fuels trading He is currently the WPTF Chief Consultant for Mexico The role entails participating to the maximum extent feasible in the Mexico Electricity Market MEM and market redesign forums across gas as well as fuels to some extent He is a Board Member and Executive Secretary for the Asociaci n de Comercializadores de Energ a ACE A C a Mexican trade association organized under the civil laws of Mexico City representing the views and opinions of the WPTF Mexico Funding Members and he works closely with the Mexican regulatory bodies in order to advocate and advise on the Mexican power and gas markets Also he is the Co Chair for Oil Markets with the International Society for Mexico Energy ISME Rajan has an MSc in Latin American Economics and Politics from Oxford University and graduated with honors in Spanish and Italian with Portuguese from University of Manchester RON VOGEL VP Marketing BP Energy Ron started his career in Gas NGL and Oil Marketing in 1990 in Calgary Canada with a predecessor of Anadarko After leaving Anadarko he worked for 2 different start up E P companies and then eventually built his own marketing consulting firm which he later sold He joined BP in Calgary as the VP of Western Canada Supply in 2005 In 2010 he transferred to Houston to head up BP s Supply and Marketing teams for the US NE region In the fall of 2016 Ron took on a new role as the VP of Marketing for the Southeast Gulf Coast Mid Atlantic and Mexico regions 24 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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DUNCAN WOOD Director Mexico Instituteer Woodrow Wilson International Cent Duncan Wood Director of the Wilson Center s Mexico Institute is a North American citizen lecturing and publishing widely in the United States Mexico and Canada on intracontinental issues and relations with a primary focus on U S Mexican ties He regularly gives testimony to the U S Congress on U S Mexico relations is a widely quoted source on Mexican energy politics and has published widely on this and other issues He is the author or editor of 10 books and more than 30 chapters and articles He is currently a regular participant in the World Economic Forum s Global Future Council on Energy an editorial advisor to El Universal newspaper and is a member of the editorial board of Foreign Affairs Latinoamerica From 1996 2012 he was a professor and the director of the International Relations Program at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico ITAM in Mexico City for 17 years In 2007 he was a non resident Fulbright Fellow and between 2007 and 2009 he was technical secretary of the Red Mexicana de Energia a group of experts in the area of energy policy in Mexico He has been a member of the Mexican National Research System an editorial advisor to both Reforma a Senior Associate with the Simon Chair and the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS in Washington D C He studied in the UK and Canada receiving his PhD in political studies from Queen s University Canada and is a recipient of the Canadian Governor General s Visit Award for contributions to the Mexico Canada relationship CARLOS YAZPIK Business Director Energy Mexico Union Pacific Railroad Carlos Yazpik holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of La Salle with diplomas in Branding Supply Chain and Customer Behavior from the UNAM and Tecnologico de Monterrey successively He has been in the transportation industry for over 16 years from which 13 have been working for the Railroad During that period he has been in charge of several commodities with various markets such as Autos Intermodal Steel and Paper amongst others providing him with a broad perspective of the supply chain needs and changes of the industry nowadays He was also part of the developing team for the rail access for the Trinity plant in Casta os and the Constellation Brands Brewery in Navas Carlos successfully led the project to move the first ever diesel gasoline unit train as part of the Mexican Energy Reform and he has been developing that market ever since Carlos is currently living in Houston developing still the Mexican Energy Reform commodities and other potential markets for Union Pacific www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 25

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SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES bp trades and markets a broad suite of commodities globally including natural gas LNG NGLs crude oil refined products and petrochemicals We offer the benefits of deep physical expertise geographic scope and service that exceeds the industry benchmark bp is the leading marketer of natural gas in North America and our North American business bp Energy Company has earned a reputation for reliable supply and dependability Our web of assets including more than 3 000 customers gives us the ability to find and move natural gas when and where you need it Through bp Energ a M xico we are extending this expertise to M xico At bp our purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet We ve set an ambition to be a net zero company by 2050 or sooner and to help the world get to net zero To deliver that ambition we have launched our new strategy that will reshape our business within a decade as we pivot from an international oil company focused on producing resources to an integrated energy company focused on delivering solutions for customers As the primary economic engine of the Texas Coastal Bend the Port of Corpus Christi is the number one port in the United States in total revenue tonnage and the nation s top crude oil exporter Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico with a straight 47 deep channel the Port provides quick access to the Gulf and the entire United States inland waterway system offering overland transportation with on site direct connections to three Class 1 railroads uncongested interstate and state highways Edison Energy a wholly owned subsidiary of Edison International NYSE EIX provides independent global advisory solutions to help large corporate industrial and institutional clients better understand and navigate the choices and risks of managing energy Through an integrated portfolio approach Edison Energy enables decision makers in organizations to deliver on their strategic financial and sustainability goals Providing a suite of specialized services across sustainability analytics renewables supply and demand Edison Energy addresses the three biggest challenges in energy today cost carbon and complex choices For more information about Edison Energy visit www edisonenergy com W rtsil Energy Solutions is leading the transition towards a 100 renewable energy future As an Energy System Integrator we understand design build and serve optimal power systems for future generations Our offering includes ultraflexible internal combustion engine based power plants hybridised solar power plants energy storage integration solutions as well as gas to power systems W rtsil s solutions provide the needed flexibility to integrate renewables and secure power system reliability W rtsil has 68 GW of installed power plant capacity in 177 countries around the world www wartsila com energy Protected by a state of the art security department an awardwinning Environmental Management System and outstanding management and operations staff our mission is to leverage commerce to drive prosperity as we serve as the energy port of the Americas 26 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report 1 Mexico Power Power strategy has no immediate CFE rating effect Fitch 6 KEY GAS AND LNG PRICES MEXICO LOCATIONAL GAS PRICE INDICATOR MMBtu Sep Oct Nov El Encino 1 774 1 898 2 223 Guadalajara 3 551 3 690 4 004 Mexico City 3 419 3 558 3 872 Minatitlan 3 578 3 724 4 042 Monterrey 2 677 2 816 3 130 Tuxpan 3 419 3 558 3 872 Ps GJ Sep Oct Nov El Encino 41 377 44 433 52 245 Guadalajara 82 837 86 398 94 116 Mexico City 79 749 83 299 91 005 Minatitlan 83 460 87 201 95 003 Monterrey 62 445 65 931 73 568 Tuxpan 79 749 83 299 91 005 NOTE Historical data of the ICIS Mexico locational gas price indicator is available For more information mexico energy report icis com SOURCE ICIS Click here to view the Mexico Locational Gas Price Indicators represented on a map SPOT LNG ASSESSMENT MMBtu Period 3 US Gas 2 Mexico Gas Mexico East October 20 3 050 November 20 3 550 New pipe capacity coming despite mixed infrastructure progress 8 US gas futures surge on production outlook 19 Sources expect more regulatory legal shifts in power sector Current laws incompatible with proposals in memo attributed to AMLO sources Sources say president gave regulators two months to give feedback Future attempt at counter reform may depend on regulators response Mexico s power sector may need to brace itself for regulatory changes and potentially a constitutional reform if the federal government decides to move forward with alleged measures to strengthen state run power utility CFE This is because most of these measures included in a 22 July memorandum addressed to energy regulators cannot be implemented under the current legal framework accord ing to market sources A copy of the memo attributed to president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO reviewed by ICIS requests the regulators opinion on precisely that matter It also says the government intends to act within the law and draft an action plan based on the regulators feedback Two sources said AMLO read the letter to the board of energy regulators CRE and CNH at a meeting in the national palace in Mexico City during the final week of July One of the sources said the president gave the regulators two months to respond Although the government has not officially confirmed the memo s authenticity AMLO has publicly expressed some of the ideas included in the letter on different occasions Page 12 USMCA protects Mexico energy investors former trade official SOURCE ICIS INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Period MMBtu Henry Hub EAX October 20 2 556 4 150 November 20 2 870 4 500 SOURCE NYMEX ICIS SUBSCRIBER NOTE The next edition of the Mexico Energy Report will be published on 2 September in accordance with the publishing schedule ICIS Commodity Page news and Twitter updates will continue to be available in the interim 28 September 8 10 2020 USMCA includes energy section for first time Agreement clarifies equal interests between private state energy companies Potential dispute resolution process also outlined Investors who have been feeling jittery about the Mexican energy sector should take comfort in the new North American trade deal there are protections baked into the agreement that strengthen their hand considerably according to former senior negotiator Juan Carlos Baker Pineda during a recent webinar The United States Mexico Canada Agreement or USMCA which went into agreement on 1 July replaced the NAFTA agreement adding for the first time a section on the energy sector that clarifies the roles rights and responsibilities of governments companies and investors The reason the protections are so strong is because they are the same ones that had been negotiated in the original Trans Pacific Part nership for the energy sector at a time when the former Pena Nieto administration was particularly keen to attract private investment to Mexico and was willing to shore up their rights to do so Even though the USMCA reached its final settlement under the current Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador administration Mexico agreed that the new North America deal would reflect the same offer it had made in 2016 in the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP for the energy sector The United States was originally part of the TPP but the Trump administration decided to pull out of the agreement in 2016 Mexico is still a participant of the subsequent agreement that was formed after the TPP known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership CPTPP What we did when we came to that part of the talks regarding Mexican energy we did what was logical to offer exactly in the USMCA what we had given before in the CPTPP said Baker Pineda the former undersecretary for Foreign Trade in the Economy Ministry during the USMCA negotiations Baker Page 12 www mexicogassummit com 1

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Mexico Energy Report ICIS ENERGY POWER SURVEY RESULTS Survey parameters Prices in both the power and CEL tables represent midpoints based on a mathematical average of market participant responses received rounded up to the nearest whole value in Mexican pesos per MWh ICIS then uses those midpoints be tween bids and offers to give an idea of where the market could transact if buyers and sellers each make equal concessions In line with market participant feedback ICIS will continue to expand the power survey in coming months We remain open to feedback and suggestions regarding the expansion of the survey Please send feedback to MER editor Claudia Espinosa at mexico energy report icis com Claudia Espinosa RESULTS OF JUNE 2020 ICIS MEXICO POWER MARKET PRICE SURVEY ONE YEAR CONTRACT Bid MXP MWh US MWh Offer MXP MWh Valle de Mexico Norte 551 25 03 742 33 68 647 29 35 110 Veracruz 740 33 58 948 43 04 844 38 31 30 4 Mexicali 403 18 31 634 28 80 519 23 55 35 6 Guadalajara 620 28 14 820 37 24 720 32 69 35 5 Merida 849 38 54 1263 57 35 1056 47 95 190 15 Monterrey 556 25 24 815 36 98 685 31 11 53 8 Laguna 522 23 69 708 32 13 615 27 91 37 6 Bid MXP CEL US CEL Offer MXP CEL US CEL Midpoint MXP CEL US CEL Midpoint diff to previous MXP Change Calendar year 2020 178 8 06 341 15 48 259 11 77 2 1 Calendar year 2021 163 7 39 345 15 67 254 11 53 5 2 Node CEL Midpoint Midpoint diff to previous US MWh MXP MWh US MWh MXP Change 15 SOURCE ICIS RESULTS OF JUNE 2020 ICIS MEXICO POWER MARKET PRICE SURVEY TWO YEAR CONTRACT Bid MXP MWh US MWh Offer MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint diff to previous MXP Change Valle de Mexico Norte 536 24 36 745 33 82 641 29 09 73 10 Veracruz 699 31 72 922 41 84 810 36 78 38 5 Mexicali 402 18 26 648 29 40 525 23 83 27 5 Node Guadalajara 580 26 31 795 36 09 687 31 20 31 4 Merida 803 36 47 1219 55 34 1011 45 91 162 14 Monterrey 573 26 01 800 36 34 687 31 17 78 13 Laguna 510 23 16 714 32 40 612 27 78 9 1 SOURCE ICIS RESULTS OF JUNE 2020 ICIS MEXICO POWER MARKET PRICE SURVEY THREE YEAR CONTRACT Bid MXP MWh US MWh Offer MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint diff to previous MXP Change Valle de Mexico Norte 521 23 64 731 33 19 626 28 41 61 9 Veracruz 660 29 99 893 40 53 777 35 26 18 2 Mexicali 452 20 51 698 31 68 575 26 09 73 11 Node Guadalajara 551 25 01 767 34 84 659 29 92 34 5 Merida 763 34 66 1184 53 74 973 44 20 177 15 Monterrey 565 25 66 772 35 05 669 30 35 74 12 Laguna 503 22 82 710 32 23 606 27 52 0 0 SOURCE ICIS RESULTS OF JUNE 2020 ICIS MEXICO POWER MARKET PRICE SURVEY FIVE YEAR CONTRACT Node Bid MXP MWh Offer US MWh MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint MXP MWh US MWh Midpoint diff to previous MXP Change 8 Valle de Mexico Norte 493 22 40 711 32 29 602 27 35 50 Veracruz 615 27 92 863 39 17 739 33 55 19 3 Mexicali 460 20 88 706 32 06 583 26 47 114 16 Guadalajara 503 22 85 724 32 89 614 27 87 47 7 Merida 688 31 23 1100 49 93 894 40 58 173 16 Monterrey 547 24 83 728 33 06 638 28 95 87 16 Laguna 483 21 92 697 31 65 590 26 79 10 2 Based on 19 08 20 exchange rate of 1 MXP 22 0257 SOURCE ICIS ICIS accepts no liability for commercial decisions based on the content of this report Unauthorised reproduction onward transmission or copying of Mexico Energy Report in either its electronic or hard copy format is illegal Should you require a licence or additional copies please contact ICIS at energysales icis com MER 6 32 19 August 2020 www icis com energy 30 September 8 10 2020 2 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report ICIS ENERGY POWER SURVEY RESULTS RESULTS OF ICIS MEXICO POWER MARKET PRICE SURVEY JUNE 2020 Mexicali One year Two year Three year Five year Bid 403 402 452 460 Change Offer Change 5 634 7 1 648 7 10 698 12 16 706 17 One year Two year Three year Five year One year Two year Three year Five year One year Two year Three year Five year Bid 522 510 503 483 Change Offer Change 6 708 6 1 714 2 1 710 0 2 697 1 Bid 620 580 551 503 Laguna Bid 556 573 565 547 Monterrey One year Two year Three year Five year Change Offer Change 2 815 13 9 800 16 10 772 14 21 728 12 Bid 740 699 660 615 Change Offer Change 3 948 4 5 922 5 1 893 3 1 863 4 Change Offer Change 5 820 4 5 795 4 5 767 5 8 724 6 Merida Guadalajara One year Two year Three year Five year Bid 551 536 521 493 Change Offer Change 16 742 13 13 745 8 10 731 8 9 711 7 Valle de Mexico Norte NOTE All bids and offers in the map are in MXP MWh and percentage changes included are compared with prior ICIS power survey www mexicogassummit com Veracruz One year Two year Three year Five year Bid 849 803 763 688 Change Offer Change 11 1263 18 10 1219 16 12 1184 17 15 1100 17 3 6th MGS A Virtual Event 31

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Mexico Energy Report ICIS ENERGY POWER SURVEY RESULTS ICIS power survey midpoints Two year contract ICIS power survey midpoints One year contract MXP MWh MXP MWh 4 000 3 500 3 000 VDMN Monterrey Veracruz Laguna Merida Guadalajara 4 000 Mexicali 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 500 2 000 2 000 1 500 1 500 1 000 1 000 500 0 Monterrey Veracruz Laguna Merida Guadalajara Apr Jul Sep 2019 Survey publication date Nov Mexicali 500 Mar 2017 Jun Aug Oct Dec Source ICIS Energy Mar May Jul Sep Nov Mar May 2018 2019 Survey publication date Aug Oct Dec Mar May 2020 3 500 3 000 Jun 2018 Aug Oct Dec Source ICIS Energy Feb 2020 Apr Jun ICIS power survey midpoints Five year contract MXP MWh MXP MWh 4 000 0 Jul ICIS power survey midpoints Three year contract VDMN Monterrey Veracruz Laguna Merida Guadalajara 3 500 Mexicali 3 000 2 500 2 500 VDMN Monterrey Veracruz Laguna Merida Guadalajara Mexicali 2 000 2 000 1 500 1 500 1 000 1 000 500 500 0 VDMN Jun 2018 Aug Oct Dec Source ICIS Energy Apr Jul Sep 2019 Survey publication date Nov Feb 2020 Apr Sep Nov Mar 2019 May Aug Oct Dec Mar 2020 Survey publication date May Jul CELs Midpoints One year contract midpoint Three year contract midpoint 1 400 Jul 2018 Source ICIS Energy Midpoint comparison different contract lengths MXP MWh 0 Jun Two year contract midpoint Five year contract midpoint 1 200 MXP CEL 400 350 1 000 2018 CELs Midpoint 2019 CELs Midpoint 2020 CELs Midpoint 2021 CELs Midpoint 300 800 600 250 400 200 200 0 150 VDMN Veracruz Mexicali Source ICIS Energy Guadalajara Merida Monterrey Laguna Jun 2017 Aug Oct Dec Source ICIS Energy Mar May 2018 Jul Sep Nov Mar May 2019 Survey publication date Aug Oct Dec Mar May 2020 Jul New online training ICIS Training Global LNG Markets Pricing 21 23 September 2020 Tuition time 9 hours Find out more 4 32 September 8 10 2020 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report TRADEON SCREEN ACTIVITY WEEK 33 DOLLAR DENOMINATED Bid Quantity Bid MWh Bid diff MWh Ask MWh Ask diff MWh Ask Quantity 2020 SIN TBPOT 5 15 000 00 UNCH 38 000 00 2000 00 5 2021 SIN TBPOT 5 7 500 00 UNCH 2022 SIN TBPOT 5 7 500 00 UNCH 2023 SIN TBPOT 35 5 000 00 UNCH 2024 SIN TBPOT 35 5 000 00 UNCH SPOT CEL 5 7 00 UNCH 9 50 UNCH 5 Q3 20 CEL 5 6 50 UNCH 12 00 UNCH 5 Contract Term Instrument Q4 20 CEL 5 6 50 0 50 12 00 UNCH 5 Q1 21 CEL 5 6 50 0 50 15 45 UNCH 5 Q2 21 CEL 3 6 00 UNCH 15 40 UNCH 5 Q3 21 CEL 3 5 00 UNCH 15 25 UNCH 5 Q4 21 CEL 3 4 00 UNCH Q1 22 CEL 15 00 UNCH 5 14 75 UNCH 5 Q2 22 CEL 14 70 UNCH 5 Q3 22 CEL 14 65 UNCH 5 Q4 22 CEL 14 60 UNCH 5 Q1 23 CEL 14 50 UNCH 5 PESO DENOMINATED Contract Term Instrument Bal 2020 Queretaro LMP Bid Quantity Bid MXP MWh Bid diff MXP MWh Ask MXP MWh Ask diff MXP MWh Ask Quantity 10 800 00 UNCH 1 150 00 UNCH 10 1 250 00 UNCH 10 900 00 UNCH 1 Cal 2021 Queretaro LMP Bal of Month Sep 20 Queretaro LMP 1 550 00 UNCH 1 200 00 UNCH 10 Bal 2020 Monterrey LMP 5 550 00 UNCH 850 00 UNCH 10 Cal 2021 Monterrey LMP 10 725 00 UNCH 950 00 UNCH 10 Cal 2022 Monterrey LMP 10 725 00 UNCH 950 00 UNCH 10 Bal 2020 Hermosillo LMP 900 00 UNCH 50 Cal 2021 Hermosillo LMP 900 00 UNCH 50 Cal 2022 Hermosillo LMP 900 00 UNCH 50 Cal 2023 Hermosillo LMP 900 00 UNCH 50 Bal 2020 Puebla LMP Bal 2020 Mexicali LMP www mexicogassummit com 10 450 00 UNCH 5 6th MGS A Virtual Event 33

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Mexico Energy Report POWER Average daily LMPs across selected SEN nodes Power strategy has no immediate CFE rating effect Fitch MXP MWh Guadalajara 5 000 Mexicali Veracruz 4 000 Strategy may improve CFE operative performance hurt power market The agency affirmed the company s main credit ratings More information needed to assess investment trust impact on company finances The Mexican government s reported strategy to strengthen state run power utility CFE is unlikely to bring major positive repercussions for the company s credit rating according to two Mexico based analysts at Fitch Ratings The strategy is outlined in a memorandum attributed to president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO which two sources said AMLO himself read to board members of energy regulators CRE and CNH at the end of July The implementation of some of the proposed measures however may help improve CFE s operative performance while bringing negative implications for the wholesale power market This would be the case with the proposal to prioritise CFE owned plants for dispatch to the grid which could negatively impact power spot prices according to analyst Sergio Rodriguez If CFE were to significantly increase its stake in power generation activities the utility still has a monopoly on transmission and distribution activities or if the government decides to promote a counter energy reform then some credit ratings implication may be observed Rodriguez said In that case Fitch would be looking at the 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 02 Aug 03 Aug 04 Aug 05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug Source CENACE Essentia Advisors WEEKLY ICIS FUEL SPOT PRICES Type Low Date assessed US Gulf Diesel Low Sulphur Europe USD CTS US gal 121 125 121 25 Unit 121 18 08 2020 US Gulf Fuel Oil No 6 3 0 Mid 41 18 08 2020 USD bbl 41 125 High 41 25 Low Sulphur Europe only indicates sulphur specifications Product is called Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel or ULSD in the United States additional investments CFE would be required to make under this scenario CREDIT RATING Fitch affirmed CFE s long term foreign currency issuer default rating IDR long term local currency IDR and national long term rating on 11 August at BBB BB and AAA respectively The agency also deemed the outlook of those ratings as stable One of the main drivers for this decision is that CFE s ratings are equalised with the Mexican sovereign credit rating due to its strong linkage with the federal government which would make authorities have a strong incentive to support the utility in the event of WEEK 33 AVERAGE MARGINAL COSTS ACROSS SELECTED SEN NODES Node Merida Laguna Valle de Mexico Norte La Paz Monterrey Seven day average W W MXP MWh diff a default This is what helps to maintain CFE s score up high in the rating assessment said analyst Velia Valdes The fact that CFE is the largest integrated electric utility in Mexico and the country s sole electricity marketer are also main rating drivers Fitch said in an 11 August note OUTLOOK Mexico s electricity sector requires private investment not only to meet growing demand needs but to prevent financial pressure on CFE Fitch said While investments in transmission and distribution capacity are needed CFE has a limited ability to fund projects required to maintain a balanced power Page 7 WEEK 33 AVERAGE ALZ PRICES Y Y diff Congestion sevenday average MXP MWh W W diff MXP MWh Y Y diff MXP MWh load zone Aggregated load zone Weekly average price W W diff Guadalajara 641 4 51 1 8 12 La Paz 4025 14 15 0 0 0 Laguna 586 5 56 21 7 79 Del Cobre 592 12 Merida 739 11 67 13 67 647 Bacalar 767 10 Mexicali 1315 94 64 0 0 69 Bufadora 1295 92 Monterrey 568 7 49 11 24 62 Fundidora 568 7 Valle de Mexico Norte 644 1 52 1 3 24 Tepozteco 638 0 Veracruz 634 2 59 2 0 217 Montebello 647 3 123 Weekly Average SEN ICIS tracked zones 1152 14 Weekly Average SIN ICIS tracked zones 642 0 Weekly Average SEN ICIStracked delivery points 1144 14 36 Weekly Average SIN ICIStracked delivery points 635 0 57 CENACE SIN Average 638 3 4 Chapala 639 4 Ulloa 4065 15 SIN ICIS tracked average excludes La Paz Mexicali nodes and Ulloa Bufadora aggregated load zones NOTE Percentage differences in bold distinguish the most significant changes SOURCE CENACE Essentia Advisors 34 September 8 10 2020 6 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report Power strategy has no immediate CFE rating effect Fitch Continued from page 6 system without having to change its capital structure according to the agency The recently announced master investment trust may be positive for the utility as it will allow it to finance projects without requiring it to disburse its own funds the two analysts said However more specifics about the new financing model are needed before a thorough assessment can be made It is still unclear whether the master trust will be self financing or if it will raise funds via debt with the projects under the trust serving as the payment source Rodriguez said The Fitch analysts expect the outlook for CFE to remain stable for the remainder of the year However they said some main factors will need to be monitored such as power demand s behaviour fuel prices and exchange rate fluctuations While power demand increases with GDP during times of economic growth it experiences a smaller decrease at times of economic contraction the analysts said As such they are expecting to see a reduction of only around 3 60 in the company s revenue this year compared to 2019 Regarding fuel prices they said the fall in these prices has so far helped to compensate the depreciation of the Mexican peso which in turned supported CFE s margins However a potential devaluation of the peso could impact CFE s balance given that some of its debt is denominated in foreign currencies The main message is CFE s credit profile is currently stable with the possibility of experiencing a slight increase not a decline said Rodriguez Angeles Rodriguez Gain clarity on the European gas market Every Friday at 9am CST 3pm London Catch the latest on global LNG dynamics Every Monday at 1pm CST 6pm London Join today at www enelyst com www mexicogassummit com 7 6th MGS A Virtual Event 35

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Mexico Energy Repor t GAS New pipe capacity coming despite mixed infrastructure progress Mier Monterrey expansion progresses capacity expected July 2021 TC Energia permitted to link to Wahalajara reverse Manzanillo flows CFE tenders for Manzanillo LNG Cempoala Cuxtal Leona Vicario projects appear delayed Key projects further into Mexico are delayed but the Mexico arm of pipeline builder Kinder Morgan is moving forward with its Mier Monterrey expansion project which has the potential to add capacity near industrial hub Monterrey within a year Kinder Morgan Gas Natural de Mexico s open season for the installation of new available capacity up to 35 000MMBtu day on its Mier Monterrey pipeline received a sufficient number of customer commitments to proceed if energy regulator CRE approves permit changes according to a company spokeswoman and open season guidelines The guidelines indicate the company had signed prior to the open season firm transportation agreements with one or more unspecified anchor shippers Those shippers would be directly awarded capacity of no more than 31 000MMBtu day This means about 4 000MMBtu day of available capacity was offered in the open season Kinder Morgan declined to provide details It expects the capacity to be available in July 2021 WAHALAJARA OUTLOOK Only the Tarahumara segment of Wahalajara has flowed gas thus far this month perhaps indicating more delayed ramp ups of other segments But TC Energia received a key permit to reverse flows into Manzanillo that bodes well for further progress on the Wahalajara system upstream The lack of flows on the El Encino La Laguna and La Laguna Aguascalientes segments may indicate testing of the latter would not be complete by the end of August Sources had previously expected La Laguna to be tested by the end of July while others said they expected 36 September 8 10 2020 more delays with anchor customer CFE holding out on accepting the project by withholding commercial operation date paperwork The delay makes it less likely the downstream Aguascalientes Guadalajara portion of the Villa de Reyes Aguascalientes Guadalajara pipe would start testing this month pushing the potential initial ramp up into September the end of Mexico s peak demand season After September demand typically wanes until the first quarter Fermaca did not respond to requests for comment on potential timing Even so TC Energia s receipt of a key permit that allows it to connect its GuadalajaraManzanillo pipeline to the end of Wahalajara and reverse flows is promising for both systems TC Energia did not immediately respond to comment on project timing but it is likely to take at least a few months The project would connect Wahalajara to greater demand in the Guadalajara area near the port of Manzanillo CFE TENDER CFE in the meantime has tendered for LNG into Manzanillo The utility issued a new buy tender for one cargo to be delivered between 1 2 September into its Manzanillo terminal on the Pacific coast trade sources said Offers are due 20 August CFE then sought a second September cargo as part of the same tender The second cargo into Manzanillo is requested for 13 14 September The prompt delivery period could put pricing at a premium to an east Asia marker a source said The 167 000cbm Methane Julia Louise is the next ship scheduled to arrive at Manzanillo arriving by 19 August It would be the second cargo from Nigeria to arrive in Mexico so far this year LNG Edge shows SOUTHEAST UPDATE The gas projects for the southeast of the country are either facing obstacles or seeing slow progress In the case of the Leona Vicario hub which is being developed by TSO CENAGAS transportation unit there have been some delays with the acquisition and installation of a metering station in the Reforma municipality of Chiapas state A tender for this contract was issued 16 June but declared void 27 July when none of the bids submitted met requirements according to documents posted on government procurement website CompraNet CENAGAS however is moving the project forward It posted for comment a draft of updated tender documents on the same website on 12 August The deadline to submit comments is 26 August with a meeting to review the draft scheduled for 31 August The metering station would help provide reliable gas supply to the southeast area of the country and potentially to the under construction Dos Bocas refinery The station would receive supply from different gas processing complexes in Mexico as well as from US import flows according to tender documents The hub entails the construction of a 2km pipeline between the Cactus metering station in Chiapas state near the border with Tabasco state and the Cuxtal interconnection CEMPOALA CUXTAL Meanwhile neither ENGIE or CENAGAS responded for comment on the respective progress of the Cuxtal pipeline and Cempoala compression station for which each is responsible Cuxtal was scheduled for August completion but a spokeswoman told ICIS last month it would likely be delayed because of time lost due to coronavirus related restrictions In the case of Cempoala its latest sign of progress was the awarding of a contract to upgrade the facility s sole power substation The contract awarded to Grupo de Ingenieria Instalaciones y Mantenimiento GIIMSA became effective in May and expires 31 December The larger reconfiguration project is likely not dependent on this upgrade sources previously said Claudia Espinosa Angeles Rodriguez and Ruth Liao 8 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report x 2 Mexicali Los Algodones ta Tucson No ga Na les co Ag ua Pr ie Tijuana Sa EI n Je Sa Hue ron im n Isi co o dr o Mexico natural gas infrastructure Ensenada Sasabe 1 20 2 Acuna Ojinaga 5 Piedras Negras 3 Hermosillo Agua Dulce Cd Mier Nueces Camargo Arguelles x2 Reynosa x2 7 Rio Bravo Matamoros Waha Samalayuca Puerto Libertad Colombia UNITED STATES Monterrey Escobedo Los RamonesA 8 6 21 9 Compressor Stations Guaymas 1 Naco 2 Gloria a Dios 3 EI Sueco 4 Chavez 5 Santa Catarina 6 Los Ramones 7 Estacion19 8 El Caracci EI Encino EI Oro Topolobampo La Laguna MEXICO 9 Los Indios 10 Soto la Marina 11 Altamira 12 Valtierrilla 13 El Sauz 14 E Zapata 15 Cempoala 16 Lerdo 17 Jaltipan 18 Chinameca 19 Cardenas 20 San Isidro 21 Dr Arroyo 22 Villagran 4 Durango Mazatlan Zacatecas Aguascalientes LNG storage facilities Transmission pipelines operated by CENAGAS Apaseo el 13 Alto Guadalajara Private transmission pipelines San Luis e Potosi V d Transmission pipelines under construction 12 Transmission pipeline projects permits issuance tender process planning open season Cities Reference locations Manzanillo Cross border interconnection 22 11 s Reye Lazaro Cardenas 10 jos aran Los N Tula o dr do Pe bee a co luc s E To ca ex Hu Altamira Merida Tuxpan ala 14 mpo Ce 15 16 18 Cancun Nativitas 17 Acapulco Salina Cruz 19 Ciudad Pemex BELIZE Nuevo Pemex GUATEMALA Tapachula HONDURAS EL SALVADOR Source Sener RECENT AND EXPECTED LNG ARRIVALS Vessel size cubic metres Contract Spot Seller Port Methane Nile Eagle 145 000 Spot Shell Manzanillo 05 08 2020 Methane Julia Louise 167 000 Spot Shell Manzanillo 19 08 2020 Tangguh Sago 155 000 Contract Tangguh LNG Costa Azul 28 07 2020 Name of Ship Date of Arrival WEEKLY ICIS FUEL SPOT PRICES Type Propane In Store 10 30 days Mt Belvieu LNG DES CONTRACT ESTIMATES Period Unit Mid High Low Date assessed USD CTS US gal 50 75 51 50 5 14 08 2020 MMBtu Altamira Manzanillo October 20 2 736 2 296 November 20 3 050 2 582 NOTE LNG DES contract estimates reflect long term pricing based on historical contracts www mexicogassummit com LNG contract information can be found on our global contract database For more information see our LNG home page 9 6th MGS A Virtual Event 37

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Mexico Energy Report CRITERION US MEXICO EXPORT DATA BY PIPELINE AND LOCATION 7 Day Average Location Pipeline mcf day 13 08 14 08 15 08 16 08 17 08 18 08 19 08 Daily Design of change capacity capacity Current Prior year Yearly change South Texas Kinder Morgan Texas KM Mexico NET Mexico Noreste 502 502 496 499 503 439 439 600 73 483 555 72 1 857 1 767 1 724 1 733 1 798 1 876 1 768 108 2 115 84 1 789 2 140 351 Houston Pipeline Arguelles 185 185 181 181 181 186 186 0 250 75 184 253 69 KM Border Ramones 320 320 324 311 319 320 322 2 300 107 319 325 6 Texas Eastern Arguelles Howard Energy Partners Nueva Era 444 0 331 357 333 311 312 357 357 620 58 337 294 43 Tennessee Gasoducto Del Rio 237 250 233 233 233 247 254 8 431 59 241 296 55 Tennessee Pemex 267 253 201 191 247 262 247 15 480 52 239 215 23 Valley Crossing Tuxpan 668 748 735 653 793 759 759 2 600 29 731 0 730 114 7 839 55 244 Total South Texas 4 368 4 381 4 226 4 110 4 386 4 447 4 333 Design Capacity 7 839 7 839 7 839 7 839 7 839 7 839 7 839 Percent of Capacity 56 56 54 52 56 57 55 7 839 4 322 4 078 7 839 7 839 55 52 West Texas OkTex Gas Natural Industrial El Paso Chihuahua 55 0 4 4 104 110 101 101 101 104 101 2 492 21 103 129 26 Comanche Trail San Isidro 222 289 290 284 227 133 133 1 100 12 225 121 104 Roadrunner Tarahumara 220 201 198 207 46 46 46 570 8 138 198 61 TransPecos Ojinaga Encino 263 266 242 257 282 234 234 1 400 17 254 203 51 470 0 West Texas Gas Acuna West Texas Gas Piedras Negras 15 0 Total West Texas 808 865 831 849 656 517 514 2 4 102 13 720 656 64 Design Capacity 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 102 Percent of Capacity 20 21 20 21 16 13 13 100 18 16 173 29 76 11 Arizona Exports Sierrita Aguaprieta 205 209 200 200 199 206 199 7 524 38 202 El Paso Aguaprieta 124 123 124 121 123 125 122 3 199 61 123 El Paso Cobre 88 89 86 86 86 86 86 117 73 87 El Paso Pemex 77 57 79 79 81 82 81 1 186 44 77 El Paso Gas Natural Industrial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 1 1 0 495 479 490 487 490 500 489 11 1 033 47 490 251 239 Design Capacity 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 1 033 Percent of Capacity 48 46 47 47 47 48 47 100 47 24 Total Arizona California Exports San Diego Gas and Electric 60 0 Socal Gas Natural De Baja 300 0 North Baja Rosarito 409 395 445 361 380 304 334 30 837 40 375 470 94 Total California 409 395 445 361 380 304 334 30 1 197 28 375 470 94 Design Capacity 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 1 197 Percent of Capacity 34 33 37 30 32 25 28 100 31 39 Total Mexican Imports 6 080 6 119 5 992 5 807 5 912 5 767 5 670 97 14 170 5 907 5 454 Design Capacity 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 14 170 43 43 42 41 42 41 40 100 42 38 Percent of Capacity Intrastate pipeline exports modeled off monthly EIA exports SOURCE Criterion Research 38 September 8 10 2020 40 453 10 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Repor t ICIS MEXICO LOCATIONAL GAS PRICE INDICATOR FORWARD PRICE INDICATORS El Encino September October November MMBtu 1 774 1 898 2 223 Ps GJ 41 377 44 433 52 245 Monterrey September October November MMBtu 2 677 2 816 3 130 Ps GJ 62 445 65 931 73 568 Tuxpan September October November Minatitlan September October November Sistrangas tari zone Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 MMBtu 3 419 3 558 3 872 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Ps GJ 79 749 83 299 91 005 MMBtu 3 578 3 724 4 042 Ps GJ 83 460 87 201 95 003 Gas delivery point Guadalajara September October November MMBtu 3 551 3 690 4 004 Ps GJ 82 837 86 398 94 116 Mexico City September October November MMBtu 3 419 3 558 3 872 Ps GJ 79 749 83 299 91 005 Note The ICIS Mexico Locational Gas Price Indicator LGPI represents a netforward calculation of the lowest cost natural gas plus transport to deliver to key points in Mexico This map includes the Sistrangas tariff zones for reference but the LGPI indicators represent the lowest cost available route which in some cases may use routes outside the Sistrangas The ICIS LPGI history goes back to 2018 Anyone with questions on the information can contact clientsuccess icis com Source ICIS Mid year Global Review and H2 Trends Industries worldwide have been jolted How will markets recover Adapt your approach 11

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News Sources expect more regulatory legal shifts in power sector Continued from page 1 REACTION AMLO s actions were perceived by some including business chamber COPARMEX as an attack on regulator autonomy and questioned its legality Nothing however impedes the president to request counsel from energy regulators which belong to the executive branch according to Jose Maria Lujambio partner and energy practice director at Cacheaux Cavazos and Newton and former general counsel for the CRE Although Lujambio said AMLO s proposals merit a very detailed analysis he said the implementation of certain measures would violate the law if not preceded by legislative change This is the case with the twelfth proposal in the memorandum Lujambio said Under this proposal hydropower would be given priority in grid dispatch followed by CFE owned plants The power produced by privately owned wind and solar plants would come in third place while the production of private combined cycle facilities would be at the end of the queue This measure would violate the economic dispatch criteria enshrined by the electric industry law LIE Lujambio said Introducing new dispatch criteria would require an amendment to the law and most likely also to the constitution as it would suppose giving certain generation a privileged status in a free competition environment the attorney added The proposal to cease granting permits due to power oversupply meanwhile may just require modifying some of the CRE s administrative provisions so it could impose new requirements for permit seekers Lujambio said A former government official said that even if some proposals would not require a legal change their implementation would mean that at least some agreements published by CRE would have to be repealed OUTLOOK One would expect the regulators responses to the memo address the difficulties of implementing the proposals under current laws The recent mass layoff at CRE and other events some have interpreted as attempts to undermine the CRE s autonomy however could also influence the response All but one of CRE s board members were appointed by this administration so there is also a possibility the feedback would aim to appease the president In the first scenario the decision to implement several of these actions without prior statutory amendments would likely result in numerous legal challenges as has been the case with some of the government s recent controversial measures according to sources The government s public policy objectives could then be stalled in court said Lujambio It seems unlikely AMLO will desist from attempts to return to state dominance in the energy sector A possible counter energy reform cannot be ruled out considering his recent comments about being open to reviewing the possibility during the second half of his term in office While legal changes can be contested if they violate the constitution a constitutional reform would be more difficult to challenge Affected parties could build the argument that the measure infringes the new US Mexico Canada Agreement USMCA in relation to the level of access and opening provided in the Trans Pacific Partnership Lujambio said However only Canadian or US companies could make a case and such a scenario would represent an unprecedented situation of international conflict for the country the attorney added While the dominance in congress of AMLO s party has enabled him to pass most proposals he lacks the two thirds majority needed to roll back the energy reform The fate of his energy policies will likely rest in the results of next year s mid term elections Regardless of the regulators opinion one source said they think major regulatory changes are very likely to happen Angeles Rodriguez USMCA protects Mexico energy investors former trade official Continued from page 1 Pineda spoke at a webinar sponsored by the International Society for Mexico Energy on 29 July In that sense Mexico was keeping up with the same level of opening to all trading partners Baker Pineda said There was very little debate because Mexico was tabling its best offer in terms of opening the energy sector One of the most important issues the new deal clarifies is to ensure that state owned companies are not favoured over private companies in the energy sector It levels the playing field between the national oil companies and the private participants to make sure that no national oil company will have better benefits than a private company just by the fact that it belongs to the government he said It also provides ways for disputes to be resolved and some boundaries on how far governments can go in carving out opportunities for their own energy companies at the expense of others It tells the Mexican government how far how deep and how detailed it can participate in the energy sector because there are those international commitments that the country has acquired Baker Pineda said Those commitments hypothetically could lead to a dispute settlement situation either by the states one government taking another government to court or eventually by the investors The agreement was designed to reflect the opening of Mexico s energy sector to private investment and established trade laws for the exploration drilling storing and transporting of crude and gas These activities all fall under services in the agreement The new deal also provided a framework for government procurement and for market access In the NAFTA there was a total prohibition of trading gas oil crude oil refined oil and so on Baker Pineda said It was very important that for the CPTPP there was no exemption given for Mexico given the domestic opening that had been carried out just before Emily Pickrell Coronavirus Pandemic How is it changing the energy market Stay informed 40 September 8 10 2020 12 www mexicogassummit com

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News Mexican government eyes Ethylene XXI ethane contract The ethane contract for the Ethylene XXI complex in Veracruz attracted more attention from the nation s government with the attorney general mentioning the project as part of a larger list of allegations from the former head of state run producer Pemex who had been arrested following allegations of corruption Emilio Lozoya spoke with attorney general Alejandro Gertz who summarised his statements in a video It was not possible to verify the summary with Lozoya Part of the summary was about Pemex s contract to supply ethane whose production like that of natural gas has been falling rapidly since the contract was signed to Braskem Idesa s Ethylene XXI complex The prices for the ethane are benchmarked to those in Mont Belvieu Texas Gertz quoted Lozoya as saying the contract has benefited Ethylene XXI while causing serious losses to the government The government criticised the contract in late July when president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO announced Pemex is working to terminate it Braskem which holds a 75 stake in Braskem Idesa referred questions about Gertz s summary to Odebrecht a Brazilian construction company that owns a controlling stake in Braskem Odebrecht did not immediately respond to for comment The remaining 25 stake in Braskem Idesa is owned by Grupo Idesa Patricio Gutierrez CEO of Idesa said he could not comment about the specific allegations that were read by Gertz However he said the ethane contract is legal binding and enforceable Moreover Idesa has always been open to having discussions with the government and Pemex on finding a solution to the contract that is sustainable to both parties Pemex did not immediately respond for comment GERTZ S COMMENTS According to Gertz Lozoya mentioned the contract as part of a larger statement that made various allegations of bribery Gertz did not connect any of these allegations to Ethylene XXI As told by Gertz Lozoya alleged that millions of pesos worth of bribes went to the 2012 Permian spending cuts eyed for rest of 2020 majors say Scaled back Permian basin production will likely lead to a 6 7 drop in production next year US major Chevron said in its latest earnings call US producers scaled back spending in Q2 as low oil prices along with weak demand tied to coronavirus related restrictions slammed the market Chevron expects its Permian capital spending for the second half of 2020 will be 75 less than its capital spending for the first quarter of the year with its Permian rig count down to four in July We re just sort of showing what the outlook looks like if activity levels stay at the same level It will depend on what the economic recovery is what inventory levels a number of factors will determine what our activity level will be in the Permian going forward said Pierre Breber vice president and CFO at Chevron Meanwhile fellow US major Exxon said it does not expect its Permian volumes will drop next year though it plans to bring its Permian www mexicogassummit com rig count down to 10 to 15 rigs by the end of 2020 It reduced its Permian rig count by about half in the second quarter In terms of the Permian one of the great attractions of short cycle is you can take that capital off quickly And of course you can put it back on pretty quickly as well said Neil Chapman Exxon s senior vice president Both companies will likely rely on their inventories of drilled but uncompleted wells in the Permian to quickly respond to market shifts in a shorter fashion said Daniel Myers a market analyst with the US energy consulting firm Gelber Associates He estimates those wells could be brought online within a month to support existing production if needed Domestic US production is expected to drop each month until April 2021 the US Energy Information Administration EIA said in its latest short term energy outlook with the biggest drops in the Permian basin Fauzeya Rahman presidential campaign of Enrique Pena Nieto who would ultimately win the election Lozoya alleged that the money came from Odebrecht Other bribes allegedly went to legislators to push through structural reforms including the energy reform in 2013 2014 according to the summary Gertz did not specify from where the money for those bribes came After summarising Lozoya s allegations Gertz said There is also another part in which Lozoya spoke of Ethylene XXI which was during the previous administration In this specific case he said that there was also a series of economic benefits in favour of this company that also is linked to a Mexican company that is a partner to Odebrecht And they were given a series of benefits in feedstock prices resulting in serious losses for the federal government PROBLEMS WITH THE CONTRACT In past comments Braskem has said that the cause of the difficulties of the contract has been a lack of hydrocarbon production in Mexico Mexico s ethane supplies have declined with oil and natural gas production over the years By the time Ethylene XXI started up Mexico had swung from an ethane surplus to a shortage Initially Pemex honoured the contract by diverting feedstock from its own crackers to Ethylene XXI Pemex was unable to ship enough ethane to Ethylene XXI so the complex started importing the feedstock from the US The amount still is not enough for the complex to run at full capacity Pemex began to rack up penalties for failing to meet the terms of the ethane contract It now owes Braskem 56m Braskem is in talks with lenders and the Mexican government about ways to address the country s shortfall of ethane said Pedro Freitas Braskem CFO He made his comments during the company s earnings conference call which took place before Gertz read his summary of Lozoya s allegations Making any changes to the contract would be challenging since it would require approval of the lenders of the project Freitas said during the call Those number 14 and they include international banks development banks and commercial banks Meanwhile Braskem has opened an investigation following allegations about Ethylene XXI that were reported in the Mexican media Freitas said during the call Freitas did not elaborate on the allegations He did say Braskem has found no indication that there is anything behind it The company conducted an earlier investigation into Ethylene XXI that was connected to the Lava Jato or Car Wash scandal That investigation was completed in 2017 and nothing was found Al Greenwood 13 6th MGS A Virtual Event 41

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News FOR THE RECORD Guaymas El Oro pipe could be re routed Mexican government to back LNG exports The embattled Guaymas El Oro pipeline could be re routed as part of negotiations with a faction of the Yaqui indigenous tribe that opposes its construction according to Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO In a 6 August meeting with tribe representatives AMLO urged them to reach an agreement with the government so that the pipeline can be completed and prevent state run power utility CFE from having to continue pay fines to the developers of the infrastructure Although he did not provide further details on re routing the pipeline the president said the government assumed that the costs of stalling construction would be more expensive than finding a new route AMLO said the following day that the tribe agreed to negotiate with the government instead of the pipeline builders Mexican energy infrastructure developer IEnova a subsidiary of US based utility Sempra began construction of the pipeline in 2017 following the signing of a contract with CFE Construction is currently halted with around 10km of infrastructure remaining to be built This is the second natural gas pipeline proposal that AMLO offered to redirect in midst of ongoing land disputes with residents In January AMLO announced he would look to find a new route for the Tuxpan Tula pipeline which is being developed by Canadian firm TC Energia in the central part of Mexico The Mexican government is looking at different alternatives to manage its excess supply of US natural gas including the construction of LNG terminals in different parts of the country according to president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO The president told a 10 August press conference the country is expected to have an excess supply of natural gas due to the different pipeline contracts CFE signed a few years ago to feed potential power plants that were never tendered or built The federal administration is considering to tender for possible LNG export plants to export the gas to Asia AMLO said One of the plants could be built in Topolobampo port near the end point of the embattled Guaymas El Oro pipeline The president mentioned California based utility Sempra as one of the companies that could export LNG in that part of the country while also recalling the company is awaiting the issue of an export permit for its future Costa Azul liquefaction plant Another plant could be built in Salina Cruz in Oaxaca state to make use of the gas supplied by pipelines located in the Tehuantepec isthmus region the president said In addition to exporting the gas to Asia the government is also considering to export it to Central America AMLO added Mexico is a net importer of natural gas from the US and from LNG through its three existing regasification terminals Mexico government contests two cases Mexico s federal government through the president s legal counsel filed two additional claims over separate suspensions that the country s Supreme Court granted against an 15 May grid reliability policy issued by energy ministry SENER The claims were separately filed on 30 July and accepted by the court for review the court said in two 7 August notices One of the claims is contesting a suspension related to a constitutional challenge filed by the state government of Jalisco while the other challenges a similar ruling derived from a challenge filed by the Colima state government Federal authorities previously filed claims contesting similar suspensions granted to competition regulator COFECE and the Tamaulipas state government All the claims will be overseen by the same Supreme Court justice according to the most recent notices SENER s policy has also been contested by companies affected by the measure as well as some environmental groups These challenges have also led to suspensions against the measure that were granted by economic competition judges Page 15 President promises potential energy projects guaranteed power supply 13 August 11 August June industrial activity rises 17 9 from May which is still more than 17 lower than last year INEGI 7 August AMLO says guaranteeing power supply for Baja California Sur Yucatan high priority Other developments CENACE sets up schedule for connecting load centres Energy minister Rocio Nahle tests positive for coronavirus Mexico secures agreement with British drugmaker AstraZeneca to obtain potential coronavirus vaccine 12 August Lower house approves motion requesting CFE not raise power rates during health emergency Updated operating rules for CRE s consultative council are published in DOF CRE s consultative council is tasked with issuing proposals and opinions regarding the regulator s decisions The new guidelines replaced previous 2017 rules The lower house approved motion requests the federal government to defer power bill payments or pardon the debt of CFE s users 17 August AMLO says public private plan to reactivate infrastructure sector including energy projects to be unveiled in 15 days 14 August CFE commemorates 83rd anniversary of its creation particularly small businesses Under the AstraZeneca agreement Mexico and Argentina would produce up to 250m doses of a coronavirus vaccine also being developed by the University of Oxford Mexican magnate Carlos Slim to partly fund the e ort Sources Mexican government Federal O icial Gazette DOF Mexico statistics agency INEGI Mexican Chamber of Deputies power market operator CENACE energy minister Rocio Nahle state run power utility CFE 42 September 8 10 2020 14 www mexicogassummit com

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News FOR THE RECORD Continued from page 14 Lawmaker wants power rates adjusted CENACE to up import capacity Mexican lawmaker Claudia Yanez of the ruling MORENA party from Colima state submitted a motion calling on energy regulator CRE to adjust the power rates state run utility CFE charges to the state s users Yanez said the adjustment would serve to compensate the environmental damage caused by the power plant the utility owns in the port of Manzanillo This plant has negatively affected the local fishing and tourism sectors affecting thousands of small businesses and people involved in those industries the lawmaker said She also cited past events as evidence of the environmental damage caused by the plant such as the 2016 rupture of one of the pipelines feeding fuel oil to the power facility The legislator is requesting CRE establish a new methodology for household users as well as for different industrial and commercial sectors Mexico s power market operator CENACE has increased the total transfer import capacity of the interconnection links with California s CAISO grid in the US from 408MW to 600MW This increase which started on 25 July will provide additional resources to the Baja California interconnected system BCA so that it can solve reliability and emergency issues CENACE said in a 7 August note CENACE s ability to import varies based on grid conditions near each international interconnection The measure will be implemented every year from 1 June to 31 October with CENACE reserving the use of the additional capacity to import it in case of events that could compromise the reliability of the system This year s increase depends on the 700MW deficit by the Valle zone which could make import capacity reduce to 408MW at any time CENACE said Baja California relies heavily on the CAISO grid and has access to relatively lower costs of power generated by renewables serving California AMLO pledges combined cycle plant The Mexican government still intends to build a combined cycle plant in the natural gas starved state of Baja California Sur president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador AMLO said during a visit to the state AMLO told a 7 August press conference that the natural gas fired plant will be built in the state s capital La Paz to ensure uninterrupted power supply in the entire state The latter is one of federal government s goals for the energy sector the president said The state s power network is isolated from the national grid which makes Baja California Sur prone to power shortages and blackouts particularly during the warmer summer season State run power utility CFE announced the construction of the 42MW Baja California Sur VI combined cycle plant last year following a tender that was issued in early December 2019 However the tender was cancelled last month along three other infrastructure tenders CFE cited the economic effects of the coronavirus and the federal government s directive not to acquire further debt during the emergency as the reasons for the cancellation Although CFE later announced the creation of a master investment trust to fund the construction of five new power plants the utility has not disclosed information on the location of said facilities CFE has not responded for comment Meanwhile a group of environmental groups led by nonprofit CEMDA are requesting the government to solve the electricity problems Baja California Sur faces without turning to fuel oil use Both the government and CFE should abstain from promoting fossil fuel fired facilities including combined cycle facilities and turn to the use of wind and solar power options instead the organisations said in a 6 August release www mexicogassummit com CRE authorises plant capacity expansions Commissioners of energy regulator CRE approved amendments to some permits state run power utility CFE holds for power plants located in different parts of the country The amendments enable some of CFE s subsidiaries to carry out different works to expand the capacity for these plants and establish respective construction timetables according to three resolutions dated 29 July These were published on CRE s website a few days later As a result of the approvals CFE Generacion VI will expand the capacity of the Merida II power plant in Yucatan state from 168MW to 728MW The plant would be equipped with a combined cycle project comprising of one 398MW gas turbine and a 162MW steam turbine These works would begin in October this year and conclude in January 2023 with commercial operations scheduled for 31 July CFE Generacion III plans to expand the installed capacity of the Punta Prieta II plant in Baja California Sur by 424 9MW through two gas turbines The turbines are expected to commence commercial operations on 28 August and 28 September respectively This subsidiary also received authorisation to increase the installed capacity by 146MW of an existing internal combustion plant also located in Baja California Sur The capacity would be increased by constructing diesel and gas fired generation at the facility which is scheduled to be done in three phases The first phase is complete while the second is due to be concluded at the end of August The third phase is scheduled to begin construction in February 2021 and due to be completed by July 2024 with commercial operations to start in August 2024 CFE did not provide any details on the extended timeline CRE bans previouslyapproved agreements Commissioners of energy regulator CRE voted in favour of withdrawing requests to publish five agreements in the federal official gazette DOF effectively blocking them from becoming official The vote took place in a 12 August extraordinary meeting with critics saying the move was a direct request from energy ministry SENER One of the banned agreements known as A 002 2019 was approved in January 2019 and amended the administrative provisions regarding the provision of power transmission and distribution services in the national networks Some of the long list of modifications included the order to define new procedures to change from basic or qualified power supplier among others Agreement A 005 2019 established which products and services would have been offered by power market participants involved in energy storage activities It was also approved in January last year A third agreement A 015 2019 contained the guidelines to maintain statistics records on commercial transactions of natural gas and petroleum while a fourth one established a methodology to determine tariffs for the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas The last banned agreement A 034 2019 was supposed to established regulation for collective distributed generation and storage Approved in November 2019 this decision was aimed at allowing a greater number of end users to access energy generated by household solar panels CENACE schedules load centres connection Mexico s power market operator CENACE has announced a schedule to process applications to connect to load centres Business hours will be Monday to Thursday from 8am to 6pm from and Fridays from 8am to 2pm The schedule became effective on 13 August and will be in place for at least the duration of the pandemic Only those procedures to connect to load centres as described in the power plants interconnection manual will be processed during the scheduled times CENACE had suspended most of its activities since March when the government declared voluntary stay at home orders to deal with the coronavirus crisis Page 16 15 6th MGS A Virtual Event 43

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News FOR THE RECORD Continued from page 15 CFE cancels transmission line tender State run power utility CFE through its distribution subsidiary CFE Distribucion has cancelled a tender for the second phase of the so called Distribucion Valle de Mexico project according to a notice published in the federal official gazette DOF on 13 August The economic effects of the coronavirus as well as the company s ongoing analysis of new financing models were cited as the reason for the cancellation The project entailed the construction and installation of 10 power substations 26 4 circuit kilometres of transmission lines and 83 feeders in Mexico City The tender was issued in November 2019 and interested participants submitted their bids in March 2020 These participants were notified of the cancellation on 29 July according to the notice CFE had previously cancelled a handful of tenders for different power plants also citing the same arguments The utility later announced the creation of a master investment trust that will serve to finance the construction of new plants as well as the acquisition of new ones While the specifics of the trust remain to be unveiled CFE 44 September 8 10 2020 did not name transmission infrastructure in the list of works it initially said would be financed via the new model NGO obtains suspension against SENER A Mexico City economic competition judge issued a definite suspension against energy ministry SENER s 15 May so called grid reliability policy as well as a 29 April resolution by power market operator CENACE The 14 August ruling resulted from an injunction filed by environmental organisation CEMDA and argues the two measures lack technical justifications and can have severe environmental consequences the nonprofit said in a 17 August release CEMDA along with fellow organisation Greenpeace Mexico launched a joint legal strategy to contest the measures almost immediately after they were issued Each organisation filed separate injunctions with different economic competition courts Greenpeace obtained a definite suspension at the end of June The suspensions were rendered temporarily without effect However their fate will be decided either when the case is finally resolved or when the suspension is modified or annulled While several companies decided to contest the two measures in court arguing these regulations would affect them both Greenpeace and CEMDA are claiming a legitimate interest to defend a collective right to a cleaner environment Tellurian cuts pipe plans to reduce costs US LNG export developer Tellurian decided to defer two of its planned pipelines in efforts to bring down costs for the proposed Driftwood LNG project it said in a 12 August presentation The company said it can bring down costs for the 14 4mtpa project by 30 The two deferred pipelines include the Permian Global Access Pipeline and the Haynesville Global Access Pipeline The Permian Global Access pipeline would have stretched from the Waha hub in Texas to Gillis Louisiana north of Lake Charles The Haynes pipeline was planned to connect supply from the Haynesville shale region in Louisiana to Gillis The developer has not yet secured binding supply agreements or reached a final investment decision FID for Driftwood LNG ICIS Staff 16 www mexicogassummit com

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Mexico Energy Report AWARDED PROJECTS GAS PROJECTS Project Capacity Awarded party Investment US Nueces Brownsville Gas transport Type 2 6 bcf day Spectra Energy 1 55bn Estimated operation start date Oct 18 operational Texas Tuxpan submarine Gas transport 2 6 bcf day IEnova TC Energia 2 1bn Sep 19 operational La Laguna Aguascalientes Gas transport 1 19 bcf day Fermaca 372m Q3 2020 Villa De Reyes Aguascalientes Guadalajara Gas transport 886 mcf day Fermaca 270m Q3 2020 Samalayuca Sasabe Gas transport 472 mcf day Carso IDEAL 471m Q3 2020 Tula Villa De Reyes Gas transport 886 mcf day TC Energia 336m H1 2021 Tuxpan Tula Gas transport 886 mcf day TC Energia 297m Q4 2022 Tula Gas transport 505 mcf day ATCO 65m Suspended indefinitely Pending results of community consultations or right of way negotiations pipelines physically complete but not commercially operational POWER GENERATION PROJECTS Project Type CC Escobedo Capacity Awarded party Investment US Estimated operation start date Construct and operate 860MW Iberdrola 374m Nov 18 operational Construction 792MW Duro Felguera Elecnor 396m Nov 18 operational Construct and operate 890MW Iberdrola 400m Feb 19 operational Refurbishment n a Andritz Hydro 27m Nov 19 operational Jan 20 operational CC Empalme II CC Topolobampo II CH Temascal CG Los Azufres III CC Norte III Construction 25MW TSK 51 3m Construct and operate 924MW Macquarie Capital Techint Engineering 1 03bn Apr 20 Construction 615MW Cobra Avanzia Initec 425m Aug 20 Construct and operate 766MW Iberdrola 400m Aug 20 Construction 240MW Omega Sinohydro CAABSA 386m Suspended indefinitely CC Valle de Mexico II CC Topolobampo III CH Chicoasen II Mexico s expanding pipeline grid Waha South Texas El Encino Topolobampo MEXICO UNITED STATES Gulf of Mexico Monterrey North Pacific Ocean Guadalajara Cempoala Existing gas pipeline 2014 Ciudad Pemex New pipelines completed Sep 2019 Completed pipelines under Force majeure Sep 2019 New pipeline under construction New pipeline to be tendered Future pipeline hubs Import points www mexicogassummit com Monterrey Waha Golfo de Tehuantepec 18 6th MGS A Virtual Event 45

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Mexico Energy Report US GAS MARKET US gas futures surge on production outlook Production drops expected until April 2021 Spot prices expected to rise Feedgas to LNG plants up US natural gas futures have risen in recent days boosted by warm temperatures particularly in the western half of the US and rising feedgas levels into US LNG plants for this month Expectations for a slowdown in domestic natural gas production have given bullish signals as well The September 20 front month contract on the NYMEX settled at 2 42 MMBtu 18 August up 3 from the session prior and a new record high for the year US lower 48 gas stocks Percentage fullness 100 Billion cubic feet Percentage of working capacity 2020 2020 2019 Five year average 2015 2019 80 5 000 4 000 60 3 000 40 2 000 20 1 000 0 5 10 15 20 Source US DOE BA 25 30 35 Weeks 40 45 0 50 WEATHER DEMAND Record heat along the western part of the US pushed up power demand for air conditioning while parts of the US northeast saw a cold front to start off the week The US Energy Information Administration EIA expects more power generation to come from natural gas this year compared with 2019 rising to 40 up from 37 last year However coal s share of power generation will drop to 18 this year from 24 in 2019 before likely rising next year if gas prices firm The recent rise in natural gas prices could lead to less coal to gas switching in the next few weeks which could limit demand and lead to bigger storage builds INCREASED STORAGE BUILD Natural gas stocks rose by 58bn cubic feet bcf for the 7 August week 18 larger than last year s build according to the 13 EIA storage report Stocks rose across all regions with the biggest gains in the US Midwest and east regions Total working gas in storage sits at 3 33 trillion cubic feet tcf up 22 from a year ago WORKING GAS IN UNDERGROUND STORAGE US SOUTH CENTRAL REGION BILLION CUBIC FEET Week 32 1219 Week 31 Change Year ago week Change 5 Year Average Change 1214 0 4 940 29 7 1018 19 7 SOURCE EIA FEEDGAS GAINS PRODUCTION OUTLOOK Feedgas flowing into US LNG plants reached a nearly eight week high on 17 August up 30 from a month ago as loadings were expected to resume given the improvement in price spreads for Europe and Asia While the month of August could still count at least 45 cancelled cargoes from US export plants July likely marked the peak for 2020 curtailments For the month of October the deadline for Cheniere s offtakers to give notice on cancellation for cargo loadings is 20 August So far market sources said they expect much fewer cancellations if any for October given the improvement in price spreads for October and November delivery Domestic production is expected to decline each month through at least April 2021 the EIA said in its latest short term energy outlook with the biggest drops in the Permian basin Scaled back Permian basin production will likely lead to a 6 to 7 drop in production next year US major Chevron said in its latest earnings call FUTURES CURVE RISES Henry Hub spot prices will also rise heading into the fall and winter as the EIA forecasts the benchmark moving higher from a September average of 2 11 MMBtu to 3 14 MMBtu in February 2021 according to EIA s 11 August short term energy outlook Fauzeya Rahman Mexico Energy Report 99 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3AL UK www icis com energy ICIS Customer Support 65 6588 3955 Asia Middle East 44 20 8652 3335 Europe Africa 1 888 525 3255 toll free US Canada or 1 713 525 2613 Americas csc icis com ICIS Compliance and Methodology www icis com compliance Editor MER Claudia Espinosa 1 713 525 2684 claudia espinosa icis com Energy Market Reporter Angeles Rodriguez 52 55 8852 6020 angeles rodriguez icis com Americas Energy Market Development Manager James Fowler 1 713 525 2622 james fowler icis com Editorial Director Stephen Burns 1 713 525 2611 stephen burns icis com Publisher Dean Curtis Managing Director ICIS Global Operations Manager Louise Murrell Sales Vice President Americas Julian Edgar julian edgar icis com Deputy Global Production Editor Kristin Foster Product Director Louise Boddy 44 20 7911 1948 louise boddy icis com Global Head of Copy Editing Ethel Ong 65 6780 4375 ethel ong icis com Senior Marketing Manager Kirsty Fleck 44 208 652 8377 kirsty fleck icis com Mexico Energy Report is published weekly by ICIS 99 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3AL United Kingdom ICIS accepts no liability for commercial decisions based on the content of this report Unauthorised reproduction onward transmission or copying of the Mexico Energy Report in either its electronic or hard copy format is illegal Should you require a licence or additional copies please email us at energysales icis com ISSN 1750 290X 2020 ICIS 46 September 8 10 2020 19 www mexicogassummit com

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5 Latin America Ports Forum th Projects industry trends innovation and evolving opportunities for the port sector in Latin America NOVEMBER 10 11 12 2020 A VIRTUAL EVENT www latamports com EVENTS ORGANIZED BY www mexicogassummit com 6th MGS A Virtual Event 47

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6th MEXICO INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS FORUM MONTERREY MEXICO JAN 19 20 2021 Energy Hydrocarbons Transportation Logistics in Focus www mexicoinfrastructure com ORGANIZED BY

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